Bøger udgivet af Poets Wear Prada
169,95 kr. Thirty-two poems recall this native New Yorker's childhood relocation with her family to sunny California (The San Fernando Valley); growing up on the West Coast in the 1960s-as a preteen, teen, and young adult; and her responses to her new surroundings and the times. Several poems explore the interracial tension of the times (Watts Riots, Civil Rights Amendment) from the viewpoint of a young person whose older sister created an interracial family. From the perspectives of both family and race, the poet explores her relationships with her nephew, niece, and brother-in-law. If you like the work of Diane Wakoski or James Broughton, you will enjoy the whim and wit this book.
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- 169,95 kr.
- One Conscious Breath
153,95 kr. "Tantra-zawadi remains one of the modern lyrical masters and keepers of a timeless poetic tradition. Whether live, recorded or in print, her curation of words has definitely earned her a place in the contemporary canon."-Mwalim DaPhunkeProfessor, Director of Black Studies, University of Massachusetts; "Tantra-zawadi is magical just like the African mermaid. Her flow is like water and her words become the boat that you sail in. In this world of form and no substance, her words have meaning and a sensuality that we don't find often. Hearing and reading her poetry is like taking a journey to the places we dream of."-Abiodun Oyewole, Founding member of The Last Poets
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- 153,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "In this exquisitely thoughtful little collection, Robert Kramer guides his readers, holding aloft a lantern lit by lucid verse and canny eye, through night, through fog, through mist, to the secret place where we surprise Life: fast asleep, and fitfully dreaming. This urbane poet has brought us along on a search for understanding, and with him we have done much spelunking into the caverns of the soul." - Donald Lev, poet, publisher of Home Planet News "Robert Kramer offers this collection, entitled Wordglass, replete with sensitive similes that convey deeply felt and liminal experiences, many of them erotic. Most of these poems also feature instances of a final image that is shocking, grotesque, or improbable, yet very real." - Laurence Nannery, author of The Estoteric Composition of Kafka's Corpus "These twenty-three poems are meant to be read with pleasure. But to fully appreciate them, read them out loud - and discover our wonders - and Kramer's pleasures, honoring poets we all applaud, German and French poets of our time and sensitivity, and intelligence. In fact not only will these poems give you unexpected pleasures, but they will also allow you to delve into Kramer's multiple sensitivities and talents." - Serge Gavronsky, Professor of French Literature, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York
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- 153,95 kr.
143,95 kr. A collection of poetic interpretations of the music of Buckethead: In his new chapbook, Funhouse, Efrayim Levenson responds to the guitar virtuosity of Buckethead with a poetic soul-journey that reverbs through the wildest word riffs. -- David Elsasser; Efrayim Levenson's Funhouse sends us on a wild nightmarish yet at times tender merry-go-round ride through his own private Coney Island and ours. -- Steve Dalachinsky; Potent is the word that comes to mind when reading any one of Efrayim Levenson's poems. ... Levenson's imagery is tenacious, romantic, provocative and human. Poems like "Sea Lion" lend a glimpse into innocence, hope and mortality, while "Modesty Rant" dismisses viral over-sexuality, welcoming humility and grace. The work of a true wordsmith at his finest, Levenson's poetry is simply explosive in the stark quiet. -- Blanche Mackey-Williams
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- 143,95 kr.
- Poems of Love and Grief
153,95 kr. "What is so evident in Laura Vookles is the ring of the 'quiet truth.' What would be drums and trumpets in the hands of other poets becomes the symphony of the understated in her hands. I do not mean that you will find soft-strings sugaring-over sharp edges ofgrief; quite the opposite. In her works grief is met in a quiet room. The discussion is civil. The sound you hear is your heart breaking for her. There are not harsh lights in LV's work. Still, her words do not give anything any place to hide."-Ryk McIntyre, poet, dad, Cantab Lounge co-host, and self-appointed Unitarian pope. "This is a highly recommended collection any reader cannot fail to be moved by. For those of us who've tried to make ourselves heard through the barrier of death, reach someone who is gone, these poems will especially resonate."-Linda Lerner, author of 12 chapbooks including City Woman (March Street Press, 2006) and Living In Dangerous Times (Presa Press, 2007)
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- 153,95 kr.
