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  • - Simple Truths for Living Well
    af Jack Pransky
    223,95 kr.

    What if peace of mind, beautiful feelings, little or no stress, wonderful, healthy relationships and greater effectiveness, were right at your fingertips, and you held the key but didn't realize it or didn't know how to use it? That is what "Somebody Should Have Told Us!" This book is about how we all have a state of perfect mental health and wisdom inside us that can only be covered up by our own thinking, and how our use of our power of thought creates the "reality" we see, out of which we then think, feel and act. Here are ten simple but profound truths for living well, arising from three spiritual facts that, once grasped or truly realized, can transform one's life. This book has the ability to spawn insights that change the lives of those who come to understand the simple, yet profound wisdom contained in this book. In fact, it already has.This book is the essence of self-help, in that it points people inside themselves for all answers. It shows people how to access their own essence whenever they need to. It shows people how they create their experience of life moment to moment. The book is written in an easy-to-understand manner with many stories of how people's lives have changed. When we were growing up nobody told us what this book points to, but somebody should have told us! And it's never too late.About the Author:Jack Pransky, Ph.D. is founder/director of the Center for Inside-Out Understanding. He authored the books, Modello: A Story of Hope for the Inner City and Beyond, Parenting from the Heart, Prevention from the Inside-Out; Prevention: The Critical Need and co-authored Healthy Thinking/ Feeling/Doing from the Inside-Out prevention curriculum for middle school students. Pransky has worked in the field of prevention since 1968 in a wide variety of capacities and now provides consultation, training, counseling and coaching from the inside-out, throughout the U.S. and internationally. He is also cofounder/director of the nonprofit consulting organization, Prevention Unlimited, which created the Spirituality of Prevention Conference. In 2001 his book, Modello received the Martin Luther King Storyteller's Award for the book best exemplifying King's vision of "the beloved community," and in 2004 Jack won the Vermont Prevention Pioneer's Award. Jack can be contacted through his website at

  • - Breeding Purebred Cats, A Spiritual Approach to Sales and Profit with Integrity and Ethics
    af Jasmine Kinnear
    173,95 kr.

  • - A Guide to the Essence of Parenting from the Inside-Out
    af Jack Pransky
    223,95 kr.

  • af Eve Howard
    243,95 kr.

    Hope turns 30, meets sex researcher Cameron at Carola's club, sessions with dreadful Victor and sleeps with Colby. Hope's best friend Brooke reappears, Carola is courted by a fanboy, and at long last, Anthony marries Susan. Petite Jesse joins the staff of The Venus Club to be Carola's Girl Friday. Dru is ideally suited to be Jesse's man. Victor crashes the Halloween party. Will Hugo throw him out? Dennis and Josette fall in love. Anthony advises Dennis to spank Josette without delay. Stunningly arrayed, Amanda tops Jesse at the party while Marguerite whips a beautiful red headed statistician. Victor stalks and captures Jesse and Josette, whose attempts to humanize him almost succeed. David punishes Jesse for bad punctuation. Phoebe makes Pascal jealous. An amiable English romance writer with a secret identity sets his cap at Cassandra, but she only has eyes for Wally, who is building her a pyramid. Cassandra's ex, a bondager, visits The Venus Club. Dennis' naughty sister, Belinda, proves the perfect mate for Felix, the British switch. As three couples wed in one season, the romance of discipline lives in American Spanking Story's fabulous finale with all the favorite Shadow Lane characters together in one luxe play space for the spanking part of all time.About the Author:Eve graduated from Vassar in 1975 and began editing for a major adult magazine publisher in 1979. In 1986, she was discovered by Nu-West, a producer of spanking videos. Acting in Nu-West movies reinforced her authenticity as a real female voice in the scene. Eve began writing Shadow Lane fiction and met her future husband, Tony. They formed Shadow Lane, and along with graphic designer Butch Simms, published the iconic spanking magazine, Stand Corrected. Barney Rossett, of Grove Press, was the first to publish Eve's novels, under the Blue Moon imprint. Shadow Lane went on to produce 240 high quality spanking videos, written and directed by Eve, with appeal for female enthusiasts as well as men. Eve lost Tony in 2020, after a beautiful 34-year relationship that included expanding their community through personal ads and hosting gala national parties for 28 years. Eve resides in Las Vegas and is currently working on a new fiction series.

  • af W. E. Gutman
    223,95 kr.

