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Bøger udgivet af Language Science Press

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  • af Kristin Bech
    528,95 kr.

    On the premise that syntactic variation is constrained by factors that may not always be immediately obvious, this volume explores various perspectives on the nominal syntax in the early Germanic languages and the syntactic diversity they display. The fact that these languages are relatively well attested and documented allows for individual cases studies as well as comparative studies. Due to their well-observable common ancestry at the time of their earliest attestations, they moreover permit close-up comparative investigations into closely related languages. Besides the purely empirical aspects, the volume also explores the methodological side of diagnosing, classifying and documenting the details of syntactic diversity. The volume starts with a description by Alexander Pfaff and Gerlouf Bouma of the principles underlying the Noun Phrases in Early Germanic Languages (NPEGL) database, before Alexander Pfaff presents the Patternization method for measuring syntactic diversity. Kristin Bech, Hannah Booth, Kersti Börjars, Tine Breban, Svetlana Petrova, and George Walkden carry out a pilot study of noun phrase variation in Old English, Old High German, Old Icelandic, and Old Saxon. Kristin Bech then considers the development of Old English noun phrases with quantifiers meaning ¿many¿. Alexandra Rehn¿s study is concerned with the inflection of stacked adjectives in Old High German and Alemannic. Old High German is also the topic of Svetlana Petroväs study, which looks at inflectional patterns of attributive adjectives. With Hannah Booth¿s contribution we move to Old Icelandic and the use of the proprial article as a topic management device. Juliane Tiemann investigates adjective position in Old Norwegian. Alexander Pfaff and George Walkden then take a broader view of adjectival articles in early Germanic, before Alexander Pfaff rounds off the volume with a study of a peculiar class of adjectives, the so-called positional predicates, which occur across the early Germanic languages.

  • af Christoph Bracks
    543,95 kr.

    This book is an investigation into aspects of prosody, intonation and the prosody-syntax interface in Totoli, an endangered Austronesian language. With a strongly data-driven approach, the study integrates a combination of experimental evidence from both production and perception with corpus-based evidence through descriptive and inferential statistics. The study takes the prime structuring unit of speech ¿ the Intonation Unit ¿ as its principal unit of investigation. It presents a thorough description of the IU, develops an intonational model of it, and investigates the syntactic units it contains. The author argues that the data is best analysed by assuming recursive embedding of Intonation Units into Compound Intonation Units. This research represents a significant advancement in our understanding of the nature of prosodic systems found in the languages of the region and in intonational systems in general. It is one of the few investigations into the intonation of Austronesian languages and its analytical proposals are relevant both to prosodic theory and to phonological typology.

  • af Katrin Pfadenhauer
    608,95 kr.

    This edited volume pays tribute to traditional and innovative language contact research, bringing together contributors with expertise on different languages examining general phenomena of language contact and specific linguistic features which arise in language contact scenarios. A particular focus lies on contact between languages of unbalanced political and symbolic power, language contact and group identity, and the linguistic and societal implications of language contact settings, especially considering contemporary global migration streams. Drawing on various methodological approaches, among others, corpus and contrastive linguistics, linguistic landscapes, sociolinguistic interviews, and ethnographic fieldwork, the contributions describe phenomena of language contact between and with Romance languages, Semitic languages, and English(es).

  • af Lena Terhart
    998,95 kr.

    This book offers the first detailed grammatical description of Paunaka, an Arawakan language spoken (in 2023) by eight people in the Chiquitania region in the lowlands of Eastern Bolivia. The grammar builds on material collected during several fieldwork trips between 2009 and 2020 by the team of the Paunaka Documentation Project, which was funded by the ELDP from 2011¿2013. This material includes roughly 120 hours of audio and video recordings, which have been archived at ELAR. In 2022, the dissertation on which this book is based received the annual Research Award at the Europa-Universität Flensburg. The grammar provides a description of the phonology, morphology, and syntax of Paunaka, including numerous comparative remarks to closely related languages. It includes over 1500 examples, most of them accompanied by a brief description of their original linguistic or extralinguistic context.

  • af Carsten Becker
    543,95 kr.

