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Bøger udgivet af Faithful Life Publishers

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  • af Rosa Marchany
    148,95 kr.

    Entrelazada en ti nació en un momento de dolor pero de confianza en mi Dios. Mientras nuestras vidas estén entrelazadas en El confiamos y sabemos que El es El que está en control de hacer cómo el querer. Deseo que este libro llegue en el momento adecuado y a las personas correctas. Recuerda que usted es amado y especial.Entwined in You was born in a moment of pain but trusted in my God. As long as our lives are intertwined in Him, we trust and know He is in control of doing what He wants. Remember that you are loved and special. I want this book to arrive at the right time and for the right people.

  • af Kenneth Pittz
    183,95 kr.

    The Bible is very clear when it comes to one's final destination. Don't wait until it is too late to know if Heaven will be your eternal home. Do you know for sure that you are truly a Christian? This book explains the truth about who is a Christian and those who think they are. A must-read for those lost souls who do not know God's Truth and His Love.

  • af Steve Damron
    233,95 kr.

    After working with teens for over 30 years, Steve Damron decided to share some life lessons he gained through helping young people in book format. The writing of this book came from his search for teen material when he first began in youth ministry. There was a great deal of information about fun activities and developing teen events but very little on helping steer young people toward godliness. This book does not claim to cover every aspect of working with teens, but it does cover A through Z. This book was written to help equip parents, pastors, or youth workers with vital information to assist young people in thriving spiritually. Steve has been involved in Christian work for over 30 years, beginning with a junior high youth group in the spring of 1991. During this time, he has spoken to teens in 40 states and ministered to them in over 20 countries.Steve can be found hiking and camping in his spare time. He has written a few books and articles over the years and continues to write and produce three podcasts. He can be contacted through or

  • af Michael D. McCubbins
    288,95 kr.

    What is Dispensationalism? Why is understanding Dispensationalism important? How does God deal with people in the Old and New Testaments? What are the characteristics of dispensations in the Bible? How are the dispensations different from one another, and how are they the same? These are questions a biblical student may ask.In this book, Michael D. McCubbins, Th.D. gives a very readable and detailed explanation of the dispensations in the Bible. He explains the meaning of dispensations and the characteristics that constitute each one. Dr. McCubbins also gives ample illustrations from the Scriptures and outlines the parameters of each dispensation. He adequately explains how each dispensation has a specific purpose, how man received specific responsibilities, and how man failed in each dispensation. However, the knowledge that this study brings to the reader's heart is a joy when he or she comes to realize that God's grace and mercy is evident in every dispensation. The value of such a book as this one is that it enhances the reader's appreciation for God's sovereignty and oversight, not just in the big picture but also in the intimate details of our lives.

  • af Joy Rose
    153,95 kr.

    Caden and his family live in a small town. His father has a military career and is at home right now. Caden helped with Pancake Breakfast by spending the morning working with applesauce and assisting where the manager directed him. The friends participated in two Fire Station Camp Day events that helped children learn about firefighting. They would have the opportunity in a few years to be junior firefighters.Caden and his friends enjoy the baby animals on Kaitlyn's farm and learn about gardening during these summer days. They help out the elderly Mrs. Edna in her strawberry patch by spending the morning picking strawberries. It was a treat for Caden to walk to Mrs. Edna's house in the cool morning air in the quiet of the small town. The new day started serenely with birds singing and Caden thinking about his blessings.

  • af Steve Damron
    168,95 kr.

    Sharpen Your Sword contains a wealth of information and help for the believer in their knowledge and use of the Word of God. Also called "the sword of the Spirit," the Bible should be the weapon we use daily in spiritual warfare. However, the Sword is useless if it is not picked up. It is also meaningless if we do not study and use it properly. This book begins with an introduction, or overview, of the Bible. It also contains vital help for reading, studying, and memorizing the Scriptures. Other chapters explore some of the most significant texts regarding understanding the Bible, such as 2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 19, and Psalm 119. The Sword of the Spirit has been given to the believer to help gain victory. I pray this book will aid each reader in skillfully wielding his Sword.

  • af Matthew L. Hines
    128,95 kr.

