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318,95 kr. ISLAMISCHE ROMANTIKISLAMISCHE ROMANTIK (DIE HINGABE DES PROPHETEN IN ALL SEINEN LEBENSLAGEN)In diesem Buch werden wir offen über Themen diskutieren, die sich auf Romantik im Islam beziehen. Für jeden, der Einblick in die Religion des Islam sucht, ist es wichtig zu verstehen, dass der Islam nicht einfach nur eine Religion, sondern eine Lebensweise ist. Liebe ist ein starkes Gefühl der Verbundenheit, Anziehung oder Fürsorge für eine Person. Es ist interessant zu wissen, dass der Islam das Gefühl der Liebe weder ungültig macht noch vollständig ablehnt. Tatsächlich gibt es einen Hadith des Propheten (SAWS), der besagt:Von Ibn Abbas wurde berichtet, dass der Prophet (SAW) sagte: Es gibt nichts Besseres als die Ehe für zwei, die einander lieben.In this book we will openly discuss issues that pertain to romance in Islam. It is important for anyone seeking insight into the religion of Islam that they understand that Islam is not simply a religion, it is a way of life. Love is a strong emotion of feeling attached, attracted, or caring for an individual. It is interesting to know that Islam doesnt invalidate the feeling of love nor reject it completely. In fact, there is a hadith of the Prophet(SAWS) which says,It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet [SAW] said: There is nothing like marriage, for two who love one another.
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- 318,95 kr.
338,95 kr. Die Frau im Schutz des IslamWie steht der Islam wirklich zur Frau? Wie ist ihre Stellung im Islam und in anderen Religionen und Zivilisationen? Dieses Buch soll dem Leser einen kleinen Einblick gewähren, damit er sich selbst vergewissern kann, wie die Frau im Schutz des Islam lebt.Dieses Buch erörtert den besonderen Platz, den Frauen in der Religion des Islam einnehmen, und versucht, einige der vielen Missverständnisse und falschen Propaganda zu beseitigen, die von denen verbreitet werden, die diese Religion nicht kennen oder die böswillige Absicht hegen, diese Religion absichtlich falsch darzustellen.This book discusses the special place women have in the religion of Islam and seeks to address some of the many misconceptions and false propaganda published by those who are ignorant of this religion or harbor a malicious intent to purposely misrepresent this religion.How does Islam really relate to women? What is their position in Islam and in other religions and "civilizations"? This book is intended to give the reader a little insight so that he can see for himself how women live under the protection of Islam
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- 338,95 kr.
348,95 kr. Der Weg der GlückseligkeitDer einzige Weg zur wahren Glückseligkeit ist der Islam und das wozu er aufruft: Glaube an Allah, seine Engel, seine Bücher, seine Gesandten, den Jüngsten Tag und die Vorbestimmung und Qadar..Dieses Buch befasst sich mit einem wichtigen Thema: Der einzige Weg, wahres Glück zu erlangen, ist der Islam und ruft zum Glauben an Allah und seine Engel, seine Bücher, seine Gesandten, den Jüngsten Tag und sein Schicksal auf.This book addresses an important subject, the only way to achieve true happiness is Islam and call for the faith in Allah and His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and destiny.The only path to true happiness is Islam and what it calls for: belief in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day and Predestination and Qadar.
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- 348,95 kr.
358,95 kr. JESUS (`ISA) (FRIEDE SEI MIT IHM) IM QUR`ANDer Quran erzählt uns die Geschichten der Propheten, von Adam bis Muhammad, Allahs Friede auf ihnen. Auch die Geschichte Jesus wurde ausfühlich dargestellt und genau diese ist es womit sich dieses Buch befasst.Das Buch behandelt die Lebensgeschichte des Propheten Jesus, des Sohnes Marias, Friede sei mit beiden. Es beginnt mit der Zeit vor seiner Geburt, bis er vom allmächtigen Allah in den Himmel aufgefahren wurde.The book discusses the life story of Prophet Jesus, the Son of Mary, Peace be upon both of them. It starts with the time before he was born, till he was ascended to heaven by Almighty Allah.The Qur'an tells us the stories of the Prophets, from Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them. The story of Jesus was also presented in great detail and this is exactly what this book is about.
