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  • - Pathways To The Past
    af Charles Finney
    103,95 kr.

  • - Pathways To The Past
    af Charles Finney
    93,95 kr.

  • af Jacqueline James
    243,95 kr.

    Kindergarten Ready is designed to identify the necessary tools that a child needs to know and/or learn to become a successful participant in the classroom. The author has invited the parents to explore their child's potential through a pleasant learning experience while offering an array of diversity through the characters in the story.Once the children has engaged in the concepts of the book they will become eager to start school with confidence. Are you ready children for some fun?To feed your brains while you're young, There's lots of things for you to learn,And become "Kindergarten Ready" when you're done!

  • af Jacqueline James
    183,95 kr.

    The messages are written in authentic poetry that is designed to stimulate (your) brain, Whenever (you) are faced with challenges they will help you to maintain, Once (you) have thoroughly explored it's very essence,Prepare (yourself) to accept each passage as a part of life's valuable lesson, The poems are intended to coach you through,Filled with peace and harmony written just for you, The Christian Author Jacqueline James is a poetess with a 5-star rating. Jacqueline is passionate about delivering quality work to (you) the readers. She has also written and published an outstanding collection of children's stories for (your) family to enjoy and cherish. Jacqueline is enthusiastic about each one of the books that God has blessed her to write. Her goal is to bring (you) the readers a sense of peace through the connection from her work. If you would like to read other books written by Jacqueline James Please visit her website

  • - Pathways To The Past
    af Robert Robert Lewis Dabney
    113,95 kr.

    As sparks flew upward, Christian prophets the 19th century Robert Lewis Dabney and others, were flung as burning embers across the theological landscape of their generation. They smoldered, then ignited, with the flame of their torches feeding on the unseen, setting the very air on fire, lighting the way, seeking to astonish and awaken God's church through their prophetic pens. Like the prophets of old, these refugees from yesterday wore a halo of sanctity, had long memories and a fierce loyalty to Truth; qualities that linger, indelibly stamped on our memories and imaginations. They stood in a howling theological wilderness like solitary prophets, weeping over a world becoming more and more empty of God. And, standing in the midst? The author of this Classic book - Robert Lewis Dabney. "The best teacher of theology in the United States, if not the world. " - A.A. Hodge, "Dabney was a towering figure in the 19th century American theological world. His exposition of the five points of Calvinism will enrich the reader's appreciation for the doctrines of grace, the glory of the Gospel, the accomplishment of the work of Christ and the security of the believer." - Ligon Duncan. This Classic book - The Five Points Of Calvinism -- introduces and orients the reader to critical biblical/theological thinking about God -- with a clarity that fosters biblical thought and facilitates Bible comprehension. You won't be disappointed. Author DescriptionThose who knew Robert Lewis Dabney -- both friends and foes--viewed him as larger than life, biblical prophet born out of time. Dabney has been described as an "apostle of the Old South." The nineteenth-century Southern church boasted intellectually and morally impressive men who exercised considerable influence over political and social life. Among them, none overmatched Robert Lewis Dabney as a theologian, teacher, and social critic.

  • af Jacqueline James
    183,95 kr.

    This book & Rock of my Salvation contains scriptures to guide (you) from the KJV Bible. Followed by God'sgift of authentic poetry written by Jacqueline James that directly coincides with the scripture for (you) to becomforted by. The author included a daily affirmation after each chapter to assure (you) the reader hasreceived inspiration from the messages Once (you) absorb its messages into the very essence of (your)soul, Then (you) will be free to surrender (your) thoughts while God takes control.The Christian Author Jacqueline James is a poetess with a 5-star rating. Jacqueline is passionate aboutdelivering quality work to (you) the readers. She has also written and published an outstanding collection ofchildren,s stories for (your) family to enjoy and cherish. Jacqueline is enthusiastic about each one of thebooks that God has blessed her to write. Her goal is to bring (you) the readers a sense of peace through theconnection from her work.

  • af Pat Padgett
    233,95 kr.

