Bøger udgivet af Lotus Press
- Classic Guide to Herbal Medicine, Natural Food and Home Remedies Since 1939
183,95 kr. Back to Eden is a captivating book written by the renowned author, Jethro Kloss. First published in 2004 by Lotus Press, the book has since been a favorite among readers. The genre of the book is not easily defined, as it encompasses a wide range of topics and themes. Back to Eden is a testament to Kloss's profound understanding of human nature and his ability to articulate complex ideas in a simple and engaging manner. The book takes the reader on a journey, exploring various aspects of life and offering unique insights. Published by Lotus Press, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to broaden their perspective and gain a deeper understanding of the world.
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- 183,95 kr.
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- 318,95 kr.
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- 228,95 kr.
- The Traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho Treatment Positions and Numerous Reiki Techniques for Health and Well-being
173,95 kr. - Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- Your Ayurvedic Constitution
163,95 kr. Dr. Svoboda's original work on the constitutional types in Ayurveda has been considered a classic for many years. His new revision and expansion of the subject comes after much further research and practical experience. Dr. Vasant Lad points out: "The healing science of Ayurveda is based totally upon the knowledge of "prakriti," the individual constitution. If every individual knows his own constitution, then one can understand, for instance, what is a good diet and style of life for oneself. One man's food is another man's poison. Therefore, to make one's life healthy, happy and balanced, the knowledge of constitution is absolutely necessary." (Dr. Vasant Lad is the author of Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing, and co-author of The Yoga of Herbs.)
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- 163,95 kr.
- The Greatest Obstacle to Healing the 5 Wounds
278,95 kr. It's finally here: the long-awaited sequel to Lise Bourbeau's popular book, Heal Your Wounds and Find Your True Self, published in 2001 and still achieving record-breaking sales with translations in 16 languages.With this book, the author really wants to help you discover the tremendous influence and power that your ego can have on you. She shares her wealth of personal experience to guide those who are looking for concrete ways to heal their suffering.
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- 278,95 kr.
- The Art of Transformational Sleep
258,95 kr. Re-write your life... while sleeping. Discover the ancient, simple and restorative meditation practice of Yoga Nidra.
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- 258,95 kr.
- Science of Self-healing
113,95 kr. Most popular general introduction to Ayurveda, the alternate health science of India.
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- 113,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Die Chinesische Medizin - umfassend, praktisch anwendbar und anschaulich dargestellt.In der Klassischen Chinesischen Medizin wird großer Wert auf Selbsthilfemethoden gelegt, die der Patient eigenverantwortlich ausführen kann. Die Massagetechniken, Atemmethoden, Meditationen und Qigongübungen, die Sie in diesem Buch finden, entstammen den Traditionen berühmter Heiler und Dao-Meister und sind das Ergebnis aus Naturbeobachtung und Lebenserfahrung - weitergegeben über Generationen hinweg. Ein Register der Gesundheitsprobleme und Beschwerden hilft Ihnen dabei, schnell die richtige