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- 358,95 kr.
318,95 kr. Islam und SexualitätDieses Buch behandelt unter anderem folgende Themen: Der Geschlechtstrieb aus der Sicht des Islam,Die Schritte, die der Islam für die Regulierung des Geschlechtstriebes vorsieht,Heirat im Islam,Die Scheidung im Islam,Einige Ergebnisse der unkontrollierten Sexualität.This is a book in German in which the author confirms that Islam acknowledges the fact that ones sexual desire has to be satisfied. It considers fulfilling this desire a praiseworthy matter, as long as it is done within Shariah limits. It is not disdainful to satisfy this desire, nor should it be neglected. He also said, In this booklet we will discuss the Islamic method of satisfying sexual desire, and how it can be transformed from a base desire into an act of worship through which a Muslim receives reward.
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- 318,95 kr.
88,95 kr. This book is a personal account of the author's journey to profitable sports betting. It illustrates what it takes to become successful and lays bare the reasons why only a minority of sports betters are equipped to consistently beat the odds. The reader is led to a specific interpretation of what freedom through sports betting implies.
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- 88,95 kr.
138,95 kr. Jezreel significa: Dios sembró! Donde hay siembra hay cosecha; especialmente cuando el sembrador es Dios. Descubra la verdad acerca de la cosecha esperada por generaciones de creyentes y gocese en el Senor
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- 138,95 kr.
113,95 kr. - Bog
- 113,95 kr.
118,95 kr. This story is about a rabbit named Whiskers who sets out to find out what Easter is truly about before he submits a letter to be selected as the next Easter Bunny.
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- 118,95 kr.
103,95 kr. Hand drawn coloring book with underwater creatures
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- 103,95 kr.
358,95 kr. Der Anfang und das EndeDer Autor erläutert in diesem Buch, wie Allah die Schöpfung begann und wie diese Welt enden wird. Darüberhinaus erklärt er einige Beweise für die Existenz Allahs und die Verwirrung der Nichtmuslime bezüglich des Anfangs der Welt, die sich in ihren vielen aufgestellten und widerlegten Theorien widerspiegelt.Islam is the religion which Allah has chosen, is pleased with and has legislated for His slaves. People are in dire need of its laws to organize the affairs of their private and public lives, their internal and external affairs. Besides the great importance paid in Islam to general principles and fundamentals, it has not neglected secondary issues.
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- 358,95 kr.
288,95 kr. Ist es nicht an der Zeit, Muslim zu werden?Der Autor wollte die Realität und das Wesen des Islam aufzeigen, um denjenigen den Schleier vor den Augen zu nehmen, die glauben, der Islam sei nur die Religion der Araber. Das Buch beleuchtet auch die Merkmale des Islam und seine Vorzüge.The author wanted to show the reality and essence of Islam to remove the veil from the eyes of those who believe that Islam is only the religion of Arabs.The book also sheds light on the characteristics of Islam and its merits.
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- 288,95 kr.
358,95 kr. Dieses Buch erklärt nicht-muslimischen Lesern, wie man den Islam annimmt und zeigt, dass dies nicht viel Aufwand erfordert. Für neue Muslime erklärt das Buch die wesentlichen Elemente des Islam und beschreibt den Charakter des Propheten Muhammad, seine Qualitäten und die Botschaft, die er der Menschheit überbrachte. Anschließend werden die verschiedenen Gottesdienste, die Muslime anbieten müssen, sowie deren Zweck und Bedeutung erörtert.Wie kann ich dem Islam beitreten?This book explains for non-Muslim readers how to embrace Islam and shows that this does not require much effort. To new Muslims, the book explains the essential elements of Islam and outlines the character of Prophet Muhammad, his qualities and the message he delivered to mankind. It goes on to discuss the various acts of worship Muslims are required to offer, as well as their purposes and significance.
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- 358,95 kr.
