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  • af T L Sumter
    233,95 kr.

    There are things we can do. Things we can't do. Then there are things we can't do...yet.A smart, energetic, and inquisitive child, Jay Wise is always learning new things about the world and himself. Today while on a walk with his dad, Jay Wise learns a very important lesson about self-confidence and persistence.

  • af Brian Dalton
    208,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af C. M. Carbins
    193,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Jody Cottle
    153,95 kr.

    If you can sing, what will you sing at the top of your tiny little voice? It might me one the mouse would sing.

  • af Diana Berdan
    208,95 kr.

    What is behind the Wooden Door? Where is the key to the door? When will we get to open the door? Who will find the key?All of these questions will be answered as you read the story of The Wooden Door Christmas. This captivating magical book is based on the author's childhood tradition that her parents orchestrated for their young family back in 1958 in their farm home. Come discover the excitement of Christmas along with the family waiting for Christmas to arrive, so that all these answers will be revealed.

  • af Renee Pettit Porter
    168,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Barbara Priddy Guyer
    178,95 kr.

  • af Vanessia M. Livingston
    168,95 kr.

    Prophetess Dr. Vanessia M. Livingston is truly God's woman of faith and power! She is an accurate and sincere prophet for this last hour! Her training and inspiration for a holy living are directly attributed to the strict but wholesome teaching she received at home with her mother and father! In 1969, after being captivated for several years in a prodigious life of sin, she was converted from darkness to the immortal light of Jesus Christ! In 1974, she was called to the evangelistic field of ministry and traveled throughout the United States and Europe! In 1989, she was ordained as a pastor and a succorer for God's people in the city of Trenton, New Jersey! She has maintained a stable foundation of holiness and has received her doctorate of religious philosophy from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary! This chosen vessel has been anointed and appointed by God to deliver the gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world! Her motto is "We don't look down on anyone unless we are picking them up!"

  • af Karen Wehrle
    153,95 kr.

    I'm a Little Green Frog is a poem for preschool children which has a cadence to it when it is read aloud. The reader should put emphasis on the words in bold print. This will create a rhythm. The teacher or parent may have the students or child clap to the rhythm of the poem while saying: 1 and 2 and 3 rest 4, with bold print on the syllables and words to be emphasized.I'm a lit tle green frogsit ting on a wet log, look ing through the thick fogin the swamp y green bogI'm a Little Green Frog has been printed with a larger font than most children's books so that young eyes may focus better on the print when they are able to follow along with the reader. Practicing the qualities of rhythm and rhyming are certainly good exercises for young children as they grow through their early years, and watchingthe children perform is surely delightful for adults as well.

  • af D. J. Gieck
    248,95 kr.

    Buddy was excited to play with his puppies today. But when he got outside, the puppies were playing in the mud. They were just covered. Buddies mother told Buddy he needed to wash the puppies clean. So Buddy put the puppies in a tub full of soapy, bubbly water. But when he took them out of the tub, Buddy got a huge surprise!

  • af Patti Hamilton
    148,95 kr.

    Follow the whimsical adventures of Buster PQ Jones. Buster is a curious little bulldog puppy who finds friends and fun wherever he goes.

  • af Maria M. Hazzard
    148,95 - 273,95 kr.

  • af Gayle Richardson
    273,95 kr.

    Peggy Centipede observes Clementine practicing her dance steps every night. Peggy decides it looks like fun, and she wants to dance too. But which dance steps does she choose? There are so many! When she mimics Clementine, Peggy feels every move brings some clumsiness and discomfort until...she attends a party on the patio! Here, Peggy finally finds the perfect dance her body can do!

  • af Mitzie Duncan-Vaz
    148,95 kr.

    Lizzy loves to learn but think that she knows everything. Lizzy may not always say the right things, but she would always admit when she is wrong. Lizzy has a best friend named Gander. Gander has Lizzy's best interest at heart. He is always around at the right moment to help her out of some of her most awkward situations.

  • af Richard Stewart
    148,95 kr.