    Bereits Jacob Grimm bemerkte im Band 2 seiner Geschichte der deutschen Sprache (1848), dass adjektivische Genuskongruenz mit gemischtgeschlechtlichem Personenbezug in den älteren Sprachstufen des Deutschen häufig das Neutrum aufweist. Askedal (1973) widmete diesem Thema eine ausführliche Studie auf Basis kritischer Editionen einer Handvoll alt- und mittelhochdeutscher literarischen Werke. Die Standardwerke zur historischen Grammatik des Deutschen beschränken sich bislang darauf, diese Regel undifferenziert nach grammatischem Kontext lediglich zu konstatieren. Die vorliegende Studie zeichnet das Phänomen der Gender Resolution (Corbett 1983) im Mittelhochdeutschen nach. Dies geschieht auf handschriftennaher Grundlage anhand der Geschäftsprosa der Urkunden des Corpus der altdeutschen Originalurkunden bis zum Jahr 1300 (Wilhelm et al. 1932¿2004) sowie der erst seit wenigen Jahren verfügbaren Transkriptionen der Haupthandschriften aller drei Rezensionen der Kaiserchronik als literarischem Vergleichstext. Die Studie setzt sich zum Ziel, bestehendes Wissen über dieses grammatische Phänomen zu validieren und im Rahmen eines zeitgemäßen grammatiktheoretischen Modells zu reflektieren. Zu diesem Zweck wird systematisch Variation in der Kongruenzform des Quantors mittelhochdeutsch b¿ide ¿beide¿, der sich auf ein Referentenpaar bezieht, in den typischen Kontexten seines Auftretens hinsichtlich morphologischer, semantischer und syntaktischer Zusammenhänge detailliert untersucht. Already Jacob Grimm noted in volume 2 of his Geschichte der deutschen Sprache (1848) that adjectival forms with reference to mixed-gender human groups often showed neuter agreement in the historical stages of German. Askedal (1973) as well dedicated an extensive study to this issue, based on critical editions of a handful of Old and Middle High German literary texts. Standard reference works on historical German grammar so far merely state the rule without further differentiation by grammatical context. This survey traces the phenomenon of gender resolution (Corbett 1983) in Middle High German. Evidence is collected on a true-to-manuscript basis consisting of the businesslike prose of the Corpus der altdeutschen Originalurkunden bis zum Jahr 1300 (Wilhelm et al 1932¿2004) as well as the main manuscripts of all three recensions of the Kaiserchronik as a literary object of comparison, transcriptions of which have only in recent years been made available. The survey aims to validate existing knowledge on this grammatical phenomenon and to reflect on it in a modern grammar-theoretical framework. For this purpose, variation in the agreement form of Middle High German b¿ide ¿both¿, which refers to a pair of antecedents, is evaluated systematically and in great detail in its typical use contexts with regard to morphological, semantic, and syntactic circumstances.

  • af Carrie Dyck
    1.368,95 kr.

    This work describes the grammar of Gayogöhó:nö¿ (Gayogöhó:nö¿néha:¿, Cayuga), an ¿gweh¿¿weh (Iroquoian) language spoken at Six Nations, Ontario, Canada. Topics include Gayogöhó:nö¿néha:¿ morphology (word formation); pronominal prefix selection, meaning, and pronunciation; syntax (fixed word order); and discourse (the effects of free word order and noun incorporation, and the use of particles). Gayogöhó:nö¿néha:¿ morphophonology and sentence-level phonology are also described where relevant in the grammar. Finally, the work includes noun, verb, and particle dictionaries, organized according to the categories outlined in the grammatical description, as well as lists of cultural terms and phrases.

  • af Cyrille Granget
    608,95 kr.

    This book offers a selection of papers dealing with second language acquisition, foreign language teaching and creole linguistics inspired by the scientific legacy of Mauritian-born scholar Georges Daniel Véronique (Port-Louis, 1948). An important part of the book is devoted to the description of learner varieties with a focus on sociolinguistic factors, such as the learner situation ¿ from asylum seekers to Erasmus students ¿, the degree of familiarity with the target language ¿ having or not previous knowledge about a genetically related language ¿, the degree of literacy, and the type of instruction. Linguistic complexity, case marking, the use of self-positioning pronouns, verbal morphology and aspectual values are among the linguistic phenomena analyzed by the authors having contributed to this part of the volume. Another part of this volume deals with language didactics and addresses the questions of whether manipulating specific constructions from a usage-based perspective and a focus-on-form approach do indeed aid beginner learners to acquire complex forms in L2 German and nominal forms in L2 Polish, respectively. It also explores how some educational policies in Sweden have affected both the offer of French as a Foreign Language and its demand by students. The contributions to creole studies present diachronic analyses targeting the /z/ plural marking in Réunion creole, Fa d¿Ambô and spoken French, and a set of NPs found in two speeches pronounced in 1835 on the island of Agaléga by a coconut oil producer whose features are similar to Mauritian creole. Linguistic, social and historical factors are at the center of these contributions.

  • af Marco Favaro
    473,95 kr.

