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  • af Gestalten
    398,95 kr.

    Die spektakulären Fjorde Norwegens, die Tundra und die heiteren Wälder Schwedens, zauberhafte Seen in Finnland, Vulkane und Mondlandschaften auf Island, das Inlandeis Grönlands - die nordischen Länder bieten eine atemberaubende Vielfalt an Landschaften und endlose Möglichkeiten zum Wandern. Wanderlust Skandinavien lädt mit einer großen Auswahl und einem ansprechenden Mix an Wanderwegen dazu ein ein in diese unverwechselbare Wildnis zu erkunden. Auf in den Norden!

  • af Katharina Charpian
    458,95 kr.

    Boatlife, das ist Vanlife auf dem Meer: Das Nomadenleben auf dem Wasser lockt mit abwechslungsreichen Landschaften und Kulturen sowie der Freiheit, dort zu segeln, wo es einem besonders gefällt. Ob Mittelmeer, Karibisches Meer oder Arktischer Ozean, jedes Seegebiet hat seinen eigenen Reiz. Überall warten einzigartige Abenteuer und Herausforderungen, die es zu bestehen gilt.Immer mehr Menschen wollen nicht mehr ortsgebunden leben und arbeiten und tauschen ihre Stadtwohnungen gegen die funktionale Gemütlichkeit einer Schiffskajüte ein. Boatlife zeigt beeindruckende Fotos, erzählt inspirierende Geschichten und lädt ein, in die Boatlife-Welt einzutauchen.

  • af Mikael Einarsson & Hubbe Lemon
    398,95 kr.

    Mikael Einarsson ist Chefkoch der Brasserie Astoria in Stockholm. Er hat beträchtliche kulinarische Erfahrung über die Jahre in verschiedenen Arten von Küchen gesammelt. DE TITLE ist sein viertes Buch, das erste mit gestalten.Hubbe Lemon is Förster und Jäger in Skebo Herrgård in Schweden. Er fischt und jagt seitdem er 10 Jahre alt war und geht das ganze Jahr über in den Wald. Dies ist sein erstes Buch.

  • - The Art of Bespoke Tailoring
    453,95 kr.

    Savile Row is the home of hand tailoring.This short street is home to many of the world's finest tailoring houses, a street where for over 200 years royals, rock stars, and giants of the business and political worlds have come to have their clothes cut, sewn and fitted. Patrick Grant, co-owner of Savile Row tailors Norton & Sons, describes the long-standing traditions of craftsmanship that are maintained in the workrooms of this quiet corner of London's Mayfair - a fascinating and uniquely storied world. He celebrates the extraordinary ecosystem, from the British weavers and cloth houses to the trimmings merchants, that allows Savile Row to flourish.Grant shines a light on the captivating story of Savile Row, the painstaking processes required to create a bespoke garment, and the story of his personal experiences on this most famous thoroughfare. This book details, for the first time, the complete tailoring methods of several of Savile Row's finest sewing tailors, providing a detailed step-by-step manual on how to hand-make a pair of trousers, waistcoat, and coat in the Savile Row style, and a shirt in the style of one of Jermyn Street's finest shirt makers. Richly illustrated, this book gives an insight into a highly discreet and rarefied world of craftsmanship.

  • af Volker Viechtbauer
    288,95 kr.

    From the outside, logotherapy and Red Bull seem to have little in common. Yet both worlds are based on the same principles: freedom, self-responsibility, and an unwavering creative drive. Volker Viechtbauer, long-time confidant of Dietrich Mateschitz, shows us how Frankl's humanism aligns with the Red Bull founder's philosophy of life. With this, he not only provides insight into the culture of Red Bull, but also highlights how Frankl laid the foundation for purpose- and talent-oriented entrepreneurship and a modern working world defined by self-responsibility.

  • af Gestalten
    513,95 kr.

    Häuser am Ende der Welt, erhaben, futuristisch und begehrenswert.

  • af Gestalten
    458,95 kr.

