Bøger udgivet af Cuvillier
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- 268,95 kr.
343,95 kr. As a pastoral society, the Maasai established, and mostly still practice, a livestock-based production system adapted to the vast rangeland areas of East Africa. Strategic mobility and an elaborate social organisation with distinct responsibilities divided by gender and age-sets allow them to cope with climatic uncertainties and unstable forage availability. Nowadays, their traditional way of life faces various changes in the environment, including more frequent natural shocks, political issues, and socio-economic developments. The Maasai adapt to these challenges by diversifying their livelihood strategy. There is limited insight into the potential effects and implications of milk sales as an alternative income activity.This book provides an in-depth assessment of the potential impact of milk sales on Maasai pastoralists. Based on extensive socio-economic information at olmarei (household) and enkaji (sub-household) levels, econometric methods are applied to estimate and assess the effect of milk sales on enkaji income and food security. In addition, gender roles in the research area and aspects of intra-olmarei dynamics are investigated and discussed.
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- 343,95 kr.
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- 298,95 kr.
273,95 kr. Die Nutzung von fossilen Brennstöen zur Energieerzeugung f¿uhrt zur Emission von Treib-hausgasen. Dadurch entstehende Umweltsch¿aden k¿onnen reduziert werden, indem Kohle alsEnergietr¿ager im Kraftwerk durch CO2-neutrale Biomasse ersetzt wird. Der Wirkungsgrad derEnergieumwandlung bei der thermischen Nutzung reiner Biomasse ist allerdings noch unzu-reichend im Vergleich zur Nutzung von Kohle. Eine weitere Alternative stellt die Mitverbren-nung von Biomasse in bestehenden Kohlekraftwerken dar. Die Mitverbrennung von Biomassef¿uhrt jedoch tendenziell zu vermehrter Bildung von Ascheablagerungen auf den Ober¿¿achender W¿arme¿ubertrager. Die Ascheablagerungen beeintr¿achtigen besonders im Bereich der¿Uberhitzer-Heiz¿¿achen die W¿arme¿ubertragung vom Rauchgas in den Wasser/Dampf-Kreislaufund schr¿anken dadurch den Wirkungsgrad des Dampferzeugers ein. Um diese negativen Folgenvermindern zu k¿onnen, ist ein grundlegendes Verst¿andnis der Bildung der Ascheablagerungenerforderlich. Vor allem der hohe Anteil an ¿¿uchtigem Kalium, das w¿ahrend der Verbrennungder Biomasse freigesetzt wird, tr¿agt zur Bildung von Ascheablagerungen bei. Das freigesetzteKalium kann dabei vor oder w¿ahrend des Kondensationsprozesses mit Aschepartikeln reagieren.Dies f¿uhrt zum Schmelzen von Aschepartikeln und damit letztlich zur Ablagerung an denOber¿¿achen der W¿arme¿ubertrager. Das freigesetzte Kalium kann ebenfalls auf den gek¿uhltenRohrober¿¿achen kondensieren und dort eine klebrige Schicht bilden, die die Bildung weitererAblagerungen noch beschleunigt.
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- 273,95 kr.
343,95 kr. Renewable energy generation has been increasing for years, and islikely to increase even more in the future. Private households contribute to the increase of renewable generation for example with the installation of roof-mounted photovoltaic plants. Owners are interested in making the most out of their local resources to keep energy costs as low as possible. To reach this aim, a household can apply energy storage and the change of load demand, also called demand response, or cooperate with other houses in the vicinity by sharing renewable generation and coordinating load demand to minimize the collective energy costs.
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- 343,95 kr.
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- 468,95 kr.
