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  • af Federico Garcia Lorca
    168,95 kr.

    Es una de las creaciones poéticas más importantes del siglo xx. En esta obra, compuesta por dieciocho romances en los que prima un uso exquisito de la metáfora, se tratan temas universales como la muerte, el amor y la pasión, todo ello con la cultura gitana como eje central. En él se dan la mano tradición y modernidad en un libro profundo, intenso, con una personalidad única que se traduce en pura armonía. Una obra maestra que sigue emocionando al lector como el primer día. This book is one of the most important poetic creations of the 20th century. It is composed of eighteen romances in which an exquisite use of metaphor prevails and universal themes such as death, love, and passion are discussed. Tradition and modernity come together in a deep, intense book, with a unique personality that translates into pure harmony.

  • af H G Wells
    198,95 kr.

    Publicada originalmente en 1897, El hombre invisible cuenta las contradicciones de un joven y ambicioso científico que, tras un largo y arduo trabajo, encuentra la fórmula de la invisibilidad. Pero lo que inicialmente parecía un logro brillante termina convirtiéndose en una pesadilla. En esta novela H. G. Wells expone los peligros del mal uso de la ciencia y nos invita a reflexionar sobre sus límites éticos. Originally published in 1897, The Invisible Man tells the contradictions of a young and ambitious scientist who, after long and arduous work, discovers how to become invisible. But what initially seemed like a brilliant achievement ends up turning into a nightmare. In this novel, H. G. Wells exposes the dangers of misuse of science and invites us to reflect on its ethical limits.

  • af Plutarco
    188,95 kr.

    El filósofo nos enseña a escuchar a los adversarios -hábiles detectores de nuestras debilidades- y a desconfiar de nuestro amor propio -el defecto más útil para los aduladores-, pues solo así sabremos distinguir la verdadera amistad: aquella en la que encontraremos virtud en la honestidad y deleite en el diálogo. Un bien exquisito que exige espacio, tiempo y cuidado In this book, philosopher Plutarco teaches us to listen to adversaries and to distrust our self-love because only then will we know how to distinguish true friendship: one in which we will find virtue in honesty.

  • af Pablo Neruda
    168,95 kr.

    Neruda canta a su compañera y musa Matilde, pero también a la naturaleza de un país, Chile, del que tuvo que exiliarse y al que regresó poco antes de la publicación de este libro. El mar, la tierra y las diferentes fases del día evocan estados de ánimo y son los hilos conductores de esta extraordinaria declaración de amor. Una muestra del inabarcable talento de Neruda y una obra maestra de la lírica en lengua española. Neruda sings of his companion and muse Matilde, but also of Chile, from which he was exiled and to which he returned shortly before the publication of this book. The sea, the land and the different phases of the day evoke moods and are the common threads of this extraordinary declaration of love. A sample of Neruda's boundless talent and a masterpiece of poetry in the Spanish language.

  • af Rudyard Kipling
    138,95 kr.

    El influjo de esta fascinante reflexión sobre el poder de la creatividad y el oficio de escribir ha sido inmenso. Jorge Luis Borges no dudó en considerarlo uno de los cuentos más memorables que había leído. Y no es para menos. Gracias a obras como esta, Rudyard Kipling ganó el Premio Nobel de Literatura de 1907 y se cuenta entre los mejores narradores británicos de todos los tiempos. Works like this fascinating reflection on the power of creativity and the craft of writing earned Rudyard Kipling the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907. He's considered to be among the best British storytellers of all time.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    208,95 kr.

    This novel begins with a retired Holmes in the English countryside, more interested in beekeeping than solving cases. Only the imminent war with Germany will bring Holmes out of his voluntary retirement, who will put all his ingenuity and skills at the service of his country. These seven stories show us how the brilliant tenant of 221B Baker Street adapts to a changing world, without losing the ability to delight readers.

  • af Anne Bronte
    318,95 kr.

    This novel narrates the arrival of a widow and her son to an old mansion, a fact that unleashes all kinds of reactions among the neighborhood. Breaking free of a quarrelsome, alcoholic husband, Helen now faces an oppressive society, but manages to pull through. The protagonist's search for happiness and justice makes this novel a lucid portrait of human misery, a beautiful love story, a song of redemption and an illustrious precedent in feminist literature.

    148,95 kr.