    This is a book that chronicles the life of Patricia Ann Padgett. Her life story is one of remarkable transformation that begins with a childhood of sorrow and tragedy. A life that begins without any real expectations becomes a life of real purpose and meaning with the guiding hand of the great Master leading the way. So, a life that begins insignificantly transforms into a life of service in the ministry of the most high God that compels a burning within so that Pat Padgett must now share her story as the cry of her heart. Hopefully, this book will inspire a closer relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Patricia Ann Watts was born on Sept. 17, 1941. She was the eldest of ten kids. Her childhood was mostly a life of hard work in the cotton fields of the south. And sadly, her young life included lots of sorrow and abuse at the hand of her hard-as-nails daddy. As she grew into a young woman, she was able to leave home and start a new life for herself in her home town of Chattanooga, Tennessee. She held down several different jobs to support herself as well as her family. During this time, she also developed a talent for singing and playing the guitar. This is a talent that the Lord anointed for His own purposes as many have witnessed. For example, by request, she has sang at many funerals, weddings, and graduations through the years. As Pat settled into her new life, then she met the man of her dreams, Barney Wilburn Padgett. They soon got married and had two children, a boy and a girl. After a few years time, the Lord led her husband, Barney, into full-time ministry. When the Lord called them into ministry, He instructed them to live by faith without any regular income support. In time, the Lord called Pat from being a help meet to her husband in the singing ministry into a life of full-time ministry as a Bible teacher having the gift of the revelation of Jesus Christ. After evangelizing several cities in different states, the Lord called Barney and Pat to New Mexico. Through the years, they have evangelized the whole state of New Mexico. After many dedicated years to the service of the ministry, Barney and Pat settled in Datil, New Mexico. For many years, Pat served as a beacon of light to the community by having a craft shop business and selling Avon to the locals. This community outlet enabled her to share her testimony with many people. Even though Barney passed away in 2016, Pat has continued to keep the flame of ministry burning brightly with a weekly community Bible study and conducting church services at two different locations every Sunday. When she is not spending time doing the work of the ministry, Pat loves to make crafts, grow flowers, and make specialty desserts to share with others.

  • af Etienne Graves Jr.
    133,95 kr.

    Is there more to what has been customarily taught about the Seven Spirits of God?What exactly are they? Are there angels that accompany them? In this book, you will be takenbehind the veil, directly into the Throne room of God. The revelation which unfolds will breakthe chains of tradition. Absorb overdue wisdom, revelation and understanding that has beenmisconstrued about God's rainbow. Dr. Etienne Graves presents an astounding and Earth-shaking connection between the Blood of the Slain Lamb and the Seven Spirits of God. Dr. Etienne Graves Jr. is the founder and teacher of M.E.M.O Ministries. He travels aroundthe world delivering God's messages and revealing the hidden secrets in the Word of God.Etienne brings prophetic revelation and hosts E.R.A of The Blood Conferences around the worldexposing the satanic agenda. He teaches about The Blood Of Jesus as a mighty weapon to thepulling down of strongholds and Principalities. Dr. Graves also Hosts a biweekly show on YouTube, "The Hour Of Uncovering." Dr Graves is also a guest speaker on Christian Networks and isavailable for booking. Please visit website for scheduling and availability at

  • af Linda Sue Svoboda
    148,95 kr.

  • af Robert Lewis Dabney
    118,95 kr.

    This Classic book - Free Agency and the Will -- introduces and orients the reader to critical biblical/theological thinking about God -- with a clarity that fosters biblical thought and facilitates Bible comprehension. You won't be disappointed.

  • af Frederick Demerchant
    218,95 kr.

  • af Evangelist Judy Martin-Davis
    193,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Futrell
    193,95 kr.

  • af Jacqueline James
    193,95 kr.

  • af Arthur W Pink
    193,95 kr.

