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Bøger udgivet af Open Court Publishing Co ,U.S.

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  • - A Classic Statement of Logical Empiricism
    af Eino Kaila
    463,95 kr.

  • - In the Beginning Was the Squanch
    173,95 kr.

    A dysfunctional group of philosophers and thinkers have created a book that will drag readers across the multiverse, through fractures in time, and down into philosophical depths that have never been reached by merely considering an irreverent sci-fi cartoon like Rick and Morty.

  • - Thus Spake the Demogorgon
    208,95 kr.

    The authors turn existing theories about Stranger Things Upside Down.

  • - Weirding Way of the Mentat
    273,95 kr.

    Frank Herbert's "Dune" is the biggest-selling science fiction story of all time; the original book and its numerous sequels have transported millions of readers into the alternate reality of the Duniverse. "Dune and Philosophy" raises intriguing questions about the Duniverse in ways that will be instantly meaningful to fans. Those well-known characters--Paul Atreides, Baron Harkkonen, Duncan Idaho, Stilgar, the Bene Gesserit witches--come alive again in this fearless philosophical probing of some of life's most basic questions. "Dune" presents us with a vast world in which fanaticism is merciless and history is made by the interplay of ruthless conspiracies. Computers have long been outlawed, so that the abilities of human beings are developed to an almost supernatural level. The intergalactic empire controlled by a privileged aristocracy raises all the old questions of human interaction in a strange yet weirdly familiar setting. Do secret conspiracies direct the future course of human political evolution? Can manipulation of the gene pool create a godlike individual? Are strife and bloodshed essential to progress? Can we know so much about the future that we lose the power to make a difference? Does reliance on valuable resources--such as "spice," oil, and water--place us at the mercy of those who can destroy those resources? When gholas are reconstructed from the cells of dead people and given those people's memories, is the ghola the dead person resurrected? Can the exploitation of religion for political ends be reduced to a technique? Philosophers who are fans of "Dune" will trek through the desert of the Duniverse seeing answers to these and other questions.

  • - We Need to Know
    208,95 kr.

    Philosophers analyze the last of the great rock stars.

  • - Mind Equals Blown
    249,95 kr.

    A posse of philosophers chases after the most exciting philosophical ideas in Westworld.

  • - The Ethics of Secrecy and Exposure
    293,95 kr.

    Philosophers put WikiLeaks on trial, with various writers taking different positions as to the rights or wrongs of their actions.

  • - A Womb of One's Own
    249,95 kr.

    Philosophers look beyond the sea of red dresses to reveal insights about gender inequality, religious oppression, power, and violence.

  • - Last Exit from Litchfield
    278,95 kr.

    This collection of 18 chapters by talented philosophical minds probes some of the many lessons to be learned from Orange Is the New Black. The show and the book that inspired it both dramatically highlight the troubling, stressful situation of millions of incarcerated Americans.How do the show's shower scenes shed light on the classical mind-body problem? How can we make our lives meaningful when our options are curtailed by authority? What does it mean to manipulate someone, and why is it bad? What can we learn about human beliefs from Pennsatucky's notion of the gay agenda? Is Litchfield Prison a preparation for life outside - or just a scale model of life outside? What could the governors of Litchfield learn from Jeremy Bentham and his panopticon? How is it that even in prison we find ourselves condemned to be free? Why is one of the worst things about prison being forced to see who and what we really are?It so happens that life in prison is overfull of philosophical implications. Orange Is the New Black and Philosophy stays close to the characters and scenes of the TV show, applying insights from ethics, existentialism, metaphysics, epistemology, and political philosophy.

    208,95 kr.

    A team of philosophical writers examines the startling ideas and arguments of this pundit of persuasion.

  • - That's Damn Fine Philosophy!
    173,95 kr.

    An investigative team of philosophers uncovers the hidden meanings of this weird and puzzling television show.

  • - A Dangerous Dimension to Visit
    208,95 kr.

    Fearless thinkers enter the nightmare worlds of The Twilight Zone in search of powerful insights about humanity and the universe.

  • - Is Resistance Futile?
    262,95 kr.

    Philosophers debate how Orwell's nightmare world compares to today's world of political acrimony and discontent.

    235,95 kr.

    Who is the most truly heroic--Captain America or Iron Man? The writers in this book try to answer that question from many diverse viewpoints.

  • - The Truth Is in Here
    378,95 kr.

