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  • af Beatrex Quntanna
    378,95 kr.

    How to navigate your life by the light of the Moon and its cycles, our workbook will show you step by step when and what to let go of to free yourself from whatever holds you back and when to manifest. The Moon is a great cosmic architect, the builder and the dissolve of form. Full Moons are about dissolving obstacles and outdated patterns so you can become free. New Moons are about manifesting, accepting, and receiving what you want in your life. The year 2024 is ruled by the number 8. According to Tibetan numerology, the number 8 is about manifesting success and prosperity. This year will bring us a new way of living, with ease and grace. Let the moon guide us to our destination and all will be well. The number 8 is also about cycles. When placed on its side, the number 8 is the symbol of infinity. This year is about manifesting a new reality. This new reality asks us all to believe in ourselves so we can best learn to accept what comes.

  • af Brieghanna Maye
    208,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af E I Karnes
    83,95 kr.

    Makes Murky Waters Sparkle is a provocative collection of poetry laid within a freaky framework of melodic erotica that tells about the defeating, deviant adventures of a promiscuous, suicidal druggie that dabbles with taboo, is in search of redemption and just might find reformation.

  • af Bekeme Masade-Olowola
    1.033,95 kr.

    Extractive companies face rising expectations to do more than simply mitigate negative impacts, they are expected to be sources of economic opportunity and to be reliable and trustworthy partners and neighbours. These companies are expected to deliver lasting social and economic benefits to the areas where they have their footprints.The tool for delivering these tangible and sustainable benefits to communities is the Community Engagement Standards (CES). Sections and provisions of the CES may be translated into a Community Development Agreement (CDA). Over the years, companies have engaged communities and sundry stakeholders, unfortunately with less than inspiring results. This CES is aimed at filling some of the identified gaps in earlier ones.

  • af Catalina Ureta
    358,95 kr.

    In this book, we want you to learn how to work with life events that leave traumatic imprints in your body and nervous system so that you can understand how danger, stress, illness, and other past traumas affect your present physical, emotional, and mental well- being, even when experienced before birth. The goal of these chapters is for you to learn first how stress originates. Then, the various defense system responses to danger. Finally, how trauma healing is approached today through the reorganization of those same defense responses. Such reorganization can be achieved through mind-body therapies such as Somatic Experiencing(R) from the revered Dr. Peter Levine, and The Points Holding ProcessTM (PHP) which focuses on dissolving crystallized belief patterns in the body.

  • af Tery Logan
    118,95 kr.

    ¿Estás preparado/a para sumergirte en el minimalismo literario? El realismo negro de RELATOS DE UNA LOGAN posee un lenguaje descriptivo propio del cine: es directo, intenso y sorprendente. Las tramas, sus personajes y giros finales noquean al lector, conduciéndole a una obligada reflexión sobre el ser humano. QUINCE RELATOS Jack Webber, a punto de ser ejecutado en la silla eléctrica, se confiesa inocente ante un periodista... En Meridam¿s Dock, donde habitan las misteriosas hermanas Bride, los marineros que atracan en el puerto mueren brutalmente asesinados... Armand Guillome desaparece en el cementerio de París en su primera jornada de trabajo... Una caja de música marca el destino de quien la escucha según la melodía que suene... Dos hermanos pequeños quedan atrapados en un huracán en Carolina del Norte y harán lo imposible por regresar vivos a casa... Sherlton Figs, debido a una lesión ocular, es declarado incapaz para trabajar, quedando a disposición de la torpe burocracia para subsistir... Y Harold Bathory, un joven criado por sus abuelos, aprende que la vida es soledad y muerte desde niño... Juana la Loca ligará por internet durante su cautiverio en Tordesillas y Harry descubrirá que su mujer, Dianne, está a punto de serle infiel en un motel de carretera.

  • af Rafael Martínez Serrano
    196,95 kr.

