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253,95 kr. Paris-based Le Penhuel & Associés architectes have acquired great expertise in the construction of school buildings over nearly 30 years, having made their name in this field with pioneering designs. Based on this wealth of experience, the firm's founding pricipal Gaëtan Le Penhuel now presents ABC: Schools of the Future. Best Design Practices, a compact and charming guide to developing school buildings for the future that meet the needs of students. Each of the ten chapters focuses on one key part of these structures, such as the classroom, the school yard, the hallway, the auditorium, and so on. In conversation with architectural publicist Alice Dubet, Le Penhuel outlines pathways to better school architecture, and points out obstacles to overcome and mistakes to avoid. Quentin Vijoux's illustrations provide easy visual access to the concepts of Le Penhuel & Associés architectes-not only for architects and teachers, but also for students and their parents.
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- 253,95 kr.
363,95 kr. In this book, Jeanne Gang, one of America's most distinguished contemporary architects, proposes applying the plant cultivation technique of grafting to architecture and urban design as a way of rethinking adaptive reuse and combatting climate change. Grafting is the process of connecting two separate living plants-one old and one new-so they can grow and thrive as one. This ancient practice continues to be performed today in search of more fruitful, palatable, and resilient varieties of plants. Grafting is also a useful paradigm for how architecture can address climate change on a broadly impactful scale by reusing and expanding older structures. Addressing both the environmental and cultural value of reuse, Gang shows how the concept of grafting can inform architecture across many scales, provoking the imagination and shaping tectonic, programmatic, formal, and regenerative adaptations.
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- 363,95 kr.
318,95 kr. The term "performance," as used in 1955 by the British philosopher of language John L. Austin, refers to processual, "performative" aspects that take center-stage instead of rigid states and fixed norms. It has found its way into the most diverse areas of science and technology and has recently also appeared in the architectural context. Performance has long been a recurring topic also in the design and research work of Zurich-based architecture firm Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin (EMI). This is particularly visible in the award-winning design for a tourist infrastructure on the eastern ridge of the Jungfrau in the Swiss Alps (2012), in the temporary installation Anthropomorphic Form for the Swiss Art Awards (2019), and in the residential building on Stampfenbachstrasse in Zurich (2022). Their own work is a catalyst for EMI's deeper engagement with performance, now set forth in this book. Texts by the firm's founding partner Elli Mosayebi and by Joseph Schwartz, Laurent Stalder, and Nina Zschocke, all of whom also teach at ETH Zürich's Department of Architecture, as well as artistic and documentary photographs, plans, and drawings, illuminate the phenomenon from the different perspectives of architectural practice, theory of architecture, and structural engineering.
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- 318,95 kr.
398,95 kr. Conquering the extremes: LIQUIFER Systems Group, a design and research firm based in Vienna and Bremen, has been addressing the issue of human life on planet Earth and elsewhere in the universe for two decades. Their work demonstrates how considerate technology-based design solutions and careful use of available resources can enable us to live in space. Their concepts, feasibility studies, and technological developments all deal with the key issue of scarcity that defines life everywhere: on Mars, on the Moon, in orbit as well as on Earth. LIQUIFER Systems Group's projects range from a simulated Mars mission in Spain's Rio Tinto region and the interior design for the habitation module of the planned Gateway space station, to the EDEN ISS mobile greenhouse in Antarctica and biogenerative studies in which microbes are integrated into buildings to generate energy and recycle materials. LIQUIFER. Living Beyond Earth is the first book to present the practice's groundbreaking work. It features spectacular images and visualizations, detailed plans, and drawings that are supplemented with an introdutcion by and a conversation between the LIQUIFER team, as well asa prologue and an epilogue by renowned American space architects Brent Sherwood and Christina Ciardullo. It enables the reader to delve into the visionary world of Europe's leading space design firms.
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- 398,95 kr.
