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  • af Friis Olsen Anders
    298,95 kr.

  • af Madina Raxmatova
    549,95 kr.

    Bu kitob nomutaxassis yo'nalishdagi bakalavr bosqichida taxsil olayotgan talabalar uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, O'zbekiston Respublikasi, Oliy ta'lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi tomonidan tasdiqlangan o'quv dasturiga asoslangan. Siz ushbu kitobda 14 ta amaliy mashg'ulotlar uchun tayyorlangan mavzuning bayoni, qiziqarli rasmlar, jadvallar, sxema va diagrammalar bilan tanishishingiz mumkin. Mavzuni o'qib bo'lgach unga doir test va tarqatma materiallari bilan bilimingizni mustahkamlashingiz mumkin.

  • af Ali Asgari
    317,95 kr.

    This book is a product of my effort to unravel the intricate mysteries underlying the trade relations between the two most powerful economies of the world - The United States of America and China. As the two prominent economic superpowers, these countries have experienced immense cooperation and tensions over the recent years. Their mutual trade has also witnessed phenomenal growth during this period. By meticulously analyzing the historical trade statistics and important political events, I have tried to gain insights into this vital issue and lift the veil from some of its complex realities.It is my hope that through this book, readers would be able to develop a fresh perspective regarding this sensitive topic. I have presented the information in a clear, unbiased manner to help understanding of this global economic dilemma.

  • af Eduard Kakarriqi
    549,95 kr.

    Shqipëria është në fazën epidemiologjike (periudha 2001 e pas) të realizimit tëeliminimit të fruthit më 2007 dhe rubeolës më 2010 si infeksion indigjen në popullatë,konform objektivave përkatës të OBSh për Rajonin Europian. Është një fazë, ku njërëndësi të spikatur merr aplikimi i një survejance epidemiologjike të përforcuar(survejancë e bazuar-në-rast me konfirmim laboratorik), veçse domosdoshmërisht nëkontekstin e mbajtjes në vijueshmëri të pandërprerë të niveleve >95% të mbulesësvaksinore ndaj fruthit dhe ndaj rubeolës jo vetëm në shkallë vendi dhe rrethi, por, dhesidomos, edhe në nivel kapilar (çka nënkupton eliminimin e xhepave receptivë nëpopullatë). Shtjellimi në detaje i ndërtimit, funksionimit, monitorimit dhe vlerësimit tësistemit të survejancës epidemiologjike të bazuar-në-rast të fruthit dhe rubeolëspërbën thelbin e këtij materiali. Ai shtjellim paraqitet i ndërthurur me shtjellimin nëdetaje të veçorive të epidemiologjisë së fruthit (periudha 1945-2001) dhe rubeolës(periudha 1964-2001) në Shqipëri, që pa dyshim kanë vlerën e tyre shkencore nëfondin botëror të epidemiologjisë së fruthit dhe rubeolës, si edhe me shtjellimin esfondit teorik të eliminimit të fruthit.

  • af Tabu Abdallah Manirakiza
    476,95 kr.

    En rekke tilfeldigheter som ved første øyekast ikke hadde noen årsakssammenheng, fikk meg til å stille meg selv spørsmål om meningen med min eksistens på jorden. Blant annet oppdaget jeg mine oversanselige evner og mine helbredende energier. I tillegg kom en sterk følelse av beskyttelse som jeg har følt gjennom hele livet, samt åndelige lærdommer som kom til meg "som ved en tilfeldighet". Alt dette har ført til at jeg har oppdaget at det ikke finnes noe slikt som tilfeldigheter, og at det kun er kjærligheten som bør styre våre forhold til våre medmennesker.Hon. Tabu Abdallah Manirakiza

  • af Kamran Hadavand Mirzaei
    476,95 kr.

