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Bøger udgivet af Cambridge Scholars Publishing

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  • - Towards the Learning of Listener Responses
    af Pino Cutrone
    493,95 kr.

    With a focus on intercultural communication between Japanese and Americans, this book describes how differing listening styles and conversational behaviours across cultures can negatively influence intercultural communication. Responding to the many calls for studies examining the teachability of listener responses in the language classroom, the author investigates whether listener responses would be a suitable target for instruction in the EFL/ESL classroom, and, if so, what instructional methods are best suited to teaching this elusive aspect of pragmatic competence. By addressing these issues, this book provides exciting and novel insights into various aspects of applied linguistics. By supplementing language data and questionnaires with retrospective and longitudinal research techniques, the author is able to present a much richer description and deeper understanding of how and why participants used listener responses in the manner they did. With the findings supporting an explicit approach to teaching listener responses, this book provides language practitioners with a direction in which to move forward. Beyond this practical application, this study sheds new light into such theoretical debates as the role of consciousness in language teaching (the Explicit vs. Implicit debate), the universality of Grice's theory of conversation and the potentially differing conceptualisations of politeness across cultures.

  • af Mariusz Marczak
    493,95 kr.

    The topic of this book is in congruence with the current trends in foreign language education worldwide. On the one hand, it tackles the concept and implementation of intercultural language teaching; on the other, it analyses the circumstances in which information and communication technology may be utilised in the contemporary EFL classroom. Both intercultural teaching and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) have been promoted by national/international educational documents in Europe, the USA and Asia, and endorsed by international organisations, including the Council of Europe and UNESCO. This book constitutes a pioneering attempt at establishing the role of ICT in English language and culture teaching within the Polish education system. However, the research instruments used within both research modules are applicable to other education systems worldwide, while the results obtained have implications for intercultural and computer-assisted language education in international contexts.The research results presented in the book highlight to the broad EFL profession a wide range of issues relating to the use of ICT in the foreign language classroom. They also offer materials writers, software designers and EFL teachers criteria with which to evaluate the intercultural component of CALL software.

  • - Islam and Muslims in two Renaissance Plays
    af Hammood Khalid Obaid
    448,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the importance of topical reading in understanding Islamic figures and themes, and applies this approach to two landmark Elizabethan plays: George Peele's Battle of Alcazar and William Percy's Mahomet and his Heaven. The former is the first English play to present a Moor as a major character, while the latter is the first English play to be based on Quranic material and feature the Prophet of Islam as a major character. In both plays, the book argues, topical concerns played a major role in the formation of Islamic characters and themes, rendering the term 'representation' highly debatable. The book also briefly covers other Elizabethan plays that contained Islamic elements, such as Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and The Merchant of Venice, and Marlowe's Tamburlaine and Doctor Faustus. Topical issues covered in the work include British-Muslim relations, the Spanish Armada, Elizabethan patriotism in literature, Catholic-Protestant tensions in the late 16th century, the gynaecocracy debate, and Elizabethan alchemy and magic.

  • - Evaluative Mediation to Challenge the Power of Social Discourses
    af Jamila A. Chowdhury
    448,95 kr.

    This book investigates the practice of family mediation and some of the challenges that may hinder its effective use by marginalised groups in a society. Those challenges include gendered power disparity and family violence, especially towards women, and the discussion extends to how the challenges can be overcome through a practice of evaluative mediation to provide fair outcomes for women. Unlike other contemporary books on mediation, this book not only discusses different theories of power and equity in mediation, it also includes a number of verbatim quotes from different mediation sessions to demonstrate how those theories are operationalised in a real life context.While other contemporary texts on mediation focus on Western style facilitative mediation and its limitations in attaining fair justice for women enduring gendered power disparity and family violence, this text emphasises an evaluative mediation style that is embedded in Eastern social practices. Instead of focusing on gendered power disparity and family violence as limitations on the practice of facilitative mediation, this book details the practice of evaluative mediation which may provide fair justice to women despite the presence of gendered power disparity and family violence in a society.