Übung zur Verbesserung Ihrer Gesundheit zu finden. Nutzen Sie das alte Wissen der Chinesen!Register der Gesundheitsprobleme und Beschwerden:AnämieAngst / FurchtÄrger / ZornArmbeschwerden (z.B. Berührungsempfindlichkeit der Oberarmmuskel)Arthritis / ArthroseAsthmaAtembeschwerden / AtemnotAugenerkrankungen wie Bindehautentzündung / trockene AugenAusdauer, mangelndeBauspeicheldrüsenentzündungBeine, unruhige (Restless Legs)Bewegungsmangel, Beschwerden durchBindegewebsschwächeBlasenbeschwerden (Inkontinenz, Blasenentzündungen, Reizblase, übelriechender Urin)Blutdruck, hoher oder niedrigerBrennender Anus / SchließmuskelschwächeBronchitisDarmentzündungDemut, fehlendeDenken, dumpfes, unklaresDenken, zu vielDepressionDiabetes (und andere Magen / Pankreas-Probleme)Durchfall (oder ungeformter, breiiger Stuhl)EileiterbeschwerdenEisenmangelEllbogenproblemeEmotionen, übertriebeneEngegefühleErkältungEssstörungen (wie Bulimie)FersenschmerzenFrigiditätFrustFüße, chronisch kalteGallenblase (Steine oder Entzündung)GebärmutterbeschwerdenGefühlskälteGehirnerkrankungen wir Alzheimer oder Demenz (Im Anfangsstadium oder zur Vorbeugung)Gehirnprobleme (wie Anfälle, Reizempfindlichkeit, Gedächtnisproblematiken)GelbsuchtGrippeGrübeln, ständiges (sich zu viel sorgen)HaarausfallHaare, frühzeitiges Ergrauen derHalswehHarndrang, häufigerHauterkrankungenHerz / Kreislauf (zur Vorbeugung)Herzinfarkt (Vorbeugung oder Nachsorge, es sollte täglich mindestens 45 Minuten geübt werden)Herzrhythmusstörungen / HerzrasenHexenschussHirnstörungen, organischeHodenbeschwerdenHüftschmerzen, HüftgelenksbeschwerdenImmunsystem, schwachesKloß im Hals ('Pflaumenkerngefühl')KnieschmerzenKonzentrationsstörungenKopfschmerzen, MigräneKrebs, Brust-Krebs, Darm-Krebs, Hoden-Krebs, Unterleibs-LebensmittelallergienLeber, Entzündung derLunge, allgemein zur VorbeugungLustlosigkeitMagenerkrankungen wie Schleimhautentzündung / Aufstoßen / SodbrennenManieMenstruationsbeschwerdenMüdigkeit, chronische / MattigkeitNachtblindheitNackenbeschwerdenNieren, allgemein zur VorbeugungNierenentzündungOrgansenkungenPanikattackenPilzerkrankungenPotenzstörungenProstatabeschwerdenRachenerkrankungenRastlosigkeitRheumaRückenbeschwerdenSchlafstörungenSchlaganfall (Vorbeugung und Nachsorge)Schmerz (allgemeiner Art wie Zahnschmerz, Kopfschmerz, Bauchschmerz)Schmerz (spezieller Art wie Gelenkschmerz)Schmerzen, im BrustkorbSchultererkrankungen / SchulterblattbeschwerdenSchwerhörigkeitSchwindelSchwitzen, übermäßigesSehen, unklares (auch psychisch)StirnhöhlenbeschwerdenTinnitusTrauerÜbelkeit, ständigeUnfruchtbarkeitUnruhe, innereUnterleibskrämpfe,BeckenbeschwerdenUnzufriedenheit, zu viel WollenVaginalbeschwerdenVerbitterungVerdauungsstörungen wie Bauchgurgeln / Blähungen / breiiger StuhlVerstopfte Nase, NasennebenhöhlenbeschwerdenVerstopfungWasser in den BeinenWillensschwächeWirbelsäulenerkrankungenZahnbeschwerden wie ZahnfleischblutenZysten im Unterleib
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- 198,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Ziel von osteopathischen Behandlungen ist es, die oft gestörten Selbstheilungskräfte zu aktivieren und dadurch eine ganz natürliche Heilung einzuleiten. Der Osteopath erreicht dies mithilfe seines Wissens über die menschliche Anatomie und Physiologie und mit viel Fingerspitzengefühl. Die Techniken der Osteopathie eignen sich aber auch hervorragend für die Selbstbehandlung. Hierfür wird die eigene Körperwahrnehmung eingesetzt.Thomas Seebeck vermittelt in diesem Buch die Prinzipien der osteopathischen Behandlung und vor allem die 'osteopathische Hausapotheke': Insgesamt 45 Übungen für häufige Problembereiche (z.B. Kopf, Rücken, Verstauchungen) werden detailliert und praxisnah gezeigt.