    The General and Bariatric Surgery Center at Abdali Hospital involves the diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative management of diseases affecting the alimentary tract, abdomen and its contents (including the pelvis), breast, and endocrine system. The surgeons at the General and Bariatric Center are committed to providing high standards of surgical care. There is a positive trend in healthcare known as ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), where many procedures and surgeries can be performed on an outpatient basis, eliminating the need for a hospital visit. Since their inception more than four decades ago, ASCs have demonstrated an exceptional ability to improve quality and customer service while simultaneously reducing costs. This success serves as an excellent example of a transformation in healthcare delivery, addressing the challenge of delivering medical care at reduced costs to patients. This book is valuable for medical students and anyone seeking information about General and Bariatric Surgery, covering both Surgical and Non-Surgical Points.

  • af Ozod Shokirov
    425,95 kr.

    Ushbu monografiya oliy o¿quv yurtlari talabalari, professor-o¿qituvchilari, ushbu sohada ilmiy tadqiqot olib borayotgan tadqiqotchilar va qayta tämirlash sohalarida faoliyat yuritayotgan muxandis-texnik xodimlar uchun mo¿ljallangan. Avtomobillarni ishlab chiqarishda nazorat jihozlaridan foydalanish avtomobillarni sinashning maqsad va vazifalari, sinash turlarining tasnifi, sinash davrida ishlatiluvchi o¿lchash va qayd etish jihozlari, o¿lchash-axborot tizimi, avtomobil va agregatlarni stendda va yo¿lda sinash usullari, transport vositalarining ekspluatatsion xususiyatlarini sinash kabi masalalarni qamrab olgan.

  • af Kamran Hadavand Mirzaei
    425,95 kr.

    This book is highly beneficial for individuals seeking valuable information about 'A Comprehensive Review of Bariatric Surgery and Laparoscopy Based on Surgical Tips.' The history of bariatric surgery has been investigative, with dedicated surgeons consistently searching for an ideal procedure to alleviate morbidly obese patients from the burden of comorbid conditions, reduced life expectancy, and a diminished quality of life. The ideal procedure is one that poses minimal risks in both short- and long-term, with minimal impact on daily life. This summary explores the revolutionary advancements in laparoscopic techniques within bariatric surgery. The progress in minimally invasive techniques has significantly contributed to reduced operative time, length of stay, and complications. The evolution of bariatric surgery has been remarkable, leading to a substantial increase in the number of procedures performed worldwide over the last few decades. However, despite the achievement of performing complex bariatric procedures with operative mortality rates comparable to cholecystectomy, it is crucial to consider specific procedure-related complications and other drawbacks.

  • af Nozimjon Soliyevich Tuychiboyev
    928,95 kr.

    In the monograph, trends in the informatization of company management processes, types of information and communication technologies in the company's management system are highlighted.The issues of information management of the management levels of the state joint-stock company "Uzbekenergo" were specifically addressed. In the company, ways of optimal organization of information supply and corporate information systems, methods of designing and developing databases with the aim of optimal use of information flows and management processes are proposed.The monograph is intended for graduate students and researchers working on information systems in the economy.

  • af Humoyun Egamberdiyev
    633,95 kr.

    The monograph of this research paper ¿Management of strategies development in agriculture¿ also relates to ecology and regional development. Social agriculture is very closely related to this as it can be one of the strategies to develop region through agriculture. To show how social agriculture can be beneficial to strategic development using agriculture, through this research work I am presenting the analysis of social agriculture in the Czech Republic. Methodologically, I chose qualitative research for this work.As part of this work, interviews will be conducted with actors of social agriculture. It should be semi-structured interviews with persons at risk of social exclusion who have found employment in social agriculture, supplemented by interviews with managers.

  • af Ibodullaeva Go'zal
    993,95 kr.

    Whether you want to learn to open up to people appropriately or prepare for interview questions, it's important to know how to talk about yourself. When talking to other people, be open and talk about things you love. Provide some personal information to build trust and friendship. When talking about yourself during an interview, focus largely on your professional experiences. Talk about your strengths and accomplishments and paint yourself in a positive light.

  • af Feruza Ergasheva
    928,95 kr.

