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Bøger udgivet af Gungnir Entertainment

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  • af Jim Krueger
    225,95 kr.

    This is the heroic journey of the damsel in distress. What happens when a Princess is imprisoned and there is no Prince to save her? What happens when she must be her own savior even in the face of a faceless enemy whose numbers are legion? This is that story. Think 300 Meets Cinderella if, of course, it was written by Edgar Allen Poe.  Meet Constance. Before becoming a princess, she was merely a maid who washed dishes by day and by night slept upon a bookshelf in the village library. But now, she is heir to a throne and has her own servants. She expected neither wealth nor pomp in this life. Never hoped to find a prince who longed to find her. Never even believed a happily ever after was possible.  She should have trusted her instincts. For in the days after her wedding day, when life was to be settled, complete, dark clouds of war begin to blot out the sunrises that follow. When her new husband, the Captain of the Guard, is forced to leave her and go to battle, the annuls of his exploits are horrible, but even more terrifying is the day his letters stopped coming. And when the Castle Keep, which promised safety and protection, is burned to the ground, there is no one there to save Princess Constance, save Princess Constance herself. For those who have ever felt trapped, lost, belittled, abused, broken, and a prisoner of life, take heart, for it still could be worse. And for Constance, a princess who does not yet even know how to be a princess, it will be.

  • af Stefan Petrucha
    180,95 kr.

  • af Don Macnab-Stark
    180,95 kr.

    Liam Kerr is your typical 16 year old boy in 2293... He wakes up, eats breakfast, goes to school, and, in 24 months, he will make the biggest decision of his life. Now, I know what you're thinking, and no -- it's not college. Human ingenuity has evolved past that. Upon graduating from grade school, the need for that 4+ year advanced education exercise is truncated into a single, instantaneous download of information. Instead, the human paradox in the 23rd century is simply the decision of a lifetime, made at the age of 18. Facing the transition from teenager to adulthood, all humans must decide what is more important: traveling the cosmic ocean as an android, devoid of most capacity for emotion; or living out their days as a "biological" on earth, confronting all the beauty and ugliness of the human paradigm. Even with science fantasy technology being harnessed, physics still has its limits. Only highly-advanced nanotech machinery can travel and particularize up- and downstream, withstanding the crushing forces at these unimaginable speeds. The biological human body cannot withstand this (though not for lack of trying: decades of failed missions have brought us to this solution). The optimal way to collect interstellar data and information is thus to fuse the human consciousness into a one way ticket, human machine hybrid. An Android. >Earth has achieved marvelous innovation. Unimaginable science fiction has become science fact, including the most impressive feat of them all: the ability to travel at Faster Than Light speed. Humans have unlocked the possibility to visit countless worlds filled with intelligent life. A dream that science has imagined since the dawn of Copernicus. Now fully-realized, the question that festers in every adolescent is simple: "What is the price of the stars?" Wishful thinking has been lost to time. Science fiction folly of fairytale endings and dreams of a long and fruitful life on earth, ending in a fusion of man and machine into the dark horizon of space and time with the never ending adventure of the cosmos was nothing more than a fool's errand. . The great humor, as the people would refer to it, is the poetic truth that no species beyond the earth could ever meet a biological human. No matter how clever their technology was, no matter how elegant their solutions may be, humanity would never encounter another species face-to-face. Only their Derivative Andronic selves had that honor. The time is now nearing for young Liam to decide what type of being he is destined to be. A space-faring machine with an undying consciousness and the prospect of endless adventures throughout the cosmic sea... or the beautiful biological man nature had intended him to be. Earthy desires will pull him to stay, while his cosmic curiosity for greater knowledge and experiences will push him to leave. This is now every human's decision to bear. But only Liam can ultimately decide for himself -- his destiny, his future; his mortality, or immortality.

  • af Matthew Medney
    180,95 kr.

    Time. Space. Existence. The end of all things. The beginning of something new. The reconciliation of decisions. This is what awaits our fatal remains of civilization at the last black hole at the end of time. The Neo-human, Harmony, Multitude, Remnant, Echo, and the Time Traveler all are summoned by chance, fate, or technology to discuss the trials and tribulations of the stardust ancestors they arose from. But what is there to do, when all of time is ending, when the last particles of the universe are dissipating and moving on from the realm? That is a question for our unlikely conclave to decide. What type of legacy will they, can they, leave a dying universe?

  • af Steve Aoki
    228,95 kr.

    HiROQUEST is the story of a genetically augmented Meta-Human named HiRO who travels into the multiverse four hundred years into the future to save earth from a disaster it cannot avoid. From mutants to robots to zombies to aliens, witches and more, it's a quest for ten rings of tremendous power from ten different worlds that will be needed to save our world from certain disaster. It's an epic journey that will require the HERO named HiRO to be cursed to save the lives of billions on earth. A story of heroism, wonder, betrayal and finally revelation. THis is the hero's journey. This is HiRO'S' quest.

