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  • - ESL Spanish
    af Dylan Viñales
    233,95 kr.

    ESL Sentence Builders is a workbook aimed at beginner to pre-intermediate students co-authored by four modern languages educators with over 50 years of extensive classroom experience between them, in the UK, France and internationally. It is aimed at Spanish language students who are learning English as an additional language.This 'no-frills' book contains 10 units of work on very popular themes, jam- packed with graded vocabulary-building, reading, translation, retrieval practice and writing activities. Key vocabulary, lexical patterns and structures are recycled and interleaved throughout.Each unit includes: - a sentence builder modelling the target constructions;- a set of vocabulary building activities;- a set of narrow reading texts exploited through a range of tasks focusing on both the meaning and structural levels of the text;- a set of retrieval-practice translation tasks;- a set of writing tasks targeting essential micro-skills such as spelling, lexical retrieval, syntax, editing and communication of meaning.Based on the E.P.I. principle that learners learn best from comprehensible and highly patterned input flooded with the target linguistic features, the authors have carefully designed each and every text and activity to enable the student to process and produce each item many times over. This occurs throughout each unit of work as well as in smaller grammar, vocabulary and question-skills micro-units located at regular intervals in the book, which aim at reinforcing the understanding and retention of the target grammar, vocabulary and question patterns.

  • - German Dutch Sentence Builders - Primary
    af Dylan Viñales
    233,95 kr.

    Duitse Zinsstructuren Primair is een werkboek gericht op jonge leerlingen (7 tot 12 jaar oud), mede geschreven door zeven leraren moderne vreemde talen met samen meer dan 110 jaar uitgebreide leservaring, zowel in Nederland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk als internationaal; inclusief meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in het primair onderwijs.Dit boek 'zonder franje' bevat 10 hoofdstukken over zeer populaire thema's bomvol activiteiten voor stapsgewijze opbouw van woordenschat en lees-, vertaal-, herhaal-, oefen- en schrijfactiviteiten, die belangrijke woordenschat en lexicale patronen en structuren herhalen en afwisselen.Elk hoofdstuk bevat: een schema met zinsstructuren die constructies in de doeltaal modelleren, ingeleid door vragen om de communicatie te begeleiden;een reeks luisteren-om-te-modelleren activiteiten om decoderingsvaardigheden, geluidsbewustzijn, segmentatie van spraakklanken, lexicaal ophalen en syntactisch ontleden te trainen;een reeks leestaken die zich richten op zowel de betekenis als de structuur van de tekst;een reeks vertaaltaken gericht op consolidatie door middel van het ophalen van kennis;een reeks schrijftaken gericht op belangrijke microvaardigheden zoals spelling, ophalen van woordenschat, syntax en bewerken en communiceren van betekenis.Gebaseerd op het E.P.I. principe dat leerlingen het best leren van begrijpelijke input met veel patronen en overspoeld met de taalkundige kenmerken van de doeltaal, hebben de auteurs elke tekst en activiteit zorgvuldig ontworpen om de leerling in staat te stellen elk item vele malen opnieuw te verwerken en te produceren.Naast de hoofdstukken vind je 'Geen Slangen Geen Ladders'-taken die zijn gemaakt om spreekvaardigheid te oefenen met een boeiend en leuk bordspel dat kan worden gekopieerd en gespeeld in groepen van 3 leerlingen.De audiotracks voor alle luisteractiviteiten zijn gratis toegankelijk in het AUDIO-gedeelte van de website: website is een ideale aanvulling bij dit boek. Het gebruikt elk afzonderlijk lexicaal item en de zinsstructuren die je in dit boek aantreft vele malen opnieuw via automatisch gecorrigeerde luister-, lees- en schrijfactiviteiten.

  • - Beginner to Pre-intermediate
    af Dylan Viñales
    298,95 kr.