- Poems
153,95 kr. "Smart, irreverent, often unnerving, these sonnets smirk, smile, argue and bless. Jee Leong Koh has taken a month of days and rendered a very contemporary version of the artist as a young man. Cash in your paycheck and buy this book."--Marie Howe
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- 153,95 kr.
143,95 kr. "These poems seem not written, but conjured, as if imprinted by a mind alive to the 'tiny, Zen-bell voice, ' insisting that questions reveal more than answers." --DEAN KOSTOS, THE SENTENCE THAT ENDS WITH A COMMA, and LAST SUPPER OF THE SENSES. "Karen Neuberg's marvelous accomplishment in DETAILED STILL is that each poem is like a tiny mirrored room that reflects and refracts experience, evoking all the complications of memory and desire." --MOLLY PEACOCK, THE SECOND BLUSH (WW Norton, 2008)
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- 143,95 kr.
- Poems
143,95 kr. "We really enjoy your use of imagery, descriptive language and insight."--Pat Swenson, Editor Emeritus, AVOCET, A JOURNAL OF NATURE POEMS "Besides being wonderful poems they have an undercurrent, sometimes a flood-tide of sensuality, Eros and Thanatos, which gives the book a life above and beyond the beautiful words."--George Spencer, Co-host of ABC No Rio
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- 143,95 kr.
143,95 kr. "Efrayim's poetry truly embodies the experience of a contemporary Jew who has found a very deep inspiration in his ancient roots. There is a certain freshness and bright sunny quality that comes with his pure simplicity which cuts to the very core of his growing relationship with G-d. Yet, there is the tension and frustration of one who has seen what he, and those around him, could become if only they would. He is both optimist and realist." - RABBI YOSSI MENDELSON, Congregation Machane Chodesh; "This book is a blast of Hasidic bebop ecstasy." - CRAIG FISHBANE, Brooklyn poet and resident of Bensonhurst; "Thank you for the poem ['Mordechai's Day at the Beach'] . . . beautiful . . . best wishes." - JOHN ZORN, American composer and saxophone player; "His poems themselves are heartfelt psalms." - "SMALL PRESS REVIEW"
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- 143,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "In these clear forecasts of the recent past, Erik La Prade frees the reader to say an eternal Aloha to his phantom New York, a place everyone thinks they know and own, and its 'remnants of an unenclosed frontier.' All times happen at once here, which is why it takes so long to get across town, and which is also why nothing stays ripped up for long, and everything reverts to the 'lived-in look.' A companionable observer inhabits these poems. Why not stay a while?"--Jordan Davis
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- 153,95 kr.
- Poems, etc.
153,95 kr. "George Held's inexhaustible subject is the moon in all its phases, and he treats it with a quiet ear-pleasing lyricism and an impressive range. His moons shine on the world, and, bathed in their various lights, his imagination shines on the subjects it conjures and illuminates."--Michael Graves, author of ILLEGAL BORDER CROSSER (Cervena Barva Press) and ADAM AND CAIN (Black Buzzard Press) "A delightful, entertaining, and attractively presented collection celebrating our sidereal companion, the moon."--THE ICONOCLAST
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- 153,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "Writing in the voice of a rock and roll icon like Keith Richards is an incredible risk, but Hilary Sideris proves up to the task. 'Most Likely to Die' is a romp. With each poem's series of couplets like a guitar tab, her fingering is spot on -- she hits all the notes, and dishes out some wicked riffs." -- Gerry LaFemina, author of "Steampunk" and "Vanishing Horizon" "You needn't give a toss about Keith Richards or his autobiography to love Hilary Sideris's 'Most Likely To Die.' Each poem is a stand-alone vignette, with the lasting resonance of a haiku. But the cumulative power of this volume is visceral. These poems, one after another, each as rich as a blues 78, have attitude while still being tender. Covering the full arc of Richards's life, from wartime Britain to Altamont and other crossroads, these poems exemplify how a precise image or anecdote can make an everyman out of an icon." -- Steve Koenig, Editor of "Acoustic Levitation" "WOW. Where does one begin? As a jazzman of the same generation, on a similar path, and the designated driver for several stoned-out peers, to and from the famous Altamont concert, I find these poems ring many distant and familiar bells. Earthy and scathingly honest reflections on the Rolling Stones' interactions with substances, one another and their early musical influences, this is a clear and concise portal into their lives and processes of creating the music we've come to know and love." -- Ron McClure, Bassist Published by Poets Wear Prada, Hoboken, NJ
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- 153,95 kr.