    This study investigates the properties of a set of Italian adverbs (among others: pure ¿alsö, solo ¿only¿, un pö ¿a bit¿) that, in specific contexts of use, modify the speech acts in which they appear. On the one hand, these elements specify the way in which a speech act should be interpreted with reference to the specific interactional context, modifying its illocutionary force. On the other hand, they index presupposed/inferred meanings active in the common ground of the interaction, integrating the speech act in the common ground. These functions closely resemble those of the elements that, especially in the German linguistic tradition, are called modal particles. Drawing on original data from Italian ¿ both from the standard language and regional varieties ¿ the goal of the study is to describe the synchronic features of these elements and to explain the emergence of the modal uses. For this purpose, it jointly employs theoretical notions of pragmatics (speech act theory, inferences in interaction), models of language change (reanalysis and conventionalization) and the descriptive tools of sociolinguistic approaches. Through the presentation of four case studies, integrating corpus and questionnaire data, the present work gives a thorough analysis of the modal functions and the contexts of use of the adverbs under investigation: it explores their role at the semantics/pragmatics interface, it discusses their place in a layered model of grammar and it examines their distribution across different language varieties.

  • af Petr Biskup
    608,95 kr.

    Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2021 offers a selection of articles that were prepared on the basis of talks given at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 14 or at the satellite workshop on secondary imperfectives in Slavic, which were held on June 2¿5, 2021, at the University of Leipzig. The volume covers all branches of Slavic languages and features synchronic as well as diachronic analyses. It comprises a wide array of topics, such as degree achievements, clitic climbing in Czech and Polish, typology of Slavic l-participles, aspectual markers in Russian and Czech, doubling in South Slavic relative clauses, congruence and case-agreement in close apposition in Russian, cataphora in Slovenian, Russian and Polish participles, prefixation and telicity in Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian adjectives, negative questions in Russian and German and imperfectivity in discourse. The numerous topics addressed demonstrate the importance of Slavic data and the analyses presented in this collection make a significant contribution to Slavic linguistics as well as to linguistics in general.

  • af Heike Wiese
    343,95 kr.

    Current research in grammatical analysis and sociolinguistics points to two core characteristics of language that seem incommensurable at first sight: (1) research on linguistic structure indicates internal organisation and coherence, and the workings and interactions of distinct grammatical systems, but (2) sociolinguistic research suggests that language borders and bound ¿languages¿ are counterfactual social constructs that cannot capture the diversity and fluidity of actual language use. This seems to constitute something like a ¿quantum-linguistic¿ paradox: language systems aren¿t real (they are just ideological constructions), but at the same time, they are a reflection of actual structure. This book shows how this paradox can be resolved through an architecture that allows for grammatical systems without presupposing language borders: this architecture puts communicative situations, rather than languages, at the core of linguistic systematicity, while named languages are captured as optional sociolinguistic indices. The approach builds on insights from ¿free-range¿ language, a metaphor for language in settings that are less confined by monoglossic ideologies. The author looks at four different kinds of settings: urban markets, heritage language settings, multiethnic adolescent peer-groups, and digital social media. Central lessons to be learned from such free-range language settings are: (1) communicative situations support linguistic differentiation and can thus be the basis for fluid registers; (2) grammatical systematicity is grounded in communicative situations and does not require bound languages and linguistic borders; (3) named ¿languages¿ can emerge as social indices signalling belonging, but this is an optional, not a necessary development.

  • af Zheng Shen
    608,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the role size plays in grammar. Under the umbrella term size fall the size of syntactic projections, the size of feature content, and the size of reference sets. This Volume II discusses size effects in movement, agreement, and interpretation while the contributions in Volume I focus on size and structure building. Part I of Volume II investigates how size interacts with head movement and various phrasal movement including left branch extraction, object shift, tough movement, and multiple wh movement. Part II of this volume discusses the role size plays in agreement and morphology-related matters like allomorphy. Contributions in Part III focus on semantic-oriented issues, in particular the size of reference domains and NPI licensing. The languages covered in this volume include American Sign Language, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian and various other Slavic languages, German, Icelandic, dialects of Italian, Japanese, Nancowry, Panoan languages, and Tamil.

  • af Eleonore Schmitt
    743,95 kr.

