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  • af Jeff Turner
    278,95 kr.

    On November 11, 1918, in a railroad car outside Compiegne, France, the guns on the Western Front fell silent and the first World War was declared over. Proclaimed by many historians as the Great War, or the War to End All Wars, the price to be paid for peace at the time was steep and left behind a horrific trail of suffering and death.Soldiers returning home discovered much had changed since their deployment. Indeed, a different America awaited them. The nation was still reeling from the Spanish Flu, a flurry of racial riots and labor disputes punctuated civilian life, and the Great Depression caused profound economic collapse. A decade later, the Second World War would begin.In the midst of such turbulence, runaway Henry Cameron finds a home at a remote Vermont horse farm. He soon discovers a true passion for working with horses and learning the craft of horsemanship from a retired calvary officer.When the calvary officer passes away and bequeaths his entire estate to Henry, the young man is faced with rebuilding the horse farm. His efforts are sculpted by those in his life: a protective pair of caretakers, a wounded World War One soldier, a corrupt sheriff, a gifted horse trainer, and a bitter and revengeful uncle. Each would come to shape the destiny of the horseman Henry Cameron.

  • af Gail Mansfield
    153,95 kr.

    My Christian friends, this book is based on a true story about families, heartaches, miracles, faith, believers, healing, growing, and knowing the Lord and the path we all travel down when we have lost a child or children.

  • af Misty Dearing
    168,95 kr.

    Finding My Joy is a memoir about overcoming trauma, experiencing inner peace, and finding joy in the midst of not only the difficult times but also in the daily routine of life.Have you gone through trauma, loss, abuse of any kind, mental or physical health struggles? Have you felt lost and alone, wondering where God was? Do you want to know the path to freedom, peace, healing, and ultimately joy? This book takes a deep dive into all those experiences and more.You're invited to come along on the journey. Who knows, maybe you'll find what you're looking for--and hopefully so much more! Join Misty as she shares her life experiences, points out the things that can steal your joy, and gives practical advice on what you can do to find your own inner peace, healing, and joy. Come--you've been prayed for!In Finding My Joy, Misty Dearing tells her story with candid sensitivity. She brings clarity and hope not only to those who have suffered similar experiences but also to all who love them. --Sharon Callister-HuebnerCounselor, Mentor, Support Group Facilitator, and AuthorAfter reading Misty's book, I have a new perspective on my own life experiences. Anyone who has lived through any of the things she touches on will come to realize, through reading her book, that it's okay to talk about these things, and there is healing available!--Tom DearingSoulmate/Husband since September 26, 2020When my mom told me she was writing a book about her life, I just had to offer to help with the cover design. Throughout my life, I've witnessed my mother's struggles as well as her healing. I believe my mom's life has been much like the growth of a flower--sprouting from the cold ground, weathering adversity, and blooming into new life. Lilies are my mom's favorite flowers, so they were a natural choice, but they are also a symbol of fresh life and rebirth--which happen to be a direct result of her healing journey. I'm very proud of my mom! I hope you learn something from her story--I know I have.--Josiah SmalleyMental health professional and cover designer

  • af Michael Basenese
    193,95 kr.

    Hard work and sacrifice do lead to success, but it comes with a price. Living in excess and three defining moments rocked Michael's world. Success could not fill the void in his life, not money, not homes, cars, food, alcohol, nor drugs. The first defining moment is a startling revelation of how living out of control is a path to destruction. This epiphany changed him spiritually from the inside out. The second defining moment was his impetus to change physically. His last defining moment came in November of 2021 during a propane grill explosion, burning both legs. This is a message of hope. No matter what you have done, you can overcome. He wrote this book for you.

  • af Simone Boyd
    148,95 - 273,95 kr.

  • af Hether Flanigan
    193,95 kr.

    Stroke of Love is the life story of a young stroke survivor from Texas named Hether Flanigan. It is a story of resilience, determination, strength, and love. A story about the human spirit, the will to live life to the fullest, the power of the human mind, and the love that surrounds us. A story proving that we can do anything we set our minds to and that adversity is often our greatest teacher.

  • af Angela Nicholson
    168,95 kr.

    Another Level is an inspirational, step-by-step guide to improving health and fitness in doable increments. It encourages the reader to take small steps toward change to be the healthy person they want to be. It debunks the myth that changing from one place of health to another has to be difficult or exhausting.

  • af Julian Bronholc
    168,95 kr.

