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  • af Heath Rogers
    144,95 kr.

    Many Christians struggle with maintaining zeal for the good works. This workbook addresses this need among God's people today.The first half of the book is a study of different aspects of zeal, with special attention given to the examples of our Lord and the apostle Paul. The second half of the book is a practical study of some of the good works we need to be performing with zeal.

  • - 8.1
    af Larry R Ping II
    153,95 kr.

    Welcome to this series of lessons designed to teach one how to become a Christian. The most important thing in life is to become a Christian and be faithful until death. This book uses the Bible because it is the only book that truly teaches one how to become a Christian.

  • - Restoring Life-Changing Relationships in the Church
    af Roger Hillis
    198,95 kr.

    A book with practical and pertinent information on Christian relationships in the church. It takes us back to the first-century church and to the essential character of that ancient body. It promotes a different kind of "restoration" among Christians--a restoration of the spirit of the church that Jesus built. When the contents of this book become the contents of our hearts, the body and every member will be as "living and active" as the Word of God that indwells, empowers, and moves them.

  • - Restoring Life-Changing Relationships in the Church
    af Roger Hillis
    153,95 kr.

    What do I do with all the information discussed in One Another Christianity, by the same author? This workbook will help you answer that question. Definitions, scriptures, and questions designed to help you apply the lessons learned from the book to situations in your life.

  • af Nancy Fink
    138,95 kr.

    After King Solomon's death, the kingdom divided. The 10 northern tribes become known as Israel and the 2 southern tribes as Judah. Right around the time of the divided kingdom, the fog begins to creep into my memory as to what comes next. Even though we are only two-thirds of the way through the Old Testament, the stories and characters are jumbled into disjointed events. I had no idea historically how the remainder of the Bible stories and characters fit or their relevance to the theme of the Bible. Happily, sprinkled into the mixture of Sunday school fog are the great stories of Elijah and the 'showdown' at Mount Carmel with the false prophets of Baal. I even recall Elisha calling a 'she bear' to maul some mean boys for calling him "baldy" and if I remember correctly, Elisha did have a bald head. Every one remembers the story of Daniel in the lions' den although probably could not tell you where it fits into God's big picture of the Bible, and then...and then...well, now we come to the problem. For some reason all those great Old Testament stories with their colorful characters come to a sudden stop. Students find themselves leaping over a giant gap of several hundred years right into the New Testament to be introduced to the births of John the Baptist and baby Jesus.So, what happened? How did we get from Old Testament into the New Testament so quickly? What's in the gap? What is the deal with those 12 little books, the Minor Prophets, located behind the lengthy books known as Major Prophets? Other than a quick lesson about Jonah and the big fish, I couldn't tell you what those 12 little books are about or even why the Holy Spirit bothered to have them written and placed in the Bible.The Minor Prophets are packed full of references to the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. These books should give hope and comfort to God's faithful. They teach us that even though man's sins require punishment, God cares for His faithful, even during the hard times of judgment. God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, the perfect sacrifice, to die as payment for our sins (John 3:16).

  • - Lessons from Paul for Timothy, Titus, and Today's Twenties
    af Hal Hammons
    153,95 kr.

    It bothers me when I see the same disregard for elders in today's youth that I remember from my youth. But I do not fear. I know the lessons are sinking in, no matter how much they want to pretend they are not. They are growing more than I realize, more than they realize. And if they manage to survive adolescence with their faith intact, with a general appreciation for Biblical authority and humility before God, they will likely do as I did - catch up as quickly as they can, find respect for the previous generation a bit later than should have been the case, and then go on to become frustrated at the stubborn, headstrong nature of their own children. God willing, we will continue the aggravation for many years to come.I am no Robert Turner. But I want to play my Timothy to his Paul. As the apostle wrote in 2 Timothy 2:2, one generation teaches the next generation to teach the generation after that. This book is intended to keep the train of teachers and students going a little while longer. My prayer is that it will find its way into the hands of young men and women who have the desire to serve in the Lord's church but are struggling a bit to find their place. My prayer also is that they will find that place and embrace it with a bit less resistance than I put up when I was in their place so many years ago.

  • - A Study of the Institutional Issues
    af Roger Hillis
    153,95 kr.

    We need to study and discuss biblical teaching on the subject of division. It is certainly true that God hates division and those who cause division are condemned in the Bible (Proverbs 6:16-19). But is division always wrong? Will "the spirit of Christ" always prevent division, no matter what the issue? Or are there times when division is necessary? If so, how can that be determined and how can one know if he is the cause or the victim of division?

  • af Roger Hillis
    153,95 kr.