    The Malay Sentence Builders is a workbook aimed at beginner to pre-intermediate students co-authored by three modern languages educators with over 70 years of extensive classroom experience between them, in the UK, Australia and internationally.This 'no-frills' book contains 19 units of work on very popular themes, jam-packed with graded vocabulary-building, reading, translation, retrieval practice and writing activities. Key vocabulary, lexical patterns and structures are recycled and interleaved throughout. Each unit includes: - a sentence builder modelling the target constructions; - a set of vocabulary building activities; - a set of narrow reading texts exploited through a range of tasks focusing on both the meaning and structural levels of the text; - a set of retrieval-practice translation tasks; - a set of writing tasks targeting essential micro-skills such as spelling, lexical retrieval, syntax, editing and communication of meaning. Based on the E.P.I. principle that learners learn best from comprehensible and highly patterned input flooded with the target linguistic features, the authors have carefully designed each and every text and activity to enable the student to process and produce each item many times over. This occurs throughout each unit of work as well as in smaller grammar, vocabulary and question-skills micro-units located at regular intervals in the book, which aim at reinforcing the understanding and retention of the target grammar, vocabulary and question patterns.

  • - German for Dutch Students
    af Dylan Viñales
    128,95 kr.

    Antwoordenboek!Het boek bevat 19 hoofdstukken die te maken hebben met een specifieke communicatieve functie, zoals 'Het uiterlijk en de persoonlijkheid van mensen beschrijven', 'Mensen vergelijken en contrasteren', 'Zeggen wat je wel en niet leuk vindt' of 'Zeggen wat jij en anderen in de vrije tijd doen'. In de inhoudsopgave van dit boek is per hoofdstuk de communicatieve functie aagegeven. Elk hoofdstuk bevat: een schema met zinsstructuren die constructies in de doeltaal modelleren;een reeks oefeningen om de woordenschat op te bouwen;een reeks zeer begrijpelijke leesteksten die worden gebruikt voor een diversiteit aan takendie zich richten op zowel de betekenis als de structuur van de tekst;een reeks vertaaltaken om de stof op te halen;een reeks schrijftaken gericht op belangrijke microvaardigheden zoals spelling, ophalen van woordenschat, syntax en bewerken en communiceren van betekenis.Elk schema met zinsstructuren aan het begin van een hoofdstuk bevat één of meer constructies die zijn geselecteerd met real-life communicatie in gedachten. Elk hoofdstuk is rond die constructie(s) gebouwd, maar niet uitsluitend daarop. Gebaseerd op het principe dat elke EPI-instructiereeks van modellering naar productie moet gaan, breidt elk hoofdstuk het materiaal in elk schema met zinsstructuren uit door het in te bedden in teksten en stapsgewijs opgebouwde taken die zowel bekende als onbekende (maar begrijpelijke en leerbare) woordenschat en structuren bevatten. Door veel en zorgvuldig hergebruik en uitgebreide verwerking van de input, heeft de leerling aan het einde van elk hoofdstuk veel mogelijkheden om met de nieuwe woordenschat en patronen geconfronteerd te worden en deze te verwerken met materiaal van voorgaande hoofdstukken.Naast de hoofdstukken bevat het boek: grammaticablokken: één of twee pagina's met activiteiten regelmatig verspreid tussen de hoofdstukken. Ze richten zich expliciet op de belangrijkste grammaticale structuren die de generatieve kracht van de schema's met zinsstructuren versterken. Op dit niveau gaan ze vooral over de vervoegingen van belangrijke werkwoorden in de tegenwoordige tijd, geven ze de leerlingen een inleiding tot het gebruik van naamvallen en bieden ze mogelijkheden om vertrouwen op te bouwen met de Duitse woordvolgorde;blokken vraagvaardigheden: één of twee pagina's over het begrijpen en maken van vragen. Ook deze blokken komen regelmatig verspreid tussen de hoofdstukken in het boek voor, om dezelfde vraagpatronen in verschillende taalkundige contexten te hergebruiken;blokken 'Even Herhalen': dit zijn herhalingsoefeningen die erop gericht zijn de eerder geleerde woordenschat levend te houden. Ook deze komen regelmatig voor;zelftesten: deze tref je aan het einde van het boek aan. Ze zijn verdeeld in twee secties, een voor minder zelfverzekerde een een voor meer zelfverzekerde leerlingen.Het doel van alle bovenstaande blokken is om veel systematisch hergebruik en afwisseling te implementeren, twee technieken die een sterkere retentie en overdracht van leren mogelijk maken.

  • - The Language Gym - Sentence Builder Books
    af Dylan Viñales
    328,95 kr.

