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  • - The Ultimate Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide: How To Live With Someone With BPD With Your Sanity Intact
    af Sylvia Jacob
    113,95 kr.

    <p><strong><u>Learn how to respond and take charge of your relationship while living with someone with borderline personality disorder (BPD) survival guide</u></strong><strong><u> without losing your mind!</u></strong></p><p><em>Does someone you love or care about <u>manipulate, control, use and threaten you using a combination of intense focus, violence and irrational rages</u></em>? Do you <em><u>feel confused about a loved one’s ability to just switch from being an extremely loving and caring person to a maniac who only cares about him/herself while having feats of rage and withdrawal?</u></em> &nbsp;Do you <em><u>always feel that you have to give up a fight even when you know you are not on the wrong but just coil back just so that you can have peace in your relationship</u></em>?</p><p><strong><em><u>If this describes you, keep reading. </u></em></strong></p><p>This book is for you and will help you <strong><u>put an end to all the roller-coaster that’s in your relationship!</u></strong></p><p>Your loved one probably has borderline personality disorder if he/she has an <strong><u>unstable sense of self, impulsive behavior, has difficulty with interpersonal relationships and has emotional dysregulation! </u></strong></p><p>He/she and <em><u>needs help to get through it and be able to control his/her emotions. <strong>Breaking up with him/her or avoiding him/her won’t help him/her. </strong></u></em>It will only <em><u>transfer the problems you’ve been having to the next person he/she is in a relationship with, which isn’t really helping! </u></em></p><p>What you need is to <strong><u>take action to help him/her to recover</u></strong>.</p><p><strong><u>And this book will show you exactly what you should do and not do to make that happen!</u></strong></p><p><strong><u>In this book, you will learn:</u></strong></p><ul><li>How to make sense of the chaos that are in your relationship by understanding what borderline personality disorder is</li><li><strong><em>How to connect the dots between what the condition is and your loved one to be sure that your loved one is indeed suffering from borderline personality disorder</em></strong></li><li>How to recognize trends to understand what sets them off by identifying triggers for manic and depressive episodes and how to help them during mood episodes</li><li><strong><em>How to manage and diffuse conflicts in the relationships</em></strong></li><li>How to care for yourself and set boundaries</li><li><strong><em>When you should seek professional help and the various treatments and therapies for borderline personality disorder available</em></strong></li><li>And much, much more!</li></ul><p><strong><u>Stop walking on eggshells in your relationship!</u></strong> <strong><u>Stop feeling like you constantly have to avoid a confrontation </u></strong>with someone who proclaims to love you yet don’t want to be held accountable to their mean and manipulative tactics!<br></p>

  • - Complete Workout Plan On How To Build Your Emotional Muscle And Burning Down Anxiety To Become Emotionally Stronger, More Confident and Less Reactive
    af Felix Antony
    88,95 kr.

  • - Kali Linux Made Easy For Beginners And Intermediates; Step By Step With Hands On Projects (Including Hacking and Cybersecurity Basics with Kali Linux)
    af Berg Craig
    218,95 kr.

    <p><strong><u>You are about to discover how to start hacking with the #1 hacking tool, Kali Linux, in no time, even if you’ve never hacked before!</u></strong></p><p>Kali Linux is the <strong><u>king of all penetration testing tools</u></strong> out there. But <em>while its <strong>600+ pre-installed tools and utilities are meant to make penetration testing and forensics easy</strong>, at first, <u>it can be overwhelming for experienced and aspiring security professionals to decide which tool to use to conduct a specific penetration test</u></em>.</p><p>That’s where this <strong><u>book comes in to streamline your learning experience</u></strong>! If you are uncertain about where to begin even after reading and watching tons of free information online, <strong><u>this book will give you the much needed structure to go all</u></strong> in into the world of ethical hacking into secure computer systems with the best tool for the job.</p><p>Since its introduction in 2012 <strong><em><u>as a successor to the previous version, Back Track Linux,</u></em></strong> Kali Linux has grown in popularity and capabilities to become the <strong><em><u>go-to open source security tool for information security professionals around the world</u></em></strong>.</p><p>And <em><u>this book will show you how to use it like the pros use it even if you’ve never stepped into a formal Kali Linux class before</u></em>!</p><p><strong><u>In this book, we are going to cover the major features &amp; tools provided by Kali Linux, including:</u></strong></p><ul><li>Downloading, installation and set up</li><li>Information gathering tools</li><li><strong>Vulnerability assessment</strong></li><li>Wireless attacks</li><li><strong>Web application attacks</strong></li><li>Exploitation tools</li><li><strong>Forensics tools</strong></li><li>Sniffing and spoofing</li><li><strong>Password cracking</strong></li><li>Maintaining access</li><li><strong>Social engineering tools</strong></li><li>Reverse engineering tools</li><li><strong>Hardware hacking tools</strong></li><li>Reporting tools</li><li><strong>Denial of service attacks</strong></li><li>And much more!</li></ul>

  • - Overcome Social Anxiety, Stop Being Afraid of Social Interaction and Develop the Courage to Be Disliked
    af Felix Antony
    183,95 kr.

