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Bøger udgivet af Enskilda Hogskolan Stockholm

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  • af Simon Hallonsten
    256,95 kr.

    Centered around a reflective narrative recounting the experiences of a participatory action research project into leading online small groups for adults in the Church of Sweden Diocese of Stockholm during 2021 and 2022, the dissertation argues for the need to reconceptualize and reemphasize teaching as an important aspect in Christian religious education. Employing creative non-fiction methods, the dissertation aims to broaden the scope of the initial Online Small Groups project, by inviting readers to join into a "learning journey." The narrative account is complemented with more traditional forms of analysis that connect experiences from online small groups in the Church of Sweden to similar research from Anglo-Saxon countries, noting especially how notions of community diverge due to different ecclesiological understandings. Insights are then synthesized into eight teaching strategies aimed at communicating actionable knowledge to small group leaders, before noting how the study complements research on Christian religious education and, particularly, the current debate about learning and teaching in the Church of Sweden.

  • af Kasper Bro Larsen
    109,95 kr.

    Jesus sa "följ mig" och idag har han fler följare än någon kändis på Instagram. Men vem var han? Bibelforskningen har sökt svaret på den frågan i 250 år. Förslagen är många: en politisk revolutionär, en hippiefilosof, en judisk rabbin, en bondeprofet, en karismatisk helare -- eller bara Guds son. Den här boken tecknar en skiss av den historiske Jesus och diskuterar hur han är relevant för kristendomen idag.

  • af Abate Gobena
    228,95 kr.

    The original forests of the central and northern highlands of Ethiopia are almost entirely confined to the "sacred groves" surrounding the churches and monasteries of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church. In Ethiopian tradition sanctity starts from the Tabot on the altar of the church and extends to the outer periphery of the compound. Church forests serve as shade and shelter for the sacred, and are seen as integral parts of the churchyard.The Act of Gebre Menfes Qiddus (GGMQ) is an original Ethiopic hagiographic text. It depicts the life and struggle of the saint in the wilderness of forests and mountains. Hagiographic texts like GGMQ are in Ethiopia not mere historical records, but texts linked to the daily liturgical services that shape and mould the perceptions and actions of their readers and listeners. The aim of the thesis is to analyse how GGMQ presents the relation between the saint and the natural environment in order to see if there is a correlation with how the Ethiopian tradition has preserved the church forests and has considered these to be sacred spaces representing the wilderness. The aim is achieved through a close reading of the text and its intertexts using four selected themes as analytical instruments: ascetic estrangement, coexistence with non-human creation, identification with the angels and reconciliation of opposites. The analysis, and the fact that the GGMQ is one of the most venerated texts, read and heard with great liturgical solemnity, show that there are good reasons to believe that the constant reading of GGMQ has made and makes a significant impact upon the readers' views on the mutual co-habitation of human and non-human creation and the development of an awareness of the need to preserve the wilderness and non-human creation.

  • af Frida Mannerfelt
    225,95 kr.

    The purposes of this article-based thesis are to explore and understand preaching as a practice in general, and the practice of preaching in digital culture and spaces in particular. Informed by the practice theory of Theodore Schatzki, it presents the results of a cross-case analysis of four different case studies of the practice of preaching in digital culture and spaces in Swedish protestant churches. Based on the analysis, Frida Mannerfelt argues that the deep relationality of the practice of preaching involves not just humans and texts but also material arrangements and that this feature often is amplified in digital culture and spaces. While there were examples of a decrease, overall, there was an increase in interaction, negotiation, and interdependency. In light of this, Manner-felt contends that the practice of preaching in digital culture and spaces is characterized by co-preaching. Moreover, Mannerfelt argues that some of the implications of co-preaching are the enabling and encouragement of dialogue, imagination, and the priestly function of the priesthood of all believers, but also an increased vulnerability for the co-preachers involved.

  • af Thomas Kazen
    144,95 kr.

    Moral Infringement and Repair in Antiquity, is a series of publications related to a project on Dynamics of Moral Repair in Antiquity, run by Thomas Kazen and Rikard Roitto between 2017 and 2021, and funded by the Swedish Research Council. The volumes contain stand-alone articles and serve as supplements to the main outcome of the project, the volume Interpersonal Infringement and Moral Repair: Revenge, Compensation and Forgiveness in the Ancient World, forthcoming on Mohr Siebeck in 2023.Supplement 1: Emotions and Hierarchies, contains four articles and chapters by Thomas Kazen. Three of them are republished in accordance with the publishers' general conditions for author reuse. The fourth has not been published before. 1. Emotional Ethics in Biblical Texts: Cultural Construction and Biological Bases of Morality. 2. Viewing Oneself through Others' Eyes: Shame between Biology and Culture in Biblical Texts.3. Law and Emotion in Moral Repair: Circumscribing Infringement.4. Retribution and Repair in Voluntary Associations: Comparing Rule Texts from Qumran, Collegia, and Christ Groups.

