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  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    168,95 kr.

    Use this Maze to Test Your Loverboy's IQDo you know how intelligent your boyfriend is? You may think he is more intelligent than the other boys but you could be wrong! Now, you don't have time. Why not give him this Maze to solve and find out! Don't just take his word for it. Give him 15 minutes to solve the puzzles in this book.The troubles I put in these puzzles are an IQ test. They can help you measure your loverboy's problem-solving skills, and how fast he can think his way out of problems. Spice your date nights with a little fun and measure your boyfriend's IQ! Use this Maze to build a stronger, loving bond with your loverboy and have fun along the way!

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    168,95 kr.

    Test Your Girlfriend's IQ with This MazeLoverboy, how intelligent is your girlfriend? You may think she's more intelligent than the other girls after your heart but you could be wrong! Now, you don't have time. Why not give her this Maze to solve and find out! Don't just take her word for it. Let her solve these maze puzzles in 15 minutes or the time you set.The troubles I put in these puzzles are IQ test and can help you measure your super girl's problem-solving skills, and how fast she can think her way out of problems. Spice your date nights with a little fun and measure your her IQ! Use this book to build a stronger, loving bond with your lovergirl and have fun along the way!

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    308,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿ È ora di lasciare che l'imprenditore che è in te si scateni! ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Sei un creativo in erba con un'ardente passione per la narrazione? Sogni di vedere il tuo nome sul dorso di un libro, pubblicato orgogliosamente da TE? ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Realizza i Tuoi sogni di Autore ¿¿¿¿Sei pronto a intraprendere un viaggio straordinario da aspirante scrittore ad autore professionista retribuito? Immagina di avere il potere di condividere le tue storie con il mondo, alle tue condizioni! Questo libro è il tuo biglietto d'oro per diventare l'autore- imprenditore che hai sempre sognato di essere.¿¿¿¿ **Questo libro fa la differenza: Dal Nulla a Eroe Pubblicato:**Scopri i segreti per trasformare la tua scintilla creativa in un libro pubblicato professionalmente, da un puntatore lampeggiante alla formattazione, al design della copertina e tutto il resto.¿¿¿¿ ** Prodezza Editoriale:**Impara i trucchi e i segreti del mondo dell'Autopubblicazione, inclusi i suggerimenti e i trucchi che gli autori più esperti avrebbero voluto conoscere quando hanno esordito.¿¿¿¿ **Monetizza il Tuo Capolavoro:**Trasforma la tua passione in un reddito, esplorando efficaci strategie di marketing e promozione che garantiscano che il tuo libro raggiunga un pubblico globale e riempia le tue tasche.Video Utili, Guida alla Promozione e Strumenti Inclusi:1. Guida alle Classifiche Kindle2. Come assegnare il titolo a un libro3. Modelli di formattazione del libro4. Guida alla configurazione di una pagina Autore su Amazon5. Parole di innesco emozionale nei libri6. Lista di controllo di convalida dell'idea del libro7. Strategia di lancio del libro8. Formule per descrivere libri di narrativa e saggistica9. Generatore di pseudonimi KP10. Le migliori idee per scrivere libri per bambini11. Prompt Engineering per gli autori¿¿¿¿¿ **Tabella di marcia per il Successo:**Naviga nel complesso mondo dell'autopubblicazione sotto la nostra guida passo dopo passo, rendendo il tuo percorso verso il successo chiaro come il sole.¿¿¿¿ **Accademia dell'Autore Indipendente:**Munisciti di conoscenze che ti consentiranno di passare dall'essere un principiante all'essere un professionista retribuito. Il tuo viaggio di autore, in maniera semplificata.¿¿¿¿ Questo libro darà vita alla Tua Carriera di Autore ¿¿¿¿Non limitarti a sognare di diventare un autore: trasforma il tuo sogno in realtà! Se hai già scritto un manoscritto, se hai un libro nel cuore o se sei solo curioso del mondo dell'autopubblicazione, questa tabella di marcia è la tua guida per il successo.¿¿¿¿ Unisciti alla rivoluzione del self-publishing ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Sei pronto a prendere il controllo del tuo destino di autore? ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Le tue parole meritano di essere ascoltate.¿¿¿¿ Le tue storie meritano di essere lette.¿¿¿¿ Il tuo talento merita di essere celebrato.¿¿¿¿ Non limitarti a scrivere un libro, scrivi la tua eredità. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Afferra ora questo libro! Intraprendi il tuo viaggio per diventare un Autore Indipendente Professionista Retribuito. I tuoi lettori ti aspettano e i tuoi sogni sono a un solo clic di distanza!¿¿¿¿ Ordina subito questo libro e inizia oggi il tuo percorso di successo come autore!

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    678,95 kr.

    This book is volume 3 of Web Development from Beginner to Paid Professional. In this volume, you'll learn JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures. While HTML and CSS control the content and styling of a page, JavaScript is used to make it interactive. In this volume, you'll learn the fundamentals of JavaScript including variables, arrays, objects, loops, and functions.Once you have the fundamentals down, you'll apply that knowledge by creating algorithms to manipulate strings, factorialize numbers, and even calculate the orbit of the International Space Station.Along the way, you'll also learn two important programming styles or paradigms: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP).The great thing about web development is it's very suitable for people coming from many different backgrounds. So, it doesn't matter if you have little or no technical experience, or if you do have a technical background and you're looking to transition your skill sets into web development.I know there are more than sufficient resources online to teach absolute beginners everything they need to learn web development from scratch. But this series is different because it addresses a few web development problems. The credibility of a web developer is much more than their credentials. It's actually about the strength of their portfolio.Employment opportunities often come from work samples and concrete skills, rather than a college degree. So, you need to learn well enough. This book will not only help you learn well and build a stunning portfolio, it will also provide you continuous help and support.With this book and my dedicated 24/7 help and support team, there's nothing for you to fear. I have helped many web developers update their development skills, launch successful careers and get hired for remote jobs. I notice that even the most ambitious beginners can run into problems, such as unable to decide where to begin. Sometimes they get completely lost on the way and therefore need further help.The truth is everyone needs help at one point or the other to learn html5, CSS or Javascript correctly in their web development journey. I put additional coding challenges and their solutions in this volume. You will also get further help if you use the free support link at the bottom of this book. I will help you learn well.Finally, if you buy any volume of the series, I will add you to my web development community so you can continue to learn and get more help until you become a well-paid professional.

  • af Charles Johnson Jr
    238,95 kr.

