Bøger udgivet af Green Park Press
163,95 kr. Diese Kindergeschichte für Vorschulkinder lehrt die jungen Leser die wichtige soziale Fähigkeit, andere zu begrüÃen. Ideal zum Vorlesen im Alter von 4 bis 7 Jahren. "Sam ist zu schüchtern um Hallo zu sagen" ist ein Bilderbuch mit niedlichen Illustrationen. Es eignet sich hervorragend, um Kindern etwas über Gefühle und Beziehungen zu anderen Menschen beizubringen und kann helfen, ein Gespräch über Schüchternheit und soziale Fertigkeiten zu beginnen. Die Neuautorin Christina Louise schreibt mit dem Herzen. Als geborene Introvertierte versteht sie die Schwierigkeiten, die Kinder beim Erlernen neuer sozialer Fertigkeiten haben.
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- 163,95 kr.
168,95 kr. "Sam, el osito vergonzoso" es un cuento ilustrado para niños en edad preescolar que enseña a los jóvenes lectores la importancia de saludar correctamente a los demás. Esta tierna historia, pensada para leer en voz alta a niños de entre 4 y 7 años, puede ayudar a iniciar conversaciones con los niños sobre la timidez y las habilidades sociales. La autora, Christina Louise, escribe con el corazón. Introvertida de nacimiento, entiende bien la dificultad que para muchos niños puede suponer el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades sociales.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
168,95 kr. Questa prima storia per bambini in età prescolare insegna ai giovani lettori l'importante abilità sociale di salutare gli altri. Ideale per la lettura ad alta voce dai 4 ai 7 anni. Samy, l'orso timido, si nasconde sempre quando si tratta di salutare amici e familiari. La sua timidezza è tale che si ritrova in ogni sorta di situazioni davvero imbarazzanti. Finché un giorno mamma orso non gli insegna a dire "ciao" con sicurezza... "La timidezza di Sam" è un libro illustrato con simpatici disegni. È ottimo per insegnare ai bambini le emozioni e le relazioni con gli altri e può aiutare ad iniziare la conversazione sulla timidezza e sulle abilità sociali. La nuova autrice Christina Louise scrive con il cuore. Essendo un'introversa nata, capisce la fatica che i bambini devono affrontare quando imparano nuove abilità sociali.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
183,95 kr. Sam verbergt zich als het tijd is om vrienden en familie te groeten. Zijn verlegenheid brengt hem steeds in gekke situaties totdat Mama Beer hem leert om netjes 'hallo' te zeggen. Dit kinderboek is voor introverte en verlegen kinderen bedoeld. Met behulp van schattige illustraties kunnen ouders en pedagogen het gesprek over verlegenheid en sociale vaardigheden aangaan. De kersverse auteur Christina Louise schrijft vanuit haar hart. Ze is zelf introvert en begrijpt heel goed de problemen waarmee kinderen kunnen worden geconfronteerd. Achter in het boek staat hoe je toegang kunt krijgen tot de gratis kleurplaten en het gratis luisterboek.
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- 183,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Den Generte Bjørn Sam gemmer sig, når det er tid til at hilse på venner og familie. Han er så genert at han kommer til at rode sig ud i pinlige situationer. Han mor hjælper ham og lærer ham hvordan man siger pænt 'goddag.' Efter et stykke tid hvor han øver sig flittigt bliver han rigtig dygtig til at sige 'goddag' og synes nærmest det er sjovt. En sød historie til børn fra 3 til 7, med hyggelige tegninger. Det er et godt hjælpemiddel for forældre og pædagoger for at sætte en samtale i gang om generthed og selvtillid. Den danske forfatter Christina Louise, som selv er introvert, har dyb forståelse for hvor svært det kan være for børn at skulle give hånd og sige pænt 'goddag.' Bag i bogen kan man finde link til gratis malebog og lydbog fra historien.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Samy, l'ourson timide, se cache toujours quand il faut dire bonjour aux amis ou à la famille. Sa timidité est telle qu'il se retrouve dans toutes sortes de situations vraiment embarrassantes. Jusqu'au jour où Maman Ours lui apprend à dire 'bonjour' avec confiance...Une belle histoire pour les enfants de 3 à 7 ans, avec de jolies illustrations. Un bon moyen d'engager une conversation avec les jeunes enfants sur la timidité, la confiance en soi et les relations sociales.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- How to Create It, Manage It & Profit From It, 2nd Edition
388,95 kr. "How to use various grasses and legumes to create quality pasture using Management-intensive Grazing and multi-species of livestock. Includes irrigation"--
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- 388,95 kr.