333,95 kr. Regulatory frameworks are a common tool in the EU food policy to achieve objectives on the society level, e.g. an increase in the society¿s health status. Analyses of potential consequences of regulatory frameworks are a basis for policy makers deciding on their implementation. To support policy decision making the thesis builds on an ex-ante approach considering the development path from a regulation via enterprises¿ behaviour to society consequences. Limiting the thesis¿ focus on modelling the enterprise behaviour towards regulations its objective is to generate a step-by-step approach for regulatory decision support in food policy and to transform this approach into a computer-based interactive system.After a theoretical background the thesis presents a basis of an argumentation line that should lead to the requested results, i.e. the enterprise compliance behaviour. This hypothesis is specified and validated according to a decision scenario defined by two regulatory frameworks. A step-by-step approach for regulatory decision support is generated composed of two knowledge areas. (1) A sequence of arguments relying on expertise, and (2) a knowledge base backing up the arguments with modular data, relying on various sources. Of importance for decision aiding is transparency improvement and complexity reduction which is considered by the step-by-step procedure and the filter concept of each argument reducing the model scope.The utilization of the step-by-step approach through field tests in the cereals industry of several EU countries approved the desired outcome and identified improvement potential. The improved model is translated into a decision support system. The user interface supports the utilization of the model by guiding the interaction between the sequence of arguments, the knowledge base, and the analyst, who has to make the specifications necessary to go from one step to the next. The decision support system presents to the policy maker the status quo of the compliance level, the potential increase through the regulatory framework and the lack in compliance based on the estimated behaviour of affected enterprise classes. The transparency of the system enables recommendations of specific changes in the regulatory framework or corrective policy actions.
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- 333,95 kr.
668,95 kr. This collection of descriptions and analyses from scholars from Central Asia, Xinjiang, Kashmir, and Siberia gives first a general overview about the geopolitics, economics, and politics of the Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgizstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) plus a details description of their foreign policy towards their neighborhood, the region, and the further abroad (Russia, India, China). This is complemented by studies on the relations between Central Asia on the one side and China, India, and Russia on the other hand. Secondly, the history, problems, and pers-pectives of the Central Asian regionalization and trans-regional (SCO, OSCE) process is discussed and evaluated. Third, problems such as Islamism in Central Asia are studied.The book is not only a coherent handbook on Central Asia but presents the views of the academic generation of the newly independent Central Asian countries. It gives a comprehensive overview about foreign policies and Central Asian relations with the big neighbors China, Russia, and India as well as a differentiated discussion on the regionalization process.
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- 668,95 kr.
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- 283,95 kr.
448,95 kr. This thesis presents a comprehensive nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) examination of the magnetic ¿eld-driven quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in the metalorganic spin chain compounds copper pyrazine dinitrate (CuPzN) and bisphenazinium copper tetrachloride (PhnCuCl). Due to their relatively small magnetic exchange interaction energy J, the full magnetic phase diagrams of both sample systems could be accessed experimentally, i.e. in the parameter range from the low- (B « Bc) to the high-¿eld limit (B » Bc) and temperatures from the quantum regime (kBT « J) up to the classical regime (kBT » J). CuPzN is a well-characterized model system for the isotropic, S =1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain (AFHC). A study of the 13C and 14N NMR frequency shifts allows to determine selected magnetic hyper¿ne coupling tensors, distributions of magnetic moments, and gradients of the crystal electric ¿eld within the unit cell. With these results, a well-controlled adjustment of the nuclear sensitivity to the di¿erent components of the electronic spin ¿uctuations on the chain can be realized. The 13C 1/T1 relaxation rates, probing the dynamical structure factor at very low frequencies, reveal a linear temperature dependence in the low-¿eld phase, an exponential decrease in the gapped high-¿eld phase, and a well-de¿ned, ¿eld-drivenmaximum slightly below the quantum critical point Bc = 14.6 T. In the regime of the phase transition, a power-law decay of the rates with a ¿eld-dependent exponent is found. The experimental observations are very successfully compared with predictions from both numerical (quantum Monte Carlo) and analytical (conformal ¿eld theory) theoretical approaches. In particular, the downshift of the ¿eld-driven maximum is shown to be caused by essential spin-spin interactions. It is intimately connected to the ¿eld dependence of the spinon velocity and the Luttinger liquid exponent K, and therefore can be seen as a direct signature of the Luttinger liquid phase. The study of the anisotropic 14N NMR observables in the low-¿eld regime allows to further re¿ne the ¿ndings about the distribution of spin moments in the unit cell, and to exclude the presence of ¿uctuations of the electric ¿eld gradient at the nuclear Larmor frequency for temperatures in the quantum regime. The temperature dependence of the low-¿eld 14N-1/T1 rates fully reproduces the corresponding 13C-1/T1 data, and therefore con¿rms the carbon nuclei as suitable probes for the electronicspin dynamics
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- 448,95 kr.