    Il libro aggiornato su Dark Web & Dark Net.Devi leggere questo libro se vuoi conoscere o intraprendere il viaggio nel dark web. In questo breve libro, imparerai le storie agghiaccianti del dark web e della dark net. Conoscerai i fondamenti, i fatti e le cifre sul surface web, il deep web e il dark web.Il libro fornisce anche un'ampia panoramica delle minacce digitali attuali ed emergenti e dei crimini informatici. Sarai aggiornato con informazioni cruciali su frodi e furti di identità effettuati quotidianamente sul dark web.In particolare, imparerai: Cos'è esattamente il dark web?L'origine del deep web e del dark web.Attività che si svolgono sul dark web.Come il dark web ti influenza.Come vengono venduti i dati personali sul dark web.I dati più spesso scambiati sul dark web.Traffico di organi umani e servizi di pornografia infantile nel dark web.Il mercato del dark web.La rete Tor e come funziona il browser Tor.La storia di Ross William Ulbricht, l'uomo dietro la Via della Seta.La verità sul surface web: perché alcuni siti non possono essere considerati attendibili con le tue informazioni.Le cose più importanti che imparerai: cosa puoi fare per proteggerti da attività dannose nel dark web.Come mantenere la tua identità Internet al sicuro su base giornaliera.

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    298,95 kr.

    ¡Es hora de liberar al autor emprendedor que llevas dentro!¿Eres un creador de palabras en ciernes con una pasión ardiente por contar historias? ¿Sueñas con ver tu nombre en el lomo de un libro, orgullosamente publicado por TÚ?Desbloquea tus sueños de autor¿Estás listo para embarcarte en un viaje extraordinario desde aspirante a escritor hasta autor profesional remunerado? ¡Imagínese tener el poder de compartir sus historias con el mundo, en sus propios términos! Este libro electrónico es su billete de oro para convertirse en el autor emprendedor que siempre ha aspirado a ser.Este libro es diferente: de cero a héroe publicadoDescubra los secretos para transformar su chispa creativa en un libro publicado profesionalmente, desde un cursor parpadeante hasta el formato, el diseño de la portada y todo lo demás.Destreza editorialConozca los entresijos del mundo de la autoedición, incluidos consejos y trucos que los autores experimentados desearían saber cuando empezaron.Monetiza tu obra maestraConvierta su pasión en ganancias mientras explora estrategias efectivas de marketing y promoción para garantizar que su libro llegue a una audiencia global y llene sus bolsillos.Vídeos útiles, guías de promoción y herramientas incluidas: Guía de clasificación de Kindle Cómo titular un libro Plantillas de formato de libros Guía de configuración de la página de autor de Amazon Palabras desencadenantes emocionales para libros Lista de verificación de validación de ideas de libros Estrategia de lanzamiento del libro Fórmulas de descripción de libros de ficción y no ficción Generador de seudónimos KP Las mejores ideas para escribir libros para niños Ingeniería rápida para autoresHoja de ruta hacia el éxitoNavegue por el complejo mundo de la autoedición con nuestra guía paso a paso, haciendo que su camino hacia el éxito sea tan claro como la luz del día.Academia de autores independientesEquípate con el conocimiento que te transformará de principiante a profesional remunerado. Su viaje de autor, simplificado.Este libro encenderá su carrera de autorNo sueñes simplemente con convertirte en autor: ¡hazlo realidad! Ya sea que haya escrito un manuscrito, tenga un libro en su corazón o simplemente sienta curiosidad por el mundo de la autoedición, esta hoja de ruta es su guía hacia el éxito.Únase a la revolución de la autoedición¿Estás listo para tomar el control de tu destino de autor? Tus palabras merecen ser escuchadas. Tus historias merecen ser leídas. Tu talento merece ser celebrado.No escribas sólo un libro, escribe tu legado. Toma tu libro electrónico ahora y emprende tu viaje para convertirte en un autor independiente profesional pago. ¡Tus lectores están esperando y tus sueños están a solo un clic de distancia!¡Ordene este libro ahora mismo y comience su camino hacia el éxito como autor hoy mismo!

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    308,95 kr.

    It's Time to Unleash Your Inner Authorpreneur! Are you a budding wordsmith with a burning passion for storytelling? Do you dream of seeing your name on the spine of a book, proudly published by YOU? Unlock Your Author Dreams Are you ready to embark on a remarkable journey from aspiring writer to a paid, professional author? Imagine having the power to share your stories with the world, on your own terms! This eBook is your golden ticket to becoming the authorpreneur you've always aspired to be.This Book is Different: From Zero to Published HeroDiscover the secrets to transform your creative spark into a professionally published book, from a blinking cursor to formatting, to cover design, and everything in between.Publishing ProwessLearn the ins and outs of the self-publishing world, including tips and tricks that seasoned authors wish they knew when they started.Monetize Your MasterpieceTurn your passion into profit as you explore effective marketing and promotion strategies to ensure your book reaches a global audience and fills your pockets.Helpful Videos, Promotion Guides and Tools Included:Kindle Rankings GuideHow to Title a BookBook Formatting TemplatesAmazon Author Page Setup GuideEmotional Trigger Words For BooksBook Idea Validation ChecklistBook Launch StrategyFiction And Non-Fiction Book Description FormulasKP Pen Name GeneratorBest Ideas for Writing Children's BooksPrompt Engineering for AuthorsRoadmap to SuccessNavigate the complex world of self-publishing with our step-by-step guide, making your path to success as clear as daylight.Indie Author's AcademyEquip yourself with the knowledge that transforms you from a beginner into a paid professional. Your author journey, simplified.This Book Will Ignites Your Author CareeDon't just dream of becoming an author - make it a reality! Whether you've penned a manuscript, have a book in your heart, or are just curious about the world of self-publishing, this roadmap is your guide to success.Join the Self-Publishing RevolutionAre you ready to take control of your author destiny?Your words deserve to be heard.Your stories deserve to be read.Your talent deserves to be celebrated.Don't just write a book, write your legacy. Grab your eBook now and set forth on your journey to becoming a Paid Professional Indie Author. Your readers are waiting, and your dreams are just one click away!Order this book right now, and start your path to author success today!

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    463,95 kr.

