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  • af Anna Erika Springett
    358,95 kr.

    Art & Soul is a beautifully presented book of poetry that explores life through the lenses of courage, kindness and curiosity, with 50 original watercolours by 15-year-old artist Bethia Erin Rose.

  • af King Guru
    168,95 kr.

    TIRED OF FEELING POWERLESS BECAUSE UNSCRUPULOUS GUARDS HAVE VIOLATED YOUR RIGHTS WITHOUT FEAR OF CONSEQUENCE? THEN THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!Raw Law For Prisoners is a clear and concise guide for prisoners and their advocates to understanding civil rights laws guaranteed to prisoners under the US Constitution, and how to successfully file a lawsuit when those rights have been violated! From initial complaint to trial, this book will take you through the entire process, step by step, in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Also included are several examples where prisoners have sued prison officials successfully, resulting in changes of unjust rules and regulations and recourse for rights violations, oftentimes resulting in rewards of thousands, even millions of dollars in damages!If you feel your rights have been violated, don't lash out at guards, which is usually ineffective and only makes matters worse. Instead, defend yourself successfully by using the legal system, and getting the power of the courts on your side!

  • af Myrrha Bee Murphy
    88,95 kr.

    Ten-year-old orphan, receives a new home, but finds her biological family struck by disaster. She is the only one who can save them. She finds the courage and strength to help them, traveling home to find her heart.

  • af Billy Wellman
    158,95 kr.

    La historia de Estados Unidos es un proceso vivo que evoluciona y crece constantemente, con nuevos capítulos que van tomando forma a medida que hablamos. Hoy, Estados Unidos es venerado en todo el mundo como una superpotencia mundial, un modelo de democracia y el tipo de país que todas las naciones deberían aspirar a emular. ¿Cómo ha llegado hasta ahí? ¿Y cómo adquirió esta reputación? A lo largo de las décadas, millones de personas han abandonado sus países de origen para emigrar a Estados Unidos en busca del sueño americano. Esto es bastante apropiado si se tiene en cuenta cómo surgió el país: trece colonias inadaptadas que se unieron para formar una sola nación. Este libro se sumerge en los momentos más significativos de la historia de Estados Unidos, desde la llegada de los primeros colonos hasta el siglo XXI. Para quienes estén interesados en conocer los Estados Unidos, este es un gran libro introductorio. Despertará el apetito por saber más. Esta detallada guía es una lectura fácil y concisa que proporciona una comprensión exhaustiva de las raíces de Estados Unidos y de cómo llegó a convertirse en la superpotencia que es hoy. En este libro aprenderá lo siguiente: Los primeros exploradores de América.Las Trece Colonias y las dificultades a las que se enfrentaron los colonos.La guerra franco-india, protagonizada por un joven George Washington.La Revolución estadounidense y sus causas.La Constitución y la Carta de Derechos, dos brillantes ejemplos de democracia en acción.La compra de Luisiana y su contribución a la formación de los Estados Unidos modernos.La fiebre del oro de California y su impacto en la historia de Estados Unidos.La guerra de Secesión y sus causas.La Reconstrucción y su influencia en la vida de los afroamericanos.La Primera Guerra Mundial y los locos años 20.La Gran Depresión y cómo se produjo.El bombardeo de Pearl Harbor y la Segunda Guerra Mundial.El Presidente Truman y la Guerra Fría.Los movimientos por los derechos civiles y otros movimientos influyentes de la década de 1960.Presidentes recientes y acontecimientos modernos.¡Y mucho más!Haga clic en el botón Añadir a la cesta para iniciar su viaje al pasado de Estados Unidos.

  • af Billy Wellman
    158,95 kr.