    My memoir depicts the outbreak of World War II and the German invasion of my birth town, Suwalki, in northeastern Poland. Fleeing Hitler's invading forces compelled my family to illegally cross the Russian border. My father's refusal to accept Russian citizenship culminated in the arrest of my entire family by the Russian secret police. My family was escorted to a Russian gulag in Siberia. My memoir also includes a description of the living conditions we experienced, including rampant typhus, lice, malaria, dysentery, subzero cold, hunger, and a daily struggle to stay alive. It also details our return to postwar Poland after a prolonged stay in Kyrgyzstan for almost four years. I detail the loss of my mother at an early age and leaving Poland for a second time following the Kielce pogrom. My memoir also includes a description of cataclysmic events during my childhood, which shaped the later portion of my adult life.

  • af Kisha Eden
    198,95 kr.

    Little Bunny and his siblings excitedly travel to Gramps and Grammy's house for the sweet smells, twinkling lights, and delightful Christmas traditions of the Bunny family. This book is written in an inspiring way to entreat readers to envision their own holiday festivities. The joy and merriment of the Christmas season, especially seen through the eyes of a child, is dreamed of and anticipated with eagerness and vivid expectations. Love given deliberately and in surprising ways is the delight of the human soul and faith in the future. This book will appeal to parents and children alike and is certain to become a treasure in your home.

  • af Isabella Sky Shea
    153,95 kr.

    Living in Pieces tells the nonfictional story of one teen's journey with depression and self-harm. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Isabella, along with many others, faced struggles with her mental health. Isabella turned to writing poems as a way to cope with her mental battle. All the poems in Living in Pieces were written throughout the course of two years when Isabella was trying to regain control of her mental health. The poems are addressed to other individuals who are also struggling with what Isabella calls the monster. The monster is the depression and the thoughts that took over Isabella's mind and body. Living in Pieces was published with the hope of giving other teens and young adults who are feeling hopeless a sense of security and acceptance. It is okay to be not okay. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength.

  • af Jeffery Harris
    273,95 kr.

    It's the year 1817 when a quiet, peaceful town deep within the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina is attacked by a malevolent witch, a witch who will stop at nothing to tear away the people's faith and peace they all once had! It all started with the Edwards family, a peaceful family of farmers, who soon discover the withering of their crops, followed by missing cattle, and soon their youngest daughter goes missing. What started out with the Edwards family started happening to the rest of the town, leaving many to believe a curse has been placed on the Edwards family, and now most of the frightened town blames them! Soon a preacher named Hezekiah, who has experience with dealing with witch hauntings and demonic curses, sets out to help the family while learning many secrets along the way, such as a local witch who lived just outside of the town and the fact that eighteen years ago four elderly witches, who were responsible for many murders and blamed for the disappearing of many children throughout the Appalachian Mountains, were caught and murdered by a mob of vengeful people. And the night they were killed, the main witch left a curse! Could it be that they returned fulfilling their curse? Or could there be someone else lurking and picking up where they left off? So many secrets along the way of a long journey to discover who or where this witch is. A town that once had peace and fellowship with one another is now torn apart.

  • af Suren Rao Ph D
    198,95 kr.

    In the last few years, a considerable amount of invectives have been heaped upon this blessed nation by our own citizens that the USA is a nation with built-in systemic and institutionalized racism. According to the author, nothing could be further from the truth. He came from India, legally, pursued higher education, worked in industry, government and academia and, except for one minor incident in Canada, never encountered any barrier or discrimination based on his ethnicity, religion, country of origin, or the color of his skin in both his professional and his personal life. On the contrary, he was successful beyond his dreams.The book chronicles his leaving India for Canada in the pursuit of higher education and subsequent employment in the various sectors of American enterprise. He met his wife, raised three daughters, and lived the American dream to its fullest as the book describes. It also describes the various technical challenges that he encountered and met in his professional life that lasted over three decades in the US. His financial success enabled him to travel extensively to his native India and keep in touch with the family he left behind and see various countries in Europe. Hence, the many crossing of the Atlantic Ocean as the title of the book implies. It also enabled him to satisfy his love for the mountains, both within the American continent and the mighty Himalayas in the countries of Nepal and Tibet. Those adventures are also chronicled in the book. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel as the requisite formalities become more difficult is also alluded to. Now retired, he lives most of the year in a retirement community outside Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where assistance is provided as one ages and spends his winters in a condo in Florida.After his residence in the US, he also helped many of his close relatives to come here. The fact that every one of them is very successful is a further testament to the fairness and nondiscriminatory nature of this great nation. If this book convinces even one individual that this great nation is not a racist one, it would have accomplished its purpose.

  • af Donna Theroux
    198,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Gail Amity
    153,95 kr.

