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  • af Al Baird
    183,95 kr.

    Church-Building Elderships is a compilation of the wisdom and experience of elders who have been serving in churches across the United States and one each in Hong Kong and Nigeria. Together, the authors have 516 years of experience as disciples, 263 of those while serving as elders. This Book, while not exhaustive, is intended to touch on vital topics for becoming an elder, growing as an elder, and growing as an eldership (group of elders).Our prayer is that the wisdom shared from the numerous elders in the pages of this book can motivate many more to become inspiring shepherds in God's church as we follow the Chief Shepherd. Men of courage and caring are rare. Let's become them, continue to be them, and support them.If you have dreams to become a leader and grow in godly characters and to one day become an elder in God's kingdomÐthis is the Book for you. Sit at these men's feet and learn valuable lessons that will set a course for you to be used in great ways in the church.Writers include: Al Baird, Ron Brumley, John Brush, Larry Craig, Israel Ereola, Walter Evans, Darren Gauthier, Bill Hooper, Frank Kim, Sam Laing, Dan Liu, Mike Shapiro, Wyndham Shaw and Jerry Sugarman.

  • af John Oakes
    183,95 kr.

    Bible readers have always loved the book of Daniel, inspired by heroes like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who faced persecutions and strove to remain committed to God while held captive in a secular society. But when reading the Book's prophetic and apocalyptic sections, many people feel mystified and confused.In Daniel: Prophet to the Nations, John M. Oakes presents a balanced and objective attempt to unlock the prophetic message of Daniel, while placing the Book in its proper historical context. For the twenty-first century reader who is able to look back in time and see how countless specific prophecies have been realized, the validity of the message of Daniel is proven in a very convincing manner. The faith and deep convictions that can be gained from understanding the book of Daniel will help Christians apply the practical examples of righteous living (even in a godless culture) to their own individual lives.

  • af Guy Hammond
    168,95 kr.

    What Every Christian Needs to Know about Homosexuality¿Homosexuality: Is there a more confusing subject in our world today? Have you ever wondered what is safe, and helpful, to say to someone you care to help, but find yourself only frustrated, lost for the right words? What workable, scriptural answers can Christians offer to those who long for credible responses in a world that is filled with so much confusion and ambiguity?In the second edition of this groundbreaking and top-selling work, Guy Hammond will help you make sense of this very controversial subject and equip you to love people as Jesus would without compromising the ethics of scripture.In Caring Beyond the Margins, you will benefit from the wisdom and life experiences of one who personally shares in the journey of those who strive for "strength in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). This Book is a reliable resource that can be securely used in addressing these issues with confidence and competence.

  • af Douglas Jacoby
    113,95 kr.

    Reading this book will help you to see the plight of the poor around the world. It will also call you to make practical decisions that will impact the lives of all those in need. It will inspire you to do the following:¿ Study the topic of money and wealth, biblically. Nothing is more motivating than personal Bible study.¿ Share the convictions you make with others: brothers, sisters, friends, everyone you know.¿ Sell some of your possessions and give to the poor and to missions.¿ Make a budget and live by it. Decide what you need to live on and what you can give. And be disciplined.¿ Examine your purchases and ask yourself some questions: 1) Do I really need it? 2) Would I buy it a month from now? 3) Can I buy it somewhere else for less? 4) Why am I buying it?¿ Pray without ceasing and fast regularly. Praying for God to lead and help you understand what you can do will help everyone. Fasting will help you realize the desperate need of the poor. Jesus did both and said his followers would also.¿ Reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. Consider how you can do this. Do you need to wear the latest fashions? Do you need to upgrade to every new phone release?¿ Share what you have with others. Grow in the gift of always giving.¿ Plan gifts for the poor, missions, and money for the work of the Kingdom.¿ Be inspired to give and serve in the work of HOPE worldwide, Inc.

  • af John M. Oakes
    183,95 kr.

    The purpose of this book is to show the historical, doctrinal and prophetic relationship between the Old and the New Testament. The conclusion is that in its essence, from Genesis to Malachi, the Old Testament is a foreshadowing of the New Testament. The theme of the entire Bible is God's desire to have a relationship with us. In the Old Testament God prepares a people through whom a Messiah will come. In the New Testament, that desire and plan are fulfilled in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To simplify it further, the theme of the Old Testament is The Messiah is coming, bringing Salvation. The theme of the New Testament is The Messiah is here, bringing Salvation! Topics covered:Historical PrefiguresPrefigures of the MessiahThe Earthly and Heavenly TabernacleThe Old and New Covenant PriesthoodsThe Mosaic Covenant Prefigures the New CovenantOld Testament Sacrifice Points to New Testament SacrificeProphecies in the Old Testament Predict events in the Life of JesusOld Testament Prophecies Predict the Coming of the Kingdom of God

  • af John M. Oakes
    183,95 kr.