    In den letzten Jahren ist rund um das Thema Kaffee ein kleiner Design-Kosmos entstanden. Cafés, Kaffeebars und unabhängige Röstereien sind Anziehungspunkte in jeder Stadt und locken mit origineller Innenarchitektur ihre Gäste. Die Bandbreite ihres visuellen Auftritts, ihrer Logos und Verpackungen reicht dabei von Letterpress und Vintage über Sixties bis zur Gen Z.Designing Coffee beleuchtet diese Vielfalt, von minimalistischen japanischen Kaffeebars, die an Teehäuser erinnern, über Spielarten des kalifornischen Diners bis zu schicken Cafés in Paris oder Mailand. Dabei werden nicht nur Einrichtung und Grafik gezeigt - Kaffee-Expertin Lani Kingston beschreibt, was Gäste heute verlangen und was man wissen sollte, um eine eigene Kaffeebar zu eröffnen.

  • af Rosie Flanagan
    535,95 kr.

    Bewusstes Reisen im Einklang mit der Natur und als Teil einer lebendigen ländlichen Kultur. Die schönsten Unterkünfte und besten Beispiele für eine neue Reisekultur.Reisen veredelt den Geist und räumt mit Vorurteilen auf, das wusste schon Oscar Wilde. In Slow Escapes stellt die Journalistin Clara le Fort die schönsten Orte für ein anderes, nachhaltiges Reisen vor: umgenutzte Klöster und ausgebaute Windmühlen, wiederbelebte Gutshöfe und andere Orte, deren Anziehungskraft ganzen Regionen nun neues Leben einhaucht. Wie es funktionieren kann gleichsam stilvoll und umweltbewusster zu reisen und dabei ländliche Gemeinschaften sinnvoll einzubinden, lokale Traditionen zu respektieren und kennenzulernen zeigt dieses Buch. Ob Wein, Oliven, Käse oder regionales Handwerk vieles was früher einmal Lebensgrundlage war, ist nicht nur Folklore, sondern identitätsstiftend für ganze Regionen und ihre Menschen und damit Grundlage für eine neue Form respektvoller Reisekultur.

  • af Graeme Campbell
    513,95 kr.

    Die überraschenden Ursprünge der Männergarderobe - zeitlos und rebellisch. Wie wurde die Jeans, wie das weiße T-Shirt zum Klassiker? Welcher Filmstar hat die Lederjacke weltweit zur Ikone gemacht ? Und wurden Chinos wirklich für das Militär erdacht ? Manch klassisches Kleidungsstück hat eine durchaus bewegte Geschichte und nicht selten beginnt sie als Arbeitskleidung, auf See, beim Miltär oder in der Luftfahrt. The Rebel's Wardrobe erzählt, wie sich Skater eine ursprünglich für Eisenbahnarbeiter entworfene Jacke angeeignet haben, oder wieso ein Tennishemd zur Uniform der britischen Mods wurde. Kenntnisreich und unterhaltsam blickt dieses Buch zurück auf die rebellische Jugend heutiger Kleidungsstücke und erzählt in Geschichten und Bildern, was sie zu zeitlosen Klassikern machte.

  • af Rosie Flanagan
    513,95 kr.

    Das beste aus der Architektur von heute und die wichtigsten Projekte und Themen für die Welt von morgen - zusammengestellt von der weltweit meistbesuchten Website für Architektur.

  • af Jo Klatt
    413,95 kr.