    Die Arbeit entwickelt ein gebrauchsbasiertes Modell zur Entstehung grammatischer Varianten. Dieses wird auf drei Variationsphänomene angewandt: Variation in der Konjugation (geglimmt/geglommen), Variation in der Deklination (des Bären/Bärs) und Variation in der Selektion zwischen haben und sein im Perfekt (ich bin/habe Auto gefahren). Zudem wird das Modell psycholinguistisch überprüft. Das Modell greift auf den gebrauchsbasierten Ansatz der Kognitionslinguistik zurück und erarbeitet Frequenz, Prototyp und Schema als grundlegende Einflussfaktoren darauf, wie wahrscheinlich Variation und Stabilität in einem Sprachsystem sind: Bei allen Variationsphänomenen sind neben der Variation auch stabile Verwendungen zu beobachten (geflogen/*gefliegt, des Matrosen/*des Matroses, ich bin gegangen/*ich habe gegangen). Im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit werden Frequenz, Protoyp und Schema als kognitive Einflussfaktoren auf Variation und Stabilität modelliert und anschließend ihr Einfluss auf die drei Variationsphänomene theoretisch beleuchtet. Im empirischen Teil der Arbeit wird der Einfluss der Faktoren Frequenz, Prototyp und Schema anhand von Reaktionszeitmessungen überprüft. Das in der Arbeit entwickelte Modell fasst Variation und Stabilität von Sprache probabilistisch und prognostiziert auf diese Weise Variation. Der Rückgriff auf Reaktionszeiten erlaubt es, in der Sprachverarbeitung Variationspotential zu erkennen, das noch nicht im Sprachgebrauch sichtbar ist. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht damit den zentralen Stellenwert, den Variation in der Sprache einnimmt, erweitert mit der Verbindung aus Kognitions- und Psycholinguistik bestehende Forschung und ermöglicht einen systematischen, empirisch überprüfbaren Zugang zu Variation.

  • af Grit Nickel
    673,95 kr.

    Diese Arbeit fokussiert die nominale Flexionsmorphologie der ostoberdeutschen Dialekte in ihrer Systematik. Dialekte sind insbesondere für Fragen zum morphologischen Wandel relevant, da sie im Vergleich zum Standard gesprochensprachlichen Wandel besser repräsentieren. Gleichzeitig weisen Dialekte spezifischen Wandel in Phonologie und an der Schnittstelle von Phonologie und Morphologie auf. Die kontrastive Studie dialektaler Flexionsverfahren unter varianten phonologischen Voraussetzungen kann hier zeigen, wo die formale Varianz phonologisch bedingt ist, wo sie das Ergebnis genuin morphologischer Prozesse ist und wo beide Ebenen interagieren. Damit verbindet die Studie die synchrone, diachrone und areale Perspektive.Mit dem Ziel, die Spezifika und Gemeinsamkeiten der nominalen Numerus- und Kasusflexion für die drei Teilräume des Ostoberdeutschen (Ostfränkisch, Nord- und Mittelbairisch) in ihrer Systematik kontrastiv darzustellen, wurde für 37 Ortsdialekte und die syntaktische Einheit aus Definitartikel und Substantiv Datenmaterial des Forschungsprojekts Bayerischer Sprachatlas ausgewertet. Der erste Teil der Datenauswertung fokussiert die Formenbildung des Substantivs, wobei das Ziel der Untersuchung nicht nur in einer Inventarisierung der einzelnen (evtl. dialektraumspezifischen) Markierungsstrategien für Numerus und Kasus besteht, sondern in der Erfassung des Systems. Im Zentrum des zweiten Teils stehen die Struktur der dialektalen Deklinationsklassensysteme und die Frage, inwiefern Deklinationsklassen diachron und synchron zu außerflexivischer Konditionierung tendieren (z.B. durch semantische oder phonotaktisch-prosodische Faktoren). Der dritte Teil der Datenauswertung behandelt schließlich den morphosyntaktischen Kontext und die Frage, wo Numerus und Kasus in der Nominalphrase markiert werden und inwiefern die Markierung durch morphologische oder syntaktische Mittel oder durch Disambiguierung im semantisch-pragmatischen Kontext erfolgt. Abschließend erfolgt eine Diskussion der Ergebnisse vor dem Hintergrund von Grammatikmodellen, die morphologischen Wandel, Sprachgebrauch und Kognition fokussieren. This book comprises a systematic analysis of the nominal inflectional systems of 37 local dialects of the East Upper German variety (i.e., East Franconian, North and Central Bavarian), analyzing data drawn from the research project Bavarian Linguistic Atlas (Bayerischer Sprachatlas). The surveyed dialects show a wide spectrum of variation with regard to dialect-specific phonological change and subsequently exhibit variation at the interface of phonology and morphology, making a contrastive study of dialect morphology worthwhile. The first part of the data analysis focuses on number and case marking strategies, surveying the local dialects¿ allomorphs from a synchronic and diachronic perspective. The second part addresses the structure of dialect declension classes, specifically focusing on superior assignment principles. In a third step, noun phrases are included into the analysis, widening the focus to the more general question of whether the coding of plural (or case) information is necessarily attributed to inflectional morphology, or whether plural (or case) coding has to be located at the interface between morphology, syntax and context. Finally, the data analysis is followed by a discussion, covering theoretical (namely usage-based) approaches on morphological change

  • af Clive Forrester
    343,95 kr.