    WHERE IS "god" WHEN MEN WEEP? questions the existence of deity and paints a terrifying and compelling picture of man's inhumanity to man. The author laments "god's" godlessness and rails against the mind-boggling absurdities promoted by the religions on which are anchored the most ruthless systems of repression, and on whose behalf the ghastliest crimes have been and continue to be committed.

  • af W. S. Fuller
    223,95 kr.

    The Alps... London, New York... the Caribbean. A student, an heiress... a commando, a writer... captains of industry and finance... world class athletes. And enough intrigue, drama... good and evil... horror and bliss... to fill a couple of lifetimes. A saga told at a staccato pace, with unforgettable, deeply explored characters... and their personal fears, hopes, questions and answers... to issues mundane and epic. A terrific read!About the Author:W. S. Fuller holds a degree in journalism and has been involved in the publishing industry as a writer, editor, and senior executive for over thirty years. He has written two novels: Luggalor's Lenses and Intersections.

  • af Christopher Alexander Berg
    223,95 kr.

    All lines in the spotlight.Key figuresin a sideshow.Might go insane today.Might have to.Might grab youjust to drag you with meMight jab you with an ice pickOur shadowsseem to be a burden.Guess we're learnin'a thing or twoabout who's turnin'the worldMost hurting..."Where are we?"All flirting with death.No service."Which way will the sky fall next?"Enjoying the circus?Circuits in circlesrewired...perfectly hurtful.

  • af Elizabeth Eede
    298,95 kr.

    Elizabeth Eede is a woman who has faced twenty years of cancer with courage and hope. Although she is grateful for the kindness of her doctors and nurses for their excellent care, it was a near death experience that opened her to the mystery and beauty of life. In Flowers from the Dark her poems take us through the dark days of despair, and her growing self-knowledge, to being awakened to the wonder of the world through dreams and mystical insights. In her writing she gives us the gifts of courage, hope and meaning to take on our own journey.

  • af Thomas L. Rose
    198,95 kr.

    Balloon in A Box: Coping with Grief by author Thomas L. Rose is the story of his grief journey, or as he calls it, his "love journey," after his wife died from breast cancer in August of 2019. Men do not always express their feelings, but Tom has truly put on paper - sharing his feelings for all of us - his deepest feelings of loss. It is a glimpse into the love that he shared for years with his wife, and thus helping others to also put into words their own grief and loss that may never have been expressed though deeply felt. Grief over the death of a spouse, child or loved one leaves you broken and wounded. Your heart aches and you experience a wide variety of emotions. This book is about how to handle these emotions. Follow Tom through his journey of grief as he and others share their memories, good and bad. Their experiences will help you cope with your grief and learn how to control it. Learn how to move forward in life with your loved one, not without them. Even if you are not grieving you will find this book to be a thought provoking read. It also contains quotes and Scriptural passages that are sure to be an inspiration to the reader.As Tom says, after publication of his book he caught "lightning in a bottle" as media interviews and speaking requests came in daily. So in this updated second edition, he also shares experiences from meeting people at over 100 speaking engagements in churches, service clubs, retirement communities and even prisons. He is available as a speaker, Life Continues... Embrace the Changes, by request and may be contacted through his website:

  • af Linda Quiring
    208,95 kr.

    The Voyage of the Kazu Maru is an enlightening story of self-discovery about a young orphaned Japanese boy who becomes a reluctant monk at an isolated mountain monastery. An opportunity arises to follow the famed running monks to their temple along the seashore far below.Once there, Ichiro is taken in by the family of a fisherman, and soon he is spending his life at sea. One fateful day a violent storm sends him out to sea. Ichiro's will, almost broken, is severely tested as he drifts along for weeks upon the vast ocean, facing dangers and delusions and each day a new menace. Finally, he lands upon a distant shore. Trekking hopelessly across a range of forest and mountains, he makes his way until suddenly, he encounters a strange group of people. Soon, he becomes part of another family and falls in love with a beautiful young woman.But tensions arise. Another suitor claims his romantic partner; those jealous of his strange talents resent his artistic skills. His unusual looks and foreign behaviours frighten others, and Ichiro realizes he will never be part of this new world. With this epiphany, he flees his rivals, locates his old fishing boat and heads out to sea. How will this voyage end?

  • af Christa Campsall
    343,95 kr.

