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Bøger udgivet af Peter Lang

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  • af Jeanne-Marie Carton-Charon
    548,95 kr.

    Cette étude a été conçue comme un voyage en terre inconnue. Les trois autrices choisies étaient déjà considérées en Irlande et dans le monde, comme représentatives de la littérature irlandaise de la fin du XXe siècle et du début du XXIe. Mais le terrain des réactions de lectrices et lecteurs reste une zone encore peu étudiée. L¿enquête a été menée à la recherche d¿une parole vive, dans des clubs de lecture, et aussi dans des échanges informels sur des forums en ligne.Le travail de Rita Felski, universitaire américaine, a permis de formaliser l¿analyse de différentes sources, orales et écrites, provenant d¿Irlande, de France, mais aussi des États-Unis et du Royaume-Uni, en fournissant de nouvelles perspectives sur le la réception des oeuvres littéraires. La lecture permet une reconnaissance de soi, elle enchante, elle ouvre à de nouvelles connaissances, et parfois choque.Les croisements subtils entre l¿indétermination qui caractérise plusieurs des romans considérés, et l¿expérience des réceptrices et récepteurs issus des différentes zones géographiques étudiées, offrent une réflexion stimulante sur les traits communs de la résonance lectorale, ainsi qüun écho puissant des oeuvres des trois écrivaines.

  • af Marie-Barbara Vieuxtemps
    989,95 kr.

    In dieser Studie wird anhand der rationalen Philologie die Entwicklung der historischen Frankenkönigin Brunichildis (¿ 613) zu einer literarischen Figur in drei Hauptvarianten untersucht: Im Nibelungenlied erscheint Brünhild als Königin, in den isländischen Texten als Walküre, in den kontinental-skandinavischen als Burgherrin. Es gilt als gängige Annahme, dass Heldenlieder lange vor der schriftlichen Fixierung mündlich überliefert wurden. Der rationalen Philologie zufolge begann dagegen die schriftliche Tradition mit dem Nibelungenlied. Laut der Schriftlichkeitsthese beruht dieses Epos allein auf Handschriften und gelangte frühzeitig nach Skandinavien. Dort diente es zuerst als Vorlage für Snorris Edda, welche wiederum die Lieder-Edda und die Völsungasaga anregte, später für die norwegische Thidrekssaga und die schwedische Didrikskrönikan.

  • af Elena Domínguez Romero
    493,95 kr.

    Rethinking Multimodal Literacy in Theory and Practice highlights the need for an interdisciplinary approach to effectively address the complexities of concepts, tools, and processes in educational settings. This volume aims to contribute to developing the interconnection between a multimodal approach to pedagogies and multiliteracies development with particular attention to teaching critical thinking skills. It provides valuable insights into current challenges in specific educational domains and offers a wide range of multimodal practices, complemented by special attention to improving participants¿ multiliteracies. As such, it is a valuable resource for those seeking to understand and implement effective multimodal teaching practices.

  • af Krzysztof Jasiewicz
    458,95 kr.

    This volume is a collection of papers written over the course of forty years. It examines political attitudes, patterns of political behavior, and institutional framework of transition to democracy in Poland. Its contents have been shaped by and provide commentary on the often-dramatic political developments in Poland: the emergence of the massive liberation movement ¿Solidarity¿ in 1980¿81; the dissent against the communist regime in the 1980s; the struggles to pave the roads toward consolidated democracy in the 1990s; and the problems with adaptation to European liberal values in the 21st century that led to democratic backsliding. In conclusion, it presents the cultural and structural background of the cleavage between the proponents of open society and its enemies.

  • af Ana Bio¿i¿
    878,95 kr.