    Open, close, or closed (restricted) communion? Which of the three positions is the biblical one? All three are practiced by those who call themselves Independent Baptists. In this booklet, Brother Matthew Hines presents the case that closed communion is the biblical way to observe the ordinance of the Lord's supper. The local New Testament Baptist church has been given authority by Christ to administer this ordinance and to call her members to a somber commemoration of what their Lord and Saviour did for them on Calvary.

  • af Michael D. McCubbins
    248,95 kr.

  • af Eve Proctor
    293,95 kr.

  • af Miguel D. McCubbins
    298,95 kr.

  • af Gary R Jackson
    168,95 kr.

    Meditations For Those Grieving is a series of writings to help comfort those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. These are a collection of messages written by Dr. Gary R. Jackson in over fifty years of ministry, forty-four years as a Pastor, and more than 300 funeral services. Dr. Jackson also has conducted grieving classes using these meditations.One lady, who lost her husband, told Dr. Jackson she had read through the book over and over again. She declared it was such a comfort!The book is not only filled with God's Holy Word but with practical advice in dealing with death. May this book help you in the healing process of your loss.

  • af Matthew L Hines
    148,95 kr.

  • af Karen Prue
    128,95 kr.

    How thankful I am for the privilege of growing up in a Christian home. I accepted the Lord as my personal Saviour when I was a young child, and my parents taught me how to pray and trust the Lord for all things in my life. I went to a small Christian college, met my husband there, and we've been married since 1970. We enjoy spending time with our children and eight granddaughters. My husband, Dick, has always been my best friend, encourager, and spiritual rock throughout our years together. I was always very involved in church and outdoor activities. However, after having two back surgeries, I developed a rare spinal disease in 2000 that caused constant, excruciating pain and left me unable to do much of anything. I did not receive relief from doctors as they were unfamiliar with this condition. After much prayer and guidance from a dear Christian doctor, we researched and found no cure, but there are ways to help me cope and function. For that, we are truly thankful. During this time, I asked the Lord to use me in some way to be a blessing to others. He brought to mind many precious promises from His Word and sweet hymns that I had learned as a child. I began writing poems and songs. Through this trial, I wanted to share His Word, His promises, and valuable lessons that gave me peace and even joy. He brought me through my darkest hours, and He can do the same for you. Trust in the Lord and be encouraged by Him and His Word.

  • af Miguel D McCubbins
    293,95 kr.

    Tiene el deseo de conocer realmente a nuestro Senor de una manera mas amplia? Alguna vez deseo que alguien organizara la ensenanza de la Biblia acerca de Cristo de tal manera que pudiera entenderla? Se siente intimidado por las personas que constantemente desafian su fe en el Hijo Dios? EL HIJO DEL PADRE por el Pastor Michael D. McCubbins, Th.D., un erudito biblico de fama internacional, proporciona un mapa para su viaje hacia el conocimiento de Cristo.Jesus dijo: "e;Y esta es la vida eterna: que te conozcan a ti, el unico Dios verdadero, y a Jesucristo, a quien has enviado"e; (Juan 17:3). Ese debe ser el deseo de todas las personas del mundo. El Apostol Pablo lo expreso de esta manera: "e;a fin de conocerle, y el poder de su resurreccion, y la participacion de sus padecimientos, llegando a ser semejante a el en su muerte"e; (Filipenses 3:10). Con este libro aprenderas:* Las pruebas de la perfecta humanidad de Cristo* Las pruebas de la deidad de Cristo* Las pruebas de la resurreccion fisica de Cristo* La naturaleza de la Union Hipostatica* La relacion del Hijo con Dios el PadreDemasiadas personas conocen algunos hechos sobre el Hijo de Dios, sin conocerlo realmente. Mi esperanza es que este libro le ayude en su busqueda personal para conocerlo.

  • af Miguel D McCubbins
    308,95 kr.