    German Pre-intermediate to Intermediate Sentence Builders is a workbook aimed at beginner to pre-intermediate students co-authored by three modern languages educators with over 60 years of extensive classroom experience between the three, both in the UK and internationally.This 'no-frills' book contains 15 units of work on very popular themes, jam-packed with graded vocabulary-building, reading, translation, retrieval practice and writing activities. Key vocabulary, lexical patterns and structures are recycled and interleaved throughout.Each unit includes: 1) A sentence builder modelling the target constructions;2) A set of vocabulary building activities;3) A set of narrow reading texts exploited through a range of tasks focusing on both the meaning and structural levels of the text;4) A set of retrieval-practice translation tasks;5) A set of writing tasks targeting essential micro-skills such as spelling, lexical retrieval, syntax, editing and communication of meaning.Based on the Extensive Processing Instruction (E.P.I.) principle that learners learn best from comprehensible and highly patterned input flooded with the target linguistic features, the authors have carefully designed each and every text and activity to enable the student to process and produce each item many times over.Alongside the macro-units you will find: Question-skills units: two pages on understanding and creating questions. These micro-units occur after every unit in the book, so as to recycle the same question patterns in different linguistic contexts; Revision workouts: these are retrieval practice tasks aimed at keeping the previously learnt vocabulary alive. They too occur at regular intervals, after every other unit.Please note that The Language Gym website is an ideal supplement to this booklet. Our website recycles every single lexical and structural item found in this book many times over via self-marking vocabulary, reading & listening workouts, in addition to engaging and fun games and a powerful Verb, Listening Trainer, Vocab & Sentence Trainer.

  • - German Dutch Sentence Builders - Beginner
    af Dylan Viñales
    318,95 kr.

    Het boek bevat 19 hoofdstukken die te maken hebben met een specifieke communicatieve functie, zoals 'Het uiterlijk en de persoonlijkheid van mensen beschrijven', 'Mensen vergelijken en contrasteren', 'Zeggen wat je wel en niet leuk vindt' of 'Zeggen wat jij en anderen in de vrije tijd doen'. In de inhoudsopgave van dit boek is per hoofdstuk de communicatieve functie aagegeven. Elk hoofdstuk bevat: een schema met zinsstructuren die constructies in de doeltaal modelleren;een reeks oefeningen om de woordenschat op te bouwen;een reeks zeer begrijpelijke leesteksten die worden gebruikt voor een diversiteit aan takendie zich richten op zowel de betekenis als de structuur van de tekst;een reeks vertaaltaken om de stof op te halen;een reeks schrijftaken gericht op belangrijke microvaardigheden zoals spelling, ophalen van woordenschat, syntax en bewerken en communiceren van betekenis.Elk schema met zinsstructuren aan het begin van een hoofdstuk bevat één of meer constructies die zijn geselecteerd met real-life communicatie in gedachten. Elk hoofdstuk is rond die constructie(s) gebouwd, maar niet uitsluitend daarop. Gebaseerd op het principe dat elke EPI-instructiereeks van modellering naar productie moet gaan, breidt elk hoofdstuk het materiaal in elk schema met zinsstructuren uit door het in te bedden in teksten en stapsgewijs opgebouwde taken die zowel bekende als onbekende (maar begrijpelijke en leerbare) woordenschat en structuren bevatten. Door veel en zorgvuldig hergebruik en uitgebreide verwerking van de input, heeft de leerling aan het einde van elk hoofdstuk veel mogelijkheden om met de nieuwe woordenschat en patronen geconfronteerd te worden en deze te verwerken met materiaal van voorgaande hoofdstukken.Naast de hoofdstukken bevat het boek: grammaticablokken: één of twee pagina's met activiteiten regelmatig verspreid tussen de hoofdstukken. Ze richten zich expliciet op de belangrijkste grammaticale structuren die de generatieve kracht van de schema's met zinsstructuren versterken. Op dit niveau gaan ze vooral over de vervoegingen van belangrijke werkwoorden in de tegenwoordige tijd, geven ze de leerlingen een inleiding tot het gebruik van naamvallen en bieden ze mogelijkheden om vertrouwen op te bouwen met de Duitse woordvolgorde;blokken vraagvaardigheden: één of twee pagina's over het begrijpen en maken van vragen. Ook deze blokken komen regelmatig verspreid tussen de hoofdstukken in het boek voor, om dezelfde vraagpatronen in verschillende taalkundige contexten te hergebruiken;blokken 'Even Herhalen': dit zijn herhalingsoefeningen die erop gericht zijn de eerder geleerde woordenschat levend te houden. Ook deze komen regelmatig voor;zelftesten: deze tref je aan het einde van het boek aan. Ze zijn verdeeld in twee secties, een voor minder zelfverzekerde een een voor meer zelfverzekerde leerlingen.Het doel van alle bovenstaande blokken is om veel systematisch hergebruik en afwisseling te implementeren, twee technieken die een sterkere retentie en overdracht van leren mogelijk maken

  • - The Language Gym - Sentence Builder Books
    af Dylan Viñales
    198,95 kr.