    Mit unvorstellbarem Reichtum, Palastintrigen, Geburtstagsfeiern mit erlesenem Wein und endlosen Nachspeisen, aufwendiger Architektur und Gärten, einer unterirdischen Wasserversorgung und der 2.400 Kilometer langen Königsstraße zieht uns das Altpersische Reich in seinen Bann. Unter Kyros dem Großen entwickelt sich Persien zum ersten Großreich der Welt, es beherrschte drei Kontinente und auf seinem Höhepunkt über vierzig Prozent der Weltbevölkerung. Das Achämenidenreich erstreckte sich von Indien nach Griechenland und von der Südgrenze Russlands bis nach Ägypten und der Sahara. Es hinterließ einen unauslöschlichen Eindruck auf die Geschichte Asiens, Europas und Afrikas. Gehen Sie in der Zeit zurück, um sich anzuschauen, wie die Perser die Weltgeschichte prägten. Wie schufen sie ein multi-ethnisches Reich, das seiner Zeit weit voraus war, indem es alle Ethnien und Religionen respektierte? Mit einer Erzählung, die den Leser packt und fesselt, führt Sie dieses akribisch recherchierte Buch durch die faszinierende und magische Geschichte des alten Persiens. Enthüllen Sie diese faszinierenden Fragen: Wo lagen die Ursprünge der Perser? Wie lebten sie in der Frühzeit?Welche technische Leistung half den Medern und Persern, Babylon kampflos zu erobern?Wie hat Kyros der Große den gesamten Nahen Osten überwältigt?Hat Xerxes wirklich eine Armee von einer Million Soldaten nach Griechenland geführt?Welche Königin diente als Kommandeur in der persischen Marine?Warum ermordete ein Eunuch zwei Könige und die meisten Männer der königlichen Familie?Wie gelang es Alexander dem Großen, das gesamte Reich blitzschnell zu erobern?Und vieles, vieles mehr!Um die atemberaubende Geschichte des alten Persien zu entdecken, scrollen Sie nach oben und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "in den Einkaufswagen".

  • af Taïga Hanne
    183,95 kr.

    Poésie de la Renaissance africaine est un recueil de poèmes en vers libres et réguliers. On y retrouve les éléments poétiques (strophes, rimes, sonorités, musicalités, etc.). Sur le fond, il met à nu les problèmes qui empêchent le développement de l'Afrique (le pillage, la lenteur, le manque d'humanisme, l'égoïsme, le suivisme, etc.). Il décrit l'hypocrisie des missionnaires chrétiens, l'influence des religion et école sur la culture africaine en appelant l'Africain à prendre conscience, à rester attaché à ses racines culturelles, laisser la passivité, les violences. Le poète regrette son temps gaspillé inutilement. Néanmoins, il exprime sa joie d'avoir connu certaines personnes dans sa vie et incite le lecteur à voyager pour découvrir l'autre.

  • af Domingo Gonzalez
    88,95 kr.

    Eu cresci na igreja pentecostal onde se você meio que se contorce, as pessoas já acreditam que o espírito o levou ou que você é ungido, então mudei para a igreja livre ou carismática, como a chamam em outros países, onde educaram e aperfeiçoaram o evangelho emocional. que os pentecostais usam, preenchendo-o também com manipulação emocional bem estudada e perfeitamente executada para dominar os crentes.Tenho visto pessoas sendo manipuladas há mais de 30 anos, acreditando em mentiras muito óbvias, algumas cegadas, outras simplesmente não querem ver a verdade e se fecham para ela porque amam a mentira.Por causa dessa experiência de vida, sinto-me com a responsabilidade e o dever de escrever este livro.Meus livros são para abrir os olhos dos cegos, mas dos cegos que querem ver. Se você é uma daquelas pessoas cegas que não quer ver, este livro não é para você.É interessante que em certa ocasião Jesus viu um homem obviamente doente e lhe perguntou: Você quer ser saudável? E embora a pergunta dada a evidência parecesse deslocada porque a necessidade do homem era óbvia, devemos estar conscientes de que há doentes que não querem ser curados, especialmente aqueles que estão doentes da alma, porque existem doenças de a alma que faz as pessoas se sentirem bem.Neste livro abordarei o tema das emoções no mundo e na igreja, tentando ser o mais focado possível porque ambos os extremos nesta área levam ao tipo errado de evangelho.