    Es la Biblia un libro de mitos, o es una revelacion divinamente inspirada por Dios? Podemos confiar en la Biblia, o es simplemente un antiguo libro de cuentos de hadas? Estas son preguntas que deben responderse ya que cada doctrina del judaismo y el cristianismo finalmente encuentra su fuente en la Biblia. LAS PALABRAS DEL DIOS VIVIENTE por el pastor Miguel D. McCubbins, Th.D., un erudito biblico de renombre internacional, responde estas preguntas y explica de manera completa y simple, los complejos problemas que rodean la escritura y preservacion de la Biblia.El Apostol Pablo dijo: Toda la Escritura es inspirada por Dios, y util para ensenar, para redarguir, para corregir, para instruir en justicia, a fin de que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto, enteramente preparado para toda buena obra (II Timoteo 3:16-17). Si verdaderamente queremos ser capaces de realizar toda buena obra, entonces necesitamos entender la Biblia. Con este libro aprenderas:Las pruebas de la inspiracion de la BibliaLas pruebas de la autenticidad de la BibliaLa diferencia entre inerrancia e infalibilidadLos problemas en traducir la BibliaLas reglas biblicas de interpretacionDado que la confiabilidad de la Biblia es atacada en todos los frentes, debes estar preparado para enfrentar esos ataques. Mi esperanza es que este libro te ayude a ser capaz de presentar una firme defensa de la Palabra de Dios.

  • af Michael D McCubbins
    278,95 kr.

    Jewish culture is the format that God used as He communicated to the Jewish people a message that was intended for the whole world. Understanding the Jewish culture of the writers of the Bible is absolutely necessary to be able to interpret the Bible.This book is a part of the study of Hermeneutics. With this book, Pastor Michael D. McCubbins, Th.D., an internationally acclaimed Bible scholar, will allow you to see the Scriptures through the eyes of a Jewish Baptist pastor. With this book, you will learn:How Jewish customs affected the language of the BibleHow to interpret difficult passages of the BibleThe worldview of the writers of the BibleThe Jewish, idiomatic phrases used by the writers of the Bible and what they meanHow Jesus used the Hebrew Aleph-bet to illustrate truthMy hope is that this book will aid you as you seek to understand the Scriptures better.

  • af Jim Binney
    154,94 kr.

  • af Urban Dick Urban
    248,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Dale Sanders Dale
    238,95 kr.

  • af Miguel David McCubbins
    213,95 kr.

  • af Jim Binney
    213,95 kr.

  • af Maureen Watson
    183,95 kr.

    Who Am I Now? offers spiritual perspectives for seasons of change. Loss and change are inevitable. Transitions can be exciting or disheartening, expected or sudden, gentle or piercing. Regardless of the specifics, major changes usually bring some degree of confusion and distress. Might you frame your responses to your unsettling days differently if you bring intentionality, focus, and prayer with you into the storm?Who Am I Now? considers the uncomfortable loss of identity that accompanies any season of change. Through personal and scriptural stories, each chapter offers a paradoxical possibility, not instead of but in addition to the surface reality. Far too often, we are taught to push past the difficult emotions that mark seasons of change. This book doesn't do that. Dr. Watson honors the complex feelings these seasons bring.Dr. Watson brings her unique background in Spiritual Formation, Theological Education, and Medicine to bear on this rich but challenging topic. Each chapter offers a slightly different lens through which you may consider, or reconsider, your own seasons of change. The invitations in this book are meant to speak to you privately and personally as you seek to answer the question, over and over again: Who am I Now? ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Maureen Watson is a Physician in Indianapolis, Indiana. She also has a Master's Degree in Theological Studies and is a Certified Spiritual Director. This unusual background allows Dr. Watson to bring intentional focus to each area of the spiritual journey: body, mind, heart, and soul. Dr. Watson has previously been published in Weavings and Spiritual Life. Her own favorite Spiritual Formation authors also teach through stories: Teresa of Avila, Evelyn Underhill, Henri Nouwen, and Philip Yancey.

  • af Eve Proctor
    213,95 kr.

    A young woman awakens to find herself deep in the forest, seriously injured and alone.She has no idea who she is or how she got there. When bible verses came to her mind, she was amazed. "How can I know Jesus is my savior and Heaven is my home when I can''t even remember my name?" Then it dawned on her, "Selective amnesia! Dear God, why."Mitch Thornton, engaged to Nora Crabtree, a second-grade schoolteacher, thought she would be a perfect mother for his son, Danny. Nora insisted he leave Danny with her while he made ready their home at the Smoky Mountains. He couldn''t have been more wrong.

  • af Jimmie Keasling
    118,95 kr.

  • af Dave Smith
    288,95 kr.

  • af Miguel D McCubbins
    258,95 kr.