    Polish Primary Sentence Builders is a workbook aimed at younger learners (7 to 11 years old). This 'no-frills' book contains 6 units of work and is intended to be used as an introduction to Polish for absolute beginners. For best results, we recommend completing this book before attempting Polish Primary Sentence Builders - Part 1Each unit is jam-packed with graded vocabulary-building, reading, translation, retrieval practice and writing activities. Key vocabulary, lexical patterns and structures are recycled and interleaved throughout.Each unit includes: - a sentence builder modelling the target constructions, introduced by questions to guide communication; - a set of Listening-As-Modelling activities to train decoding skills, sound awareness, speech-segmentation, lexical-retrieval and parsing skills; - a set of reading tasks focusing on both the meaning and structural levels of the text; - a set of translation tasks aimed at consolidation through retrieval practice; - a set of writing tasks targeting essential micro-skills such as spelling, lexical retrieval, syntax, editing and communication of meaning. For orders and enquiries, please contact us at language-gym@piefke-trading.comBased on the E.P.I. principle that learners learn best from comprehensible and highly patterned input flooded with the target linguistic features, the authors have carefully designed each and every text and activity to enable the student to process and produce each item many times over. Alongside the units you will find 'No Snakes No Ladders' tasks created to practise speaking skills with an engaging and fun board game that can be photocopied and played in groups of 3 students. The audio tracks for all listening activities can be accessed for free within the AUDIO section of the website: Please note that the website is an ideal supplement to this booklet. The website recycles every single lexical and structural item found in this book many times over via self-marking vocabulary, listening, reading & writing games and asignments.

  • af Gianfranco Conti
    438,95 kr.

    This heavily revised and updated new edition of the best-selling language teacher handbook is a comprehensive introduction to research-informed classroom practice. Topics explored include: Language teaching methodsLesson and curriculum planningIntercultural understandingListening, speaking, reading and writingTeaching in the target languageVocabulary, grammar and phonicsFluency and lexicogrammarAssessmentMeeting the needs of all learnersTeaching advanced level studentsMotivationSongs and dramaSubject knowledgeLanguage teachers of any experience will be introduced to a wide range of findings fromsecond language acquisition and cognitive science research, along with a wealth of practicalclassroom ideas to enhance their practice. This new edition lays greater emphasis onlexicogrammar, fluency, intercultural understanding, meeting diverse learner needs, lesson and curriculum planning.About the first edition: "A treasure chest for every language teacher."(Languages Today, the magazine of the Association for Language Learning.)

  • - Self, Family & Friends, Leisure & Daily Activities
    af Dylan Vinales
    333,95 kr.

    This book is meant as a revision resource for GCSE German. It can be used independently by students as well as for teacher-directed classroom practice. It contains 16 units which focus mainly on the themes: myself, family and relationships, daily activities, my role model, hobbies and leisure.Each unit consists of a knowledge organiser recapping the target sentence patterns and lexical items, a series of receptive vocabulary building activities; a set of narrow reading texts and activities; a set of translation tasks. The tasks are graded in order to pose an increasingly demanding but manageable cognitive load and challenge and are based on Dr Conti's P.I.P.O. framework: Pre-reading tasks (activation of prior knowledge and pre-teaching)In-reading tasks (intensive exploitation of texts)Post-reading tasks (consolidation)Output (pushed-output tasks)Consistent with Dr Conti's E.P.I. approach, each of the 16 units in the book provide extensive recycling of the target lexical items both within each unit and throughout the book, across all the dimensions of receptive and productive processing, i.e.: orthography (single letters and syllables), lexis (both words and chunks), grammar/syntax (with much emphasis on functional and positional processing), meaning and discourse.The recycling occurs through input-flooding and forced retrieval through a wide range of engaging, tried and tested, classic Conti tasks (more than 20 per unit). These include student favourites such as slalom writing, faulty translation, spot the missing detail, sentence puzzles, etc.Table of contents1 Introducing myself2 Describing myself, my family and friends3 Talking about my hobbies and interests4 Describing a typical day in school5 Describing what I do after school6 Talking about a typical weekend7 Talking about what I did last weekend8 Talking about when I was younger9 Discussing the qualities of a good friend10 Describing the qualities of a good partner11 Saying why I don't get along with people12 Saying why I get along with people13 Saying why I argue with my parents14 Discussing why couples break up15 Talking about a person I admire16 Bringing it all together - Parts 1-5

