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Bøger udgivet af Ediciones Urano

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  • af Mikel Alonso Lopez
    234,45 kr.

  • af Natalia Porro
    324,45 kr.

    One of the first things that goes through your mind when you meet someone is knowing what sign they will be... Natalia Porro invites us to discover the main characteristics of the twelve suns of the zodiac: what are Aquarius' fears? What does Scorpio want most? How to win the heart of Capricorn? With this dynamic and exhaustive guide you will be able to understand the energy of each sign, how they live their lives, their tastes and their way of seeing reality. A practical and indispensable manual for lovers of astrology.

  • af Katy Hays
    254,45 kr.

    When Ann Stilwell arrives in New York City, she expects to spend her summer working as a curatorial associate at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Instead, she finds herself assigned to The Cloisters, a gothic museum and garden renowned for its medieval art collection and its group of enigmatic researchers studying the history of divination. Desperate to escape her painful past, Ann is happy to indulge the researchers' more outlandish theories about the history of fortune telling. But what begins as academic curiosity quickly turns into obsession when Ann discovers a hidden 15th-century deck of tarot cards that might hold the key to predicting the future. When the dangerous game of power, seduction, and ambition at The Cloisters turns deadly, Ann becomes locked in a race for answers as the line between the arcane and the modern blurs. A haunting and magical blend of genres, The Cloisters is a gripping debut that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

  • af Tahereh Mafi
    324,45 kr.

    "With Omega Point destroyed, Juliette doesn't know if the rebels, her friends, or even Adam are alive. But that won't keep her from trying to take down The Reestablishment once and for all. Now she must rely on Warner, the handsome commander of Sector 45. The one person she never thought she could trust. The same person who saved her life. He promises to help Juliette master her powers and save their dying world ... but that's not all he wants with her"--

  • af Suzanne Enoch
    269,45 kr.

    "Emmeline y William Pershing han disfrutado de un ideal matrimonio de conveniencia durante ocho ñaos. Su relacóin es la perfecta combinacóin de sus talentos y metas. Han establecido vidas separadas y en fanátstica armoína bajo el mismo techo, y esátn satisfechos con esa situacóin, o eso piensa Emmeline. Si, en secreto, William ha anhelado algo áms por parte de su esposa, ha conseguido conformarse con su impresionante talento como anfitriona, que lo ha ayudado a avanzar en su carrera. Cuando el abuelo de Emmeline, el solitario Duque de Welshire, los convoca para su fiesta de cumpleñaos y pide que lleven a sus dos pequñeos y angelicales hijos, William se queda estupefacto al descubrir que su muy correcta esposa se ha inventado no uno, sino dos herederos para cumplir con el acuerdo y poder vivir en Winnover. Pero Åque podíra salir mal si Emmeline y William unen fuerzas y piden prestados a dos querubines para hacerlos pasar por suyos? Aís entran en escena George, de ocho ñaos, y Rose, de cinco; los dos héurfanos áms rebeldes de Gran Bretñaa. A medida que se desata la locura, su cuidadoso y profesional acuerdo toma algunos derroteros sorprendentementeí ntimos. Quiáz hace falta perder un poco la cordura para crear el final feliz perfecto. " -- Back cover.

  • af Alison Cochrun
    259,45 kr.

    "Dev Deshpande siempre ha creâido en los cuentos de hadas. Asâi que no es de extraänar que haya pasado toda su carrera creâandolos en el reality show de citas Y comieron perdices. Como el productor mâas exitoso en la historia del programa, Dev siempre escribe la historia de amor perfecta para sus concursantes, incluso mientras su propia vida amorosa se desmorona. Pero entonces el programa incorpora al desacreditado prodigio de la tecnologâia Charlie Winshaw como su nueva estrella. Charlie estâa lejos de ser el prâincipe azul româantico que Y comieron perdices espera. No cree en el amor verdadero, y solo ha accedido a estar en el programa en un intento desesperado de limpiar su imagen. Frente a las câamaras, es un desastre con ansiedad que no tiene ni idea de câomo salir con veinte mujeres en la televisiâon nacional. Detrâas de las câamaras, es frâio, complicado y estâa cerrado emocionalmente. Mientras Dev lucha por conseguir que Charlie conecte con las participantes en una gira mundial frenâetica, ambos empiezan a abrirse con el otro, y Charlie se da cuenta de que tiene mejor quâimica con Dev que con cualquiera de sus coestrellas femeninas. Pero incluso los realities tienen un guion, y para encontrar el (S0 (Bfelices para siempre (S1 (Btendrâan que reconsiderar cuâal es la historia de amor que se va a contar. " -- Back cover.

  • af Foz Meadows
    294,45 kr.

  • af Brigid Kemmerer
    289,45 kr.

  • af Tucker Shaw
    264,45 kr.

