Bøger udgivet af Forlaget Skotterup
- In Love And War
178,95 kr. It’s World War II, and Denmark is occupied by German armed forces. Exasperated by the pacifist complacency of daily life under the Government’s co-operative agreement with the Germans, Danes are distancing themselves from the official stance. A nation-wide grassroots’ revolt is breaking out. By August 1943, insurrection against the German occupation flares into lawlessness and sabotage.In the provincial town of Odense, the Niemann family run a prosperous fashion house and factory that has always traded with Germany. As the insurgency builds, vigilantes hunt down collaborators and ‘terrain mattresses’: women who befriend Germans. When 17-yearold Maia Niemann`s secret infatuation with a German officer is revealed, there are disastrous ramifications. Overnight, she becomes the target of Danish patriotic zealots, and is forced to flee the town.Maia moves in with her Aunt Mille in Copenhagen, where she hopes to pursue her dreams of becoming a top fashion designer. But her aunt has secrets of her own; not least, her involvement in the resistancemovement. Summer in Copenhagen heats up in more waysthan one, until Maia is faced with the biggest dilemma of her life. The choices she is forced to make will bring drastic consequences.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
148,95 - 188,95 kr. ‘Father Unknown is the second part in the series about a young danish woman, Maia Niemann, who was falling in love with a German soldier during War II, in Denmark. The story takes place in Copenhagen, 1944: The Danish government has been deposed and the police interned. The resistance movement has developed into a powerful force which, in the highly tense climate, is committing terrorist acts against vital German interests. As the fortunes of war turn, public reprisals against all collaborators and Danish women with German boyfriends are increasing.With Mille, Maia's aunt and confidant, incarcerated at Gestapo headquarters and her roommate, Inger, exiled in Sweden, Maia finds herself completely alone with all bridges burned behind her. Lieutenant Hermann Ahlenfelt, father of her unborn child, is now missing on the Russian front, and Maia risks being branded a ‘German tart’. Falling in love with the wrong man at the wrong time has had ruinous consequences on Maia’s life. Pregnant and alone she is forced into hiding and faces a harrowing, unpredictable future.About the Maia Niemann Series:The action-packed story unfolds during the German occupation in the years 1943-45 in Denmark and in the post-war period until 1969 partly in the USA, the GDR and in Denmark.The main character of the story is the 17-year-old Maja Niemann, whom we meet for the first time, just before the August uprising breaks out in Odense in 1943. In this highly tense time of conflict between the government's policy of collaboration and the breakthrough of the resistance movement, Maja falls in love with a German soldier, while at the same time associating with Danish friends who are active in the resistance movement. That combination is not only dangerous, but it also raises several ethical issues. Because 'German prostitutes' are punished in public caning, and their possible children, the 'German kids ', the mothers often must give them up and adopt.Maja is forced to navigate between an unwanted pregnancy, a missing German father, a crumbling safety net and a career dream that lies in ruins. The choices she makes will be decisive for both her own and her unborn child's future.The series focuses sharply on women's lives and everyday life during and after the war. With their feet planted firmly in the concrete everyday life of war, the readers are invited to deal with the underlying questions of: The nature of love, the motives of action, justice and revenge, betrayal, condemnation, and punishment. Who are heroes and who are villains? Everything is in play and up for discussion.
158,95 kr. It’s World War II, and Denmark is occupied by German armed forces.Exasperated by the pacifist complacency of everyday life, the Danes are distancing themselves from official co-operation with their occupiers. A nation-wide grassroots’ revolt is breaking out. By August 1943, the insurrection against German force flares into lawlessness and sabotage.In the provincial town of Odense, the Niemann family run a prosperous fashion house and factory that trades with Germans. As the insurgency builds up, vigilantes start to hunt down collaborators and ‘terrain mattresses’, women who befriend Germans. 17-year-old Maia Niemann´s passion is to work with fashion design. She is an independent and talented girl who refuses to be shaped by society and parental expectation. When Maja is unexpectedly presented to a German officer, she falls hopelessly in love. From that day, her life changes drastically. Her secret infatuation is revealed and develops into a disaster. Overnight, she becomes the target of Danish patriots, forcing her to flee to her Aunt Mille in Copenhagen to pursue her dreams of becoming a top designer. But her aunt has secrets of her own; not least, her involvement in the resistance movement. Maia is unable to keep her promise not to revisit her secret German love, so the summer in Copenhagen heats up in more ways. When her aunt is arrested by Gestapo, she is alone and caught up in the biggest dilemma of her life. The choices and decisions forced onto her will have major consequences, for her and her unborn child.
- Lydbog
- 158,95 kr.
- in Love And War
108,95 kr. Odense, August 1943. The Danes are distancing themselves from the pacifist complacency of everyday life under German occupation, and a nation-wide revolt against Germany’s superior force is rapidly unfolding. Law and order are breaking down. When the vigilante hunt for collaborators and German-friendly girls, or ‘terrain mattresses’, begins in earnest, 17-year-old Maia Niemann's secret infatuation with a German officer threatens her life and her family’s fashion business. In secret, she flees to her father’s sister, Mille, in Copenhagen. But Aunt Mille has secrets of her own, not least, her dangerous involvement in the resistance movement. As the drama of war at home and abroad deepens, and Maia finds herself with an unwanted pregnancy, she begins to understand the unspoken rules of war. She becomes caught in a web of contingency lying but faces an impossible dilemma and is forced into making crucial choices affecting her life as well as that of her unborn baby.