    Ist dieses Buch etwas für dich? Du wirst lernen, deine eigene inneres Wissen zu kennen und ihr zu vertrauen, während du die Geschichten liest und Spaß an den fesselnden Aktivitäten in diesem Buch hast. Du kannst dieses Buch unabhängig voneinander lesen oder Ihr Denken erweitern, indem du das Buch in einer Gruppe oder Klasse lesen. Das in diesem Buch präsentierte Wissen wird seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich mit Jugendlichen in verschiedenen Gemeinschaften geteilt. Voller praktischer Einsichten wird es dir helfen, zu entdecken, wer und was du wirklich bist, und dich befähigen, neue Höhen und neue Ebenen des Erfolgs zu erreichen. Weise Worte eines Lernenden: "Wir schaffen unsere eigenen Freuden und Erfolge, und wir haben die Macht, die Art von Leben zu leben, die wir wollen." Zu diesem Lernbuch gibt es ein begleitendes "Mein inneres Wissen" Handbuch für Lehrer*innen (Buch III) unter einem separaten Titel. www.myguideinside.comFür Mengenrabatte für Pädagogen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Herausgeber: CCB Publishing.

  • af Christa Campsall
    128,95 kr.

    Is This Book for You? You will learn to know and trust your own inner wisdom - your 'guide inside' - as you read the stories and have fun with the engaging activities in this book, centered on the principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought. The knowledge presented in this book has been successfully shared with kids in various communities for many years. Filled with practical insight, this extraordinary book will help you discover who and what you really are, and empower you to reach new heights and new levels of success. Use for school. Use for home. Use for hope. This curriculum promotes the above discovery process and encourages happiness and success in students' young lives. ¿¿For Educator volume discounts, please contact the publisher: CCB Publishing.

  • af W. E. Gutman
    223,95 kr.

    Récit satyrique, sombre, irrévérencieux, impie, parfois comique, souvent amer, Les Immortels explore les régions cauchemaresques de la folie le long des corridors ténébreux d'une mort imminente et se penche sur les paradoxes, les aberrations, les tromperies et les monstruosités qui marquent la condition humaine--l'absurdité des rituels, l'automatisme des traditions insensées, l'horreur des idées fixes, et le despotisme des convictions irréfléchies. Le plus grand obstacle à la sagesse, suggère l'auteur, n'est pas un manque de savoir mais l'illusion que nous savons tout alors que nous nous noyons dans la noirceur réconfortante de l'ignorance.

  • af Christa Campsall
    128,95 kr.

    Is This Book for You? You will learn to know and trust your own inner wisdom--your 'guide inside'--as you read the stories and have fun with the activities in this book. The wisdom and common sense in this book have been shared with kids in many places and for many years. Filled with insight, this book will help you discover who and what you really are, and help you to reach success! Use for school. Use for home. Use for hope. This curriculum promotes the above discovery process and encourages happiness and success in students' young lives.For Educator volume discounts, please contact the publisher: CCB Publishing.

  • af Christa Campsall
    128,95 kr.

    Is This Book for You?You will learn to know and trust your own inner wisdom - your 'guide inside' - as you read the stories and have fun with the engaging activities in this book. Free tech tools are highlighted to enhance each activity. You can gain an understanding from reading this book independently or expand your thinking by reading it with an adult or in a group or class. The knowledge presented in this book has been successfully shared with teens in various communities for many years. Filled with practical insight, My Guide Inside will help you discover who and what you really are, and empower you to reach new heights and new levels of success. Use for school. Use for home. Use for hope. For Educator volume discounts, please contact the publisher: CCB Publishing.

  • af Jon William Lopez
    208,95 kr.

    "From this individual point of view the universal creative power has no mind of its own and therefore you can make up its mind for it." Thomas Troward, "The Edingburgh and Dore Lectures on Mental Science," 1904An audacious statement, written by one of the forefathers of the New Thought movement over a century ago. Is Troward really saying that we can "make up" the universal creative power (God's) mind? In fact he is and we can! Through our thinking we can use and direct the power of Infinite Mind to create the kind of life we desire, because Mind reflects back to us exactly what we think into it.In this book Commanding God or Making Up God's Mind it tells you how to consciously and assertively direct your thoughts and "command" the creative aspect of God to manifest for you a life of happiness, health, joy and prosperity.

  • af Marti C. Sprinkle
    423,95 kr.

