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  • af Marie Force
    148,95 kr.

    Wade Abbott is one and done-one look, one conversation, one weekend, and he knows who he wants. Except, Mia Simpson is not free to return his affection. In fact, he suspects she's in an abusive marriage, but she never confirms that, and he has no choice but to mind his own business where she's concerned. Two hears after they first met and a year after he last heard from her, Mia shows up half-frozen, bruised and beaten on his doorstep, needing something only Wade can provide. Mia has never forgotten the kind, gentle, sexy guy who made her heart sing from the first time she met him. She only cut off contact with him because she feared for his safety-and hers-and takes the first opportunity she gets to make a run for what she really wants-Wade. But nothing is ever as simple as happily ever after. With issues from her past still haunting them, and Wade's family questioning the motives of a woman they've never met, Wade and Mia will have to fight for their happy ending. Wade Abbott's long-awaited story is finally here, along with an update on the Abbott and Coleman clan as well as Fred the moose!Reading Order for Green Mountain/Butler, Vermont SeriesGreen Mountain SeriesBook 1: All You Need Is Love (Will & Cameron)Book 2: I Want to Hold Your Hand (Hannah & Nolan)Book 3: I Saw Her Standing There (Colton & Lucy)Book 4: And I Love Her (Hunter & Megan)Novella: You'll Be Mine (Will & Cameron's Wedding)Book 5: It's Only Love (Ella & Gavin)Book 6: Ain't She Sweet (Charley & Tyler) Butler, Vermont SeriesBook 1: Every Little Thing (Grayson & Emma)Book 2: Can't Buy Me Love (Patrick & Mary)Book 3: Here Comes the Sun (Wade & Mia)Book 4: Till There Was You (Lucas & Danielle)

  • af Marie Force
    198,95 kr.

  • af Marie Force
    158,95 kr.

    Ela quer um bebê. Ele a quer. Simples, não é?Ellie Godfrey beijou sua cota de sapos. Na verdade, foram tantos que ela teme não reconhecer o príncipe se e quando ele finalmente aparecer. Cansada de esperar pelo CARA CERTO, Ellie decide ter um bebê sozinha, antes que seja tarde demais.Quando Jasper Autry fica sabendo do plano de Ellie, o que mais ele pode fazer além de intervir e se oferecer para contribuir com o projeto? Isso faz dele um oportunista? Que seja. Ele deseja Ellie Godfrey, a garota que sempre esteve fora do seu alcance, e quando vê uma chance, resolve aproveitá-la. O fato de ela ser a irmã do seu amigo e sócio, Flynn, o faz pensar duas vezes, mas isso não o impede de ter o que quer.Enquanto Jasper e Ellie embarcam no projeto secreto, ele deixa claro que enquanto estiverem juntos, ele está no comando - no quarto, pelo menos. Após a transa mais sensual da sua vida, Ellie percebe que fez um acordo com o próprio diabo.Aviso: Se você não gosta de mocinhos desbocados que gostam de sexo com pegada e erotismo, este pode não ser o livro certo para você... contém cenas BDSM quentes e sexys, entre outras coisas, que podem não agradar a quem tem um coração frágil. Leia por sua conta e risco e divirta-se!

  • af Marie Force
    168,95 kr.

  • af Marie Force
    163,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af M S Force
    168,95 kr.

