Bøger udgivet af Cricket Books, a division of Carus Publishing Co
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- 318,95 kr.
298,95 kr. Chess, the ancient strategy game, meets the latest, cutting-edge philosophy in this unique book. When 12 philosophers weigh in on one of the world's oldest and most beloved pastimes, the results are often surprising. Philosophical concepts as varied as phenomenology and determinism share the page with a treatise on hip-hop chess tactics and the question of whether Garry Kasparov is, in fact, a cyborg. Putting forth a remarkable array of different views on chess from philosophers with varied chess-proficiency, Philosophy Looks at Chess is an engaging read for chess adherents and the philosophically inclined alike.
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- 298,95 kr.
- Understanding Why and How People Are Rational
488,95 kr. “It’s like talking to a brick wall” and “We’ll have to agree to disagree” are popular sayings referring to the frustrating experience of discussing issues with people who seem to be beyond the reach of argument. It’s often claimed that some people—fundamentalists or fanatics—are indeed sealed off from rational criticism. And every month new pop psychology books appear, describing the dumb ways ordinary people make decisions, as revealed by psychological experiments. The conclusion is that all or most people are fundamentally irrational. Ray Scott Percival sets out to demolish the whole notion of the closed mind and of human irrationality. There is a difference between making mistakes and being irrational. Though humans are prone to mistakes, they remain rational. In fact, making mistakes is a sign of rationality: a totally non-rational entity could not make a mistake. Rationality does not mean absence of error; it means the possibility of correcting error in the light of criticism. In this sense, all human beliefs are rational: they are all vulnerable to being abandoned when shown to be faulty. Percival agrees that people cling stubbornly to their beliefs, but he maintains, first, that not being too ready to abandon one’s beliefs is rational.
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- 488,95 kr.
- Aristotelian Defense of Liberal Order
398,95 kr. Arguing against the commonly held view that Aristotle's way of thinking is hostile to modern liberal, pluralistic and commercial society, this work shows that the Aristotelian approach to ethics supports the natural rights which form the basis for liberal principles.
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- 398,95 kr.
- Inconceivable!
308,95 kr. The Princess Bride is the 1987 satirical adventure movie that had to wait for the Internet and DVDs to become the most quoted of all cult classics. The Princess Bride and Philosophy is for all those who have wondered about the true meaning of Inconceivable!,” why the name Roberts” uniquely inspires fear, and whether it’s a miracle to restore life to someone who is dead, but not completely dead.The Princess Bride is filled with beliefs that go beyond the evidence, and philosophy can help us to decide when such beliefs can be justified.Westley, Buttercup, Prince Humperdinck, Inigo Montoya, the giant Fezzik, and the Sicilian Vizzini keep on reappearing in these pages as examples of philosophical ideas. Is it right for Montoya to kill the six-fingered man, even though there is no money in the revenge business? What’s the best way to deceive someone who knows you’re trying to deceive him? Are good manners a kind of moral virtue? Could the actions of the masked man in black truly be inconceivable even though real? What does ethics have to say about Miracle Max’s pricing policy? How many shades of meaning can be conveyed by As You Wish”?
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- 308,95 kr.
- Reality Is Not What It Seems
284,95 kr. In Discworld, unlike our own frustrating Roundworld, everything makes sense. The world is held up by elephants atop a swimming turtle, the sun goes around the world every day, and things always happen because someone intends them to happen. Millions of fans are addicted to Pratchett’s Discworld, and the interest has only intensified since Pratchett’s recent death and the release of his final Discworld novel, The Shepherd’s Crown, in September 2015.The brave explorers of Discworld and Philosophy cover a lot of ground. From discussion of Moist von Lipwig’s con artistry showing the essential con of the financial system to the examination of everyone’s favorite Discworld character the murderous luggage to what the lawless Mac Nac Feegles tell us about civil government, Discworld and Philosophy gives an in-depth treatment of Pratchett’s magical universe. Other chapters examine the power of Discworld’s witches, the moral viewpoint of the golems, how William de Worde’s newspaper illuminates the issue of censorship, how fate and luck interact to shape our lives, and why the more straightforward Discworld characters are so much better at seeing the truth than those with enormous intellects but little common sense.