    This edited collection sheds new light on the complex dialogue between religion and science which played out at universities in South-East Europe during the 19th and early 20th centuries. This discourse took place against a backdrop of great political, cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity, as well as the long-term transition from Habsburg rule to new nation states. The book¿s contributors¿an international team of scholars with a wide range of expertise¿delve into a range of key questions, including the influence of political regimes on faculties of theology and implications for university autonomy, the role of theology as a science in defining the status of these faculties, and the development of science in the face of religious divisions.The book will appeal to readers interested in religious and intellectual history, the history of science, and the relationship between faith and science, as well as all those interested in South-East Europe either side of the First World War."The collection holds significant value for graduate and postgraduate students, especially when studying the relationship between faith and science, the approach to theology as a science, and critical examination of specific dogmatic and ecumenical matters. The contributors to this volume provide insightful analyses on these topics, making it an indispensable resource for scholars seeking to enrich their understanding of these complex areas of inquiry."¿Ante Mateljan, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Split, Croatia

  • af Nazaré Torrão
    513,95 kr.

    «A pioneering first in the English language. This is a wonderfully subtle, multifaceted study of the image in the work of one of Portugal¿s greatest writers. Admirable for its depth of analysis and breadth of coverage, this is a real gift for new learners of Portuguese and established scholars alike.»(Hilary Owen, University of Oxford)«The present collection of essays, produced by some of the best scholars who have dealt with Lídia Jorge¿s work, should be of great help to English readers not familiar with the original language of a compelling, engaging writer deeply concerned with the world she lives in and the future of us all.»(Onésimo Teotónio Almeida, Brown University)As Aristotle has written, the image is at the core of the soul¿s language. Indeed, given its significant potential and capacity for revelation ¿ heightened in a society dominated by visual culture ¿ the image would seem to be key to reflecting, critically and creatively, on humanity and on history itself. Lídia Jorge has asserted several times that her writing has always taken as its starting point a powerful and inspiring image, which concentrates the various meanings and reflections that she intends to explore while also dispersing these across her texts. Radiating from the initial image, Jorge manages to develop a gaze which is simultaneously critical, thorough and informative. Scholars point out that whenever language opens to universal images and mythologies capable of conveying visions of clarity, the subversive power of beauty is re-asserted. This power is confirmed and examined from different points of view and theories in this volume.

  • af Sabiha Dulay
    341,95 kr.

    We live in a rapidly changing world, called VUCA, with its unique challenges and opportunities for growth and innovation. To be able to adjust changes and navigate complexities, leaders need to be prepared for the crises and opportunities that await them. That is why this book provides current information on the new leadership skills and the ways for enhancing VUCA readiness of educational leaders. This book is thought to be a comprehensive guide to help today¿s educational leaders thrive in VUCA by addressing the topics such as managing change and complexity, authentic leadership, agility, resilience and digital transformation. Thus, the book addresses all practitioners, leaders and teachers who need a practical guide on how to expand their vision, enhance their skills to lead in constantly changing educational environments.

  • af Victoria R. Bricker
    408,95 kr.

    Migration and Creation in Aztec and Maya Literature provides a new perspective on migration and creation episodes in the Popol Vuh of the Quiché Maya Indians of highland Guatemala, demonstrating that they are largely borrowed from Aztec sources. These findings upend previous interpretations resulting from the widely held belief that the Popol Vuh is the most "authentic" Maya book. Victoria Bricker¿s careful historical analysis explains the origin of these borrowings, which stemmed from the expansion of the Aztec empire southward from the Central Valley of Mexico into the highlands of what is today the Mexican state of Chiapas and continuing into highland Guatemala as far south as the town of Utatlán, whose rulers then intermarried with members of the Aztec royal family.This innovative volume explores new ground, comparing Aztec pictorial representations of migration with Maya written descriptions of the same events and showing that they have much in common. Bricker¿s exploration of creation narratives demonstrates that the Aztec treatment of multiple creations is more coherent than the Popol Vuh version because it describes the end of each creation before embarking on a new creation, whereas the Popol Vuh version refers to the end of all creations only once. Bricker also provides a new interpretation of creation texts from the archaeological sites of Quirigua and Palenque that challenges models suggesting that the Precolumbian Maya, like the Aztecs, believed in multiple creations. Students of Latin American history will find fresh insights regarding interactions and cultural contact in Late Prehispanic Mesoamerica in Bricker¿s study. Victoria Bricker, one of the most accomplished scholars in the field of Mesoamerican studies, presents a fascinating hypothesis about creation legends in this new book. Synthesizing references to Mesoamerican migration and creation accounts in the Colonial period and ethnographic literature, she concludes that the multiple creation events recorded in the Popol Vuh, a colonial-period Quiché Maya text, were derived from Central Mexican traditions. Bricker finds no evidence for multiple creation events in Classic period Maya texts, and suggests that the narrative recorded in the Popol Vuh was probably transferred from the Aztec outpost in Zinacantán, Chiapas, to Quiché nobility, who aspired to increase their status by linking their creation narrative to Aztec accounts. This book provides a stimulating new look at the exchange of ideas across Mesoamerica, and will certainly lead scholars to reexamine the often-claimed link between the Popol Vuh and Classic Maya iconography.¿Dr. Susan Milbrath, Emeritus Curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, GainesvilleThis is an extraordinary book. Only Victoria Bricker¿with her mastery of Maya linguistics, hieroglyphics, and colonial sources, and her knowledge of Aztec texts¿could have compared Aztec and Maya creation literature in the probing and thoughtful way she has. The short chapters, each with its clear focus, carry her analysis naturally forward to a deeper understanding of the Popol Vuh and, indeed, much migration and creation literature in Mesoamerica.¿Dr. Elizabeth Hill Boone, Professor Emerita, Tulane University