    Elle le rend dingue… De plus d'une façon.Chaque fois que Leah Holt rencontre Emmett Burke, le conseiller juridique principal de Quantum Productions, la seule chose à laquelle elle arrive à penser, c'est combien elle veut le lécher. Partout. Elle n'a jamais eu ce genre de réaction auparavant avec un homme, et le fait qu'il soit un collègue bien plus âgé qu'elle rend son attirance incontrôlable plus compliquée qu'elle ne devrait l'être. Chaque jour, elle apporte une nouvelle question juridique à Emmett, dans l'espoir d'attirer son attention afin qu'il la voie comme une femme adulte qui le désire éperdument. C'est un équilibre délicat pour elle entre le besoin de se comporter en professionnelle en tant qu'assistante de la superstar Marlowe Sloane, et l'attrait irrésistible de l'avocat sexy de Marlowe.Pour Emmett, Leah est une mouche qui bourdonne autour de sa tête et qu'il n'arrive pas à chasser. Elle est toujours là, à le regarder, à lui poser des questions juridiques qui n'ont rien à voir avec le droit du divertissement, sa spécialité, et de façon générale à le rendre fou avec son sex-appeal évident et son côté impertinent. Il veut la jeter sur son bureau et lui faire perdre son insolence, pas du tout ce qu'un professionnel qui aime son travail doit faire au bureau - surtout avec une collègue jeune, fraîche et sexy. En tant qu'auteur de la politique des relations au travail de sa société, il est tout à fait conscient des nombreuses raisons pour lesquelles il devrait rester bien loin d'elle et de la tentation alléchante qu'elle représente.Puis Leah a l'opportunité de se prouver à Emmett, de l'aider à faire face à un malheureux « accident » et de lui montrer qu'elle est bien plus qu'une petite maligne au corps sexy. Quand elle se rend compte qu'elle a des sentiments sincères pour lui - sentiments qui sont réciproques - elle se demande s'il va tenter sa chance avec elle ou continuer à la garder à distance. Lentement mais sûrement, elle réduit la résistance d'Emmett et il commence à avoir envie d'aller plus loin avec elle. Mais il sait que s'il la laisse entrer dans sa vie, il lui faudra s'ouvrir complètement à elle. Que pensera-t-elle quand il lui révèlera son style de vie BDSM ? Voudra-t-elle encore de lui ou, horrifiée, se sauvera-t-elle ? Et que fera-t-il, si elle lui échappe ? Quand une terrible menace du passé de Leah refait surface, Emmett est obligé de reconnaître que sa « petite mouche pénible » s'est aussi frayé un chemin jusqu'à son cœur - et son lit.Venez aussi rejoindre toute l'équipe de Quantum au vignoble de la société à Napa pour le mariage de Hayden et Addie, amis et collègues de Leah et Emmett !

  • af Marie Force
    168,95 kr.

    Als Travis North Liana McDermott zum ersten Mal sieht, trägt sie das hässlichste Brautjungfernkleid, das ihm je unter die Augen gekommen ist. So erkennt er das weltberühmte Supermodel, das zur Hochzeit ihrer Cousine Enid in seinem Country Club ist, nicht sofort. Dank Enids schamloser Kuppelei lernen Travis und Liana einander schließlich kennen und beginnen eine zweiwöchige Affäre, die gänzlich frei von Emotionen und Verwicklungen sein soll.Als das Ende von Lianas Urlaub näher rückt, fragt sich Travis jedoch, ob er sie überhaupt gehen lassen kann, während Liana darüber nachdenkt, ob er vielleicht ihr Mr Right sein könnte. Dabei war die unverbindliche Affäre ihre Idee! Da kann sie jetzt ja nicht einfach die Bedingungen ändern … oder?

  • af Marie Force
    148,95 kr.

  • af M S Force
    168,95 kr.