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- 284,95 kr.
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- 223,95 kr.
- A History of the American Civil War
362,95 kr. This book combines a sweeping narrative of the Civil War with a bold new look at the war’s significance for American society. Professor Hummel sees the Civil War as America’s turning point: simultaneously the culmination and repudiation of the American revolution.Chapters tell the story of the Civil War, discussing the issues raised in readable prose, each followed by a detailed bibliographical essay, looking at the different major works on the subject with varying ideological viewpoints and conclusions.In his economic analysis of slavery, Professor Hummel takes a different view. While some writers claim that slavery was unprofitable and harmful to the Southern economy, and others maintain it was profitable and efficient for the South, Hummel uses the economic concept of ''Deadweight Loss'' to show that slavery was both highly profitable for slave owners and harmful to Southern economic development.While highly critical of Confederate policy, Hummel argues that the war was fought to prevent secession, not to end slavery, and that preservation of the Union was not necessary to end slavery arguing that the South crucially relied on the Northern states to return runaway slaves to their owners.
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- 362,95 kr.
- This Book Isn't a Metaphor for Anything
223,95 kr. The drama-comedy Girls - often unfairly written off as Sex and the City for the millennial generation - has made TV history and provoked controversy for its pitilessly accurate portrayal of four oddly sympathetic twentysomething female characters, notable for their self-absorption, empathy deficits, and ineptitude with relationships. Among other breakthroughs, it is the first show to depict the sex act among the alienated young as nearly always awkward and unfulfilling. In Girls and Philosophy, a team of diverse, sensitive, empathic philosophers approach the world of Girls from a variety of angles and philosophical points of view. The writers attack many fascinating issues arising from Girls, including the meaning of authenticity in the 21st century, coming of age in a society with no clear guidelines, Girls as the only TV show the pop-culture-hating professor Theodor Adorno might have admired, feminist appraisals of these not-very-feminist characters, how each deals with the anxiety that comes from inescapable freedom, whether we need to amend the traditional list of seven deadly sins in the context of present-day New York, and, of course, why we once again find it natural to think of women in their early- to mid-twenties as "girls.?
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- 223,95 kr.
- Being and Awesomeness
278,95 kr. Like philosophy itself, How I Met Your Mother has everyone thinking. Have you ever wondered why you identify so strongly with Barney despite the fact that he's such a douche? Or why your life story doesn't make sense until you know the ending-or at least, the middle? Or where the Bro Code came from and why it's so powerful? How I Met Your Mother and Philosophy answers all these questions and a whole lot more.Twenty of the awesome-est philosophers ever congregated in one bar have come together to quaff a few drinks and analyze this most awesomely philosophical of sit-coms. They poke, prod, and sniff at the misdeeds of Goliath National Bank, the ontology of waiting to get slapped, the epistemology of sexual attraction, why the Platinum Rule is to never love thy neighbor, the authenticity of censoring yourself, why future Ted's opinions matter to present-day Ted, and whether it's irrational to wait for the Slutty Pumpkin. This book shows that viewers of How I Met Your Mother and Philosophy know that philosophy is much more than a song and dance routine.
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- 278,95 kr.
- The Real and the Cereal
328,95 kr. Since he burst on the world with his heavy-metal memoir Fargo Rock City in 2001, Chuck Klosterman has been one of the most successful novelists and essayists in America. His collections of essays Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs and Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas have established Klosterman not only as a credible spokesman for intelligent purveyors of popular culture. His writings and regular columns (in Spin, Esquire, The New York Times Magazine and other venues) about music, sports, and modern culture have sometimes become themselves touchstones in popular culture. The success of his card-based game Hypertheticals: 50 Questions for Insane Conversations has demonstrated that Klosterman can connect with his fans and readers even off the printed page.As he writes in his contribution to this book, Klosterman enjoys writing about big, unwieldy ideas” as they circulate in culture, in people, in music, and in sports. The twenty-two other philosophers writing alongside Klosterman couldn’t agree more. They offer their own take on the concepts and puzzles that fascinate him and take up many of Chuck’s various challenges to answer brain-twisting "hypertheticals" or classic ethical quandaries that would arise if, say, Aristotle wandered backstage at a Kiss concert.
