Bøger udgivet af Hoffman & Hoffman
458,95 kr. - Bog
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- Variations on the Theme
363,95 kr. The classic Italian tale for children, in a 1940 text seen through the eyes of the artist Roberto Sironi, one of the greatest contemporary artists in Italy.A journey through the eyes of the painter Roberto Sironi, who takes us into his world made of images deformed by the unreal and impressive technical gesture.
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- Edizione Italiana
351,95 kr. Con questo libro, voglio raccontarvi una storia altrettanto bizzarra e curiosa, una di quelle storie che non ha bisogno di grandi protagonisti, ma di tantissimi personaggi che nella quotidianità chiamiamo comunemente uomini e donne!
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223,95 kr. Raccolta di racconti brevi, diversi uno dall'altro ma testimoni di una quotidianita` a volte straordinaria.Selezionati dalla prima edizione del premio. Hoffmann & Hoffmann per racconti brevi inediti. Autori esordienti.
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413,95 kr. - Bog
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- Checkpoint Charlie
263,95 kr. The story of a painter artist who is projected into a world of renowned successes and notoriety but also of perversion and degradation. The man will be confronted with an endless series of reflections on life and death, crossing the areas of an Italy full of contradictions.
- Bog
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178,95 kr. Viste le imminenti nozze della sua migliore amica, Martina decide di traslocare in un bell'appartamento al quinto piano, per avvicinarsi all'ospedale in cui lavora come infermiera. Quando viene a sapere che prima di lei era abitato da un avvocato morto suicida, la passione per le serie televisive crime e la lettura di gialli la porta a improvvisarsi detective, per scoprire le ragioni della sua morte. Sullo sfondo di un quartiere reticente, in compagnia dell'inseparabile labrador Scheggia, Martina si appassionerà alle indagini coinvolgendo un ispettore di polizia amante del buon cibo, una vicina troppo chiacchierona, e un bel musicista imprevedibile e affascinante che potrebbe farla innamorare.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- Checkpoint Charlie
388,95 kr. The story of a painter artist who is projected into a world of renowned successes and notoriety but also of perversion and degradation. The man will be confronted with an endless series of reflections on life and death, crossing the areas of an Italy full of contradictions.
- Bog
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- Bog
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- A Book of Superman
318,95 kr. This new edition of Huneker's book that saw his first appearance in 1909, is wholly devoted to those modern poets, philosophers and prose masters whose writings embody the individualistic idea as opposed to altruistic and socialistic sentiments. Amply discussed are Stendhal, whose cult, recently revived on the Continent, is steadily growing; Maurice Barres, French Academician; Anatole France, blithe pagan and delicious ironist; Max Stimer, the forerunner of Nietzsche; The mystics, Ernest Hello new to American readers and William Blake. Much new historical material can be found in the studies of Charles Baudelaire and Gustave Flaubert. The hitherto unpublished letter of the novelist, along with an original page proof of "Madame Bovary," corrected by his own hand, will prove of interest to his admirers. That brilliant virtuoso of the French language, J. K. Huysmans, forms the subject of a chapter, while certain phases of Nietzsche, including his famous published biography, "Ecce Homo", and Ibsen dramas, are also subjects of discussion. Altogether the book represents the most mature critical and analytical thought of the author applied to some of the most interesting literary characters in the modern Europe of 1909.
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188,95 - 273,95 kr. - Bog
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158,95 kr. - Bog
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