213,95 kr. ¿ Qué harí as si recibieras en tu iPad una oferta para que un hada punk te conceda tres deseos? ¿ Ser una estrella del pop? ¿ Una superheroí na? ¿ La mejor cientí fica del mundo? Harlana está a punto de encontrarse justamente en estas circunstancias. En esta reinterpretació n del tradicional cuento de hadas, Bef plantea unas protagonistas originales y bastante heterodoxas que deben enfrentarse a los problemas de la vida moderna. Por supuesto que cada deseo tiene consecuencias inesperadas y divertidas, y no demasiadas moralejas...
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
183,95 kr. Sometimes comedy and sadness meet in the middle, and Patricio Betteo is a great example of that. This blend is what led to comic strips that can be enjoyed as visual poetry. This compendium is a wonderful gathering of human relationships, solitude, melancholia, and some fun wordplay. Such is the magic of a comic strip that can make you smile or sigh...sometimes at the same time.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
183,95 kr. - Bog
- 183,95 kr.
248,95 kr. "Durante el equinoccio de otoäno Ben y sus amigos deciden averiguar a dâonde van todas esas lâamparas de papel que cada aäno la gente de su pueblo libera en la corriente del râio. ÅSe convertirâan en estrellas, como dice la vieja canciâon que han escuchado desde pequeänos? ÅTerminarâan en una profunda cueva, en el mar? ÅO simplemente se hundirâan en algâun punto de la corriente para nunca volver a emerger? Sea lo que sea, quieren saberlo. Ben y su inesperado compaänero, Nathaniel, se encuentran con un gran oso que lleva a cuestas una enorme canasta. Al descubrir que tienen el mismo destino, deciden viajar juntos, aunque sea sâolo una parte del camino. Se pierden, escapan de una bruja, cruzan cuevas submarinas con el cielo nocturno reflejado en el techo, consiguen atravesar una tormenta y se cruzan con una caravana resplandeciente que acude a una celebraciâon...ÆTodo para descubrir el destino de un montâon de lamparitas!"--Provided by publisher.
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
173,95 kr. A collection of comic strips featuring four-year-old Alice Otterloop as she navigates her way through preschool.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
183,95 kr. ¡Estás a punto de descubrirlo! Abre este libro y explora el asombroso mundo de la biología: la ciencia que estudia a los seres vivos, desde las enormes ballenas azules hasta las microscópicas bacterias que viven en tu piel.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
- Bog
- 313,95 kr.
213,95 kr. Este libro para niänos y jâovenes es una adaptaciâon en forma de câomicas de la famosa obra clâasica de Cervantes sobre las aventuras y las desventuras de Don Quijote de la Mancha y su escudero, Sancho Panza.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
193,95 kr. Tim-21 y sus amigos están en aprietos: Tim-22 lo persigue para destruirlo; el doctor Quon y la capitana Telsa han sido capturados por el Hardwire; y Andy está atrapado con Taladrador y Bandido en el planeta Sampson. En cada capítulo de este tercer volumen de Descender, se revelarán el pasado y las motivaciones de cada personaje. ¿Qué secretos esconderán? Escrito por el galardonado creador, Jeff Lemire, e ilustrado por el talentoso Dustin Nguyen, Descender es una apasionante y ambiciosa saga cósmica que interesará no sólo a los amantes de las novelas gráficas, sino también a quienes gustan de las historias gráficas de calidad. Tim-21 and his friends are in trouble: Tim-22 is being chased; Dr. Quon and Captain Telsa have been captured by the Hardwire; and Andy is trapped with Driller and Bandit on the planet Sampson. In each chapter of this third and final volume of the Descender series, the past and the motivations of each character will be revealed. What secrets will they hide? Written by the award-winning creator Jeff Lemire and illustrated by the talented Dustin Nguyen, Descender Volume 3 is an exciting and ambitious cosmic saga that will interest not only lovers of graphic novels, but also those who like quality graphic stories.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
238,95 kr. This book plays with the idea that the world is surrounded by angels who live among us and intervene, as much as possible, in the lives of human beings. What does this angelic presence in their lives mean to them? The work delves into the mystery of existence and reflects on the human condition without having to resort to many words: a few sentences, combined with extraordinary images, manage to create by themselves an ethereal and enigmatic atmosphere that directs the same to the emotions that to intelligence.