    Water Wonder Works Two is a unique compilation of water aerobic exercises designed for both the water aerobic enthusiast and the professional aquatic therapist. It provides illustrated water exercises to create a self-designed program, manage arthritis and improve mobility.In this workbook Marti Sprinkle has assembled a combination of daily exercises arranged to provide fun and challenging workout sessions. For the layperson, it enables them to design a self-guided program under the approval of their physician. It also serves as a textbook for the aquatic instructors by equipping them with a flexible, easy to follow routine for their clients.Easy to read descriptions of each exercise and the accompanying photographs, provide an uncomplicated guide to a daily workout program. Marti Sprinkle has gathered through her years of teaching, imaginative water aerobic techniques from her students which she shares in this workbook.For physicians who prescribe aquatic therapy, this is definitely a book to have in your arsenal. The book allows the physician to better understand the activities the patient is participating in so that appropriate exercises and precautions can be given to the instructor.About the Author:Born in the rural town of Tehachapi, California, Marti Sprinkle, Master of Arts in Organizational Management (MAOM), is a certified water aerobics instructor with over 35 years of experience. She is certified through the American Exercise Association (AEA) and is a member of Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute (ATRI). She holds specialty certificates for Total Joint Replacement, Hip and Back, Back-Hab, Aqua Pilates, Integrated Core Training, Rheumatology, and AiChi. AiChi is a water-based relaxation progression designed to increase energy and promote flexibility and muscle strength.Marti specializes in therapeutic exercises in a commercial spa. Her passion is to better assist her clients as they reach personal health and fitness goals. Marti teaches water aerobics for all ages. Outside of the water, Marti is a concert violinist, performing in several symphonies including solo work. She is the proud mother of a successful daughter, a hiker, and a "parent" of two dogs.

  • af Eileen Curteis
    243,95 kr.

    It's not often that you get to go on a soul journey with another person. Even rarer still is to be able to witness the evolution of another traveller as they become more fearless in putting themselves out into the world for us to see and to learn from. And it's not enough to just be fearless. To be able to articulate the "true face of love," while at the same time exposing life's sharp edge of grittiness, is more than just a talent. You need to be crushed first in order to grow, and then unwavering, you need to strive for the light, drawn to the mystery we are all being swept into. Eileen Curteis is a woman at the height of her personal awareness and literary powers. She has become a master of her art. Her voice has evolved through the decades and ten previous books of poetry and artwork in order to arrive here. Now the muse is demanding more, insisting on a greater, deeper truth. She has torn away the last veil of innuendo in her work and laid her experience bare. The sharp writing, bold metaphor, and lovely allusions are still there, along with the emotional gravitas, but her new work is like a beautiful cosmic hammer hitting nail after nail and filling the silence with the sweet sound of truth and strength, over and over again. These new poems feel like a gift. Her previous work spoke of struggle, joy, acceptance, perseverance, and awe. The poems evoked a feeling of peace and revelled at the divine song of the universe, and our place in it. That work was amazing, but these new poems, though clearly an evolution of what came before, crackle with power and beauty. They describe the human experience, her experience, like being connected directly to the Source. The language, as always, is evocative, but it's cleaner, electrical, true. When writing these poems Eileen was ready to break the cords and carry the Light. The time spent flourishing underground has enabled her to access the higher gifts. She knows she doesn't have all the answers but like a child of the universe awakening, she knows she's being led. Thankfully, for us, we get to join her in the journey.

  • af Thomas L. Rose
    208,95 kr.

    When a good friend's brother is murdered at the friend's restaurant, private detective Tony Victor promises the family he will find out who did it and why. In order to accomplish the task Tony must cooperate with his former employer, the Parsonsville Police Department, where the relationship is not the best.Tony experiences difficulty staying focused on the case by the grief he continues to experience over the untimely death of his wife and the upcoming parole hearing for the man who caused her death. Further complicating matters are his sudden romantic feelings for his friend's sister. Tony is on an emotional roller coaster and is involved in a murder case that first appears as a simple robbery but reaches far beyond Parsonsville and his friend's Italian restaurant.With many twists and turns, threats and intimidation, fear and anger, will it lead to the death of another member of the family?

  • af Adam Lee
    183,95 kr.