798,95 kr. Lux Guyer (1894-1955) was the first female architect to establish her own studio in Switzerland in 1924. One of her key designs is the Obere Schiedhalde, a single-family home above Küsnacht near Zurich. Completed in 1929 and temporarily occupied by Guyer and her family themselves, it is a variation on her legendary SAFFA-Haus of 1928. Between 2012 and 2018, the building itself as well as the surrounding garden were extensively and carefully restored by Basel-based architecture firm Christ & Gantenbein together with Sven Richter, co-founder of Richter Tobler Architects in Basel. Working in close collaboration with the Canton of Zurich's office for the preservation of historic monuments, they also called in experts for a historically conscious overhaul of the building's interior design, color scheme, furniture, and garden design. Together with the current owners, the architects made it their mission to not only preserve this significant architectural monument of Swiss Modernism, but also make it accessible to the public through this book. Conceived by graphic designers Ludovic Balland and Annina Schepping, it offers an in-depth documentation of the renovated Obere Schiedhalde. Some 200 photographs of the house, garden, interior details, and furniture, as well as historic and newly drawn plans are supplemented with texts in German and English that tell the story of the building and the entire undertaking of its restoration.
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- 798,95 kr.
233,95 kr. Protest movements shape public space not only through their messages, but in many cases also through their-mostly temporary-buildings. Frankfurt's Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM and Vienna's MAK-Museum of Applied Arts are exploring this thesis in a joint exhibition project. The exhibition and the book coinciding with it explore the topic based on examples spanning from 1830 to 2022. Protest Architecture is the first-ever international survey of the architecture of protest and presents it in all its manifold forms and, in some cases, ambivalence. It is conceived as an encyclopedia with 176 entries, supplemented by 13 more expansive case studies. A preceding chronology portrays 68 protest movements and their architectural manifestations through concise texts and one image each, including examples from all over the world, such as the 1830 July Revolution in Paris, the 1848 March Revolution in Berlin, the 1911 Sugar Workers Strike in Queensland (Australia), the 1936-37 General Motors Sit-down Strike in Flint, MI (USA), the 1969-98 Troubles in Northern Ireland, Freetown Christiania in Copenhagen since 1971, the 1986 People Power Revolution in Manila, the 1999 WTO Protests in Seattle, WA (USA), the 2011 Arab Spring revolutions on Cairo's Tahrir Square and Manama's Pearl Roundabout, the 2013-14 Euromaidan uprisings in Kyiv, the 2015-16 #FeesMustFall student protests in Pretoria, the 2019 Acampamento Terra Livre in Brasilia, the 2020-21 Indian Farmers Protests, and the 2022 Freedom Convoy in Ottawa.
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- 233,95 kr.
598,95 kr. Gewers Pudewill is one of the most influential and successful contemporary German architecture firms. From their base in Berlin, founding partners Georg Gewers and Henry Pudewill are committed to a wide variety of projects: office buildings, conversions of manufacturing and commercial structures, housing, research buildings, and nursing residences for the elderly. Their designs combine functional and conceptual aspects with a highly expressive formal language. This book presents a selection of Gewers Pudewill's most exciting buildings realized since 2019, located in Berlin, Hamburg, Regensburg, Rostock, Stuttgart, and Wolfsburg. The lavishly illustrated volume features newly taken large-format photographs by the renowned German architectural photographer HG Esch, supplemented by five essays contributed by architectural publicist Ulf Meyer, who highlights the common threads in the firm's evolution and explains its philosophy.
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- 598,95 kr.
598,95 kr. The new SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook is the first of its kind in Switzerland. Jointly edited by the Basel-based Swiss Architecture Museum S AM and the renowned architecture journal werk, bauen+wohnen on behalf of the Stiftung Architektur Schweiz, it reflects the country's remarkably diverse architectural creation and provides international visibility for the outstanding quality of Swiss architecture and building culture.Yet SAY is more than a mere selection of the best: it thoroughly examines current topics that concern many people at the time of a construction boom in the country and amid the increasingly felt effects of climate change. From a list of well over a hundred nominees from all parts of the country, 36 projects were selected by an international jury for SAY's inaugural 2023/24 edition. The featured projects are supplemented by topical essays that look at the most pressing questions in Swiss architecture discourse, at the characteristics of Swiss architecture today, and examine what lasting contribution it makes to the quality of life in all parts of the country.
