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  • - Volume 3 of the Evolution River Series
    af Robert L Clayton
    168,95 kr.

    In The Genesis, the final volume in the Evolution River Series, humans and their descendants, the Homakuwans, struggle to rebuild after a string of meteorites destroy the ecology of the Earth causing massive extinctions. Using genetic technology, they accomplish in a century what nature does in millennia, and civilization is preserved, but almost 90% of the human population dies. They create machines to assist them that become a race of mechanical beings, Mechs. Conflict breaks out between the civilization of the United World Government and those outside of that control. The Homakuwans, learn that humanity must continue along the path that evolution has set them on, but they incorporate a novel solution to preserve the race that created them. The descendants of the descendants of humans expand their civilization into the Universe, where they grow and join the Universal Mind. New dimensions open up to them as they move beyond the physical, and they evolve again. The flow of evolution reaches its destination, and begins anew. The ageless characters who evolved from humans in Sea Species continue their efforts to save the Earth and humanity after the devastating destruction of the ecosystem by the series of meteorite strikes. With ninety percent of the human population wiped out, civilization is on the brink of extinction. Only the genetic technology of the descendant species, Homakuwa, can bring the ecosystem back before starvation takes the last humans. The United World Governments holds civilization together as they recover, but a new society arises from those left out of the UWG plan. The technology of the past was saved, and a program to use robots for the labor force results in Artificial Intelligence and a new species on Earth. In The Envoy, Homakuwa expanded beyond Earth designing themselves as space creatures. They began to inhabit the other planets and design themselves for those environs. Homakuwa sends some of its members toward the center of the galaxy, and as they spread out into the universe, they again evolve into a new species until the cycle of evolution starts anew. In The Genesis, the Humans and the new species on Earth, the Homakuwans, struggle to survive and rebuild the Earth after the catastrophic meteorite strikes. Using the genetic abilities of the new Homakuwans, they accomplish in decades what would take nature millennia. They then expand into the universe, voyaging to the end of evolution.

  • - Volume II of the Evolution River Series
    af Robert Clayton
    168,95 kr.

    The crew of a sail boat wrecked in a storm is rescued and finds themselves held by an alien civilization under the South Pacific. The Homakuwa city of Ocealla nurses Kent (Kit) Carson and his friends back to health, and then has to decide what to do with them. Established from the rogue nation of Nueva Pacifica of generations before, Ocealla was founded when the residents of Nueva Pacifica escaped as it was destroyed by an international agreement to protect mankind and the world order.Since then, peace and tolerance have come about with the rise of the United World Government and a new world religion led by a mystical man simply known as the Prophet. With Kit's urging, the citizens of Homakuwa with their Collective mind decide to explore the possibility of rejoining the world community. Katherine Levey, the leader of Homakuwa, leaves Ocealla to meet with ex President Ron Carson, Kit's great grandfather and the United States President during the time of Nueva Pacifica, to investigate the possibility of becoming known again. In the interim since Nueva Pacifica, the United States has been able to maintain a position of power by building the Orbiting Power System (OPS) and selling power to the world's ever-increasing appetite.Katherine takes Ron to Ocealla to see Kit, and they decide to rejoin the world. They apply to the United World Government for membership and the approval is not without dissent. Not all world citizens are happy with the new world order. With the loss of power and control by the world's major religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism, and the autocratic governments such as China and North Korea form a coalition, the Foundation and decides to disrupt the order to gain back control.In a stunningly successful series of attacks, the Foundation strikes the United World Government. Before they are subdued, China is able to insert viruses into the central computer system that will give them eventual control.The integration of Homakuwa proceeds, though their isolation from UWG monitoring systems is not viewed well. With their oceanographic expertise they begin directorship of the International Fishing Industry. Their genetic development ability allows them to gain the operating and maintenance contracts for the OPS, and they begin to build habitats with modified citizens designed for life in space. With power being the major impediment to China's world dominance, they strike the computer system controlling the OPS and discredit Homakuwa's ability to operate the system.Despite not having the OPS contracts, Homakuwa continues to expand and build orbiting habitats and a lunar colony. With the discovery of a meteor swarm heading toward Earth, Homakuwa and Earth send out interceptors to try to divert the most destructive objects. They are successful with those capable of destroying the Earth, but enough smaller ones get through that civilization is devastated. During the Impact Winter, most of the life on Earth is killed, and the surface survivors and Homakuwa combine to bring it back.Homakuwa continues to expand in orbit with the construction of more habitats. They send a number of these to Mars to colonize it, and then expand throughout the Solar System.

  • - Vol. 1 of the Evolution River Series
    af Robert Clayton
    168,95 kr.