  • - Deafhearing Family Life
    af Donna West
    443,95 kr.

    Winner of the 2013 Outstanding Qualitative Book Award by the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.Signs of Hope tells the story of a narrative inquiry with three deafhearing families. For many of us, deafness represents loss and silence. For others, being deaf is a genetic quirk; an opportunity for learning, spiritual adventure and reward. For yet others, it is the most natural thing in the world; a connection to a genealogical layer of signing ancestors and the continuation of a culture. Amid the noise of mainstream, medical and educational discourses of deafness, here are family voices demanding to be heard - whether spoken or signed - that challenge audiological and surgical intervention, that call for scrutiny and critique of 'inclusive' deaf-related pedagogical practices, that rail against marginalisation of members of minority cultures. Over four years, Donna West has recorded the stories of three families who wish to counter and resist what they see as damaging misconceptions and discriminatory constructions of deafness and deafhearing family life. Here, spaces are created that respect and acknowledge human beings - adults, children, deaf, hearing - as storytellers. The poetic and performative narratives at the heart of this book reveal not only the ways in which hurtful definitions of, and discrimination towards, deaf people and signing deafhearing families is destabilised, but also the ways in which celebration of deaf culture and sign language are affirming and vital for healthy family life.

  • - Exploring Agreement Mechanisms
    af Pritha Chandra
    258,95 kr.

    Agreement plays a pivotal role in the generative theory of natural language. More recently, the minimalist paradigm suggests positing a separate operation: Agree - for agreement, alongside Merge - the recursive structure building operation, and Move - the displacement operation in grammar. Though Agree, it would seem, is well-supported by ample empirical data, there is reason to doubt the existence of such an operation in grammar. The advent of minimalism in linguistic theory necessitates doubting all attributes of the language faculty that seem unique to it. If language is part of cognition, the rest of cognition should be reflected in its workings, thus ruling out the possibility of the language organ standing out for being too idiosyncratic. Agree is very language-specific and yet the literature that readily accepts it hardly ever tries to locate it within the cognitive domain. This book makes an effort in this direction and shows that this operation is not conceptually necessary to the language system. It cannot be justified on general economy considerations. Alongside these conceptual arguments, the book also takes up long-distance agreement constructions from languages as diverse as Basque, Chamorro, Chukchee, Hindi-Urdu, Icelandic, Innu-aimun, Itelmen, Japanese, Kashmiri, Passamaquoddy and Tsez to show that what seemingly appear as evidence for Agree at first glance, on closer inspection, turn out to be instances of local, sisterhood relations in grammar.(Dis)Agree: Exploring Agreement Mechanisms will interest linguists and cognitive scientists, especially students and scholars of syntactic theory and the mind-language interfaces at graduate level and above.

  • - Interviews with African Authors writing about HIV/AIDS
    af Lizzy Attree
    443,95 kr.

    The fourteen interviews in this book form an unprecedented wealth of material on authors' responses to HIV/AIDS in South Africa and Zimbabwe. They comprise a valuable archive which documents and contextualises the variety of views and opinions of different authors on their often ground-breaking choices in writing about HIV/AIDS. Each author ranks among the first to publish fiction on HIV/AIDS in their respective countries. These interviews are of particular merit as these issues have not been discussed at length with any of the authors before. Collectively they offer a unique range of approaches and opinions in response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in southern Africa. Their significance lies in their specific literary, as well as their broader social, cultural and political perspectives on a disease which continues to spread despite extensive NGO, medical and government intervention. In both South Africa and Zimbabwe, government responses have failed to address the urgent need for new political and economic solutions to the challenge of HIV infection. Responses among the population have varied from widespread silence, shame and fear to political activism and outspoken critiques of government inaction. Writers give voice to this silence and contextualise the disparate reactions amongst diverse peoples.Globally, AIDS killed approximately 2 million in 2008. In 1998, AIDS was the largest killer in southern Africa, nearly double the one million deaths from malaria and eight times the 209,000 deaths from tuberculosis. It has long been the case that of those dying globally of AIDS, the majority live in southern Africa. When the associated social and cultural implications of infection with HIV are considered, fictional representations contribute significantly to our understanding of the impact of HIV/AIDS on communities and individuals, and provide a much-needed basis for 'humanising' an epidemic which is unimaginable statistically. It has been said that the feelings and reactions that HIV/AIDS inspires are often 'too unreal for words,' and it is this very notion, that certain diseases are taboo, unmentionable, and hardly even named as such, that makes verbalisation of this epidemic a modern imperative.

