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93,95 kr. From the Editor: Prophetic Ramifications of the Seventh Day of Unleavened Bread The children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on the 7th Day of Unleavened Bread. Could the last day of unleavened bread have any prophetic lessons for Christians today? Questions and Answers About Prophecy An update to questions and answers put together by the old Ambassador College.The Third Commandment Do words matter?Study the Bible Course Lesson 15: What is 'Hell'? Most in the world greatly misunderstand this subject.What Does Pentecost Mean to You? Can understanding Pentecost help correct one of the most universally believed false doctrine in the world's 'Christianity'?The Origins of Astrology The origins are not biblical, nor have most people been born under the sign astrologers claim.
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93,95 kr. What is faith? Can faith be increased? Is faith just a feeling? Does faith nullify the law?Many talk about faith, but do they really have it? Millions lack the faith to receive answers to their prayers. Often this is due to lack of understanding what faith really is.Can you handle reading and doing what the Bible teaches about faith?
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