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- 598,95 kr.
343,95 kr. "Cloud-to-ground" is the scientific term for lightning that strikes directly into the ground. The title of this book, published in conjunction with the Israeli pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, is derived from this. It investigates the shifts in political power structure that result from the wide-spread use of cloud technology: the storage, processing and analysis of inconceivable amounts of data in computer "clouds". The focus is on major infrastructure projects currently underway in Israel and the Middle East region. These include Nimbus, a major cloud project pursued by the Israeli government for which Google and Amazon are building new powerful data centers, or the Blue Raman fiber-optic cable across the Negev Desert, also laid by Google, which will bypass Egypt on its way from India to Europe and at the same time revive the ancient trade routes that passed through this country. Cloud-to-ground also documents the decommissioning and demolition of countless telephone exchanges in Israel's cities that have become obsolete. It thus brings to attention the physical nature of these largely ignored "black box" structures and connects them to the history of the Middle East and recent developments in global communication technology. Essays by prominent Israeli scholars are complemented by numerous photographs, sketches, and archival documents, as well as a newly compiled index of 140 telephone exchanges in Israel.
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- 343,95 kr.
343,95 kr. The Swiss Pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale exhibits itself and its relations to its immediate surroundings. The exhibition is a conversation over the shared boundary of the pavilions of Switzerland (1952, designed by Bruno Giacometti) and Venezuela (1954, designed by Carlo Scarpa), the only two in the Giardini not fully detached: they share one wall. Artist Karin Sander and art historian Philip Ursprung temporarily open this wall and dismantle the gates from the Swiss Pavilion, thus revealing unanticipated connections between the two neighbors, both distant and close. The complementing book Neighbours offers a manifesto, a play with the two buildings as dramatis personae, and three brief topical essays. Ten conversations with figures such as architectural historian Kurt W. Forster, photographers Paolo Gasparini and Guido Giudi, and Venezuelan architects Elisa Silva and Margarita López-Maya round off this volume.
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- 343,95 kr.
673,95 kr. Zurich-based Boltshauser Architekten, which also runs a branch office in Munich, is one of most successful and idiosyncratic Swiss design firms. Precise examination of materials and their constructive potential is combined in their buildings with a profound understanding of ecological issues. Many of their realized designs of varied scale and typology have won international awards. Founder Roger Boltshauser has set himself the goal of finding new forms and solutions for the architectural challenges of our time. The elegant book Roger Boltshauser-Response reviews 12 of Boltshauser Architekten's key and recent buildings in a three-step presentation of plan, photograph, and sketch. Italian Swiss architecture photographer Luca Ferrario's atmospheric images, Roger Boltshauser's own artistic hand drawings, and the sections, axonometries, and floor plans produce a multilayered picture of the practice's oeuvre. Awarded the State Prize for Austria's most beautiful books in the category "Contemporary art books, photographic art, architecture, exhibition catalogs".
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- 673,95 kr.
618,95 kr. Über fast drei Jahrzehnte hat der Architekt Kashef Chowdhury mit seinem in Dhaka ansässigen Büro URBANA in einer der meteorologisch komplexesten und schwierigsten Weltgegenden ein vielfältiges Werk geschaffen. Ein Krankenhaus in einem durch den Anstieg des Meeresspiegels gefährdeten regionalen Wirtschaftsraum, Schutzbauten für die durch Wirbelstürme bedrohte Bevölkerung an der Küste oder architektonische Interventionen in einem der dichtesten Ballungsgebiete der Welt: Die Entwürfe von Kashef Chowdhury / URBANA sind prägnante, kritische Antworten auf unterschiedlichste Herausforderungen und Dringlichkeiten. Sie alle wurzeln in der Überzeugung, dass Architektur von Empathie für eine immer fragilere ökologische und soziale Situation entworfen und gebaut werden muss. Das englischsprachige Buch Meditations in Entropy ist die erste umfassende Monografie über die Arbeit von Kashef Chowdhury / URBANA. 16 Entwürfe des Büros werden mit Aufnahmen der gefeierten Architekturfotografin Hélène Binet sowie zahlreichen Plänen, Zeichnungen, Skizzen und weiteren Abbildungen im Detail vorgestellt. Ergänzt wird diese Dokumentation durch aufschlussreiche Texte der international renommierten Autoren Kenneth Frampton, William J. R. Curtis und Robert McCarter. Ein Gespräch zwischen Kashef Chowdhury, dem Schweizer Architekten Niklaus Graber und dem Architekturhistoriker Philip Ursprung erläutert den einzigartigen Ansatz von URBANA darüber hinaus.
