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  • af C. Florius Lupus
    343,95 kr.

    This is the English translation of the Latin original of the third revised edition of Iter Logicum (The Path of Logic). It is a short manual of Stoic logic and ethics and includes Aristotelian syllogistic logic and the basics of inductive reasoning, which the scientific method is based on.In a time of polarization and irrationality it is necessary to remember the teachings of the ancient Stoic philosophers and make them again part of our daily life.

  • af Nick Monks
    83,95 kr.

    98,95 kr.

  • af Lynne McPherson
    133,95 kr.

    Hello folks! I'm warning you right now that you just can't keep a good GOOSE down!! He is back again, this time tormenting all those who dare to ride motorcycles. Of course you wouldn't be a true goose without your koala sidekicks - Reg and Barry. I'm not sure what's more scary ... letting the three of them loose in a suburban carport, or letting the three of them run round a suburban front yard minus their pants!So pin your ears back, slide your helmets on, throw over your legs and prepare to roar through the streets as The Goose and his buddies speed off into the world of imaginary motorcycling with ZEN! ... we're all still wondering who Zen IS by the way!!!

  • af Mark D Bishop
    278,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Max Value
    153,95 kr.

    278,95 kr.

    133,95 kr.

    188,95 kr.

    The Author's published works1. The Petals Washed Away by the War (novel) Thoi Dai, 1955. (republished 1963)2. The Weather Beaten Life (novel) Cua Ngo Nuoc Viet, 19563. Kindling A Fire (short stories) Sung Chinh Vien, 19604. To Dinh's Treasure (history novel) Thoi Dai, 19625. The Buddhists' Struggle in Vietnam (research & compilation) Tan Sanh, 19636. Torn and Untorn (novel on social issues) Vinh Son, 19657. Instance and Eternity (short stories) Published in Australia, 19948. Dr. Le Mai (novel) Published in USA. Thanh Chuong, 19999. A lonely American (novel) Published in USA - Thanh Chuong, 200010. Sufferings in Life (short stories - Vietnamese version) Published in USA. Thang Mo - 200111. The Refugee General Published in USA. Thanh Chuong, 200512. The Stream (short stories) Published in USA. Ngoc Huyen & Quoc Oai, 200913. Allotted Life Span & Human Fate Published in USA. Ngoc Huyen & Quoc Oai, 201114. The Carriage Driver and the Old Horse (short stories) Published in USA, 201715. Sufferings in Human Life (short stories - English version) Published in USA, 201816. Selected Stories by Thanh Thuong Hoang Published in USA, 2018

    183,95 kr.

    Een bonte verzameling koestermomenten, maar ook een boek over 'anders' zijn en de kracht die daarin schuilt. 'I did it my way' zong Frank Sinatra en dichterbij huis verwoordde Ramses Shaffy dezelfde intentie in 'Laat me'. Deze innerlijke drijfveer is Rebecca Stradiot evenmin vreemd. Het heeft haar een grillig parcours doen bewandelen, van licentiaat in de handels- en financiële wetenschappen tot muzikant, van woordkunstenaar op de planken tot op een wit blad. Met een zeker Pippi Langkous-gehalte vertelt ze over wat haar in het dagelijkse leven raakt en laat ze ons meegenieten van het grootse in het kleine. Daarmee laat ze ook zien hoe je, ondanks het ouder worden, toch jong kan blijven binnenin. Met één been buiten de maatschappij maakt deze zachte rebel ons evenzeer attent op de gekke wereld waarin we soms leven en geeft ze stof tot nadenken.

  • af Natalia Du Preez
    153,95 kr.

  • af Michael Dow
    133,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Julio Camino
    398,95 kr.

  • af Jr. Martin
    278,95 kr.

    For nearly 3,000 years, the Judeo-Christian account of creation has remained a puzzling story of seemingly conflicting details. After a lifetime of comparative religious study and scientific research into the structure of miracles, bestselling author, Rod Martin, Jr. has tackled the story of our beginnings in the context of the whole Bible, his experience with spiritual action, and the purpose for this entire physical universe.Instead of attempting to finalize the meanings of scripture, Martin has long realized that God needs us to be perpetually humble-meek and vigilant. The author bases this idea on the fact that no one is omniscient, and, thus, every one of us will always have more to learn; and humility is the only way we can learn. Too many come to a subject with preconceived notions that block learning.Accordingly, Martin offers these essays on the creation story as alternate interpretations which aim to provoke us to reduce ego to zero so that we can view scripture as spirit.Meaning and Context: Creation offers a brief discussion of each verse, and then separate essays to look at the overall story from different, thematic viewpoints, including,¿ Blueprint and Construction-Comparing God's handiwork to earthly construction projects.¿ Dual Nature of Man-Analyzing God's two creations of "man," both the spiritual and physical sides.¿ Mirror of God-A look at how the traits of God are reflected darkly in the structure of physical reality.¿ Perfecting-The purpose of everything that God has created.¿ The Arrow of Heaven-Truth is spiritual in nature, so physical words can do little more than point in the general direction of that Truth. This is part of the humility we need to maintain.