    Currently, international cooperation in the field of science and technology is developing day by day, and in the field of education, includingstudents of higher educational institutions are required to have practical knowledge of a foreign language, to be able to freely read literature related to a foreign language specialty and to be able to obtain the necessary information from it.Also, the goal of foreign language teaching in non-philological fields is to teach students the oral and written forms of the language in an integrated way, to develop communication skills in different contexts, in particular, practical and theoretical knowledge of the studied foreign language skills. knowledgeimprovement and to ensure that they can freely use the acquired knowledge, skills, qualifications in professional and scientific activities.The task of science is according to generally recognized international standardsa necessary language for mastering the studied foreign language at the B2 levelis to teach skills in an integrated way and develop communication skills.

  • af Erkin Soliyev
    633,95 kr.

    Ushbu o`quv qo`llanma texnik oliy o¿quv yurtlari bakalavryat 60712500 - Transport vositalari muhandisligi bakalavryat sirtqi tälim yo¿nalishi talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan. O`quv qo`llanmaning asosiy maqsadi muloqotning ijtimoiy-madaniy sohasidagi ingliz tilida nutq faoliyatining har xil turlarini amalga oshirish va talabalarga dasturga muvofiq texnik mutaxassisliklar sohasida professional aloqa tilini o'zlashtirishga tayyorlashga imkon beradigan kommunikativ kompetensiyani rivojlantirishdir. O`quv qo`llanma 20 ta dars soati va mustaqil tälim soatiga mo'ljallangan. Ushbu o`quv qo`llanma Xoriiy tillar fan dasturiga muvofiq tuzilgan bo¿lib, barcha mavzularni o¿z ichiga qamrab oladi. Shu bilan birga 10 darsdan (birlik) iborat: zamonaviy avtomobil turlari, tashrif buyuradigan joylar, ta'tillar, sayohatlar, ish joylari, kasblar, innovatsiyalar, zamonaviy texnologiyalar, ekologik muammolar, zamonaviy robotlar, yoshlar muammolari, yaratuvchanlik qobiliyatlari, o¿mishdagi tarixiy texnik voqealar¿. Chet tilidagi nutq faoliyatining barcha turlarini o'rgatish maqsadida har bir dars "Gapirish", ¿Yozish¿, "O'qish", ¿Tinglab tushunish¿ va "Amaldagi grammatika" larni o'z ichiga oladi.

  • af T. Baxtiyoriy
    993,95 kr.

    This tutorial is in the directions mentioned aboverelated to the specialty aimed at the specializations of the students who are studyingin reading and understanding texts with the help of a dictionary, as well as foreign scientificspecialized literature published in magazines using a dictionaryit is intended to serve as the main source in their translation.It should be noted that the creation of this training manualthe need is mainly "Architecture and construction", and "Building materials andproduction of constructions" is intended for students of facultiesexplained by the lack of educational literature.Also, 1,500 from the textbook on the field of "Architecture and construction"."Dictionary of Uzbek-Russian-English terms" for more than 100 specialtiestook place.In addition, students are given practical training of a different nature:lexical-stylistic, grammatical, communicative, as well as scientific and technical textsexercises and each section aimed at teaching translation technologyat the end, there were also tests on the grammar topic.

  • af Velk Annamária
    423,95 kr.

    A könyv f¿ célja a munkaer¿ közvetít¿ cégek szerepének körüljárása. Elemzi a magyar munkaer¿piac helyzetét és azt, hogyan látják ezeket a cégeket a munkavállalók. A világjárvány gazdasági következményei radikális változásokat hoztak a gazdaságban. Ennek nyomán a szerz¿ feltárja, hogy az ország milyen strukturális átalakulásokon ment keresztül, és milyen válságkezelési irányzatok alakultak ki a pandémia alatt és után. Ehhez egy munkaer¿ közvetítéssel foglalkozó cég vezet¿jével készült interjút és másodlagos kutatások eredményeit használja. A felgyorsult gazdasági folyamatok miatt teljesen megváltoztak a munkaer¿piaci trendek, így kiemelked¿ fontosságúvá váltak a munkaer¿ közvetít¿ cégek. A könyv négy f¿ kérdés mentén próbálja megérteni a COVID utáni változásokat. Az átalakulások közepette sok vállalkozás sajnos nem tudott lépést tartani a kihívásokkal, de azok, akik sikeresen adaptálódtak, mindent megtettek az alkalmazottaik támogatásáért és a vírus utáni id¿szak védelméért, ¿k fent tudtak maradni ebben az id¿szakban is. Ráadásul a járvány hatására megváltoztak a toborzás módszerei, melyre a szerz¿ részletesen kitér, és új, modern megközelítéseket ajánl a jöv¿re való tekintettel.