    This volume brings together the work of six authors who explore various dimensions of language rights and how they intersect with social justice in the Caribbean context. Language rights advocacy has been an ongoing issue in Caribbean linguistics since at least the 1970s when the Society for Caribbean Linguistics was established and linguists started to turn their attention to the marginalised status of Creole languages in the region. This continued into the 1990s when dismal scores in secondary school English resulted in governments singling out Creole languages as the culprit and linguists had to get involved in shaping language policy for territories across the region. By 2011 the role of linguists was cemented in the language rights debate with the creation of the Charter on Language Rights in the Creole-speaking Caribbean. Using examples from Jamaica and St. Lucia, the current study examines the challenges that still persist ten years after the Charter, specifically in the areas of language advocacy, linguistic discrimination, and communicative hurdles in the courtroom.

  • af Simon Wehrle
    528,95 kr.

    This book provides an in-depth, multi-dimensional analysis of conversations between autistic adults. The investigation is focussed on intonation style, turn-taking and the use of backchannels, filled pauses and silent pauses. Previous findings on intonation style in the context of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are contradictory, with claims ranging from characteristically monotonous to characteristically melodic intonation. A novel methodology for quantifying intonation style is used, and it is revealed that autistic speakers tended towards a more melodic intonation style compared to control speakers in the data set under investigation. Research on turn-taking (the organisation of who speaks when in conversation) in ASD is limited, with most studies claiming a tendency for longer silent gaps in ASD. No clear overall difference in turn-timing between the ASD and the control group was found in the data under study. There was, however, a clear difference between groups specifically in the earliest stages of dialogue, where ASD dyads produced considerably longer silent gaps than controls. Backchannels (listener signals such as mmhm or okay) have barely been investigated in ASD to date. The current analysis shows that autistic speakers produced fewer backchannels per minute (particularly in the early stages of dialogue), and that backchannels were less diverse prosodically and lexically. Filled pauses (hesitation signals such as uhm and uh) in ASD have been the subject of a handful of previous studies, most of which claim that autistic speakers produced fewer uhm tokens (specifically). It is shown that filled pauses were produced at an identical rate in both groups and that there was an equivalent preference of uhm over uh. ASD speakers differed only in the prosodic realisation of filled pauses. It is further shown that autistic speakers produced more long silent (within-speaker) pauses than controls. The analyses presented in this book provide new insights into conversation strategies and intonation styles in ASD, as reviewed in a summary analysis. The findings are discussed in the context of previous research, general characteristics of cognition in ASD, and the importance of studying communication in interaction and across neurotypes.

  • af Ole Schützler
    543,95 kr.

    This volume presents a synchronic investigation of concessive constructions in nine varieties of English, based on data from the International Corpus of English. The structures of interest are complex sentences with a subordinate clause introduced by although, though or even though. Various functional and formal features are taken into account: (i) the semantic/pragmatic relation that holds between the propositions involved, (ii) the position of the subordinate clause, (iii) the conjunction that is used, and (iv) the syntax of the subordinate clause. By exploring patterns of variation from a Construction Grammar perspective, the study works towards an explanatory model, whose point of departure is at the functional (semantic/pragmatic) level, and which makes hierarchically organised predictions for different formal levels (clause position, choice of connective and realisation of the subordinate clause). It treats concessives as complex form-function pairings, and develops arguments and routines that may inform quantitative approaches to constructional variation more generally.

  • af Julia Bacskai-Atkari
    543,95 kr.

    This book provides a novel analysis for the syntax of the clausal left periphery, focusing on various finite clause types and especially on embedded clauses. It investigates how the appearance of multiple projections interacts with economy principles and with the need for marking syntactic information overtly. In particular, the proposed account shows that a flexible approach assuming only a minimal number of projections is altogether favourable to cartographic approaches. The main focus of the book is on West Germanic, in particular on English and German, yet other Germanic and non-Germanic languages are also discussed for comparative purposes.

  • af Hossep Dolatian
    408,95 kr.