    The Story of Noel tells of the courage, strength, and resolve given by all the women at the North Pole. Noel is the daughter of Rudolph and Clarice. Noel was born with the light from the Northern Star cast down upon her. Noel has all the great attributes of her parents, but she is looked at differently because she is a doe. Even Santa is disappointed that a new buck with a bright shiny nose will not lead his sleigh someday. Kelnic is an outcast elf who befriends Noel, and the two become best friends. The Winter Witch never liked Santa nor what he stands for. The Winter Witch can see through her crystal snowball from atop her crystal ice palace how disappointed Santa is at not having a new buck. She knows a curse on all the men will surely stop Christmas now and forever. Seeing all the women of the North Pole rally together, the Winter Witch whips up the worst storm ever seen. Noel, Mrs. Claus, Kelnic, and all the other women get everything ready and face a storm no sleigh can conceivably get through. Grabbing the reigns with Kelnic by her side and Noel in the lead, Mrs. Claus heads into the unknown. Noel summons the power of the Northern Star, and her nose glows brighter and more powerful than Rudolph's ever did. The Winter Witch cannot believe the light from that little doe can pierce through her storm. Mrs. Claus, Kelnic, and Noel are in the lead and go on to deliver the gifts and save Christmas forevermore.

  • af William Smith
    328,95 - 433,95 kr.

  • af Ricardo Hernández
    258,95 kr.

    No juzguemos el libro por la portada sin antes leerlo. Este libro es mi creacion, es como yo veo las cosas que actualmente estan ocurriendo en todo el mundo, y es que el ser humano aun teniendo la tecnologia sigue cometiendo las mismas ignorancias, y es totalmente cierto que el hombre que no conoce sus errores del pasado esta condenado a repetirlos de nuevo. En muchas ocasiones de la historia universal, el hombre ha sido ciego pudiendo ver. Esto se ha visto tanto en la politica como en la religion; el hombre se ciega ante sus lideres en una lealtad ciega. Esto ha cometido muchos errores discriminatorios y conflictivos de odio racial.Tambien se ha cometido guerras en el nombre de Dios, cosa que es condenable ante los ojos de Dios, y el no quiere guerras, sino la paz absoluta y la aceptacion de todas las cosas, porque, ?quienes somos nosotros para juzgar a otros? Debemos vivir todos juntos en armonia y en paz en este mundo el cual es bastante grande y espacioso para todos. Aprender a ser mas tolerantes, practiquemos la tolerancia. El respeto es para todos, mutuo, sin discriminacion, sin distinciones, todos deben respetar a todos. Si tu quieres respeto, respeta tu primero.Para decir verdades no hay que ofender, recuerda que hablar bonito no cuesta nada. Asi de sencillo, y si a mi me ofenden no esperen de mi alabanzas. Por eso yo le puse este titulo a este libro: La verdad del libro verde... Porque la humanidad aun debe madurar. Esto es para reflexionar juntos.En mi opinion este libro es como un diario de un hombre para la humanidad sin distincion de color o razas, aqui todos somos de la raza humana. Quizas tu veas como yo veo, y es que el mundo cambia y las leyes y el hombre aun es ciego ante las realidades historicas, y de como antes el hombre tenia palabra de honor y lealtad, y la ley se hacia cumplir, pero hoy en el presente las leyes condenan al pobre y favorecen a los ricos. ?Como esto puede ser posible? Tambien todo lo que ha pasado en la historia esta volviendo a pasar en el presente, todo se repite una y otra vez, es como un Deja vu o tambien el efecto Mandela. ?Como es posible que aun en el siglo XXI haya tantas desigualdades, racismo y discriminaciones? Esto es intolerable, el hombre se supone que es mas inteligente que el animal. Entonces, ?en que quedamos?Si aun con la tecnologia es un cavernicola, ya es tiempo de ser sabios y usar el cerebro como Dios manda, y aprendamos a diferenciar lo que es el bien y el mal. De eso se trata este libro, comparando la historia de la humanidad con los eventos historicos tanto de la Biblia y de la historia universal presente.

  • af Gail Perego
    193,95 kr.