    Este libro de instrucciones es el tercer volumen de la serie Introducción a los Algoritmos y las Estructuras de Datos. Está escrito en como un curso. Es un libro muy comprensivo para las estructuras de datos y los algoritmos, que incluye:Tutoriales de texto con muchas ilustraciones5 horas de video tutoriales de alta definiciónPreguntas comunes en las entrevistas con Google, Microsoft, Amazon y otras grandes compañías.Ejercicios de práctica.Códigos escritos durante el curso yPantallas utilizadas en este libro.La mayoría de libros de estructuras de datos y cursos académicos son muy aburridos. Tienen demasiada matemática y sus códigos se ven horribles y, ¡viejos y repugnantes! Este libro es un paquete que incluye videos y tutoriales que son fáciles de seguir, y te mostrarán como escribir un código hermoso como ingeniero de software, no un matemático.Dominar las estructuras de datos y los algoritmos es esencial para conseguir el trabajo soñado. Por lo que no desperdicies tu tiempo revisando tutoriales sin contexto o super largos de cursos aburridos.RequerimientosEn este volumen, utilizamos Java para enseñar los conceptos, pero puedes aplicar los conceptos en cualquier lenguaje de programación. Nuestro enfoque es en la solución de problemas, no en los lenguajes de programación y herramientas.Todo lo que necesitas para entender los códigos son algunas habilidades básicas de programación, que fueron ensañadas en el primero y segundo volúmenes de la serie. De manera alterna, si ya conoces variables, ciclos y postulados condicionales, estás listo para continuar.Beneficios de aprender de los Algoritmos y las Estructuras de DatosPrimero, te puede ayudar a que obtengas el trabajo de ingeniero de software que sueñas. Si estudiaste ciencia de la computación, pero nunca entendiste realmente el tópico complejo de estructuras de datos y algoritmos, este libro te ayudará. Si eres un programador de auto enseñanza, con poco o ningún conocimiento de este tópico importante, también encontrarás este curso muy útil.Si fallaste en una entrevista de trabajo porque no pudiste responder preguntas básicas de estructura de datos y algoritmos, solo estudia este libro y los videos que lo acompañan. Entender estructuras de datos y algoritmos es crucial para sobresalir como ingeniero de software. Eso es por lo que empresas como Google, Amazon y Microsoft, siempre incluyen preguntas en las entrevistas sobre estructuras de datos y algoritmos.Te enseñaré todo lo que requieres conocer acerca de estructura de datos y algoritmos, de manera que puedas superar tu entrevista de codificación con confianza. Este curso es una mezcla perfecta de teoría y práctica, que contiene de más de 100 preguntas comunes para entrevistas.Otro beneficio es que las estructuras de datos y los algoritmos harán que pienses de manera más lógica. Te pueden ayudar a diseñar mejores sistemas para almacenar y procesar datos. También sirven como una herramienta para optimización y solución de problemas.Como resultado, los conceptos de algoritmos y estructuras de datos son muy valuables en cualquier campo. Por ejemplo, puedes utilizarlos cuando construyes aplicaciones web, o escribes software para otros dispositivos. Pueden aplicarlos en el aprendizaje de máquinas y analíticas de datos, las cuales son dos áreas candentes actualmente. Si eres un hacker, los algoritmos y las estructuras de datos son importantes para ti en todas las actividades.

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    408,95 kr.

    Como Aprender HTML5, CSS e Javascript, Volumen 2.Eu sei que existem recursos online mais do que suficientes para ensinar aos iniciantes tudo o que eles precisam para aprender o desenvolvimento web do zero. Mas este livro é diferente porque aborda alguns problemas de desenvolvimento web. A credibilidade de um desenvolvedor web é muito mais do que suas credenciais. Na verdade, trata-se da força de seu portfólio.As oportunidades de emprego geralmente vêm de amostras de trabalho e habilidades concretas, em vez de um diploma universitário. Então, você precisa aprender bem o suficiente. Este livro não apenas ajudará você a aprender bem e a construir um portfólio impressionante, mas também fornecerá ajuda e suporte contínuos.Com este livro e minha equipe dedicada de ajuda e suporte 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, não há nada a temer. Eu ajudei muitos desenvolvedores web a atualizar suas habilidades de desenvolvimento, lançar carreiras de sucesso e serem contratados para trabalhos remotos. Percebo que mesmo os iniciantes mais ambiciosos podem ter problemas, como não conseguir decidir por onde começar. Às vezes, eles se perdem completamente no caminho e, portanto, precisam de mais ajuda.A verdade é que todo mundo precisa de ajuda em um ponto ou outro para aprender html5, CSS ou Javascript corretamente em sua jornada de desenvolvimento web. Coloquei desafios de codificação suficientes e suas soluções neste livro. Você obterá folhas de dicas atualizadas regularmente, exercícios de codificação, um impressionante portfólio de desenvolvedor da Web para mostrar suas amostras de trabalho, projetos práticos, gráficos e capturas de tela usados neste livro. Você também obterá mais ajuda se usar o link de suporte gratuito no final deste livro. Vou ajudá-lo a aprender bem.Por fim, se você comprar este livro, vou adicioná-lo à minha comunidade de desenvolvimento web para que você possa continuar a aprender e obter mais ajuda até se tornar um profissional bem pago.

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    408,95 kr.

    This book is designed for students who want to learn about and appreciate basic biological topics while studying the smallest units of biology: molecules and cells. Molecular and cellular biology is a dynamic discipline. There are thousands of opportunities within the medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial fields. In addition to preparing you for a diversity of career paths, understanding molecular and cell biology will help you make sound decisions that can benefit your diet and health.Our writers, contributors, and editors are highly educated in sciences and humanities, with extensive classroom teaching and research experience. They are experts on preparing students for standardized tests, as well as undergraduate and graduate admissions coaching.Take a look at the shortened table of contents:Chapter 1. Why Study Cell and Molecular Biology?Chapter 2: The Study of EvolutionChapter 3: What is Cell Biology?Chapter 4: Genetics and Our Genetic BlueprintsChapter 5: Getting Down with AtomsChapter 6. How Chemical Bonds Combine AtomsChapter 7: Water, Solutions and MixturesChapter 8: Which Elements Are in Cells?Chapter 9: Macromolecules Are the "Big" Molecules in Living ThingsChapter 10: Thermodynamics in Living ThingsChapter 11: ATP as "Fuel"Chapter 12: Metabolism and Enzymes in the CellChapter 13: The Difference Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic CellsChapter 14: The Structure of a Eukaryotic CellChapter 15: The Plasma Membrane: The Gatekeeper of the CellChapter 16: Diffusion and OsmosisChapter 17: Passive and Active TransportChapter 18: Bulk Transport of Molecules Across a MembraneChapter 19: Cell SignalingChapter 20: Oxidation and ReductionChapter 21: Steps of Cellular RespirationChapter 22: Introduction to PhotosynthesisChapter 23: Light-Dependent ReactionsChapter 24: Calvin CycleChapter 25: CytoskeletonChapter 26: How Cells MoveChapter 27: Cellular DigestionChapter 28: What is Genetic Material?Chapter 29: The Replication of DNAChapter 30: What is Cell Reproduction?Chapter 31: The Cell Cycle and MitosisChapter 32: MeiosisChapter 33: Cell CommunitiesChapter 34: Central DogmaChapter 35: How Genes Make ProteinsChapter 36: DNA Repair and RecombinationChapter 37: Gene RegulationChapter 38: Genetic Engineering of PlantsChapter 39: Using Genetic Engineering in Animals and HumansChapter 40: What is Gene Therapy?Conclusion

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    808,95 kr.