    Iranian Armenian is the variety of spoken Armenian that was developed by Armenians in Tehran, Iran over the last few centuries. It has a substantial community of speakers in California. This variety or lect is called ¿Persian Armenian¿ [p¿¿sk¿h¿je¿en] or ¿Iranian Armenian¿ [i¿¿n¿h¿je¿en] by members of the community. The present book is not a comprehensive grammar of the language. It occupies a gray zone between being a simple sketch versus a sizable grammar. We attempt to clarify the basic aspects of the language, such as its phoneme inventory, noticeable morphophonological processes, various inflectional paradigms, and some peculiar aspects of its syntax. We likewise provide a sample text of Iranian Armenian speech. Many aspects of this variety seem to be identical to Standard Eastern Armenian (SEA), so we tried to focus more on those aspects of Iranian Armenian which differ from SEA. The phonology has developed new phonemes and intonational contours due to contact with Persian. The morphophonology has grammaticalized allomorphic patterns that are phonosyntactic, meaning they reference syntactic information. Nominal morphology is largely identical to SEA but with some simplification of irregular processes. Verbal morphology is similar to SEA, but with major innovations in the aorist paradigm. The aorist or past perfective paradigm has undergone a change whereby irregular patterns have been reanalyzed as regular patterns. The syntax is largely the same as SEA, but with innovations due to contact with Persian, such as object clitics and the use of resumptive pronouns.

  • af Rik van Gijn
    473,95 kr.

    Contact linguistics is the overarching term for a highly diversified field with branches that connect to such widely divergent areas as historical linguistics, typology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and grammatical theory. Because of this diversification, there is a risk of fragmentation and lack of interaction between the different subbranches of contact linguistics. Nevertheless, the different approaches share the general goal of accounting for the results of interacting linguistic systems. This common goal opens up possibilities for active communication, cooperation, and coordination between the different branches of contact linguistics. This book, therefore, explores the extent to which contact linguistics can be viewed as a coherent field, and whether the advances achieved in a particular subfield can be translated to others. In this way our aim is to encourage a boundary-free discussion between different types of specialists of contact linguistics, and to stimulate cross-pollination between them.

  • af Stefan Muller
    417,95 - 528,95 kr.

    简介 本书全面系统地介绍了在当代语言学发展进程中起到重要作用的形式语法理论,包括短语结构语法、转换语法-管辖与约束理论、转换语法-最简方案、广义短语结构语法、词汇功能语法、范畴语法、中心语驱动的短语结构语法、构式语法、依存语法和树邻接语法。作者对重要的理论学说进行了深入浅出的讲解,并详细说明了每种理论是如何分析论元成分与附加成分、主被动变换、局部重新排序、动词替换以及跨长距离依存成分前置等问题的。这些分析都以德语作为目标语言来说明。 本书第二部分比较了这些理论在分析语言习得和心理语言学的合理性方面所提出的假说。例如,天赋论假说认为人类习得某种语言是由语言的内在机制决定的。本书对该观点进行了严格的评判,并讨论了其他的语言习得模型。第二部分还讨论了当前理论构建中存在的争议性问题,如平铺结构还是二叉结构更为合适?句式应该是在短语层还是词汇层上处理?以及抽象的、不可见的实体是否应该在句法分析中占有一席之地?实际上,不同的理论框架对这些问题的解释是互通的。作者在最后一章说明了如何对所有语言都具有的共性特征或某类语言具有的共同特征进行描写。本书是对出版于2016年的《语法理论-从转换语法到基于约束的理论》(Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches)英语版的中译本。下面引述的内容摘自评论: "穆勒针对各种语法理论所作的严肃且公正的论述填补了文献领域的一大空白。"Karen Lehmann, Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft, 2012 "斯特凡-穆勒最新发表的这本导论性教科书《语法理论》(Grammatiktheorie)是一本难得的具有综合性和深入洞见的入门书籍,适合当代句法理论的初学者学习。"Wolfgang Sternefeld und Frank Richter, Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 2012 "这是那种世间难觅的著作......作者公正且客观的论述特别地令人耳目一新。"Werner Abraham, Germanistik, 2012 这些章节的内容至少可以使得那些对关键问题持有不同意见的学者都参与到讨论中来,而且也许会使得他们对彼此的研究成果有更好的理解与赞许,进而推动研究的进一步发展。总之,跟Sternefeld & Richter(2012)针对本书早期版本所持的有些悲观的且倾向于生成语法优先的看法相反的是,我积极地将Müller所做的工作看作是一个通道,它有潜力将形式语言学家聚集在一起以使得他们能够认识到各自圈子之外的理论性工作的全貌。"Michael T. Putnam, Glossa, 2016 This book is a translation of Müller, Stefan. 2016. Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Berlin: Language Science Press.

  • af Pekka Posio
    548,95 kr.