253,95 kr. The benefit of coupling different in situ spectroscopic methods (ATR-FTIR / UV-vis / Ramanspectroscopy) is exemplarily demonstrated by the means of two reactions as applicationexamples: the Lewis acid mediated formal [3+3] cyclocondensation reaction of a diene with aketenacetale and the heterogeneously catalysed asymmetric hydrogenation of imines. For bothreactions new reactors (deep-temperature cell, probe autoclave) have been developed enablingin situ measurements under real reaction conditionsFor the [3+3] cyclocondensation reaction it was demonstrated that the nature of theformed product depends on the different intermediates formed between the ketenacetal andthe acids (complexation or acid catalysed rearrangement reaction). Furthermore themechanisms of similar reactions (including other Lewis acids like AlCl3, Al2O3 and TiO2 orsubstrates like N-salicylideneaniline) could be successfully elucidated.The effectiveness of the hydrogenation depends on the specific interaction of thetested ketimines with the phosphoric acid ester used as chiral modifer. This interaction ismainly influenced by the used solvent and leads to the formation of a carbocation (CH3OH) ora contact ion pair in (CH2Cl2, CF3CH2OH). Furthermore, the detected strong adsorption ofimines and modifier on the Pt/Al2O3 catalyst affect their efficiency and activity in thereaction.
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- 253,95 kr.
328,95 kr. A system theory of the mind? It sounds like cybernetics, chaos theory, autopoiesis, or the theory of mind (TOM). This monograph, however, aims to break new ground. Leafing through this book, one notices formulae and unusual characters which seem to join forces and walk across the pages like centipedes. This book is more than challenging for readers who do not come into contact with mathematics regularly. And this is how the author believes he can explain what nobody has thus far been able to explain ¿ how can the mind be understood and how can its state variables be calculated? He draws on quantum physics, a field that is oft en not understood even by its own practitioners. How can such a book expect to reach readers and how can the views included here expect to find adherents? Even scientists who devote themselves to research on the mind are likely to eschew the imaginary and complex numbers, Fourier transformations and quaternions presented here in favour of more established and conventional approaches. Once one has started reading, it soon becomes apparent that it might not be wise ¿ or even possible ¿ to ignore the ideas presented here for long. Prof. Dr. Gerald Wolf (from the foreword) A very interesting book. Explaining mental processes with mathematic formulae seems to be adventurous. However, it is a promising approach! Prof. Dr. Pauen, Humboldt-University Berlin.
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- 328,95 kr.