    Canción de Navidad es una novela corta publicada en diciembre de 1843 que cuenta la historia de un hombre avaro y egoísta llamado Ebenezer Scrooge y su conversión tras ser visitado por una serie de fantasmas en Nochebuena. Canción de Navidad is a novella originally published in 1843 that tells the story of a greedy and selfish man named Ebenezer Scrooge. This book is his conversion after being visited by a series of ghosts on Christmas Eve.

    228,95 kr.

    This selection of stories covers different countries and cultures to address the figure of the ghost in literature. Authors of all literary genres come together in this anthology to show us their most ghostly side: Poe, Edith Wharton, Blasco Ibáñez, and many others contribute to these 18 stories full of horror.

  • af Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
    218,95 kr.

    Rimas y leyendas is one of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer's best-known work. In it you'll find rhymes that show readers one of the most refined and memorable lyrical voices of the 19th century. It also includes 16 legends that demonstrate his masterful treatment of the fantastic in stories such as "Maese Pérez, The Organist", "The Mountain of the Souls", and "The Green Eyes", among others.

  • af Lucy Maud Montgomery
    238,95 kr.

    Ana de Avonlea es la segunda de las novelas que conforman la serie más célebre de Lucy Maud Montgomery. Ana es ahora una adolescente que debe asumir las responsabilidades que conlleva hacerse mayor. En esta ocasión, vemos el crecimiento personal y espiritual de Ana, que nos recuerda, una vez más, la importancia de la solidaridad, la amistad y el sentimiento de comunidad. Anne of Avonlea is the second of the novels that make up the most famous series by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Ana is now a teenager who must assume the responsibilities that come with growing up. On this occasion, we see Ana's personal and spiritual growth, which reminds us of the importance of solidarity, friendship and a sense of community.

    268,95 kr.

    La presente antología recoge 22 relatos escritos por mujeres, de figuras consagradas como Emilia Pardo Bazán, Mary Shelley o Edith Warton, y otras menos conocidas como María de Zayas o Alice Dunbar-Nelson. Aunque pertenecen a distintas épocas y lugares, todas tienen algo en común: la valentía de ir a contracorriente y alzar la voz en tiempos en los que era casi imposible que una mujer desarrollara sus capacidades creativas. Sus relatos abarcan siglos de resiliencia, empoderamiento y una lucha incansable para afianzar sus derechos. Además de la calidad literaria, en todos ellos quedan retratadas la personalidad y las inquietudes de cada una de estas grandes mujeres que cuentan. This anthology is a collection of 22 stories written by women, by established figures such as Emilia Pardo Bazán, Mary Shelley, Edith Warton, and others. Although they belong to different times and places, they all have something in common: the courage to go against the current and raise their voices in times when it was almost impossible for a woman to develop their creative abilities. Their stories span centuries of resilience, empowerment, and a tireless fight to secure women's rights.

  • af Lao Tse
    173,95 kr.

  • af G K Chesterton
    278,95 kr.

    Translation of: The man who knew too much.

    148,95 kr.

    Peter Pan is a boy that never grows up. He is ten years old and hates the adult world. Accompanied by the fairy Tinkerbell, he invites a little girl named Wendy and her two brothers to visit and fly to the island of Neverland, where many adventures await with their friends, the Lost Boys.

    148,95 kr.

    This epic poem recounts the adventures of Ulysses, on his journey returning to his homeland, Ithaca. Since the moment the Trojan War ended until the moment he finally returns home many years later, he was joined by his beloved wife Penélope and his son Telémaco.

  • af Eric Arthur Blair
    228,95 kr.

    The most iconic novel ever written about the dangers of totalitarianism, media manipulation and the rewriting of history. The quotidian tragedy of Winston and Julia is an exemplary and cruel portrait of an unhappy world, a prophecy that chills our blood and moves us in equal measure.

  • af Friedrich Engels
    158,95 kr.

    Today, the work is subject, of course, to its ideological positioning but it continues to represent a key moment in political thought, and Karl Marx, the person primarily responsible for its writing, continues to be one of the most influential thinkers of his time. Many of the problems that are addressed in these pages have not yet been resolved and, instead, some of the solutions proposed are a part of any current society that considers itself civilized.

  • af Dàlia Adillon
    278,95 kr.

    Emma was the last novel that Jane Austen published while alive. In it, she tells us about the adventures of Emma Woodhouse, a young English woman raised in a wealthy family who not only doesn't have the slightest intention of getting married, but also insists on being a matchmaker for her circle of friends. In particular, for her protégé Harriet Smith. Emma's advice produces all kinds of misunderstandings and embarrassing situations, which translates into a fun work that, two centuries after its appearance, continues to delight readers.