    Your reputation is what people think about you (Proverbs 22:1). It iswhat people see about your life. It is the example you set for others. It isimportant to be a good example and have a good reputation (Matthew5:13-16).On the other hand, your character is what you are on the inside. Characteris who you really are. It is who you are when no one is looking. Timothy hadconsistently shown his "proven character" (Philippians 2:22, NKJV). Otherversions (ESV and NASV for example) refer to this as "proven worth." It isthe type of life you have regularly lived and it reveals, in the long term, yourreal value to the Lord.Reputation is what people think you are. Character is what God knows youare.Your character is a matter of choice, not of birth. You can become what youwant to be. You can change parts of your character that are not what youwant them to be.If you do not treat others the way you should, you can change.If you are not morally pure, you can be.If your speech is improper, it can be different.If you need an attitude adjustment, you can do that too.Read 1 Samuel 16:7. As God looks at your heart, what does He see? Is Hepleased? Is He saddened? Does He see someone who is trying to be likeChrist, or someone who is living like the world?Samuel picked David, a man after God's own heart. Does that phrasedescribe you? It could, if you decide you want that.Will you resolve in your heart to do this? Will you be purer in heart? Will youdevelop and grow your character to be what God wants you to be? You candecide to do that right now. Will you?

  • - A Lifetime of Musings on Luke-Acts
    af Randy Harshbarger
    148,95 kr.

  • - Christianity And Psychosocial Issues
    af Eric Parker
    168,95 kr.

  • af Hal Hammons
    168,95 kr.

  • - Studies in Jeremiah & Lamentations
    af Hal Hammons
    123,95 kr.

  • af Hal Hammons
    158,95 kr.

  • - How to Study the Bible
    af Jarrod Jacobs
    103,95 kr.

  • af Jeff Archer
    113,95 kr.

  • - Victory in Christ
    af Donnie V Rader
    168,95 kr.

  • af Arnold O Schnabel
    223,95 kr.

    HAS GOD SPOKEN?Provides specific Biblical statements that predate 31 recent major scientific discoveries.Archaeological research is used to prove Biblical prophecy predated by hundreds of years the historical calamities God brought to five ancient nations.Examines God's account of the creation approximately 6000 years ago.Presents 20 recent scientific research studies that prove the Earth is young and harmonizes with the Geneses account.GOD HAS SPOKEN!HAS GOD SPOKEN? has been written to demonstrate, that between the observations of science and the record of history, there exists a harmony with the simple and direct interpretation of the Bible narrative, such as would be expected of a book provided by the Creator and Ruler of this world.It is beyond comprehension how men who lived 2000 to 4000 years ago could, without Divine inspiration or modern scientific instruments, arrived at certain facts of nature as have men of science in the last three centuries. Modern research instruments and programs have made it possible for us to confirm these ancient Biblical statements, once thought to be inaccurate, to now be true and factual.

  • af Jeff Archer
    113,95 kr.

  • af Jarrod Jacobs
    123,95 kr.

  • af Mark Pape
    148,95 kr.

  • af Johnie Edwards & John Isaac Edwards
    113,95 kr.

  • af Donnie V Rader
    153,95 kr.

  • af Hal Hammons
    158,95 kr.

  • af Hal Hammons
    158,95 kr.

  • - Examined and Refuted
    af Jeff Archer
    148,95 kr.

    Premillenialism. "pre" = before, "millennial" = 1,000 years, "ism" = a belief. Premillennialists believe the coming of Jesus will be before the 1,000 year reign. Jesus is not now reigning over His kingdom. At some point in the future, (Premillenialists I have read from or spoken to believe that the return of Jesus is eminent) Jesus will physically return and sit on a physical throne in Jerusalem and reign for a literal 1,000 years. This study refutes this false doctrine.

  • af Johnie Edwards & John I Edwards
    238,95 kr.

  • af Jeff Archer
    138,95 kr.

    The purpose of this workbook is to examine, in an objective way, the issues that divided brethren in the 20th century and continue to divide us now.

  • af Jeff Archer
    123,95 kr.

    What does the Bible say about the origin of Satan, the demons who help him, and the angels of God? There is a lot of speculation about these things, but only the Bible can definitively give us answers about this unseen realm. This workbook doesn't seek to speculate, just give us a guide to study through the Bible on this topic.

  • - A Study of Proverbs
    af Dennis Carrow
    158,95 kr.

    Solomon's instructions are to enjoy living but realize we are not to go forward without restraint or instruction. How does remembering God relate to enjoying life? Does this only mean that we have some mental image of His existence? No! It is to acknowledge Him as the One who has given us not only our physical existence but a spirit that is in need of His guidance and direction. It is to accept His word as the source of all truth. While some view the Bible as a book of obscure religious doctrine that has little relevance to their lives, the Scriptures provide everything man needs to know about life and abundant living. (2 Peter 1:3). In our study of Proverbs, God will communicate what He wants every person to know today-about tomorrow.

  • af Johnie Edwards
    213,95 kr.

    Gospel Meeting Sermons is offered in the sincere hope that those young men who desire to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ can use these sermon outlines as a means to provoke their listeners to a more detailed study of the Word of God. These gospel sermons have been preached in gospel meetings with much success in many parts of this country. They are simple, logically organized and abundantly supplied with book, chapter and verse to support each point. You will find these sermon outlines useful in your efforts to offer the simple gospel to those for whom you speak.