    Hola. Me llamo Samuel Vega y he vuelto del Otro Lado con dos misiones importantes. La primera es contar algo de vital importancia para la humanidad. Me han permitido volver para desvelarlo, pero no puedo hacerlo yo. He de encontrar a alguien que lo haga por mí y que no desvíe mi atención de la otra misión, la cual no puedo desvelar aquí y ahora. Cuando he vuelto me he encontrado con muchos problemas y con situaciones inesperadas, venganzas del pasado, un asesino en serie y enormes sorpresas y secretos familiares que sería muy largo contar aquí. Creeréis que se trata de algo típico de thrillers sobrenaturales y puede que estéis en lo cierto; sin embargo lo que os voy a contar en La luna triangular es tan cierto como que estáis aquí leyendo esto ahora mismo. Lo que sí os digo es que se puede volver de la muerte y es algo que os demostraré a lo largo de esta historia. Al otro lado de la vida, se orquesta la existencia de la humanidad bajo unas reglas que no podemos imaginar. Probablemente, eso que llamamos destino, no sea tal cual lo entendemos. Os presentaré a Guillermo Suárez, un inspector que se está volviendo loco investigando el caso de los asesinatos en serie y a Saúl Márquez, un periodista incrédulo con objetivos diferentes a los que yo buscaba. Y os preguntaréis qué tienen que ver conmigo y mi conexión con el Otro Lado; tiene mucho que ver. Cuando lo descubráis os quedaréis atónitos. En cuanto a las misteriosas piedras verdes... Bueno, aquí lo dejo. Espero que disfrutéis y que descubráis cosas que nunca habríais imaginado, y que, al terminar la novela, hayáis cambiado vuestro concepto sobre la vida y la muerte. Buena lectura. Samuel Vega.

  • af Editorial Atr
    103,95 kr.

    En la actualidad, ya muy pocos pueden dudar que la Confesión de Fe de Westminster (1647) constituyó uno de los momentos dogmáticos más importantes de la Reforma. En su día, en el siglo XVII, marcó profundamente la enseñanza oficial de otros cuerpos eclesiales, y hasta nuestros días ha sido mantenida como la doctrina oficial en las iglesias reformadas de origen anglosajón, conocidas también como como presbiterianas. Históricamente, el pueblo reformado de habla hispana ha tenido acceso a la Confesión, así como al resto de los Estándares de Westminster, con distintas traducciones de calidad. Sin embargo, apenas se ha hecho un esfuerzo de contextualización de la Confesión en los parámetros propios de la iglesia hispanohablante. Es decir, el reflejar en la traducción al español de la Confesión, usando el lenguaje de la Biblia histórica protestante en español (la Reina-Valera), lo que la Biblia protestante oficial en Inglaterra (la KJV) fue para la Confesión original en inglés. Se presenta una traducción precisa del original inglés, cotejada con la traducción al latín para mayor exactitud en posibles palabras ambiguas. Todo esto, con un lenguaje y estilo que para el lector hispanoparlante tendrá, sin duda, sabor a Biblia.

  • af Olivier Elophe
    153,95 kr.

    Les Chroniques d'Elysorium - Tome 1: Les Arcanes de la Rose NoirePlongez dans les profondeurs d'Elysorium, un monde où la magie vibre avec l'intensité des alliances éphémères. "Les Arcanes de la Rose Noire", premier tome captivant des "Chroniques d'Elysorium", entrelace la vérité et la légende dans un tissu de mystères ancestraux et de destinées intriquées.Iris, assassin endurcie par les épreuves, découvre que son destin dépasse l'horizon de son monde implacable. À ses côtés, Althea, mage érudite au savoir insondable, explore avec elle les confins des royaumes connus dans une quête révélatrice.Leur quête les amène à dévoiler des vérités qui pourraient ébranler les fondations mêmes de leur monde, de combats contre des ennemis implacables et de rencontres avec des alliés aussi divers qu'extraordinaires.. Elles se dressent face à des menaces s'étendant bien au-delà de la réalité connue, dans un univers où se confrontent magie et légendes immémoriales.Lancez vous dans une épopée où chaque chapitre vous transporte, chaque personnage vous enveloppe, et chaque révélation tisse sa trame dans la grande épopée du destin. "Les Arcanes de la Rose Noire" est le prélude d'une série qui promet d'enchanter les passionnés de fantasy, de RPG et d'isekai, mariant suspense, action et une mythologie riche.L'aventure vous appelle. Êtes-vous prêt à dévoiler les mystères d'Elysorium ?

  • af Fred Roigoon
    213,95 kr.