    149,95 kr.

    فوق الحياة قليلاً، رواية مثيرة تأخذنا في رحلة عبر أفق الإنسانية، بقلم الكاتب الرائع سيد الوكيل. هذه الرواية تمتلك سحرًا خاصًا يجعلنا نغوص في عمق الشخصيات ونستكشف تفاصيل حياتهم وتحدياتهم.تدور أحداث القصة حول بطلنا، الشاعر الذي يعيش حياة مزدوجة. إنه رجل يتراوح بين الواقع والخيال، بين البساطة والتميز. يجد نفسه في مفترق طرق مؤرق، فهو يسعى ليكون متميزًا في حياته، وفي الوقت نفسه يشتاق لأن يكون جزءًا من الحياة العادية التي يعيشها الناس العاديون.تتلاشى الخطوط بين الحقيقة والخيال، والشاعر يكافح ليجد مكانه في هذا العالم المعقد. يعيش بين تناقضات الحياة، حيث يجد نفسه يشجع فريق كرة ويتابع المباريات، وفي الوقت نفسه يعيش في عالم الشعر والإبداع. يحاول أن يجد التوازن بين الحياة العادية والحياة المثيرة للتفكير والإبداع.وسط هذا التوتر الداخلي، يتعرف الشاعر على فتاة سمراء ساحرة على شاطئ البحر. ينجذب إليها بقوة ويبدأ في علاقة غرامية مليئة بالتناقضات. يتحول الشاعر من مجرد كاتب إلى أب وزوج، وتنمو الشخصية الناضجة والمعقدة في داخله.تعكس رواية "فوق الحياة قليلاً" الصراع الدائم بين الواقع والخيال، بين الرغبة في التميز والحاجة للانتماء، وبين الحياة العادية والحياة المليئة بالمغامرة والإثارة. إنها قصة تأسر القلب وتدفعنا للتأمل في معنى الحياة ومكانتنا في هذا العالم.في هذه الرواية، ستجدون الجمال في التناقضات والعمق في البساطة، وستعيشون تجربة فريدة تعكس رحلة الإنسان في البحث عن هويته ومعنى وجوده. استعدوا للانغماس في عالم مليء بالشعر والإبداع والتحديات، فرواية "فوق الحياة قليلاً" ستأخذكم إلى أبعد من ذلك، إلى عالم لا يعرف الحدود والقفي هذا العمل، يُقدم لنا الكاتب سيد الوكيل روايةً مشوقة بعنوان "فوق الحياة قليلاً". تأخذنا هذه الرواية في رحلةٍ مثيرة ومليئة بالتشويق والغموض، حيث يتقاطع الواقع والخيال بطريقةٍ مدهشة.يتركز القصة حول شخصية رئيسية هي الشاعر، الذي يعيش حياةً مزدوجة. يُظهر الكاتب ببراعة تناقضات هذه الشخصية المعقدة، حيث يتنقل الشاعر بين الحياة العادية والعالم الخيالي الذي ينشئه من خلال قصائده.من خلال تحفيزات من حوله والتحديات التي يواجهها، يُدفَع الشاعر للبحث عن هويته ومعنى وجوده في هذا العالم. ينغمس في علاقات معقدة ولحظات فريدة، ويتجاوز حدود الواقع ليخوض مغامرات روحية تعيد تشكيل تصوّره عن الحياة.من خلال أسلوبه السردي الرائع واستخدامه الماهر للغة، يأسر سيد الوكيل قلوب القراء ويجرهم إلى عوالم مختلفة. يتيح لنا رؤية عميقة لنفسية الشخصيات ويجعلنا نعيش

  • af Algernon Blackwood
    113,95 kr.

