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  • af Max Matonhodze
    233,95 kr.

    It is an unforgettable day, Monday the 6th of January 2014. - I woke up and Almighty God spoke to me clearly- "I have a message for you for the Prime Minister." Did I hear correctly? I asked myself. "Lord is it you?" I asked. "Yes, it's Me, write the message down."The message started literally downloading.Almighty God started revealing that:The Same Sex Marriage Act of 2013 was a mistake, it crossed the line from heaven, and opens the nation to judgement from Almighty God.God loves gay people as He does everybody else and we all have a duty of love to them, to be kind and to allow equal opportunity and crucially to tell them the truth. The truth of Almighty God is eternal, it does not change with time or fashion. He says: "I am God and I change not."There is deception of the enemy satan behind gay feeling, they do not originate from God. There is a way out which Almighty God has made for gay and all mankind through the sacrifice made by His Son Jesus Christ when He suffered, died on the cross and rose again from the dead on the third day. As you turn to Him, you will find that God is not angry with you, He is not even in a bad mood. To access forgiveness of Jesus Christ, you need to repent, that is change your mind, call on the name of Jesus Christ and align your thinking with God, knowing that Jesus Christ defeated and disarmed satan and gives every believer authority and victory over the wicked one satan. This book explains, with extraordinary clarity, issues that have daunted many government leaders, many Christian leaders, many gay people and many ordinary people.While this book contains the message for the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, this message is also meant for Government leaders across the nations of Planet Earth, Christian leaders, gay people everywhere as well as ordinary people across the nations of Planet Earth.

  • af Marianne Bentzen
    398,95 kr.

    Erkunden Sie mithilfe des NEUROAFFEKTIVEN BILDERBUCHS 3 die Entwicklungssta- dien des Erwachsenenalters. In Text und Bildern nimmt dieses Buch seine Leser und Leserinnen mit auf eine spannende und lehrreiche Reise durch die verschiedenen Phasen des Erwach- senendaseins und beschreibt, wie sich unsere Persönlichkeit und Fähigkeiten ent- wickeln und an unser individuelles Leben und unsere Kultur anpassen. Die fantasie- vollen Bilder im Buch lassen den Text lebendig werden und vermitteln den Lesenden ein tieferes Verständnis für die beschriebenen Prozesse. Die Forschung zur Entwicklung des Gehirns zeigt, dass sich alle unsere wichtigen Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Kompetenzen im Laufe des Lebens auf der Grundlage von Erfahrungen weiterentwickeln. Das Buch beschreibt, wie sich diese Prozesse entfalten, egal ob wir allein, mit einem Partner bzw. einer Partnerin und Kindern oder in einem anderen familiären und sozialen Umfeld leben. DAS NEUROAFFEKTIVE BILDERBUCH 3 wurde für alle geschrieben, die die Reifungs- prozesse des Erwachsenenalters aus der Perspektive der Gehirnentwicklung und des Lebens in unserem jeweiligen kulturellen Kontext verstehen wollen. Das Buch liefert eine einfache und körperbasierte Erklärung der Reifungsstufen, die wir als Erwachsene durchlaufen, und zeigt auf, wie Muster, die sich zunächst in der Kindheit und Jugend entwickeln, im Erwachsenendasein weiterhin entweder als Ressourcen zur Verfügung stehen, hemmend wirken oder die Tendenz zur Resignation erzeugen. Das Buch steht für sich alleine und setzt gleichzeitig die Beschreibung der Reifungs- prozesse fort, wie sie sich in Das neuroaffektive Bilderbuch und Das neuroaffektive Bilderbuch 2 findet. Es eignet sich für Therapeut:innen, Psycholog:innen, Psycho- therapeut:innen und Pädagog:innen sowie für alle, die mehr über ihr eigenes und das Leben anderer im Erwachsenenalter erfahren und es besser verstehen wollen.

  • af Diane Pike
    163,95 kr.

    It is the year 2385. Seventeen-year-old Officer Cadet Cara Davis, serving on the 'New Dawn' space station and disliked by her Captain, longs to see real action. Bored with her mundane duties, she takes it upon herself to recover powerful energy sources stolen from the space station by an alien species. The fate of many planets and their life forms will depend on her success. - But unless Cara becomes more level-headed and stops making foolish decisions, the chances of success are slim. Her greatest problem is realising she may never achieve this enormous task alone. Then she meets a most unlikely character; will she accept their offer of help? Her decision, however, could have dire consequences for Cara's future.

  • af S N Strutt
    288,95 kr.