  • af Bogus¿aw Przywora
    493,95 kr.

    One of the constitutional obligations of states is the defence of human rights. Such state activities encompass providing free pre-litigation legal aid. In search for solutions allowing to improve Polish model, the authors employed a comparative method. As a result, they analysed solutions adopted in international law, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.Swedish law is an example of a system with a rich legislative history in the area of free legal aid and contemporary solutions based on the model of legal aid with a ¿discount¿. The choice of Ukraine was based on the fact that its regulations are very modern, elastic and put to the ultimate test of war. The United Kingdom was chosen as an example of a country with a common law system, where pre-litigation-free legal aid has its unique form based on grant financing.In the summary of the book, the authors strive for presenting the proposal of a model of free pre-litigation legal aid for the polish legal system based on the experience of compared legal systems.

  • af Dorota Pudzianowska
    493,95 kr.

    This book discusses the fundamental issues of public law in the area of statelessness from the perspectives of comparative law and international law standards. The author proposes an approach in which statelessness is not a homogeneous concept but is best analysed and responded to through the lens of different categories of statelessness. This accounts not only for the existence of different categories of stateless persons (e.g., voluntary or involuntary) but also for different assessments and needs of their respective situations for purposes such as prevention mechanisms. The book demonstrates the conceptual and regulatory relevance of this important differential aspect of the international law on statelessness (with implications for domestic legal systems).

  • af Michael Feilke
    524,94 kr.

    Die Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit der Notwendigkeit sowie der Entwicklung eines materiell- und verfahrensrechtlichen Konzepts zum Schutz der Testierfreiheit vor Drittbeeinflussung bei insbesondere altersbedingt typischen Gefährdungslagen. Schutzgegenstand bilden (noch) testierfähige Erblasser, welche aufgrund gesundheits- oder situationsbedingter Umstände an gewissen Widerstands- oder Rationalitätsdefiziten leiden und sich daher willensgeschwächt sowie verstärkt suggestibel gegenüber subtilem Beeinflussungsverhalten Dritter zeigen. Der Autor kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein entsprechendes Schutzkonzept de lege lata durch eine richterliche Rechtsfortbildung anhand einer speziellen Abschlusskontrolle nach § 138 Abs. 1 BGB gewährleistet werden kann. Hierfür wird ein Konzept vorgeschlagen, welches sowohl in materieller als auch in prozessualer Hinsicht ein gesamtheitliches bewegliches System des Erblasserautonomieschutzes gewährleistet.

  • af Angel Esteban
    398,95 kr.

