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  • - Tour The Metropolitan Museum of Art with Dr Shi
    af &#26481, &#26178 & &#21521
    304,95 kr.

    這是一本史料詳實的帶你參觀紐約大都會博物館的中文書籍,作者是在紐約居住的美術學博士時向東。正如他所言:大都會博物館的收藏像是一部人類文明的"並置",這些"文明"和"智慧"的並置恰似一部百 科全書,生動的解釋了從造物到造神,從繪畫、雕塑到材料、工藝、技術和審美時尚的變化。這種"並 置"就是一部體現時間、地域縱橫交流的立體的藝術對比史,讓人從中感受到文明在不同民族間 相互流動和影響的腳印。 時博士透過對實物的觀察以及對背景資料的研究,以聽得懂、看得明白、圖文相濟的方式, 以中文來記錄出他對大都會博物館發現和感受。 這本書里的內容只是時博士所寫參觀"心得"的一小部分,不僅記錄了個人的困惑、發現和思考,也可以為研究者、感興趣的 遊客提供新鮮的角度和觀賞的臺階。如果讀者在參觀大都會博物館以前先看看這本書,相信是非常有幫 助的,最起碼你不會錯過精品,如果你讀得細緻,也許可以和作者產生許多精神和文化上的共鳴。

  • - Predestination
    af &#33775, &#26376 & &#39015
    273,95 kr.

    顧月華的詩,又有一種渾然天成的詩情畫意,這一點恐怕與她曾經專攻美術與油畫的人生閱歷有關。請看《迷思》 "總有一個影子/左右不離/且生且滅,且滅且相隨",詩中嵌畫,畫中蘊詩,人與影不離不棄,相伴相生,始終相隨。《日落》 "輝煌霞光拉開華麗帷幕/寂靜和黑暗是閉幕後/真正的結局",更是黃昏的晚霞斑斕輝煌之後化為大塊黑暗的底色,將天光的結局(這何嘗不也是人生的結局)演繹成了可感可觀的圖像。詩集的名字叫《宿命》,充滿了生命回首的味道。每一個場景,每一個瞬間,都如同是前世的約定。她的三言詩雖短,卻如同瞬間的靈光,照亮了一縷縷生命的軌道,也照亮了她自己的所思所想。作者說有愛才能寫詩,這種愛是博大的,是包括萬物的。寫詩的人心裡,既有烈焰的噴薄,也有柔情的纏繞,它是生命的情緒,也是人間的感悟,無論是宣洩,抑或是挑戰,都包裹在她彩色的詩裡,讓人回味無窮。

  • - New York Stories
    af Sonia Hu
    173,95 kr.

    這本書收錄的故事都是我在紐約斷斷續續寫成的,從1994年的愛情故事到2022年的移民故事,橫跨28年的時間。在時間面前,年華逐漸老去,生命變得無足輕重,我們逐漸意識到命運的主宰不在我們手中。所有的滄海桑田,悲歡離合不過是我們面對時間時無奈時的幻像。在時光的縫隙中,在我們注定消失之前,將一切所見、所感、所想記錄下來或許是一種保存時代記憶的方式。這本集子裡的幾篇小說都是根據真實事件撰寫而成,如《應太太紐約生存記》、《易碎的浪漫》、《少女安雅之往事》、《黑貓安mi mi men森》、《海倫的紐約》等,都是我在紐約遇到的人,聽到的故事。尤其《一個紐約的葬禮》更是我內心難以泯滅的傷痛往事構成,大有不寫就不罷甘休的衝動。除了紐約之外,我還寫了幾篇發生在國內的故事,雖然是虛構,但都有非虛構的影子。我常常覺得,我們每一個人在這個世上走一圈,就是在時間的流逝中探索自己的生與死。或多或少,人生都是我們靈魂既定的命運使然。只是在這樣人生的掙扎與時光流逝的縫隙中,能夠給予人們一些光和愛,就是我們這場人生之旅的意義。

  • - Reminiscence of Fleeting Time
    af Sonia Hu
    177,95 kr.

    這本文集收錄了我近幾年撰寫的19篇非虛構紀實文章,其中14篇刊登在台灣《傳記文學》期刊上。我的非虛構寫作始於2011年。當時,我開始在美國的兩家中文博客網站上連載了關於我母親以及我外婆的身世,受到了極大的歡迎,每篇都有上萬的閱讀量。我因此受到了鼓舞,便將這些文章整理成書,取名《上海浮生若夢》,在美國首版發行。在2011年前,我並不了解我父親的家族往事。 2011年開始在美國的兩家中文網上寫博客後,美國中文電視台做了一檔關於我曾祖父,江南大儒胡石予的節目,採訪了在同一個中文網上寫博客的我叔叔胡思升、我姐姐胡榕以及我。採訪是在胡思升的公寓進行,我第一次看到了我曾祖父胡石予的照片和他著名的手抄詩集之一《秋風詩卷》,深受觸動。為此,我寫了第一篇紀念胡石予的文章,開始了我的尋根之旅,從2018年開始,陸續撰寫刊發了一系列的關於我家族中的傳奇人物。我一直認為自己是一個老靈魂,喜歡探索往事中的人和事,在歷史的灰塵中打撈吸引我、感動我的故事碎片。我從小出生長大在北京,常常喜歡在故宮與頤和園中流連忘返,讓思緒飄向千百年前的朝代,想像著曾經生活在這裡的古人們的前情軼事。那時,我並不了解自己家族的歷史,也從未想過有一天我會撰寫他們的故事。到了美國許多年之後,在一個偶然的機會中,我才解了我家族的過往,開始熱衷於把了解的故事寫出來。我感覺這就是冥冥之中的命運,你永遠不知道是誰掌握你的人生,更不知道人生的使然往往是暗藏的玄機,引領著你走向一個無法預測的未來。從2011年開始,我寫過大量的非虛構內容,但這部書收集的僅僅為我在中文報刊、雜誌及公眾號上發表過的文章。感謝生活賦予我的各種人生經歷,靈魂在生命中給予我的靈感與觸動。回眸家族往事經年,雖然時光的流水帶走了我的祖輩,埋葬了關於他們的往事,但靈魂的牽引以我所看不見的那隻手,引導著我的人生,用我的文字將他們一一紀錄在案。雖然,他們的生命歷程以及靈魂存在的意義遠遠超越這些文字的描述,但這本文集作為一粒人生歷史的時光膠囊,終將為他們的人生在歷史的洪流中留下幾許微小的物質痕跡。

  • - 2019 北美中文作家作品选
    af Qian Liu
    273,95 kr.