    ‌En tant que l'un des producteurs les plus recherchés de Hollywood, Kristian Bowen est le roi du monde. Avec l'équipe de Quantum qui se prépare pour rafler encore les prix à la saison des Oscars ainsi que pour la première de leur dernier film, Insidieux, la vie de Kristian est exactement comme il la veut, avec en prime un groupe de soumises consentantes pour satisfaire tous ses désirs. Jusqu'à ce qu'il assiste au mariage de son ami et associé Flynn Godfrey qui lui présente Aileen Gifford, une amie proche de Natalie, la nouvelle femme de Flynn. Depuis la rencontre avec Aileen il y a cinq mois, la vie méticuleusement orchestrée de Kristian a changé de manière inattendue. Maintenant Aileen et ses enfants s'installent à Los Angeles, et il n'est pas sûr s'il est excité ou terrifié par ses sentiments puissants pour la maman célibataire…Aileen vient de vivre l'année la plus difficile de sa vie, se battant contre un cancer du sein tout en élevant deux jeunes enfants. Quand Natalie, Flynn et leurs autres amis l'encouragent à venir habiter à Los Angeles et à travailler pour Quantum, elle saute sur l'occasion d'un nouveau départ pour sa famille. D'ailleurs, avec son attirance sans pareille pour l'associé de Flynn, l'idée de vivre à Los Angeles est irrésistible. Jusqu'à ce que tout le monde arrive pour lui souhaiter, à ses enfants et à elle, la bienvenue dans leur nouvelle maison à Los Angeles - tout le monde, sauf Kristian.Cependant, ce dernier ne peut pas continuer à l'éviter, et quand il la rencontre finalement à nouveau, cela fait des étincelles entre la mère célibataire et le producteur avec un passé qu'il a caché à tous ceux qui lui sont chers. Quand ce passé revient le hanter dans toute son horreur, décidera-t-il de quitter la femme qu'il aime ou de se tourner vers elle pour chercher refuge pendant la tempête ? Et parviendra-t-elle à le convaincre d'être lui-même, de toutes les façons possibles, avec elle ?L'histoire tant attendue de Kristian et Aileen est remplie de passion, d'amour et d'humour, avec la participation de tous les personnages de Quantum que les lecteurs adorent !

  • af Marie Force
    183,95 kr.

    Nach dem viel zu frühen Krebstod ihrer Mutter lässt sich Georgie Quinn breitschlagen, übergangsweise das Seniorenzentrum von Newport weiterzuführen, das diese mit viel Herzblut aufgebaut hatte. Die Sozialeinrichtung macht jedoch wesentlich mehr Arbeit und kostet mehr Kraft als gedacht, sodass der einzige Höhepunkt in ihrem Leben der sexy Jogger ist, den sie jeden Morgen gemeinsam mit ihren Mitbewohnerinnen Tess und Cat beobachtet.Kein Wunder, dass Georgie davon träumt, wieder in ihr glamouröses Leben in Atlanta und zu ihrer Karriere in der Modewelt zurückzukehren. Dann lernt sie den attraktiven Detective Nathan Caldwell kennen, der sich als der sexy Jogger entpuppt, und mit einem Mal stellt sich Newport als wesentlich interessanter heraus, als Georgie es für möglich gehalten hätte. Während sie eine heiße Affäre mit Nathan beginnt, bandeln Tess und Cat mit Nathans Brüdern Ben, einem verletzten irakischen Kriegsveteranen, und Ian, einem alleinerziehenden Vater und talentierten Musiker, an …

  • af Marie Force
    133,95 kr.

  • af Marie Force
    183,95 kr.

    Der dreisteste Terroranschlag der Geschichte. Ein Land, das auf Rache aus ist. Eine Liebesgeschichte, die vorzeitig endet. Ein gebrochenes Herz, das nie wirklich heilt.Ich wusste am Tag des Anschlags, dass sich unser Leben für immer verändert hat. Was ich damals nicht wusste, war, dass ich John, nachdem er zu seinem Einsatz aufgebrochen war, nicht wieder sehen würde. Am einen Tag lebte er mit mir zusammen, schlief neben mir, machte Pläne mit mir. Am nächsten Tag war er weg.Das war vor fünf Jahren. Das Leben ist weitergegangen, aber ich stecke in meiner persönlichen Hölle fest und warte auf einen Mann, der, nach allem, was ich weiß, am Ende längst tot ist. Doch dann treffe ich bei der Hochzeit meiner Schwester Eric, den Bruder des Bräutigams, und mein Herz erwacht wieder zum Leben. Die Welt ist von der Ergreifung des terroristischen Superhirns, der von den U.S. Special Forces in einem gewagten Manöver zur Strecke gebracht wird, fasziniert. Jetzt bin ich gefangen zwischen der Hoffnung, von John zu hören, und der Angst, was aus meinem neuen Leben mit Eric werden soll, wenn das passiert. Der brandneue Roman aus der Feder der Bestsellerautorin Marie Force, eine epische Geschichte über Liebe, Ehre, Pflicht, unerträgliche Entscheidungen und ein unmögliches Dilemma.