    Esta investigación opera con los productos culturales que se encuadran en las poéticas del fin del mundo, las distopías, las crisis actuales provocadas por fenómenos naturales o por la intervención del ser humano en el deterioro físico, así como las visiones apocalípticas que en nuestros días intentan explicar la deriva del planeta y reflexionar sobre la situación pre y pospandémica. Asimismo, se tratan algunos aspectos relacionados con estos problemas actuales alrededor de conceptos asociados a la ecocrítica.Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX y las primeras décadas del actual, transitan por la literatura y el pensamiento de América Latina muchos textos distópicos, centrados en las consecuencias de la posmodernidad, la globalización, el nuevo orden económico, social y político mundial, las nuevas tiranías, el cambio climático y las plagas y pandemias, que se explicitan en géneros como la ciencia ficción, el cyberpunk, las ecodistopías, los apocalipsis y postapocalipsis, campos abiertos y muy bien cosechados sobre todo en la narrativa de nuestra América. En este ensayo, tras un panorama general, se integran las dos líneas fundamentales: una dirigida a las distopías, las crisis generales, apocalipsis y desastres, y otra cercana a problemas de ecocrítica y ecoliteratura, en la que se alojan reflexiones sobre los ámbitos naturales, rurales y selváticos.

  • af Margrith Berghoff-Bührer
    634,95 kr.

    In dieser überarbeiteten Fassung zur Erstveröffentlichung von 1991 über die zwölf Eklogen des italienischen Dichters Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374) werden die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse durch aktuelle wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen ergänzt und die noch fehlenden Eklogen der ersten Fassung in die Analyse mit einbezogen. Die Eingangskapitel widmen sich Petrarcas Leben, seiner tiefen Beziehung zur Antike und seiner Verehrung Vergils mit besonderer Berücksichtigung jener Ereignisse, die im Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung des Bucolicum Carmen von Bedeutung sind. Bei der anschließenden Untersuchung der einzelnen Gedichte hat sich gezeigt, dass jede Ekloge Petrarcas unter neuen Gesichtspunkten betrachtet werden muss, da er jedes Thema auf andere Weise angeht. Aus diesem Grund vermischen sich zeitweise Erläuterungen zum Text mit Interpretationsfragen, obgleich angestrebt wird, diese beiden Bereiche möglichst auseinanderzuhalten. Ziel ist es, nach Möglichkeit Petrarcas eigene Äußerungen zum Thema in die Untersuchung einzuflechten. Dabei wurden vor allem die in den Rerum familiarium libri und den sogenannten Variae vereinigten Briefe als Quellen benutzt.

  • af Bruce Peter
    473,95 kr.

    «This is a splendidly lucid and readable book, a distinctive and a distinguished contribution to Nordic Studies.» (Colin Roth, Centre for Nordic Studies, University of Sheffield)«Eloquently narrates with precision and wit the fascinating story of how the objects and imagery of Danish architecture, design and lifestyle helped satisfy an appetite for novel and improved ways of living among British consumers during the postwar decades.»(Martin Søberg, Royal Danish Academy School of Architecture, Copenhagen)In the decades after the Second World War, Denmark¿s national image in Britain was greatly changed through the acclaim it received for its modern architecture and design, which British critics, consumers and entrepreneurs increasingly came to desire and emulate. Using architecture and design historical methods, this book relates Danish post-war success in promoting architecture and design in Britain to wider political and economic contexts. It also documents and analyses the multiple contributory aspects of what may now be considered to have been an early exemplar of the successful marketing of identity through the outputs of creative industries. In addition, it explains the human relationships and networks of acquaintances involved in the promotion of Danish creativity in Britain and of the mutually beneficial advantages achieved through the Danes¿ joint exhibiting of design, food and lifestyle to build appealing, multi-faceted images of the nation.

  • af Sofia Stratilaki
    683,95 kr.

