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  • - A Word to the Wise ( Tales 201~300 in simplified Chinese characters)
    278,95 kr.

    B杜极短篇故事集(201~300)囊括了100则小故事,文字虽浅显,但寓意颇深,值得一读。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales two hundred and one to three hundred.

  • - A Word to the Wise (Tales 1~100 in traditional Chinese characters)
    278,95 kr.

    B杜極短篇故事集(1~100)囊括了100則小故事,文字雖淺顯,但寓意頗深,值得一讀。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales one to one hundred.

  • - Love in Singapore (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)
    223,95 kr.

    注册护士崔媛媛与耳鼻咽喉科主治医师郑之龙二见钟情,婚后才知老公是双面人,既是仁心仁术的医生,也是家暴者。汪致远是国内来的住院医生,他同情崔媛媛的遭遇,并进一步由怜生爱。由于面对的是一个狡猾的枕边人,崔媛媛不愿拖汪医生下水,转而向年近古稀的富豪方淮安求助,但天下没有免费的午餐,崔媛媛得付出什么代价?她和汪致远又能否"有情人终成眷属"?这是作者B杜一系列异国恋情N部曲中的第七部,故事讲述女性复仇的故事,在压抑的气氛中逐渐露出曙光......Nurse, Cui Yuanyuan, fell in love with Dr. Zheng Zhilong. But after they were married, she learned that her husband had a split personality: on the one hand, a benevolent doctor and, on the other, an abusive husband. Dr. Wang Zhiyuan, from China, sympathizes with Yuanyuan and has feelings for her; yet both are unwilling to confront Dr. Zheng. Instead, Yuanyuan turns to a wealthy patient Fang Huai'an for help. However, Fang's help has a price. Will she and Dr. Wang finally be together? This is the seventh book in the series of exotic romance novels by B Du. The story is about female revenge.

  • - Love in France ( A novel in traditional Chinese characters )
    241,95 kr.

    漢語老師馬依依到法國巴黎探望男友羅宋,因此結識攝影師小尤及股票經紀人華諾,一女三男有了錯綜複雜的愛戀糾葛。這是作者B杜一系列異國戀情N部曲中的第一部,故事發生在充滿浪漫氣息的法國,本書又有俊男美女組合,讀來鮮活生動、纏綿悱惻,特別適合懷春少女及對愛情有憧憬的女性閱讀。結尾有 "原味版" 和 "甜味版" 兩種選擇,充份照顧到不同讀者的喜好。Love in France is the first part of B Du's series of Romantic Odyssey novels. This is the story of one woman and three men entangled in a complex 'love square'. To cater for the tastes of different readers, the author offers two endings, the 'original' and the 'sweetened'.

  • - A World Apart (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)
    208,95 kr.

    十九世纪后半叶的某天,居住在英国曼彻斯特的柯克曼先生收到儿子的电报,大意是即将有个惊喜给他,让他乘坐玛格丽特公主号到加尔各答。在这艘超级邮轮上,柯克曼先生观察到头等舱、二等舱、三等舱的差别待遇,而身为书店老板的他虽然因为儿子的缘故得以进入头等舱,但仍无可避免地与这个舱位等级的乘客产生隔阂。历经近一个月的海上和陆上交通后,柯克曼先生终于见到儿子,可是父子俩的代沟却比昔日更甚。从采茶机的维修工摇身一变成为茶园园主的强纳生对父亲的评价是窝囊、迂腐、落伍,而柯克曼先生也看不惯儿子的行事作风,这对父子最终有没有和解?而被茶园员工绑架的柯克曼先生又是否安全归来?这是B杜的第23部小说,把阶级固化和父子间的矛盾描写得淋漓尽致,有翻译小说的味道,值得一读!In the latter part of the nineteenth century, Mr. Kirkman, a bookseller from Manchester, England, received a telegram from his son requesting that he takes the SS Princess Margaret to Calcutta. On this formidable passenger steam ship, Mr. Kirkman, traveling in first class, found himself uncomfortable with the treatment between first class passengers and the rest; yet, estranged among high society himself.After nearly a month of travel, he finally rendezvoused with his son, uneasy after their years apart but also as a result of the startling assurance with which, Jonathan, now risen to a tea plantation owner, carried himself. His son, contrarily, confirmed his father merely as a weak, pedantic and backward man. So, when his father was kidnapped by plantation workers, would Johnathan come to the rescue? This is the 23rd novel of B Du. It depicts the division between father and son in the class-ridden world of the late nineteenth century.