  • af Rikard Roitto
    115,95 kr.

    Moral Infringement and Repair in Antiquity, is a series of publications related to a project on Dynamics of Moral Repair in Antiquity, run by Thomas Kazen and Rikard Roitto between 2017 and 2021, and funded by the Swedish Research Council. The volumes contain stand-alone articles and serve as supplements to the main outcome of the project, the volume Interpersonal Infringement and Moral Repair: Revenge, Compensation and Forgiveness in the Ancient World, forthcoming on Mohr Siebeck in 2023.Supplement 2: Group Dynamics, contains four articles and chapters by Rikard Roitto, republished in accordance with the publishers' general conditions for author reuse, or by special permission. 1. Rituals of Reintegration: Penance, Confession of Sins, Intercession2. Reintegrative Shaming and a Prayer Ritual of Reintegration in Matthew3. Enduring Shame as Costly Signalling4. The Johannine Information War: A Social Network Analysis of the Information Flow Between Johannine Assemblies as Witnessed by 1-3 John

  • af Rikard Roitto
    120,95 kr.

    Moral Infringement and Repair in Antiquity, is a series of publications related to a project on Dynamics of Moral Repair in Antiquity, run by Thomas Kazen and Rikard Roitto between 2017 and 2021, and funded by the Swedish Research Council. The volumes contain stand-alone articles and serve as supplements to the main outcome of the project, the volume Interpersonal Infringement and Moral Repair: Revenge, Compensation and Forgiveness in the Ancient World, forthcoming on Mohr Siebeck in 2023.Supplement 3: Forgiveness, contains four articles and chapters by Rikard Roitto, republished in accordance with the publishers' general conditions for author reuse, or by special permission. 1. The Polyvalence of aphiemi and the Two Cognitive Frames of Forgiveness in the Synoptic Gospels2. Forgiveness, Ritual and Social Identity in Matthew: Obliging Forgiveness3. Practices of Confession, Intercession and Forgiveness in 1 John 1.9; 5.164. Forgiveness of the Sinless: A Classic Contradiction in 1 John in the Light of Contemporary Forgiveness Research

  • - A Contextual Analysis of Legal Symbolic Acts in the Old Testament
    af Ake Viberg
    173,95 kr.

  • - An Analysis of Prophetic Symbolic Acts in the Old Testament
    af Viberg Ake Viberg
    218,95 kr.

  • - A Cognitive Perspective on Identity and Behavior Norms in Ephesians
    af Roitto Rikard Roitto
    258,95 kr.

  • - Was Jesus Indifferent to Impurity?
    af Thomas Kazen
    293,95 kr.

  • af Rikard Roitto
    296,95 kr.

    This study contributes to the understanding of how first century Christ-believers, particularly those who shared the imagination of Ephesians, experienced the relation between their social identity as Christ-believers and behavior norms. In order to understand this, a number of theories from the cognitive sciences are used in combination with historical-critical methods. After a theoretical survey of relevant cognitive theories and discussions about the epistemological problems of using cognitive theories on historical texts, the theories are used to understand (a) how Ephesians imagines the relation between identity and behavior norms and (b) the potential group dynamic effects of this imagination. The result is a demonstration of how Ephesians is able to create a coherent narrative, beginning with God's agency and ending with behavior (norms), and facilitating psychological and group dynamic effects such as intergroup distinction, self-esteem, cognitive certainty and consensus among group members, intragroup cooperation, moral judgment and inclusion/marginalization, motivation to remain committed and, last but not least, a sense of capacity and obligation to act morally.

  • af Ake Viberg
    200,95 kr.

    This analysis deals with Old Testament law in the form of legal symbolic acts, defined as non-verbal acts which fulfil a legal function when performed under the proper circumstances and when the legal function is different from the physical result of the act. Legal symbolic acts belong to customary law. Since the customary law of ancient Israel is not as well-known as the codified law, these acts provide important information regarding the customary law of ancient Israel. Legal symbolic acts are also conventional, i.e., they are not so much dependent upon their performance for their meaning as upon the general agreement attached to the acts by those who form the surrounding socio-cultural context. This invites a contextual approach to the texts in which the acts are described. Such a contextual approach also restricts the use of comparative material to an illustrative function. Only when the literary context cannot be used to conclude whether it is a case of a legal symbolic act or not, will the comparative material be used in a further, explanatory sense. The analysis focuses on the three aspects of performance, legal function, and historical explanation, and includes the following acts: raising the hand, shaking the hand, putting the hand under the thigh, walking through a divided animal, sharing a meal, piercing the ear of a slave, anointing the head with oil, grasping the horns of the altar, transferring the mantle, covering a woman with the mantle, removing the sandal, and putting a child on the knees.