218,95 kr. Dependence Logic (D) wurde 2007 von Jouko Väänänen erstmals vorgestellt. Hierbei handelte es sich um eine Logik, welche die Prädikatenlogik der ersten Stufe um das sogenannte dependence Atom (in Zeichen =(t_1,¿,t_n)) erweitert. Es ist erfüllt, wenn die funktionale Abhängigkeit des Terms t_n von den Termen t_1,¿, t_n-1 gegeben ist, d.h. wenn t_n eine Funktion von t_1,¿, t_n-1 ist. 2009 wurde eine modale Version der dependence Logik (MDL) von Abramsky und Väänänen erstmals vorgestellt.In dieser Arbeit betrachten wir sowohl modale als sich die prädikatenlogische Variante.In Kapitel 3 stellen wir die Erweiterungen der dependence Logik um die Quantoren M und ein Paritätsquantor.Der Quantor M ist erfüllt, wenn mindestens die Hälfte aller Belegungen für die quantifizierte Variable wahr ist. Der Paritätsquantor wird wahr, wenn eine gerade Anzahl von Belegungen der quantifizierten Variablen wahr ist. In Kapitel 3 zeigen wir, dass dependence Logik erweitert um M mit der Hierarchie der Zählklassen PP (CH) übereinstimmt und dependence Logik erweitert um den Paritätsquantor mit der Komplexitätsklasse parityP.Kapitel 4 beschäftigt sich mit erweiterter modalen dependence Logik (EMDL), welche auf der von Sevenster und Väänänen vorgestellten modalen dependence Logik beruht. Hierbei wird das dependence Atom =(p_1,¿, p_n), welches in MDL nur auf atomare Propositionen p_1,¿,p_n angewendet wird, durch ein neues dependence Atom ersetzt, welches auch modalligische Formeln beinhalten kann. Wir zeigen, dass die Komplexität des Modellprüfungsproblems sowie die Komplexität des Erfüllbarkeitsproblems nicht schwieriger sind, als die korrespondierenden Probleme auf der Logik MDL. Außerdem zeigen wir, dass es EMDL Formeln gibt, die nicht durch MDL Formeln abgebildet werden können.In Kapitel 5 wird wieder eine Variante der prädikatenlogischen dependence Logik vorgestellt. Diese Boole¿scher dependence Logik BD wird mit sogenannten partially ordered connectives verglichen, welche von Henkin vorgestellt wurden. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass die Logiken sowie ihre Fragmente äquivalent sind. Des Weiteren wird gezeigt, dass Boole¿sche dependence Logik eine strikte Trennung zu ihren Logikfragmenten aufweist. Das heißt, dass es Formeln in einem Fragment der Logik gibt, die sich nicht in einem kleineren Fragment der Logik darstellen lassen.
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- 218,95 kr.
308,95 kr. A low level of financial market participation among individuals in developing countries might have essential drawbacks for the economy as a whole, but also for the individual himself. Individuals who participate in the financial market may be better able to save and prepare for financial needs in the future, and thereby they ensure themselves against risks. In many developing economies, financial market participation, within the general population, is still low.This thesis aims to shed light on different determinants of financial market development in India. In particular this thesis investigates different determinants of financial market participation of individuals. In doing so, relevant and less considered topics like financial literacy, household trust in financial institutions, and the role of foreign banks in customer retail banking in India are investigated. Thereby, some possible reasons of non-participation of Indian households in the financial market and their interrelation with other important factors like financial access or social interaction are analyzed.
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- 308,95 kr.
1.043,95 kr. This volume contains the proceedings of the 4th international DAAD workshop ¿The Ecological and Economic Challanges of Managing Forested Landscapes in a Global Context¿ that was organized by the Chair of Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen together with the Laboratory of Forest Resource Inventory (Remote Sensing and GIS), Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) from 16.-22. March 2014 in Bogor and Jakarta, Indonesia.
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- 1.043,95 kr.
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- 218,95 kr.
308,95 kr. The present thesis aimed to investigate the effects of stress on women¿s reproductive system and mating behavior. For this purpose, an online study about the association between chronic psychosocial stress, potential protective factors such as dispositional resilience, and menstrual cycle regularity was conducted. The results suggest that chronic stress and resilience have a main effect on menstrual cycle regularity. Additionally, women with greater resilience have a reduced risk of irregular menstrual cycles in the face of low to moderate chronic stress; however, this association changes at the highest level of chronic stress. Furthermore, in an experimental study, women¿s mate-choice behaviors, such as masculinity preference, were assessed, with a particular emphasis on hormonal dynamics throughout the menstrual cycle in interaction with stress induction. Women were found to prefer more masculine men before ovulation than in the mid-luteal phase, whereby estradiol seemed to predict masculinity preference. In addition, compared to a control condition, women exposed to a stressful condition experienced a decrease in male masculinity preference.
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- 308,95 kr.
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- 288,95 kr.