  • af Masoud Hayeri Khyavi
    423,95 kr.

    This book contains my experiences of years practicing in martial arts. I have provided this book from a set of my articles which were published in TKD Times and World Of Martial Arts Magazines. All of these articles have come from my experiences. In this book, there is also a short story about martial arts, which is a continuation of one of my previous books titled "Adventures of Koshiro". so let's go and talk about self-defense.

  • af Nargiza Suyunova
    928,95 kr.

    Kitob 7 ta bobni o'z ichiga olib, elementar matematikaning ba'zi mavzulari aks ettirilgan. Bu qo'llanma o'qituvchi va o'quvchilarga mo'ljallangan bo'lib, har bir mavzuning ma'ruza qismi va amaliy qismi berilgan. Shu sababli o'quvchi mustaqil ravishda o'z ustida ishlashi uchun ushbu qo'llanma ayni muddaodir. Kitobning birinchi bobi natural sonlar va ular ustida amallar keltirilgan bo'lib, ikkinchi bobi esa ko'phadlarni o'z ichiga oladi. Uchinchi bobda funksiya va uning xossalari haqida ma'lumotlar bilan tanishtirilib, keyingi bobda kekma-ketliklar ba progressiyalarga doir ma'ruza matnlari formulalar va mavzuga doir misollar berilgan. Beshinchi va oltinchi bobda metemetikaning eng asosiy bo'limlari tenglamalar va tengsizliklar keltirilgan. So'nggi bobda esa tekislik geometriyasi: shakllar, yuzalar, o'lchamlar kabi tushunchalar xossalari va mavzuga doir masalalar berilgan.

  • af John Haughton
    423,95 kr.

    This is a short story about three of this writer's heroes, Steve Biko, Ken Saro-Wiwa and Chris Anyanwu. The three were natives of Africa, Biko from South Africa, Saro-Wiwa and Chris Anyanwu from Nigeria. Sadly, the men, Biko and Saro-Wiwa were tortured and murdered by the authorities in their countries, because they tried to bring about change, campaigned for human rights for their people, using what this writer regards as legitimate democratic means. The story is about their lives and legacies. The key to understanding what both Ken Saro-Wiwa and Steve Biko were aiming for is best explained in Steve Biko¿s Black Consciousness initiative, the detailed explanation of which is provided towards the end of this short story. The film ¿Cry Freedom¿ dramatically portrayed the story of Steve Biko. Ken Saro-Wiwäs mission is explained in his poems and other writings, some of which are discussed in this short story.The cover image: Steve Biko depicted in a stained-glass window in the Saint Anna Church in Heerlen, the Netherlands.

  • af Mukhtor Eshbekov
    633,95 kr.

    On the discussed topic, the author has summarized and logically interpreted the results of experimental and clinical studies in this area. Throughout the course of scientific research, a notable discovery emerged: an undisclosed natural phenomenon - the infiltration of gastric juice through the ulcer defect in the walls of the stomach and duodenum in patients with peptic ulcer disease. Additionally, the author uncovered two new phenomena in the world around us - the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and the interconnectedness of the folds of the mucous membrane of the stomach, the wall liquor of gastric juice, and the frequent localization of ulcers on the small curvature of the stomach and the upper semicircle of the bulb of the duodenum. Moreover, an original method of treating chronic gastroduodenal ulcers is proposed - endoscopic autohemoapplication of the ulcer. The book holds great practical value, simultaneously reinforcing the theoretical aspects of the doctrine of peptic ulcer disease and making a significant contribution to fundamental gastroenterology.

  • af Dorottya Selmeczi
    418,95 kr.