    Wenige Produktdesigns sind so haltbar wie die von Dieter Rams. Nahezu alles was der einflussreichste Designer des 20. Jahrhunderts entworfen hat, gilt heute als Klassiker. Die überarbeitete Neuauflage von Weniger, aber besser zeigt einmal mehr warum Dieter Rams Designverständnis auch in Zukunft nicht an Aktualität verlieren wird.Die Vorstellungen davon, was gutes Design kann, soll und muss, ändern sich stetig mit technischen Möglichkeiten und kulturellen Entwicklungen. Dieter Rams zehn Thesen zum Design befürworten puristisches, beinahe unmerkliches Design und gelten deshalb in Lehre und Praxis als zeitlose Grundüberlegungen: Gutes Design ist innovativ. Gutes Design macht ein Produkt verständlich. Gutes Design ist ästhetisch. Gutes Design macht ein Produkt brauchbar. Gutes Design ist unaufdringlich. Gutes Design ist ehrlich. Gutes Design ist langlebig. Gutes Design ist konsequent bis ins letzte Detail. Gutes Design ist umweltfreundlich. Gutes Design ist so wenig Design wie möglich.Weniger, aber besser hat nicht den Anspruch, eine lückenlose Rams-Werkschau zu sein oder die vollständige Firmengeschichte von Braun zu erzählen. Vielmehr zeigt dieses Buch, welche Ideen, Kriterien und Methoden hinter den großen Produktdesigns von Dieter Rams stehen und wie sich anhand einer sich wandelnden Produktkultur universale Designmaßstäbe ableiten lassen. Aus Dieter Rams Überlegungen zu Ethik und Werten im Design lassen sich klare Strukturen für zukünftiges Gestalten ableiten. Denn eins hat sich über viele Jahre bewiesen: weniger ist einfach besser.

  • - Scandinavian Living, Interiors and Design
    359,95 kr.

    Nordic Living delves into the essence of Scandinavian design, celebrating the foundational role of minimalism. Through visual pages showcasing the most stunning interiors, this book unravels the legacy of design pioneers and traces the evolution of Scandinavian aesthetics, revealing the seamless fusion of tradition and modernity. Explore the ingenious adaptations and original concepts emerging from Nordic culture, as designers continue to redefine simplicity in surprising ways.

  • - Timeless Recipes for Every Home Cook
    af Stefan Ekengren
    247,95 kr.

    Think you know everything about potatoes? Think twice! Dive into the world of spuds with our latest cookbook, where we explore the nuances of potato preparation. Discover the distinctions between stomping, mashing, and pureeing. Learn the art of achieving the perfect consistency for duchess potatoes and uncover the secret behind why potato gratin is unbeatable with firm potatoes. Potato Total is your go-to guide for mastering the versatile potato. Explore techniques for cooking potatoes to perfection, creating the crispiest French fries, and crafting the sharpest hasselback potatoes. Classic recipes like hash browns, tortillas, and croquettes share the spotlight with international delights such as papas arrugadas, tartiflette, and potato focaccia. Embrace the potato revolution--your kitchen will never be the same!

  • - Colette Collaborations
    284,95 kr.

    This book will explore 20 years of iconic Colette collaborations and delve into the Paris concept store's trailblazing ingenuity and unique way of bringing established and emerging brands together. We'll look at a diverse range of Colette product collaborations, from fashion and interior design all the way to devices, vehicles, food and beverages. As a definitive tome of Colette's timeless approach to conceptual commerce and product design, this book will approach the topic with respect and curiosity, covering some of its most coveted items while delivering a masterclass in creative synergies.

  • - The Most Iconic Us Cars and Their Era
    433,95 kr.

    The automobile is, undeniably, the backbone of the last 100 years of American society. The likes of Ford, Plymouth, and Chevrolet, defined a new era for the United States, from transcontinental travel to suburban family transportation. From the mass production of the Model T all the way through to the electric age of the Tesla, the automobile has been a staple in American culture for generations. But these cars were not just practical machines. For many they projected an image of cool, represented a way of life, or was a means to make a living. The great American road trip was born behind a wheel, the Dodge Challenger ripped up the screen in Vanishing Point, and the city of Detroit rose and fell dramatically off the back of the American automobile industry. The Americans - Beautiful Machines celebrates the likes of the Mustang, Gran Torino, Corvette, and many of the other classic models that put American automobiles firmly into the 20th Century American zeitgeist. It tells the story of the most iconic cars, their makers, and their era. The book also touches upon the art deco elegance of the Cord, post war optimism, the surf and muscle era, and much more, celebrating the most emblematic, visionary, and iconic automobiles in the history of United States manufacturing.

  • - An Exploration of Japanese Aesthetics in Architecture and Design
    433,95 kr.