    'EZDRAS INSIGHTS' contains the Apocryphal books of 1st Esdras and 2nd Esdras which were in the KJV of the Bible until 1885. Why were they taken out? Read on and find out why?1ST ESDRAS IS A HISTORICAL BOOK WHICH SHOWS THAT THE VISIONS AND PROPHECIES GIVEN TO EZRA IN 2ND ESDRAS WERE ALL FULFILLED, AS GOD RESCUED ISRAEL FROM HER ENEMIES DURING THE 5TH CENTURY BC.'EZDRAS INSIGHTS' also contains '4000 YEARS FROM CREATION TO CHRIST''ESDRAS INSIGHTS' has many Bible verses as cross-references, as well as 'insightful comments'.The Apocryphal book of 2nd Esdras talks about the Bride of Christ and also the Call of the Bride. As in one of my other books ENOCH INSIGHTS, ESDRAS INSIGHTS mentions that the earth is hollow as stated by the Apocryphal Book of 2nd Esdras in 5 different chapters. It also mentions the coming Messiah and states in prophecy very accurately that He would come in 400 years from the time of Ezra the prophet, who was the one who wrote 2nd Esdras. This prophecy of 400 years until Christ turned out to be exactly correct. Amazingly, this book explains what happened to the 10 Missing tribes of Israel back in circa 730 BC. This Book of 2nd Esdras also talks about Salvation and Zion. It amazingly predicted the rise of the Roman empire 400 years before it happened. It also talks about God the Father and God the Son. It talks about the Son of God and the coming Wrath of God, as well as Babylon the Great, as is also mentioned in Revelation 17-18.There are many appendices to all 3 books which are contained inside this book of 'Esdras Insights'. These appendices are full of very interesting information. This book proves that the earth is very young earth of circa 6000 years old.

  • af Ricky Dale
    128,95 kr.

    A ménage à trois mini saga between infatuation and love... another virtually true story from the pen of Ricky Dale."A gorgeous treat of a story that deserves to be savoured long after you have closed the cover."

  • af Chris Heath
    848,95 kr.

  • af John Lee
    288,95 - 428,95 kr.

  • af Marianne Bentzen
    358,95 kr.

    Explore the developmental stages of adulthood with THE NEUROAFFECTIVE PICTURE BOOK 3! In text and pictures, this book takes the reader on an exciting and educational journey through the different stages of adulthood, describing how our personality and skills develop and adapt to our unique life and culture. The imaginative images in the book help bring the text to life and give the reader a deeper understanding of the processes described.Research on brain development shows that all of our important personality skills continue to develop throughout life, based on experience. The book describes how these processes unfold, whether we live alone, with a partner and children, or in other family and social contexts.THE NEUROAFFECTIVE PICTURE BOOK 3 is written for everyone who wants to understand the maturational processes of adulthood from the perspective of brain development and life in our own cultural context. The book provides a simple and body-based explanation of the maturational levels of adulthood and shows how patterns that first develop in childhood and adolescence can become either resources, abandonment or inertia in adulthood.The book is a stand-alone sequel to The Neuroaffective Picture Book and The Neuroaffective Picture Book 2, and it is suitable for therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists and educators, as well as for anyone who wants to understand more about their own and others' adult lives.

  • af Harry Morrell
    163,95 kr.

    Wrangway is a peaceful place. Timothy the Tawny Owl is the Guard of Wrangway and takes his responsibilities very seriously. He absolutely loves his job. His head can turn right round so he has eyes in the back of his head at any time. The trouble is getting it back in the right position. Luckily his wife Trinity, who always calls her husband 'dear', is there to put it back. Timothy does quite loud hooting especially in the morning as his other job is to wake everyone for breakfast. His eyes are also cameras.The other wood animals - Tess the roe deer, Phil the pheasant, Frida the fox, Henry the hawk, Horace and Geraldine the herons and many more - all play their part in making sure there is no trouble in Wrangway. Then one day, the Pines arrive from London ...

  • af John Gumbs
    98,95 kr.

    A love story.Jeremy never knew what love was like until he met Abigail.¿¿This was the weekend Jeremy knew he had the chance of meeting a lovely girl, and making something out of it.

  • af Brian Venables
    148,95 kr.

    The reader will be taken from the ordered life of a young Guards officer, a career he had looked forward to since childhood, to that other world. The world of the hired gun.Where a man fought simply for money.Throughout his service as a mercenary he always felt that the cause was just fighting against the drug crazed African terrorist who recruited boys as young as ten and led them on a path of rape and barbaric behaviour. Nothing however lasts forever.After his time in Africa he returns to England a reasonably rich man, he is contacted by his former African CO, and asked if he would consider a new career as a hit man.Once again it was made clear that he would only act if he considered the target to be beyond the pale.This course of action made him both well travelled and very wealthy. Truly he could be described as a gentleman assassin.An exciting novel moving quickly from one adventure to another interspaced with romance and travel.

  • af Colin H Coles
    148,95 kr.