268,95 kr. Ever since the invention of the first telephone by Phillip Reis in 1861, the twisted-pair copper wiring exists worldwide as part of gradually constructed infrastructure to support speech communications with an extremely large coverage. Developed over a century, the expanding network contains several hundred million copper telephone loop plants. Indeed, such huge resource can be used not only for voice communications but also for today¿s digital communications and transmission technique with extremely high data rates. Therefore, the technology which can enable broadband digital communications over the existing telephone infrastructure is urged. Digital subscriber line (DSL) technology was developed to provide digital data transmission as well as telephony since the late 1980s [SCS99] [SSCS03]. In the past three decades consumer-oriented Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) as well as High speed DSL such as high bit rate DSL (HDSL), Symmetric DSL (SDSL) and Very high speed DSL (VDSL) were designed and operated in the market. Nowadays, driven by the new applications such as the triple play of voice, data and video, consumers start to require fiber-fast broadband capacity and additionally high reliable transmission. Unfortunately, extending fiber to every home is still economically infeasible. Modern DSL systems such as VDSL2 systems are expected to be the last mile between the customer premise equipments (CPE) and the fiber-network core, and to enable the transmission with higher data rate and better quality of service (QoS).
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- 268,95 kr.
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- 298,95 kr.
218,95 kr. In spite of many strategies apparently designed to create tolerance and to build bridges among the different people around the world, very little seems to have been achieved in this respect. ¿Echo of Silent Wishes¿ is all about the truth expressed in the words of wisdom of Josh Billings: ¿Wisdom don¿t consist in knowing more that is new but in knowing less that is false¿.The story of Heide and Abu is more than just the story of a failed marriage. It stands as an example for the problems that can occur in interracial relationships and for the traces left behind especially in the children of such families. It shows the impacts of cultural differences in multicultural homes and the challenges of illegal or legal migration and its social impacts and injustices. And last but not least, it is a very personal story about a good love and mutual responsibility in a relationship that, if neglected, must necessarily go bad. Thus, it tells a truth which, according to Herbert Agar, is the kind of ¿truth that makes men free¿, but ¿is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear¿. Yet, it is just this what enables us to see things from a different perspective and in this way to ¿know less that is false¿.https://de.linkedin.com/http://www.theafricancourier.com/http://www.nigeriandiaspora.com/http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/
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- 218,95 kr.
273,95 kr. Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) mainly in developing countries is a key supplying channel of vegetables, food grain and fodder for livestock to local markets. Many socio-economic and human aspects are directly or indirectly related to UPA system. The study presented in this book describes the existing infrastructure of crop production and socio-economic aspects of farming community and nutrient fluxes of UPA system in Faisalabad, Pakistan. This book mainly features three comprehensive field studies. The first study is about socio-economic characterization of integrated cropping systems in UPA system of Faisalabad, Pakistan. The second study envisages water, nutrient use efficiency and its management in UPA vegetable production of the study area. Finally the third field study of this book quantifies matter fluxes and nutrient leaching losses in UPA system of Faisalabad, Pakistan. The presented study suggests that a first step towards more efficient nutrient cycling in UPA system could be an adjustment of the amount of input application that synchronizes with the crop need. Such kind of strategies will not only enhance farmer¿s income and improvise the produce quality but will also be helpful in scaling down the existing hazards of environmental pollution.
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- 273,95 kr.
488,95 kr. The region of Central Asia comprises extremely diverse ecosystems: high mountains, big rivers, vast agricultural areas, deserts and semi-deserts. Natural resources, especially water and arable land, are essential means of livelihood in Central Asia where the majority of the population lives in rural areas. The increasing scarcities of those resources together with conflicts over their use endanger the welfare of the people in the region.The book reflects a multidisciplinary and cross-national approach in investigating the broad topic of land use and its interrelation with physical processes of the biogeosphere, economic development, and human welfare. The book includes contributions on: the impact of climate change on glacier retreat; dust deposition in the course of the desertification of the former Aral Sea; remote sensing analysis of earthquakes and landslides; hydrological modeling of irrigation and drainage systems; the role of remittances and income growth for the agricultural sector; food security of farm households; the impact of direct agricultural policies and changing macroeconomic conditions on agricultural incentives; the Kyoto Protocol and its legal implications for land-use; pasture and grazing management strategies.