308,95 kr. Jede Bid¿a in der Religion ist ein Irregehen.Dieses Buch behandelt die Frage der Bid'ah (Innovation im Islam) anhand der folgenden Punkte: (1) Kategorien von Menschen, die Innovationen praktizieren (2) Satans Versuche, den Sohn Adams in sieben Phasen zu zerstören (3) Vollendung des Islam (4 ) Was ist Bid'ah? (5) Die Haltung der Scharia zu religiösen Neuerungen (6) Aussagen von Gelehrten, die Bid'ah-Praktiken verurteilten (7) Beweise, die von einigen zur Stützung ihrer hinterhältigen Praktiken verwendet wurden (8) Gründe für die Verbreitung von Bid'ah (9) Voraussetzungen für Annahme guter Taten (10) Gefahren von Bid'ah.This book handles the issue of bid'ah (innovation in Islam) through the following points: (1) Categories of people who practice innovations (2) Satan's attempts to destroy the son of Adam through seven phases (3) Completion of Islam (4) What is bid'ah? (5) The stance of Shari'ah regarding religious innovations (6) Statements of scholars who condemned bid'ah practices (7) Proofs used by some to support their devious practices (8) Reasons for spreading bid'ah (9) Prerequisites for acceptance of good deeds (10) Dangers of bid'ah.
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- 308,95 kr.
338,95 kr. This book explains the concept of purification and that under Islam it is not limited to personal and physical purity but includes purifying oneself of sin and all disobedience of God. The book then discusses the detailed rules of physical purification.An instructive book which covers topics such as wudu, ghusl, tayammum and stroking over the stockings, among other things.WAS MAN ÜBER DIE RITUELLE REINHEIT (TAHARAH) WISSEN MUSSEin lehrreiches Buch, welches unter anderem Themen des Wudu, Ghusl, Tayammum und des Steichens über die Strümpfe behandelt.Dieses Buch erklärt das Konzept der Reinigung und erklärt, dass es sich im Islam nicht auf die persönliche und körperliche Reinheit beschränkt, sondern auch die Reinigung von Sünde und jeglichem Ungehorsam gegenüber Gott einschließt. Anschließend werden im Buch die detaillierten Regeln der körperlichen Reinigung besprochen.
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- 338,95 kr.
93,95 kr. Judge Edward F. Butler of Texas has written a new book. Butler is not a new face in historical circles. He served as SAR President General, and Judge Advocate General of DVF. Butler, while SAR PG, gave new life to the long forgotten secret of the American Revolution. Although it wasn't a secret at the time of the American Revolution, it was regulated farther and farther back in the pages of history as time progressed.Washington's Secret Ally reveals the role of Spain in support of the thirteen colonies. Yes, we know about France, but Spain? In 2011 I attended a Texas DVF Brigade meeting and the speaker talked about the role of Spain in the American Revolution. I must admit this was news to me. Then Judge Butler wrote his first book, Galvez/Spain Our Forgotten Ally in the American Revolutionary War: A Concise Summary of Spain's Assistance. I had known that cattle arrived at Valley Forge from the Spanish held territory that is now Texas, but never knew the details of just how it had occurred. In June and September 1776, and again in June 1777 Spanish ships arrived in New Orleans laden with military supplies that were shipped to Fort Pitt by river boats.Spain had lost much of its foreign land holdings to Brittan which the king saw as a loss of honor for his family and the country. France had joined in the fight with the American colonies in 1778. In early 1779 France and Spain signed an agreement to jointly threaten and tie up the British military in other parts of the world. This strategy was carried out and worked. From Butlers first book we learned that Gen. Bernardo de Galvez was able to "bottle up" several thousand British troops in what would become Florida who could have easily moved north to help crush the revolution.Butler sets the stage to help us understand how things were played out in a global theater. It was not just a small war in the thirteen colonies, it was a world war. George Washington's Secret Ally is a shorter version of the original book, and is ideal for students and historians alike. It is packed full of dates, and photos. Its small size makes it ideal to carry along to read in airports, or on a break, wherever one has a few minutes to read. Indeed, without the intervention of France and Spain the American Revolution was doomed. Judge Butler is to be commended for refocusing the light on our Forgotten ally...Spain.