    The need for evidence is greater in our generation than ever before. Secularism and humanism are rampant, the media and the educational system bombard us with half-truths and untruths about the meaning of life, and multitudes are confused about the fundamentals of human existence. John deals with these issues and many more as he gives answers about the proof of God's existence. Here are some of the questions John discusses:¿ How to reliably process all the conflicting data about God's existence.¿ What is the age of the earth and why does it matter?¿ Is the universe an accident or is there purpose behind the creation?¿ Is life itself an accident or is planning and purpose indicated?¿ Is the book of Genesis an accurate description of the creation?¿ Can the Bible be a genuine guide to living in our modern world?¿ Does the Bible conflict with science or is it harmonious with what we know about nature and life?¿ How does evolution fit in with what the Bible says about creation?¿ Did Noah and the flood occur or is it to be taken symbolically?¿ What do thermodynamics reveal about science and the Bible?These topics and many more are addressed by Dr. Oakes.

  • af Sheila Jones
    183,95 kr.

    OLD TESTAMENT WOMENThis book introduces you not only to women of the Old Testament, but to godly women of our generation.Each of the writers, after spending a month with "her woman," pours our her heart-honestly, sometimes painfully, but always faithfully. Like the Psalms of David, these readings contain candid admissions of need, a joyful acceptance of grace, and a clear challenge to be faithful to the God who loves us all. Learn from Old Testament Women like:Eve, Noah's Wife, Job's Wife, Sarah, Hagar, Lot's Wife, Rebekah, Leah, Rachel, Potiphar's Wife, Jochebed, Miriam, Rahab, Deborah and Delilah.Also, learn from Naomi, Ruth, Hannah, Michal, Abigail, Bathsheba, Tamar, Queen of Sheba, Gomer, Widow of Zarephath, Jezebel, Shunammite Woman, Naaman's Servant Girl and Esther.

  • af Kelly And Dede Petre
    168,95 kr.

    For many Christians, we jumped in and came to know enough about God to satisfy our spiritual needs as young disciples. But to grow to maturity, to become men and women capable of defining Christianity for this generation, a shallow understanding of God will not suffice.Our God Is An Awesome God is designed to challenge and expand our understanding of who God is so that we may have a more meaningful relationship with him. It is intended to direct us into deep waters, waters that remain untouched for far too many in our churches today. It is an appeal to consider the unbounded nature and attributes of our infinite God. It is a call to venture into the deep end of the pool, where challenging concepts and greater satisfaction await every child of God.

  • af Tom And Sheila Jones
    168,95 kr.

    When the disciples said to Jesus, as recorded in Luke 11:1, "Lord, teach us to pray," they were, for once, asking for the right thing...Anyone who tries to take up his cross and follow Jesus and does not learn how to pray is like a towing company that tries to move stalled cars with bicycles and ropes. If we rely on nothing but human power, the life Jesus calls us to is impossible.On his or her own, not even the most stable, most healthy, most intelligent and most determined person can do it. Only as we are intimately connected with God through prayer will we find the forgiveness, strength, inspiration and direction needed to live the life Jesus described and expected of his followers. Prayer is not the only thing needed by disciples. It is just the most important thing... Much needs to happen in us and in our world, and it all starts with prayer. So we come to God and say, "Lord, teach us to pray."

  • af Gordon Ferguson
    208,95 kr.

    No teaching is more needed by those who want a relationship with God that is full of challenge and at the same time peace. Gordon Ferguson explores crucial biblical principles related to surrender and lavishly illustrates them with stories from his life and the lives others. His teaching will guide thousands of people to "let go" and find real freedom in the sovereign will of God. This revised, updated and expanded second edition contains three new chapters.Also included is The Victory of Surrender Study Guide, containing practical and thought-provoking questions that will enable readers to use this Book for truly life-changing experience.

  • af Tom And Sheila Jones
    168,95 kr.

    Mention the church to many people, and a host of unattractive words jump into their minds-words like boredom, irrelevancy, greed, hypocrisy and foolishness. From the towering (but now empty) cathedrals of Europe to the picturesque white church buildings of New England (and Christmas card fame), the church has often been admired more for architecture than for attitude, more for construction than for character, it must make God cry.This book is written for those who are disciples of Jesus Christ to help us appreciate God's plan for the church and to heed his direction about how to make her glorious. God has cried enough. It is time for the church to want to please him in every way and for the church to have the impact he designed her to have. Absolutely nothing else can make the difference in the world that the glorious church of Jesus Christ can make.

  • af Tom And Sheila Jones
    153,95 kr.

