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393,95 kr. This thesis presents the generic rules for permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) with tooth coil winding arrangement. The generic rules concentrates on minimized cogging torque and torque ripple. The geometries considered in this thesis are two different tooth coil winding arrangements and three different rotor types to formulate the design rules. The occurrence of parasitic torque in the PMSM is classified from the origin of harmonic sources. The cogging torque and torque ripple are derived analytically using the stator current sheet distribution, the rotor field distribution and the permeance functions. The detailed torque analysis are performed in Finite Element Method (FEM) for different slot opening and magnet pole coverage.The 2D harmonics analysis approach is used to predict the sources of the harmonics. The torque is reconstructed from the selected harmonics combinations and are compared with the pulsating torque obtained directly from the FEM. The harmonic sources of pulsating torque are also validated with prototype for a geometry. The investigations on pulsating torque are extended to other operating points such as field weakening and half load condition.Finally, the generic design rules are suggested for PMSM with tooth coil winding arrangement. In addition, simplified design rules to have quick design approach and design guidelines from manufacturing point of view are suggested.
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- 393,95 kr.
283,95 kr. Haiku® is an open source, light, fast and user-friendly operating system thatis inspired by the ¿Multimedia Operating System¿ BeOS¿. At the momentHaiku is still under development and the latest release was Alpha 2 which ismeant to be used only for testing. Unlike many other open source operatingsystems, such as Linux or FreeBSD, Haiku sets the focus on personal computingand the graphic user interface (GUI) is not just an ¿Add-On¿ or ¿additionalwindows management system¿, but it is an essential part of the kernel.This thesis analyses Haiku, especially regarding the ease of use, the GUIand the multimedia capabilities, by giving an introduction to Haiku, an overviewof the history and features of BeOS and a lot of general and technicalinformation about the architecture, the easy of use, the GUI and some otheraspects of operating systems in general respectively in the special case ofHaiku. In order to recognize the main fields of application of Haiku and theexpectations of the users regarding the further development of Haiku, theHaiku community has been analysed by doing an online survey that wasanswered by more than one thousand persons.
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- 283,95 kr.
463,95 kr. Mit dieser sequentiellen Querschnittsstudie wurde die Verbindung zwischen der vorhandenenGemüsevielfalt (¿Produktion¿) und der Nahrungsvielfalt von Frauen (¿Konsum¿) in drei verschiedenenDistrikten im ländlichen Tansania untersucht. Des Weiteren wurde die Beziehung zwischen demErnährungszustand der Teilnehmerinnen und deren Anbau- und Ernährungsvielfalt erforscht.Die Studie wurde während drei verschiedener Jahreszeiten innerhalb eines Jahres (2006/2007) in 18Dörfern der drei Distrikte in Nordost- und Zentraltansania mit insgesamt 252 Frauen durchgeführt. DieErhebung beinhaltete ein Einzelinterview über Gemüseanbau, Nahrungsmittelkonsum (u.a. ein 24-Stunden-Recall und ein 7-Tage-Recall bzgl. Gemüse) und Ernährungswissen, sowie die Messung von Body MassIndex (BMI), Hämoglobin (Hb) für den Eisenstatus und verschiedene Faktoren für den Vitamin A Status.Neben der Untersuchung von einzelnen Nährstoffen, Nahrungsmittelgruppen und Gesundheitsproblemenwurde auch ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz verfolgt, um Nahrungsvielfalt sowie Ernährungsmuster und derenVerbindung zu Ernährungsstatus und Gemüseproduktion von Frauen zu prüfen. Beziehungen zwischenverschiedenen Variablen wurden sowohl durch bivariate Korrelationen als auch durch multipleRegressionen getestet. Werte für die Vielfalt an gegessenen Nahrungsmittelgruppen (DDS) sowieeinzelnen Nahrungsmitteln (FVS) wurden errechnet und Ernährungsmuster wurden durchHauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA) und Clusteranalyse gebildet.Hinsichtlich der Verbindung zwischen ¿Produktion¿ und ¿Konsum¿ konnte eine eindeutige Beziehungzwischen der produzierten und konsumierten Gemüsevielfalt gefunden werden. Diese Beziehung war nichtvorhanden für produzierte und konsumierte Gemüsequantität, außer während einzelner Jahreszeiten. Dieverzehrte Gemüsemenge wurde eher beeinflusst durch die Jahreszeit, den Zukauf von vor allem'exotischen' Gemüse neben dem Selbstgezogenen, sowie Wissen, Einstellungen und Vorlieben der Frauenbezüglich Gemüsekonsum. Durch die Ernährungsmusterbildung konnten keine direkten Assoziationenzwischen Gemüsevielfalt im Anbau und Gemüsekonsum gefunden werden. Dennoch konnte für dieStudienpopulation in Tansania aufgezeigt werden, dass die Ernährung (noch) durch