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- 618,95 kr.
378,95 kr. Bisher war der Umgang mit Kälte der dominierende klimatische Faktor beim Entwerfen von Architektur in Mitteleuropa. Der offensichtliche Klimawandel weist nun der Hitze diese Rolle zu. Architektur und Stadtplanung streben nach effizienten, ressourcenschonenden technischen Lösungen, um den vorherrschenden klimatischen Bedingungen und energetischen Standards gerecht zu werden. Die Aufrechterhaltung von Komfortvorstellungen und die gewohnten Formen des Wohnens und Zusammenlebens werden dabei allerdings kaum hinterfragt. Anstatt lediglich zu versuchen, bestehende Normen zu erfüllen, sollte die Architektur jedoch vermehrt experimentelle Möglichkeiten und Wege aufzeigen, wie wir insbesondere in grossen Städten im heisser werdenden Klima gut zusammenleben können. Die in diesem Buch versammelten Beiträge formulieren - trotz der vermeintlichen Machtlosigkeit gegenüber der drohenden Klimakatastrophe - vielfältige Narrative, die von Erfahrungen, Beobachtungen und Bedürfnissen der Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner von (auch fiktiven) heisser werdenden Welten erzählen. Welche Rolle können Architektur und Stadt als Klimaproduzentinnen in der Gestaltung unseres Lebensraums einnehmen, wenn diese Fragen nicht nur rein technologisch, sondern auch kulturell und sozial verstanden werden?
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- 378,95 kr.
473,95 kr. This book features the work of Innsbruck-based architecture studio LAAC. Since 2012, this leading Austrian firm has been developing and exploring innovative architectural responses to contemporary urban and landscape challenges. This is done in collaboration with a network of other architects, artists, graphic designers, and experts from other disciplines. In addition to public buildings for culture, education, and sports, commercial buildings, and industrial structures, LAAC has a particular focus on landscape and public space designs. Information & Formation is the first monograph on LAAC and documents ten realized designs and projects in Innsbruck and other parts of the Austrian federal state of Tyrol, Vienna, and Venice in much detail through photographs, plans, visualizations, and texts. Essays by international authors and a complete catalog of LAAC's work to date round out this volume.
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- 473,95 kr.
618,95 kr. Selten sind Architekten mit ihrem Wirkungsort so verbunden wie Armando Ruinelli. Doch anders, als man es bei einem Dorf von knapp 100 Einwohnern wie dem im schweizerischen Bergell gelegenen Soglio erwarten würde, ist die Beschränkung in diesem Fall eine Auszeichnung. Haltung und Werk des 1954 geborenen Armando Ruinelli sind beinahe organisch aus dem starken Steinkörper dieses Dorfes gewachsen. So wurde der Architekt eine internationale Autorität im Weiterbauen am Vorhandenen, gerade in den Bergen. Er lehrt, hält Vorträge, sitzt in Jurys und Gestaltungskommissionen. Und er baut. Nicht viel, aber fein. Das zeigt dieses Buch: Von ersten Bauten im Heimatdorf aus den 1980er-Jahren über Um- und Neubauten, die lokale Traditionen weiterführen, aber auch heutigen Wohnvorstellungen gerecht werden, bis hin zu den neuesten Werken, bei denen sich seine architektonische Sprache emanzipiert, wie beim beinahe abstrakten Atelier für die Künstlerin Miriam Cahn in Stampa. Neben Fotos und Plänen beleuchten Texte hochkarätiger Autorinnen und Autoren sowie ein Bildessay der Fotografin Katalin Deér die Bauten und die Haltung des Architekten und vermitteln die Besonderheiten seiner alpinen Lebenswelt. Ausgezeichnet mit dem DAM Architectural Book Award als eines der zehn besten Architekturbücher 2023.