    This volume brings together contributions by researchers focusing on personal pronouns in Ibero-Romance languages, going beyond the well-established variable of expressed vs. non-expressed subjects. While factors such as agreement morphology, topic shift and contrast or emphasis have been argued to account for variable subject expression, several corpus studies on Ibero-Romance languages have shown that the expression of subject pronouns goes beyond these traditionally established factors and is also subject to considerable dialectal variation. One of the factors affecting choice and expression of personal pronouns or other referential devices is whether the construction is used personally or impersonally. The use and emergence of new impersonal constructions, eventually also new (im)personal pronouns, as well as the variation found in the expression of human impersonality in different Ibero-Romance language varieties is another interesting research area that has gained ground in the recent years. In addition to variable subject expression, similar methods and theoretical approaches have been applied to study the expression of objects. Finally, the reference to the addressee(s) using different address pronouns and other address forms is an important field of study that is closely connected to the variable expression of pronouns. The present book sheds light on all these aspects of reference to discourse participants. The volume contains contributions with a strong empirical background and various methods and both written and spoken corpus data from Ibero-Romance languages. The focus on discourse participants highlights the special properties of first and second person referents and the factors affecting them that are often different from the anaphoric third person. The chapters are organized into three thematic sections: (i) Variable expression of subjects and objects, (ii) Between personal and impersonal, and (iii) Reference to the addressee.

  • af Andrea Pe¿ková
    818,95 kr.

    The main aim of this book is to contribute to our understanding of the acquisition of second language intonation, by comparing Czech learners of Spanish with German learners of Spanish and Czech learners of Italian. By means of a large production database, the study seeks to uncover how L1-to-L2 intonational transfer works and what role prosodic (dis)similarities between languages play. Contrary to most previous research, the work presents an original multidirectional cross-linguistic comparison and examines different types of sentence, such as neutral and non-neutral statements, yes/no questions, wh-questions, exclamatives and vocatives. The findings reveal positive and negative transfer from L1 to L2, and the formation of mixed patterns as well as native-like patterns, which are mainly constrained by linguistic factors such as the type of sentence and the position of the tonal event in the utterance. The results are discussed within Mennen¿s (2015) L2 Intonation Learning theory and lead to the formulation of a Developmental L2 Intonation Hypothesis that makes several generalizations to characterize interlanguage intonation. This volume not only represents a step forward in the study of the acquisition of L2 intonation in general but also offers valuable findings that can be directly or indirectly applied in the classroom and will hopefully inspire further research.

  • af Rebecca L. Morley
    343,95 kr.

    Research in linguistics, as in most other scientific domains, is usually approached in a modular way ¿ narrowing the domain of inquiry in order to allow for increased depth of study. This is necessary and productive for a topic as wide-ranging and complex as human language. However, precisely because language is a complex system, tied to perception, learning, memory, and social organization, the assumption of modularity can also be an obstacle to understanding language at a deeper level. This book examines the consequences of enforcing non-modularity along two dimensions: the temporal, and the cognitive. Along the temporal dimension, synchronic and diachronic domains are linked by the requirement that sound changes must lead to viable, stable language states. Along the cognitive dimension, sound change and variation are linked to speech perception and production by requiring non-trivial transformations between acoustic and articulatory representations. The methodological focus of this work is on computational modeling. By formalising and implementing theoretical accounts, modeling can expose theoretical gaps and covert assumptions. To do so, it is necessary to formally assess the functional equivalence of specific implementational choices, as well as their mapping to theoretical structures. This book applies this analytic approach to a series of implemented models of sound change. As theoretical inconsistencies are discovered, possible solutions are proposed, incrementally constructing a set of sufficient properties for a working model. Because internal theoretical consistency is enforced, this model corresponds to an explanatorily adequate theory. And because explicit links between modules are required, this is a theory, not only of sound change, but of many aspects of phonological competence. The book highlights two aspects of modeling work that receive relatively little attention: the formal mapping from model to theory, and the scalability of demonstration models. Focusing on these aspects of modeling makes it clear that any theory of sound change in the specific is impossible without a more general theory of language: of the relationship between perception and production, the relationship between phonetics and phonology, the learning of linguistic units, and the nature of underlying representations. Theories of sound change that do not explicitly address these aspects of language are making tacit, untested assumptions about their properties. Addressing so many aspects of language may seem to complicate the linguist's task. However, as this book shows, it actually helps impose boundary conditions of ecological validity that reduce the theoretical search space.

  • af Katarzyna Janic
    1.073,95 kr.

    This landmark publication brings together 27 papers on reflexive constructions in languages from around the world, covering all continents and diverse language types. The volume also contains three overview papers and a questionnaire. Even though reflexive constructions have often been discussed from a variety of angles, this is the first edited volume of its kind. All the chapters are based on original data collected by the authors, and they are broadly comparable through careful terminological usage, even though each paper is primarily based on language-internal evidence. The volume also contains two introductory chapters by the editors that set the stage and lay out the main comparative concepts, as well as one concluding chapter that presents generalizations.