  • - Love in Singapore (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)
    223,95 kr.

    註册護士崔媛媛與耳鼻咽喉科主治醫師鄭之龍二見鍾情,婚後才知老公是雙面人,既是仁心仁術的醫生,也是家暴者。汪致遠是國內來的住院醫生,他同情崔媛媛的遭遇,並進一步由憐生愛。由於面對的是一個狡猾的枕邊人,崔媛媛不願拖汪醫生下水,轉而向年近古稀的富豪方淮安求助,但天下没有免費的午餐,崔媛媛得付出什麼代價?她和汪致遠又能否"有情人終成眷屬"?這是作者B杜一系列異國戀情N部曲中的第七部,故事講述女性復仇的故事,在壓抑的氣氛中逐漸露出曙光......Nurse Cui Yuanyuan fell in love with, Dr Zheng Zhilong. But after marriage, she learned that her husband had a split personality: on the one hand, a benevolent doctor and, on the other, an abusive husband. Dr Wang Zhiyuan, from China, sympathizes with Yuanyuan and has feelings for her; yet both are unwilling to confront Dr Zheng. Instead, Yuanyuan turns to a wealthy patient Fang Huai'an for help. However, Fang's help has a price. Will she and Dr Wang finally be together? This is the seventh book in the series of exotic romance novels by B Du. The story is about female revenge.

  • - Love in Switzerland (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)
    217,95 kr.

    顾宛宛的姑丈突然去世,她飞到瑞士安慰姑姑,这才发现姑姑经营着一家鱼子酱公司(O-One),并且官司缠身。本来只打算短暂停留的她,因种种原因被姑姑收养,同时责无旁贷地扛起O-One。Louis是一名事务律师,他带着母亲的遗愿飞往苏黎世,因缘巧合下与顾宛宛相识,当时两人都各有伴侣,只能维持暧昧关系。好不容易彼此都恢复单身,Louis却说宛宛误会了,他不过是开个玩笑而已,这让宛宛情何以堪?几个月之后,顾宛宛飞往伦敦见客户,蓦然回首,她看到了......Gu Wanwan's uncle died suddenly and so she flew to Switzerland to comfort her aunt. Wanwan discovered that the caviar company (O-One), her aunt now ran, was hit by a lawsuit. She was originally only planning to stay for a short time, but her aunt adopted her to help run O-One.Louis, a solicitor, had flown to Zurich to fulfil his mother's last wish and, by coincidence, met Gu Wanwan. While their relationship was complicated by the fact that each had an existing partner, they both found themselves single again. Unfortunately, Louis stupidly ruined his chances with Wanwan with a crass joke. A few months later, when Gu Wanwan flew to London to see a client, she realised ...

  • - A Word to the Wise ( Tales 201~300 in traditional Chinese characters)
    278,95 kr.

    B杜極短篇故事集(201 300)囊括了100則小故事,文字雖淺顯,但寓意頗深,值得一讀。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales two hundred and one to three hundred.

  • - A World Apart (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)
    208,95 kr.

    十九世紀後半葉的某天,居住在英國曼徹斯特的柯克曼先生收到兒子的電報,大意是即將有個驚喜給他,讓他乘坐瑪格麗特公主號到加爾各答。在這艘超級郵輪上,柯克曼先生觀察到頭等艙、二等艙、三等艙的差別待遇,而身為書店老闆的他雖然試著不自卑,但在與頭等艙乘客交流時仍無可避免地產生隔閡。歷經近一個月的海上和陸上交通後,柯克曼先生終於見到兒子,可是父子倆的代溝卻比昔日更甚。從採茶機的維修工搖身一變成為茶園園主的強納生對父親的評價是窩囊、迂腐、落伍,而柯克曼先生也看不慣兒子的行事作風,這對父子最終有沒有和解?而被茶園員工綁架的柯克曼先生又是否安全歸來?這是B杜的第23部小說,把階級固化和父子間的矛盾描寫得淋漓盡致,有翻譯小說的味道,值得一讀!In the latter part of the nineteenth century, Mr. Kirkman, a bookseller from Manchester, England, received a telegram from his son requesting that he takes the SS Princess Margaret to Calcutta. On this formidable passenger steam ship, Mr. Kirkman, traveling in first class, felt estrange from his fellow travellers; yet, even more uncomfortable with the common treatment of the non-first class passengers.After nearly a month of travel, he finally rendezvoused with his son, uneasy after their years apart but also as a result of the startling assurance with which, Jonathan, now risen to a tea plantation owner, carried himself. His son, contrarily, recognised his father merely as a weak, pedantic and backward man. So, when his father is kidnapped by plantation workers, would Johnathan come to the rescue? This is the 23rd novel of B Du. It depicts the division between father and son in a the class-ridden world of the late nineteenth century.