  • af Matthew Medney
    238,95 kr.

    On an Earth with a dying Sun, there are two kinds of people. The Chosen. And the left behind. We thought it was over. We thought we had lost. A burnt out star left us without enough warmth to thrive, our days as a species were numbered. But then, then a miracle happened. We received a transmission from an alien civilization that scanned our Sun and knew we needed help. So they threw us a life raft in the form of designs for Space Arks, we built 3. Interstellar capable, with pre-programmed coordinates to bring us to their home world, a place we were told could be called home. 100,000 humans per Ark, chosen to represent the best in us, a last ditch effort to save humanity. Do I trust these aliens? Hell no. But what choice do we have? Paulson's the name, Caleb Paulson, you can think of me as the architect of this mission. We're heading to this alien system with no idea what lies ahead.

  • af Matthew Medney
    238,95 kr.

    Hi it's me, Alessandra, you can call me Sanny though, wait, don't think that's because we're close or anything, I just don't want to hear you butcher the rolling R in my name thats all. Anyhow I guess you're wondering why you're here, how did we even meet? You know I'm just a high school senior right? I know, impressive, but stay with me, I'm trying to uncover the truth about these strange occurrences, these strange coincidences happening in my home town of East Valley. Actually, let's take a step back for a moment, and level set a few things. First of all, you ever wonder why it feels like the elite class never ages, why no matter how hard you work, no matter how "lucky" you get, seemingly you can't reach the levels of what you see in the media? I would think that alone would spawn questions about things, about how, and who and why, and when. But evidently, when you ask those questions, you are faced with resistance, with lies, with attacks... lucky for me, that's my favorite flavor of admiration. Seriously, no wonder these mysteries haven't been uncovered yet, haven't been given their 15 minutes of fame. Everytime you poke around, you get framed or canceled or worse... expelled. Gosh, I sound like Hermione Granger, but I'm serious. I don't come from much, well actually, I don't really come from anything, my mom and I live in the poorest part of town, and I'm one of the "lucky ones" bused into EVR to "show" inclusion from the most prominent public school in the nation. As you know if you were paying any attention up above, my dad died before I was born, so I don't know much about him, but I do know his death, and my mom being the absolute legend she is, is what secured me a spot at EVR. And I've been taking advantage of that privilege ever since the ripe old age of 9. Come to think of it, it's a bit strange isn't it that I was picked, ehhh whatever, well come back to that. As I was saying, I aced every class, was smarter at every turn, ha, these locals never saw anyone like me, and that's the way I like it. No stupid, not my race, not the color of my skin, we're talking about my economic class, my lack of privilege and my big ole brain. Stay with me here, this isn't a story about race, it's a story about the capitalist caste system we have lulled ourselves into here in America. So when I say I am the last person who should be snooping around, asking the tough questions, you know I mean it. But there I go again, too smart for my own good. I can't just leave these questions in my head unanswered, I can't just let these oddities persist without justification, I'm just not wired that way. So whether I get expelled, or (hopefully at least) tortured, I will find some of the truths about the underbelly of the American elite class, all the while graduating from one of their elite schools, in the midst of applying to one of their elite institutions; God the irony of the elitism is not lost on me. Hopefully if I'm lucky, I can get a front row seat to how the sausage is made. To how these people stay in power, to what the operation entails to create the system and most interestingly of it all, why the hell does it feel like there's shit that happens that reality can't explain? Now that you know a bit more about what we're up against, the possible dangerous afoot, are you still willing to see this through? Ya? Ok then, down the rabbit hole we go.

  • af Matthew Medney
    238,95 kr.

    Mutant Labs is your typical science lab. They do work on rockets, gene splicing, finding cures, and you know...interdimensional energy type stuff. The company is currently working on their potentially biggest breakthrough yet: a renewable energy device strong enough to power an entire city block, but small enough to fit into the palm of your paw: about the size of a ball of yarn, and comprised of a powerful synthetic thread that draws power from alternate planes of existence. It's complicated, but it works, trust us. So what's this great innovation called? Mutant Labs are currently calling it: The Cluster. But with all great inventions, hubris is always a problem. The Mutant Labs higher-ups want the Cluster ready for market "yesterday", forcing project leader Flux and his team of idiot geniuses to scramble and cut some corners to get it working in time for the big event. But taking shortcuts can be dangerous when you're working with that interdimensional energy type stuff. With realities overlapping, we've now entered the Mutantverse. And let me tell you, it's a real cluster fu@%.