- Lady Grizzly & Sir Charles Otter
153,95 kr. "These poems are raw, brave, and sometimes hilarious. Ice Johnson searches the hidden rooms of family history with a determined eye. From nuns to nightmares to cheesecake, she traces with great compassion the debris of haunted relationships."- LENI ZUMAS "This collection by Ice is a wonderful expression of her deep calm & resolve. Her realistic optimism. It's unsettling & consoling, hard & soft, complicated & simple. She has not just survived but triumphed against all odds. 'Alone in the dark, ' she whispers, 'is a dark place, ' and 'tomorrow, ' she adds, 'is so far away.' 'But you are the only one I will ever love, ' she reveals, 'and I still want to dance with you.' Note the word 'still' and all it says & doesn't say. 'Cuddled in the pit of your arm / I'm hiding from the day.' Hiding in plain sight, where she and her evocative, lovely poems belong."- ANGELO VERGA "Ice is anything but cold. These confessions of unashamed love, expressed frankly and directly, are warm enough to heat a city. In this age of ironic commentary on dreadful topics, it is refreshing to read these ardently unironic expressions of the author's humanity."- BARRY WALLENSTEIN
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- 153,95 kr.
- Poems/Not-Poems
153,95 kr. "In 'Europa/Nippon/New York, ' Joel Allegretti reminds us that history tells the story of cultures, not just the story of political conflict, and that history itself, though not-poem, re-posits all the stuff - the cathedrals and gargoyles, the rubble and voices from the rubble, the traditions and innovators - that make poetry possible. Humming and shimmering through time, all that stuff waits patiently for the right collector to come along and provide the right vision to bring it into a particularly poignant focus. And look: Here he is." -- Brian Clements, Founding Editor, "Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics"; "Everything instructs, engages, and delights us through the wide-angle lens of this wonderful new collection where 'the next world is the next movie.' Under many and varied guises and personae, Allegretti manages to negotiate the 'assertive press of the tongue against the roof' in one poem, a 'diabolical staircase' in another, and even 'the snow on the sea' in yet another remarkable lyric. It's all here: from documentary technique to complex political and historical commentary, to pithy aphorisms, haiku, and large-hearted social consciousness - and all so artfully and surprisingly integrated, too." -- Peter Covino, Winner of the 2007 PEN/Joyce Osterweil Award for Poetry; "Come, children, and take your seat for 'Europa/Nippon/New York, ' where Joel Allegretti spans the globe with ears to the ground and eyes toward the stars. 'The next world is the next movie, ' the poet writes. Phantoms, chanson, Godzilla, bread and wine, riddlers-to-be roll through the projector-light of the poet's wildly associative forms, his unforced epiphanies and extravagant voice. -- Daniel Nester Author, "How to Be Inappropriate
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- 153,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "In his debut collection, School for the Blind, Daniel Simpson offers us a glimpse into the world of the blind with its attendant dangers, drop-offs, obstructions, cruelties and abandonments. Yet, here is also a world where kindnesses abound, where gestures of love by strangers and friends, alike, help to anchor the body and reconcile it to its place on earth. What is wholly surprising, as we read through the collection, is our confusion of who is blind and who is sighted. So many of the poems offer us an unusual sense of the world, a more intimate way of seeing it without the familiar visual signposts, a knowledge of it through heart and feel that the sighted can only imagine. 'Most people don't realize, ' Simpson declares in one poem, 'that I'm listening to them breathe, / that I hear body language.' What a subtle and crucial way of being in tandem with others! This is what Daniel Simpson's poetry schools us to do, connecting us in invisible yet palpable ways to one another, through a second sight, a deeper measure." -- Gregory Djanikian, Director of the Creative Writing Program, University of Pennsylvania, and author of six poetry collections, most recent ly, Dear Gravity
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- 153,95 kr.