  • af Marie Force
    168,95 kr.

    L'attentat terroriste le plus effronté de tous les temps. Un pays déterminé à se venger. Une histoire d'amour coupée court. Un coeur qui ne s'en remet pas vraiment.J'ai tout de suite su, le jour de l'attentat, que nos vies étaient changées pour toujours. Ce que je ne savais pas, c'était que je ne reverrais plus jamais John après son déploiement. Un jour il vivait avec moi, dormait près de moi, faisait des projets avec moi. Le jour d'après, il était parti.¿a, c'était il y a cinq ans. Le monde s'est remis à vivre après ce jour affreux, mais moi je suis captive d'un enfer personnel, à attendre un homme qui pourrait bien être mort, autant que je sache. Au mariage de ma sœur je rencontre Eric, le frère du marié, et mon cœur se remet encore une fois à battre.Le monde est fasciné par la capture du cerveau de la cellule terroriste neutralisée par les Forces Spéciales américaines dans un raid audacieux. Maintenant je suis prise entre le désir d'avoir des nouvelles de John et, si j'en ai, la peur de ce que deviendra ma nouvelle vie avec Eric.Par une écrivaine sur la New York Times Best Seller list, Cinq ans sans lui, une histoire complète contemporaine, est un récit épique d'amour, d'honneur, de devoir, de choix insupportables et de dilemmes impossibles.

  • - A Quantum Novel
    af Marie Force
    138,95 kr.

    She drives him crazy… In more ways than one. Every time Leah Holt encounters Quantum Production's chief counsel, Emmett Burke, the only thing she can think of is how much she wants to lick him. Everywhere. She's never had that kind of reaction to a man, and the fact that he's a much-older colleague makes her out-of-control attraction to him far more complicated than it should be. Every day, she brings a new legal question to Emmett, hoping to catch his attention and make him see her as a grown woman who wants him desperately. She walks a fine line in trying to remain professional as the assistant to superstar Marlowe Sloane while lusting after Marlowe's sexy attorney.To Emmett, Leah is a fly buzzing around his head who can't be swatted away. She's always there, looking at him, asking him legal questions that have nothing to do with his specialty in entertainment law and generally driving him mad with her overt sexiness and sassy mouth. He wants to toss her over his desk and run the sass right out of her, which is hardly the way a professional who loves his job should behave in the office-especially with a young, fresh, sexy colleague. As the author of the company's policy on inter-office dating, he's painfully aware of all the reasons he should stay far, far away from her and the tantalizing temptation she represents.Then Leah gets her chance to step up for Emmett, to help him through an unfortunate "accident" and to show him she's much more than just a smart mouth and a sexy body. When she realizes she has genuine feelings for him-and that those feelings are returned-she wonders if he will take a chance on her or continue to hold her at arm's length. Slowly but surely, she chips away at his resistance, and he begins to crave more of her. But Emmett knows if he's going to let her in, he has to let her all the way in. What will she think when he introduces her to his BDSM lifestyle? Will she still want him the way she does now or will she run away in horror? And what will he do if she runs away?When Leah confronts a dangerous threat from her past, Emmett is forced to acknowledge that his "annoying little fly" has worked her way firmly into his heart-and his bed. Also, join the entire Quantum team at the company's vineyard in Napa for Hayden and Addie's wedding! The Quantum Series Book 1: Virtuous (Flynn & Natalie) Book 2: Valorous (Flynn & Natalie) Book 3: Victorious (Flynn & Natalie) Book 4: Rapturous (Hayden & Addie) Book 5: Ravenous (Jasper & Ellie) Book 6: Delirious (Kristian & Aileen) Book 7: Outrageous (Emmet & Leah) Book 8: Famous (Marlowe)

  • af Marie Force
    143,95 kr.