    SEA SPECIES In the Southern Arizona desert a group of idealistic scientists, refugees from the Biosphere 2 project, have constructed an isolated community called Kihhim (Tohono O'Odham for the Village). Away from the prying eyes of the press, the public and government regulation, they built a society along the principles of Biosphere 2.At the foot of Baboquivari Peak, the Tohono O'Odham legendary birthplace of the People, they are a space colony, yet on the Earth. To maintain an independent and almost closed ecosystem, genetically manipulated plants grown in their greenhouses have enhanced productivity.When the body of Marty Hinson, a prominent environmentalist, is found on their property, they come under the very scrutiny they sought to avoid. Accusations are lodged, and they are investigated by the United States as isolationists with potentially harmful technology. Religious zealots and terrorist Ralph Whitney attack them for their biological technology and genetic abilities.Kihhim flees the United States, leaving behind their leaders John Vance and Katherine Levey, imprisoned as subversives. They construct a giant catamaran of supertankers establishing Kahchk Kihhim (Tohono O'Odham for Sea Village), a floating nation. Security Supervisor, Leticia Gardner extorts recognition and protection from the United States by threatening the existence of humanity.This marine civilization uses genetic engineering to adapt themselves to life at sea. The shield of protection established by the United States is breached, and prominent figures of both Kahchk Kihhim and the United States are killed.The ensuing investigation reveals backing for the attack by a major world power, embroiling Kahchk Kihhim in global politics. The extent of their genetic engineering is revealed, and the major powers in the world realize the potential resource and the threat to humankind these people represent. Kahchk Kihhim understands that once their extortion threat is nullified, they will be subjugated or destroyed. Under the leadership of Katherine Levey, they race ahead on a program to grow a new underwater habitat utilizing genetic engineering. The citizens of Ocealla, their new home, consist of humans, modified humans, modified dolphins, and a completely new genetic construct.

  • - A Paranormal Terrorist Thriller
    af Robert L Clayton
    168,95 kr.

    Kiki Russell is the hottest sniper in the U. S. Army. She has been hurting the extremist so badly they have put a bounty on her head. When that fails to stop her, they send a team to the United States to murder her family. She returns to the U. S. and along with her friend from Afghanistan, Nick Sabino, they embark on a program to hunt down the killers.Using unconventional methods for interrogation, they move up the ladder from the actual killers to those behind this program of brutally slaying military dependents. Terror has come to the shores of the United States, and with the FBI and CIA, they capture and stop this campaign.During their interrogations, they encounter a new power, one beyond control and unstoppable. Caught in an intergovernmental struggle for power, Nick and Kiki become unwilling participants and their program of seek and destroy becomes one of escape and evade.

  • - Descent Into Dystopia
    af Robert L Clayton
    168,95 kr.

    Dead Reckoning continues the paranormal thriller "Dead" series. Lethal sniper Kiki Russell and medic Nick Sabino come out of hiding to battle a massive attack on the United States that has plunged it into chaos, beginning the descent into dystopia. With the United States isolated from the world, the government struggles to hold the Union together after the collapse of the economy, the destruction of the electrical grid and a smallpox epidemic that have killed more than half of the population. The world powers have changed and the fight of civilization begins.

  • af Robert Clayton
    168,95 kr.

    Wings of the WASPDesperate for pilots to fight overseas in World War 2, the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) was formed and volunteered to take over domestic military flying duties. Not everyone was pleased to see women enter into this man's world.In 1943 at a base near Tucson, Arizona, aircraft mechanic Sergeant Joe Clark was ordered to create an 'incident' to discredit a WASP. The minor incident went awry, killing the woman pilot, driving Joe to despair. Joe was transferred to a remote base in Alaska to keep him quiet for the duration of the war.Returning and meeting up with Dawn Dunham, a WASP he met in Marana, they decided to expose the campaign of sabotage. After perpetrators discovered their efforts, Dawn was murdered. The hunt was on for Joe.After forty years in hiding, eighty-year-old Joe returns to Tucson. The nightmares are back, and he confesses to another WASP, Sylvia James. They resolve to expose this plot and those responsible.

  • af Robert L Clayton
    168,95 kr.

  • af Robert Clayton
    183,95 kr.

    The vicious split between big-government and small-government is drawing to a climax. America has become a nation of addicts. Sure drugs, alcohol and social media are addictions, but the MOST dangerous addiction is to government. People have lost independence and self reliance, depending on government for everything. The small government faction wants to go back to the Constitution. which limited the role of government. The Founding Fathers knew if left unchecked, big government would destroy the republic After the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capital, anybody not agreeing with the elected government is labeled a domestic terrorist. Freedom of speech is restricted in a bid to prevent opposing opinions from being aired. Social media and broadcast media go along.The ability to resist government oversight must be removed, especially guns. But the United States has one of the highest levels of gun ownership in the world, and the threat of outlawing guns has created the highest level of sales in history. The restrictive laws passed by Congress result in greater distrust of the government, and the extreme members of the two major parties have driven huge numbers of moderate voters to support the new Constitutional Advocate party. Potential violent civil war looms. The political upheaval offers and opportunity to establish China as the dominant power in the world. Will the United States continue to weaken itself, becoming a puppet of China? Is the Grand Experiment at an end?