    Gail Amity has practiced forms of social work for 53 years, eventually specializing in anxiety and trauma resolution using art psychotherapy and dream work, among other techniques. Gail has been state licensed for 23 years at this writing. She has facilitated literally thousands of individual, family, and group counseling sessions, learning along with her clients. As a mature woman, Gail has become more mindful, and that is making a difference. She wants everyone to know the human subconscious is still highly operative, accessible, and critical to human growth and development, although it is often overlooked by today's "behavioral health" industries. She believes the subconscious is where trauma can hide. In her private time, Ms. Amity has legally and illegally used cannabis or marijuana for just over 50 years. She has suffered some consequences, but on balance wants to continue doing so while reducing harm to her health, until she becomes an ancestor. This is her first nonfiction book, intended to share with the public what she has learned over a lifetime of fun, crimes, and harm reduction.

  • af Bennie Taylor
    223,95 kr.

    This is the story of a man and his extended family and their lifelong fight for racial equality in the Jim Crow era of the South.

  • af Jane Everett
    143,95 kr.

    This book is to tell the truth about a young girl's life from the time she was ten years old up through adulthood with a mom that beat her and tried every way she could think of to kill her but could not. She wanted others to do it. The law was very crooked and against her side at the time, and she got away from three other men and a woman who murdered her dad. She survived that night of hell, and many others that are going through this can also survive it. Get out of it. The explosion the fire the shot from a fun. I saw my dad murdered and lying facedown on the ground, and I was next.

  • af Alexander Ramirez
    193,95 kr.

    This is my interpretation of the Bible story of Genesis 25, a story of forgiveness of the brothers Jacob and Esau. I hope you like my version of this timeless Bible classic of what it means to have a brother.

  • af Nikki Vaughn
    168,95 kr.

    As a child, how many times did someone ask you: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Sounds like a simple question, but all too often, it is a hard question to answer. We think we know what we want to be when we reach adulthood, but the real question we need to ask is this: what does God want us to be? God knows our heart. He knows our passions. He knows all the qualities we have that will help us succeed in life. That's why prayer is so important. Prayer connects us to God. If we go to God in prayer and ask Him to direct our path, He will lead us to places we never dreamed possible!

  • af George A Bates Jd
    143,95 kr.

    This book was conceived on a dare from a good friend who was a senior pastor in his congregational church. He challenged me to write him something defending a woman's right to preach the gospel. Within an hour or so, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Is not God's Word the best defense and offense for any cause or proposed action of a human being?" I knew about 1 Timothy 2:12, which reads in part, "Suffer not a woman to teach." But I had never seen any expository research explaining this text in view of the fact that the Roman Empire was threatening to annihilate all of Christianity, so Paul did not want to further exacerbate the conflict by announcing a strategy for women to circulate the gospel. It is clear that women played a huge role in Paul's plan to spread the gospel clandestinely! So I went about reconciling the competing views of 1 Timothy 2:12 to our duty as Christians to spread the gospel as Jesus enunciated in Matthew 28:19 to "go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations." Secondly, my next task was to make a diligent search of the Old and New Testament of the women who furthered God's plan to protect Israel from its enemies and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ! There were more women who had served as military leaders, prophetesses, ministers, and political leaders than I had realized! The life and positions of King Deborah, Esther, Ruth, Anna the Baptist, Priscilla, and Phoebe, to name a few, were revealing to the mindset of God and the plan of Paul. A familiar analogy of this book is to ask the question that if a woman was the pastor of a church and her husband was the head deacon, if both were solidly in Christ, what would be the conflict?

  • af Penny Brooks
    168,95 kr.

    Willow visits her classmates homes and learns about culture and accepting diversity among her community. .

  • af Farrah Champagne
    408,95 kr.

    Eating fruits and vegetables every day does more than just keep the doctor away. Farrah Champagne, in The Raw Vegan Plate, shares recipes from her daily menu, showing you how following a raw vegan diet can make you look and feel better than you ever have.Farrah transformed her health when she switched to a fully plant-based raw vegan lifestyle. She lost more than a hundred pounds and resolved many of her health issues. She also used many of the recipes included in this book when she coached others on how to lose weight and clear up skin problems by following a raw food diet. One person lost seventy pounds and cleared up a persistent fungal skin infection as a result of Farrah's weekly menu plan and customized meals. You too can lose weight, feel better, and stay satisfied by incorporating more raw plant-based foods into your diet. Not only will you be inspired by Farrah's story, but you will also feel more alive and vibrant after including into your diet more of her unique and delectable recipes made from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Whether you are already practicing the raw food lifestyle or want to add more fresh plant foods into your diet, this book is for you. Inside you will find more than one hundred easy-to-follow mouthwatering recipes. Even nonvegans will enjoy her green lemonade, apple crisp, banana raisin nut bread, sticky rice, manicotti, falafels, and more. Not only will you find delicious plant-based recipes, you will also find advice and information about the raw vegan lifestyle including: How to develop your why: An important aspect of raw veganism is having a very strong why. Farrah will walk you through important thought-provoking steps to help you maintain courage and persistence.How to do a juice feast: A cleansing program that will help you get that glow and feel energetic and healthy.Readers will come away with a new understanding and appreciation for the variety of delicious raw foods that often mimic cooked foods but are extremely healthy and delicious.