  • af Daniel Meyer-Dinkgrafe
    198,95 kr.

    Twenty major German cities have a total of twenty-four theatres specializing, at a high level of sophistication, in presenting light comedy. They have their own typical ambience, principles of artistic management and casting. There are playwrights, actors, directors and designers who work almost exclusively in the genre, called boulevard comedy, developing highly specialised approaches to their work. In almost all cases, the predominantly privately run boulevard comedy theatres in Germany have been able to attract larger audiences than municipal or state theatres in the same cities. The book provides a description and an analysis of this phenomenon, which is unique to Germany. Chapters focus on an analysis of ambience, artistic managers, artistic policies and artistic structures, on major characteristics of the plays presented on the stages of German boulevard comedy theatres, on aspects of translation and the cultural transfer of comedy and laughter and on aspects of production and reception, dealing in turn with actors, directors, media coverage and audiences.

  • - Essays on Philip Pullman, C. S. Lewis, George MacDonald and R. L. Stevenson
    af William Gray
    313,95 kr.

    Drawing on philosophy, theology and psychoanalysis as well as on literary criticism, this collection of essays explores a range of fantasy texts with particular attention to the various ways in which they seek to deal with the reality of death. The essays uncover some fascinating links, and indeed tensions, between the writers discussed.

  • - Conceptualization of the Experience of the Sublime
    af Kenneth Holmqvist & Jaroslaw Pluciennik
    448,95 kr.

    The book Infinity in Language is a research monograph on the problem of the sublime in language. The authors use methods from cognitive semantics and poetics in order to thoroughly describe how the sublime is used in language. It is a unique attempt to account for one of the most fascinating problems of the human mind: the concept of infinity, and how the experience of infinity and enthusiasm is expressed in language. The book includes new findings in cognitive semantics relating to rhetorical figures such as hyperbole, gradation and accumulation. Cognitive semantics has focused so far on metaphor. This book fills the gap and gives an account of other rhetorical figures. It contains also a historical review of major theories of the sublime by Pseudo-Longinos, Boileau, Burke, Kant, Schiller, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and others, i.e. it spans a period from the first century AD till twentieth century. The authors answer the question how is it possible to present the unpresentable. It is an attempt to outline and develop a model of the rhetoric of the sublime. The model consists of three elements: antimimetic evocation of the unimaginable, a mimesis of emotions and figures of the discourse of the sublime. The books argues in favour of non-cartesian semantics which takes into account not only reason but also emotions, especially very intensive ones. However, the authors also express reservations regarding omnipresent rhetoric of the sublime. They follow those thinkers in the human history who argued against fanaticism and in favour of tolerance and empathy. The book is an original result of an interdisciplinary and international collaboration, lasting many years, between a cognitive scientist and a linguist and literary scholar.

    588,95 kr.

    This collection of essays provides an historical, plural and original analysis of the Russian Revolution to mark its first centenary.

  • - Volume 1 2nd Edition
    377,95 kr.

    This book presents edited and revised versions of most of the papers presented at the First International Conference on Sustainable Alternatives for Poverty Reduction and Ecological Justice in 2012 (SAPREJ-12).

  • - False Objectivity and the Decline of Creativity
    398,95 kr.

    Centralization and over-professionalization can lead to the disappearance of a critical environment capable of linking the human sciences to the "real world." The authors of this volume suggest that the humanities need to operate in a concrete cultural environment able to influence procedures on a hic et nunc basis, and that they should not entirel

    968,95 kr.

    This book is about musical canons and de-canonizing music history. Whenever music is critically examined, it is disciplined, ordered, and corrected; the canon functions as a basic tool in defining the scope of this disciplining.