- Poems
138,95 kr. "LANDSCAPES OF LIGHT is a voyage of discovery. Citing song and dance, with wit and imagination, B. E. Kahn relives for us a spiritual journey through the ancient world, following the light, in this case, eastward, from Greece to Jerusalem. In perceptive, life-affirming poems, she links Greek, Jew, Arab, glad for all of us that 'the folk keep dancing.'"--Elaine Terranova, Author of NOT TO: NEW AND SELECTED POEMS and winner of the 1990 Walt Whitman Award "L' chayim! That's 'To Life!' in the Yiddish, which is said as a toast. And B. E. Kahn's hymn chapbook in memory of her mother Chana, SPRING APPLES SILVER BIRCH, is a book that fulfills its task. In Kahn's words: 'my task--remembering--your precious flame of life.' Her new chapbook LANDSCAPES OF LIGHT carries that task onward in fresh poems about Greece and Israel. To Life! To Light!"--Henry Braun, Author of LOYALTY: NEW AND SELECTED POEMS "In this, her latest collection of poems based on trips to Greece and Israel, B. E. Kahn has carefully honed her craft. The poems draw the reader into the text for she is always alive to the moment. Yet, in a voice that is consistently lyric and nuanced, she also looks to the future. In 'Serafos' she wonders: 'Could I live here? Would my laughter/sing in the white houses, //through painted blue doors, /seep into pots of geranium?' And she continues her quest in 'Photo Taken on the Isle of Sifnos' in which she's asked 'What next? What next?' We hope that B. E. Kahn will provide answers to these questions with forthcoming poems and we look forward to seeing more of her work."--Shulamith Wechter Caine, Author of LOVE FUGUE
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- 138,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "Lived through the NYC downtown '80s? Cyndi Dawson takes you home. And if you were never there, you are now, through the penetrating glare of an OUTSIDE GIRL who brings the reader through the scene, the clubs, the drugs, the grit, and ties it all together with love. With this collection, Cyndi Dawson, who is known largely for her stage performances, establishes herself as a fierce, forceful, raw, punk poet in the tradition of Jim Carroll, who holds her own on the page as well as the stage." - PUMA PERL, author of KNUCKLE TATTOOS and BELINDA AND HER FRIENDS
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- 153,95 kr.
- Life Poems
153,95 kr. "Tantra's writing oozes with the passion of Neruda and the sensitivity of Sonia. Her words can warm the coldest of hearts." - Bruce George, Co-Founder of RUSSELL SIMMONS DEF POETRY JAM "Tantra-zawadi's poetry speaks of a global consciousness and ambassadorship; each word of every line reminds us of the connection we have to one another in the race to win."- Tshombe Sekou Harris, Founder/Host of FREEDOM VERSE CAFE Tantra-zawadi, an award winning poet/artist/filmmaker from Brooklyn NY, has performed to standing-room audiences in the USA, South Africa, London, Germany and Toronto. This book contains excerpts from her off-Broadway production SOLDIER BLUES, and her one-woman performance piece GIRL: A CHOREOSPECTIVE, as well as the text of previously recorded spoken word tracks. Publisher: Poets Wear Prada
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- 153,95 kr.