    In The X-Files and Philosophy, thirty-six fearless philosophers seek for the truth which is out there, in here, at least somewhere, or (as the postmodernists claim) nowhere. One big issue is whether the weird and unexplained happenings, including the existence of entities unknown to traditional science, might really exist. And if they did, what would be the proper way to behave towards them? Some of these entities seem to flout conventional laws of nature-but perhaps we need to allow for different, as yet undiscovered, laws. If such fabulous entities really exist, what do we owe them? And if they don't exist, why do we imagine they do? In The X-Files, regular science is represented by Scully and usually turns out to be wrong, while open-minded credulity or pseudoscience is represented by Mulder and usually turns out to be right, or at least somehow on the right track. Scully demands objective, repeatable evidence, and she usually gets it, with Mulder's help, in astounding and unwelcome ways. What lessons should we take from the finding of The X-Files that respectable science is nearly always wrong and outrageous speculative imagination nearly always right?

  • - Reflections of the Soul
    af von F. Marie-Louise
    333,95 kr.

    The author attempts to describe the phenomenon of projection and how a projection can be withdrawn and integrated. The book shows the role of projection in the history of religion and in science as well as how projection works on a primitive level.

  • - Subversive Reports from Another Reality
    221,95 kr.

    The Man in the High Castle is an Amazon TV show, based on the Philip K. Dick novel, about an "alternate present" (beginning in the 1960s) in which Germany and Japan won World War II, with the former Western US occupied by Japan, the former Eastern U.S. occupied by Nazi Germany, and a small "neutral zone" between them. A theme of the story is that in this alternative world there is eager speculation, fueled by the illicit newsreel, The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, about how the world would have been different if America had won the war.In The Man in the High Castle and Philosophy, twenty-two professional thinkers look at philosophical issues raised by this ongoing enterprise in "alternative history." One question is whether it really made a profound difference that the Allies won the war, and exactly what differences in everyday life we may expect to arise from an apparent historical turning point. Could it be that some dramatic historical events have only superficial consequences, while some unnoticed occurrences lead to catastrophic results?Another topic is the quest for truth in a world of government misinformation, and how dissenting organizations can make headway.

  • - Revolutionary Thinking
    198,95 kr.

    In Hamilton and Philosophy, professional thinkers expose, examine, and ponder the deep and controversial implications of this runaway hit Broadway musical.       One cluster of questions relates to the matter of historical accuracy in relation to entertainment. To what extent is Hamilton genuine history, or is it more a reflection of America today than in the eighteenth century? What happens when history becomes dramatic art, and is some falsification of history unavoidable? One point of view is that the real Alexander Hamilton was an outsider, and any objective approach to Hamilton has to be that of an outsider. Politics always involves a debate over who is on the margins and who is allowed into the center.       Then there is the question of emphasizing Hamilton’s revolutionary aspect, when he was autocratic and not truly democratic. But this can be defended as presenting a contradictory personality in a unique historical moment. Hamilton’s character is also one that blends ambition, thirst for fame, and concern for his immortal legacy, with inability to see his own limitations, yet combined with devotion to honor and the cultivation of virtue. Hamilton’s evident ambition led him to be likened to Macbeth and Shakespearean tragedy can explain much of his life.

  • - Reds in the Bed
    308,95 kr.

    Philosophers probe the popular TV spy show.

  • - Life Is but a Nightmare
    173,95 kr.

    Deep thinkers plumb the chilling depths of American horror

  • - Experience Required
    af Theodore G. Ammon
    208,95 kr.

    Philosophical feedback on the messiah of electric rock

  • - Deep Cuts in the Philosophy of Rock
    af Randall E. Auxier
    378,95 kr.

    Metaphysical Graffiti explores the philosophical themes prevalent in the music of the classic rock era. Each chapter is a detailed study of a classic rock performer or ensemble, applying insights from philosophers ancient and modern. It will appeal to an audience that was inspired by the music of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. In the words of the author, “Philosophy is in this music and it is of this music and for this music.”       The author is an accomplished professor of philosophy and also an accomplished musician, who plays in the folk rock group, Bone Dry River Band.       Among the chapters included in this book “Frenzy” applies Plato and mystery religion to the Rolling Stones, “An Everlasting Kiss: The Seduction of Wendy” applies Vico to Bruce Springsteen, “Warm Impermanence” applies Danto and Andy Warhol to David Bowie, “Magic Pages and Mythic Plants” applies Cassirer to Led Zeppelin, “A Touch of Grey: Gratefully Dead?” applies Kant and Whitehead to the Grateful Dead, “Yesterday’s Tom Sawyers” applies Suzanne Langer to Rush, and “Dead Reckoning and Tacking the Winds of Fortune and Fate” applies Machiavelli to Jimmy Buffett.

  • - Beyond Good and Evil Corp
    278,95 kr.