  • af Dylan Viñales
    328,95 kr.

    Italian Sentence Builders is a workbook aimed at pre-intermediate to intermediate students. It is co-authored by three modern languages educators with over 60 years of extensive classroom experience between them, both in the UK and internationally. This 'no-frills' book contains 15 units of work on very popular themes, jam-packed with graded vocabulary-building, reading, translation, retrieval practice and writing activities. Key vocabulary, lexical patterns and structures are recycled and interleaved throughout. Each unit includes: - a sentence builder modelling the target constructions; - a set of vocabulary building activities; - a set of narrow reading texts exploited through a range of tasks focusing on both the meaning and structural levels of the text; - a set of retrieval-practice translation tasks; - a set of writing tasks targeting essential micro-skills such as spelling, lexical retrieval, syntax, editing and communication of meaning.Based on the E.P.I. principle that learners learn best from comprehensible and highly patterned input flooded with the target linguistic features, the authors have carefully designed each and every text and activity to enable the student to process and produce each item many times over.Alongside the macro-units you will find: - Question-skills units: two pages on understanding and creating questions. These micro-units occur after every unit in the book, so as to recycle the same question patterns in different linguistic contexts; - Revision workouts: these are retrieval practice tasks aimed at keeping the previously learnt vocabulary alive. They too occur at regular intervals, after every other unit.Please note that both The Language Gym and websites are ideal supplements to this booklet. Both websites recycle every single lexical and structural item found in this book many times over via self-marking vocabulary and reading workouts, in addition to engaging and fun games and a powerful verb trainer.

  • - Primary Part 2
    af Gianfranco Conti
    258,95 kr.

    French Primary Sentence Builders is a workbook aimed at younger learners (7 to 11 years old), co-authored by five modern languages educators with over 90 years of extensive classroom experience between the five, both in the UK and internationally; including over 20 years of experience in primary contexts.This book is fully photocopiable but may not be scanned and sharedThis 'no-frills' book contains 7 units of work on very popular themes, jam-packed with graded vocabulary-building, listening, reading, translation, retrieval practice and writing activities. Key vocabulary, lexical patterns and structures are recycled and interleaved throughout.Each unit in the book includes: a sentence builder modelling the target constructions, introduced by questions to guide communication;a set of Listening-As-Modelling activities to train decoding skills, sound awareness, speech-segmentation, lexical-retrieval and parsing skills;a set of reading tasks focusing on both the meaning and structural levels of the text;a set of translation tasks aimed at consolidation through retrieval practice;a set of writing tasks targeting essential writing micro-skills such as spelling, functional and positional processing, editing and communication of meaning.ANSWERS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AS A FREE PDF - HEAD TO LANGUAGE-GYM.COM/BOOKSBased on the E.P.I. principle that learners learn best from comprehensible and highly patterned input flooded with the target linguistic features, the authors have carefully designed each and every text and activity to enable the student to process and produce each item many times over. Alongside the units you will find: No Snakes No Ladders tasks created to practise speaking skills with an engaging and fun board game that can be photocopied and played in groups of 3 students.Please note that both The Language Gym and websites are an ideal supplement to this booklet. Our websites recycle every single lexical and structural item found in this book many times over via self-marking vocabulary and reading workouts, in addition to engaging and fun games and a powerful vocab, listening, sentence & verb trainer.

  • af Gianfranco Conti
    328,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    318,95 kr.