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- 618,95 kr.
508,95 kr. Opened in 1992, the Kunsthal in Rotterdam is a key design in the portfolio of Rem Koolhaas and OMA, the renowned firm Koolhaas cofounded in 1975. It is part of the Museumpark, a park also designed by OMA and the location of the Nederlands Architectuurinstituut NAi, the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, and the Museum of Natural History. The Kunsthal's exhibition space is divided into three large exhibition halls and two smaller galleries. The building also houses an auditorium and a restaurant. This outstanding space for art is a prime destination for countless architecture fans every year, and is celebrated by Tibor Pataky, architect and architectural historian, in this inspiring book. He explains the history, the programmatic background, and the cultural references of the design, which has been adapted several times. He also places it in the context of OMA's work of the 1980s and the intellectual environment of Deconstructivism. Eight captivating series of illustrations-historic and new photographs, plans and documents from OMA's archive, and other images-focus on the structure's outstanding qualities and its embedding within the park. A set of new plans, newly drawn for this book, illustrate the highlights of OMA's design. The volume is a hugely attractive tribute to one of the most significant works of post-WWII architecture in Europe.
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- 508,95 kr.
473,95 kr. Since antiquity, Italy has been the origin of key themes of Western architecture and culture, many of which have evolved in exemplary and universally valid ways. Many of these continue to provide an inspiring frame of reference even today. Emulating the tradition and itinerary of the classic Grand Tour followed by European aristocrats, this comprehensive and visually appealing book takes a nuanced look at Italy today. Using the aspect of housing as a hub, it offers new narratives and positions on current issues and developments that are also highly relevant outside Italy. In the format of a graphic and textual atlas, the volume explores Italy at various scales. Zooming in and out of themes, cities, and regions, it allows for associative and nonlinear comprehension and reflection. Housing is examined as a complex construct, acted upon by diverging interests and needs as well as historical legacies. The spatial aspect of living, with its huge impact on the limited resources of land and the landscape, is the starting point for the proposals and strategies the book offers. Its audience reaches beyond the professional architecture community, aiming at anyone with an interest in the much-debated topic of (affordable) housing or in 21st-century Italy.
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- 473,95 kr.
393,95 kr. gmp · Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner gehört zu den grössten deutschen Architekturbüros mit über 500 Beschäftigten an sieben Standorten weltweit. Vor über 25 Jahren wurde das Büro erstmals in Italien aktiv: Im Auftrag der Deutschen Bahn entwickelte gmp für die Architekturbiennale in Venedig 1996 die Ausstellung Renaissance der Bahnhöfe. Mit den neuen Messehallen in Rimini, dem ersten von gmp realisierten Bauvorhaben in Italien, nahm 1997 eine lange Liste von Wettbewerbsbeiträgen und realisierten Entwürfen an sensiblen Orten von grosser historischer Bedeutung ihren Anfang. Insgesamt plante das Büro zwischen 1997 und 2023 60 Projekte in Italien - von Messebauten über Bahnhöfe, Flughäfen, Stadien und Krankenhäuser bis hin zur Denkfabrik Tecnopolo in Bologna. 13 davon wurden auch gebaut. In sieben Kapiteln erzählt dieses Buch die Geschichte der italienischen Projekte von gmp und ordnet sie ein in den historischen Kontext des jeweiligen Standorts. In einem Interview berichtet der Gründungspartner Volkwin Marg von seinen Erfahrungen, seiner Begeisterung für die italienische Baukultur, von grossen Erfolgen, aber auch von unerwartet hohen Hürden, zähem Verhandeln und tiefen Enttäuschungen. Grossformatige Abbildungen sowie Pläne und historische Referenzen illustrieren den Band.