    Nach einem tragischen Verlust hat Blake Dempsey beschlossen, nie wieder zu lieben. Für Frauen gibt es daher klare Regeln: Es ist nur für eine Nacht, und es gibt keine Gefühle, sondern nur Sex. Darin ist er allerdings richtig gut.Holly Carmichael kennt die Regeln, aber sie will ohnehin nur das Eine von ihm ¿ sie will endlich wissen, was die ganze Aufregung um Sex eigentlich soll. Blake ist gerne bereit, der verführerischen Holly bei ihrem »Problem« zu helfen, allerdings nur, wenn sie weiß, worauf sie sich einlässt.Doch schon in der ersten erotischen Nacht gerät alles außer Kontrolle, und Gefühle, mit denen keiner der beiden gerechnet hatte, führen zu chaotischen Verstrickungen. Aber ist Blakes Herz genug geheilt, um es Holly anzuvertrauen?Ein sexy Liebesroman für Erwachsene. Wem es schnell mal zu heiß hergeht, sollte von diesem Buch lieber die Finger lassen!

  • af Marie Force
    155,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Marie Force
    163,95 kr.

    An NFL quarterback in the Hail Mary play of his life...Ryan Sanderson has ten days to convince his wife Susannah to give their marriage another chance-and there is nothing he won't do to win her back, even if he has to play a little dirty...Read Marie Force's first published novel now with an ALL NEW extended epilogue!"Marie's debut novel is wonderful! I was captured on the first page, and her characters are bigger than life. The emotional tug-of-war between two people who loved deeply but lost, takes you to the core in matters of the heart. Marie does a marvelous job leading you to the edge, and back again. So buckle up for a fun ride!" -Magical Musings.

  • af Marie Force
    118,95 kr.

    Mary Larkin was hard at work as the office manager at the Green Mountain Country Store when Cameron Murphy brought her dad, Patrick, in to visit. That fateful first meeting, which took place in You'll Be Mine, sets the stage for Mary and Patrick's long-awaited romance in Can't Buy Me Love! Mary enjoys her predictable, satisfying life in Butler. If it's a little lacking in excitement, well, that's okay with her. But after meeting Patrick and getting to know him better at his daughter's wedding, Mary is intrigued by the well-known, sexy billionaire businessman. Patrick is equally intrigued. For the first time since he suddenly lost his wife thirty years ago, he has met a woman who makes him feel less lonely, and all he wants is more of his Sweet Mary from Vermont. Flirty phone calls become a weekend away together that takes his relationship with Mary to the next level. But with six hours and two vastly different lives standing between them, can Mary and Patrick find happily ever after together? And after telling her father to keep his hands and everything else off Mary, will Cameron approve of her father's new romance? Reading Order for Green Mountain/Butler, Vermont SeriesGreen Mountain SeriesBook 1: All You Need Is Love (Will & Cameron)Book 2: I Want to Hold Your Hand (Hannah & Nolan)Book 3: I Saw Her Standing There (Colton & Lucy)Book 4: And I Love Her (Hunter & Megan)Novella: You'll Be Mine (Will & Cameron's Wedding)Book 5: It's Only Love (Ella & Gavin)Book 6: Ain't She Sweet (Charley & Tyler) Butler, Vermont SeriesBook 1: Every Little Thing (Grayson & Emma)Book 2: Can't Buy Me Love (Patrick & Mary)

  • - Episodes 1 & 2
    af Marie Force
    133,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • - Kevin & Chelsea
    af Marie Force
    108,95 kr.

    Their age difference doesn't matter...until one of them wants to put down roots.A year after his 31-year marriage imploded, Dr. Kevin McCarthy is enjoying life on Gansett Island. He's opened a small practice, goes fishing with his older brothers any time he wants and has his sons, nieces and nephews close by. Best of all is his all-consuming relationship with sexy bartender, Chelsea Rose. What started as a one-night stand a year ago, has turned into something much more significant for Kevin and for Chelsea. The sixteen-year age difference between them has never mattered, until they realize they may have differing plans for the future. Will they be able to reconcile their divergent paths or will their hearts be broken when they go their separate ways? Find out in Gansett Island Episode 2: Kevin & Chelsea where you'll also hear about Big Mac's latest business venture and have a visit with the Gansett Island characters you've come to love!

