Bøger udgivet af Helen Glowacki
183,95 kr. Ann und Caleb glaubten, Gott bedingungslos zu vertrauen, bis sie von einer Tragodie getroffen wurden. Als sie sich mit der Moglichkeit konfrontiert sehen, ihren gesamten Besitz zu verlieren, erkennen sie plotzlich, dass ihr Glaube an gewisse Bedingungen geknupft ist. Sprachlos vor Wut und ihrem unvermittelten Vertauensmangel sind sie gezwungen ihre Hingabe zu Gott neu zu uberdenken und sich zu entscheiden, ob sie Gott vertrauen wollen, selbst wenn er alle gegebenen Segnungen von ihnen nimmt. Hat Satan durch ihre Reaktion auf den Unfall in ihr Herz dringen konnen? Wurde der neue Segen darin liegen, dass sie ihre geistigen Mangel erkannten? Wollte Gott ihnen wirklich allen Segen entziehen? Hatte Abraham ahnliche Gedanken, als er aufgefordert wurde, seinen Sohn aufzugeben und war es Hiob genauso ergangen? Oder konnten beide einfach alles lieb Gewonnene hingeben? Und was ware passiert, wenn sie es nicht getan hatten? Wahrend Ann und Caleb sich nach Calebs beidseitiger Knieoperation durch einen langen und schmerzhaften Genesungsprozess kampfen, lernen sie, wie wichtig es ist den Besitzerstolz abzulegen, um vor Gott wurdig zu werden. Dieser achte Roman von Helen Glowacki ist eine weitere, herzerwarmende Geschichte mit wunderbaren Einblicken in Gottes Werk in unserem Leben, in das was wir vielleicht noch lernen mussen. Sie zeigt, wie aus einem Schicksalsschlag ein Segen werden kann.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
183,95 kr. This whimsical story for all ages opens with the angels watching mankind's struggle to learn the loving ways of God. The angels rejoice whenever the inhabitants of the cold. bleak planet below them begin to understand what God offers them and the incredible plan He placed into the physics of the world just for them. They worry as these inhabitants face evil and must also learn why evil exists and how it can overpower them and steal their hearts. As the inhabitants begin to understand God's love for them and learn thankfulness, then the power of prayer, they also begin to recognize the love which God so freely gives them and how they too must learn to love. This is a beautiful and heartwarming story for people of all angers and genders and a wonderful way to learn of God's plan of salvation and what will happen to those who spurn it.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
- Will New Information Break our Faith?
253,95 kr. Countries all over the world have reported sightings of UFO's and have begun releasing this classified information. Highly respected individuals have made many of these reports often accompanied by videos and photographs and in one case, supposedly providing physical proof. Scripture is an incredible source of information which purportedly opens its mysteries only to the Children of God who seek with a pure heart. God speaks and laments throughout scripture about His children being lost because of a lack of knowledge. Further, when we examine scripture closely we learn that God created angels with four faces and others who resemble wheels which are covered with eyes. What does all this mean? How does this affect our faith? Why soes God mention, over 365 times throughout scripture, the fear we will carry during the end times and encourage us to "fear not".
- Bog
- 253,95 kr.
178,95 kr. This is the story of a young boy growing up in war torn Poland. At a very young age he was deeply influenced by his mother's lifelong dream to bring her family to "Golden America". This is a heartwarming yet heartbreaking story of the hardships and struggle to survive during a war and later under Communist rule. But it is also a story of the beautiful bond between a mother and her son as they face these struggles together, With little food, poor shelter, and the consant fear of being arrested the family miraculously survuves because God heard the prayers of Janeks mother and answered them. Janek hiwever lost his faith as he watched God allow the horrific struggles and constant losses the family had to endure.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
183,95 kr. This is a beautiful, heartwarming, inspirational tale about how the angels encourage us to grow into the likeness of Christ. It is a story which beautifully outlines what God's Plan of Salvation is all about and how it was placed into the physics of our world to develop the Bride of Christ. When Sarah and Matt move into their new home, Matt discovers a manuscript in the back of Grandma's beautiful antique desk. Sarah sees that it is the bedtime story Grandma told to Sarah, Josh and Caleb when they were children and she is thrilled to think that she can now pass this story down to her children. This wonderful, whimsical tale of angels, and planets, of love and human failure is an excellent way to bring testimony to children and adults. It is another story which has been masterfully crafted by author Helen Glowacki.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.