    In this guide you're going to learn all about AWS (Amazon Web Services). I'm going to get you prepared and fast-track your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam success. The great thing about the cloud practitioner exam is it's very suitable for people coming from many different backgrounds. So, it doesn't matter if you have little or no technical experience, or if you do have a technical background and you're looking to transition your skill sets into the cloud.Whatever background you're coming from, this is the right book for you. Everything you need is here to make sure that you do pass your exam. You're not in this alone because I'm going to help you through it. My support link is at the bottom of this book for you to contact me any time if you need further help.Whatever your preferred learning style, I've also got you covered. If you're a visual learner, you'll love my clear diagrams and illustrations throughout this book. You'll enjoy the facts I present to you and the cheat sheets I created because they have exam specific information in them. If you're a practical learner, you'll love my hands-on lessons so that you can get practical with AWS and learn in a hands-on way.About the hands-on lessons, there are two different types of practical lesson in this guide. The first one is a demo. A demo is a pure demonstration in which I show you something but you don't need to follow along. The reason I do that is that there are a few examples of where I want to show you something visually so that I can demonstrate to you some feature of AWS. But the set up might be a bit more complex than the cloud practitioner exam requires.Now, the other one is a hands-on lesson. A hands-on lesson is a follow-along, so you can actually go through AWS in your own free tier account and actually build on AWS. It will give you practical experience, which is really the best way to learn and become competent.At the end of each section of this book, you'll find a lesson with links to my cheat sheets and a quiz you can use to test yourself as you go through the lessons. There's often an exam cram lesson as well. This is a fast-paced run through of the cool facts ideal for quick revision before you sit your exam.At the end of the book, there's also a full-length practice exam so you can test yourself and see if you're ready to sit the real thing. So, everything you need is here in this guide.Abridged Table of Contents1. Introduction: How to Fast-Track Your Exam Success1.1. About The CLF-C01 Exam2. How to Create AWS Free Tier Account3. Cloud Computing and AWS3.1. Traditional IT and Cloud Computing3.2. Examples and Benefits of Cloud Computing3.3. Types of Cloud Services & Deployment Models3.5. AWS Global Infrastructure3.6. AWS Shared Responsibility Model3.7. Application Programming Interface3.8. Launching Cloud Services3.9. AWS Public and Private Services3.10. The 6 Advantages of Cloud Computing3.11. Exam Cram 13.12. Practice Quiz 14. Identity and Access Management4.1. AWS IAM Overview4.2. IAM Users, Groups, Roles and Policies4.3. How to Create IAM User Account4.4. IAM Authentication and MFA4.5. How to Setup MFA4.6. Service Control Policies4.7. How to Create Custom IAM Password Policy4.8. IAM Best Practices4.9. Exam Cram 24.10. Practice Quiz 25. AWS Compute Services5.0. Introduction5.1. Computing Basics5.1.1. Client-Server Computing5.2. Server Virtualization5.3. Amazon Elastic Compute5.4. How to Launch Windows & Linux Instances5.5. EC2 Instance Connect and SSH..9. Full Length Practice Exams & Answe

  • af Charles Johnson Jr.
    208,95 kr.

    The Most Up to Date Book on Dark Web & Dark Net.You must read this book if you want to learn about or embark on the dark web journey. In this short book, you'll learn the chilling tales of the dark web and dark net. You will know the fundamentals, the facts and figures about the surface web, the deep web and the dark web.The book also provides a broad overview of current and emerging digital threats and computer crimes. You will be updated with crucial information on fraud and identity theft carried out daily on the dark web.Specifically you will learn:What exactly is the dark web?The origin of the deep web and dark webActivities that take place on the dark webHow the dark web affects youHow personal data is sold on the dark webThe pieces of data most often traded on the dark webHuman organ trafficking and child pornography services in the dark webThe dark web market placesThe Tor network & how the Tor browser worksThe story of Ross William Ulbricht, the man behind the Silk RoadThe truth about the Surface Web: why some sites cannot be trusted with your informationThe most important things you will learn:What you can do to protect yourself from malicious activities in the dark webHow to keep your internet identity safe on a daily basis

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    358,95 kr.

    This playbook is the third volume of the series Introduction to Algorithms & Data Structures. It is written in the form of a course. It is a very comprehensive data structures and algorithms book, packed with:> text tutorials with a lot of illustrations > 5 hours of HD video tutorials, > popular interview questions asked by Google, Microsoft, Amazon and other big companies, > hands on lessons, practice exercises and solutions, > codes written during the course and > screenshots used in this book.Most data structure books and courses are too academic and boring. They have too much math and their codes look ugly, old and disgusting! This book is bundled with tutorial videos that are fun and easy to follow along, and show you how to write beautiful code like a software engineer, not a mathematician. Mastering data structures and algorithms is essential to getting your dream job. So, don't waste your time browsing disconnected tutorials or super long, boring courses.If you failed a job interview because you couldn't answer basic data structure and algorithm questions, just study this book and its accompanying videos. Understanding data structures and algorithms is crucial to excel as a software engineer. That's why companies like Google, Microsoft and Amazon, always include interview questions on data structures and algorithms.I will teach you everything you need to know about data structures and algorithms so you can ace your coding interview with confidence. This course is a perfect mix of theory and practice, packed with over 100 popular interview questions.Another benefit is that data structures and algorithms will make you think more logically. They can help you design better systems for storing and processing data. They also serve as a tool for optimization and problem-solving.As a result, the concepts of algorithms and data structures are very valuable in any field. For example, you can use them when building a web app or writing software for other devices. You can apply them to machine learning and data analytics, which are two hot areas right now. If you are a hacker, algorithms and data structures are also important for you everywhere.Now, whatever your preferred learning style, I've got you covered. If you're a visual learner, you'll love my HD videos, and illustrations throughout this book. If you're a practical learner, you'll love my hands-on lessons and practice exercises so that you can get practical with algorithms and data structures and learn in a hands-on way.

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    308,95 kr.