die lokale Produktionbeeinflusst wurde und dass deshalb Ernährungsfragen immer auch die aktuelle Lebensmittelproduktion miteinbeziehen und umgekehrt.Die Beziehungen, die zwischen ¿Konsum¿ und Gesundheit gefunden wurden, zeigten, dass Adipositassogar in ländlichen, armen und unterentwickelten Regionen Tansanias vermehrt vorkommt. Außerdemkonnte dargelegt werden, dass eine hohe Vielfalt in der Ernährung nicht an sich eine Garantie für einegesunde Ernährung ist, sondern dass die Nahrungsmittelart und Nahrungsmittelgruppen selbst, die zudieser hohen Vielfalt beitragen, entscheidend sind. Eine direkte Verbindung zwischen ¿Produktion¿ undGesundheit konnte nur teilweise aufgezeigt werden. Anscheinend war der Fokus auf Gemüseproduktionnicht ausreichend, sondern die gesamte Nahrungsmittelproduktion hätte in Betracht gezogen werdenmüssenWeitere Empfehlungen für zukünftige Forschung beinhalten, u.a., den Einfluss von Anbau und Konsum vonexotischen Gemüse und exotischen Lebensmitteln allgemein auf den Ernährungs- und Gesundheitszustandzu untersuchen; den Wert für die Vielfalt an gegessenen Nahrungsmittelgruppen (DDS) als einErhebungsinstrument für Nahrungsvielfalt und -qualität zu verbessern; einen Ernährungsleitfaden fürTansania zu erarbeiten, möglichst gebietsweise; die ¿nutrition transition¿ in Tansania vor allem in denländlichen Regionen zu untersuchen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Ernährungswissen, Einstellungen, Vorlieben(z.B. Geschmack) und Verhalten.
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- 463,95 kr.
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- 383,95 kr.
438,95 kr. Modern high-power broad area (BA) diode lasers are important building blocks for the materials processing industry, combining high optical output power with high conversion efficiency. However, their use in direct diode systems, e.g. for sheet metal cutting, is limited due to a poor lateral (slow-axis) beam quality, which is inversely proportional to the beam parameter product (BPP).The main objective of this work was therefore on root cause analy-sis of the factors influencing the diode lasers' increase in lateral BPP. Hence, a series of diagnostic experiments was conducted, each aiming at a specific potential influence in order to assess its importance. The list of considered effects includes thermal lens shape, epitaxial layer design, lateral carrier profile, process-induced index guiding via dry etched trenches, filamentation, and mechanical strain. Analysis revealed that epitaxial layer structure and chip geometry have considerable impact on thermal lens bowing, which directly correlates with the rate of BPP increase with rising junction temperature. In addition, the suppression of lateral carrier accumulation with deep proton implantation at the BA emitter edges led to a 33% decrease of that deterioration rate. The application of index guiding trenches yielded stabilized near-field dimensions as function of current, but also increased the BPP considerably. Filamentation and mechanical strain were found to have only marginal influence.In addition, this work assesses techniques that aim at reducing the BPP via a reduction of the number of active lateral modes. As a result of a near-field-width selective loss mechanism, diode lasers with an excellent linear radiance of 4.4 W/mm.mrad were fabricated.
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- 438,95 kr.
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- 753,95 kr.
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- 488,95 kr.
488,95 kr. Stimulated Brillouin scattering is the most dominant nonlinear effect in single mode optical fibers. Its unique spectral characteristics, especially the narrow bandwidth of 20 - 30 MHz enable numerous applications, including optical spectrum analysis, delay and storage of light, distributed sensing and optical signal processing. Most of them would benefit from a reduction of the Brillouin gain bandwidth.This dissertation demonstrates several methods for significant reduction of the Brillouin gain bandwidth, including a multi-stage system, the superposition of the gain with two losses as well as the utilization of a frequency domain aperture. Thereby the Brillouin gain bandwidth can be reduced significantly down to 3 MHz, which equals 15% of the normal bandwidth.Furthermore, the reduced Brillouin gain bandwidth is employed for various applications. First, the resolution and the dynamic range of a Brillouin based optical spectrum analyzer are enhanced significantly. Second, a new technique for the storage of optical data packets, called Quasi-Light-Storage, is introduced and the maximum storage time is increased to 160 ns for 8 bit data packets. Finally, Brillouin scattering is used for the processing of optical frequency combs, leading to the generation high quality of mm- and THz-waves, as well as almost ideal sinc-shaped Nyquist pulse sequences.
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- 488,95 kr.
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- 753,95 kr.
