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  • af Ravi Kumar
    154,95 kr.

    Deciphering the Complex Web of Mental and Physical Health to Understand Eating DisordersA skewed body image and unhealthy eating behaviors are hallmarks of eating disorders, which are complicated mental health issues. They provide serious obstacles to both physical and mental well-being and impact individuals of all ages, genders, and origins. Comprehending the complex nature of eating disorders is essential to successful prevention, timely intervention, and empathetic care. This article explores the many forms of eating disorders, their etiology, signs, and symptoms, as well as the multifaceted strategy required to address them.Different Eating Disorder Types:Anorexia Nervosa: This disorder is defined by a severe fear of gaining weight and a skewed perception of one's body, which causes selfimposed starvation. Extreme dietary restrictions are frequently the result of anorexics' intense obsession with food, weight, and body shape. Severe starvation, physical impairment, and sometimes fatal complications might arise from this.Bulimia Nervosa: This disorder is characterized by a pattern of binge eating followed by purging behaviors, like self-inflicted vomiting, excessive physical activity, or improper use of laxatives. Bulimia is more difficult to identify than anorexia because its sufferers may maintain a reasonably normal weight. Frequent purging practices may result in tooth difficulties, gastrointestinal disorders, and electrolyte imbalances.

  • af Ravi Kumar
    413,95 kr.

    F'ktieb din il-kategorija, "Majjali ta' Ri¿etti Indjani: It-Tasri¿ u l-Gwada tal-Kw¿ina ta' l-Indja," Ravi Kumar, espert fil-kw¿ina Indjana, jag¿tina wirt bog¿od u malajr tas-saltna tal-ikel Indjan. Ravi jippresjenta ¿afna iktar minn biss ri¿etti; huwa jikteb storie u tradizzjonijiet li g¿addew minn ¿enerazzjoni g¿all-öra, wie¿ed mill-¿wienet tal-Indja fl-artijiet kulinarji.F'din il-kollezzjoni tas-soltu li tistieden jibda f'k¿ina ¿dida, tista' ssib ri¿etti klassi¿i u tradizzjonali li jinkludu bajd, g¿äin, u l-¿afna spe¿jali¿iet ta' l-Indja b¿al tikka masala u biryani. L-¿wienet u s-soltu tad-de¿erti Indjani jkunu wkoll mag¿¿ulin b'mod attent g¿al dejjem.Ravi Kumar, kif jkun g¿andu storja li jg¿aqqad mal-ikel u l-kultura Indjana, ji¿¿ad lill-lettori biex jikkondividu passjoni u apprezzament g¿al din il-kw¿ina divina. Il-kollezzjoni hija wie¿ed minn dawk li tifhem li l-ikel huwa iktar minn biss kiboq tal-¿isem - huwa espressjoni ta' kultura u ¿ajja.