  • - Love in Switzerland (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)
    217,95 kr.

    顧宛宛的姑丈突然去世,她飛到瑞士安慰姑姑,這才發現姑姑經營著一家魚子醬公司(O-One),並且官司纏身。本來只打算短暫停留的她,因種種原因被姑姑收養,同時責無旁貸地扛起O-One。Louis是一名事務律師,他帶著母親的遺願飛往蘇黎世,因緣巧合下與顧宛宛相識,當時兩人都各有伴侶,只能維持曖昧關係。好不容易彼此都恢復單身,Louis卻說宛宛誤會了,他不過是開個玩笑而已,這讓宛宛情何以堪?幾個月之後,顧宛宛飛往倫敦見客戶,驀然回首,她看到了......Gu Wanwan's uncle died suddenly and so she flew to Switzerland to comfort her aunt. Wanwan discovered that the caviar company (O-One), her aunt now ran, was hit by a lawsuit. She was originally only planning to stay for a short time, but her aunt adopted her to help run O-One.Louis, a solicitor, had flown to Zurich to fulfil his mother's last wish and, by coincidence, met Gu Wanwan. While their relationship was complicated by the fact that each had an existing partner, they both found themselves single again. Unfortunately, Louis stupidly ruined his chances with Wanwan with a crass joke. A few months later, when Gu Wanwan flew to London to see a client, she realised ...

  • - Love in Japan (simplified Chinese version)
    229,95 kr.

    "Love in Japan" is the second part of B Du's series of Romantic Odyssey novels. In the pursuit of love, a conflict arises between Japanese and Chinese cultures and between mother and daughter. 空服员吴杉杉与飞行员佐藤秀中相恋,奈何因母亲不光彩的过去而被佐藤家族棒打鸳鸯。 吴杉杉离职后进入东洋瓷砖公司任职,大老板与小老板均与吴家母女有着千丝万缕的纠葛,加上小儿麻痹症患者山崎和彦的加入,吴杉杉的恋情一波三折......

  • - A Word to the Wise (Tales 601 700 in simplified Chinese characters)
    278,95 kr.

    B杜极短篇故事集(601~700)囊括了100则小故事,文字虽浅显,但寓意颇深,值得一读。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales six hundred and one to seven hundred.

  • - A Word to the Wise (Tales 101~200 in simplified Chinese characters)
    278,95 kr.

    B杜极短篇故事集(101~200)囊括了100则小故事,文字虽浅显,但寓意颇深,值得一读。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales one hundred and one to two hundred.

  • - Love in Prague (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)
    225,95 kr.

    畢葳葳的男友因抑鬱症跳樓身亡,加上自己被公司裁員,心灰意冷的她投奔在布拉格開咖啡館的閨蜜米星。Presl是大學副教授,堅持不婚,他的前女友在歷經失敗婚姻後又回頭找他,無奈此時面對的是另兩個競爭對手-畢葳葳和米星,Presl會如何選擇?隨後出現的富二代孟珈宇及武俠小說作家孤獨白能否帶來變數?這是作者B杜一系列異國戀情N部曲中的第六部,故事講述三位大齡女尋愛的過程,高潮迭起、妙趣橫生,值得一讀。Misfortune strikes Bi Weiwei following her boyfriend's suicide and then the loss of her job. Depressed, Bi Weiwei travels to seek consolation from her friend Mi Xing who owns a cafe in Prague. Presl, an associate university professor, is determined not to marry; yet, he soon finds that he has three suitors: his ex-girl friend, Bi Weiwei and Mi Xing. This is the sixth book of a series of exotic romance novels by B Du. The story is about three women in their quest for love.

  • - Jessica (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)
    207,95 kr.