    这是一部由北美中文作家协会精心编选的北美中文文学作品集,让读者一书在手即可饱览2019年北美中文作家发表作品的精华集锦。全书40篇作品,包括小说、散文、诗歌、评论,内容涵盖东西文化的冲突与融合,历史与个人的往事追忆,以及北美的人文风尚和各种生活体验感悟。书中的每一位作家都在文坛多年耕耘,成就卓著,不忍错过,因为他们的作品都创造了自己的文学高度。A collection of select Chinese literary works, An Anthology of Works by Chinese Writers in North America (2019) features 40 published works, including short stories, essays, poetry, and literary criticism. Carefully selected by the Editorial Committee of the American Association of Chinese Writers (AACW), this anthology covers a broad range of subjects, including cultural conflicts and integration between the East and the West, historical accounts and personal recollections, and cultural observations and perspectives on North American life. Each author included here brings a wealth of experience, dedication, and accomplishments to the reading public.

  • af Yuehua Gu
    316,95 kr.

  • af Xiaoming Sun
    182,95 kr.

  • af Junzhi Hong
    208,95 kr.

  • af Lei Rao
    268,95 kr.

  • af Kehua Chen
    238,95 kr.

    Chen Kehua, born in 1961 at Hualien Taiwan, graduated from School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, and finished his post-doctoral research at Harvard University, U.S. Presently, Chen is a practicing medical doctor based in the General Veteran Hospital Taipei as the attending ophthalmologist. A virtuoso of poetry decorated with most of the major literary awards and prizes in Chinese literary communities, Chen has also been highly accomplished in other literary genres, having published profusely in fiction, prose, lyrics, and plays, as well as poetry. His corpus has been translated into many languages, including English, Japanese, German and more. Quite a number of his poems have been included in the official textbooks for Chinese literature in some Chinese communities around the world. In the past few years, with his creativity venturing beyond literature to conquer more realms such as visual art and installation art, Chen has already put forward exhibitions of his works in these areas on regular basis in galleries and related venues.

  • af Sonia Hu
    323,95 kr.

    A collection of media reports, exclusive interviews, as well as articles about artist Stone Chun Shi ranging -- from 1993 to 2019, that reveals his journey as a visual artist, musician, MTV Asia VJ, and creator of Stone Oil Cube. As an artist who lives life to the fullest, Stone came to New York from China in 1988 to pursue his dream of being a professional artist in the free world. He established his style of the postmodern abstract oil painting. His multi-medium oil paintings were among those avant-garde artists who were chosen to exhibit in contemporary art venues such as Alternative Museum, Clock Tower, and White Columns in New York City. In the midst of rising, Stone chose another path and moved to Taiwan. He was discovered as a spokesperson for the New New Generation and appeared in a series of successful tea commercials for the youth market. He quickly released a heavy metal album and exhibited in the top-notch Taiwan contemporary art galleries such as IT Park ¿¿¿¿¿¿and ¿¿. Stone became a VJ (VJ Schutze) for MTV Asia's Mandarin Channel in 1995 and hosted daily shows such as Headbanger's Ball, Time Out, and China Block. From 1996 to 2010, Stone was an entrepreneur focusing his innovative energy in streaming media, mobile app development, and wearable technology. In 2010, He developed his own style in fine art via a series of oil cube paintings to portray Chinese and US currency, Marilyn Monroe, and other pop icons. From these interviews and articles, you will clearly see his path in life as an innovator and artist who chose to live his life on the edge and to the fullest.

  • af Jin Liu
    573,95 kr.

  • - A Biography of My Grandmother and Mother
    af Sonia Hu
    233,95 - 243,95 kr.

    Shanghai, Forever Lost is a nonfiction book based on the true stories and events of both my grandmother and mother from 1920s Shanghai to 1950s Peking. Shanghai, Forever Lost reflects the bond between mother and daughter in turmoil of war, political takeover and human tragedies. It's a book of oral history that could serve as a witness of Chinese history from the 1920's to the 1950's. With many actual photos of the time, Shanghai, Forever Lost will resonate with its readers who have an interest in mother and daughter relationship as well as life and history of China.a e a a Sa S c Ye a e a a e a S cs a a e a a a c cs a c Yc aZ i e se a e cs a a a Z a a a a a a a a a a a a S a a Sa a a a a a a cs a e c aZ i c a a S cs e aZ a a i aZ a cs a a a c Ye cs a a a a a a e a a c a a S a Sa a aZ a a a e a a a a cs a e i a a i a a a a a e cs e a Si e a a cZ i e aZ a e e i e a a a a

  • - A Collection of Contemporary Poetry and Art
    af Sonia Hu & Kevin Ge
    208,95 kr.

    A Reflection on Passing Time consists of poems and artwork by 29 Chinese and American Chinese poets and contemporary artists, who have been living and working in New York for more than a decade. For these writers and artists, New York becomes more than a location. It becomes a constant carnival of art and culture that serves as the inspiration to their work.