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- 393,95 kr.
673,95 kr. The new permanent display of Architekturzentrum Wien's (Az W) collection, opened in February 2022, is a milestone in the presentation of architecture and its social dimensions. Now this most comprehensive collection on Austrian architecture of the 20th and 21st centuries, featuring color images of all exhibits, concise texts, and thematic essays, also becomes available in book format. Hot Questions-Cold Storage takes a fresh look at the country's architectural culture of the last 150 years, situating it in its cultural, social, political, economic, and technical contexts. Each of the seven chapters is prefaced by one of seven questions of our present, asking, for example, about the impact of financial capitalism on our cities and villages, about how we want to live, or about the contribution architecture can make to our survival on planet earth. These Hot Questions bring to life the Cold Storage, the silent repository of the collection's holdings. The book offers a multi-perspective narrative that makes visible Austria's building history with all the developments, ideologies, institutions, objects, places, personalities it comprises. The book also illustrates what the collection of a museum of architecture can achieve. It is far more than mere flotsam and jetsam of history. The social relevance of objects and documents is revealed through questioning and visualization, in connecting research and the museum's mission to collect.
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- 673,95 kr.
653,95 kr. This eighth edition of Best of Austria offers a survey of the creative and economic achievements of Austrian architecture firms and the country's building culture in general, exemplified by the projects and people who have been awarded national and international architecture prizes in 2020 and 2021. The book features 117 buildings through photos, plans, and concise texts by renowned authors. In addition, distinguished individuals, architectural teams, and institutions are introduced in brief portraits. An introductory essay by Triin Ojari, director of the Estonian Museum of Architecture in Tallinn, analyzes architectural events and building culture in Austria from an outside perspective. The book is rounded out by a detailed index providing relevant information on the various awards.
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- 653,95 kr.
343,95 kr. Milan-based architecture firm Onsitestudio have designed a new training campus for Italian Serie A soccer club U.S. Sassuolo Calcio. Located in the town of Sassuolo, in the Emilia-Romagna region, and inaugurated in 2019, it is a functional-modernist yet highly atmospheric structure that provides the professionals of U.S. Sassuolo Calcio with state-of-the-art training facilities and offices. As part of a pioneering social engagement of the club, its playing fields and other amenities are also available to local amateur teams and for recreational sports. This book features the Mapei Football center through newly taken color and black-and-white photographs by Stefano Graziani and Filippo Romano, as well as floorplans, sections, and construction detail drawings. Complementary essays are contributed by Onsitestudio's founding partners Giancarlo Floridi and Angelo Lunati, British historian and football expert John Foot; and Italian architect and intellectual Pier Paolo Tamburelli.
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- 343,95 kr.
588,95 kr. This new book by Labics, one of Italy's leading architectural firms, is devoted to the country's architecture of public space. Galleries, loggias, porticoes, steps, and courtyards, are the elements that characterize Italy's historic towns and cities-and that make the experience of its public space so intense. Yet the volume does not feature new designs by Labics themselves: rather, Maria Claudia Clemente, Francesco Isidori, and their collaborators set out to explore historic spaces, to analyze their histories and typologies, and to document and describe them through newly taken photographs, plans, and diagrams, treating them as contemporary artifacts. Through the illustration and categorization of thirty-two case studies, The Architecture of Public Space has the ambition to build a general theory on the design of public space; a theory that acts before and independently of language and that is based on the idea that the city is structured through the relationship between architecture and public space. With an essay written by Marco Biraghi, professor of history of contemporary architecture at the Politecnico di Milano.
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- 588,95 kr.