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- 93,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Deidre's story begins on the beach or Bournemouth by the Sea, where horse-drawn cabin's were once drawn into the water to allow the ladies to change in discreet cloister. The story begins in 1895 during the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. It leads to Deidre giving birth to ten legitimate children, her eleventh, a lingering unanswered question. Through the years we see her develop from a passionate teenager, whom life molds into the possessive mother she becomes. A doctor, a lawyer, and an undertaker all pursue her through late middle age, but it is with her original love that she escapes
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- 173,95 kr.
158,95 kr. The poems in this remarkable collection, like the miscellaneous objects in the museum that inspired the book's arrangement, are as random--and as revealing--as life itself. As we turn the pages, we have a growing sense that every encounter with people, creatures, objects or events--whether personal or public, welcome or apprehensive, playful or serious--reveals more than itself: A voice keeps asking, Where am I in all this? That question soon becomes ours, as does the answer, though it remains unspoken until the book's final poem asks the question again and, in a voice expanding to include the whole earth and its inhabitants, even the angels, proclaims the answer in the soaring last lines of a communal hymn. -Bob Longoni served as Director of the University of Arizona Poetry Center, and is the author of Woodpiles Tim Amsden's Vanishing Point has wit and pathos, wisdom and delight. These poems show the heart of a man who cherishes life and is not afraid to open himself to the larger questions of who and why we are in this complicated world. He moves seamlessly from intimate memory to the tenderness of loving his wife, to sharing life's simple moments, the ones that sustain us. With humor and honesty, Amsden takes us on a journey through the rooms of his life, where "...in my center nests a sliver of grace." -Paula Sayword is the author of What Sleeps Inside and Canticle of Light and Dark
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- 158,95 kr.
- Recapturing Your Childhood Wonder
153,95 kr. Take a journey to discovery and recapture your childlike wonder. The Kingdom of God is violently advancing, and violent men lay hold of it. The author takes you on a journey to cosmic discovery and limitless possibilities. Hear how God captured her heart and mind through a series of painful life experiences, to position her for a mind blowing, life changing course that would change her forever. Are you hungry for revelation? Unsettled knowing there is more? Have you been in a season where God is taking you to places that your mind attempts to dismiss because the ideas are to mind boggling to contain? This book may be for you. Many are laying down ministries just to spend more time with God. They are feeling overwhelmed by abstract ideas and concepts that are far above their education level. Many are reporting that they are pondering ideas that seem to be cosmic in nature. Much of what they are seeing and hearing they are afraid to speak out because they fear others will think they are crazy. This is a new season of discovery, one that takes us far outside this realm and into a wild and crazy landscape called the Kingdom.
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- 153,95 kr.
178,95 kr. The abiding truth about love is that it can and it does endure. It's World War II. A Canadian-born Japanese girl meets an Irish-bred Canadian boy, and they discover love in Vancouver, British Columbia. Separated by race, religion and war, their love is torn apart by the jingoistic fever of war that destroys the girl's home and challenges the boy's deep-seated commitment to the Roman Catholic Church. It is a story that sweeps a panoramic picture from the bitter streets of Belfast in Northern Ireland to feudal Japan; a tale of a seminarian's life and the life of a woman who learns to survive in a hostile land. Yet love, tested and challenged, never dies.
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- 178,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Clarence is a Christmas Tree who wants more than anything to get a Star placed upon his treetop. Read and find out if Clarence gets his wish: )
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- 118,95 kr.
173,95 kr. The Book of Eunoia is a beautifully captivating read. What starts and is perceived to be a self help piece, narrated traditionally, transforms into a rich immersive poetry collection. Which drifts the readers through various feelings of intimacy, sadness, and integrity. The stanzas read like melted butter for the lustful soul in need of guidance. Relatable and endearing content.
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- 173,95 kr.
118,95 kr. A young pumpkin seed wants so much to grow and be a pumpkin for the church's festival where he will be lit up for others to remember to let their light shine. However he gets blew away before he can be planted with the other seeds. He has an adventure before he gets to be the pumpkin, the Lord wants him to be.
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- 118,95 kr.
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- 363,95 kr.