    These days most Americans still identify as Evangelical Christians. It is the majority here in the United States of America where our coins still say, "In God We Trust." But there is a trend going on where more and more people are not attending church or identifying as religious anymore. More and more people are deconstructing their faith. And many are realizing that they were in a cult, the cult of Evangelical Christianity! I grew up as a Christian and in my early 20s had a born-again experience and dove headfirst into Evangelical Christianity. Not just a normal dive but I was going for the gold and dove off the high dive into the deep end. I later got a degree in Biblical Studies and became a minister. I would like to tell you it was everything I thought it would be but that would be a lie. It was nothing it was supposed to be. Evangelical Christianity is one big delusion, and nothing is what they say it is. I went into it looking for love, acceptance, and a family and found only disappointment. The one good thing that came out of it was an awakened spirituality and a relationship with God, but it will take many years to purge myself from all the negative things that accompanied that. What I have come to realize now is that I was in a cult, Evangelicalism is one big cult, and it often does more harm than good. And no I am not saying just the church I was in was a cult because I was in many. The whole Evangelical Christian religion with all its churches and branches is actually one big massive cult.

    2.228,95 kr.

    Pismo biblijne Yasha Ahayah Aleph Tav (YASAT) wychodz¿cy z Babilonu jest wersj¿ angielsk¿ zgodn¿ z Antioch (protestanckim) S¿OWO Biblii Króla Jakuba z 1769 r. (KJV), Textus Receptus, Peszitta i ¿ydowski kodeks Aleppo. Pismo to przywraca NAZW¿ Mesjasza Yashy zaczerpni¿t¿ ze najstarszego greckiego NT, Kodeks Sinaticus u¿ywa "nomina sacra" (Iota Sigma), która jest YASHA w staröytnym hebrajskim Paleo. Dwadzie¿cia jeden innych fragmentów pergaminu papirusu aleksandryjskiego z 300 AD lub wcze¿niej równie¿ to potwierdza. W tych badaniach pism u¿ywa si¿ zarówno Antiochii (protestanckiej / ¿ydowskiej) TEKSTU "S¿OWO", jak i aleksandryjskiej (katolickiej) "NAZWA" dla Mesjasza.W ¿redniowieczu ¿ydzi, którzy odrzucili Mesjasza, nazywali Jego imi¿ Yeshu harasha lub Yeshu rasha, przy czym Yeshu jest akronimem formu¿y "niech jego imi¿ i pami¿¿ zostan¿ zatarte" (patrz Toledot Yeshu). Jest to bardzo bliskie Yashie, co oznacza Zbawiciela po hebrajsku. Tutaj po raz pierwszy dos¿owne t¿umaczenie pism ¿wi¿tych ze ¿wi¿tym imieniem Ahayah i Yasha, przywrócone i zachowane. Czy wiesz w kädym t¿umaczeniu biblijnym, w tym w KJV, ¿e imi¿ naszego Ojca Niebieskiego Achajah zostäo wyj¿te i zast¿pione tytu¿ami, a nawet imionami pogäskich bóstw ponad 10 000 razy? YASAT jest przeznaczony dla tych, którzy chc¿ czytä to s¿owo, jak miäo by¿, wychodz¿c z Babilonu, który czci¿ obcych bogów. Chwäa Achaja i Jaszy, a nie pogäskim bogom, jak Pan, Bóg, Elohim, EL, Jehowa i Jezus, aby wymieni¿ tylko kilka. Pismo to zast¿puje równie¿ "Prawo" "Prawem Tory", poniewä prawo zostäo dane Moj¿eszowi na górze ¿wi¿tyni i wielu myli PRAWO z pogäskimi prawami znalezionymi w spöecze¿stwie.W czasie drugiego publikowania przywróci¿em hebrajskie nazwy piktograficzne Paleo. Sköczy¿em przywracanie Alepha Tava w Starym Testamencie. Mesjasz nazywa siebie Aleph i Tav w Objawieniu 1:8 w Messianic Peshitta i jest tu przywrócony. Przywróci¿em tak¿e oryginalny Znak Bestii, jak znaleziono w Objawieniu 13:18. Ahlahayam jest teraz u¿ywany zamiast pogäskiego Elohima lub Ishi-ohima, zamiast Adonai (Adonis) u¿ywana jest Adana. Ah-Yasha jest u¿ywana zamiast Ishi Ozeasza 2:16, który zostä zaczerpni¿ty prosto z hebrajskiego Paleo i jest kolejnym solidnym przyk¿adem tego, jak Ojciec ma SAM¿ NAZW¿ jako Syn "YASHA" spe¿nienie John 5:43. Wiele popularnych terminów u¿ywanych obecnie w wi¿kszöci Biblii ma pogäskie pochodzenie, wi¿c przeprowadzi¿em badania nad czystszymi terminami do u¿ycia i udokumentowäem je na köcu tej ksi¿¿ki, a tak¿e na mojej stronie w cz¿¿ci "WARUNKI PAGANU" aby pomóc wype¿ni¿ Wyj¿cia 23:13.