    German Sentence Builders - SECOND EDITION - is a workbook aimed at beginner to pre-intermediate students co-authored by three modern languages educators with over 50 years of extensive classroom experience between the three, both in the UK and internationally. This 'no-frills' book contains 19 units of work on very popular themes, jam-packed with graded vocabulary-building, reading, translation, retrieval practice and writing activities. Key vocabulary, lexical patterns and structures are recycled and interleaved throughout.Each unit includes:1) A sentence builder modelling the target constructions;2) A set of vocabulary building activities;3) A set of narrow reading texts exploited through a range of tasks focusing on both the meaning and structural levels of the text;4) A set of retrieval-practice translation tasks;5) A set of writing tasks targeting essential micro-skills such as spelling, lexical retrieval, syntax, editing and communication of meaning.Based on the Extensive Processing Instruction (E.P.I.) principle that learners learn best from comprehensible and highly patterned input flooded with the target linguistic features, the authors have carefully designed each and every text and activity to enable the student to process and produce each item many times over. This occurs throughout each unit of work as well as in smaller grammar, vocabulary and question-skills micro-units located at regular intervals in the book, which aim at reinforcing the understanding and retention of the target grammar, vocabulary and question patterns.

  • af Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    278,95 - 453,95 kr.

  • af Dr Gianfranco Conti
    148,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Vinales, Gianfranco Conti & Ronan Jezequel
    288,95 - 453,95 kr.

  • af Tom Ball, Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    153,95 kr.

    In the third part of the Extranjeros series, Sam heads into the Castilian countryside where he believes he will solve the mystery of his past. But what other secrets will he uncover and at what cost?Under the baking Spanish sun, the gang travel through the bone-dry hills to La Almazara, a sinister compound, once a monastery, that the locals avoid at all costs. Sam and his friends must overcome their fears to reveal La Almazara's dark secrets and shed light on Sam's life.Once inside the compound, Sam faces the wrath of the diabolical gangster, Alvaro, a pack of savage animals, and must then fight for his life to discover shocking information about his own family.Conceived for, and with input from, iGCSE Spanish students, the Extranjeros series brings the iGCSE topic areas to life through an engaging and exciting mystery in one of the most beautiful locations in Spain. Thanks to its parallel texts which guarantee 100 % comprehensible input at all times; the repetition of key language items; the judicious use of cognates and choice of high-frequency vocabulary drawn from the 2,500 most frequent Spanish words, this book is ideal for learners in the A2-B1 proficiency band.

  • af Simona Gravina
    206,95 kr.

  • af Gianfranco Conti & Ronan Jezequel
    328,95 kr.

    This book is meant as a revision resource for GCSE Spanish. It can be used independently by students as well as for classroom practice. It contains 8 units which focus mainly on the themes of technology, media and social issues. Each unit is divided into two parts, consisting of a present and past/future tense section Units start with a knowledge organiser, recapping the the target sentence patterns and lexical items, a series of receptive vocabulary building activities; a set of narrow reading texts and activities; a set of translation tasks. The tasks are graded in order to pose an increasingly demanding but manageable cognitive load and challenge and are based on Dr Conti's P.I.P.O. framework: ¿ Pre-reading tasks (activation of prior knowledge & pre-teaching) ¿ In-reading tasks (intensive exploitation of tasks) ¿ Post-reading tasks (consolidation) ¿ Output (pushed-output tasks)Consistent with Dr Conti's E.P.I. approach, each of the 8 units in the book provide extensive recycling of the target lexical items both within each unit and throughout the book, across all the dimensions of receptive and productive processing, i.e.: orthography (single letters and syllables), lexis (both words and chunks), grammar/syntax (with much emphasis on functional and positional processing), meaning and discourse. The recycling occurs through input-flooding and forced retrieval through a wide range of engaging, tried and tested, classic Conti tasks (more than 20 per unit). These include student favourites such as slalom writing, faulty translation, spot the missing detail, sentence puzzles, etc. Please note that the Language Gym website is an ideal supplement to this booklet. Our website recycles very single lexical and structural item found in this book many times over via self-marking vocabulary and reading workbooks, in addition to engaging and fun games and a powerful verb trainer

  • af Gianfranco Conti & Simona Gravina
    283,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Zhang, Gianfranco Conti & Simona Gravina
    268,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    128,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    293,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    148,95 kr.

  • af Gianfranco Conti, Roberto Jover Soro & Carlota Viguer Viñales
    143,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    293,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    153,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    328,95 kr.

  • af Gianfranco Conti & Ronan Jezequel
    328,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Vinales & Gianfranco Conti
    148,95 kr.