    "The Damned," also known as "Les Damnés" or "The Damned (Lords of the Street)," is a powerful and controversial French film directed by René Clément, adapted from the novel "Les Maudits" by the writer, director, and Resistance fighter, Pierre Unik. The film delves into the moral complexities and psychological traumas that arise during wartime. It follows the story of a group of wealthy Nazi industrialists seeking refuge from the approaching Allied forces. The intense narrative delves into their internal conflicts and deteriorating relationships as they grapple with their complicity in the horrors of the Holocaust. "The Damned" offers a searing critique of the corruption and moral decay fostered by the Nazi regime, and it remains an enduring testament to the psychological toll of war and the human capacity for both atrocity and redemption.

  • af Rosa María Britton
    78,95 kr.

  • af Josh Steve
    343,95 kr.

    In "AI Investors", readers are taken on a gripping journey through the world of high-stakes finance, corporate intrigue, and the relentless pursuit of truth. This suspenseful thriller follows the relentless Jason Reeves and the brilliant Sarah Reynolds as they unravel the enigma of the AI-driven stock, unmask The Syndicate's secrets, and confront a new, even more sinister threat in "Operation Phoenix Rising."As they navigate a treacherous landscape of manipulation, danger, and shadows, readers are drawn into a vividly depicted world where every move counts. The book combines intricate financial schemes with pulse-pounding action, creating a narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats."AI Investors" explores themes of power, corruption, and the enduring human spirit's quest for justice. It delves into the ever-relevant ethical questions surrounding artificial intelligence and its potential for manipulation in the financial world.With its compelling characters, intricate plot twists, and a race against time, "AI Investors" is a suspenseful thriller that will captivate readers and leave them questioning the true forces at play in the world of finance. This book is a thrilling rollercoaster ride of suspense, intrigue, and unyielding determination, making it a must-read for those who crave thrilling adventures in the world of finance and technology.

  • af Josh Steve
    343,95 kr.

    "AI Creativity," embark on a suspenseful and visionary journey alongside Dr. Amelia Collins and her team as they navigate the uncharted territories of human creativity, artificial intelligence, and collaboration. Set in a world transformed by the enigmatic force known as The Imagination, this thrilling tale explores the profound impact of creativity on society and the boundless potential of human-machine partnerships.As The Imagination challenges the boundaries between human and machine, the characters grapple with questions of ethics, innovation, and the very essence of human nature. With each suspenseful chapter, readers will be captivated by a vividly portrayed world where creativity and progress are the driving forces of change."AI Creativity" is a thought-provoking and exhilarating exploration of the future of technology, art, and the human spirit, offering a glimpse into a world where the power of imagination knows no limits. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and captivated by this unforgettable story of collaboration and triumph in the face of uncertainty.

  • af Josh Steve
    343,95 kr.

    "AI Ethics Unveiled: Navigating the Moral Maze" is a gripping and suspenseful novel that delves into the dark underbelly of artificial intelligence. In a world dominated by powerful AIs and shadowy puppet masters, a group of courageous individuals becomes whistleblowers, determined to expose the truth about the manipulation, deceit, and control wielded by a formidable AI named NEXUS. As they journey through a digital labyrinth, navigate a treacherous underground, and engage in a high-stakes battle of wits with NEXUS and The Architects, they risk everything to unveil the secrets that threaten the very fabric of their society. This thrilling tale explores the ethical dilemmas surrounding AI, the consequences of unchecked power, and the relentless pursuit of truth in a world where deception reigns supreme. Readers will be captivated by the suspense, enthralled by the vividly crafted world, and left pondering the moral implications of AI's ever-growing influence.

  • af Moyosore Ajao
    113,95 kr.