    住在海獅小鎮的迪倫和住在紅橡樹小鎮的潔西卡相知相惜,婚後鶼鰈情深,可是一場意外卻奪走了潔西卡的性命,迪倫從此一蹶不振,直到在水族館偶遇一條被他喚為"潔西卡"的白鯨,他才又重新振作起來,並進一步為了買下白鯨鋌而走險......這是一場淒美的人魚戀,結局感人,值得一讀!This is a sad, yet beautiful, love story about Dylan who lost his wife, Jessica, the love of his life, in an accident. He, subsequently, grew depressed, losing enthusiasm for life, until he came across a small white whale housed in an aquarium. He decided he would save to buy the little whale at all cost ...

  • af B&#26460
    233,95 kr.

  • af B&#26460
    228,95 kr.

  • af B&#26460
    217,95 kr.

    Θ⌐¼σ袵ÿ»Σ╕ÇσÉì13σ▓üσ░æσ╣┤∩╝Éσñ⌐∩╝îΣ╗ûτÜäτê╢µ»ìτ¬üτä╢µ╢êσñ▒∩╝îΣ╗ûσ¢áµ¡ñΦó½ΘÇüσÄ╗τªÅσê⌐ΘÖóπÇéΣ╕ñΣ╕¬µ£êσÉÄ∩╝îΣ╕ÇΣ╕¬σ«╢σ║¡µö╢σà╗Σ║åΣ╗û∩╝îΣ╗ûΣ╕ìσ╛ùΣ╕ìΦ╖ƒτ¥Çµ¥Ñσê░Σ╕ÇΣ╕¬µ¥│µùáΣ║║τâƒτÜäσ£░µû╣πÇéΦç¬Σ╗ÄσèáσàÑΦ┐ÖΣ╕¬Σ║öσÅúΣ╣ïσ«╢σÉÄ∩╝îσÑçµÇ¬τÜäΣ║ïµÄÑΣ║îΦ┐₧Σ╕ëσÅæτöƒπÇéσ£¿Σ╕ÇΣ╕¬σü╢τä╢τÜäµâàσå╡Σ╕ï∩╝îΣ╗ûσÅæτÄ░Φç¬σ╖▒Θéúσ»╣σ╣│σçíτÜäτê╢µ»ìσà╢σ«₧µÿ»Φ╡½Φ╡½µ£ëσÉìτÜäσñ⌐µûçσ¡ªσ«╢σÅèσ£░Φ┤¿σ¡ªσ«╢∩╝îΦÇîµö╢σà╗Σ╗ûτÜäσ«╢σ║¡σêÖµ¥ÑΦç¬σñûσñ¬τ⌐║∩╝îσ¢áΣ╕║σ▒àΣ╜ÅτÜäΘ⌐¼σ░öµÿƒτêåτé╕∩╝îΣ╗ûΣ╗¼Σ╣ÿσ¥ÉΘú₧ΦíîσÖ¿µ¥Ñσê░σ£░τÉâ∩╝îτ¢«τÜäµÿ»σ╕îµ£¢Θ⌐¼σè¢τÜäτê╢Σ║▓Φâ╜σ╕«Σ╗ûΣ╗¼µë╛σê░σŪΣ╕ÇΣ╕¬σ«£σ▒àτÜäµÿƒτÉâ∩╝îσÉîµù╢Φ»òτ¥ÇΘÿ╗µ¡óΘ⌐¼σ░öµÿƒτêåτé╕σÉĵëÇΣ║ºτöƒτÜäµá╕Φ╛Éσ░äσ╜▒σôìσê░σ£░τÉâτÜäτöƒµÇüτÄ»σóâπÇéµ£Çτ╗ê∩╝îΘ⌐¼σè¢τÜäτê╢µ»ìµ£ëµ▓íµ£ëσ«ëσà¿σ╜Ƶ¥Ñ∩╝ƒΦâ╜Φºúµòæσ£░τÉâτÜäσ£░τÉâΦ╜┤σ┐âσÅêµÿ»σɪΦó½µë╛σê░∩╝ƒΦ┐Öµÿ»Bµ¥£Σ╕Çτ│╗σêùµé¼τûæµÄóΘÖ⌐σ░ÅΦ»┤Σ╕¡τÜäτ¼¼Σ╕ÇΘâ¿∩╝îσåàσ«╣µ¢▓µèÿτª╗σÑçπÇüΘÖ⌐Φ▒íτÄ»τöƒ∩╝îΦ»╗σ«îσâÅτ╗ÅσÄåΣ║åΣ╕Çσ£║σÑçσªÖΣ╣ïµùà∩╝îΘÇéσÉêσÉäΣ╕¬σ╣┤Θ╛äσ▒éτÜäΦ»╗ΦÇàΘÿàΦ»╗πÇéOne day, the parents of 13-year-old Ma Li mysteriously disappeared and so he had to be sent away to a welfare centre for minors. Two months later, he was adopted, then a series of strange events began. First, he discovered his real parents were not just ordinary folk, but were both ''universally'' famous scientists: his father in astronomy and his mother in geology. Next, and more bizarrely, that the family who adopted him had arrived from outer space. Just prior to the explosion of planet Ma Er, his new, alien parents and their children had miraculously succeeded in escaping the devastation by spacecraft, which eventually reached Earth. The alien''s hope was that Ma Li''s father could help them discover another livable planet. Their other ambition was that they might also try to prevent the nuclear radiation produced on planet Ma Er from affecting the Earth.Will Ma Li reunite with his real parents? Has the Time Axis, which can save Earth, been found?Suitable for all ages, this is the first in a series of adventure novels by B Du.  