    Par le plus grand des hasards, François et Emilia tombent éperdument amoureux. Un amour fou, infini, empli de promesses. Lorsqu'ils surmontent leurs problèmes personnels, que leur vie de couple peut enfin se construire, un minuscule grain de sable va enrayer cette belle mécanique. Car si l'amour rend heureux, il rend aussi aveugle. Et lorsque l'on croit le bonheur à portée de main, le pire des cauchemars n'est jamais très loin.

  • af Melissa Garin
    243,95 kr.

    With colorful illustrations and an engaging storyline, "A World of New Beginnings", intertwines a wonderful rhyme with invaluable lessons about moving abroad, embracing new experiences, and the power of family.

  • af Moneta
    343,95 kr.

    Europe and its "treaties".Since the end of the 1939-1945 war, the number of "European treaties" has multiplied, but no one has ever analysed the objectives, the means and the flagrant failures suffered by each of them: the 1951 Treaty of Paris (ECSC); Treaty of Rome 1957 (Euratom and EEC), Treaty of Maastricht 1992 (euro area), Treaty of Amsterdam 1997 (big surprises) and the dense TFEU (Treaty of Lisbon 2009).However, if the Maastricht Treaty (1992) allowed High Finance to realize its wildest dreams of "freedom" and "independence", it is not at all a coincidence.They have been written by the same entity since 1930.Already at that time, the worm was in the fruit of the "Treaty of Maastricht". Europe and its wars.>WHY this aggressiveness of Germany against its closest "partners"?With its past military wars.And, since the 1960s, with its economic and financial wars...WHY all these failures of Germany?It has lost all these "great wars".It is now at the forefront of new "war zones".Is this really a coincidence?WHY Germany's resilience in the face of all its failures?How is it that it always came out faster and stronger after the 2nd World War?>Europe under threat.Who pulls the strings of this system that everyone refers to as neoliberalism?>Without these analyses since 1870, no one can explain: WHY is the European Union so unloved?WHY have Member States never been so weak? With Public Deficits and Public Debts now in the bright red?WHY are the European Union and the Euro so threatened?WHY did the United States, China and Russia destroy "our" Europe of the Enlightenment?WHY has this "happy globalization" destroyed us and now threatens us? The Europe of the Enlightenment?>The America of the Freedom? It follows the same path as Rome.She now writes the words "The End" to her outrageous dominance. And yet, the Americans are spying on us and vassalizing us a little more every day.What for?Because our "competent people" want them to! Europe?It is the only region in the world that can "change things"...This is what we are demonstrating...

  • af Andrew A Stewart
    93,95 kr.

    This rhyming book with fun illustrations depict a family who express their love not only through words, but through activities.

  • af Christine Olivia Hernandez
    198,95 kr.

    This is a story where Lana journeys through magical dreams to explore her Mayan heritage. The adventure teaches Lana the wisdom of ancestors, and the joy and power of self-discovery.

  • af Christine Olivia Hernandez
    198,95 kr.

    Join Maya, a young girl with a heart full of magic, in an enchanting journey that celebrates the power of belief and the wonder of imagination. In a world where her peers see magic as mere make-believe, Maya stands out with her pointy witch's hat, her hand-crafted wand, and a conviction that magic is all around us.Despite being laughed at and misunderstood, Maya's unshakable faith in magic catches the eye of three kind witches. They reveal to her a beautiful truth: every child has magic within, but not all remember or nurture it. With their guidance, Maya learns to harness her unique gifts, leading her to not only amazing magical feats but also to teach her friends the true essence of magic.Maya the Little Witch is a heartwarming tale that encourages young readers to find and cherish their own magic, to believe in themselves, and to see the extraordinary in the everyday. It's a story about being different, standing strong, and spreading wonder-one magical moment at a time.Perfect for young dreamers aged 4-8, this book is a delightful journey through a world where anything is possible if you just believe.

  • af Rachel Terry
    208,95 kr.

    A pirate with a deadly secret.A princess desperate to save her dying kingdom.The kingdom of Daera is dying. For the past ten years, rain has poured from the skies and the sun refuses to shine. Crops wither and rot in their fields while the people starve.Annie is the princess of Daera, desperate to find a solution. Using her knowledge of plants, she experiments in the hope of finding a hybrid that can survive Daera's harsh weather. But time is running out.Ben is a pirate, captain of the ship Phoenix, who helps the people of Daera the only way he knows how-by stealing supplies from other ships and delivering them to the starving villagers-all while concealing a deadly secret.With no other choice, Annie finds herself forced to abandon her work and accept a marriage proposal from Alara, the kingdom to the south, in exchange for much-needed aid. Plagued by witch-hunts and pirates alike, Alara is not the paradise it appears. Even so, Annie believes their southern neighbor is the only hope Daera has-until she meets Ben.