    Beneficios acerca del aprendizaje de algoritmos y estructuras de datos.Primero, te ayudarán a convertirte en un mejor programador. Otro beneficio es que te harán pensar más lógicamente. Además, te pueden ayudar a diseñar mejores sistemas para almacenar y procesar datos. También sirven como una herramienta para la optimización y solución de problemas.Como resultado, los conceptos de algoritmos y estructuras de datos son muy valiosos en cualquier campo. Por ejemplo, puedes utilizarlos cuando construyas una aplicación web o escribes software para otros dispositivos. Puedes utilizarlos para aprendizaje de máquinas y analíticas de datos, las cuales son actualmente dos áreas excitantes. Si eres un hacker, los algoritmos y las estructuras de datos en Python también son importantes para ti en cualquier parte.Ahora, cualquiera que sea tu estilo de aprendizaje preferido, te tendré cubierto. Si eres un aprendiz visual, te encantarán mis diagramas claros e ilustraciones a través de este libro. Si eres un aprendiz práctico, te encantarán mis lecciones de práctica, de manera que puedas obtener práctica con algoritmos y estructuras de datos de una forma práctica. Estructura del curso.Hay cinco volúmenes en este curso. Este es el volumen uno. En este volumen, tomarás una inmersión profunda en el mundo de los algoritmos. Con frecuencia incremental, los algoritmos comienzan a moldear nuestras vidas de muchas maneras - desde los productos que nos recomiendan, hasta los amigos en que interactuamos en los medios sociales, y aún más importante que los aspectos sociales, como las políticas, privacía y cuidado de la salud. Por lo tanto, la primera parte de este curso cubre lo que son los algoritmos, como trabajan, donde se les puede encontrar (en aplicaciones de la vida real).En el segundo volumen, trabajarás a través de la introducción de las estructuras de datos. Aprenderás acerca de las estructuras de datos introductorios - arreglos y listas ligadas. Los observarás en operaciones comunes, y como los tiempos de proceso de estas operaciones afectan nuestro código de todos los días.En el tercer volumen, tomarás tu conocimiento de algoritmos y estructuras de datos juntos, para resolver el problema de clasificar datos utilizando el algoritmo de Merge Sort (clasificar por mezcla). Veremos los algoritmos en dos categorías: sorting (clasificar) y searching (búsqueda). Implementarás algoritmos para clasificar bien conocidos, como Selection Sort, Quicksort, y Merge Sort. También Aprenderás los algoritmos de búsqueda básicos como Sequential Search (búsqueda secuencial) y Binary Search (búsqueda binaria).Al final de muchas secciones de este curso, ejercicios de práctica cortos se proveen para probar tu entendimiento de los tópicos discutidos. También se proveen respuestas de manera que puedas verificar que tan bien has ejecutado cada sección. Al finalizar el curso, encontrarás una liga para bajar más recursos útiles, como códigos y pantallas utilizados en ese libro y más ejercicios de práctica. Puedes utilizarlos para referencias y revisión también. Mi liga de soporte también se provee, de manera que puedas contactarme en cualquier momento que tengas preguntas o requieras ayuda en el futuro.Al final del curso, entenderás que son los algoritmos y las estructuras de datos, cómo son medidos y evaluados, y cómo se utilizan para resolver problemas de la vida real. Por lo tanto, todo lo que requieras está aquí mismo en este libro. Realmente espero que lo disfrutes. ¿estás listo? ¡Sumerjámonos!

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    598,95 kr.

    This book is the second volume of AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Success Guide. In this volume, you'll continue your lessons on Amazon Web Services. I'll give you special exam preparation tips in Chapter 10 to help you complete your preparation and fast-track your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam success. The great thing about the cloud practitioner exam is it's very suitable for people coming from many different backgrounds. So, it doesn't matter if you have little or no technical experience, or if you do have a technical background and you're looking to transition your skill sets into the cloud.Whatever background you're coming from, the two volumes of my guide are all you need. If you've not read the first volume, please order it now and read it first. Everything you need is both volumes. They will help you pass your exam. You're not in this alone because I'm going to help you through it. My support link is at the end of this book for you to contact me any time if you need further help.Whatever your preferred learning style, I've also got you covered. If you're a visual learner, you'll love my clear diagrams and illustrations throughout this book. You'll enjoy the facts I present to you and the cheat sheets I created because they have exam specific information in them. If you're a practical learner, you'll love my hands-on lessons so that you can get practical with AWS and learn in a hands-on way.About the hands-on lessons, there are two different types of practical lesson in this volume. The first one is a demo. A demo is a pure demonstration in which I show you something, but you don't need to follow along. The reason I do that is that there are a few examples of where I want to show you something visually so that I can demonstrate to you some feature of AWS. But the set up might be a bit more complex than the cloud practitioner exam requires. Although there are just a few of those, they're a useful way to show you some things.Now, the other one is a hands-on lesson. A hands-on lesson is a follow-along, so you can go through AWS in your own free tier account and build on AWS. It will give you practical experience, which is really the best way to learn and become competent.At the end of each chapter of this volume, you'll find a lesson with links to cheat sheets and quizzes that you can use to test yourself as you go through the lessons. There's often an exam cram lesson as well at the end of each chapter. This is a fast-paced run through of the cool facts ideal for quick revision before you sit your exam.At the end of this volume, I also provide a link to download training resources, graphics and screenshots used in this book, cheat sheets, assessment tests, practice exams, and other helpful documents. You can use them for quick references and revision as well. In this volume, I also provide a link to full-length practice exams so you can test yourself and see if you're ready to sit the real thing. So, if you've read volume one, get started with volume 2 right now. I really hope you'll enjoy it.

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    408,95 kr.

    I know there are more than sufficient resources online to teach absolute beginners everything they need to learn web development from scratch. But this book is different because it addresses a few web development problems. The credibility of a web developer is much more than their credentials. It's actually about the strength of their portfolio.Employment opportunities often come from work samples and concrete skills, rather than a college degree. So, you need to learn well enough. This book will not only help you learn well and build a stunning portfolio, it will also provide you continuous help and support.With this book and my dedicated 24/7 help and support team, there's nothing for you to fear. I have helped many web developers update their development skills, launch successful careers and get hired for remote jobs. I notice that even the most ambitious beginners can run into problems, such as unable to decide where to begin. Sometimes they get completely lost on the way and therefore need further help.The truth is everyone needs help at one point or the other to learn html5, CSS or Javascript correctly in their web development journey. I put sufficient coding challenges and their solutions in this book. You will get regularly updated cheat sheets, coding exercises, a stunning web developer portfolio to show off your work samples, practice projects, and graphics/screenshots used in this book. You will also get further help if you use the free support link at the bottom of this book. I will help you learn well.Finally, I will add you to my web development community so you can continue to learn and get more help until you become a well-paid professional.

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    1.008,95 kr.