    L¿adaptation ou reformulation facilitante des descriptions dites savantes de la grammaire française et de ses descriptions ordinaires en usage est un phénomène désormais identifié et défi ni de manière unanime. Ces adaptations, qüelles soient le fait des auteurs de grammaire ou des enseignants, sont souvent des créations individuelles ou représentations qui ont une visée pratique de la langue et qui tendent à se détacher de la norme grammaticale des locuteurs francophones natifs. Le présent ouvrage regroupe sept articles sélectionnés suite à un colloque international organisé en juin 2018 à Nicosie (Chypre). II réunit ainsi les résultats de recherches portant sur des formes particulières de descriptions, dites contextualisations de la description du français, caractérisées par le fait qüelles sont déviantes par rapport à la norme linguistique. Dans la première partie, les contributions présentées se penchent sur l¿étude des représentations des apprenants de la langue française. Dans la deuxième, les auteurs analysent le discours et la description grammaticale du français dans des ouvrages du français. Enfin, dans la troisième partie de l¿ouvrage, les articles sont consacrés aux difficultés grammaticales des apprenants locuteurs non natifs du français. L¿ensemble de ces contributions se fonde ainsi sur la grande question de l¿appropriation de la grammaire, avec l¿importance accordée d¿une part à l¿étude précise de la pluralité des représentations et du discours des grammaires, et d¿autre part à la collecte de difficultés récurrentes, qui permettent de fonder la recherche sur la réalité des pratiques linguistiquesOnt contribué à l¿écriture de ce volume : Jean-Claude Beacco, Henri Besse, Marie-Christine Fougerouse, Karima Gaci, Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa, Dora Loizidou, Daniel Luzatti, Monique Monville Burston, Leyre Ruiz de Zarobe et Sofia Stratilaki-Klein.

  • af Paulina Katarzyna Nowak
    493,95 kr.

    The book is the first academic study of Henry Beissel¿s bilingual poetic autobiography. The Canadian poet going back through memories to his childhood in Nazi Germany, wrote a long poem in English and reinterpreted it in German ¿ his mother tongue, neglected for decades. The study offers a comparative reading of the two distinctly different versions of the poem, juxtaposing various perspectives, voices and recollections. Beissel¿s bilingual project is depicted as "memory workshop", that mediates between cultures. The work examines Beissel¿s biography and the theories of memory, autobiography and bilingualism. It refers to metafiction, the poetic child¿s figure and writing trauma, as well as explores poetic complexities of memory and identity.

  • af Christa Mrowka
    432,95 kr.

    This book discusses how from their different backgrounds and on different levels, the German philosopher, sociologist and musicologist,Theodor W. Adorno, (1903-1969) and the Irish playwright, Brian Friel,(1929-2015) came to the conclusion that the modern crisis rendered art¿s affirmative essence, like all positivistic fixations, obsolete. Only a new conception of dialectics, based on the reciprocity of opposites, rather than on antitheses, is capable of healing modern dichotomies. Independent of Adornös Negative Dialectics and Critical Theory, Friel is aware that with the processual character of life this requires of the artist in particular an attitude both critical and conciliatory and a persistent readiness to change. Reality is in need of possibility, its dialectic other. Uncertainty, in Friel¿s Theatre of Hope and Despair is no longer a defect of our time, but a source of creation in art as well as in life.

  • af Sven Büttner
    726,95 kr.

    Stellt der § 138 BGB das angemessene zivilrechtliche Mittel zur rechtlichen Beurteilung nachvertraglicher Wettbewerbsverbote mit GmbH-Geschäftsführern dar? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, geht diese Arbeit zunächst der Frage der möglichen analogen Anwendung der §§ 74 ff. HGB zugunsten ¿arbeitnehmerähnlicher" Geschäftsführer nach. Im Weiteren erfolgt dann eine induktive Herleitung allgemeiner Rechtsgedanken der §§ 74 ff. HGB, auf deren Grundlage die Diskussion bezüglich der im Vergleich zur bisherigen Rechtsprechung sach- und systemgerechteren Konkretisierung des § 138 BGB sowie der möglichen teilanalogen Anwendung der §§ 74 ff. HGB zugunsten aller Geschäftsführer geführt wird.

  • af Thomas Socha
    351,95 - 877,95 kr.

  • af Aleksandra Ho¿ubowicz
    453,95 kr.

    The book explores the notion of borderlands and the concept of nomadic subjectivity as manifested in selected novels by Chicana/Latina and contemporary Polish women authors. It seeks to propose a poetics of borderlands that emerges from the condition of nepantla (being torn, not belonging anywhere). Language, collective identities and motherhood are the main issues under scrutiny. Application of feminist literary criticism, postcolonial criticism and comparative literature studies in examination of literary works reveals interesting parallels between works of authors that have little in common at first glance. One of the book objectives is to draw attention to contemporary Polish writers, whose oeuvre is not widely researched in the mainstream literary studies.