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- 488,95 kr.
298,95 kr. Dependence and independence between properties is occurring in many different scientific disciplines, for example in the description of discrete systems or during the evaluation of physical experiments. During this thesis we will study a variety of team based logics, which can express some form of dependence or independence.The concept of expressing functional dependencies between terms by atomic FO-formulae was introduced by Väänänen in 2007. He showed that dependence logic is equally expressive as existential second order logic and thus dependence logic characterises NP. In the first chapter of this thesis we are obtaining a Horn fragment of dependence logic which characterises P.In the second part of this thesis we will study the concept of dependence and independence in the context of team based modal logics. We will study several decision problems for these modal logics, like satisfiability and model checking. Furthermore we will investigate the expressive power of these modal logics. Finally we will give a general notion of team atoms and the properties that they are describing.
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- 298,95 kr.
668,95 kr. The internet has created many new text types, and journalistic publications have not remained unaffected. The following PhD thesis analyzes one such text type, the webzine, and particularly its role within the heavy metal music scene, in both the English and German language context. Apart from the online presence of established magazines, webzines have no counterpart. Characteristically, they are situated somewhere between being a purely journalistic publication, while at the same time offering their users an active social online community. Herein, the influence of digital hypertext structures will be illustrated, as well as the alternative text producer and recipient roles, which are directly affected by the inherent interactivity of webzines. Finally, this work depicts the influence of social media on journalistic publications and possible future developments, the findings of which, are also relevant to webzines, and similar journalistic endeavours dedicated to other topics.Das WWW hat zahlreiche neue Textsorten kreiert und journalistische Publikationen sind von dieser Entwicklung nicht ausgeschlossen. Die folgende Dissertation analysiert eine solche neue Textsorte, das Webzine, und vor allem seine Rolle innerhalb der Musikszene des Heavy Metals, sowohl im deutschen wie auch im englischen Sprachkontext. Abgesehen von den Websites renommierter Printmagazine haben die Webzines kein Pendant. Sie positionieren sich zwischen rein journalistischer Publikation und aktiver sozialer Online Community für ihre Anwenderinnen. Die Studie widmet sich dem Einfluss digitaler Hypertextstrukturen auf die Webzines, sowie den neuen Rollen der Textproduzentinnen und -rezipientinnen aufgrund der inhärenten Interaktivität der Webzines. Abschliessend zeigt die Studie den Einfluss der Social Media auf diese journalistischen Publikationen auf und skizziert mögliche zukünftige Entwicklungen im Online Journalismus.
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- 668,95 kr.
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- 453,95 kr.
448,95 kr. Die moderne Synthesechemie verlangt nach nachhalti gen und hocheffi zienten Prozessen. Um einen schnellen Zugang zu komplexen Molekülgerüsten zu erreichen, werden Transformati onen verwendet, in denen mehrere Bindungen in einem Schritt geknüpft oder gebrochen werden.Die hier vorliegende Dissertati on beschäft igt sich mit der Erforschung und der Entwicklung von Palladium-katalysierten Domino-Reakti onen an Kohlenhydraten und Dialkinen. Der Einsatzunterschiedlicher Synthesebausteine ermöglicht somit eine breite Produktpalett e und damit eine große Vielfalt an struktureller Diversität.Durch den gezielten Einsatz verschieden substi tuierter Startmaterialien konnten Chromane, Isochromane und Anthracyclin- Derivate zugänglich gemacht werden. Die Erweiterung zu einemTandem-Domino-Prozess erlaubte zudem den Aufb au chiraler, hochsubsti tuierter Biphenyle. Basierend auf Halophenolen wurden sowohl Naphthaline, benzanellierte Heterocyclen als auchBis-spiro-Verbindungen erschlossen.
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- 448,95 kr.