    If this book does not shake you up, we will have failed in our task. The Sermon on the Mount on which it is based shook people to their very core. It rattled the cages. It sent shock waves through the crowds. Every defender of the status quo surely found most of it to be dangerous. That sermon and this book are not about a mild injection of religion, but about a radical, from the inisde-out change of heart, character and priorities. The challenge here will produce tremors into your life, but if you embrace the summons, you will find something people only dream about.

  • af Gloria Baird
    178,95 kr.

    Have you ever met someone who just has the gift of wisdom-simple pure wisdom? Gloria Baird is such a person. She has shared God, given nuggets of wisdom with women throughout her life, making a lasting impact on many. Gloria believed deeply in the biblical injunction of the older women teaching the younger women in her life and in this book, she does that with wisdom and grace.

  • af Tom And Sheila Jones
    153,95 kr.

    This book is based on a simple idea: Godfulfills his promises-every last one of them.He is trustworthy, reliable and absolutelyfaithful to every promise he makes. And sincehe is God, he has the power to do what hehas promised to do. A promise fromGod is as good as a fact.God's promises are not vague ideas thatfloat up somewhere in the theological clouds.They are intensely valuable truths that help ushandle our challenges and gain new visionfor our lives. In this Daily Power Seriesyou will find some of the Bible'smost powerful promises.We must understand them,rely on them, and act on them-they will change your life.

  • af Linda Brumley
    183,95 kr.

    Get to know New New Testament women-the famous, the not-so-famous and the infamous.These are the ones who walked and talked with Jesus and Paul, who witnessed the unfolding plan of God for all time. And get to know the hearts of modern-day leaders as each writer shares what she learned from "her woman." Through biblical accounts, secular history and fictional narrative, the women of the New Testament will come alive, walk right into your heart and change your life.Women discussed: Elizabeth; Mary, mother of Jesus; Anna the prophetess; Mary Magdalene; Herodias; Mary of Bethany; Joanna; Syrophoenician Woman; Pilate's Wife; Dorcas; Eunice and Lois; and many more.

  • af Douglas Jacoby
    128,95 kr.

    New Testament Survey: The Faith Unfurled is the companion handbook to the audio series of the same name.Listen to the lessons as you study the handbook. Extra space has been provided for notetaking purposes.For maximum learning benefit, keep your study Bible nearby and refer to it whenever an unfamiliar passage iscited. Let nothing slip by. The book provides a brief overview of each book of the New Testament.

  • af Linda Brumley
    178,95 kr.

    Linda Brumley was served "beggar's purses" in a dim sum restaurant and made an apt spiritual analogy: Just as tasty morsels were placed in wonton wrap and cinched at the top, so God places in our beggar's purses whatever we need for life and godliness. We must simply come to him with humility, admitting our spiritual poverty and need for his grace.A woman who "laughs at the days to come," Linda is known for her deep and insightful faith. She shares personal confession in every chapter, enabling a connection with the reader that is borne of common aspirations and familiar shortcomings.Telling about the loss of both breasts to cancer, her husband's health challenges, her mother's Alzheimer's disease, and the day-to-day happenings of life, Linda takes us on her journey of faith.Third in the "Wisdom for Life" series of women's devotional books, My Beggar's Purse will open the windows to your soul and bring in the fresh, crisp breeze of God's Spirit.

  • af Jeanie Shaw
    178,95 kr.

    In the mornings, Jeanie Shaw pours herself a cup of coffee and settles in to read God's word. In these special times with God, he fills her spiritual cup with his truth and guidance. Although she is careful not to put her coffee to overflowing, God is not as "careful." She finds that her cup from God overflows on a daily basis. Hence, the title, My Morning Cup.As Jeanie shares experiences in her life that are amazing, scary or amusing, you will find yourself saying, "I can't believe all this has happened to her!" This is a Christian book, so all the stories are true. But more important than the stories themselves is the spiritual "cup of learning" that Jeanie draws from them all...and shares with us in this fourth volume of the Wisdom for Life series of Women's Devotional books.

  • af Linda Brumley
    163,95 kr.

    Upon hearing the word "holy," what pops into your mind? Holy Bible? Holy God? Do you mentally search for a synonym-sacred, pure, sinless, perfect, pious, or religious-thinking one of those exposes its depths of meaning?In the original Hebrew and Greek, the word "holy" is most often defined as simply "set apart." God claimed this distinction for himself early on: "I am the Lord your God... I am holy" (Leviticus 11:44-45).God alone is completely holy. He is set apart in every facet of his being. He calls us, his people, to be holy (II Peter 3:11-12). We can only learn to partake of his holiness by knowing what he is like so we can imitate him and access whatever part of his holiness we are able to grasp. This should be a focus of every Christian because "without holiness no one will see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14).Here are some of the areas that Linda addresses where holiness must be a vital motivation in a life dedicated to God: ¿ Meditation¿ Peace¿ Patience¿ Goodness¿ Faithfulness¿ Gentleness¿ Self-Control¿ Jealousy¿ Joy and many more

  • af John M. Oakes
    233,95 kr.