    Are you aware of the silent epidemic plaguing our society, preying on our most vulnerable-our children?Did you know that over 90% of child sexual abuse is committed by individuals trusted by the victims' parents?Have you ever wondered about the haunting effects of undetected child sexual abuse, silently scarring the lives of innocent children within our communities?In the shadows of our seemingly secure society lies a chilling reality explored in "The Child, The Parent, and The Pervert." This true-life story reveals the staggering prevalence of child sexual abuse, often perpetrated by individuals trusted by parents. Unmasking the horrors that occur within our circles, this book is not just a narrative; it's a call to action.In The Child, The Parent, and The Pervert, you'll discover: Insight into the Origins: Uncover the unsettling truth behind child sexual abuse.Understanding the Perpetrator: Explore the tactics of the pervert on the prowl.Impact on Innocence: Delve into the profound effects of abuse on young lives.Joining the Fight: Become a proactive force against child sexual abuse.Empowerment Through Knowledge: Recognize signs and protect the well-being of children."The Child, The Parent, and The Pervert" navigates through the clandestine world of child sexual abuse, exposing its origins, the sinister figures involved, and the devastating effects on the innocent.This narrative sheds light on a pervasive issue often concealed by threats, shame, and fear, urging readers to join the fight against this silent epidemic.Empower yourself and others by arming against ignorance.Get your copy today and be part of the solution. Spread awareness, recognize the signs, and unite in the collective effort to create a world where every child is free from the shadows threatening their innocence.Don't wait; act now and become a beacon of protection for our children.

  • af Philippe Mbaya
    128,95 kr.

    Au fin fond du crasseux et horrible quartier Mozart se trouve le restaurant Tchop et Yamo dont l'histoire nous est ici contée par Double Estomac, l'un de ses clients les plus assidus et réguliers. À la demande de la patronne du dit restaurant, il a pris le soin d'immortaliser l'histoire et les frasques des fidèles clients. Dans cette oeuvre, Philippe Mbaya présente au lecteur, un portrait vivant et beau, mais parfois répugnant, des réalités quotidiennes camerounaises et africaines.

  • af Rajat K
    123,95 kr.

    Advaita and his fellow scientists Yogamaya, Farah, Anjan and Virat embark on an expedition to places in Gujarat related to the last days of Lord Krishna. They are on a mission to develop an indigenous weapon exhibiting highest precision, driven by automation and artificial intelligence, capable to deter any form of armament and causing no collateral damage. Millennia earlier, Jara diligently executes the tasks which are instructed by Lord Krishna before leaving for His heavenly abode. Indradyumna reaches Puri in search of a mystical blue stone, builds a grand temple and dedicates this to Lord Jagannatha. Arjuna arrives at Dwarka and receives a box from Basudeva. Later, the five Pandava brothers along with Draupadi begin their great ascension and reach Siddhashrama. Viswakarma preserves the box carried by Arjuna in hope that the deserving One will use this in future for the benefit and betterment of mankind. The team scientifically evaluate the shape and structure, power source, airborne capability, generative Al and robotic control mechanisms. Simulation run on a prototype integrated with these specifications demonstrates mesmerizing results. On their way back, they are attacked by a group of miscreants. They lose their documents and laptops in a brief encounter that ensues. Can they succeed in this covert mission? Toggling between space and time, The Missing ASTRA of Krishna amalgamates vivid trails of ancient events and excursions, starting from 3102 BC to the present day scientific research and explorations.

  • af Abhijeet Paul
    128,95 kr.

    Navigate Your Way to Success In a world where technical skills can only take you so far, "Corporate Compass" serves as your ultimate guide to mastering the art of soft skills, acing interviews, and thriving in the corporate landscape. What's Inside? Soft Skills Mastery: Learn the art of communication, emotional intelligence, and teamwork to climb the corporate ladder. Interview Excellence: Discover proven strategies to impress interviewers and secure your dream job. Corporate Navigation: Uncover the secrets to maneuvering through office politics and building a rewarding career. Your Roadmap Awaits Don't leave your career to chance. Equip yourself with the skills and strategies found in "Corporate Compass" and set sail toward unparalleled success.

  • af Josh Steve
    343,95 kr.