- Bog
- 238,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Niños jugando es la segunda entrega de En Las Afueras, un suburbio gris y tedioso donde viven la tremenda Alice Otterloop y su neurótico hermano mayor Petey. Pero nada es aburrido en su mundo, poblado por juegos misteriosos, zombies, viajes familiares y una enloquecida aula de preescolar. > Children Playing is the second installment of In The Outskirts, a gray and tedious suburb where the tremendous Alice Otterloop and her neurotic older brother Petey live. But nothing is boring in her world, populated by mysterious games, zombies, family trips, and a crazed preschool classroom.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
198,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
173,95 kr. "In this volume, Fahama has been kidnapped by a mad scientist and his zombie assistant, and they are intent on stealing her brain! She'll need to learn about the brain as fast as possible in order to plan her escape! How did the brain evolve? How do our senses work in relation to the brain? How do we remember things? What makes you, YOU? Get an inside look at the human brain, the most advanced operating system in the world ... if you have the nerve!"--
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
173,95 kr. In Bats, we follow a little brown bat whose wing is injured by humans on a nature hike. He is taken to a bat rehabilitation center where he meets many different species of bats. They teach him how they fly, what they eat, and where they like to live --
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
268,95 kr. During the XVII and XVIII centuries, there were great thinkers who risked their freedom and their lives over their revolutionary ideas. Take a look at the philosophers that were the pillars of both modern thinking and science: Galileo, Hobbes, Newton, and many more. They dared to question the norm.
- Bog
- 268,95 kr.
173,95 kr. ÆSigue las pistas de los fâosiles! ÅSabes cuâal es la relaciâon entre los monstruos mitolâogicos y los dinosaurios? ÅCâomo se extingeieron estos antiquâisimos reptiles? Quizâa te preguntas câomo conocieron los cientâificos la apariencia de estos animales extintos, o por quâe estâan tan seguros de hace cuâantos aänos vivieron. Saca tu pico, pala y brocha y acompaäna a los primers paleontâologos a excavar todos los secretos de los dinosaurios."--
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
238,95 kr. María es una chica de 13 años que la pasa bastante mal en la escuela y también en su casa, donde los conflictos entre sus padres la afectan de manera cotidiana y directa. Es una gran dibujante, pero las matemáticas no se le dan muy bien. Tampoco encaja entre las chicas populares y fiesteras, así que para ella su lugar en el mundo todavía no está muy claro. Pero entonces conoce a otra María, "la mamá del monstruo". Una María que vivió en el siglo XIX y que cambio para siempre las historias de terror que leemos. Identificada con su tocaya, María se reconciliará con su propio monstruo para forjarse un camino y un sitio memorables. María is a 13-year-old girl who has a hard time at school and at home, where conflicts between her parents affect her on a daily and direct basis. She is a great cartoonist, but not very good at math. She doesn't fit in between popular and partying girls, so her place in the world is still not very clear to her. But then he meets another Maria, "the monster's mother." A Maria who lived in the nineteenth century and forever changed the horror stories we read. Identified with her namesake, Maria will reconcile with her own monster to forge a memorable path.
- Bog
- 238,95 kr.
128,95 kr. Tu cuerpo es tuyo y tâu ones las reglas. Puedes tener reglas distintas para cada persona y cambiarlas cuando tâu quieras. Por ejemplo, tal vez quieras chocar las palmas con tus amigos y besar a tu gatito, Æpero no al revâes! Este libro te darâa seguridad, responsabilidad y control total sobre tu cuerpo, tus emociones y tu forma de ser. Aquâi aprenderâas a poner lâimites, a pedir respeto, a reflexionar sobre tu propio comportamiento y a ser un buen amigo de quienes te rodean. En pocas palabras, a entender quâe es el consentimiento y câomo funciona para ti y para los demâas.--contraportada.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
193,95 kr. "The Universe is on the brink of war and the young android Tim-21 is in the middle of the conflict. As his allies and enemies focus on the orbit of the oceanic planet Mata, nothing can prepare him for the series of underwater revelations he is about to receive. This volume of the hit series Descend is the prelude to the long-awaited finale. The Descend series has been critically acclaimed since its release. The dystopian future in which machines are chased after an attack on humanity has captivated millions of readers. In addition, the pair of Eisner Award winners, Lemire and Nguyen, makes this series an exquisite narrative and graphic delicacy for lovers of science fiction and adventure comics. A series where there is no shortage of action, intrigue or unexpected twists."--Provided by publisher.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Explores the history and many species of dogs, describing their physical characteristics and discussing how they act and what they eat.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
158,95 kr. Aaron Cruz' first publication was a fanzine; its timeless quality has established him as a wonderful cartoonist. His comic strips combine fantasy, romance and the mundane with a comedic and nostalgic touch that appeals to teens and adults. His drawings and colors denote the many influences that shaped him as an artist. His inaugural work is the test of a long and successful career. A book that will capture any reader's heart.
- Bog
- 158,95 kr.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
198,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
178,95 kr. This wonderful graphic novel immerses us in the world of Edmund, a fairy and The Boy, a human boy; all of them were switched at birth, in keeping with the tradition of a town inhabited by ancient beings. Edmund must hide his growing powers in our human world. The Boy, who is nameless, is a pet in the magical world. But things change as Hawthorne, a wicked fairy, comes to power in the underworld. Both Edmund and The Boy must protect the underworld as they scramble to understand where they belong.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.