    After over a decade of travel, study and creative collaboration with Japan, Norm Architects' shares their uniquely Scandinavian view of Japanese aesthetics.The book features richly illustrated dispatches from visits to Japanese landscapes, architecture and cultural sites, shedding light on the influence Japanese traditions have had on the studio's contemporary projects, such as the Äng restaurant in Sweden or Heatherhill Beach House in Denmark. Juxtaposing images from Japan with Norm Architects' work, the book highlights the centuries-old connections between the distinct design cultures, emphasizing mutual respect and shared philosophies. Commentary from expert collaborators in both regions provides in-depth understanding into key design principles. At once an ode to Japan, a personal travelogue, and an aesthetic manifesto, Stillness takes readers on Norm's decade-long journey as they've sought to understand one of the world's most revered creative cultures.

  • - Imagined Interiors and Architecture in Digital Art
    284,95 kr.

    This collection is an inspiring celebration of boundless imagination and the transformative power of design.Artificial architecture has developed considerably in recent years, giving studios, professionals, students, and passionate enthusiasts the tools to create striking interior and exterior scenes. The limitless ability of the human imagination, coupled with powerful AI tools, has created a possibility to conceive and visualise perfectly realised worlds of dreamy beach houses, utopian skyscrapers, and whimsical interiors.Living in a Dream is a breathtaking compilation of architectural and interior wonders. This curated collection invites readers to wander through the corridors of limitless creativity, where every page unveils a new realm of aesthetic innovation. The book transcends conventional boundaries, offering a glimpse into the minds of visionary artists who have dared to dream beyond the ordinary.

  • - Recipes and Essentials of Italian Cooking
    322,95 kr.

    A complete guide on how to source and prepare essential ingredients for traditional, homemade Italian cuisine at home.The quality of Italian cuisine is based on the quality of its ingredients. For Italians, the quality of the basic ingredients in their dishes is everything. For some, it's even as important as the air they breathe. This is why classic, homemade Italian food is incomparable to any other in the world. Its richness of taste belies its apparent simplicity, and it's all down to the superior quality of those timeless, key elements that truly makes traditional Italian cooking so flavourful.Originale is not just another recipe book. It is, in essence, a guide. A manual on how to do it like the Italians. The dozens of inspiring recipes within these pages are built from a handful of crucial ingredients that, if sourced correctly--as detailed in this book--can transport you directly to the kitchens of Rome, Naples, or Bologna via your own plate. Originale is lovingly curated to celebrate the enduring nature of Italian cuisine, its history, and culture. Buon appetito!

  • - The Iconic Architecture of the USA
    433,95 kr.

    Iconic architecture that shapes the American skylines.The development and expansion of cities in the United States over the last 150 years gave rise to one of the most ambitious and fastest growing building projects the world had ever seen. The landscape of cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and others, transformed immeasurably as a consequence of decades of construction, and some of the most iconic architecture in the world sits in the foundations of the US and its cities.American Icons is a testament to the architectural masterpieces of the United States, from residential homes to skyscrapers, from museums to airports, and beyond. It features astounding works by renowned architects Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright, John Lautner, and many others. Through detailed, professional photography, as well as captivating reads by The New York Times writer Sam Lubell, American Icons unfolds the stories that form the American skylines, stories told by some of the greatest architects of the twentieth century.

  • - Exploring Trails Along the Mediterranean Sea
    322,95 kr.

    Experience the best hiking routes under the southern sun through practical tips, comprehensive maps, and captivating visuals.The Mediterranean region has some of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes in the world, encompassing soaring mountain ranges, wide forests, deep valleys, and rugged coastlines. From Spain to Jordan, via Italy, Greece, and more, the Mediterranean is a paradise for nature lovers and hikers. In Wanderlust Mediterranean long-distance adventurer Cam Honan takes us on a journey through the most breathtaking hiking routes in Southern Europe and beyond, taking in France, Portugal, the Balkans, Morocco, and other countries along the Mediterranean Sea. The book comprises more than 25 featured hikes, including such spectacular trails as the Caminito del Rey, the Peaks of the Balkans, and the Selvaggio Blu trail. In addition to this there's another dozen bonus hikes, plus maps, stunning photography, expert commentary, and countless tips for beginners and experts alike.

  • - Petrolicious Cars and Their Owners
    365,95 kr.