  • af Marie Force
    163,95 kr.

    He knew with one glance that she would change his life….A prosecutor about to try the trial of his career and a hard-luck hairstylist meet at Baltimore-Washington International Airport on a Friday night, on their way to visit significant others in Florida. Michael and Juliana have a lot riding on this weekend as they try to repair relationships strained by distance. When they discover they're on the same flight home, they agree to meet up again to compare notes about how their weekends unfolded.…. but he couldn't have know that everything is about to change…The instant connection they shared the night they met forms the foundation for a new friendship that soon leads to love, and as Michael's trial takes a violent turn, staying alive becomes their top priority.Follow Michael and Juliana's emotional journey in this newly reissued edition of one of Marie Force's most beloved standalone contemporary romances. Included in this edition is a never-before-published extended Epilogue that takes you inside Michael and Juliana's happily ever after.Second Edition. This book was previously published in 2009."LOVE AT FIRST FLIGHT by Marie Force is most definitely a keeper. It is an astounding book. I loved every single word!" -Wild on Books, 4.5 Bookmarks"Ms. Force did a wonderful job of drawing you in to the story. She made it very realistic in the sense that not only did I fall madly in love with Michael, but she forces you to really feel for Jeremy (Juliana's first love). You are struggling inside as to which man you really want her to be with." -Book Lover, 4.5 Stars"I read this book in less than a twenty-four hour period. I can't remember the last time a story held me as mesmerized as LOVE AT FIRST FLIGHT; I couldn't get enough and wanted more… Ms. Force pens so much more than a simple romance, her voice has that "certain something" which captivates the reader from first word to the last. She creates a story and characters the reader can embrace and cheer on whole-heartedly with a smile and a lump in the throat." -Once Upon A Romance"And to you, Marie Force, what a talented author you are-your characters are captivating and come to life through your writing-they jump out of the pages and into the reader's heart. The plot is well-developed, flows smoothly, and engages the reader from beginning to end. Emotions are strong and written with such clarity that you feel them inside as if they were your own." -World According to Books

  • - Livre 1
    af Marie Force
    183,95 kr.

  • af Marie Force
    163,95 kr.

    A dozen days-and nights-to explore all the possibilities...Tobias "Slim" Jackson has the perfect life as a pilot on Gansett Island in the summer and in Florida in the winter. He's happiest when he's in the air, or at least that was the case before last summer when he met Erin Barton, Gansett Island's newest lighthouse keeper. Now he can't seem to find his usual enthusiasm for flying, winter in the sunny South or anything that doesn't include her. Erin has been stuck on pause since she lost her twin brother. She'll tell you herself that her life has been a hot mess since Toby died. After dropping out of law school, she's flitted from one pointless job to another, existing rather than truly living. Then she comes to Gansett Island to take over as the new lighthouse keeper and meets Slim, who happens to share her beloved brother's first name. That small coincidence is enough to convince Erin that she needs to spend more time with the dashing pilot-except for the fact that he's spending the winter more than a thousand miles from her.Now Slim's come home to Gansett for the holidays and to hopefully pick up where he left off with Erin. He's got twelve days before he's due back in Florida to finish out the remainder of his winter obligations. A lot can happen in twelve days, but will it be enough to convince Erin that it's time to start truly living again? Read Slim and Erin's story and catch up with the rest of the Gansett Island cast in Desire After Dark!

  • - Victoria and Shannon
    af Marie Force
    108,95 kr.

    She wanted something more, but it may be more than she bargained for.Gansett Island midwife Victoria Stevens loves taking care of people, in her job and in her personal life, especially when it comes to her boyfriend of one year, sexy Irishman Shannon O'Grady. Fueled by combustible chemistry, her relationship with Shannon has been H-O-T from the start. But she's begun to wonder whether theirs is destined to be a short-term fling or possibly the love of a lifetime. When she goes looking for answers about his past, she learns something she was better off not knowing and isn't sure what to do with her newfound information. What will happen when Shannon finds out she's been asking questions about him, and will they be able to overcome the obstacles standing between them and happily ever after? Find out in this first Gansett Island Episode, which also includes the arrival of some long-awaited island babies!