    Sunny is a beautiful thrush. Her songs are enjoyed by birds and humans alike. She has graduated from bird school and is now on a journey to find the perfect place to build her first nest. She knows there is a lot to consider to keep her baby bird eggs safe. One day she hears a remarkable song and decides to find out where it comes from. An old lady is sitting below, singing, and talking to the birds. Sunny decides to build her nest near this interesting human. Sunny never imagined a human could be such a good friend and sing-along buddy. Sunny finds the perfect place for her nest and learns a valuable lesson in nesting.

  • af K. A. Ricard
    178,95 kr.

    Rosalee Nib is a small little mouse with a huge heart. She is headstrong and creative. Rosalee can show anyone that you can do anything you set your mind to so long as you are determined, inquisitive, and supported.

  • af Brandon Porter
    153,95 kr.

    Believe in yourself, and everything else will follow. I hope you enjoy reading this amazing story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Every chapter has its own meaning that everybody can relate to in some way or form. I would like to thank each and everybody who took the time to give my first book a chance. Thank you in advance.Sincerely, Brandon Porter

  • af Kasandra Winters
    168,95 kr.

    Borris is a bully at Talking Toodles farm. Borris discovers his size is bigger than all the other animals at Talking Toodles Farm; therefore he bullies his way for food, water and hay taking a large space in the barn for sleeping, leaving all the other animals nowhere to sleep.The animals at Talking Toodles Farm take a stand against Borris and decides to tell Farmer Farley of Borris behavior. Farmer Farley explains to Borris that being a bully isn't nice. Borris learns a valuable lesson about being a bully. Borris learns (nobody likes a bully). Borris apologizes to all the animals for his behavior.KaSandra Winters book Borris the Bully brings awareness against bullying. Our goal is to help children learn the fundamentals of respect for one another, regardless of race, gender or culture.

  • af Lynne Muller
    233,95 kr.

    How can a boy be a girl? Confused and caring, a young girl tries to understand what her brother means when he says he is not a boy. This is a story about love, learning, and acceptance in language young children can understand. This book provides a compassionate look at the world of gender identity.

  • af Richard L. Dodge
    153,95 kr.

    After the sudden death of his father. Otto stone knew he was the sole heir to an empire his father left him. With the knowledge of many styles of martial arts and being an accomplished chemist, he makes a startling discovery of an incredible concoction from chemical reaction.Otto feels something is wrong, but what could it be? This discovery will lead to espionage, betrayal, and love. After the events are over, a decision has to be made that could greatly benefit human kind or destroy it.

  • af Sherry McCullough-Smith
    138,95 kr.

    A person cannot see inside another person's heart or mind when they first meet that person. All they see is a pretty painted picture of that person on the outside like the icing on a cake, very sweet, but what they cannot see is that the sweet cake is decayed on the inside. When you first meet someone, you only see the outside appearance; you do not see the flaws and baggage that come along with that person because you are distracted by their attraction. You strike up a conversation only to find out that you have something in common, and you say to yourself, This is my soulmate. Little do you know that the person who you think is your soulmate has ulterior motives because you think now you know them better. After you fall in love with them, you still don't know them. It is only after you got married and lived together that you began to get to know them, and all their flaws and baggage began to show. Then the white smoke begins to clear, and by then, it is too late now because your heart has got involved. You are hooked, and it is hard to break away from them. And the only one who could get you out of that white smoke is God.

  • af Joanne Dunsmore
    158,95 kr.

  • af Steven Huffine
    193,95 kr.

    The Hardings were extremely happy with their recent move to Granite. The quiet country farmhouse was everything they had hoped for, but it held a dark secret. As Halloween approached, local ghost stories begin manifesting themselves into real-life nightmares. An abandoned cemetery had a long history of eerie sightings and strange occurrences. The family would be forced to confront evil face-to-face. Would they die in the grips of a demonic supernatural power, or find a way to destroy it?

  • af Aaron Shreve
    193,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Josefina A. Genao
    158,95 kr.

    What happens when you wash your socks and one goes missing? Now we'll know the truth. Join Megan and Joseph as their mom tells them the story of what happened when a sock went through a magical window and entered into Sock World.With the help of a new friend, Mac begins his adventure in Sock World.Sock World, a place where learning, joy and new friendships take place. Enjoy the fun and join Mac in his adventures to come!