313,95 kr. The must-know duties that every Muslim man and woman should perceive.What every Muslim must know The following authentic hadith is found in the Sunnah: According to 'Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him): the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "He who dies every knowing that there is no other deity (worth worshiping) except Allah will enter Paradise". This precious little book teaches what every Muslim and what every Muslim should know about their beliefs. Simple answers, a book to read absolutely!Ce que tout musulman et musulmane doivent impérativement savoirOn trouve dans la Sunnah le hadith authentique suivant : d'après 'Uthmân (qu'Allah l'agrée): le Prophète (prière et salut sur lui) a dit : Celui qui meurt tout en sachant qu'il n'y a d'autre divinité (digne d'être adorée) si ce n'est Allah entrera au Paradis . Ce précieux petit livre enseigne ce que tout musulman et ce que toute musulmane doit savoir concernant leur croyance. Des réponses simples, un livre à lire absolument !
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- 313,95 kr.
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- 333,95 kr.
343,95 kr. ANG MGA ALITUNTUNIN Ng Hajj, Umrah at ZiyarahAng maikli nguni't madaling maunawaang alituntuning ito ay malugod na inilalahad sa lahat ng Muslim na naglalayong magsagawa ng Hajj sa Banal na Tahanan (Makkah) ng Dakilang Allah. Ito ay isang aklat na binigyan ng kaukulang balangkas para sa ilang mga ritwal ng Hajj at Umrah upang inyong mapag-aralan at inyong sanayin ang inyong mga sarili sa wastong pagsasakatuparan nito. An overview of the rites of Hajj, Umrah, and Ziyaarah in the light of Quran and Sunnah.Hajj is an annual religious pilgrimage to Mecca undertaken each year by millions of people from all over the world.Hajj is a sacred pilgrimage that is required of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime - it is one of the fifth pillars of Islam.Umrah is a pilgrimage that can be completed at any time of the year.The main purpose of Umrah is to clean the soul of past sins. A Muslim can perform Umrah more than once in a lifetime. Umrah is also seen as protection from poverty and the burdens of life, as a pilgrim is spending their wealth and time in the way of Allah.
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- 343,95 kr.
338,95 kr. Les leçons importantes pour toute la communautéAbd Al Azîz Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Bâz dit dans l'introduction de son livre : Voici un précis rassemblant quelques points essentiels que doit connaître le commun des musulmans concernant leur religion. Je l'ai intitulé : Les leçons importantes pour toute la communauté . Je demande à Allah que ce précis serve au musulman, qu'il l'agrée ; c'est lui le Magnanime, le Généreux. Ce livre est aussi un support pour toute personne voulant enseigner les points indispensables de l'islam aux musulmans novices.Important lessons for the whole communityAbd Al Aziz Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Baz says in the introduction to his book: Here is a summary bringing together some essential points that ordinary Muslims must know about their religion: I have titled it: The lessons important to the whole community. I ask Allah that this summary serve the Muslim, that he pleases him; he is the Magnanimous, the Generous. This book is also a support for anyone wishing to teach the essential points of Islam to novice Muslims.This is a small booklet which has Islamic teachings for the Muslim Ummah.
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- 338,95 kr.
118,95 kr. An unlikely friendship happens between a hawk and a sparrow. The Hawk "Half Wing Henry" has to help his new friend Sammy The Sparrow get his home back from some bad hawks that has taken over his families nests. God has a plan, that includes Henry. Can he do what is expected of him?
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- 118,95 kr.
108,95 kr. AD 69, Jesus havia sido crucificado mais de 30 anos atrás. Legiões de César tinha sido enviado para a Judéia para estripar qualquer vestígio de cristianismo. O plano deles? Para destruir Jerusalém e seu povo, queimar todas as escrituras sagradas e saquear a riqueza do Segundo Templo. Contra o pano de fundo, um homem corajoso foi o escolhido. Ele foi treinado por muitos anos para um destino secreto que ele não queria. Alguém tinha que proteger as escrituras sagradas escritos desde antes da época de Moisés, mas que ele iria responder a esse chamado ou se ele permitir que os pagãos de Roma para queimar a maioria dos pergaminhos sagrados do cristianismo e levar consigo os tesouros do povo de Deus?
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- 108,95 kr.