  • af Tricia D Wagner
    248,95 kr.

    Is the wild world of nature a magical place? Does enchantment await each new day? Tumble in to explore through this lyrical door, with a spellbinding monkey troop leading the way.

    98,95 kr.

    Explore Serenity with the Top-Rated Colorado Nature Stress Relief Coloring Book for AdultsImmerse yourself in the captivating charm of Colorado's natural wonders with our sought-after "Colorado Nature Stress Relief Coloring Book." This adult coloring book, a popular choice on Amazon, offers a delightful journey through Colorado's iconic landscapes, from the awe-inspiring Rocky Mountains to peaceful alpine lakes.Key Features: -Over 50 Detailed Illustrations: Uncover the beauty of Colorado's diverse terrains with each carefully crafted image.-Standard Paper Quality for Easy Coloring: Enjoy coloring with your favorite pencils, pens, or markers.-Double-Sided Pages for More Artwork: Maximizes the number of illustrations for extended coloring enjoyment.-Diverse Complexity for All Skill Levels: Whether you're new to coloring books or a seasoned artist, these designs offer a rewarding challenge.-Stress Relief and Mindfulness: A perfect way to unwind, reduce stress, and practice mindfulness.Optimized for Nature Enthusiasts and Creative Minds: This adult coloring book is an essential pick for nature lovers, creative individuals, and anyone seeking a peaceful, artistic activity.A Memorable, Unique Gift Idea: The "Colorado Nature Stress Relief Coloring Book" is an ideal gift for friends, family, or anyone who appreciates the serene beauty of Colorado.Join Countless Satisfied Customers: One of the best quality adult coloring books available on Amazon, it invites you on a journey of tranquility and creativity. Let each page transport you to a place of relaxation, artistic exploration, and a deeper appreciation of Colorado's magnificent landscapes.

  • af Mike Ruggiero
    168,95 kr.

    Have you had a personal conversation and wondered if the other person was telling the truth? Have you ever watched a suspect being interviewed and wondered if they are lying? Have you ever watched a celebrity or politician speak about an issue in the media and wonder if they are being honest?Is determining the truthfulness of people important to you or are you just curious to have "inside" knowledge? Then... Uncover the Truth is the book for you! Uncover the Truth is filled with examples from many cases from Mike's career as well as from the public eye. Learn the invaluable skills of Detecting Deception from someone who's been using them during his over 30-year career in law enforcement. Learn when people are truthfully deceptive and uncover the truth!

  • af Brigit Rosé
    153,95 kr.

    He died for her protection, but true love never really dies.Everywhere Odessa Black looked, she saw her fiancée, Hamilton Kring's, face. Over a year has passed since his untimely death. Determined to escape his memory, she left the only home she's ever known. A new city and job are supposed to be a way for her to start over. Until she discovers the world is far larger and darker than she ever imagined. Hamilton Kring is technically dead. Reborn as Hamilton Morck, the last thing he expected was for Odessa, the only woman he's ever loved, to waltz back into his life. With his murderer chasing after them, he'll do whatever is necessary to keep her safe. Even if it means making a deal with the kind of demons he used to hunt.

  • af Chanda Hahn
    178,95 kr.

    Everly Hart, a talented griever and amateur detective, is sent away to Echo Bay in the aftermath of a high-profile case. As she arrives in the small coastal town, she quickly realizes that the place is not as idyllic as it seems. The tide brings danger and death every seven years, and the locals whisper about a pirate's cursed treasure buried somewhere on the coast. Is it a curse or a grimm creature behind the deaths? As Everly delves deeper into the mystery, she finds herself constantly at odds with her longtime crush, Hunter Abernathy. Despite her oath to never date her friend's brother, Everly cannot help but feel drawn to him. As the death toll grows and the stakes get higher, Everly must navigate the treacherous waters of the case and her complicated feelings. Will she solve the mystery and resist the temptation of forbidden love? Find out in this thrilling supernatural tale of love, mystery, and adventure in Echo Bay.