- Poems
168,95 kr. Author Gene Auprey offers a new collection of poems; a meditation on nature, life and death, and the ever-present possibilities of hope, humor and love. "At home somewhere between the pastoral and the familial, violence and tranquility (often showing how they are sometimes the same side of the same coin), Gene Auprey's voice is one of restrained and steady power."- James Midgely, Editor MIMESIS
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- 168,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "Rosalie Calabrese guides us through the mixed emotions of motherhood, including its joys and celebrations, but also its thorns, which make her acutely aware, 'Though temporarily relieved, / I dread what's left unsaid.' The unspoken silences take the reader on a journey beneath the darkness, where her young son grew up, married and is, 'Always with me now ... / Not in body ... the last image of you / Lying in that box like a stuffed doll, / Muscle and bone discharged to science.' With clarity, purpose, great poignancy and economy, Calabrese prays for hope and comfort, for a life and loss so profound." - Pamela L. Laskin, Director of the Poetry Outreach Center, and Author of The Plagerist (Dos Madres Press) and The Bonsai Curator (Cervena Barva Press) "Poems with a special sparkle, humor and deep feeling, sensitively conveying a boy's journey into manhood and beyond, recalled by a grieving mother who forgets nothing but keeps her sorrow in a sacred corner of her heart. Readers can relate on all levels to these poems that depict wry wit, beauty, pain, and the exquisite emotions that life brings in the hands of a true poet." - Ilsa Gilbert, Poet, Playwright, Librettist, Lyricist "The woman you hear in this cycle of poems about the life and death of a son is someone you would want to have as a friend. She is sexual, maternal, intensely feminine, both implacably honest and fastidiously private; clear eyed in confronting the contradictions between the needs posed by a mother's love and those of a woman in search of her own life. Because of this, the good memories can can live." - Carol Jochnowitz, Writer and Editor
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- 153,95 kr.
- Poems
153,95 kr. "In THRUM Joel Allegretti, deftly and delightfully, strums his magical musical instrument, which is poetry, as he forges fresh forms of songs and stories that are inspired by strummers' strings. 'Context is everything, ' Allegretti reminds us, and we're planted in the heart of a global ancient/modern orchestra. Prepare yourself for the revelatory performance."-- Martine Bellen, Author of TALES OF MURASAKI AND OTHER POEMS, 1997 National Poetry Series selectio
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- 153,95 kr.
- & Other Poems
153,95 kr. "Austin Alexis contemplates the way time's passage alters our sense of artists such as Chopin, Haydn, Poe, and Martha Graham as well as, among others, grandparents, Einstein, and presidents Lincoln and Obama. The way the poet cultivates sound, sense, and form, he grows, as he writes George Sand did for Chopin, 'the branch he needs / in order to soar.'" - George Held, author of PHASED, GROUNDED, and other poetry collections "By use of precise imaginings, Austin Alexis allows us an intimacy with select artists: Chopin, or a street poet, or Lincoln, that great artist of rhetoric and vision. An engaged and observant poet, Alexis reveals grace, connection, legend and mortality. This book is an ode to all of us." - Sarah Sarai, author of THE FUTURE IS HAPPY
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- 153,95 kr.
153,95 kr. John Trause is unique: a classicist who loves pop. His poems capture our desire to mock and at the same time learn every juicy detail of pseudo-celebrity - Edie Sedgwick, Doris Duke, Governor McGreevey - with all the classical style of Plato writing about Atlantis. He is our generation's undiscovered T.S. Eliot. - David Silverman, author of Typo: The Last AmericanTypesetter or How I Made and Lost 4 Million Dollars Don't trust the adverb in the title. You never can tell if John is serious or not. His deeply shallow poems are simultaneously extravagant and poker faced. - Mark Swartz, author of H2O and Instant Karma These poems are the ideal mixture of gravitas and fun. Trause is able to encompass doubt, and art, the Holy Land, celebrity and much more in these refined lyrics. The spirit of play moves through even the most serious of these poems. - Matthew Rohrer, author of Rise Up
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- 153,95 kr.