    As sparks flew upward, Christian prophets like Tozer, Lewis, Phillips and others, were flung as burning embers across the theological landscape of the last century. They smoldered, then ignited, with the flame of their torches feeding on the unseen, setting the very air on fire, lighting the way, seeking to astonish and awaken God's church through their pulpits and prophetic pens. Like the prophets of old, these refugees from yesterday wore a halo of sanctity, had long memories and a fierce loyalty to Truth; qualities that linger, indelibly stamped on our memories and imaginations. They stood in a howling theological wilderness like solitary prophets, weeping over a world becoming more and more empty of God. And, standing in the midst? The author of this Classic book - Arthur W. Pink.God was not and is not willing to allow the reality of Who He is or how He is to be experienced to be obscured by either nature, the heathen, the pagan or the fool. Through His revelation, He has made Himself known. Through God's revelation we understand that He is sovereign.This Classic book - Divine Covenants -- introduces and orients the reader to critical biblical/theological thinking about God and His Covenants -- with a clarity that fosters biblical thought and facilitates Bible comprehension. You won't be disappointed.A.W. Pink is consistently one of the best Bible scholars and this one is at the top of his writing. I have studied God's covenants for some time and this is by far the best single volume I've found. He's bold in his writings but solid in Scripture.

  • af Arthur Washington Pink
    83,95 kr.

  • af Damon L. Davis
    148,95 kr.

    Parenting Beyond Tragedy is a male perspective on co-parenting through the hardships of incarceration. It is about the importance of maintaining some sort of viable connection between the biological father and his children in spite the conditions of LIFE inside or outside the prison walls. There is a vital importance of having (some) connection and influence from the father, in a child's life verses (none at all). When it comes to parental disputes, co-parenting and the like the statement is: "Do what's in the BEST interest of the children." As a family unit (however fractured) we should act from the highest viewpoint of that statement.Well-known Self-Help author William S. Graham and Life coach-gang prevention and Addiction mentorAhmad Nelms share their experiences.Artist Bio Damon L. Davis is a resident at the Denver Reception & Diagnostic Center. A core member of N.O.B.L.E., a youth mentoring organization of facility residents and staff working in synergy beyond the boundaries of incarceration into the active communities of the youth. Donned 'A Renaissance Man' by my peers and anyone paying close attention. I enjoy creatively defying the odds of fate, circumstance, and limited perspectives by channeling 'life' energy into my talents, daily activities, and interactions as a caregiver, an artist, a mentor, a barber, an author, a fitness & wellness trainer, and avid student of Eastern Philosophy & Martial Arts.

  • af Christopher Taylor
    193,95 kr.

    In these pages of Change The Inevitable is an invitation to a deeper understanding of self. Come journey with me as we attempt to connect the dots between past experiences, present day perspectives, and future desires.This book offers relatable examples as well as practical techniques and exercises all designed to encourage and empower you. If you are fed up with the cycle of unhealthy relationships, tired of the same patterns of behavior, or are just simply looking for some tools that may help inspire growth, this is the book you've been waiting for. This is a must read!!!! 10% of each book sold will be donated to non- profit organizations in honor of Krystal Martinez, Kyle Boyd, Susan Holyfield. Christopher Joseph Alfred Taylor is an aspiring author and journalist. He is serving a life sentence in Colorado's Department of Correction where he is currently working as an Offender Care Aid Ill. In his free time, he mentors his peers in one-on-one settings as well as through motivational presentations. Using his life as an example, he has created the C.A.T.C.H. Project (Changing Attitudes through Cognitive Healing). A class aimed at the cognitive development of at-risk youth. He's also co-founder of the S.U.R.G.E. Movement, editor and contributor to the Resource.

  • af Paul Lavert Freeman
    178,95 kr.

    Aloha means welcome. I'm Mr. Paul Lavert Freeman. This cook book of, Aloha Cooking, is composed from many different ethnic recipes handed down generation to generation. I hope to show you that you can be creative in your cooking by adding to and twisting these recipes to your own liking. You'll also learn that cooking can be a great stress reliever. I encourage you to use fresh ingredients for these meals and whenever you can to cook low and slow. Mr. Freeman was born and raised on the beautiful island of Oahu, He's completed a culinary art course and has worked in the food industry for many of years. He loved cooking at a young age, learning from his gramma, mom, family members and friends. From the traditional Hawaiian style cooking, and the different ethnicities that he is, such as a true Kama ina, Filipino, Portuguese, Afro-American, Native Indian and French.

  • af Anonymous
    128,95 kr.

    193,95 kr.