    Inherited gems, lovingly restored autos, and first cars: Drive Tastefully explores the intimate relationship between cars and their owners. The connection between an automobile and its proprietor is a special one. And it is made even more so as new technology makes transportation increasingly impersonal. Drive Tastefully delves into this nuanced relationship through anecdotes of painstaking restoration by dedicated hobbyists, accounts of autos passed down through generations, and tales of treasured first sets of wheels. From refurbished wrecks to chic supercars: discover the most prized possessions of a colorful cast of dedicated collectors, owners, and drivers. This is the tome for any auto enthusiast and it promises to pique curiosities with a tasteful set of wheels and a tantalizing strip of open road.

    658,95 kr.

    Better than the original and a long way from factories and assembly lines. Handcrafted, radical, and subversive, these custom cars are designed and made by a small number of specialists around the globe. From early hot rods and lowriders to modern tuning: this book presents a voluptuous variety of unique cars from around the world. Automobiles have been tuned, restored, and rebuilt for years, but --whether made for leisurely cruising or peak performance --today's machines are more interesting than ever before. After exploring custom motorcycles in The Ride and The Ride 2nd Gear, it's high time to focus on the four-wheeled scene. The Drive breaks down barriers between custom car scenes and spotlights the best of the best. European sports cars and hot rods. Lowriders and widebodies. Featuring ambassadors like Ken Block and Magnus Walker, innovators like Ringbrothers and ICON, legends like George Barris and RE-Amemiya, and many others, The Drive provides detailed portraits of numerous personas and projects. Bold photo spreads, profiles of builders, and exclusive essays celebrate the variety of automotive craftsmanship. The Drive Collector's Edition comes with a hard-backed slipcase and, in cooperation with our friends a Deus Ex Machina, a distinctive and a complimentary The Drive bandana in navy blue.

  • af Chris Hunter
    718,95 kr.

    Motorcycles as motorcycles are meant to be: radical, stylish, subversive, raw. The Ride 2nd Gear continues to present the latest custom bikes and the best builders on the planet. Men and motorcycles: a story that has vacillated somewhere between cult and cliché for years. Custom bikes, in particular, have a history that is deeply rooted in the spirit of freedom and change of the 1960s, as well as man's primal urge to build something with his own hands--or, in this case, tools. The Ride 2nd Gear is a showcase of the power and beauty of these bikes. PLEASE NOTE: This title is available in two different editions, the "Gentlemen Edition" and the "Rebel Edition," which only differ in the cover and the ISBN. The content is identical. The Collector's Edition comes with a linen slipcase and original embroidered patch at no added cost.

  • af Chris Hunter
    658,95 kr.

    Motorcycles as motorcycles are meant to be: radical, stylish, subversive, raw. The Ride 2nd Gear continues to present the latest custom bikes and the best builders on the planet. Men and motorcycles: a story that has vacillated somewhere between cult and cliché for years. Custom bikes, in particular, have a history that is deeply rooted in the spirit of freedom and change of the 1960s, as well as man's primal urge to build something with his own hands--or, in this case, tools. The Ride 2nd Gear is a showcase of the power and beauty of these bikes. PLEASE NOTE: This title is available in two different editions, the "Gentlemen Edition" and the "Rebel Edition," which only differ in the cover and the ISBN. The content is identical. The Collector's Edition comes with a linen slipcase and original embroidered patch at no added cost.

  • af Chris Hunter
    713,95 kr.

    The motorcycle is back! The Ride is about custom motorcycles as motorcycles are meant to be and the people who build and drive them. The motorcycle is back! Similar to the fresh contemporary scene that has established itself around bicycles in the last few years, the motorcycle is currently undergoing an aesthetic rebirth. A young subculture worldwide is discovering the motorcycle as an expression of its personality and creativity. The Ride explores motorcycle riding as it is meant to be: as a means of getting around with attitude, as an extension of one's own body, as an expression of personal freedom, but also as a significant challenge to technical expertise, craftsmanship, physics, discipline, and driving skill.

    548,95 kr.