    <h2><strong><u>Stop being the person who would rather be in the casket than be the one reading the eulogy! Stop being socially passive and become socially active!</u></strong><br></h2><p>Being shy and introverted can be one of the most debilitating situations to be in.</p><p>But think about it; <u><em><strong>a staggering 40% of the world’s population consider themselves shy</strong></em></u>! <strong><u>Don’t let the statistics give you any comfort though. </u></strong><br></p><p>I know <u>you know just how frustrating it is not to speak up when you ought</u> to. I know <em><u>you know how it feels when you see people making the wrong decision or a decision that you are deeply against yet you can’t speak up because somehow, you don’t want to be judged negatively</u></em>. I know <strong><em>you know the feeling of missing an opportunity because you could not gather the courage to step forward to be counted when the opportunity came up</em></strong>. I know you know the feeling of missing and not being able to do many other things.</p><p>You’ve been living with social anxiety or consider yourself socially awkward. And as you know, it is a sad way of living where happiness and fulfillment cannot thrive.</p><p>If you are <strong>tired of being unhappy and unfulfilled because of you haven’t been living life to the fullest and speaking up or acting at the opportune time/moment due to social awkwardness/social anxiety,</strong> this book is meant for you.</p><p>It will hold you by the hand to help you get out of your cocoon and live life on your terms with new found confidence, self-esteem and sense of self-worth.</p><h2><strong><u>In this book, you will understand:</u></strong><br></h2><ul><li>Whether what you have is really a case of social shyness or social anxiety disorder</li><li><strong>What <u>red flags you’ve always exhibited </u>that make you react the way you react in social situations</strong></li><li>How to <u>approach every environment/social setting with new found sense of mindfulness</u> that makes you deal with any social anxiety issues as and when they occur</li><li><strong>How to relax yourself and keep your cool even when social anxiety triggers keep buzzing</strong></li><li>How to face the things that make you not want <u>to be the social animal that you truly are</u></li><li><strong>How to not get over yourself with sense of judgment that may hamper your progress</strong></li><li>And much more!</li></ul><p>If you are sick and tired of social anxiety controlling and limiting what you can and cannot do, who you can interact with and not interact with, which places to go and not go, what to say and not say and such, this book will help you break all those chains!</p><p><u>What are you waiting for?</u><br></p><h2>Click <strong>Buy Now in 1-Click</strong> or <strong>Buy NOW</strong> to get started!<br></h2><p><br></p>

  • - How To Neutralize A Narcissist; A Complete Guide on How to Become a Narcissist's Worst Nightmare
    af Felix Antony
    173,95 kr.

    <p><strong><u>Take back power from the narcissist in your life and make yourself his/her worst nightmare! </u></strong></p><p>Do you have someone in your life who is <u>overly exploitative</u>, <strong>overly critical</strong>, <em><u>self-absorbed, <strong>egotistical</strong>, arrogant and with an <strong>inflated sense of entitlement</strong> coupled with a complete lack of empathy</u></em>?</p><p>Does this person <strong><u>exploit you or others</u></strong> without acting or feeling moved by their actions? Does he/she bully everyone around them without being apologetic about it?</p><p>And has his/her <strong><u>actions disempowered you and others</u></strong> he/she interacts with to the point that you just do whatever that person wants or asks just because you <strong><u>don’t want more drama or confrontation? </u></strong></p><p>This person has a medical condition known as narcissistic personality disorder and his/her condition does affect everyone he/she relates with negatively.</p><p>The fact that you are <strong>reading this signifies that you have had enough of</strong> <u>manipulation</u>, <strong>gas lighting</strong>, <u>bulldozing</u>, <strong>objectifying</strong>, <u>threatening,</u> <strong>abuse</strong>, <u>guilt tripping, </u><strong>being put down, </strong><u>passive aggression</u> and many other tactics that the narcissist uses.</p><p>Lucky for you, <strong>this book will live true to its title</strong>: “<strong><u>to neutralize the narcissist and become his/her worst nightmare”</u></strong> so that you can have your sanity, freedom and dignity back!</p><p><strong>How will it do that?</strong></p><p><strong><u>By showing you, among other things:</u></strong></p><ul><li>The dangers of having a narcissist in your life</li><li><strong><u>Key red flags of narcissistic behavior</u>, including signs that you may perhaps <u>never have caught earlier</u></strong></li><li>What fuels narcissists to do the things they do</li><li><strong>How to <u>maintain a positive outlook and calm yourself</u> down even when dealing with a narcissist</strong></li><li>How to leverage relaxation and mindfulness to put narcissistic behavior on emergency breaks</li><li><strong>How to <u>neutralize a narcissist’s tactics while keeping your sanity intact</u></strong></li><li>How to <em><u>‘hack’ your brain so that you can stop responding to a narcissist’s manipulative strategies</u></em></li><li><strong>How to heal and detach yourself from the effects of what a narcissist has already done in your life</strong></li><li><u>How to rewrite the narrative</u> that the narcissist has written for you in order to reconnect with your authentic self</li><li><strong>How to build yourself to become the narcissist’s worst nightmare</strong></li><li>And much more!</li></ul>