    This study explores the integration of literature in EFL classrooms, focusing on the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling. The first part is about literature's role in the EFL classroom, dissecting the reading process and emphasizing topic-centered learning and CLIL. It examines the possibilities of integrating literature into the curriculum, aligning with the Hungarian National Core Curriculum and Framework Curricula. It applies theoretical insights, analyzing the novel's use in primary classrooms and presents research methods, online survey results, and children's perspectives. The final chapter offers a practical guide providing recommendations for working with the novel, post-reading activities, and incorporating cultural aspects. The book aims to empower educators by bridging theory and practice to integrate literature for effective EFL teaching.

  • af Albert Ze Ebanga
    298,95 kr.

    This book is made up of three main sections with numerous chapitres. The first section is about the syntax of negation and the particle "ki" (not). The next section deals with the exclusive focus particle "ve " or "he" (only) and the Reduplication of categories like verb for the aim of Focalisation. These two particles sometimes occur in ambiguous sentences. And The last section is a dictionary of Ewondo verbs and their meaning in English. This book will be useful for the comparative study of Bulu, Fang and Ewondo. These languages share many features in common. They have the same verbal system, the same particles and they possess a variety of pronouns (weak and strong). It can be interesting to compare the syntax of Ewondo with the syntax of other bantu languages. In this book, I acknowledge the works of teachers such as Vicki Carstens, Ian Roberts, Richard S. Kayne for their works on comparative syntax and the late Hans Georg Obenauer who was my main teacher when i received my DEA in 1988.

  • af Faeze Shafie Bafti
    423,95 kr.

    As the U.S. population ages, there is an increasing demand for healthcare professionals specializing in gerontology. Geriatric nurses dedicate their time to caring for the 16.5% of U.S. residents aged 65 and older. Older adults have unique needs and require a gentle touch when navigating the healthcare system. With people living longer due to advancements in medical care, the demand for skilled geriatric nurses will continue to grow. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 7% job growth for this field between now and 2029. Gerontological nursing is an evidence-based specialty that addresses the unique physiological, social, psychological, developmental, economic, cultural, spiritual, and advocacy needs of older adults. The nursing practice focuses on the aging process and the protection, promotion, restoration, and optimization of health and generalized functions; prevention of illness and injury; facilitation of healing; alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human responses; and advocacy in the care of older adults, caregivers, families, groups, communities, and populations.

  • af Seda Süer
    518,95 kr.

    The aim of this handbook is to bear a torch to the development of a tourism investment project that provides profitability to the enterprise, industry, and nation in terms of financial and economic valuation criteria in accordance with the business strategies and objectives through economic, technical, and financial analyses among alternative projects. Due to the particularity of investment projects for tourism enterprises, the aim of the current handbook is (1) to define tourism investment projects, (2) to represent the characteristics of tourism investment projects, (3) to reveal the economic analysis of tourism investment projects, (4) to examine the technical analysis of tourism investment projects, (5) to impart the financial analysis of tourism investment projects, and (6) to expose the evaluation of tourism investment projects.

  • af Novid Armiun
    1.353,95 kr.

    Dictionary of IELTS and TOEFL Phrasal Verbs contains a wide range of phrasal verbs that are necessary for IELTS and TOEFL candidates. Learning of these phrasal verbs will assist the learner to get a higher band in these exams, and increase his/her English competence and performance better than before.

  • af Vipin Kumar
    423,95 kr.

    This book is a vital guide, exploring fundamental principles, methodologies, and challenges in software engineering. It defines and outlines the scope of software engineering, emphasizing its crucial role in designing, developing, and maintaining software systems. The book elucidates key principles like abstraction, modularity, and reusability, thoroughly examining agile and waterfall models. It addresses challenges, offering strategies for complexities and anticipating the impact of AI, ML, and DevOps on software development. Beyond theory, it explores practical aspects, including software components, challenges in componentization, and best practices for effective development. Navigating the software crisis, it highlights origins and provides mitigation strategies. Further chapters cover software engineering processes, the Software Development Life Cycle, models, requirements engineering, and quality assurance. This invaluable resource equips readers with essential knowledge and skills for success in software engineering.

  • af Monica Maier
    928,95 kr.