  • af Adeline Virginia Stephen
    158,95 kr.

    Head of the Bloomsbury Group -- one of the most brilliant generations of the intellectuals in British culture-- and a novelist with an almost mythical aura, Virginia Woolf was also an teacher of essay. The phrase that lends the title of the book «A woman needs money and a room of one's own to dedicate to literature', generated great controversy in its time and has been misunderstood to the point of exhaustion. Where some saw elitism, Woolf wanted to vindicate the figure of the empowered woman through her writings and her economic independence, as a first step towards full realization. Woolf thus became the model author of the second wave of feminism, and offers us an intense and exciting reading that has become a contemporary classic.

  • af Pablo Neruda
    158,95 kr.

    Published in 1924, Twenty love poems and a song of despair is one of the greatest exponents of Latin American literary modernism, which placed the young Pablo Neruda at the forefront of poetry in the Spanish language, in a fascinating journey that culminated in being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.

  • af Nicolas Maquiavelo
    108,95 - 183,95 kr.

  • af Lucy Maud Montgomery
    238,95 kr.

    "Ana de Tejas Verdes es la primera de las nueve novelas en las que Lucy Maud Montgomery narra la vida de Ana Shirley, una niäna de once aänos que deja el orfanato para irse a vivir a Tejas Verdes, la granja de los hermanos Cuthbert. Gracias a su carâacter imaginativo, inteligente, alegre, fuerte y luchador, se gana no solo el corazâon de su familia adoptiva, Matthew y Marilla, sino tambiâen el de todos los habitantes de Avonlea. Adaptada al cine, a la televisiâon, al anime e incluso al musical, Ana de Tejas Verdes es un hermoso canto a la importancia de la familia, la amistad y los sueänos."--

  • af Arthur Schopenhauer
    238,95 kr.

    Con un tono acre y mordaz, el rey de la controversia nos orienta aquí sobre cómo salir siempre victoriosos de una discusión y expone 38 estratagemas entre las que tal vez reconozca el lector más de un argumento de los que usan los políticos y publicistas de hoy. > With an acrid and scathing tone, the king of controversy guides us here on how to always emerge victorious from an argument and exposes 38 stratagems among which the reader may recognize more than one argument used by today's politicians and publicists.

  • af H. P. Lovecraft
    83,95 - 118,95 kr.

  • af Charles Dickens
    223,95 kr.

    Existen pocas fiestas tan populares como la Navidad, cuyas tradiciones más arraigadas datan de la época victoriana. A la estela del famoso "Cuento de Navidad" de Charles Dickens eclosionó todo un subgénero literario, y numerosos autores de lenguas y géneros distintos se inspiraron en esta festividad para crear maravillosos relatos, cada uno desde su propia mirada y con su particular voz. Esta selección nos acerca a esta celebración y nos permite reencontrarnos con la magia de la Navidad. There are few holidays as popular as Christmas, the most deeply rooted traditions of which date back to Victorian times. In the wake of Cuento de Navidad by Charles Dickens, a whole literary subgenre emerged, and many authors from different languages ​​and genres were inspired to create wonderful stories, each from their own perspective and with their own particular voice. This selection brings us closer to this celebration and allows us to rediscover the magic of Christmas.

  • af James Matthew Barrie
    183,95 kr.

  • af Lewis Carrol
    213,95 kr.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    238,95 kr.

    "Objeto de escâandalo en su momento, la novela hubo de sortear la censura del râegimen de Napoleâon III y sentâo las bases del realismo literario. Emma Bovary representa la rebeliâon contra el encorsetamiento que impone la opresiva sociedad burguesa de la Francia rural decimonâonica y su profunda insatisfacciâon vital. Emma huye de un matrimonio infeliz, pero tambiâen de un mundo que no estâa hecho a su medida, de una âepoca que no es la suya."--

  • af Carlo Collodi
    183,95 kr.

    "Pinocchio is one of Italy's literary contributions to the world. This is a beloved classic that allows readers to experience cruelty, humor, and fantasy in a single work. Pinocchio is a naèive puppet that must learn from his mistakes, become responsible, and transform himself into a real boy. He's able to do all this, thanks to Jiminy Cricket, his conscience, and the guidance of Geppetto and his fairy godmother, who personify and paternal and maternal love."--