    2.783,95 kr.

    Pismo biblijne Yasha Ahayah Aleph Tav (YASAT) wychodz¿cy z Babilonu jest wersj¿ angielsk¿ zgodn¿ z Antioch (protestanckim) S¿OWO Biblii Króla Jakuba z 1769 r. (KJV), Textus Receptus, Peszitta i ¿ydowski kodeks Aleppo. Pismo to przywraca NAZW¿ Mesjasza Yashy zaczerpni¿t¿ ze najstarszego greckiego NT, Kodeks Sinaticus u¿ywa "nomina sacra" (Iota Sigma), która jest YASHA w staröytnym hebrajskim Paleo. Dwadzie¿cia jeden innych fragmentów pergaminu papirusu aleksandryjskiego z 300 AD lub wcze¿niej równie¿ to potwierdza. W tych badaniach pism u¿ywa si¿ zarówno Antiochii (protestanckiej / ¿ydowskiej) TEKSTU "S¿OWO", jak i aleksandryjskiej (katolickiej) "NAZWA" dla Mesjasza.W ¿redniowieczu ¿ydzi, którzy odrzucili Mesjasza, nazywali Jego imi¿ Yeshu harasha lub Yeshu rasha, przy czym Yeshu jest akronimem formu¿y "niech jego imi¿ i pami¿¿ zostan¿ zatarte" (patrz Toledot Yeshu). Jest to bardzo bliskie Yashie, co oznacza Zbawiciela po hebrajsku. Tutaj po raz pierwszy dos¿owne t¿umaczenie pism ¿wi¿tych ze ¿wi¿tym imieniem Ahayah i Yasha, przywrócone i zachowane. Czy wiesz w kädym t¿umaczeniu biblijnym, w tym w KJV, ¿e imi¿ naszego Ojca Niebieskiego Achajah zostäo wyj¿te i zast¿pione tytu¿ami, a nawet imionami pogäskich bóstw ponad 10 000 razy? YASAT jest przeznaczony dla tych, którzy chc¿ czytä to s¿owo, jak miäo by¿, wychodz¿c z Babilonu, który czci¿ obcych bogów. Chwäa Achaja i Jaszy, a nie pogäskim bogom, jak Pan, Bóg, Elohim, EL, Jehowa i Jezus, aby wymieni¿ tylko kilka. Pismo to zast¿puje równie¿ "Prawo" "Prawem Tory", poniewä prawo zostäo dane Moj¿eszowi na górze ¿wi¿tyni i wielu myli PRAWO z pogäskimi prawami znalezionymi w spöecze¿stwie.W czasie drugiego publikowania przywróci¿em hebrajskie nazwy piktograficzne Paleo. Sköczy¿em przywracanie Alepha Tava w Starym Testamencie. Mesjasz nazywa siebie Aleph i Tav w Objawieniu 1:8 w Messianic Peshitta i jest tu przywrócony. Przywróci¿em tak¿e oryginalny Znak Bestii, jak znaleziono w Objawieniu 13:18. Ahlahayam jest teraz u¿ywany zamiast pogäskiego Elohima lub Ishi-ohima, zamiast Adonai (Adonis) u¿ywana jest Adana. Ah-Yasha jest u¿ywana zamiast Ishi Ozeasza 2:16, który zostä zaczerpni¿ty prosto z hebrajskiego Paleo i jest kolejnym solidnym przyk¿adem tego, jak Ojciec ma SAM¿ NAZW¿ jako Syn "YASHA" spe¿nienie John 5:43. Wiele popularnych terminów u¿ywanych obecnie w wi¿kszöci Biblii ma pogäskie pochodzenie, wi¿c przeprowadzi¿em badania nad czystszymi terminami do u¿ycia i udokumentowäem je na köcu tej ksi¿¿ki, a tak¿e na mojej stronie w cz¿¿ci "WARUNKI PAGANU" aby pomóc wype¿ni¿ Wyj¿cia 23:13.

  • af Rodric D. King
    208,95 kr.