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Bøger udgivet af Phoenix Pick

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  • af Jack L Chalker
    199,95 - 444,45 kr.

    Welcome to the Well World: a construct of an ancient defunct race known as the Markovians. The Well World acts both as the controller of and the gateway to 1560 worlds created by the Markovians at the end of their time. *** Gilgam Zinder finally discovers

  • af Keith Laumer
    154,45 - 369,45 kr.

    As the concept of intelligent fighting machines developed, the Bolo division of General Motors started working on tank designs that incorporated awareness and intelligence within the development of their tactical tanks.With each new generation,

  • af Leigh Brackett
    188,95 - 379,45 kr.

    Mars is a dying old world, full of evil tyrants and decaying cities where crime and malevolence run rampant.Eric Stark is an outlaw in this savage world. Orphaned on Mercury and raised by native tribes there, he is hunted by the law, betrayed an

  • af Jack L Chalker
    194,45 - 444,45 kr.

    Welcome to the Well World: a construct of an ancient defunct race known as the Markovians. The Well World acts both as the controller of and the gateway to 1560 worlds created by the Markovians at the end of their time. Twilight at the Well of Souls i

  • af L Sprague de Camp
    222,95 - 444,45 kr.

    Bessas of Zariaspa is a young officer in the Immortals regiment, sworn to protect and obey his King at all costs. The King wishes immortality and to that end tasks Bessas to find items that make an immortality potion, including the blood of a dragon and t

  • af L Sprague de Camp
    234,95 - 449,45 kr.

    The Bronze God of Rhodes is written as the memoirs of Chares of Lindos. **** Chares of Lindos was a Greek sculptor born on the island of Rhodes. A pupil of Lysippos, Chares eventually built the Colossus of Rhodes, now considered to be one of the Seven Won

  • af Jack L Chalker
    161,95 - 369,45 kr.

    Husaquahr has been saved by the brave actions of Joe and Marge. The Dark Baron has been defeated and exiled to Earth where all his magical powers have been stripped. *** But Ruddygore has badly underestimated his deadly enemy. The Dark Baron proves as res

  • af Daniel F Galouye
    369,45 kr.

    Nominated for the Hugo Award *** The classic tale of a post-apocalyptic world where humans have built a society in the dark underground. The descendents of the survivors only remember the pre-apocalyptic world in old stories, legends and myths. *** Light,

  • af Isaac Asimov
    297,95 - 589,45 kr.

    A must-read for any science fiction fan, The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume Two (published in two volumes, A & B) is a compilation of twenty-two of the best novellas published between 1895 and 1962.The two volumes were originally published

  • af Robert A Heinlein
    310,95 - 589,45 kr.

    A must-read for any science fiction fan, The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume Two (published in two volumes, A & B) is a compilation of twenty-two of the best novellas published between 1895 and 1962.

  • af Edward M. Lerner
    214,45 kr.

    "Lerner's world-building and extrapolating are top notch." -SFScopeHowever wildly people had imagined First Contact? They never imagined this.They weren't supposed to be there. They hadn't planned to be there. But neither had they planned for the near-catastrophic explosion that had all but destroyed their interstellar passenger vessel.There was somewhere on the far fringes of what the rustic locals-for all they knew alone in the universe-egotistically capitalized as the Solar System. But however primitive these humans, scarcely spacefaring at all, they were the last, best, and-however vanishingly small-only hope for the few surviving passengers of the starship Greater Good to avoid lingering deaths on some remote, icy rock.And the crew of the tiny spaceship Andrew Carnegie? They entertained no plans beyond keeping secret the identity of their destination asteroid, exploiting its storehouse of precious metals, and fantasizing over how to spend their anticipated wealth. The universe, once again, didn't give a damn what anyone had planned¿...."One of the leading global writers of hard science fiction."-The Innovation Show

  • af Lezli Robyn
    119,45 kr.

    A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy ISSUE 62, May 2023 Lezli Robyn, EditorLauren Rudin, Assistant EditorZ.T. Bright, Slush ReaderAlicia Cay, CopyeditorShahid Mahmud, Publisher Rebecca E. Treasure, Beth Cato, Tatsiana Zamirovskaya (translated by Julia Meitov Hersey) Kary English, Jonathan Lenore Kastin, Xauri'EL Zwaan, T. R. Napper, Alan Smale, Dafydd McKimm, Deborah L. Davitt, R.D. Harris, Samantha Murray, Auston Habershaw, Robert P. Switzer, Stephen Lawson, Mike Resnick, Monte Lin, Lisa Short, Stewart C Baker, Storm Humbert, Marissa Tian, Fu Qiang (translation by Roy Gilham) Lezli Robyn Interviews Daniel Abraham Columns by: L. Penelope, Alan Smale Recommended Books: Richard Chwedyk Galaxy's Edge is a bi-monthly magazine published by Phoenix Pick, the science fiction and fantasy imprint of Arc Manor, an award winning independent press based in Maryland. Each issue of the magazine has a mix of new and old stories, a serialization of a novel, columns by L. Penelope, Alan Smale and Gregory Benford, and book recommendations by Richard Chwydyk.

