Bøger udgivet af I Wing Press(易文出版社)
- From Young Immigrant to City Councilman
433,95 kr. Councilman Peter Koo is one of my favorite political colleagues. His generosity and honesty have made him one of the most popular public figures in Flushing. We both devoted ourselves to community service around the same time and were subsequently elected as council members. Along the way, I learned a lot from him and our collaboration has been very pleasant.Mr. Koo came to the U.S. alone to study, became a pharmacist, started to give back to his community after he started his family, became active in charitable activities, and eventually got elected to the New York City Council. His story can serve as a reference for many new immigrants in their career planning. Many of the hardships he encountered along the way will be presented in this book.The United States has grown to be one of the most influential countries in the world because of the influx of immigrants from around the globe. Chinese immigrants have played a pivotal role in the development and prosperity of New York City. However, not many books have been written about the wonderful stories of Chinese immigrants in the city, especially in Chinese language. I am glad to see that several authors and I Wing Press have initiated such an effort, and I hope that more people will pay attention to and devote themselves to this area of work in the future.
- Bog
- 433,95 kr.
460,95 kr. 《浮生散記》是一部頗具歷史地理價值的著作,記述一九三一年以後,中國東北西邊疆的近代史實,是家父數十年親臨其境的實地描述。生逢亂世,飄渺無常,不能自主,真乃時也、運也、命也。家父一生,凡經歷三朝,度越中美,可謂九死一生,而秉持書生意氣,坦蕩磊落,向未愧對良知與國人。就此當瞑目矣!--袁志宏這位老人幼年矢志建設中國邊疆,因為中國邊疆的人生活極苦,也包括他自己;因逢機遇進入不付學費的中央政校,畢業於蒙藏班,毅然填志願回包頭分校教書。命舛不由分說,一九三一年「九一八」事變,日本侵華,學校西遷到西寧。按理家父不夠資格,因不是軍校,但他平時工作突出,和學生老師相處融洽,勤勞肯幹,師生關係好,戰亂刻不容緩,即以在中央政治學校包頭分校期間得授之少校軍銜隊長的身份,奉校本部的命令,帶領一支約二百人的學生和十來位老師的隊伍,以徒步行軍式的方式,避日軍的追擊。從包頭市出發,沿陝、甘、寧荒漠草原,走紅軍二萬五千里長征的部分路線,地處杳無人煙,缺水,無糧,一切鍋灶都要自備。歷經兩個來月的苦行軍,終於到達了目的地--西寧,並在那裡開始上課。
- Bog
- 460,95 kr.
205,95 kr. 雷海辰这位"00后"诗人的诗充满了新语素,新意境,新的修辞风格,宏大超凡的想象空间和深刻的哲理,每首诗都散发着一种"春来发几枝"的馨香。"对过去的思索/和对未来的叩问"是他诗意的主题;"机器人吻我的瞬间/我将变为机器人的机器"是"00后"诗人对人类未来的诗性预言!海辰的修辞也别具一格:"夜得深,暗得黑,嘶得鸣",这种"得"字格新用,可以说是修辞的一种突破,任何一个诗人读到这儿,都会驻足不前,需要用力想象一番,如何"夜得深"?何以"嘶得鸣"?这需要另一种我们不曾习惯的想象力。各种新的语素、新的意象使他的抒情别有一番"00后"特有的新意境。
- Bog
- 205,95 kr.