168,95 kr. These poems, voiced by stones, speaking for the poet and for humanity, are beautiful and peculiar. Weinraub cracks open craft to reveal humane interiors. Fixed forms with meter and rhyme, tenderly chiseled, deftly sculpted, pulse with regret, joy and a hundred other sentiments. Bright diction and an impressive control of syntax allows Weinraub to modulate tone and music. Wit and gorgeous capitulations abound in this book. "Gentlemen prefer blonde Crystals" gives way to "imperfections are a garden." These poems "forge a new world out of stone," a landscape populated by jade, garnet, and onyx with time-rich thoughts, blood-rich emotion. - EDUARDO C. CORRAL, author of Slow Lightning, winner of the Yale Younger Poets Prize, 2012; Lapidary is an original and brilliant collection of poems that offers insights into the various states of human nature through the voices of different stones. This book is a must have, and it will be avidly read for years to come. - EDWARD ODWITT, writer & illustrator; In Lapidary - stones, semi-precious, precious - stones talk to you, skillfully, convincingly and you believe them, you believe them! - THOMAS LUX, acclaimed poet and teacher, the Bourne chair in poetry at the Georgia Institute of Technology
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- 168,95 kr.
- Poems
153,95 kr. "In this latest collection Erik La Prade continues his cinematic verse celebration of urbanity and human tenderness, showing us life freeze-framed into mise-en-scènes of hilarity and heartbreak, as he walks the high wire of a 21st-century NYC life in the arts." - ALAN KAUFMAN, author of "Drunken Angel," editor of "The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry" "La Prade is a gifted poet, memoirist, critic, photographer, and urban chronicler of lost artistic and literary byways, with a historian's eye for New York cultural history and downtown avant-garde. Put simply, he dazzles." - GARY SHAPIRO, journalist
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- 153,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "For quite some years, Susan Maurer has had her incredible poems published across the United States and abroad. How great to have many of these poems collected in this one lovely volume."-Bill Kushner; "Susan Maurer seals the broken heart in a snowdance that startles as it falls. Her poems cascade in suspense, like shadows in a blizzard." -Star Black
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- 153,95 kr.
188,95 kr. In The Beautiful Moment of Being Lost, poet Michael T. Young writes with a "dangerous brilliance." Keening through histories, personal and collective, Young guides the reader to unimagined destinations. Rather than feeling lost, however, the reader arrives at termini of discovery, finding them to be inevitable, necessary, earned. Young enacts these journeys through cognitive leaps that defy reason and syntax, performed by his prodigious wizardry. And as the unknown becomes known, what is lost is regained, for these poems are redemptive. Each one is bathed in a luminosity of phrasing Wallace Stevens would have envied. Young writes, "[H]ear the voice in light / whose only utterance is melting snow." Unlike snow, these poems will not disappear as long as important poetry continues to matter. -- DEAN KOSTOS, AUTHOR OF RIVERING AND LAST SUPPER OF THE SENSES For years, I've savored Michael T. Young's poems for their potent distillations of experience, their attempts to pour into crisp and clear free verse vessels "something else the words can't describe." In The Beautiful Moment of Being Lost, I am taken, poem after poem, through the musings of a keen intelligence, with "movement / from character to character, from stop to stop, / in books, on trains, in memory." What's more, these poems, like the characters of the title piece, seem to "come / into life, without intention," a remarkable skill from a remarkable poet. -- GARY J. WHITEHEAD, AUTHOR OF A GLOSSARY OF CHICKENS AND MEASURING CUBITS WHILE THE THUNDER CLAPS In The Beautiful Moment of Being Lost, Michael T. Young leads his readers into loving the world in its beautiful day-to-dayness. He does this by showing the reader, in thoughtful and graceful language, how to look and listen. In "As Is," he begins with "Although, for a moment, / the man peeling an orange / appears to cup a mouse in his hand / its tail dangling in a coil." In "Nocturne," he surprisingly turns July into January, and that month into love: "I'm walking these rising, white mounds toward home / where you wait in the habitable light." Michael T. Young joyously shares his gift, and his poetry will be read and re-read. -- BERTHA ROGERS, AUTHOR OF HEART TURNED BACK