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- 188,95 kr.
- The Most Complete Book on the Metaphysical Causes of Illnesses and Disease
318,95 kr. Cover to cover, the reader discovers a most powerful tool, as he becomes his own healer. The reference material, a comprehensive guide to the cause of over 500 illnesses and disease, is a succinct and visionary work that is truly and literally a labor of love.
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- 318,95 kr.
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- 263,95 kr.
- A Guidebook for Effective Living within the Structures and Spaces of our Modern Society
128,95 kr. - Bog
- 128,95 kr.
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- 128,95 kr.
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218,95 kr. - Bog
- 218,95 kr.
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- 198,95 kr.
173,95 kr. - Bog
- 173,95 kr.
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- 218,95 kr.
- The Spiritual Transition of Symbols and Mantras of the Usui System of Natural Healing
388,95 kr. - Bog
- 388,95 kr.
- Stop Trying to Control Your Weight
283,95 kr. The goals of this book are to help you discover that besides hunger there are six other factors that make you want to eat; help you realize how much you control what you eat, how you are doing this and why it may be harmful to you; teach you to quickly recognize the emotional wounds preventing you from eating a nutritious diet; help you love and accept yourself at every moment.
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- 283,95 kr.
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- 263,95 kr.
228,95 kr. Guide to the Xultun (Mayan) Tarot Deck. Peter Balin, the painter of the Xultun Tarot deck, has written a book about the tarot and the Maya Indians' view of the world. Although the approach is new and deals with American knowledge, it will serve all Tarot decks regardless of their origin. The reader journeys with the Fool towards the impeccability of the sorcerer, with each step along the way clearly defined. The graphics alone are so spellbinding that even if you are not interested in the Mayas or the tarot, there is something in this book for you.
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- 228,95 kr.
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- 158,95 kr.
- Transformation of Body, Mind and Soul from the Origins to the Practice
228,95 kr. "I would like to share with you my experience and insights from eighteen years of working with Reiki. In this time, my understanding of what Reiki is and how it works has changed considerably. During practice and the exchange with my fellow travelers and students it came to fruition and ripened." - Frank Arjava Petter
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- 228,95 kr.
- The Yoga of Divine Love
118,95 kr. Santosh Krinsky has endeavored to make Sri Aurobindo's teachings relevant and readable to the very different audience today, without compromising the essence of his teaching. I do not think that any other writer in American has better represented Aurobindo's teacings today than Santosh. This is a difficult task to be sure but one that he has been able to do consistently and with depth of thought. The reader is guided through short episodes that can constitute a simple yet direct immersion into the heart of Aurobindo's teachings. Krinsky has approached The Synthesis of Yoga in four volumes of which this current book is the third, focusing on The Yoga of Divine Love. He clearly explains Aurobindo's vision of Yoga in the world today and the many-sided approach that is needed to make it work in our daily lives. This helps the reader understand the depths of Yoga and how it can be used to make fundamental changes in our being and character that are more important and enduring than mere outer changes in our body.
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- 118,95 kr.
183,95 kr. Conquer Your Stress with Mind/Body Techniques discusses the history of the stress response and how it affects us today. Learn practical tips for decreasing the body s reaction to stress and how you can use simple techniques to increase your health by lessening your tension. This book si a treasure trove of easy methods you can do at home and also give a multitude of choices of professional therapies you can incorporate into you life. Learn how reiki, massage, sound and color healing, gemstones, aromatherapy, NET, hypnosis, BEST and so much more can save your life from stress."
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- 183,95 kr.
228,95 kr. "The Art and Science of Vedic Counseling" is the best counseling guide available for students, teachers, and practitioners of Ayurveda, Yoga, and related healing arts. The book is an ever-cherished collection of knowledge, wisdom and a practical, clinical reference. I highly recommend the book to all those who love Yoga & Ayurveda". -- Vasant Lad, B.A.M.&S., M.A.Sc - Ayurvedic Physician
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- 228,95 kr.