- E-bog
- 108,95 kr.
118,95 - 128,95 kr. Handlingen i, Forgudet, udspiller sig i 1969, hvor det er den personlige frisættelse og opgøret med gamle normer og moralbegreber, der er på dagsordenen. Romanen er Marianne Toxboes fjerde, og som i hendes tidligere romaner, er det fiktive og spændende plot, inspireret af den historiske kontekst: Den 18 årige Ibens tilsyneladende privilegerede liv er ikke, hvad det tager sig ud for at være. Kun hendes storebror, Torben, genkender den sandhed, der gemmer sig bag facaden. Da faderen pludselig dør efter en faldulykke i hjemmet, indleder politiet en undersøgelse af en række usædvanlige omstændigheder. Undersøgelsen afdækker overraskende et dysfunktionelt familiemønster, der hemmeligholder faderens seksuelle præferencer og hans årelange overgreb.I mellemtiden er Iben forsvundet på en ferie i Sydeuropa. Torben gribes af bange anelser og må indse, at forsøget på at finde sin sårbare lillesøster, bliver et kapløb med tiden. Vil det lykkes ham at finde Iben, før det er for sent? Og vil det lykkes for Torben at finde mening og fodfæste i sit eget liv? Et voksenliv, der ikke kun er udfordret af fortiden, men også af samtidens tanker om personlig frisættelse og en uforpligtende tilgang til kærlighed og seksualitet.De dilemmaer romanen behandler er universelle, men de får et særlig tvist, når de ses i lyset 60`ernes frisatte tidsånd. Med et nyt og friere normsæt, fulgte også de dilemmaer, der knytter sig til forvaltningen af et uforpligtende begreb om kærlighed, og den ”frisattes” ret til at udleve sine seksuelle fantasier.
108,95 - 118,95 kr. Fodspor er 3 bind i den dramatiske fortælling om Maja, der under besættelsen blev stemplet som Tyskertøs. I efterkrigstidens DDR lever Hermann, Majas tyske kærlighed og Annas far, et trivielt og udsigtsløst liv. Året er 1961, men tidsmæssigt føres vi en stund tilbage til Tysklands sviende nederlag i 1945, og Hermanns flugt til fods med de fremadstormende russiske tropper i hælene. Ved fasterens dødsleje i 1961, får Hermann for første gang kendskab til, at han er far til et barn i Danmark. Det ændrer perspektivet og meningen med hans liv dramatisk. Tidspunktet falder uheldigvis sammen med, at DDR lukker sine grænser. Bag muren i Vest lever kvinden, han forlod, og barnet, han aldrig har set, uvidende om hans eksistens... Læserne siger:..."3. bind Fodspor...er en fantastisk afslutning af trilogien. Jeg giver bogen fem stjerner." (Nanna K)...”3. bog i trilogien. God historie. Velskrevet og med en god slutning som sætter fantasien i gang." (Steen K)...”Det er spændende læsning. Nok den mest velskrevne af de 3 bøger i trilogien." (Bente R)
108,95 - 118,95 kr. Efterladt, udkom i 2015 og er andet bind i en handlingsmættet trilogi om tyskertøsen, Maja Niemann, hendes liv og skæbne, under og efter 2. Verdenskrig. En dramatisk fortælling om krig, kærlighed og eksistens. I retsopgørets og efterkrigstidens Danmark er familien Niemann ved at gå i opløsning. Anna, Majas datter, vokser op i et indremissionsk miljø og tugtes af sin strengt religiøse adoptivfar. Hun stemples som tyskerunge og hendes biologiske mor som en hore. Annas liv og energier kues, men underneden ulmer vreden, der for alvor vækkes i teenageårene.I New York kæmper Maja for at skabe sig en karriere. Samtidig balancerer hendes proformaægteskab på en knivsæg, for de gemmer begge på hemmeligheder, der ikke tåler dagens lys. For både Maja og Anna er vejen til et frit og meningsfuldt liv forbundet med savn og længsler og personlige omkostningerDet siger læserne: ”Masser af handling gør denne letlæselige serie om kvindeliv under- og efter 2. verdenskrig svær at lægge fra sig...”. Sandra .H"... (De) præcise skildringer af familien Niemann familiescener er taget lige på kornet. De mange scener står meget levende tilbage. Masser af stof til at en læser kan gøre sig sine egne holdninger til spørgsmålene klart. God læsning." Ellinor H"Efterladt, er en nem bog at gå til, og let i sproget. Marianne Toxboe formår at få sine personer til at fremstå meget menneskeligt, " Ulla W
108,95 - 138,95 kr. Odense August 1943: Oprøret mod den tyske besættelsesmagt og den danske samarbejdspolitik igangsætter en klapjagt på værnemagere og tyskertøser. For den 17-årige, Maja Niemann, og hendes familie får begivenhederne skelsættende konsekvenser. Majas forelskelse i en tysk officer bliver fatal. Forfulgt, flygter hun til København og flytter ind hos sin faster. Sommeren i København bliver varm i mere end én forstand. Maja konstaterer, at hun er gravid, og da fasteren arresteres af Gestapo, tvinges hun til igen at forlade sit hjem. Maja må se i øjnene, at en fremtid som enlig mor til en uægte tyskerunge, vil stemple og ødelægge både hendes og barnets fremtid. Som fødslen nærmer sig, bliver de valg hun stilles over for mere og mere uopsættelige.