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- 188,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "Chocolate Waters's house music is rhythmic syntax and sassily whimsical word play that disarms, and then shifts down into impassioned essence. She shares with Billie Holiday a 'smoldering, smoky quality' and a finely tuned sense of timing, sometimes holding onto a single word or phrase until it becomes pure emotion. These poems are of the self yet selfless. Revelatory, lucid, luscious and laugh out loud funny but so psychologically astute." STEPHANIE DICKINSON, Award-winning Poet and Author of HALF GIRL and ROAD OF FIVE CHURCHES; "Chocolate Waters writes in your mirror. Be prepared to gasp out loud in recognition." SHELLY ROBERTS, Columnist and Author of ROBERTS' RULES OF LESBIAN LIVING; "Live a raw and sensuous life. Suffer it with wisdom, wit and vodka. Then using elegance, restraint and bite, craft it all into hilarious, tender, brutal, outrageous poetry. That's the art of Chocolate. Each of us has either loved a Woman Who Wouldn't Shake Hands, or been one. Read these poems!" LYNN JERICHO, Writer, Counselor, Creator of the Inner Year (www.LynnJericho.com)
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- 153,95 kr.
- New & Selected Nature Poems
188,95 kr. "As you read Culling, you experience George Held's deep and intimate relationship with nature. His intense gifts of observation, and ability to transform his subjects, create poems that breathe yet suspend time. This amazing book, with its ecstasy and despair, is a plaintive cry, a howl, and a call to action for all those who care about what remains of this fragile, endangered world. These poems are exquisite. They instantly seduce the reader. You will be captured by their skill, precise vision, emotional truth, and subtle humor." -- GLADYS HENDERSON, author of Eclipse of Heaven "Whether cultivating and culling apples or poems, George Held does so with impeccable care, craft, and precision, adhering to the rule that in life as in art, 'To keep is easy, to discard is hard.' Here is a collection of nature poems by a masterful poet whose body and mind, with senses alert, labor to produce crop after bountiful crop, work not done until his rake or his pen at last drops." -- KOON WOON, author of Water Chasing Water "In this time of unabashed 'me-ism, ' it is a great pleasure to read George Held's Culling. This collection is like a treatise on paying attention to what's outside, finding joy in the nature we too often forget. Held's writing is in the tradition of those other knife-eyed watchers, Neruda and Ponge. A consummate artist, he writes so deftly that the words seem to have written themselves, in perfect order, opening the path to new ways of seeing." -- BERTHA ROGERS, author of Heart Turned Back
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- 188,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "The many moods of THE SLIP, from fabulous to funny to frenetic, announce the arrival of a promising new voice that can express, with consummate sensitivity and verve, the sorrows and celebrations of our complicated queerness. When Michael Montlack writes, he can make us sing or break our hearts. Each poem is a veritable 'kiss of the artist'--passionate and memorable."--Rigoberto Gonzalez, author of OTHER FUGITIVES AND OTHER STRANGERS. "With pitch-perfect pacing and an intimate colloquial voice, THE SLIP reads as engagingly novelistic even as these memoiristic vignettes are untamed by wit and scathing humor. Ouch. The poems are at once revealing yet winningly imaginative as they reignite myth--there's even a bisexual Orpheus here who helps Montlack to rewrite the past while instructing, bruising, and exposing suburbia's lingering melancholy."--Peter Covino, author of CUT OFF THE EARS OF WINTER, winner of PEN/America Osterweil Prize."Michael Montlack's THE SLIP situates us in the middle of a life, threading together joys and sorrows. Some of the comic moments will truly make you laugh out loud. And at times, you'll get horribly wistful. Such is the richness of this collection."--D. A. Powell, author of CHRONIC.
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- 153,95 kr.