    Implementarea noilor tehnologii în activit¿¿ile de predare-înv¿¿are-evaluare reprezint¿ o necesitate ¿i o provocare atât pentru cursan¿i, cât ¿i pentru mediatorii înv¿¿¿rii, de aceea, consider¿m c¿ toate subiectele abordate în aceast¿ carte ofer¿ cititorilor o perspectiv¿ asupra redimension¿rii curriculumului ¿colar ¿i a strategiilor de studiu. În contextul reformei curriculare, resursele educäionale deschise ofer¿ oportunit¿¿i de a reconstrui întregul mecanism al procesului educäional. În acest sens, autorii au surprins în textele lor cele mai noi teorii, modele ¿i perspective ¿tiin¿ifice, referin¿ele bibliografice fiind concludente în acest sens. Sper¿m c¿ lectura acestei c¿r¿i va fi pl¿cut¿ pentru cititori ¿i o u¿¿ deschis¿ c¿tre tendin¿ele noilor generäii în materie de instruire ¿i educäie.

  • af Nouran Tarek
    423,95 kr.

    Women's oppression has been a pervasive issue throughout history, with women being subjected to gender-based violence, discrimination, and marginalization. These challenges have been perpetuated by patriarchal systems that have been in place for centuries, reinforced by societal norms and expectations. This study undertakes a comparative analysis between Atwood¿s text The Handmaid¿s Tale (1985) and its ballet adaptation presented by Ecole De Dance Anick Macconnel at Fever International Dance Championships (2019). It also explores the inevitable narrative changes that occur when adapting a novel to other genres, with a focus on the ballet interpretation. At the forefront of this study lies the categorization of The Handmaid's Tale as a work of speculative fiction set within an apocalyptic backdrop, aiming to illuminate the ubiquitous oppressiveness characterizing the examined society. To provide a deep analysis of the two texts, the study employs several theoretical frameworks.

  • af Azizbek Rakhmonov
    423,95 kr.

    The presented monograph ¿Modern Sports Industry Challenges and Management¿ would be generally a very wide topic to cover, therefore, it deals with the topic of top athletes, sports management and their attitude towards doping. This topic is very challenging and topical these years, much discussed and also very controversial. In the discussion about doping in sports, the implementation teams around athletes, including top managers, cannot be neglected. This work tries to point out the close connection between the doping of athletes or teams and their management.The results of the questionnaire showed that the elite athletes we contacted have a rather negative attitude towards doping. Only two of them have ever used doping. However, a large percentage of the top athletes surveyed (specifically 25%) would be willing to take a banned substance if they knew that this act would lead to an Olympic medal. Although this figure is lower than the results of other researches, it is still a large number.

  • af T. Akilan
    423,95 kr.

    This book delves into the intricate components of commercial arts¿lines, strokes, shape, composition, and light¿crucial for communicating brand identity and emotions. It explores the evolution of human figure representation in new media art, from traditional to digital techniques. The narrative unfolds the essence of survival and communication through the journey of printmaking, emphasizing its role in disseminating ideas across history. From prehistoric hand stencils to contemporary digital prints, prints emerge as global ambassadors of cultural aesthetics, fostering collective evolution. Benode Behari Mukherjee's mural, "Birbhum Landscape," exemplifies art's immersive quality, demanding viewer engagement and exploration. The chapter also unravels the transformative works of Joseph Beuys and Santiago Sierra, challenging social norms through "Social Sculpture," presenting a new era where art influences every aspect of life. Beuys's myth-making and Sierra's critique collectively redefine the role of art, urging readers to reflect on societal norms through the lens of creativity.

  • af Sarvinoz Abdujalalova
    423,95 kr.

    This book deals with the psychology of children in preschool education and the factors affecting them, their development, educational activities, stages of development and types of communication with their parents and guides. This guide can be used as a textbook and guide for pre-school education, schools and universities and colleges. Each child's psyche and their characters are different. Including, every pedagogue and parent is required to deal perfectly with children and their pupils. This greatly affects their knowledge and growth and development. This guide is exactly how to give the secrets of rapid and perfect development of children.