  • af Thomas Kazen
    334,95 kr.

    This study traces Jesus' attitude to impurity within the historical context at the end of the Second Temple period, when practices of ritual purity came to play an increasing role in Jewish society and an expansionist trend gained in influence and support. The traditional focus on sayings material and criteria of authenticity in historical Jesus-research is modified, narrative traditions with implicit purity issues are appealed to, and extra-canonical traditions are included. The main areas examined are the most important "fathers" of impurity: "leprosy" (skin diseases), genital discharges, and corpse-contamination. Jesus is found to have acted in ways that could have been understood by some of his contemporaries as indifference to these types of impurity. His behaviour is shown on several points to clash with current purity halakhah and dominant expansionist ideals. In an attempt to interpret his actions within the Jewish context and culture of the Second Temple period, three explanatory models are provided. Jesus' attitude can be seen as part of a moral trajectory in Judaism. It can be understood as a response to a regional, Galilean dilemma. It can be viewed in a power perspective as an expression of Jesus' eschatological struggle against demonic evil. The result is that Jesus may be understood as operating within the purity paradigm of his time, yet seemingly indifferent in the eyes of some, pushing it to the breaking point. Such a reconstruction makes subsequent developments intelligible, in which various Christian currents drew conflicting conclusions. Those looking to Jesus' behaviour for some sort of guidance today may perhaps find contemporary analogies.

  • af Thomas Kazen
    196,95 kr.

    While Jesus and Purity (2002, corrected reprint 2010, 2021) aimed to present an unfolding argument, this volume does not aspire at such coherence. It consists of articles and papers on various issues of impurity in early Judaism. A few of these have been previously published, the rest not. Some chapters develop and further expand on topics discussed in Jesus and Purity and much focus lies on questions of the impurity of discharges and the practice of hand-washing before meals. Both literary and historical methods are used, as well as approaches based on cognitive science. The analysis covers texts from the Pentateuch, Qumran, the New Testament, and some Jewish Hellenistic authors. By bringing these articles together, they are made available and can be easily found by potential readers. Together with the recently published collection Impurity and Purification in Early Judaism and the Jesus Tradition (SBL Press, 2021), Issues of Impurity represents Kazen's continuous work on purity issues through two decades. The reader of both volumes will see how the author's views have gradually evolved through the years.

  • af Ake Viberg
    254,95 kr.

    The purpose of this study is to understand the symbolic acts that are performed by the prophets in the Old Testament. What do these characters intend with their various symbolic acts? Viberg attempts to show that these prophetic acts are part and parcel of their prophetic message, nonverbal communication that extends the rhetorical arsenal these prophets made use of in action, as they struggle to persuade. The task of this study is accomplished through an exhaustive exegetical analysis of the relevant texts, with a particular focus on the symbolism involved. The goal is to formulate the purpose and function of these acts, together with a description of the acts and how they have been construed by means of various forms of symbolism. The theoretical approach works on three levels: first, the text that describes the symbolic act; second, the performance of the act within the textual world; and third, the symbolic reference or representation of the act within the symbolic world of the act. These symbolic acts are also set in the larger contexts of nonverbal communication and the ancient Near East.

  • - Speglingar av Luther i Bergman och Bergman i Luther
    af Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson & Charlotte Wells
    122,95 kr.

  • - Kognitiva och psyko-biologiska perspektiv
    af Thomas Kazen
    163,95 kr.

    Etik och retorik i Jesustraditionen innehåller två essäer av Thomas Kazen, professor vid Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm. De två essäerna behandlar på olika sätt Jesustraditionen -- berättelser om Jesus och utsagor som tillskrivs honom -- i Markus, Matteus och Lukas. Den första fokuserar på mänskligt beteende, den andra på det figurativa språket. Bägge låter kognitionsvetenskapliga perspektiv belysa textanalyserna utifrån övertygelsen att bibeltexterna blir mer begripliga när vi tar hänsyn till hur människan fungerar, hur hennes tänkande och känsloliv utvecklats, hur hennes kropp och intellekt hänger samman, hur hennes emotioner och beteenden interagerar och hur hennes språk och handlande hör ihop. "Empati, rättvisa och försoning" är Kazens installationsföreläsning vid THS 2011. "Kameler, gengångare och amputationer" bygger på före-läsningar om överdrifter i bergspredikan (Århus 2015) respektive i Jesustraditionen (THS 2016, San Antonio 2016).

  • af Tracy M Lemos
    99,95 kr.