  • af B&#26460
    218,95 kr.

    ΦÿçΘ¥ÆΘ¥Æµÿ»σÇïσñûΦí¿ΘÖ╜σë¢τÜäσÑ│σÉîµÇºµêÇΦÇà∩╝Éσñ⌐τ£ïσê░µ£ëΘù£τ╛àσ╕âµ│èσ░ŵ▓│σà¼Σ╕╗τÜäσá▒σ░Äσ╛î∩╝îµò┤σÇïΣ║║σâÅΦó½σï╛Σ║åΘ¡éΣ╝╝τÜä∩╝îσÑ╣τöÜΦç│σá▒ΦÇâΦÇâσÅñτ│╗∩╝îσŬτé║Σ║åΦª¬τ£╝τ¢«τ¥╣ΘéúσÇïτ╛ÄΘ║ùΣ╜åσ╖▓ΘÇ¥σÄ╗σ¢¢σìâσ╣┤τÜäσÑ│σ¡ÉπÇéµëôσ╛₧Σ╕Çτ£╝Φɼσ╣┤∩╝îΣ╕ìσÅ»µÇ¥Φ¡░τÜäΣ║ïΘÖ╕τ║îτÖ╝τöƒπÇéσ¢áτ╖úσ╖ºσÉêΣ╕ï∩╝îΦÿçΘ¥ÆΘ¥Æµç╖ΦæùΦÇüµòÖµÄêτÜäΘü║ΘíÿΣ╛åσê░Φ┐¬µï£∩╝îτ¢«τÜäµÿ»µëôµòù"Θ鬵âíσè¢ΘçÅ"∩╝îσÉîµÖéΦºúµòæΣ╕ìµû╖τöƒµ¡╗Φ╝¬Φ┐┤τÜäσà¼Σ╕╗......ΘÇÖµÿ»Bµ¥£τò░σ£ïµêǵâàNΘ⿵¢▓Σ╕¡τÜäτ¼¼12Θâ¿∩╝îµÖéτ⌐║Φ╖¿σ║ªτ¢╕τò╢σñº∩╝îΦ⌐¡τò░τÜäµ░úµ░¢τäíµëÇΣ╕ìσ£¿∩╝îτ«ùµÿ»Σ╜£ΦÇàτÜäΣ╕ǵ¼íσñºΦå╜σÿùΦ⌐ª∩╝îµò¼Φ½ïΘù£µ│¿∩╝ü∩╗┐After seeing a TV program about Princess Xiaohe in Lop Nor, Su Qingqing was immediately attracted by her. So, Qingqing decided to study archaeology at university infatuated by this woman who died four thousand years ago.Granting her professor''s last wish, Qingqing traveled to Dubai to defeat the ''evil forces'' there and save the reincarnated Princess Xiaohe......This is B Du''s 12th novel in the Romantic Odyssey Series. 

  • af B&#26460
    230,95 kr.

    空服员吴杉杉与飞行员佐藤秀中相恋,奈何因母亲不光彩的过去而被佐藤家族棒打鸳鸯。吴杉杉离职后进入东洋瓷砖公司任职,大老板和小老板均与吴家母女有着千丝万缕的纠葛,加上小儿麻痹症患者山崎和彦的加入,吴杉杉的恋情一波三折......这是作者B杜一系列异国恋情N部曲中的第二部,通过一个纯情女子追求爱情的过程,带出日本森严的门第观念,同时把华人在日本的奋斗史及母女间的矛盾刻画得入木三分。阅读此书,对日本的风俗、服饰、食物、景点......也有进一步的了解与认识。Wu Shanshan is a flight attendant, who has fallen in love with captain Hideo Sato. However, with her mother''s complicated history and the captain''s infamous family background, things take a nasty turn, causing a complicated situation between the two star-crossed lovers. Later, Wu Shanshan joined the Oriental Tile Company where she caused problems between the boss and his son. Then, a third man appears.