  • af Russell Barlow
    943,95 kr.

    This book is a grammatical description of Ulwa, a Papuan language spoken by about 600 people living in four villages in the East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea. Ulwa belongs to the Keram language family. This grammatical description is based on a corpus of recorded texts and elicited sentences that were collected during a total of about twelve months of research carried out between 2015 and 2018. The book aims to detail as many aspects of Ulwa grammar as possible, including matters of phonology, morphology, and syntax. It also contains a lexicon with over 1,400 entries and three fully glossed and translated texts. The book was written with a typologically oriented audience in mind, and should be of interest to Papuan specialists as well as to general linguists. It may be useful to those working on the history or classification of Papuan languages as well as those conducting typological research on any number of grammatical features.

  • af Jan Fliessbach
    608,95 kr.

    This book provides a new perspective on prosodically marked declaratives, wh-exclamatives, and discourse particles in the Madrid variety of Spanish. It argues that some marked forms differ from unmarked forms in that they encode modal evaluations of the at-issue meaning. Two epistemic evaluations that can be shown to be encoded by intonation in Spanish are obviousness and mirativity, which present the at-issue meaning as expected and unexpected, respectively. An empirical investigation via a production experiment finds that they are associated with distinct intonational features under constant focus scope, with stances of (dis)agreement showing an impact on obvious declaratives. Wh-exclamatives are found not to differ significantly in intonational marking from neutral declaratives, showing that they need not be miratives. Moreover, we find that intonational marking on different discourse particles in natural dialogue correlates with their meaning contribution without being fully determined by it. In part, these findings quantitatively confirm previous qualitative findings on the meaning of intonational configurations in Madrid Spanish. But they also add new insights on the role intonation plays in the negotiation of commitments and expectations between interlocutors.

  • af Aviad Albert
    478,95 kr.

    Sonority is a central notion in phonetics and phonology and it is essential for generalizations related to syllabic organization. However, to date there is no clear consensus on the phonetic basis of sonority, neither in perception nor in production. The widely used Sonority Sequencing Principle (SSP) represents the speech signal as a sequence of discrete units, where phonological processes are modeled as symbol manipulating rules that lack a temporal dimension and are devoid of inherent links to perceptual, motoric or cognitive processes. The current work aims to change this by outlining a novel approach for the extraction of continuous entities from acoustic space in order to model dynamic aspects of phonological perception. It is used here to advance a functional understanding of sonority as a universal aspect of prosody that requires pitch-bearing syllables as the building blocks of speech. This book argues that sonority is best understood as a measurement of pitch intelligibility in perception, which is closely linked to periodic energy in acoustics. It presents a novel principle for sonority-based determinations of well-formedness ¿ the Nucleus Attraction Principle (NAP). Two complementary NAP models independently account for symbolic and continuous representations and they mostly outperform SSP-based models, demonstrated here with experimental perception studies and with a corpus study of Modern Hebrew nouns. This work also includes a description of ProPer (Prosodic Analysis with Periodic Energy). The ProPer toolbox further exploits the proposal that periodic energy reflects sonority in order to cover major topics in prosodic research, such as prominence, intonation and speech rate. The book is finally concluded with brief discussions on selected topics: (i) the phonotactic division of labor with respect to /s/-stop clusters; (ii) the debate about the universality of sonority; and (iii) the fate of the classic phonetics¿phonology dichotomy as it relates to continuity and dynamics in phonology.

  • af Fabian Schubö
    478,95 kr.

    In spoken language comprehension, the hearer is faced with a more or less continuous stream of auditory information. Prosodic cues, such as pitch movement, pre-boundary lengthening, and pauses, incrementally help to organize the incoming stream of information into prosodic phrases, which often coincide with syntactic units. Prosody is hence central to spoken language comprehension and some models assume that the speaker produces prosody in a consistent and hierarchical fashion. While there is manifold empirical evidence that prosodic boundary cues are reliably and robustly produced and effectively guide spoken sentence comprehension across different populations and languages, the underlying mechanisms and the nature of the prosody-syntax interface still have not been identified sufficiently. This is also reflected in the fact that most models on sentence processing completely lack prosodic information. This edited book volume is grounded in a workshop that was held in 2021 at the annual conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS). The five chapters cover selected topics on the production and comprehension of prosodic cues in various populations and languages, all focusing in particular on processing of prosody at structurally relevant prosodic boundaries. Specifically, the book comprises cross-linguistic evidence as well as evidence from non-native listeners, infants, adults, and elderly speakers, highlighting the important role of prosody in both language production and comprehension.