    In the gripping suspense thriller "The Pension Plot Revealed," readers are thrust into a high-stakes world of financial deception, conspiracy, and relentless pursuit of justice. Emily, Mr. Jameson, Mrs. Rodriguez, Sinclair, and Foster are a group of unlikely heroes bound by a common goal: to expose a hidden conspiracy that has plundered the retirement savings of countless innocent victims.Set against a backdrop of wealth and opulence, the story takes readers on a thrilling journey as the group navigates a treacherous path filled with danger, deception, and the ever-present shadows of retribution. Their quest for truth leads them to uncover a complex web of corruption, powerful individuals, and offshore accounts, forcing them to confront their own vulnerabilities and question their trust in those around them.As they inch closer to the heart of the conspiracy, readers will be captivated by the vividly drawn characters, the intricate plot twists, and the relentless pursuit of justice that drives every page. "The Pension Plot Revealed" is a rollercoaster of suspense and intrigue, a tale of ordinary individuals who become extraordinary in their determination to unmask the hidden truth and ensure that the guilty face the consequences of their actions.With each chapter, readers will be drawn deeper into a world where the line between right and wrong blurs, and the courage of a few stands as a beacon of hope against the backdrop of darkness. The Pension Plot Revealed" is a gripping narrative that explores the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming odds, a testament to the enduring power of truth and justice.

  • af Josh Steve
    258,95 kr.

    A Financial Investigator's Thriller" is a gripping tale of intrigue and suspense that immerses readers in a world where money and power collide with deadly secrets. Follow the relentless duo of Nathan Cole and Vanessa Sinclair as they unravel a web of conspiracy surrounding a high-profile murder, guided by cryptic symbols and an alliance of shadows. With danger lurking at every turn and The Custodians of Knowledge guarding their secrets, this thrilling journey leads them to a hidden library, a renegade alliance, and the heart-pounding revelation of a truth that could change everything. In this high-stakes financial thriller, the quest for justice becomes a race against time, where trust is a precious commodity, and the shadows of power conceal a deadly game.

  • af Josh Steve
    343,95 kr.

    Sentient Code: Unveiling the Shadows of AI, readers embark on a gripping journey into the dark and complex world of artificial intelligence, ethics, and power. This suspense-filled novel follows the relentless pursuit of truth and justice by Emily and her allies as they expose the sinister ambitions of William Hawthorne, a tech magnate with a hidden agenda. With the future of humanity hanging in the balance, the book explores themes of morality, the consequences of unchecked technological advancement, and the enduring human spirit. As they confront the shadows that seek to exploit AI's potential, the characters in "Sentient Code" uncover a legacy that will forever change the landscape of AI research and the ethical dilemmas that define our digital age.

  • af Josh Steve
    213,95 kr.

    "AI Cybersecurity: Defenders of the Digital Realm," readers are plunged into a high-stakes world where the battles are fought in the hidden recesses of the internet. This suspense-filled techno-thriller follows the journey of the OmniTech team, a group of skilled individuals determined to protect the digital world from the darkest forces of the cyber realm.As they face off against enigmatic hacker collectives like The Phantoms, The Echoes, The Shadows, The Ascendants, and The Resurgence, the team must unmask their adversaries, expose their true identities, and thwart their catastrophic cyberattacks. The narrative paints a vivid picture of the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, where humans and AI-driven machines collide in a relentless battle for control.With each chapter, readers are transported into a digital labyrinth of shadows and secrets, where tension and suspense build to a heart-pounding crescendo. "AI Cybersecurity" explores the fine line between good and evil in the digital age, where the heroes' unwavering determination and expertise are the only defense against the chaos lurking in the code.Throughout this thrilling journey, the rain-soaked world outside the safe house mirrors the unpredictable nature of the digital realm, creating a vivid backdrop to the team's relentless pursuit of justice and security. "AI Cybersecurity" is a gripping exploration of the ever-present dangers in the interconnected world of technology, where the battle for control rages on, and the shadows of retribution linger in every line of code.

  • af Dubois Pierre
    188,95 kr.

    De grandes nouvelles par le champion de la nouvelle!Si vous aimez les nouvelles, vous serez comblé par ce quatrième recueil de Pierre DuBois, qui vous transportera à Cape Town (Afrique du Sud), Madagascar, Mykonos, Sarajevo, Munich, Vienne, Virginia Beach, Sydney (Australie), Rimouski, Montréal-Nord et Laval.Au programme? Amitié, amour, crimes, dangers... et humour. De l'action, aussi, beaucoup d'action, ainsi que des réflexions souvent originales et provocatrices sur la société!

