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Bøger udgivet af EDIT ANAGRAMA

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  • af Maylis de Kerangal
    238,95 kr.

    In Canoes seven stories orbit a central novella, creating a collection that resonates with the vibrations and frequencies of women's voices. Daughters, friends, sisters, young and old, talkative or daydreaming - in this moving and poetic collection, Maylis de Kerangal casts light on them all, exploring human entwinement and the precarious balance between life and death.

  • af Irvine Welsh
    178,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Sam Shepard
    228,95 kr.

  • af Camila Fabbri
    228,95 kr.

    "Una mujer despierta en un auto volcado en plena avenida nocturna. Hay humo y olor a nafta. Apenas siente sus piernas, el alumbrado úpblico que entra desde afuera y los vidrios incrustados en su espalda. Descubre que ella es la conductora y, al instante, oye una voz dulce y delicada que la nombra. En el asiento de atárs viajan tambéin una joven de quince ñaos y un perro. La mujer no recuerda quéines son, ni qéu esátn haciendo aíh. Loú nico certero es que esátn vivos. La historia comienza cuando volvemos al pasado, aíh donde la narradora, Paulina, todaíva esát ilesa. Se separa de su pareja y emprende un viaje en su Peugeot 307 hacia la costa sur con Maite, su compñaera de oficina, y con Gallardo, su perro. Una novela perturbadora, envolvente y esperanzada. Un libro que asalta al lector con la inusitada fuerza de su prosa, sencilla y directa solo en apariencia. Una narracóin que nos habla de traumas, realidades y deseos." --

  • af Luis Lopez Carrasco
    228,95 kr.

    Nine strangers flee bombings in a balloon. They must decide which of them has to jump into the sea so that the rest can reach a desert island safely and start a new civilization. The globe travelers are the only survivors of a world war that has destroyed the world as we know it. What is at stake, in reality, is not the future of the human species, but a temporary job as a salesman in a department store. "This is how the job search was in 2011," could write Carlos, the narrator of this novel, who from an uncertain future tries to rescue, along with other close and complicit voices, the world in which he lived and to which, "for reasons too well known, we can no longer return. From that enigmatic exile, the narrator traces, through apparently anecdotal memories, the dark undercurrents that transformed the lives of all those people he knew, taking them so far away.

  • af Valentina Camerini
    208,95 kr.

    The American writer H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) knew how to create a unique narrative, moving away from traditional ghost stories to include science fiction elements in his intrigues, such as time travel or travel to other dimensions. This chilling anthology chooses his best stories and presents them adapted for teenagers to read. From the Randolf Carter saga to the Cthulhu mythos, this is an essential work to enjoy with one of the great masters of horror. You will tremble with excitement... and fear!

  • af Lucy Maud Montgomery
    198,95 kr.

    Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert are two farming brothers. Both are now old, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage the land alone, so they decide to adopt a boy who can help them. However, someone makes a mistake and from the orphanage it is not who they expect but Ana, an eleven-year-old girl, who arrives. Redhead, with a face covered in freckles and a lot of character, her inexhaustible imagination and vitality will have to conquer the taciturn farmer and her skeptical lady, who at first welcome her with long faces and think about returning her to her place of origin.

  • af Patricio Pron
    248,95 kr.

    Who are we really? What makes us the people we think we are, and what happens when what we thought we were gives way to something else? What is the secret nature of the things of this world? Olivia heads to Manchester. And what she will remember is something she forgot she knew about her father, who disappeared when she was fourteen. Olivia is an actress. Edward Byrne was a visual artist; when he left, he left hundreds of unanswered questions, but no evidence, no certainty, no corpse... Patricio Pron debuts at Editorial Anagrama with a novel about family, flight, loss and its paradoxical advantages; about imposture, vocation, fear of the future and the possibility that the deep meaning of the things of this world is found in the stories we tell ourselves. A magnetic and unique detective story about those mysteries that are part of our most secret nature.

  • af Thomas Piketty
    148,95 kr.