    Diminutive rooms, grand possibilities. Petits Espaces - Grand Standing shows how to make use of a limited space and turn a small apartment into a design marvel. Petits Espaces - Grand Standing's assortment of projects and homes pays homage to the iconic innovation within modest living areas and shows the creative usage of space in continually expanding urban areas. As more people across the globe move into cities, living space becomes a precious commodity. Designers, architects, and innovative inhabitants seek new ways of creating a home that is just as comfortable as it is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Where does one stow clothing, bicycles, suitcases, or bed linens? Where is the perfect place for the desk, bed, or couch? How does one use less square meters more effectively? Compact flats perched atop the roofs on high-rise buildings. A one-bedroom apartment that houses a family of four. Stairs that cleverly transform into wardrobes. A collection of cozy cocoons shows the personality and innovation of those living inside: a home is both shelter and a welcoming reflection of the residents. Petits Espaces - Grand Standing offers real interior design solutions directly from the occupants' imaginations.

  • - 57 Véhicules Électriques Pour La Mobilité de Demain
    458,95 kr.

    Conduisez autrement! Le futur est en marche. Accélération instantanée, aucun bruit et pas de pollution: La conduite du futur présente les véhicules les plus radicalement nouveaux et les pionniers de la révolution électrique. Comment nous déplacerons-nous demain ? La conduite du futur présente les véhicules du futur et les visionnaires de la nouvelle mobilité. Ces motos, vélos électriques, voitures et leurs hy - brides sont nés d'un rêve, celui de développer des véhicules durables pour les générations futures sans perdre leur intérêt essentiel: la joie de rouler. Accélération et puissant couple de rotation d'un côté, aucun bruit et pas de gaz d'échappement de l'autre - et rien que le vent et le doux bruit de roulement des pneus dans les oreilles. Ces engins avant-gardistes offrent la possibilité de s'adonner à de nou - velles activités outdoor sans les effets secon - daires néfastes jusqu'alors inévitables. La conduite du futur s'adresse à tous ceux qui ne veulent pas rater la révolution de la mobilité, tout en ayant la classe. Démarrer n'aura jamais été aussi palpitant!

  • - Le Long Du Pacific Crest Trail
    308,95 kr.

    Time is precious. The world is waiting. Rediscover yourself. The Great Alone is the epic adventure of a relatable explorer. Why does a 44-year-old father leave his family for six months to walk 4,286 km across America on the Pacific Crest Trail? What effect does it have on his marriage? on his children? and on himself? Following his -intuition, Tim Voors decided to embark on a life-changing hike, feeling alive, being afraid, pushing through pain, confronting emptiness and starting a passionate romance with the wilderness. Tim Voors takes us through the physical, mental and spiritual journey he experienced on this epic hike. Climb into his backpack as he takes you through deserts, mountains, forests and raging rivers, where he forges magical friendships, rediscovers who he used to be, and implements those lessons on returning home.

  • af Studio Aisslinger
    508,95 kr.

    Eine Auswahl unverwechselbarer Kreationen des bekannten deutschen Designers und vom Studio, das seinen Namen trägt.

  • af Masha Erman
    508,95 kr.

    Restaurants als Erlebnis für alle Sinne! Tasteful zeigt Raumgestaltungen, die das Essen fast zur Nebensache machen.Die sich ständig verändernde Gastronomielandschaft begeistert immer wieder mit neuen Ideen und Konzepten - in diesem Buch finden sich zahlreiche Beweise dafür. Von eleganten Fine-Dining-Restaurants bis hin zu urbanen Cafés werden Gastronomien vorgestellt, die durch ihre Raumgestaltung Esskultur neu definieren. Erhalten Sie Einblicke in Designs, deren Ziel die Schaffung einladender Atmosphäre ist - sei es durch die Auswahl des Mobiliars, die Beleuchtung oder die Einbeziehung von Designobjekten.Als Nachfolger des gestalten Bestsellers Appetizer überzeugt Tasteful durch seine kuratierte Auswahl einer Vielzahl von Stilen aus den unterschiedlichsten Regionen der Welt und dient damit auch als Reiseführer für erlebnishungrige Feinschmecker und alle, die beim Restaurantbesuch gern über den Tellerrand hinaus schauen.