    Mr. Robot has been hailed, not only as one of the most haunting and unnerving dramas ever to appear on television, but also as the first accurate popular presentation of how computer hacking and cyberterrorism actually work. Mr. Robot and Philosophy is aimed at thoughtful fans of this addictive show who will welcome the opportunity to explore Elliot Alderson''s world from a philosophical perspective.       The developing story of Mr. Robot constantly raises ethical and metaphysical issues. What happens to our personal identity when it’s extended into cyberspace and an array of electronic devices? Are we in control of our online lives or are we being controlled? What does our right to privacy mean in a world where millions of people can observe what we’re doing and saying? Is a virtual currency true money and could it replace traditional money? Can there be healthy forms of drug addiction? Can some types of so-called mental illness be useful and beneficial?       Does it make any sense to unleash destruction upon the existing corporate economic structures, and can we expect something better to emerge from the ruins of a digital meltdown?

  • - Break the Chains!
    258,95 kr.

    Red Rising and Philosophy has gathered together a crew of the wisest Helldivers philosophy can offer. Could humanity's love of physical enhancements cause its extinction? Do people doom humanity by trying to all be the same? Can a person love someone, while at the same time wanting that person destroyed? Is equality always the best principle on which to organize society? What is evil, and how does it exist in contemporary life? Does one remain the same person, even after changing every physical aspect of one's body? Is it moral to sell oneself into slavery, whether it’s through sex or manual labor? Is it ethical to sell one's children into slavery, on the promise that their children will live in peace and tranquility?These questions and more are what make Brown’s Red Rising trilogy such an impactful story. Brown pulls no punches, and philosophy works best in such an environment. Red Rising and Philosophy is not for the timid or the faint at heart. It’s not The Passage, since no one will die from reading it, but reading it could be a life-changing experience.

    1.483,95 kr.

    The Philosophy of Umberto Eco stands out in the Library of Living Philosophers series as the volume on the most interdisciplinary scholar hitherto and probably the most widely translated. The Italian philosopher’s name and works are well known in the humanities, both his philosophical and literary works being translated into fifteen or more languages. Eco is a founder of modern semiotics and widely known for his work in the philosophy of language and aesthetics. He is also a leading figure in the emergence of postmodern literature, and is associated with cultural and mass communication studies. His writings cover topics such as advertising, television, and children’s literature as well as philosophical questions bearing on truth, reality, cognition, language, and literature. The critical essays in this volume cover the full range of this output.       This book has wide appeal not only because of its interdisciplinary nature but also because of Eco’s famous “high and low” approach, which is deeply scholarly in conception and very accessible in outcome. The short essay “Why Philosophy?” included in the volume is exemplary in this regard: it will appeal to scholars for its wit and to high school students for its intelligibility.

  • - Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man, and the Origin of Evil
    af Gottfried Leibniz
    458,95 kr.

    In order to be truly free, must you act arbitrarily? If an event did not happen, could it have happened? Since there is evil, and God could have made the world without evil, did God fail to pick the best course? Grappling with such simple--yet still intriguing--puzzles, Leibniz was able to present attractively his new theories of the real and the phenomenal, freewill and determinism, and the relation between minds and bodies. Theodicy was Leibniz's only book-length work to be published in his lifetime, and for many years the work by which he was known to the world. Fully at home with the latest scienctific advances, Leibniz ultimately rejected the new atomistic philosophies of Descartes, Gassendi, and Hobbes, and drew upon the old cosmology of Aristotelian scholasticism. There could be no conflict, he argued between faith and reason, freedom and necessity, natural and divine law. Ingeniously defending his postulate of pre-established harmony, Leibniz made important advances in the precise analysis of concepts.

  • af G.A. Wells
    398,95 kr.

    This work demonstrates how the story of Jesus developed through telling and re-telling, from an early version in the letters of Paul to the more elaborate and detailed picture later presented in the gospels. It also responds to recent crtics of the mythicist view of Jesus, such as John Redford.

  • - Structure and Vision in Progressive Rock
    af Bill Martin
    388,95 kr.

    An examination of the work of one of the most creative groups from the progressive rock period, Yes. Unlike many books on rock music, this text does not focus on personalities, but concentrates on musical structures, lyrical vision, and the cultural and historical context of the band's music.

  • af Pierre Duhem
    218,95 kr.

    Pierre Duhem (1861-1916) is a major influence in 20th-century thought, and a source for many of the ideas of the Vienna Circle, Karl Popper, Imre Lakatos, and Thomas Kuhn. "German Science" is founded on two basic Pascallian premisses: "Principles are intuited" and "Propositions are inferred".

  • - A Contest of Truths
    af Lawrence J. Hatab
    468,95 kr.

    A study of the relationship between myth and philosophy in ancient Greece, inspired by Nietsche and Heidegger. A general analysis of myth and a specific analysis of Greek myth precedes Hatab's case for pluralistic truth to accept both myth and philosophy in different understandings.