    Pink blossom, daubed an avenue of cherry trees, caught in still air; near silence save for a buzz of spring bees. This, yes, I remember this from that visit to Broadhurst Abbey. It all began with that good feeling of being alive to nature's resplendent new life. I later promised Brother Patrick not to divulge my experiences at the Abbey, but ...Venue for a DelegationHe ran back along the wooden dock, in open necked check shirt, best go ashore, jeans and polished brown shoes...'Captain, Captain,' he called out...'What is it Bosun?''They're not coming back.''Do you want to stay then?''No Captain, but they won't leave the bar!''Well, you'd better get on board, then.'Winter in New JerseyGentle waves, trickle, tumble, tease, dry sand....Wind, tidal flow, fearsome rise and fall, contrasts,ray rippled sun dance, cross quiet scene.Waves - verseEntertaining and horizon-expanding short stories, poems and observations.

  • af Jim McRobert
    148,95 kr.

    Searing reflections on inequality, suffering and human endurance.These poems are a defiant call to arms for justice, community and caring."Freedom gives us strength to speak out loudno more cowed with terror heads a-bowedthe right to write - ignore the censor talkrelease the prison gates to let us walk"

  • af Marilyn Gibson Forbes-Stubbs
    163,95 kr.

    Once again, the five intrepid cousins - Paige, Perissa, Kadejah, Jhané and Deondrea - are back together on their summer break.When a letter arrives from Chief Inspector Barrette, Paige knows that this won't be an ordinary summer vacation...Mysterious breakdowns; missing people; treacherous terrain ... the five cousins will need all their cunning and skill to solve the mystery of Breakdown on Forrest Road.The thrill is on again.

  • af Brill Pongo
    148,95 kr.

    "Closure in grief: A Mythical Finish Line" offers a fresh perspective on the concept of closure in the context of grief. In this insightful and empathetic book, the author challenges the commonly held belief that closure means leaving grief behind and getting back to a "normal" life. Instead, the author argues that closure is a process, not a defined moment, and that it involves accepting the reality of the loss while still honoring the memory of the loved one.Drawing on personal experience and extensive research, Closure in Grief offers practical guidance on how to navigate the complex emotions and challenges of grief. With compassion and wisdom, the author explores the many facets of closure and provides insights that will resonate with anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one.This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the process of grief and find a path towards healing and growth. It is a powerful reminder that closure is not a finish line to be crossed, but a journey to be embraced with openness and compassion.

  • af Dek Thornton Jr.
    138,95 kr.

    Entertaining brief encounters with the variously talented musicians, actors and artistes who might - or might not - have crossed paths with the "strange Druid man"."...I just stood and in my vagabondage homo way flicked a 'V' sign, realising I would never get to talk to the insightful Madam of Sex..."

  • af Ulrica Cooper
    128,95 kr.

    "Let's make a rocket and fly to the Moon!"And so, the adventure begins ...One day Mary and her brother, Tony, have a great idea: they decide to build a rocket ship and fly to the moon. When they land there, they meet a strange little creature and he is happy to come back to Earth with them. This a gentle tale of their adventures with him and how he opens their eyes to the beauty of animals on Earth.

  • af Linda West
    128,95 kr.

    We all loved it when Paddington had tea with the Queen ... Well, meet Scratcher, a rather naughty cat who tries really hard to be good. One day he goes to London with Grandma to attend the King's Coronation. Four fun rhyming tales of a cat that tries to be good ... but sometimes isn't.Scratcher Learns A LessonScratcher's RewardScratcher's SurpriseScratcher At The Coronation

  • af Alma Blair
    128,95 kr.

    An intriguing mind absorbing story of troubled thoughts and tormenting erratic moodswings. Powerful, sexual, and emotionally manipulative, there is a potential Hiss lurking in many humans brain.

  • af Martin Winbolt-Lewis
    148,95 kr.

    An eclectic collection of poems written over 60 years of observation and life experiences, with all its twists and turns, with a few wacky verses thrown in. Topics include: Earth Songs, Heart Beats, Young at Heart, Alternative Humour, Random Rhymes, Autumn Years, Mad World and Beyond Ourselves.

  • af Ian Yearsley
    438,95 kr.

  • af Geoff Daplyn
    141,95 kr.

  • af Sally Hooper
    128,95 kr.

  • af Geoffrey Iley
    118,95 kr.

  • af Derek T Pritchett
    148,95 kr.

  • af S N Strutt
    218,95 kr.

  • af Berwick Coates
    155,95 kr.

    There is much to be learned about teaching. But it is learnable.No beginner should be daunted by long words, psychology, jargon, or fashionable philosophies. Proficiency in it is not a Druid-like mystique which takes decades to master; it is not a rarefied skill accessible only to a gifted few. It can be done. So long as one holds on tight to gumption, common decency, and native wit. That does not mean that it is easy. It isn`t. And there`s always something else to learn. Keep eyes and ears open; you can pick up tips anywhere. Like here, for instance.

  • af Hettie Aston
    148,95 kr.

  • af Debbie Burt
    108,95 kr.