478,95 kr. Germany is currently experiencing an intense debate about the reconstruction of synagogues that were destroyed under Nazi rule in the 1930s, and the related search for an appropriate architectural expression of Jewish life and culture in the country's major cities today. This book, which results from a collaboration between the Technical Universities of Darmstadt and Dresden, Hamburg's HafenCity University, and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, vividly contributes to this discussion. The Synagogue Project features designs for new synagogues replacing the lost buildings on Berlin's Fraenkelufer and on Joseph-Carlebach-Platz and Poolstrasse in Hamburg by students at the participating universities. They illustrate the search for a structural expression that can provide space for Jewish life and worship in the future. In conversation, members of Jewish communities and Franz-Josef Höing, representing the City of Hamburg's department of urban development and housing, explain their views on the past and future of synagogues in Hamburg and Berlin. Mirjam Wenzel, director of the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt, Salomon Korn, former vice-president of Germany's Central Council of Jews, Rabbi Edward van Voolen, and Swiss architect Roger Diener also contribute to the discussion on the history and significance of spaces for Jewish life, culture, and religion in German cities. Awarded with a Gold medal in the 14th ICMA Award.
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- 478,95 kr.
508,95 kr. Dick van Gameren, a partner with the renowned Dutch architecture firm Mecanoo, has engaged in housing design for the past twenty-five years through his work as an architect as well as in his research and teaching at TU Delft's Global Housing Study Center. In this book, he presents around forty of his own projects in this field, through concise texts and photographs with explanatory captions as well as plans and drawings. The projects are grouped to illustrate seven specific aspects of housing design: Streets and Squares, Courtyards and Patios, Gardens, Halls, the Fireplace, Walls, and Roofs. Together, they constitute a multifaceted catalog of housing typologies. In four supplementary essays, van Gameren explores evolutions in residential architecture in the Netherlands. He positions his own concepts in the context of these developments and expands on what he considers the key factors of good housing design. He places particular focus on affordable housing, a pressing issue in so many countries and metropolitan areas around the world. Dutch Dwellings is an inspiring read for anyone involved in housing design today.
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- 508,95 kr.
393,95 kr. Towards Territorial Transition presents new spatial strategies, concepts, and approaches for shaping large-scale and transnational developments in architecture and urban design towards decarbonization and ecological transition. The contributions investigate interactions between ecological and resource-related systems and landscapes. They explore potential solutions to address and deal with the dramatic threats posed by climate change, and with the social crisis that may emerge from them. The book introduces six basic terms of territorial transition-Territory, Scale, Transition, Resource, Platform, and Uncertainty-and visualizes them with spatial strategies elaborated at the École nationale supérieure d'architecture Versailles and at Graz University of Technology. Moreover, it presents a selection of transnational projects of territorial transition, such as Luxembourg in Transition (Luxembourg / France), Grand Genève (Switzerland / France) and Top Noordrand (Belgium / Netherlands).
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- 393,95 kr.
583,95 kr. In a complex transformation, the Basel-based architecture firm Focketyn del Rio Studio has converted the main building of the city's former military barracks into a vibrant cultural and creative hub. Situated on the embankment of the Rhine, already a hotspot of Basel's almost Mediterranean-style nightlife, it offers some 32,000 square feet of work and project spaces, a spacious plaza, a theater hall, as well as a bar and restaurant. This book documents the building's new architecture in detail and tells the story of Focketyn del Rio Studio, which won the competition for rebuilding the Kaserne Basel in 2013 only six months after it was established. Interviews, concise texts, photographs, as well as plans and drawings, provide insight into the evolution of the project, the history of the old barracks, and the complex process of their transformation. It also features the perspectives of the various participants and stakeholders in the undertaking. All Under One Roof also takes the example of what has been inaugurated as kHaus in the spring of 2022 to discuss key questions of the design and use of urban public spaces, topics of great importance for urbanists, architects, and public decision-makers far beyond Basel.
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- 583,95 kr.