  • af Mike Resnick, Katherine Kerr & Kristine K Rusch
    109,45 - 149,45 kr.

  • af Steven H Silver
    243,95 kr.

    "After Hastings is a remarkable alternate history novel. A must read for anyone interested in the history of England and the Catholic Church." -MICHAEL A. BURSTEIN, Campbell/Astounding Award Winning WriterOn October 14, 1066, William of Normandy defeated King Harold of England at Hastings and changed the course of English history. But what if King Harold won the battle? After Hastings takes a look at a world in which the Norman Invasion of England is not successful, but the future of English history is still changed. The land Harold rules is not the same as the Anglo-Saxon kingdom before the attempted conquest.With William vanquished, Harold sets about recreating his kingdom to ensure that it will no longer be at the mercy of foreign enemies. The Pope, overseeing the Church from Rome, however, may have different ideas about England's place in the world. Harold finds himself in a battle of wills with the Pope's emissary, Hildebrand.After Hastings offers a medieval England filled with complex people, political intrigue, and religious upheavals, always under the increasing possibility for armed conflict.On October 14, 1066. Harold held his throne ... but can he keep it?¿¿

  • af Edward M. Lerner
    192,95 kr.

    One of the leading global writers of hard science fiction."-The Innovation Show"Lerner's world-building and extrapolating are top notch."-SFScopeDashiell Hammett meets Andy WeirThe Company Man, lowly accountant for the filthy-richest business in the Belt, has modest aspirations. Air and water not endlessly recycled. Food that had not been freeze dried and rehydrated. A few quiet days at home. And, if he can just figure out how, ripping off the company a bit. Alas, working as he does for evil geniuses, that final ambition seems impossible-until, at the end of an interminable trek among remote company mining asteroids, a mysterious emergency preempts his return flight.Someone has discovered a flaw in the company's legendary security. If people must die to exploit it? That, apparently, isn't an obstacle. Or even the least of the consequences, in the Belt, elsewhere in the Solar System, and across Earth itself. With the body count rising, even the vast fortunes at stake cease to matter-and only the Company Man has a chance of averting interplanetary disaster.If he survives ....

  • af Ben Bova
    219,45 kr.

  • af Ben Bova
    214,45 kr.

  • af Joan Slonczewski
    314,45 kr.

    A Cuban-American president's granddaughter goes to college on a space satellite, to escape Earth's invasion by an alien plague.JENNY RAMOS KENNEDY, a student cloned from a Cuban-American president, goes to college on a space satellite to escape Earth's invasion by an alien plague. Frontera College keeps students safe from the War on Ultra, the invading ultraphytes that spray cyanide on what remains of the Earth's overheated ecosystem. Jenny picks courses on Toynet, the virtual reality network, while keeping her best friend out of Guantanamo for hacking the Pentagon, and covering the bizarre incidents of her neurodivergent roomate. Meanwhile in class, her geocentrist professor expounds the wisdom of Aristotle, while her biology professor explains how life will go extinct.For biology lab, Jenny and her friends decide to save Earth from extinction. They make mutant plants that will end the War on Ultra, fix Earth's climate and make humans wiser than Aristotle. But the semester's almost done, and their experiment has just one chance...

  • af Leigh Brackett
    135,95 - 369,45 kr.

  • af Keith Laumer
    369,45 kr.

    The first completely automated Bolo, designed to operate normally without a man on board, was the landmark XV Model M, which performed remarkably well.However, the always-present possibility of capture and use of a Bolo by an enemy was a constan

  • af Cordwainer Smith & J. J. Pierce
    222,95 - 449,45 kr.

  • af Charles Sheffield
    209,95 - 444,45 kr.

  • af Nancy Kress
    374,45 kr.

    Leisha Camden is a genetically engineered 'Sleepless.' Her ability to stay awake all the time has not only made her more productive, but the genetic modifications have also given the 'Sleepless' a higher IQ and may even make them immo

  • af Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
    444,45 kr.

  • af Harry Turtledove
    209,95 - 444,45 kr.

  • af L. Sprague de Camp
    444,45 kr.

    "Triumphant collection from SF's best-educated humanist."-The Washington Post A science fiction collection by one of the all-time greats of science fiction, L. Sprague de Camp. These stories and poems exemplify de Camp's unique outlook o

  • af Hal Clement & Lester Del Rey
    221,95 - 444,45 kr.

  • af Harry Turtledove
    210,95 - 444,45 kr.

  • af L. Sprague de Camp
    369,45 kr.

    A true tour de force for de Camp, The Glory That Was brings together many of the themes the author excelled in writing about, including time travel and alternate history. Earth in the twenty-seventh century is ruled by a constitutional monarchy, thoug

  • af Cordwainer Smith
    209,45 - 454,45 kr.