    The objective of this book is to provide you the reader a complete systems engineering treatment of GNSS. We are experts with practical experience in GPS/GNSS design and similar areas that are addressed within the book. We provide a thorough, in-depth treatment of each topic.Within this book, updated information on GPS and GLONASS is presented. In particular, descriptions of new satellites, such as GPS III and GLONASS K2 and their respective signal sets (e.g., GPS III L1C and GLONASS L3OC), are included.There are in-depth technical descriptions of each emerging satellite navigation system: BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, and NavIC. Dedicated chapters cover each system's constellation configuration, satellites, ground control system and user equipment. Detailed satellite signal characteristics are also provided.Recently, we've heard from many engineers that they learned how GPS receivers work from this title. In this title, the design is included, and treatment of receivers is updated and expanded in several important ways. New material has been added on important receiver components, such as antennas and front-end electronics. The increased complexity of multiconstellation, multifrequency receivers, which are rapidly becoming the norm today, is addressed in detail. Other added features of this title are the clear step-by-step design process and associated trades required to develop a GNSS receiver, depending on the specific receiver application.This subject will be of great value to those readers who need to understand these concepts, either for their own design tasks or to aid their satellite navigation system engineering knowledge. To round out the discussion of receivers, updated treatments of interference, ionospheric scintillation, and multipath are provided along with new material on blockage from foliage, terrain, and man-made structures.Now there has been major developments in GNSS augmentations, including differential GNSS (DGNSS) systems, Precise Point Positioning (PPP) techniques, and the use of external sensors/networks. The numerous deployed or planned satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) networks are detailed, including WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN, and SDCM, as are groundbased differential systems used for various applications.The use of PPP techniques has greatly increased in recent years, and the treatment in this title has been expanded accordingly. Material addressing integration of GNSS with other sensors has been thoroughly revamped, as has the treatment of network assistance as needed to reflect the evolution from 2G/3G to 4G cellular systems that now rely on multiconstellation GNSS receiver engines.While this title has generally been written for the engineering/scientific community, one of the series is devoted to GNSS markets and applications. Marketing projections (and the challenge thereof) are enumerated and discussion of the major applications is provided.This book is structured such that a reader with a general science background can learn the basics of GNSS. The reader with a stronger engineering/scientific background will be able to delve deeper and benefit from the more in-depth technical material. It is this ramp-up of mathematical/technical complexity along with the treatment of key topics that enables this publication to serve as a student text as well as a reference source.

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    238,95 kr.

    Es ampliamente aceptado que cerca del 60 por ciento de los usuarios de Excel dejan el 80 por ciento de Excel intacto. Es decir, la mayoría de los usuarios no aprovechan todo el potencial de las utilidades integradas de Excel. De estas utilidades, las más prolíficas con diferencia son la tabla dinámica y los gráficos dinámicos. A pesar de que las tablas dinámicas y los gráficos han sido una piedra angular de Excel durante más de 16 años, siguen siendo una de las herramientas más infrautilizadas en toda la suite de Microsoft Office.Habiendo encontrado este libro, eres lo suficientemente inteligente como para haber oído hablar de tablas dinámicas y gráficos o incluso haberlos usado en ocasiones. Tiene la sensación de que las tablas dinámicas y los gráficos tienen algún poder que no está utilizando, y desea aprender a aprovechar ese poder para aumentar su productividad rápidamente.Con solo este libro, podrá crear tablas dinámicas y gráficos básicos, aumentar su productividad y producir informes en minutos en lugar de horas.Dentro de los primeros 3 capítulos, podrá generar informes dinámicos complejos con capacidades de desglose que acompañan a los gráficos. Al final del libro, podrá crear un sistema dinámico de informes de tabla dinámica.

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    408,95 kr.

    Como Aprender HTML5, CSS e Javascript BemEu sei que existem recursos online mais do que suficientes para ensinar aos iniciantes tudo o que eles precisam para aprender o desenvolvimento web do zero. Mas este livro é diferente porque aborda alguns problemas de desenvolvimento web. A credibilidade de um desenvolvedor web é muito mais do que suas credenciais. Na verdade, trata-se da força de seu portfólio.As oportunidades de emprego geralmente vêm de amostras de trabalho e habilidades concretas, em vez de um diploma universitário. Então, você precisa aprender bem o suficiente. Este livro não apenas ajudará você a aprender bem e a construir um portfólio impressionante, mas também fornecerá ajuda e suporte contínuos.Com este livro e minha equipe dedicada de ajuda e suporte 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, não há nada a temer. Eu ajudei muitos desenvolvedores web a atualizar suas habilidades de desenvolvimento, lançar carreiras de sucesso e serem contratados para trabalhos remotos. Percebo que mesmo os iniciantes mais ambiciosos podem ter problemas, como não conseguir decidir por onde começar. Às vezes, eles se perdem completamente no caminho e, portanto, precisam de mais ajuda.A verdade é que todo mundo precisa de ajuda em um ponto ou outro para aprender html5, CSS ou Javascript corretamente em sua jornada de desenvolvimento web. Coloquei desafios de codificação suficientes e suas soluções neste livro. Você obterá folhas de dicas atualizadas regularmente, exercícios de codificação, um impressionante portfólio de desenvolvedor da Web para mostrar suas amostras de trabalho, projetos práticos, gráficos e capturas de tela usados neste livro. Você também obterá mais ajuda se usar o link de suporte gratuito no final deste livro. Vou ajudá-lo a aprender bem.Por fim, se você comprar este livro, vou adicioná-lo à minha comunidade de desenvolvimento web para que você possa continuar a aprender e obter mais ajuda até se tornar um profissional bem pago.

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    438,95 kr.

    Use this book to give your kid lots of fun while they learn ABC letters in FRENCH!With this ABC Letter Tracing for Preschoolers, your kids will have a lot of fun, even though they won't know they are learning! Use this french handwriting book as a perfect start for any kid to learn how to write in a fun and engaging way.This workbook consists of 3 sections:I: Get Ready - Training their hand control by tracing straight and curve lines.II: Letter Tracing - Letter tracing worksheets for each uppercase and lowercase letter will guide your kid one stroke at a time. Fun and cute illustrations accompany each page to help your kids recognize and memorize all the letters from the alphabet.III: Free Practice - Pages with blank lines for free practice.Age specifications:This is an early learning activity book. It is designed for boys and girls in the range of 2 to 6 years old. It is also suitable for any child (preschool, toddlers and kindergarten) who has interest in writing French letters. Your kid will love it! Buy this book now and set your kid for success in a fun and engaging way!

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    463,95 kr.