- The Grassroots of Grass Farming
408,95 kr. "I like to say that when you buy an acre of land you get 43,500 square feet of solar panel. When you start thinking about your farm in these terms, the importance of having every acre covered with green, growing grass becomes apparent," Jim Gerrish writes. Gerrish coined the phrase Management-intensive Grazing (MiG), putting the emphasis on management of the growth of the grass. The animals are merely harvesters, like lawnmowers. In Management-intensive Grazing, The Grassroots of Grass Farming, he uses vivid images and detailed explanations to take graziers step-by-step through the MiG system. Written for those new to MiG grazing, Gerrish's insights and personal experience can help experienced graziers fine tune their grazing operations for added income. He begins from the ground up with the soil and advances through the management of pastures and animals, and covers how to manage the water cycle; how to work with legumes; how to stockpile forages for low cost wintering; how to plan and utilize permanent and perimeter fencing; and how to use pasture weaning for health and weight gain. Gerrish's lively chapters explain how to make pasture fertility pay; the power of stock density; how to match forage supply with animal demand; how to judge maximum intake of forage; and how using pasture records offers information, not just data.
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- 408,95 kr.
- A Production Guide to Gourmet Grass-Finished Beef
438,95 kr. Grassfed to Finish is the first book to address all the factors necessary for a quality grassfed product. It lays a foundation of facts from Nation's world travels, debunking the myths and misconceptions about grass-finished beef and showing that grain is totally unnecessary for a gourmet "killer" product, and actually lowers overall quality as well as nutritional character. Nation tells how meeting grazing specialist and researcher Dr. Anibal Pordomingo in Argentina aided his understanding of the key components of an all-grass system. Nation includes Pordomingo's production tips and innovative Forage Chain of grasses and legumes. Chapters detail what researchers have learned about grassfed's health benefits; how to get started with heifers and why; how to turn cull cows into gourmet products; how to integrate summer and winter annuals into a perennial-based pasture system; how to come up with a year-around supply of beef while only over-wintering cattle once; how different grasses can flavor meat; how to recognize a ready-to-harvest grass-finished beeve; how production errors can create tough meat; what educated, health-conscious consumers want and how to serve them. The grass program explained here can be used equally well for replacement heifer development or mainstream stocker steers; however, the production and marketing foundation outlined here will serve you well if you decide to expand production and make grassfed beef your primary enterprise.
- Bog
- 438,95 kr.
- A Practical Guide to Year-Around Grazing
368,95 kr. With today's management systems, the cost of making hay far exceeds its value to grazing businesses. Studies have shown that winter feed costs are the largest single factor limiting the profitability for most livestock operations. In virtually every area of the USA, year-around grazing--without hay--is possible, yet many graziers continue making hay. Kick the Hay Habit: A Practical Guide To Year-Around Grazing by Jim Gerrish will show you how much it really costs to produce a ton of hay. He explains how to use nature as your guide for low-cost winter grazing; how to conduct a pasture inventory; how to select the optimal breeding and birthing seasons; how to custom design your own winter forage system; and how to make the transition from hay feeding to grazing. Wouldn't you rather spend your time monitoring pastures and moving livestock than making hay? Both the beginner and the experienced grazier will benefit from Kick the Hay Habit. Gerrish shares his personal experiences as a grazier in Missouri and Idaho as well as insights he gained as a researcher at the University of Missouri's Forage Systems Research Center. As a grazing consultant he has helped farmers and ranchers throughout North and South America. Wouldn't you rather Kick the Hay Habit, dump the heavy metal, and start collecting the profits?