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- 328,95 kr.
293,95 kr. Be warnedin your journey through this volume you will encounter many true stories. Some will make you laugh, others could make you cry, and all are enough to thoroughly embarrass the authors. These stories would never be allowed to see the light of day if they did not open the door to important truths about love. The authors speak to you, sometimes in their own voices, sometimes through dialogue, and sometimes through fiction. You will recognize yourself in their struggles and triumphs. Can the good life be attained without true love? What is jealousy? Is it possible to be a feminist and a heterosexual lover at the same time? What is the logic of the lovers’ quarrel? Is rough sex immoral? Is pornography a great lover’s friend or a foe? What did Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Nietzsche, Russell, Beauvoir, and other great geniuses of Western history have to say about what goes on under the boardwalk? Is there any freedom in love? Is erotic desire a function of body or spirit? What is the best kind of love? Is there such a thing as a soul mate? You will have to face these questions and more when you dare to ask what philosophy can tell you about your lover. Everyone who has experienced it knows that romantic love truly is a crazy little thing.” It keeps us awake at night and makes us do things we would never have dreamed we were capable of. In this volume twenty-five philosophy professors are gathered together to discuss various connections between romantic love and philosophy. They have left their tweed jackets and spectacles behind. It is as though you have run into them by chance at a bar in some far away city where they are at ease, ready to tell you what they really think. Perhaps you have taken a few philosophy classes, or perhaps you always kind of wanted to. This is your chance to enjoy some deep reflection on one of life’s greatest mysteries without any of the scholarly jargon, the academic pretenses, or the impossible exams. This volume will explain the lasting value of their ideas in simple, modern terms without the use of a single footnote.
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- 293,95 kr.
- The Story of the International Baccalaureate and the United World Colleges
438,95 kr. This is the story of two initiatives in international education, one originating in Switzerland, the other in Britain, but both now established in most countries of the world, including especially the United States and U.S. schools overseas. The International baccalaureate (IB) is a college entrance examination which can be taken in any country and is recognized by universities in any country. Adoption of the IB curriculum in a school ensures tht the school is brought up to international standards. Currently, for example, nearly 400 U.S. schools offer the IB, and the number is rapidly growing.The United World Colleges (UWC) are a chain of schools in many countires, where young people of all nations and backgrounds can live and learn together. There are now ten United World Colleges, each drawing students from all over the world. "Schools Across Frontiers" is an inspiring, sometimes amusing, highly personal and anecdotal history of the IB and the UWC by the late Alec Peterson, who played a pioneering role in forming them. This second edition has additional chapters by Ian Hill and David Sutcliffe, bringing the story of the IB and the UWC up to date.
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- 438,95 kr.
- It's Just a Thought Away
358,95 kr. From their commanding role in the so-called British Invasion of the early 1960s to their status as the elder statesmen (and British Knight) of rock and roll, the Stones have become more than an evanescent phenomenon in pop culture. They have become a touchstone not only for the history of our times-their performance at the Altamont Raceway marked the "end of the sixties," while their 1990 concert in Prague helped Czechoslovakia and other eastern bloc nations celebrate their newfound freedom (and satisfaction) out from under Moscow's thumb. Because of their longevity, the music and career of the Stones-much more than The Beatles-stand as touchstones in the personal lives of even casual Stones fans. Everyone of a certain age remembers the Stones on Ed Sullivan, the death of founder Brian Jones, their favorite songs, concerts, or videos, and their stance in the classic "Beatles versus Stones” debates. In the wake of Keith Richards's bestselling autobiography, Life (2010), many are now reliving these events and decades from the viewpoint of the band's endearing and seemingly death-defying guitarist.The chapters in The Rolling Stones and Philosophy celebrate the Stones' place in our lives by digging into the controversies, the symbols, and meanings the band and its songs have for so many. What might you mean (and what did Mick mean) by "sympathy for the Devil”? Did the Stones share any of the blame for the deaths at Altamont, as critic Lester Bangs charged they did in Rolling Stone magazine? What theories of ethics and personality lay behind the good-boy image of the Beatles and the bad-boy reputation the Stones acquired? If Keith Richards really had his blood replaced four separate times, does that make him a zombie? How do the Glimmer Twins help us refine our understanding of friendship? Written by a dozen philosophers and scholars who adore the Rolling Stones not only for their music, this book will become required reading for anyone seeking maximum satisfaction from "the world's greatest rock and roll band."