  • af Vanessa Valdes
    153,95 kr.

    To children of all ages, come and meet Amelia Grace. She is a unique girl with a big imagination. Come and join her with her pet dog, Andi, and her little hamster, Rosybell, as they go on an adventure at the zoo where she will meet many interesting animals and maybe make a new friend.

  • af Pastor Tori Clay
    153,95 kr.

    Zoey and Mr. Putts is a real-life story about a boy who has autism and is nonverbal who tried different toys to play with but was never made happy by them. That is until one day, he discovers he can make a toy that he loves that can also help take care of some of his special needs as well. At the end, Zoey gains a friend as well as a toy.

  • af Pauline Drach
    198,95 - 313,95 kr.

  • af Nella Simoni
    183,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Lawrence Murray Ph D
    223,95 kr.

    Dr. Lawrence Murray lays it on the line in this Psychological and Sociological probeinto Sex, The Sexless Marriage, and Marital Satisfaction in the 21st Century. Dr. Murray's Interest in Sex and Satisfaction began early as a Postdoctoral Fellow at UCLA! Dr. Murray was privileged to work directly with Dr. Gail Wyatt and Community Based-Organizations, health departments, and HIV clinics in facilitating interventions. Dr. Murray states, "It was the 8 sessions I facilitated in sexual risk-reduction intervention (the Eban I Program) that led to Close Conversations." He currently serves as Associate Professor of Psychology and Faculty Senator at Langston University; He also is an Adjunct Professor in the University of Central Oklahoma's Jackson College of Graduate Studies. His Multicultural Clinical Counseling and Teaching career includes 20 years of close conversations about the depths of relationships, identity, satisfaction among many other topics considered taboo. Dr. Murray uniquely combines 30 years of marital and pastoral experience and maintains that Psychology, Sociology, and Spirituality are inextricably intertwined. In this conversation, Dr. Murray challenges millions to consider their own sexuality, identity formation, sexual script, and satisfaction; including investing in individual, couples, and relationship dynamics to help his audience arrive in safe spaces in these conversations. Dr. Murray brings the real conversations to the forefront for you to consider as conversation starters in your relationship. If you are a person of faith, no faith, single, married, divorced, widowed, or in the realm of pre-marital counseling, this read will assist you in your process of lowering the shame and stigmata of discussing sexuality. Dr. Murray's sessions are in high demand because he thoughtfully and honestly engages individuals, audiences, and academic communities to get close.

  • af Tim McLaughlin
    183,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Sue Kleinhuizen
    193,95 kr.

    Grandma and Me was written by this author in hopes to provide an educational tool for children diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. The book describes, in an easier-to-understand version for children, what is happening to their bodies and what they might be able to do to make it better. Grandma, the author, was diagnosed with PA after a serious injury with a reaction that triggered her condition. Delilah, the main character of the book, was diagnosed at age seven with PA.Delilah was struggling to understand the importance of managing her condition prompting Grandma to write the book so it could be used to educate children and alleviate some of the concerns that they may have. It describes what psoriatic arthritis is, how it is diagnosed, what common symptoms are, how people get this condition, and what can make it worse.The book describes the types of doctors that may be involved, available treatments, and the importance of getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and how to protect your skin. Children with psoriatic arthritis may experience many feelings and emotional concerns. This book addresses many of the challenges that these children face as well as offers helpful suggestions about the importance of educating yourself, your family, peers, and people in your support system about this condition. The book teaches children to be comfortable with who they are as it points out that we are all special in our own ways and that Jesus loves everyone just the way they are. It encourages educating each other in a class setting about each other's unique differences.This book encourages the concept that when we treat others with kindness, they will treat us with kindness too. By providing more education about each other's differences and having an improved understanding of each person's unique needs, perhaps the children can develop a support system for each other. The book is designed to help boost self-esteem for those who are dealing with this particular medical challenge as well as broaden their support systems.

  • af Michael Jude Schauer
    198,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af James D Applegate
    183,95 - 298,95 kr.