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.
423,95 kr. Knowledge Rich Ranching is not a how-to book on raising cattle. It is a book on how the cattle business works. It has not been sanitized nor edited by Ms. Rosy Scenario. It is about the way things really are. It is about fear and greed, and how the commodity business eats alive the naive and unaware. In today's market, it is knowledge that separates the rich from the rest. Knowledge Rich Ranching is packed with guidelines for how to read and profit from the upside-down swings of the cattle cycle. It describes various bookkeeping methods and tax tips; covers cost cutting to eliminate profit leaks; reveals the secrets of high profit grass farms and ranches; details strategies for using Management-intensive Grazing in humid and arid climates as well as during adverse weather conditions. And it explains family and business structure with suggestions for estate planning to keep today's ranch or grass farm viable and profitable for future generations. While focused on raising cattle, the principles in Knowledge Rich Ranching apply equally to producers of other livestock enterprises--sheep, in particular, which run backwards to the cattle cycle and can add a complementary enterprise to an existing cattle operation. Anyone who has profit as his or her goal will benefit from this book. It is the first to cover the business management principles of grassland farming and ranching.
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- 423,95 kr.
- Custom Grazing on Leased Land
368,95 kr. Greg Judy was forced to liquidate his cow herd to pay debt in 1996. By the end of the following year he was dead broke and figured the family farm was history. A quote from Allan Nation, editor of The Stockman Grass Farmer magazine changed his whole view of ranching. Nation said, "Your sole purpose should be not to own the land, but to make a living from the land." Inspired by that approach, Judy started looking for idle, non-developed pastureland. By focusing on leasing rather than owning land, his grazing operation grew from 40 stockers to 1100 head. By custom grazing on leased land he was able to pay his entire farm and home loan within three years. Today he has four farms and leases 12. No Risk Ranching, Custom Grazing on Leased Land describes how he found and managed his first and subsequent leases. He offers a detailed guide for other graziers to follow on how to find idle land to lease; calculate the cost of a lease; draft and write a land lease contract (with examples included); develop good water and portable fencing on leased land; promote wildlife and improve timber stands; keep accurate records and more. No Risk Ranching was written to help other graziers from making the same mistakes Judy made. He writes, "I am convinced that in the USA our pastures are one of our most underutilized natural resources. I am not against land ownership. I just feel like it is an awful hardship on a new blooming grazing business."
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.
368,95 kr. Many folks are hesitant to try Holistic Planned Grazing because of what they think it entails. Greg Judy's book responds to such hesitancy with enthusiasm and positive attitude and by articulating the basics in a very simple way, demonstrating to readers that it is possible to make these changes without a lot of infrastructure investment. Judy shows how to add sheep, goats and pigs to existing cattle operations. He explains fencing and water systems that build on existing infrastructure set up for Management-intensive Grazing. Sharing his first-hand experience (mistakes as well as successes), Judy takes graziers to the next level. He shows how High Density Grazing (HDG) on his own farm and those he leases can revitalize hayed out, scruffy, weedy pastures, and turn them into highly productive grazing landscapes that grow both green grass and greenbacks. If you have six cows or 6000, you can utilize High Density Grazing to create fertile soils, lush pastures and healthy livestock. Greg Judy, the master of custom grazing, shows how to earn profits with little risk while using other people's livestock on leased land. Judy details how to work with Nature without costly inputs, and how to let the animals be your labor force. Comeback Farms covers multi-species grazing; developing parasite-resistant hair sheep flocks and grass-genetic cattle; and how to select, train and care for livestock guardian dogs. It includes High Density Grazing fencing techniques, diagrams for HDG fencing and paddock moves; and how to calve with HDG. By following Judy's examples, you'll keep your neighbors talking and wondering how you keep your fields green and your livestock grazing year-around. In the process you'll be pocketing your profits.
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.