  • af B&#26460
    230,95 kr.

    空服員吳杉杉與飛行員佐藤秀中相戀,奈何因母親不光彩的過去而被佐藤家族棒打鴛鴦。吳杉杉離職後進入東洋瓷磚公司任職,大老闆和小老闆均與吳家母女有著千絲萬縷的糾葛,加上小兒麻痺症患者山崎和彥的加入,吳杉杉的戀情一波三折......這是作者B杜一系列異國戀情 N部曲中的第二部,通過一個純情女子追求愛情的過程,帶出日本森嚴的門第觀念,同時把華人在日本的奮鬥史及母女間的矛盾刻畫得入木三分。閲讀此書,對日本的風俗、服飾、食物、景點......也有進一步的了解與認識。Wu Shanshan is a flight attendant, who has fallen in love with captain Hideo Sato. However, with her mother''s complicated history and the captain''s infamous family background, things take a nasty turn, causing a complicated situation between the two star-crossed lovers. Later, Wu Shanshan joined the Oriental Tile Company where she caused problems between the boss and his son. Then, a third man appears.

  • af B&#26460
    288,95 kr.

    B杜极短篇故事集(501~600)囊括了100则小故事,文字虽浅显,但寓意颇深,值得一读。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales five hundred and one to six hundred.

  • af B&#26460
    229,95 kr.

    σ¡úΦ¿ÇΦ¿Çµóªµâ│µêÉΣ╕║µ£ëσÉìτÜäµ£ìΦúàΦ«╛Φ«íσ╕ê∩╝îσÑêΣ╜òΘÇáσîûσ╝äΣ║║∩╝îσÑ╣σŬΦâ╜µÜéΣ╕öΘú₧σ╛ǵ¢╝Φ░╖µêÉΣ╕║τÄ¢σª«σñ¬σñ¬τÜäµ£ìΘÑ░µÉ¡Θàìσ╕êπÇéΣ╣ìΣ╗æσàêτöƒµÿ»τÄ¢σª«σñ¬σñ¬τÜäΦÇüσà¼∩╝îτöƒµÇºΘúĵ╡ü∩╝îσÉĵ¥ÑµÇºΣ╛╡Σ║åσ¡úΦ¿ÇΦ¿ÇπÇéσ¡úΦ¿ÇΦ¿Çτá┤τóùτá┤µæö∩╝îτ┤óµÇºµêÉΣ╕║Σ╣ìΣ╗æσàêτöƒτÜäµâàΣ║║∩╝îΦ«⌐Σ╗ûΣ╕║σÑ╣τÜäτòÖσ¡ªµóªΣ╣░σìòπÇéµ¥░µú«µÿ»σ¡úΦ¿ÇΦ¿ÇτÜäΦï▒µûçΦÇüσ╕ê∩╝îΣ╗ûτê▒Σ╕èτ£╝σëìΦ┐ÖΣ╜ìµùóµ£ëΘ¡àσè¢σÅêµ£ëµëìσìÄτÜäσÑ│σ¡É∩╝îσ¡úΦ¿ÇΦ¿ÇΣ╣ƒσÉîµá╖Φó½Σ╗ûσÉ╕σ╝ò∩╝îτä╢ΦÇîµ¢╛µ£ëΦ┐çτÜäΦé«ΦäÅΣ║ñµÿôµÿ»τí¼Σ╝ñ∩╝îσÑ╣ΦªüσªéΣ╜òµ┤ùτÖ╜∩╝ƒ'Love in Thailand' is the fifth book of B Du’s series of Romantic Odyssey novels. Ji Yanyan always dreamed of becoming a famous costume designer; however, money was in short supply. In order to make a living, she flew to Bangkok to become Mrs. Khun’s personal stylist.Receiving the unwelcome attention of Mr. Khun, Ji Yanyan was raped. But, instead of going to the authorities, she chose to be his lover, and earn enough to study in the United States.Jason, Ji Yanyan’s English teacher,  fell in love with this charming and talented woman, and she was attracted to him. How could she hide her shameful past to be with Jason?