    Hace casi veinte años, yo, junto con tres amigos que fueronestudiantes de posgrado, Gary Bishop, Mark Hermsmeyer y PaulKeyser, nos pusimos a hacer una lista de las áreas básicas de evidenciaque apoyan el cristianismo. En unos cinco minutos hicimos una lista quees, esencialmente, el esquema de este libro. Desde entonces, he pasadoinnumerables horas investigando estos temas y he tenido la oportunidadde hablar sobre ellos en muchas ocasiones. Después de leer docenas delibros sobre apologética cristiana, quedó claro que no hay ningún librodisponible que se ocupe de todos estos temas de una manera concisapero completa. Pocos o ningún libro cubren todos estos temas. Algunosson demasiado simples para ser una herramienta de referencia útil. Otrossolo profundizan en una o dos áreas de evidencia, a veces con detallestécnicos tales que los hace inaccesibles para la mayoría de los lectores,mientras que al mismo tiempo se saltan otras áreas de evidencia muyimportantes.

  • af Tom A. Jones
    213,95 kr.

    El Nuevo Testamento es un libro radical. Su personaje centralno tenía nada que ver con la religión como era costumbre. Élhizo declaraciones escandalosas, pidió cambios extensos, y creóun disturbio casi en cada lugar al que fue. Pero la naturalezaradical de su mensaje no radica en llamados a protestar o enabogar por el valor de la violencia.Por el contrario, radica en su llamado a dar la bienvenida alreino de Dios, el cual está irrumpiendo en la era actual con unllamado a llevar el amor a Dios y el amor y la responsabilidad deunos por otros, junto con la idea de una comunidad, a una profundidaddramáticamente nueva.

  • af Douglas Jacoby
    198,95 kr.

    In the fifteen years since the book was first released, Jesus and Islam has been well received, finding its way to scores of nations and stirring thinking. Here are just four reader responses:¿Jesus and Islam is an easy read. Douglas and Aziz have an excellent ability to make Islamic concepts and interpretations easy to understand from a layperson's point of view. Their book certainly opened my eyes to Islam from a completely different perspective.¿Awesome! I have tried to read some books on Islam to familiarize myself with the faith but could never connect with them; they were difficult and drawn out. Jesus and Islam has done wonders for me in my understanding of the Muslim faith.¿After reading this book, I am now re-thinking everything... [I am also re-examining] my level of tolerance and judgment of Muslims. I hypocritically judged people I had never met, even as I called Jesus Lord. That must stop.¿I was hoping for a caustic attack on Islam. Instead, I found what I had been looking for: a deep challenge to the darkness of my hatred. This book is unlike any I have ever read on the subject, offering a solid explanation of Islam while at the same time promoting unconditional love for our fellow humans.

  • af Jimmy Allen
    218,95 kr.

  • af John M Oakes
    198,95 kr.

    The goal of this book is to help the reader to gain a solid understanding of the Christian and other worldviews and to understand why the Christian view of the world is, by far, with no close second, the superior view of reality. All other worldviews deceive us, send us in unhelpful directions, and do not make us the kind of people we want to be. To do this, he will first establish what a worldview is and how our view of the world has such a controlling influence on our lives. John does his best to define what a "good" worldview should look like. He then analyzes the principal worldviews we find among humanity today from the perspective of this idea of a "good" worldview. John Oakes closely examines the following worldview outlooks:¿ Christian Theism¿ Naturalism/Atheism¿ Postmodernism¿ Animism/Polytheism/Dualism¿ Pantheism/Eastern Religion/New Age¿ Deism¿ Nihilism, Existentialism, and Marxism

  • af Tom And Sheila Jones
    163,95 kr.

    Nothing tells us more about life than this death. No event shows us more the character of God. No speech ever spoke so clearly about the values we all need. What happened when Jesus of Nazareth went to that hill outside the city gates will never in this world be fully understood.No scholar, preacher or poet can really take us to its depths. No one can fully fathom the mysteries that are here, but the closer we can get to it all, the better we will be. What we propose to do here is to spend thirty days thinking about the event that was like no other. I understand our unworthiness to come here, but I also know that the very nature of the cross allows us to do so. If, with the help of God, we do it well, these thirty days will lead to a lifetime of living with a new perspective and a greater appreciation for the power of God.