    This textbook is intended for students who are in the first or second year of a typical college or university program in mechanical engineering or a closely related field. Throughout the chapters of this book, I attempted to balance the treatments of technical problem-solving skills, engineering principles and analysis with numerous worked examples. Practice exercises are also included for you to test your understanding of each topic treated in the book.The book begins with scalar and vector quantities in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 you will study dynamics. You will learn rectilinear motion of particles, basic equations of motion, displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration, torque, Newton's laws of motion, principles of conservation of energy, momentum and different types of forces. You will also be introduced to the concept of work, energy and power.In Chapter 3, we will return to statics. We will look at moments and frictional forces. You will learn the laws of Friction, friction on an inclined plane, tractive resistance, and application of friction to brakes and bearings. In Chapter 4, we will move on to circular motion. You will learn about motion in a circle and centripetal force with worked examples.In Chapter 5, you will study mechanical oscillations. You will learn simple harmonic motion, damped oscillation, forced oscillation and resonance.In Chapter 6, we will look at the principles of machine, such as mechanical advantage, velocity ratio (speed ratio) and efficiency. You will learn with worked examples application of machines, such as the inclined plane, screw jack, wheel and axle, the hydraulic press, gear trains, the worm wheel, belt tension and belt slip.Chapter 7 is all about fluid at rest. We will look at pressure at a depth in a fluid, pressure measuring instruments, atmospheric pressure, pressure gauges, surface tension and Archimedes' principle with worked examples. Chapters 8 is dedicated to fluid dynamics. We will look at properties of fluid such as density, viscosity, turbulent flow, Bernoulli's equation and momentum of fluid with worked examples.In Chapter 9, you will study energy and its uses, and different sources of energy, such as solar, wind. water and biofuels. You will also learn about thermal power station, hydroelectric power station, and so on.In Chapter 10, I provide a link to download a bunch of practice exercises and answers, and other training resources. You can use them for quick references and revision as well. So, everything you need to help you in your study is here in this book. This will give you more problem-solving and analytical skills. It will also help you to learn some of the calculations and estimates or approximations that mechanical engineers can perform as they solve technical problems and communicate their results. For mechanical engineers to accomplish their jobs better and faster, they combine science, mathematics, computer-aided engineering tools, hands-on skills and experience. My support link is also included in this book for you to contact me any time if you need further help.Finally, please note that after studying this book, you will not be an expert in mechanical engineering. That is not my intention of writing this book, and it should not be yours for reading it. If my objective has been met, however, you will acquire a solid foundation of problem-solving and analytical skills, which just might form the basis for your own future contributions to the mechanical engineering profession.

  • af A. B. Lawal
    208,95 kr.

    Imagine if you had an Almanac with tomorrows sports results and events.Imagine what you could do if you knew the outcome before it actually happened. Impossible? This book teaches you how sports investing works and how you can win consistently from sports betting.Sports has been my life since childhood. I was trying to crunch the code to predict tomorrow's games. In fact, this may sound a little bit like a back to the future fairy tale, but we've come as close as we can to the results of Tomorrows Almanac.I love sports betting.During the last 13 years, I've been gathering sports data for Major League sports like Major League Baseball, Nhl Hockey, the NFL football and NBA basketball. We crunching the numbers and we're comparing the stats.I'm analyzing and back testing everything for years and years to crack the sports code to find those repeating patterns and trends to understand what makes teams win and what makes teams lose. And you know what we found, we found that history always repeats itself.This is true, especially in sports where the rules are strictly define the outcomes in these situations are very predictable. Of course there are lucky strikes and conditions that are impossible to put into perspective.However, those are very small percentages. If you know the past outcome of an event, you can predict the results for the game in similar circumstances with a high degree of probability.As I said before, the past is never a full indication of what will happen in the future and there is always room for surprises, but again, this is what makes sports fun to watch. Am I right?However, what is the chance of a team with similar power and player statistics will produce a similar outcome in a similar game in similar circumstances? What's that percentage? 86.5% that's right. An 86.5% of the cases there will be no surprises and to prediction will come. Absolutely true.Our Zcode investing software is the best system in the market because it keeps making us consistent gains each and every month. Truth is we love sports, but we hate to gamble. What we call this is sports investing, which is similar to any other trading like stocks, stock options, and forex trades. This is just way more predictable than today's flawed economic models with crisis's and bankruptcy events.Every day the software is gathering thousands and thousands and thousands of sports data and results, every single event, every single detail, every single player and every single team.Then it starts the simulation with over 80 parameters in the zcode formula to come up with a precise and easy to use prediction and not only tells you who is going to win, but also and most importantly, where the value is, which means more money can be made guessing.To learn more about how you can create a consistent $1500 monthly from sports betting, just order this book right now!

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    238,95 kr.

    This well-illustrated Word Search Puzzles book is an excellent way for your kids to improve their vocabulary and also increase their ability to recognize letters in a fun way! They just need to grab their pencil and start scouring for words and clues!Features:Over 120 page puzzles with images to help with search puzzlesFor all kids and teensBook size is 8.5 x 11 inchesEach unit of puzzles features a challenging and confidence-boosting word gameBook is portable and perfect for on-the-go learning!Since this book is addicting, your kid will love searching for familiar words with the help of the illustrations included!

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    258,95 kr.

    Benefits of This BookLearning algorithms and data structures from this book will help you become a better programmer. Algorithms and data structures will make you think more logically. Furthermore, they can help you design better systems for storing and processing data. They also serve as a tool for optimization and problem-solving.As a result, the concepts of algorithms and data structures are very valuable in any field. For example, you can use them when building a web app or writing software for other devices. You can apply them to machine learning and data analytics, which are two hot areas right now. If you are a hacker, algorithms and data structures in Python are also important for you everywhere.Now, whatever your preferred learning style, I've got you covered. If you're a visual learner, you'll love my clear diagrams and illustrations throughout this book. If you're a practical learner, you'll love my hands-on lessons so that you can get practical with algorithms and data structures and learn in a hands-on way.Course StructureThis book is the first volume of the series Introduction to Algorithms & Data Structures. In this volume, you'll take a deep dive into the world of algorithms. With increasing frequency, algorithms are starting to shape our lives in many ways - from the products recommended to us, to the friends we interact with on social media, to even important social issues like policing, privacy and healthcare. So, the first part of this course covers what algorithms are, how they work, and where they can be found (real life applications). In the second volume, you'll work through an introduction to data structures. You're going to learn about two introductory data structures - arrays and linked lists. You'll look at common operations and how the runtimes of these operations affect our everyday code. The third volume is packed with hours of HD tutorial videos, practice exercises, sample codes, and popular interview questions asked by Google, Microsoft, Amazon and other big companies. So, in the third volume, you'll master data structures and algorithms which are essential to getting your dream job. Don't waste your time browsing disconnected tutorials or super long, boring courses. In this volume, we will look at algorithms in two categories: sorting and searching. You'll implement well-known sorting algorithms like Selection Sort, Quicksort, and Merge Sort. You'll also learn basic search algorithms like Sequential Search and Binary Search. At the end of many sections of this course, short practice exercises are provided to test your understanding of the topic discussed. Answers are also provided so you can check how well you have performed in each section. At the end of the course, assessment tests are provided. You will also find links to download more helpful resources such as codes and screenshots used in this book, and more practice exercises. You can use them for quick references and revision as well. My support link is also provided so you to contact me any time if you have questions or need further help. By the end of this course, you will understand what algorithms and data structures are, how they are measured and evaluated, and how they are used to solve real-life problems. So, everything you need is right here in this course. I really hope you'll enjoy it. Are you ready? Let's dive in!

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    268,95 kr.