  • af Andrew Shaffer
    133,95 kr.

    "Una fable sure l'amitiâe lâegáerement grotesque, et, finalement, âedifiante"--Page 4 of cover

  • af Daniel J Middleton
    241,95 kr.

    INTUITIVE DESIGN - In this monthly planner, the calendar grid offers lightly ruled daily blocks to accommodate note-taking. Each page measures 8.5¿ x 11¿, with one month per two-page spread. Mark your appointments, meetings, events, and daily activities directly on the calendar, and make additional notes on the pages that succeed each month.YEARS OF ORGANIZATION - Spanning three years, you will be able to keep track of your schedule with an efficient and clean organizational layout, so you never have to worry about missing important moments or failing to complete a task. Confidently face your commitments by adding detailed appointment descriptions.THEMED CALENDAR - Three annual themes are presented, showcasing four prominent black history figures each year. Learn more about these twelve individuals by scanning the QR codes provided, which will lead you to free informative articles on our website. MAKE IT YOUR OWN - In addition to taking notes, feel free to doodle and color throughout the calendar to add your touch. YOUR MEMENTO - At the end of the three years after you've completed the planner, file it away so you can revisit its pages in the future. You can look back and see what you accomplished. The lasting design means you'll be able to keep the planner in your collection for many years.Prepare to get organized!

  • af Peter M Ball
    128,95 kr.

    Eclectic Projects returns after a short hiatus with four original short stories and more from Aurealis and Ditmar award-winning author Peter M. Ball. Dive into this issue to find: A young boy fighting to free his mother from the subterranean prison of the underesea in The Last Stairman. Friendship and teenage angst put the test beneath hovering alien vessels in Life In The Shadow. A rockstar addicted to a magic waterfall which spills into a city street in the slipstream story Lemosyne Junction. A showdown between gangsters on a hellish colony planet, in the aftermath of a big mistake, in the first Eleanor Holst story, Median Survival Time. Professional thief Tallulah Wyndham-Pryce battles chronomancy and dinosaurs in the fifty instalment of the The Shackleton Job serial, The First Rule of Evading Carnivores.Issue 5 also features a non-fiction piece on the muse, publishing, and understanding what truly is within a writer's control, On The Focus and Locus of Creativity.Long regarded as one of Australia's weirder speculative fiction authors, Peter M. Ball now brings you original fiction each month in his own magazine, Eclectic Projects. Peter is also the author of the novellas Horn, Bleed, Exile, Frost, and Crusade, and his prior short fiction has been collected in The Birdcage Heart & Other Strange Tales, Not Quite The End Of The World Just Yet, and These Strange & Magic Things. He's the brain in charge at Brain Jar Press and lives in Brisbane with his spouse and a very demanding cat.

  • af Anita Philpott
    205,95 kr.

    When Morrie moved in next door to Hilde in 1936 they became best friends. They are just five years old. But this is Nazi Germany and the law decrees they cannot remain friends because he is Jewish and she is the daughter of a Nazi policeman. For a short time music and culture opens up a new world for Hilde. But it cannot last. Her loving grandparents take in the children and gift them a pet budgerigar. In Leipzig intimidation and unrest becomes rife and their families are scattered. War breaks out and Morrie and Hilde must part. They do not know where the other one is or if they will ever meet up again. Will any of the family members return home or will they all become victims of the horrors of war? The love of music and the little budgerigar offers us hope for the future.

  • af Mosaic Tree Press
    128,95 kr.