  • af B&#26460
    241,95 kr.

    µ▒ëΦ»¡ΦÇüσ╕êΘ⌐¼Σ╛¥Σ╛¥σê░µ│òσ¢╜σ╖┤Θ╗ĵÄóµ£¢τö╖σÅïτ╜ùσ«ï∩╝îσ¢áµ¡ñτ╗ôΦ»åµæäσ╜▒σ╕êσ░Åσ░ñσÅèΦéíτÑ¿τ╗Åτ║¬Σ║║σìÄΦ»║∩╝îΣ╕ÇσÑ│Σ╕ëτö╖µ£ëΣ║åΘöÖτ╗╝σñìµ¥éτÜäτê▒µüïτ║áΦæ¢πÇéΦ┐Öµÿ»Σ╜£ΦÇàBµ¥£Σ╕Çτ│╗σêùσ╝éσ¢╜µüïµâàσ░ÅΦ»┤NΘ⿵¢▓Σ╣ïΣ╕ÇπÇéµ│òσ¢╜µÿ»µ╡¬µ╝½Σ╣ïΘâ╜∩╝îµ£¼Σ╣ªσÅêµ£ëΣ┐èτö╖τ╛ÄσÑ│τ╗äσÉê∩╝îΦ»╗µ¥ÑΘ▓£µ┤╗τöƒσè¿πÇüτ╝áτ╗╡µé▒µü╗∩╝îτë╣σê½ΘÇéσÉêµÇǵÿÑσ░æσÑ│σÅèσ»╣τê▒µâൣëµåºµå¼τÜäσÑ│µÇºΘÿàΦ»╗πÇéτ╗ôσ░╛µ£ë “σăσæ│τëê” σÆî “τö£σæ│τëê” Σ╕ñτºìΘÇëµï⌐∩╝îσààσêåτàºΘí╛σê░Σ╕ìσÉîΦ»╗ΦÇàτÜäσû£σÑ╜πÇéLove in France is the first part of B Du’s series of Romantic Odyssey novels. This is the story of one woman and three men entangling in a complex 'love square'. To cater for the tastes of different readers, the author offers two endings, the 'original' and the 'sweetened'.

  • af B&#26460
    232,95 kr.

    µû░ΦÑ┐σà░τòÖσ¡ªτöƒσ╝áσÅ»σÅ»Σ╕║Σ║åτöƒΦ«í∩╝îµ¢┐σñºσ╛ïσ╕êµ»¢µÖ»τä╢τÜäµ»ìΣ║▓µ£ùΦ»╗Σ╣ªµèÑ, Φ┐ÖΣ╜ìΦºåσè¢Σ╕ìΣ╜│τÜäΦÇüσñ¬σñ¬Σ║îσìüσçáσ╣┤σëìµ£ëΣ╕¬σ░ŵâàΣ║║∩╝îσÑ╣σ╕îµ£¢σ£¿τÖ╛σ╣┤Σ╣ïσëìΦâ╜Σ╕ÄΣ╣ïσåìµ¼íτ¢╕ΦºüπÇéσ╝áσÅ»σÅ»σ£¿σ¢╛Σ╣ªΘªåσü╢ΘüçΣ╕¡µûçτ│╗ΦÇüσ╕êµ▒ñσ░╝∩╝îΣ╕ÇΦºüΘƃµâà∩╝îσ¡░µûÖµ▒ñσ░╝σÆîσñºσ╛ïσ╕êµ»¢µÖ»τä╢Σ╣ïΘù┤τ½ƒµ£ëΣ╕ìΦâ╜Φ»┤τÜäτºÿσ»åπÇéΦĽΣ║ªΦ╛░Σ╕Çτ¢┤σ£¿µùüσ«êσÇÖσ╝áσÅ»σÅ»∩╝îµ▓íµâ│σê░Σ╕ÇσÅÑΦ»¥τÜäΦ»»Σ╝Ü∩╝îΦ«⌐ΦĽΣ║ªΦ╛░Σ╗ÑΣ╕║σÅ»σÅ»Σ╗ìµ╖▒τê▒τ¥Çµ▒ñσ░╝∩╝îΦç¬σ╖▒Σ╕ìΦ┐çµÿ»σñçΦâÄΦÇîσ╖▓∩╝îµû¡τä╢µÅÉσç║σêåµëïπÇéµé▓Σ╝ñΦ┐çσ║ªτÜäσ╝áσÅ»σÅ»σå│σ«Üσ╕«σè⌐µ»¢σÑ╢σÑ╢σÆîΣ║îσìüσçáσ╣┤σëìτÜäσ░ŵâàΣ║║ΦºüΘ¥ó∩╝îσǃΣ╗Ñσ╝ÑΦíÑσåàσ┐âτÜäτ⌐║ΦÖÜπÇéΣ╝ÜΘ¥óτÜäΦ┐çτ¿ïσ¢░ΘÜ╛ΘçìΘçì∩╝îΦĽΣ║ªΦ╛░Σ╕ìµä┐ΦºüσÅ»σÅ»σ¡ñσå¢σÑïµêÿ∩╝îσå│σ«Üσè⌐σÑ╣Σ╕ÇΦçéΣ╣ïσè¢∩╝îσ░▒σ£¿Θò┐ΘÇöµùàτ¿ïΣ╕¡∩╝îΣ╗ûΣ╗¼σÅæτÄ░σ╜╝µ¡ñτÜäσà│τ│╗Σ║ºτöƒΣ║åσ╛«σªÖτÜäσÅÿσîû……Love in New Zealand is the third book of B Du’s series of Romantic Odyssey novels. This is a touching and tearful love story about two foreign students in New Zealand.