    Adam es un fanâatico del cine, tiene diecisiete aänos y un chico muy guapo lo acaba de invitar a salir. ÆSu primera cita! Con el corazâon a mil, Adam acepta y se enamora de Callum, como pasa en las pelâiculas. Ben estâa obsesionado con la moda, tiene dieciocho aänos y se ha ido de casa despuâes de que su madre descubriera su colecciâon de revistas gays. Pero, al llegar a Nueva York, Ben empieza a sentir su sexualidad menos como un secreto y mâas como una insignia de honor. Entonces Callum desaparece y deja a Adam con el corazâon roto, y Ben descubre que el mundo que acaba de descubrir no es tan abierto de mente como pensaba. Cuando Adam por fin encuentra a Callum, se entera de que el chico al que ama estâa muy enfermo. Y, en un encuentro casual cerca del hospital donde Callum estâa ingresado, Ben y Adam se conocen. Cuando ambos empiezan a abrirse a las posibilidades del amor y la vida queer, se dan cuenta de que, a veces, las âunicas personas que pueden ayudarnos son las que nos ven tal y como somos, en todo nuestro esplendor, por caâotico que sea.

  • af Emily J Taylor
    259,45 kr.

    "All her life, Jani has dreamed of Elsewhere. Just barely scraping by with her job at a tannery, she's resigned to a dreary life in the port town of Durc, caring for her younger sister Zosa. That is, until the Hotel Magnifique comes to town. The hotel is legendary not only for its whimsical enchantments, but also for its ability to travel--appearing in a different destination every morning. While Jani and Zosa can't afford the exorbitant costs of a guest's stay, they can interview to join the staff, and are soon whisked away on the greatest adventure of their lives. But once inside, Jani quickly discovers their contracts are unbreakable and that beneath the marvelous glamour, the hotel is hiding dangerous secrets."--

  • af Adrienne Young
    234,45 kr.

    When a letter from her uncle Henrick summoning her back to Bastian arrives on Bryn Roth's eighteenth birthday, Bryn is eager to prove herself to the family, even as she learns the Roths are still engtangled in the kind of dirty business that got her parents killed years ago.

  • af Thomas Moore
    234,45 kr.

  • af Helen Hardt
    239,45 kr.

  • af Helen Hoang
    234,45 kr.

    A woman struggling with burnout learns to embrace the unexpected--and the man she enlists to help her--in this sizzling new romance by USA Today bestselling author Helen Hoang. When violinist Anna Sun accidentally achieves career success with a viral YouTube video, she finds herself incapacitated and burned out from her attempts to be perfect in other people's eyes. If Anna ever wants to move forward, she has to learn to listen to her own heart, but that's not easy when her greatest fear has always been disappointing others. Her solution is to create a low-stress environment, with no expectations to fulfill, where she can experiment with being herself and going after what she wants. Translation: Anna is going to embark on a string of one-night stands. The more unacceptable the men, the better. That's where tattooed, motorcycle-riding Quan Diep comes in, but nothing goes according to plan. Their first attempt at a one-night stand fails, as does their second, and their third, until it starts to feel like a real relationship. But when her traditional-minded family disapproves of the relationship and the person she's slowly discovering herself to be, Anna must choose between meeting expectations and finding happiness in who she really is.

  • af Eric Barker
    234,45 kr.

  • af Emiko Jean
    264,45 kr.

  • af Daniela Cardenas
    199,45 kr.

  • af Gueshe Lobsand Dawa
    119,45 kr.

  • af Coco Mellors
    289,45 kr.

  • af Elise Kova
    234,45 kr.

  • af Ava Reid
    254,45 kr.

  • af Ruiz Jr Miguel
    194,45 kr.

    Presents advice on how to gain personal freedom by following the wisdom of the Toltecs.

  • af Justin Zorn
    274,45 kr.

    Silence isn't just the absence of noise. It's a presence that brings us energy, clarity, and deeper connection... Justin Zorn and Leigh Marz take us on an unlikely journey--from the West Wing of the White House to San Quentin's death row; from Ivy League brain research laboratories to underground psychedelic circles; from the temperate rainforests of Olympic National Park to the main stage at a heavy metal festival--to explore the meaning of silence and the art of finding it in any situation. Golden reveals how to go beyond the ordinary rules and tools of mindfulness. It's a field guide for navigating the noise of the modern world--not just the noise in our ears but also on our screens and in our heads. Drawing on lessons from neuroscience, business, spirituality, politics, and the arts, Marz and Zorn explore why auditory, informational, and internal silence is essential for physical health, mental clarity, ecological sustainability, and vibrant community.

  • af Anna Lembke
    224,45 kr.

  • af Helen Hoang
    224,45 kr.

  • af Jennifer Armentrout
    239,45 kr.

    Ivy Morgan hasn't been feeling like herself lately. Not like anyone can blame her. After all, being held captive by a psychotic fae prince hell-bent on permanently opening the gates to the Otherworld is bound to leave some mental scars. It's more than that, though. Something dark is spreading through Ivy...

  • af Jennifer Armentrout
    289,45 kr.

    Everything Ivy Morgan thought she knew has been turned on its head. After being betrayed and then nearly killed by the Prince of the Fae, she's left bruised and devastated--and with an earth-shattering secret that she must keep at all costs. And if the Order finds out her secret, they'll kill her.

  • af Timothy Clark
    184,45 kr.

  • af Thich Nhat Hanh
    144,45 kr.