    A comparative and historical perspective, a synthesis of his research on economic inequalities, this accurate text by Thomas Piketty analyzes issues such as education, inheritance, taxation and the persistent gender gap, while stressing the need to drastically reduce the North-South imbalances as a condition to fight against global warming. Faced with hopelessness and conformism, the author reminds us that the road to equality has always been built on political and social struggles.

  • af Ian McEwan
    148,95 kr.

    In the eight stories of First Love, Last Rites, depravity can masquerade as innocence and butterflies can be sinister. The author is equally capable of showing how the life of a child is devastated by the macabre and of distilling the sensations of first love, tracing his initiation rituals, infusing them with a luxurious sensual imagery. Combining the unusual and the provocative, tenderness and icy humor, Ian McEwan reveals the hidden face of our ghosts and offers us a different vision of our daily lives.

  • af Rafael Chirbes
    338,95 kr.

    Diaries of Rafeal Chirbes from 1984-2005.

  • af Guadalupe Nettel
    228,95 kr.

    "En uno de los cuentos reunidos en este volumen, la protagonista explica su encuentro con un albatros, ese pâajaro solitario y de vuelo majestuoso al que Baudelaire dedicâo un poema. Ella y su padre se topan con lo que llaman "albatros perdidos" o "albatros divagantes", aves que, debido al sobreesfuerzo por la falta de viento, enloquecen, se desorientan y acaban llegando a lugares muy alejados de su hâabitat natural. Los protagonistas de estos ocho relatos son cada uno a su manera "divagantes". Algâun acontecimiento inesperado ha quebrado las rutinas de sus vidas, los ha obligado a salir de su espacio habitual y a moverse por extraänos territorios. Por ejemplo, la chica que un dâia conoce en un hospital a un tâio proscrito durante aänos en su familia por algo que nadie quiere decir; el actor frustrado que inicia, sin darse cuenta, una vida distinta en la casa de un antiguo compaänero de carrera a quien le han ido mejor las cosas; la mujer que vive con sus hijos en un mundo agonizante en donde conviene mâas estar dormido que despierto, o el narrador del magnâifico cuento "La puerta rosada", quien descubre la soluciâon para su insatisfactoria vida familiar en una callecita solitaria. Estos relatos, que transitan entre el realismo y la fantasâia, enfrentan a sus personajes con esa obsesiâon que nuestra sociedad ha cincelado con esmero: la del âexito y el fracaso, y dan cuenta de la maestrâia que Guadalupe Nettel ha alcanzado en este gâenero."--

  • af Nick Hornby
    228,95 kr.

  • af Julian Barnes
    168,95 kr.

  • af Azahara Palomeque
    148,95 kr.

    An overly educated generation faces the persistent reality of precarious jobs, low wages and worse living conditions than their parents. Millennials vs. boomers. Where to go in the absence of economic and environmental certainties? What is the solution? This concise essay proposes to rethink the present and imagine another future.

  • af Emmanuel Carrère
    248,95 kr.

  • af Lea Ypi
    248,95 kr.

    When she was eleven years old, Lea Ypi witnessed the end of the world. At least from the end of a world. In 1990, the communist regime in Albania, the last bastion of Stalinism in Europe, collapsed. She, indoctrinated at school, did not understand why the statues of Stalin and Hoxha were being torn down, but with the monuments, secrets, and silences also fell: the population control mechanisms were revealed, the murders of the secret police... The change in the political system gave way to democracy, but not everything was rosy. The transition towards liberalism meant the restructuring of the economy, the massive loss of jobs, the wave of migration to Italy, corruption, and the bankruptcy of the country... A mixture of memories, historical essay, and sociopolitical reflection, this book reflects, from the personal experience, a convulsive moment of political transformation that did not necessarily lead to justice and freedom.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    198,95 kr.

    Twelve stories that stage the mastery of Conan Doyle raising mysterious cases in a few pages. In the first of them, Sherlock Holmes will face Irene Adler, the only woman who has stood up to him, in the famous "Scandal in Bohemia", he will also be forced to follow the risky adventure of "The League of Redheads" and of course, he will end up finding the true culprits of the strange "identity case" or the "Boscombe Valley mystery"... All this with the help of Dr. Watson, as amazed as we are by the detective's incredible deductive skills.