    Benefits of This Book.Learning algorithms and data structures from this book will help you become a better programmer. Algorithms and data structures will make you think more logically. Furthermore, they can help you design better systems for storing and processing data. They also serve as a tool for optimization and problem-solving.As a result, the concepts of algorithms and data structures are very valuable in any field. For example, you can use them when building a web app or writing software for other devices. You can apply them to machine learning and data analytics, which are two hot areas right now. If you are a hacker, algorithms and data structures in Python are also important for you everywhere.Now, whatever your preferred learning style, I've got you covered. If you're a visual learner, you'll love my clear diagrams and illustrations throughout this book. If you're a practical learner, you'll love my hands-on lessons so that you can get practical with algorithms and data structures and learn in a hands-on way.Course Structure.This book is the first volume of the series Introduction to Algorithms & Data Structures. In this volume, you'll take a deep dive into the world of algorithms. With increasing frequency, algorithms are starting to shape our lives in many ways - from the products recommended to us, to the friends we interact with on social media, to even important social issues like policing, privacy and healthcare. So, the first part of this course covers what algorithms are, how they work, and where they can be found (real life applications). In the second volume, you'll work through an introduction to data structures. You're going to learn about two introductory data structures - arrays and linked lists. You'll look at common operations and how the runtimes of these operations affect our everyday code. The third volume is packed with hours of HD tutorial videos, practice exercises, sample codes, and popular interview questions asked by Google, Microsoft, Amazon and other big companies. So, in the third volume, you'll master data structures and algorithms which are essential to getting your dream job. Don't waste your time browsing disconnected tutorials or super long, boring courses. In this volume, we will look at algorithms in two categories: sorting and searching. You'll implement well-known sorting algorithms like Selection Sort, Quicksort, and Merge Sort. You'll also learn basic search algorithms like Sequential Search and Binary Search. At the end of many sections of this course, short practice exercises are provided to test your understanding of the topic discussed. Answers are also provided so you can check how well you have performed in each section. At the end of the course, assessment tests are provided. You will also find links to download more helpful resources such as codes and screenshots used in this book, and more practice exercises. You can use them for quick references and revision as well. My support link is also provided so you to contact me any time if you have questions or need further help. By the end of this course, you will understand what algorithms and data structures are, how they are measured and evaluated, and how they are used to solve real-life problems. So, everything you need is right here in this course. I really hope you'll enjoy it. Are you ready? Let's dive in!

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    238,95 kr.

    In this book I give you my honest views on the good and dark sides of Windows 11. There are more features, issues, hacks and tricks hiding in Windows 11 than most people will ever know. I unveiled some of them in this book.I've been a Windows user for over 20 years, and after further exploring two early builds of Windows 11, at first I had to admit that it looks rather nice, and is better than Windows 10.But I soon discovered there's a lot more than meets the eye. So I strongly advise you read this book first to help you decide if you should install or upgrade your OS to Windows 11.These are some of what you'll learn in this book:The new features and major changes since the Windows 11 insider preview was released.Why Microsoft's system health-check application, and the hardware constraints they plan to include in Windows 11 are shameful, and how they can affect your system and you.Why I suspect the rollout of Windows 11 will be relatively slow, and why it will take quite a long time before lots of people start using it.Apps experiencing troubles with Windows 11 and why Microsoft is unable to find a fix.8 Windows 11 troubles Microsoft is currently investigatingThe Microsoft's policy and how it will affect Windows 11 users when Windows 10 support ends on October 14th, 2025.How to quickly and reliably check if your system can run Windows 11.Two methods to install Windows 11 step by step (for Windows and Linux-based systems with backup and restore options for programs and files).A work around to install Windows 11 on non-supported hardware.How to dual boot your PC with Windows 11 and 10 step by step.And so much more...

  • af A. B. Lawal
    308,95 kr.

    Did you know that cloud computing is being used by just about every person or company on the internet today in some shape or form? Most people use the cloud and never even think about it. I've been writing, teaching and speaking about cloud computing since the time it was simply called "the cloud". In this book, you're going to learn how the cloud works, how it can help you, your team or organization, and the different types of cloud computing. In chapters 4 and 5, you're going to get a hands-on experience from my examples and learn real-world applications of cloud computing. In chapter 5 I'll show you:How to create and use a Microsoft Azure subscription to get $200 credit and 12 months of 25 free services.How to create a Windows virtual machine (VM).How to create a Linux virtual machine. When you read my book, you will understand different phrases and acronyms, such as:Software as a service Infrastructure as a service Platform as a service Virtualization Multitenancy and so much more! We'll also talk about:Public cloudsPrivate cloudsHybrid cloudsMulti-clouds Finally, we will look at the risks of cloud computing, cover the current marketplace and see a lot of the different companies offering cloud services. You will discover how to recognize and understand what it is these companies actually provide.

  • af A. J. Wright
    308,95 kr.

    This book is for every Excel user. It is widely agreed that close to 60 percent of Excel users leave 80 percent of Excel untouched. That is, most users do not tap into the full potential of Excel's built-in utilities. Of these utilities, the most prolific by far are the pivot table and pivot charts. Despite the fact that pivot tables and charts have been a cornerstone of Excel for more than 16 years, they remain one of the most underutilized tools in the entire Microsoft Office Suite.Having discovered this book, you are savvy enough to have heard of pivot tables and charts or even have used them on occasion. You have a sense that pivot tables and charts have some power that you are not using, and you want to learn how to leverage that power to increase your productivity quickly.With only this book, you will be able to create basic pivot tables and charts, increase your productivity, and produce reports in minutes instead of hours. Within the first 3 chapters, you will be able to output complex pivot reports with drill-down capabilities accompanying charts. By the end of the book, you will be able to build a dynamic pivot table reporting system.

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    308,95 kr.

    In this book, which is part 1 in the series of "PLC Programming & Implementation," I teach you the practical aspect of PLC programming and industrial applications of PLCs. The book is very straightforward and easy-to-read. In this book, I present the principles of PLCs while not tying myself to one manufacturer or another. I included in this book extensive examples and chapter-ending problems that utilize several popular PLCs, highlighting understanding of fundamentals that can be used regardless of manufacturer.This book will help you to understand the main design characteristics, internal architecture, and operating principles of PLCs, as well as identify safety issues and methods for fault diagnosis, testing, and debugging.What you'll learn in this book:Comparison of relay-controlled systems, microprocessor-controlled systems, and the programmable logic controller, a discussion of PLC hardware and architecture, examples from various PLC manufacturers, and coverage of security, the IEC programming standard, programming devices and manufacturer's software.Detail of programming using Sequential Function Charts.Extended coverage of the sequencer.Information on fault finding, including testing inputs and outputs with an illustration of how it is done with the PLC manufacturer's software.New case studies.After reading the book, you will have a good understanding and broad practical knowledge of PLCs and ladder logic programming. You will also be able to apply it to numerous real-world situations and industrial applications, such as:Paper MillCoal KilnShaft KilnGlass IndustryCement IndustryAutomated Drill Press ControlSCADARobot Cell with Trapped-key Accessand so much more...