293,95 kr. This book in Italian is an essay about some latin inscriptions preserved in the lapidarium of the Samnium Museum (Museo del Sannio) in the town of Benevento (southern Italy). It is intended not only for readers interested in Roman political and social history and in latin inscriptions but also for those who would like to visit the lapidarium.The book tells of the public and private life of Roman Benevento drawing on first-hand historical sources: some latin inscriptions dating from the 2nd century B.C. to the 4th century A.D. The text is thematically arranged and includes 25 colour photos showing the inscriptions analysed in it. The chapters are about the political institutions of Roman Benevento; public buildings and the munificence by the rich; religion and cults; the people of Roman Benevento and the messages written on their gravestones.This essay is written in a plain style. Its language is straightforward and there is no epigraphic jargon. In the text readers will also find translations and paraphrases of the latin inscriptions used for describing the life in Roman Benevento. Difficult words and concepts are explained in some footnotes which are intended as a glossary. The latin original textes are grouped in a special appendix for those who know the language of ancient Rome and would like to enjoy the original version. A select bibliography gives more information about the history of Roman Benevento, the latin inscriptions of the town and latin epigraphy in general.
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- 293,95 kr.
328,95 kr. Non-globular FG domains constitute the permeability barrier of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), which control all macromolecular exchange between nucleus and cytoplasm. Whilst objects smaller than 30kDa can passively diffuse across this barrier, larger molecules need to be chaperoned by nuclear transport receptors (NTRs). However, the modus operandi and, inextricably linked, the exact physical nature of the NPC permeability barrier are still controversially discussed. Whereas so far, most studies exclusively focused on yeast or vertebrate FG domains, the ability of FG domains from different species to form selective barriers was explored here. Interestingly, all studied species contain ¿cohesive¿ FG domains that interact with each other to form a characteristic (hydrogel) phase mimicking the permeability properties of NPCs.
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- 328,95 kr.
498,95 kr. - Bog
- 498,95 kr.
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- 593,95 kr.
658,95 kr. This dissertation is devoted to attitudes of consumers toward luxury in two agricultural markets, horse sports and foods. Literature postulates a change of perceived luxury definitions and motives for luxury consumption. Accordingly, personally-oriented luxury consumption has gained significance while socially-oriented motives have been pushed into the background. Based on this, the following studies were aimed to reveal how far it has affected the consumer behavior in both agricultural markets. The research results are used to define the target groups for different kinds of luxury marketing and to give recommendations for the design of accordant marketing strategies.The studies provide empirical evidence for the existence of a shift of motives for luxury consumption and luxury definitions away from prestige and conspicuousness toward self-realization, hedonism, intangible values, functionality, sustainability and authenticity. Moreover, the results imply that luxury consumption can be categorized in tangible luxury goods and luxury experience. Despite intersections by means of hedonism and self-realization, the studies revealed differences in the consumption motives for both categories of luxury.
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- 658,95 kr.
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- 488,95 kr.
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- 868,95 kr.
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- 1.008,95 kr.
453,95 kr. Non-proteinogenic amino acids are often important constituents of biologically potent natural products. The synthesis of these amino acids is often time-consuming, non-trivial and not sustainable. Thus, the central topic of this work was the formation of unusual amino acid structures by biocatalytic and catalytic methods. For the elucidation of the biosynthetic pathway of Streptomyces-produced muraymycins and related natural products, a ¿biosynthetic tool kit¿ was compiled and prepared. This does not only comprehend the completed synthesis of deuterium-labeled compounds, such as (3R)- and (3S)-3-hydroxy-[5-2H]-l-arginine and other potential intermediates with a nucleosidic structure, but it also includes the development of fermentation methodology including the possibility to detect the muraymycin derivatives by LC MS. Furthermore, different synthetic routes with catalytic key steps for the preparation of the non-proteinogenic amino acid enduracididine were investigated.
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- 453,95 kr.
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- 863,95 kr.
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- 593,95 kr.
543,95 kr. - Bog
- 543,95 kr.
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- 698,95 kr.
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- 548,95 kr.
198,95 kr. On 14 December 2010 the European Commission presented its Proposal to amend the most important instrument on European international civil procedure, the Regulation 44/2001 (¿Brussels I`). Against the background that European law guarantees economic freedoms cross-border recognition and enforcement of judgments within the European Union is of considerable and increasing importance. Brussels I provides for a simple and accelerated procedure to obtain the required declaration of enforceability (the exequatur) in the Member State of enforcement. In order to further enhance the free movement of judgments within the EU the general abolishment of this exequatur lies at the heart of the Proposal. It is accompanied by plans to reform the existing defences.This dissertation provides an analysis and discusses the most relevant aspects of the abolishment of the exequatur and the reform of the defences under the Proposal. After providing the background on the Proposal and its underlying principles, the cross-border enforcement regimes of Brussels I and the Commisson`s Proposal are briefly presented. The abolishment of the exequatur is critically discussed with regard to its underlying rationales and the functions of the exequatur. The chapter concludes with the implications of the abolishment for the existing defences. The reform of the defences is discussed in debt in the third chapter with regard to the questions whether the Proposal provides sufficient protection and complies with the principle of mutual recognition. Particular emphasis is put on the ordre public defence and its fundamental rights implications. Suggestions to amend the Commission`s Proposal are made throughout the paper and briefly summarised in the final conclusion.
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- 198,95 kr.
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- 618,95 kr.