  • af Imma Monsó
    238,95 kr.

  • af Sara Agostini
    188,95 kr.

  • af Sara Agostini
    188,95 kr.

  • af Karl Ove Knausgaard
    308,95 kr.

    On an August night in Norway, a glow suddenly lights up the sky: it is a huge new star that rises dizzyingly, without anyone being able to explain it. Magnetized, restless, some characters observe her amid their own crossroads. A novel full of threatening signs: crabs that invade the road; a plague of ladybugs; and a macabre crime, who knows if it is all under the influence of the star.

  • af Andres Barba
    208,95 kr.

    "La empleada de una inmobiliaria prepara una casa vacâia para la visita de unos compradores cuando se encuentra en la cocina con un niäno de siete aänos que no pestaänea. La apariciâon se repetirâa y la mujer dejarâa atrâas su mundo cotidiano para, como la Alicia de Lewis Carroll, atravesar el espejo. Lo que hay al otro lado es un tiempo suspendido, un bucle y una vida. Repleta de apariciones de dobles y cruces temporales, la precisiâon de maquinaria de esta pequeäna novela la emparenta con grandes clâasicos del gâenero fantâastico y de fantasmas como Otra vuelta de tuerca, de Henry James, pero en una versiâon contemporâanea en la que el lirismo, la delicadeza y la crueldad tienen un papel preponderante, como en la estâetica de Dâejame entrar, de John Ajvide Lindqvist, o las novelas de Shirley Jackson. Andrâes Barba se adentra en los vâinculos entre pasado y presente, en lo que dejamos atrâas, en lo que no debe perderse o no puede perdonarse. Una novela concisa, envolvente, perturbadora y deslumbrante"--Back cover.

  • af Jack Kerouac
    138,95 kr.

  • af Jack Kerouac
    168,95 kr.

    One of the dozen books written by Jack Kerouac in the early and mid-1950s, Maggie Cassidy was not published until 1959, after the appearance of On the Road had made its author famous overnight. Long out of print, this touching novel of adolescent love in a New England mill town, with its straight-forward narrative structure, is one of Kerouac's most accessible works. It is a remarkable, bittersweet evocation of the awkwardness and the joy of growing up in America.

  • af Olga Ravn
    228,95 kr.

  • af Begoña Huertas
    228,95 kr.

    Installed in chronic fatigue, the result of a non-specific ailment, the narrator of this novel decides to enter a luxury clinic effectively designed to restore sick bodies. There she surrounds herself with a select group of patients who, like her, give themselves over to the treatments that are given to them in the basement of the building. Among her companions is Rubén, who acts as master of ceremonies, and his wife Dolores, with whom the protagonist establishes an uncertain friendship. Also Mrs. Goosens and her nephew Adolfo, who seem to heal and get worse, respectively, at suspicious rates. When the physical improvement of the protagonist does not arrive, when the dynamics of the group seem to force its members to choose between loneliness or tyranny, misgivings emerge. And if the strange thing is precisely to be healthy? If identity, perhaps sicker than the body, can become a burden, would it be preferable to accept its dissolution or try to resist? And, given what seems like the beginning of the end, is it worth spending effort to write, in the narrator's words, "a novel with a sordid and criminal medical plot"? The basement is revealed, in an anomalous and fascinating narration, as the obverse of another possible novel, written with the freedom and precision with which a collage is constructed, dark and unpredictable like a spreading evil.

  • af Gilles Lipovetsky
    128,95 kr.

  • af Amia Srinivasan
    258,95 kr.

  • af Melania G. Mazzucco
    308,95 kr.

    One day in 1624, a father takes his daughter to the beach of Santa Severa to see the remains of a stranded whale. The father, Giovanni Briccio, treasures in his desk a tooth from that whale, which later his daughter, Plautilla, will keep all her life, along with the indelible memory of the animal that she saw as a child on that beach. We are in the Rome of baroque splendor, the Rome of the popes, the Rome of intrigues, fanaticism, violence, and plague. Giovanni is a painter and musician. Plautilla is his second daughter destined to be an important woman. Her father will educate her in the art of painting, and she will end up becoming an architect, the first female architect in modern history.