673,95 kr. How do our cities evolve, what forces drive their evolution, and how exactly do they change as a result? Zurich-based architecture firm EM2N has been working on urban transformation processes ever since its establishment in 1997. Initially, the firm's main focus was on the greater Zurich area, yet in recent years they have also developed and realized projects in Berlin, Brussels, and Hamburg. Over time, a diverse body of work has grown, more than half of which consists of conversions of existing buildings, resulting in numerous successes and a few failures, small structures and large-scale complexes, quick decisions and slow processes. What unites the designs, projects, and texts featured in this first monograph on EM2N is a profound interest in the concept of the city as an exciting, contradictory, and above all productive space of human life that the founding partners Mathias Müller and Daniel Niggli have maintained throughout their twenty-five years of collaboration. In EM2N-City Factory they offer a self-critical review of their achievements and also speak about learning processes, personal interests, and conceptual approaches to future tasks in ever-changing cities. This is supplemented with contributions from fellow architects and friends as well as with a wealth of photographs, plans, drawings, and other illustrations.
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- 673,95 kr.
608,95 kr. Aus Anlass des 30-jährigen Bestehens des 1992 von Christoph Pichler und Johann Traupmann gegründeten erfolgreichen Wiener Büros Pichler & Traupmann Architekten erscheint diese repräsentative Werkmonografie mit Essays von international renommierten Architekturpublizistinnen und Naturwissenschaftlern, ausführlichen Projektpräsentationen in thematischer Folge sowie einem vollständigen Verzeichnis der bisher rund 250 realisierten Bauten, Wettbewerbe und Studien. Im Mittelpunkt der anspruchsvollen Entwurfsphilosophie von Pichler & Traupmann Architekten steht das Potenzial des jeweiligen Ortes im Spannungsfeld zwischen Polaritäten. Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Gewerbebauten, Wohnungs- und Bildungsbau. Zu den prominentesten Realisierungen zählen die Zentrale des österreichischen Mobilitätsclubs ÖAMTC in Wien (2013-2016), die Erweiterung des Kulturzentrums Eisenstadt (2006-2012), das Future Art Lab der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (2014-2020), das RAIQA (Raiffeisen-Quartier Innsbruck-Mitte, seit 2019) und der Fachhochschulcampus Pinkafeld (seit 2019).Mit Beiträgen von Matthias Boeckl, Barbara Jahn-Rösel, Otto Kapfinger, Franziska Leeb, Christian Kühn, Elsa Prochazka, Stefan Rotter, Anna Soucek, William Tate und Thomas Traupmann.
- Bog
- 608,95 kr.
363,95 kr. In Looking for the Voids, Hong Kong-based Swiss architect Géraldine Borio presents findings from more than fifteen years of experimental urban research in Asia. Her research focuses on the interstitial spaces of the built environment, the back and in-between alleys and other territorial buffer zones that are in constant flux and move between the poles of inside-outside, public-private, as well as legal-illegal. The concrete design principles derived from analyzing urban typologies in Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Seoul, and from engaging with residents and their informal appropriation of such semi-private urban spaces, can offer useful tools to architects and urban designers alike.
- Bog
- 363,95 kr.
953,95 kr. It may sound banal, yet it is a fundamental truth of architectural design: all ideas are based on previous ideas, on their imitation, inversion, rejection, or adaptation; or on their reinterpretation or ignoration. The same applies to our visual perception and how it influences our thinking and world of ideas. It is actually true for any kind of creation and design. Portraits: Architectural Parables traces these questions through a wealth of images from art history and everyday culture, as well as through analytical and classifying texts. With this book, François Charbonnet and Patrick Heiz, the founding partners of the highly acclaimed Swiss design firm Made In, reveal the approaches they take in their design methodology as well as in their teaching at ETH Zurich's Department of Architecture and Accademia di architettura in Mendrisio. The distinctive feature lies in the linking and collaging of mutually illuminating, yet apparently antagonistic, programs. Made In's method does not claim historical accuracy, as sources and facts are intentionally collaged to serve a reductive purpose. The focus is on the potential they see in the cross-fertilization of different images and ideas rather than on a single, all-embracing model of thought. Named one of the Most Beautiful German Books and one of the Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2023.
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- 953,95 kr.