  • - (Butler, Vermont Series, Book 1)
    af Marie Force
    148,95 kr.

    Grayson Coleman has just moved home to Butler, Vermont after spending years working for a high-powered law firm in Boston. He's looking for a simpler, less stressful existence in the sleepy little mountain town where he grew up with his siblings and Abbott cousins. Once the holidays are over, he plans to hang out a shingle and open a new general law practice. After helping to raise his seven younger siblings, the last thing on Grayson's mind is a family of his own.Emma Mulvaney is enjoying a break from her reality as a busy single mother in New York City while she and her adorable daughter, Simone, spend the holidays in Vermont with Emma's sister, Lucy, and Lucy's future in-laws, the Abbotts. After meeting Abbott cousin Grayson Coleman and talking to him for hours, Emma is nervous and excited to have dinner alone with him after sharing her deepest, most personal secrets with him. Will that first night be the start of something new for the jaded lawyer and the selfless single mom or will a holiday week flirtation turn into something much bigger than either of them ever expected?Come back to Butler, Vermont for more of the charming Abbott family, their matchmaking father and grandfather and of course, Fred the Moose.

  • af Marie Force
    138,95 kr.

    She wants a baby. He wants her. Simple enough, right?Ellie Godfrey has kissed her share of frogs. So many, in fact, that she fears she won't recognize her prince if and when he finally comes along. Tired of waiting for THE ONE, Ellie decides to have a baby on her own before it's too late. When Jasper Autry hears about Ellie's plan, what else can he do but step in and offer to "contribute" to her project. Does that make him an opportunist? Whatever. He wants the perpetually out-of-reach Ellie Godfrey, and when he sees his chance, he takes it. That she's the sister of his business partner and close friend Flynn gives him pause, but it doesn't stop him from having what he wants.As Jasper and Ellie embark upon their secret "project," he makes it clear that for as long as they're together, he's in charge-in the bedroom anyway. After the hottest night of her life, Ellie realizes she's made a deal with the devil himself.

  • af Marie Force
    148,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Marie Force
    138,95 kr.

    He's a sexual dominant. She's sworn off sex. There's no way they can make a relationship work--or can they?Flynn and Natalie's destiny is sealed in this riveting conclusion to the initial Quantum trilogy. When Flynn pushes Natalie to her absolute limits, will she fall deeper in love or run away from him forever?From Hollywood to Las Vegas, Flynn and Natalie's whirlwind love affair has it all--romance, passion, steamy hot sex, relentless paparazzi and a murder that could be their undoing. Flynn is a dirty-talking hero who puts it all on the line for the woman he loves, who leaves no desire unfulfilled, who will do anything it takes to protect what's his...

  • af Marie Force
    108,95 kr.

  • - Quantum Series, Book 4
    af Marie Force
    153,95 kr.

    Control is his mantra...until one woman breaks his control-and his heart.The story begun in the initial Quantum Trilogy picks up on Oscar night after Academy Award-winning director Hayden Roth kisses the woman he desires above all others, even though he knows she can never be his. Addison York craves her boss's best friend, Hayden, but he has never given her an ounce of encouragement-until tonight when he kissed her after winning the Oscar. Was that kiss the start of something or another in a long line of frustrations where Hayden is concerned? Something is keeping him from acting on the attraction that simmers between them, and Addie is determined to find out what it is. But when she stumbles upon the secret that Hayden, Flynn and her other close friends have kept from her, will she allow hurt feelings to get in the way of true love? When Hayden won't share his BDSM lifestyle with her, Addie decides to conduct her own research. Will she be intrigued or repulsed? And what will Hayden do when he finds out how she's been spending her evenings?Warning: If you hate foul-mouthed heroes who like it a little rough and dirty, this might not be the book for you.... Contains hot and sexy BDSM scenes among other things that might not appeal to the faint of heart. Enter at your own risk and enjoy the sensual indulgence of Hayden and Addie's steamy story!