  • af Szymon Pawelec
    493,95 kr.

    This book deals with consensual mechanisms in criminal proceedings analyzed comparatively. In the first place, it addresses the common systemic foundations of consensual mechanisms and the observation of most up-to-date supranational trends in their development. In the second place, it presents phenomenon of negotiated justice outside the common law systems through examples of Poland, Germany and Brazil. The combination of these two approaches provides a good basis for observation on the general advantages and disadvantages of negotiated justice. It also helps for balancing the optimal extensiveness of its use in the contemporary criminal proceedings.

  • af Samuel Felder
    726,95 kr.

    Diese Studie soll dazu beitragen, den Sprachgebrauch einzelner Individuen als relevanten Forschungsgegenstand für die Linguistik auszuweisen. Durch die Analyse dialektaler Daten aus einem umfangreichen Korpus von WhatsApp-Textnachrichten werden neue Erkenntnisse zur intraindividuellen sprachlichen Variation gewonnen. Im Fokus stehen drei Themenbereiche, die innerhalb der soziolinguistischen Forschung von großer Relevanz sind: stilistische Variation, Akkommodation und Real-Time-Change. Die individuenzentrierten Fallanalysen zeigen, wie Variationsmuster dazu dienen, soziale Bedeutungen in die Interaktion einzubringen, wie sich Personen, die miteinander kommunizieren, in ihrem Sprachgebrauch aneinander angleichen und wie sich individuelle sprachliche Muster im Laufe der Zeit verändern.

  • af Paulina Astroza Suarez
    381,95 kr.

    The book is the result of a collective research work between the members of the team of the project "Over the Atlantic" (co-founded by the Erasmus + programme). A critical introduction presents the work, the content and the scope of the research, carried out with an interdisciplinary approach.This book consists of three main parts. The first discusses the institutionalization and normalization of paradiplomacy in some specific and well-documented case studies regarding the Latin America region. The second one refers to the relationship between paradiplomacy and cooperation in the context of international and regional relations. The third part analyses Cities and Parliaments as international diplomatic actors.The theme of Paradiplomacy, as a means of unofficial relationships that reacts differently to the pressure of the international system, and the role of the local authorities, despite its relevance and importance, is scarcely analysed by academia.

  • af Karl Heinz Götze
    458,95 kr.

    Der Dorotheenstädtische Friedhof in Berlin ist zwischen Hegels Tod und der Gegenwart allmählich zu einem Mausoleum deutscher Kulturgeschichte geworden. Er bezeugt steinern die Größe deutscher Literatur und Philosophie wie die Irrungen und Wirrungen deutscher Geschichte. In sieben Porträts von dort Begrabenen (Hegel, Bonhoeffer, Heinrich Mann, Brecht, Marcuse, Heiner Müller und Christa Wolf) wird ihr letzter Lebensabschnitt, werden ihre letzten Werke, ihre Auseinandersetzungen mit dem nahen Tod, ihre Beerdigungen und ihr Nachleben dargestellt. Ihre Endzeiten reflektieren das Ende der Goethezeit, den Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus, das Exil und das Scheitern der sozialistischen Hoffnungen, die sich mit der DDR verbanden.

  • af Christian Kux
    524,94 kr.

    Welche Auswirkungen haben Domäne, Zeitraum und Berufserfahrung auf das berufliche Schreibverhalten von Ingenieuren? Basierend auf der Analyse von Experteninterviews, die über einen Zeitraum von 18 Jahren in den Bereichen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft durchgeführt wurden, zeigt die Studie eine deutliche ausgeprägte Domänenspezifik. Die Art des Schreibens verändert sich im Laufe der Zeit unterschiedlich intensiv und schnell, abhängig von der jeweiligen Fachrichtung. Dabei sind die Veränderungen in wirtschaftlichen Bereichen stärker ausgeprägt als in wissenschaftlichen. Gleichzeitig beeinflusst die berufliche Erfahrung das Schreibverhalten maßgeblich, jedoch variieren diese Auswirkungen je nach Fachgebiet. Des Weiteren werden disruptive Ereignisse wie die Corona-Pandemie betrachtet, die nicht nur negative Konsequenzen haben, sondern auch die Entstehung neuer Entwicklungen begünstigen oder die Beschleunigung bzw. Hemmung von Entwicklungstrends bewirken können.