    Biological Sketch of Jesse M. Hendley The "Dean of Southern Baptist Evangelists," Dr. Jesse Murphy Hendley dedicated his life to the proclamation of the gospel message to lost souls.1 He was born October 11, 1907 in Montgomery, Alabama, to Albert and Helen Hendley, but his family moved to the Atlanta area when he was a child. He received his education from the public schools in Atlanta and later attended Georgia Tech University for one year. Hendley accepted the call to preach and enrolledat Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. He later attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky."Dr. Hendley was one of the most anointed evangelists I have ever known. Though not as well known around the world as Billy Graham, he was a shining light in that generation of great soul winning preachers. His burden was always for souls. I have never known a man to have the kind of passion for winning the lost as did he. This is why he preached with fervor and passion on such subjects as the apostasy, the Great White Throne Judgment, eternity, heaven and hell. He not only preached these truths. He deeply believed them" Jerry Vines, Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida; Two-time President, Southern Baptist Convention; President, Jerry Vines Ministries, Inc.

  • af Dan Lynch
    193,95 kr.

  • af John Bunyan
    106,95 kr.

    There is a dark side to light, you know. Evil wears many disguises. It always camouflages itself as other than it is; and, good men are deceived. The very nature of deception is that the deceived do not know that they are deceived. There is a dark side to light, you know. In the midst of the darkness - the children of light! The backdrop - spiritual warfare. This Christian Classic -- The Holy War -- is a book of spiritual warfare written by a man who was fully engaged, John Bunyan. He illumines the mind and challenges the spirit with stories of powerfully insightful symbolic battles that illustrate biblical truth. Through this powerful allegory, you will learn how to: (1) Build up your defenses and (2) prepare for war!Bunyan will illuminate your understanding and show you: · When your will is in line with Christ, you can accomplish anything· Spiritual attack is constant and can be deadly.· The enemy will stop at nothing to possess your soul.· Christ the Conqueror is on your side, and with His help, you have nothing to fear! Bunyan will illuminate your understanding and show you that, with Christ the Conqueror on your side, you have nothing to fear One of the Finest! Powerfully-Written! Profound!

  • af A. W. Tozer
    83,95 kr.

    Know this: The LORD is near, very near - and He hears your silent cry. He knows your desperation, your loneliness. He sees your tears, your heartbreak, your disappointment, your pain.The Christ made with human hands -- the Christ made of stone, of wood, or of plaster, that Christ is not real. That Christ cannot help you.The Christ, the Son of God, the Christ who is Very God of Very God, He is not only real but near, very near. He can and will help you. He weeps with your weeping - not because He is powerless, but because He knows and understands your situation, your circumstance, your anxieties and your fear -- better than you do. He understands you better than you understand yourself. So, learn to listen. Listen now. Listen for God's voice -- hear the language - and understand

  • af Thomas Watson
    113,95 kr.

  • af Arthur Washington Pink
    93,95 kr.

  • af Marie Grace
    218,95 kr.

    A federal agent, who is definitely a bossy lady, forces the mountain men to take her back down into the dangerous canyon to search for killers. A human trap is set, and these criminals are in for a painful surprise. How does this aggressive lady rope-climb straight up the side of a mountain with a broken ankle? Can Jake descend the rope with one arm in a cast? Teens are forced to work -- on the sheriff's terms. Confessions break out. A lonely, rich man meets the widow of a man who died with Sickle Cell Anemia and decides that the horrible truth about this devastating disease needs to be told , and he's just the one to do it. He claims this little family for himself as a gift from God, but how will she, and her two boys feel about his decision? This widow, Annabelle, is living in an old mobile home with floors so weak that someone will fall through at any moment. She has no water or electricity. He must do something to save them. How does a "hole-in-the-wall gang" rise above their mess? A trouble-making teen grows up with mountain justice. Mountain justice is always fair, but decisive.

  • af Anthony J Ritthaler
    193,95 kr.

    "Walking On The Water With Jesus" through powerful, passion-filled stories of faith and victory will show you how to experience Victory Over Self! Victory Over Sin! and Victory Over Satan! Victory Over Situations!God didn't create us to limp through life! Victory is the expectation God has for every believer. God has saved us to be over comers! Conquerors! Victors! This is our birthright as members of God's family!"Walking On The Water With Jesus" is not a Pollyanna-pie-in-the-sky notion - it is a wondrous, miraculous walk on the water - with Jesus. If you're missing the miraculous in your life - get this book! It will revolutionize your walk with Christ!