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- 358,95 kr.
858,95 kr. Arthur Danto is the Johnsonian Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Columbia University and the most influential philosopher of art in the last half century. As an art critic for The Nation for 25 years and frequent contributor to other widely read outlets such as the New York Review of Books, Danto also has become one of the most respected public intellectuals of his generation. He is the author of some two dozen important books, along with hundreds of articles and reviews which have been the center of both controversy and discussion. In this volume Danto offers his intellectual autobiography and responds to essays by 27 of the keenest critics of his thought from the worlds of philosophy and the arts. The book includes 16 pages of color art reproductions. Danto is the author dozens of books on art, philosophy, the philosophy of art, and art criticism. He is a rare philosopher who is also a public intellectual.
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- 858,95 kr.
- Why Some Psychotherapies Work Better Than Others
298,95 kr. Like no other book you have ever read, Therapy Breakthrough explains clearly and vividly just what goes on in psychotherapy, why there are so many different systems of psychotherapy which disagree with one another, where these different schools of therapy came from, why psychotherapy is continually misrepresented in popular culture, and why, despite all this, psychotherapy gets good results, is improving all the time, and is superior to drugs in helping you solve your problems.
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- 298,95 kr.
- Uncovering the Hidden Spiritual Message in Pop Culture
318,95 kr. "Explores philosophical and religious themes in popular films and television shows"--Provided by publisher.
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- 318,95 kr.
- Darkness on the Edge of Truth
213,95 kr. Known as the working man's poet, the Boardwalk prophet, or simply, the Boss. If "love is a banquet at which we feed," Bruce Springsteen has provided much food for thought. In this collection of metaphysical probes, a gang of E-street philosophers will undress Bruce's deeper mysteries like irresistible Jersey girls. Can Springsteen settle the nature-nurture debate through his song "Born to Run"? What do the famous philosopher Ricuoer and Springsteen have in common in their depiction of time? These die-hard Springsteen fans, who just happen to be philosophers, compile an entertaining handbook to the field of Springsteen studies, covering topics like Springsteen's connection to Marx and the proletariat, Springsteen's concept of the soul, and his status as a poet.
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- 213,95 kr.
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- The Vienna Circle's Protocol-Sentence Debate Revisited
743,95 kr. Rather than a monolithic movement of naïve empiricists, the Vienna Circle represented a discussion forum for what were sometimes compatible, sometimes conflicting philosophical approaches to empirical evidence. The Circle’s protocol-sentence debate — here reconstructed and analyzed — provides an exceptional vantage point from which to survey the various options and choices of the participants. Author Thomas Uebel mines the diaries, letters, and notes of the group’s leading philosophers to show how their ideas emerged from real-world arguments, personal relationships, and historical settings.
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- 743,95 kr.
- Evolution, Morality, and the Human Condition
328,95 kr. Written in a simple, accessible style, Commonsense Darwinism offers a clear, critical examination of the subject. Assuming that the diversity of life, including human beings, is the result of evolution from common origins and that its driving force is natural selection, the book explores what this might mean for issues in ethics, philosophy of religion, epistemology, and metaphysics. The author’s defense of free will makes this an especially stimulating read.