  • af Jr. Martin
    413,95 kr.

    Did you know that Global Warming made civilization possible 12,000 years ago?... that strong tornadoes (EF3-EF5) are on a 60-year downtrend?... that hurricanes and typhoons are on a similar downtrend? (Dr. Ryan Maue)Life prefers the warmth. We only need look at population gradients to see this. Planta and animals like it warm, too.Life needs 4 key ingredients:¿ Warmth,¿ Water,¿ Nutrients, and¿ Plenty of the right gas: oxygen for animals, carbon dioxide for plants.This book tackles the lies and half-truths about climate with facts and a deep understanding of science. It backs up its assertions with decades of scientific evidence. It delves into the corruption of language and how terms like "climate change" and "global warming" have been kidnapped and forced to wear false definitions.It should be obvious that all changes come with some difficulty. That's a part of life. But fearing global warming is like a hungry man fearing food.Lies include,¿ CO2 is a pollutant (it's not and never has been);¿ Warming causes more and stronger storms (wind does not come from heat alone; Venus has frightening heat, but very little surface wind);¿ Warming causes droughts (land never gets any water without warmth; if you want more droughts, try global cooling);¿ Oceans are soaking up CO2 and becoming acidic (actually, oceans are emitting CO2 from the warmth and they have never been acidic throughout the history of life on land); and¿ Recent years have been the warmest on record (NASA scientists admitted that they were only 38% certain of this claim in January 2015).Thermophobia is a cautionary tale of international deception and powerful intrigue. At stake is the very life of civilization itself. If people are not prepared for the eventual glacial climate of the current Ice Age, or do not take action to end the current Ice Age, then billions could die from the cold directly, from the scarcity of rain, from failed crops, and from the eventual food wars.No one knows when the next glacial period will begin, but the average interglacial is 11,000 years long, and our Holocene is already as much as 17,000 years old. When the Holocene does end, we could see another 90,000 years without summers, rain, crops, food and civilization.Thermophobia may very well be the most dangerous disease ever to strike humanity. The cure is knowledge.

    163,95 kr.

    This book is about the Flaws in the information age machine of life by data collection, analysis and categorization. This book explains how to manipulate the digital leash of the system. How to Run. How to Hide. How to Escape and Evade. How to Survive. How the Follow, Track and Trace the Runner.Most of all it teaches you how to be invisible and avoid the Chasers who rely on the data collection machine. How to be invisible and nearly untraceable in the 21st Century.

  • af Michael Dow
    423,95 kr.

    Parfois, il semble que seule une infirmier(ère) peut apporter des informations techniques qu'une personne ordinaire peut comprendre. La série de livres Nurse Florence® fournit des informations médicales de haute qualité que même un enfant peut saisir. En initiant les jeunes enfants à la terminologie correcte et aux concepts scientifiques dès leur plus jeune âge, nous pouvons aider à augmenter le niveau de littératie en santé de nos enfants ainsi qu'à les préparer à des cours et à des emplois en sciences, technologie, ingénierie et mathématiques. Nous avons besoin de plus de scientifiques et j'espère que de nombreux enfants apprécieront cette série de livres et envisageront un travail impliquant la science.

  • af S. Hawk
    233,95 kr.

    End Matters is Book 3 of The Buried Draughts Trilogy. Clarissa, Linda, and Ellen, along with the ghosts, gain several important living allies. With media attention breaking the centuries of secrecy about the town, major law enforcement has moved in. Corrupt local authorities try to hold their secrets as they deadlock with State and Federal intervention. With so much law in town, the difficulty level for the girls rises nearly beyond their ability to continue Clarissa's plan. Vengeful death isn't exactly a legal method of judgment. They need help.It's the methods they use that give them a bit of hope, sowing confusion among the families as well as law enforcement. Yet, as they continue the fight, struggling against the odds, they find their greatest strength within. The living and the spirits work together.The darkness hasn't obscured all, though. Despite everything that's happening around her, Meredith continues her plans and they still include Linda. Meredith's adjustments, though, are soon happening too quickly and randomly for her to control everything. Her slaves are not the most helpful of people.Things go from bad to worse every direction the girls turn. Even with the ghosts' help they can't stay ahead of things.Linda disappears during a lull in their planning, vanishing without a trace, even the ghosts can't find her. Only through her own battered wits does she and her partner escape Meredith's dungeon lab. She uses the occasion to carry out her own plans for Meredith... ending that threat.The war against the Families is not yet over and... rather than a duel of spirits... its guns and violence. Can the spirits protect her? Will the grey ladies manage to aid her?By the end... everyone is changed.

  • af Michael J Bryant
    143,95 kr.

    263,95 kr.

    313,95 kr.

    116,95 kr.

    198,95 kr.