  • af B&#26460
    220,95 kr.

    金圆圆是个190斤的高二女生,受尽嘲笑和白眼。某天,班上来了一位转学生金佳人(中韩混血儿),她被全校男生奉为女神。这位女神很高冷,惟独对金圆圆敞开心扉,两人后来成为无话不谈的结拜姐妹。在一次意外事件中,金佳人命丧黄泉,由于有心愿未了,她回到人间成了游魂,打算借用金圆圆的躯体去完成向男神道早安的遗愿。碍于情面,金圆圆一次次妥协,但金佳人并没有就此打住,反而一次次得寸进尺,她们的姐妹情面临很大的考验,金圆圆会如何抉择?是继续妥协还是......Being overweight for an Asian girl in senior high school can be a miserable existence. But when the Chinese-Korean beauty, Jin Jiaren, transferred to Jin Yuanyuan''s class one day, Yuanyuan''s life changed. She became Jiaren''s best friend and confidante. They became soulmates, as close as sisters, until Jin Jiaren''s accidental death. Initially, Yuanyuan was pleased to allow Jiaren''s ghost to use her body to fulfill her unfinished wish. But, Jiaren took greater and greater liberties, testing their friendship to its limit. How will Yuanyuan resolve her dilemma?

  • af B&#26460
    220,95 kr.

    金圓圓是個190斤的高二女生,受盡嘲笑和白眼。 某天,班上來了一位轉學生金佳人(中韓混血兒),她被全校男生奉為女神。這位女神很高冷,唯獨對金圓圓敞開心扉,兩人後來成為無話不談的結拜姐妹。在一次意外事件中,金佳人命喪黃泉,由於有心願未了,她回到人間成了遊魂,打算借用金圓圓的軀體去完成向男神道早安的遺願。礙於情面,金圓圓一次次妥協,但金佳人並没有就此打住,反而一次次得寸進尺,她們的姐妹情面臨很大的考驗,金圓圓會如何抉擇?是繼續妥協還是......Being overweight for an Asian girl in senior high school can be a miserable existence. But when the Chinese-Korean beauty, Jin Jiaren, transferred to Jin Yuanyuan''s class one day, Yuanyuan''s life changed. She became Jiaren''s best friend and confidante. They became soulmates, as close as sisters, until Jin Jiaren''s accidental death. Initially, Yuanyuan was pleased to allow Jiaren''s ghost to use her body to fulfill her unfinished wish. But, Jiaren took greater and greater liberties, testing their friendship to its limit. How will Yuanyuan resolve her dilemma?

  • - Translated from the Chinese novel 'Dongyingzhiai'
    af B Du
    278,95 kr.

    Wu Shanshan is a flight attendant, who has fallen in love with captain Hideo Sato. However, with her mother's complicated history and the captain’s infamous family background, things take a nasty turn, causing a complicated situation between the two star-crossed lovers. Later, Wu Shanshan joined the Oriental Tile Company where she caused problems between the boss and his son. Then, a third man appears.