428,95 kr. Predicting and understanding consumer behaviour in food markets is a complex task. One aspect that has contributed to increase the complexity of the analysis of consumer choice behaviour is the rise of credence goods in the food industry. Among credence goods or attributes, organic farming currently enjoys a privileged position in the agribusiness sector. The available body of organic food literature, however, suggests that there is conflicting evidence about the main forces driving consumer decision-making in different organic markets. Thus, to sustain the current success of the organic food market it is critical to increase the understanding of consumer choice behaviour.Despite the efforts made by the food industry to satisfy more sophisticated consumer demands, the outbreak of several food crises and scandals with intensive media coverage and the use of food-related technologies have increased consumer risk-perception in the food industry. As a result, public and private certification schemes to communicate and guarantee food quality and safety to consumers have proliferated. Although certification schemes have been designed to protect consumers and correct for market imperfections, they have sometimes failed in this respect with detrimental consequences for their reputation and their acceptance by different actors throughout the whole food supply chain.Analysing survey data and official reports with multivariate statistical methods this dissertation aims to answer a set of research questions and fill research gaps in the food literature with respect to consumer behaviour in the organic food market and the performance of certification standards in the (organic) food industry. Additionally, some aspects regarding consumer behaviour towards homemade food are discussed. These topics are covered in six research articles, which are collected in this book into three chapters.
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- 428,95 kr.
223,95 kr. Tropical montane rainforests host an exceptional number of threatened species, are important water sources, and also contain large carbon pools. In addition, tropical forests are both sinks and sources of important greenhouses gases (GHGs) and is the largest natural source of a potent greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N2O). Threats to tropical montane forests are mostly anthropogenic in nature; added to these is the increasing atmospheric nutrient deposition which the tropics is facing today mainly from fertilizer and fossil fuel use and biomass burning. This is significant in terms of the global nitrogen (N) cycle whose critical product is a potent greenhouse gas, N2O. Also, the N cycle is always tied to the carbon © cycle and climate, making these major biogeochemical cycles more complex. The global N cycle is one of the most anthropogenically altered nutrient cycles on earth. Although the soil internal N cycle plays an important role in the regulation of N retention and loss, there is still a scarcity of information how the increasing nutrient deposition will impact the soil N cycle as well as the long-term fates of soil mineral N in tropical montane forests.Against this background, we assessed changes in the soil N cycle and characterized the fluxes and fates of mineral N in neotropical montane forests under elevated nutrients inputs by means of a nutrient manipulation experiment (i.e. N, P, N+P, and control). Starting in 2008, a fertilization experiment was conducted in montane forests in Ecuador at 1000 m, 2000 m and 3000 m elevations. Each elevation had four replicate plots (20 m x 20 m each) of these treatments: control, N (50 kg N ha-1 year-1), P (10 kg P ha-1 year-1) and combined N+P. Two field experiments were conducted for this thesis. The first experiment aimed to assess changes in gross rates of N production (N mineralization and nitrification) and retention: microbial immobilization of ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) and dissimilatory NO3- reduction to NH4+ (DNRA), with low additions of N, P and their combination, and identify the factors controlling these soil N-cycling rates at each elevation and across the elevation gradient. The second experiment aimed to assess the fluxes of NH4+ and NO3- in different component pools of soil N and their short-term and long-term fates in tropical montane forest soils and determine the effects of chronic N addition on the net fluxes and fates of NH4+ and NO3-.
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- 223,95 kr.
368,95 kr. In recent years, development of information systems (IS) has rapidly changed towards increasing division of labor between firms. Two trends are emerging. First, client companies increasingly outsource software development to external service providers. Second, the formerly oligopolistic enterprise application software industry has started to disintegrate into focal partnership networks ¿ so called platform ecosystems. Despite the increasing prominence of IS outsourcing and platform ecosystems, many of these inter-organizational partnerships fail to achieve expected benefits. Ineffective governance and control frequently plays a pivotal role in producing these failures. While designing effective governance and control mechanisms is always challenging, inter-organizational software development projects are often business-critical and exhibit additional dynamics and uncertainty. As a consequence governance and control have to be adapted over time. The three research projects included in this book provide a better understanding of how and why governance and control can be effectively adapted over time. The implications for successful management of inter-organizational software development projects are highly relevant for theory and practice.
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- 368,95 kr.