    1.013,95 kr.

    This book provides an overview of the rapid development Beijing has seen in a wide range of areas in 2019, both within itself and as an integral part of a larger region, as Chinäs economic development continues to improve in overall quality and regional coordination. A review of Chinäs regional economic development in 2019-2020 is followed by 11 chapters that cover Beijing¿s achievements and challenges in economic development, public services, social governance, building a national cultural center, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional development coordination, creative city construction and nighttime economic development.This book is a valuable reference for anyone trying to gain a better understanding of the what, how, and why with regard to one of the world¿s fastest growing mega-cities.

  • af Albina Khasanzyanova
    361,95 kr.

    This publication puts forward a revised vision in an attempt to solve one of the most serious problems facing schools, that of their inability to involve all pupils in learning. Beyond being a simple vision, it is also a plea for an in-depth transformation of educational practices. The contributions in this book call for a different look at problems and practices in the fight against school failure. The chapters in this book present the challenges faced by education and training professionals in France, Spain, Hungary and Denmark. The texts question and highlight the idea of cooperation between families, schools, communities and local authorities. How can we develop relevant and effective professional practices to combat pupils' learning difficulties? In guidance and future orientation, how can we consider pupils¿ diversity and the often difficult social and economic context in which they live? How can we link school and out-of-school knowledge to better promote the development of pupils' learning? How can national or even international educational guidelines be linked to local initiatives?

  • af Stanis¿aw Sulowski
    493,95 kr.

    This publication responds to the need for providing fresh insights into the new international order, the Russian Federation¿s aggressive war against Ukraine, the protection of people and borders, armaments, and finally, the threats caused by digitalisation, artificial intelligence and cyberspace. It is also a reflection of the achievements made in the field of security studies by the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw ¿ Poland¿s leading academic centre. Three departments in the Faculty actively pursue this area of research: the Department of Internal Security, the Department of Strategic Studies and International Security and the Department of Information Technologies.

  • af Thomas Brose
    348,95 kr.

    Was prägt menschliche Existenz in einer Welt des Wandels? So fragt der Religionsphilosoph Thomas Brose aus Anlass seines 60. Geburtstags.Dieses Buch ist kein sentimentales Lagerfeuer, das zwischen Tür und Angel Trost stiften will, sondern nimmt die Spur eines Geheimnisses auf, das weniger in der Theorie als in der gelebten Praxis verborgen ist. Es schlägt eine Brücke zwischen Alpha und Omega, von A bis Z ein Einwand gegen das schnelle Vergessen (Felicitas Hoppe).Thomas Brose eröffnet Räume und schafft neue, oft überraschende Verbindungen ¿ zwischen Gedanken und Ideen, Denkern und Dichtern, einstmals und heute lebenden Menschen. Er ist ein Brückenbauer ¿ zwischen der Theologie und der Philosophie, zwischen Ost und West, zwischen Wissenschaft und Feuilleton (Holger Zaborowski). "Ein Lesegenuss."(zeitzeichen, 4/2024)

  • af Anita Memi¿evi¿
    493,95 kr.

    Linguistic research has always, either explicitly or implicitly, dealt with the interaction of linguistic phenomena and extralinguistic reality. Whether we are talking about targeted analyses of the nature of their interaction or whether this interaction is implied and taken for granted, linguistics has always been interested in its dynamics and manifestations. Thanks to the abundance of communicative channels (primarily those enabled/afforded by the electronic media) that modern society employs to satisfy its communication needs, the interaction between linguistic phenomena and the extralinguistic reality is becoming richer and more diversified. This is the reason why the 2020 Croatian Applied Linguistics Conference was precisely dedicated to this topic.