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- 328,95 kr.
- An Argument About Government
308,95 kr. This book, in the tradition of Robert Nozick's "Anarchy, State, and Utopia, " sheds new light on persistent philosophical questions about the nature and justification of political authority. Skoble's discussion draws upon law, economics, and game theory to examine limited-state and anarchist theories from the standpoint of liberty and human rights. It includes a careful elucidation, based on the analysis in F. A. Hayek's "Constitution of Liberty, " of the nature of coercion and the extent to which it can realistically be minimized. Skoble sets out the differences between libertarian and communitarian perspectives on the nature of society and the state, and, finally, compares the merits and demerits of violent and nonviolent strategies for political change.
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- 308,95 kr.
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- 343,95 kr.
- Thinking About the War on Terrorism
343,95 kr. On September 11th, 2001, popular perceptions of terrorism were transformed. Although many terrorist activities had occurred earlier, the 9/11 outrages were widely seen as escalating the terrorist danger to an entirely new level. Vast resources were suddenly poured into "the war on terror," sweeping legislation was rushed through Congress, a major new department of the federal government was created, and two foreign countries were invaded and occupied in the name of the struggle against terrorism. There has been no shortage of action. Yet human action is always directed by ideas, and many of the ideas inspiring the current flury of "anti-terrorist" activities are in need of scrutiny and clarification. In Philosophy 9/11, philosophical scholars specializing in terorism-related topics, several of them also officers in the United States military, closely examine some of the basic presuppositions of our response to terrorist attacks.
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- 343,95 kr.
- A Theory of Intentionality and Blame
343,95 kr. Structured around a striking conceit -- the murder of a husband by his wife -- this provocative book explores the heady relationship between mental states such as desires, beliefs, emotions, and above all, intentions -- along with the normative assessment of wrongdoing. Depending on Patricia's mental state and beliefs, her degree of guilt for killing her husband will vary. If, for example, she set fire to her apartment fully intending to kill her husband, she would be deemed more blameworthy then if the fire was an unavoidable accident. Culpability, the author argues, is commonly confused with other issues such as responsibility, accountability, and liability, but it is really concerned exclusively with the intentional mental states that exist in the mind at the point of action. Zaibert also offers a history of the theory of culpability, and gives a fascinating analysis of the beliefs and emotions associated with blaming others.
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- 343,95 kr.
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- 198,95 kr.
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- 188,95 kr.
- From Bad Faith to Authenticity
298,95 kr. Jean-Paul Sartre is perhaps the most famous of the existentialists, and by far the most famous philosopher of the post-war era. Sartre was a highly prolific writer and thinker, and delving into his novels, plays, stories, essays, and memoirs can be challenging. Most books on Sartre focus on only one sphere of his astounding intellect — either his philosophical treatises or his forays into fiction. Enter Sartre Explained, a comprehensive guide to Sartre''s versatile work, as well as a valuable overview of his life and scholarly context. Detailing the philosophical notions central to all of Sartre''s work, including his fictional pieces, this guide is an essential resource for anyone interested in Sartre''s full range of talents.
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- 298,95 kr.
- Beating and Nothingness
293,95 kr. Martial arts and philosophy have always gone hand in hand, as well as fist in throat. Philosophical argument is closely paralleled with hand-to-hand combat. And all of today’s Asian martial arts were developed to embody and apply philosophical ideas. In his interview with Bodidharma, Graham Priest brings out aspects of Buddhist philosophy behind Shaolin Kung-Fu — how fighting monks are seeking Buddhahood, not brawls. But as Scott Farrell’s chapter reveals, Eastern martial arts have no monopoly on philosophical traditions: Western chivalry is an education in and living revival of Aristotelian ethical theories. Several chapters look at ethical problems raised by the fighting arts. How can the sweaty and brutal be exquisitely beautiful? Every chapter is easily understandable by readers new to martial arts or new to philosophy.
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- 293,95 kr.
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- 488,95 kr.