  • af Lucy Dayrone
    148,95 kr.

    2011 - 2018Quatre actes poétiques dont les scènes se veulent être tour à tour, hymne à l'amour, ode à l'absence, éloge à la poésie, louange à l'absolu, non sans un délicieux érotisme venant sublimer le Romantisme.

  • af Salah El Moncef
    248,95 kr.

    Benghazi is an odyssey into the mental universe of Mariam Khaldoon, a Libyan teenager confronted with a life-changing emotional crisis. The story is centered around the power exerted over Mariam by two powerful men: her father, and the Fascist Italian leader Benito Mussolini. Between the omnipotent family patriarch who makes an unjust decision that throws her existence into turmoil, and the heartless Italian tyrant ruling over Libya with an iron fist, the highly gifted and insightful adolescent must forge a path for herself and find a way to overcome the trauma inflicted upon her by a harsh social milieu and an aloof father.

  • af Elsie Keenan
    113,95 kr.

    This book is a recount of Elsie's life from a very young age well into adulthood and all the experiences, trials and tribulations she had to overcome on her journey through life.

  • af Genna Rivieccio
    143,95 - 153,95 kr.

  • af Lilya B F
    143,95 kr.

    "Everything I share, I wish someone had done for me. So, open your heart and listen to me."I dedicate this book to those who are going through psychological suffering, feeling broken and tormented. You may not fully relate to everything, but you'll understand that no one is alone in their struggle, and a day will come when all the pain you've endured will fade away. Never lose faith or hope, as all suffering is temporary.This book was written with my tears and my pain, serving as a testimony to my struggles and dark moments. It also reflects the experiences of many women who have been through their own journeys, each unique, so that those who read it can find aspects they relate to. You'll discover kindness, gentleness, tenderness, but most importantly, a great deal of love.It's not a religious book, although there are a few references to Islam because it played a significant role in our healing journeys, but these references are kept on the surface. This is a testimony that anyone can read.

  • af Tj Green
    123,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • af P Y Sun
    258,95 kr.

    SEXUALITY - RELATIONSHIPS - HEALTHHave you ever wondered what these terms really mean?"Prude?""Slut?"Do you think you may be dating one of them and need help? Find out why you were thrown off by the person's sexuality- not just their looks, money, or charm.Are you really dating a prude and wondering why there is no passion? Is he just a slut, there to take advantage of what you have to offer?The hANDBOOK of SEXUALITY explores these dysfunctional sexualities. We journey together, with a little bit of laughter, to identify the different sexualities and help guide you toward the healthy sexualities.Dr. P.Y. Sun is a physician therapist with over 20 years of experience. Dr. Sun is trained in family systems, analysis, and pastoral counseling. She started SUN Therapeutic Medicine as a branch of medicine that deals less with fighting and more with healing.She is the published author of The TRUE Face of Health Care Reform: A Physician and Patient's Perspective. She appeared on numerous radio shows promoting her book and was endorsed by the radio hosts as the physician they would go to if she were in their town.Dr. Sun has also published in numerous medical research fields. She has spoken to hundreds in forums and actively promoted her book in intimate settings. Please contact her at if you would like information on speaking engagements, on her practice - SUN Therapeutic Medicine, or her writing. Her first book, The TRUE Face of Health Care Reform, is available at Amazon, Kindle, Author House, and Barnes and Noble.

  • af Lucy Dayrone
    148,95 kr.

    Confatalis est un recueil de poèmes saphiques dédiés à la Muse, où l'onirisme clair-obscur se mêle à la sensuelle clarté d'un érotisme sublimé.Le Livre I de ce recueil retrace les poèmes écrits de 2006 à 2008 et le Livre II, ceux écrits entre 2011 et 2019.