    Women & Hijab: 100+ Captivating Colouring Activities to Celebrate the Beauty of Women & Femininity in Islam This title is part of a stunning series of colouring books that transports readers into the heart of Islam and the Muslim world through more than 50 captivating handcrafted illustrations. Explore themes such as the grace of Women & Hijab, the tranquility of The Majestic Qur'an, the festive joy of Islamic Festivals & Celebrations, the mesmerising beauty of Islamic Mosaic and Geometrical Patterns, the architectural splendor of Mosques and Places of Worship, and the profound spirituality of Being with Allah, Prayer & Duʿā, all designed to deepen your connection and strengthen your bond with Allah. Immerse yourself in a serene journey of creativity, mindfulness, and cultural appreciation with this radiant series. See also in the same book series (Visual World): Islam (الإسلام): 50+ Colouring Activities for Arts & CraftsThe Majestic Qur'an: 50+ Inspiring Colouring Activities to Discover Allah's Divine Message & WisdomIslamic Festivals & Celebrations (الإحتفالات والأعياد): 50+ Colouring Activities to Celebrate Islam & the Muslim WorldWomen & Hijab: 100+ Captivating Colouring Activities to Celebrate the Beauty of Women & Femininity in IslamBe with Allah (كن مع الله): 100+ Captivating Colouring Activities for Finding Peace in Prayer & Duʿā and Strengthening your Bond with AllahMosques (المساجد): 50+ Engaging Colouring Activities to Celebrate the Beauty of Islamic Places of WorshipSpiritual Harmony: 50+ Engaging Colouring Activities to Celebrate the Beauty of Geometrical Patterns in IslamPalestine (فلسطين): 50+ Colouring Activities for Arts & Crafts

  • af Jemma Weir
    178,95 kr.

    When Sam's secret could cost her everything, can she trust a man who has spent his life putting the Pack first?Sam has spent the last decade hiding her magic. If anyone found out she was an Earth Elemental, she would lose everything, including the land that relied on her.Hale has been the Highland Rift Pack Alpha for the last seven years, and his priorities are his pack, the rangers, and keeping the Highland Rift Scar monsters in check.When a full moon hunt ends with Hale stung by a Rift scorpion and stuck as a wolf, Sam is forced to allow him to stay on her land. Something her land is ecstatic about. Her, not so much.Though she tries to avoid him, it's not long before another attack puts Hale's life in the balance. Sam is left with a difficult decision: keep her secret and lose Hale, or risk everything and use her magic to save him.Can Sam and Hale trust each other, or will their mistrust bury them? Find out in this enthralling paranormal romance novel, Buried by Earth, the first in the Highland Rift Pack series.

  • af Kareem Nour
    153,95 kr.

    Unlock the Secrets to a Tranquil Life: How to Conquer Chaos and Thrive with ADHD!Do you often find yourself drowning in clutter, battling distraction at every turn, and feeling like you're barely keeping it together? Have you wished for a roadmap to navigate the challenges of home and life organization, specifically tailored for individuals with ADHD? Imagine a life where chaos is replaced by calm, and each day is a step towards your goals. As someone who has walked in your shoes, I know the struggles, frustrations, and the yearning for a system that truly works.Are you tired of the endless cycle of disorganization, procrastination, and overwhelm? What if you could transform your space into a haven of productivity and peace? Picture a life where you can harness the unique strengths of your ADHD mind to create a home and lifestyle that supports your success. It's not a dream - it's a reality waiting for you.Kai M. Jordan, the author, understands the daily battle with ADHD intimately. With a background in psychology and years of experience working with individuals facing ADHD-related challenges, Jordan brings both professional expertise and personal understanding to this comprehensive guide. Having triumphed over organizational chaos personally, the author shares insights that go beyond generic advice.Bullet Points: Discover practical strategies to declutter your physical space and clear mental fog.Unleash the power of ADHD-friendly routines that enhance focus and productivity.Learn the art of setting realistic and achievable goals tailored to your unique strengths.Navigate time management challenges with innovative techniques.Harness the potential of technology to streamline tasks and stay on track.Transform your living space into an organized sanctuary that supports your well-being.Dive into mindfulness practices designed to calm the chaos within.Equip yourself with coping mechanisms to overcome daily obstacles and thrive.If you want to reclaim control, banish chaos, and create a life that aligns with your aspirations, then start reading this book NOW. Your journey to an organized, fulfilling life begins here!

  • af Ross Willsher
    498,95 kr.

    'A collection of heartfelt prose and poetry to uplift, inspire, and empower you, as you embark on your wedding planning journey.Celebrate knowing you are enough as you are.'All too often, we can be bombarded with images that make us feel we need to become someone other than our truest selves on our wedding day, when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. 'Celebrated' is a wedding planning book with a difference. It centres on making sure couples feel confident and comfortable in their own skin as they journey towards marriage. If you have ever felt like you do not fit in, aren't valued, or do not live up to those ridiculous beauty standards that society has set for us, then this is the book for you. Regardless of who you love, how you identify and the unique beauty of your body, you deserve to feel celebrated on your wedding day.