  • - Chinese-Bulgarian Anthropological Contribution to the Study of Critical Situations
    443,95 kr.

    The articles in the volume contribute to a relatively new domain of scholarly research - the ecological anthropology, focusing especially on contemporary crises and disasters from different background: natural, social, technological, etc.

    448,95 kr.

    This book presents a collection of articles that put forward original research and significant insight regarding several key issues related to knowledge and language in Middle Eastern societies.

    498,95 kr.

    Formal Studies in Slavic Linguistics is a collection of selected papers presented at the Graduate Colloquia on Slavic Linguistics held at the Ohio State University, and as such presents current research of young scholars from top European and American universities.

  • - Image, Instruction and Ideology
    378,95 kr.

    If the child is the father of the man, as William Wordsworth so famously declared, then what of the father that child grows to become?

  • - The Challenges of Co-operation Across Borders
    443,95 kr.

    In their efforts to internationalize in the emerging global economy, co-operatives not only face a variety of problems that are common to all firms, but encounter specific challenges due to their particular value commitments, forms of incorporation and organizational structures.

    448,95 kr.

    The aim of this volume is to record the resurgent influence of Language Learning in Translation Studies and the various contemporary ways in which translation is used in the fields of Language Teaching and Assessment.

    498,95 kr.

    "Black" British Aesthetics Today is a collection of twenty-four exciting critical and theoretical essays exploring current thinking about the hottest artistic, literary, and critical works now being produced by "black" Britons. This book features a number of chapters by the avant-garde "black" British novelists, poets, and artists themselves.

  • - Nuclear Criticism in a Post-Cold War World
    448,95 kr.

    This collection asks how we are to address the nuclear question in a post-Cold War world. Rather than a temporary fad, Nuclear Criticism perpetually re-surfaces in theoretical circles.

  • - Spatial Notions in Cultural, Literary and Language Studies; Volume 2
    558,95 kr.

    Exploring space: Spatial notions in cultural, literary and language studies falls into two volumes and is the result of the 18th PASE (Polish Association for the Study of English) Conference organized by the English Department of Opole University and held at Kamien Slaski in April 2009.

  • - Application of Vygotsky's Ideas from an East-West Perspective
    483,95 kr.

    Over the past decade, early childhood education and care has moved onto the policy agenda in many countries. There is growing recognition that early access to quality education and appropriate care provides young children with a good and fair start in life.

  • - Spatial Notions in Cultural, Literary and Language Studies; Volume 1
    598,95 kr.

    Exploring space: Spatial notions in cultural, literary and language studies falls into two volumes and is the result of the 18th PASE (Polish Association for the Study of English) Conference organized by the English Department of Opole University and held at Kamien Slaski in April 2009.

  • - Histories of Colonial and Indigenous Medicines in Transnational Perspective
    af Projit B. Muhkarji
    443,95 kr.

    This book offers an innovative engagement with the diverse histories of colonial and indigenous medicines.

  • - Caring and Religion in Global Perspective
    438,95 kr.

    The study of altruism and altruistic behavior has caught the attention of social scientists especially in recent years. What motivates individuals to cultivate attitudes and actions that promote the wellbeing of others at the expense of, or at the risk of negative consequences for their own?

  • - International Perspectives
    683,95 kr.

    Commentators have noted the extraordinary impact of popular culture on legal practice, courtroom proceedings, police departments, and government as a whole, and it is no exaggeration to say that most people derive their basic understanding of law from cultural products.

  • - Mapping Place in Text and Culture
    558,95 kr.

    This collection of essays, comprised of research first presented at the seventh annual Louisiana Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture, explores one of the most pervasive, vexing, and alluring concepts in the Humanities, that of place.

    328,95 kr.

    Pourquoi penser le biographique ? N'est-il pas epuise ? Le siecle passe semble l'avoir vide de son contenu et de sa substance et l'a reduit a un etat d'affaiblissement presque complet dans le domaine des sciences sociales comme dans celui de la critique litteraire.