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Bøger udgivet af Brill I Schoeningh

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  • af Vladimir Corovic
    1.853,95 kr.

    This first English publication of Vladimir Corovic's study is a culmination of efforts that had started long before this book saw the light of day. The origin of this work goes back to the late 1920s when Yugoslav officials and intellectuals decided to provide a competent, scholarly work of international reputation on the question of the origins of the World War I. The publication of the book planned for 1936 could not be realized as the Yugoslav government complied with a request from the Third Reich to cancel it. A work that was likely to delve into the responsibility of not just Austria-Hungary, but also of the German Empire for the outbreak of the Great War was not welcome to Nazi Germany. Even today Corovic's book is worth reading to check the state of discussion in the aftermath of more recent publications on the outbreak of World War I.

  • af David Davage
    1.663,95 kr.

    This collection of articles is tightly focused on metaphors in the prophetic literature of the Hebrew Bible and their later afterlife in Jewish and Christian texts.The essays deal with a wide range of historical, literary, and methodological issues. First, several contributions employ metaphor theory in analysing the biblical texts, both conceptual frameworks such as blending theory and more traditional methods. Second, metaphors are studied both synchronically, that is, in relation to their current literary contexts, and diachronically, that is, mapping how they have been employed and re-interpreted in different ways and different texts throughout time. Third, other contributions read metaphors in light of theoretical frameworks such as feminist criticism, post-colonial theories, or power discourses that uncover aspects of significance often missed in historical studies. Finally, yet other contributions deal with the issue of how to translate metaphors in contemporary contexts.

  • af Elena Marushiakova
    1.918,95 kr.

    In their centuries-old history, the Roma (formerly known as Gypsies) experienced many difficult moments and cruel trials from their arrival in Europe until now. The history of the Roma in the USSR is no exception in this respect. Along with affirmative state policy towards them (at least until the end of the 1930s), they also fell victim to the massive political repressions of that time. In this book, the Roma victims of these repressions are made visible and the scale of the repressions against them is discussed. The authors describe the political repression of Roma not as an isolated historical phenomenon explicitly aimed at the Roma as a separate ethnic community but understand the events as a component of the mass terror and brutal against all Soviet citizens. In this way, the history of the Roma is inscribed in the general history of the USSR.

  • af Nasrin Bani Assadi
    1.663,95 kr.

    Is the Qur'anic notion of faith reconcilable with a modern notion of freedom? The present work is an attempt to examine the possibility of a positive response to this question.Inspired by transcendental philosophy as developed by Kant and Fichte and later elaborated by Hermann Krings, the author provides a reformulation of the notion of faith in the Qur'an as "transcendental affirmation". It is argued in the book that faith in the Qur'an has to do with belief in transformation through affirmation, and that the lack of faith is associated with submitting oneself to systems of necessity and their immutability. It is obvious that in such a worldview there is hardly any place for freedom and for hope.Through the reformulation of the Islamic notion of faith as transcendental affirmation, the author has provided the possibility of speaking of transcendental freedom within the arena of Islamic Theology.

  • af Olga Alieva
    1.598,95 kr.

    The Platonic corpus is a collection of texts written under Plato's name. It is fairly inconvenient for us, modern readers, that it includes texts hardly authored by Plato, but we are normally able, or deem ourselves so, to tell the difference between spurious and authentic material. Yet that 'either-or' logic might be too simplistic to account for the specifics of 'school accumulation', which continued more or less till the end of the Hellenistic epoch and implied imitation rather than deception: the Platonic corpus was in the making as long as the Academy existed. And so were its separate components: authorial and editorial revisions and 'updates' of dialogues are signalled both by ancient sources and by modern computational techniques. In eleven chapters provided by twelve specialists in the field, this volume explores the Platonic corpus as a living whole in its dynamic and complex development. Two major sets of questions are addressed here. The first concerns the individual components of the corpus, the institutional and philosophical context of their emergence, and questions of authorship and revision. The second question has to do with the corpus as a whole, with the progressive organization of the dialogues into a recognized body of work, including both ancient and modern editions and classifications, as well as the formation and transformations of the canon.

  • af Heta Hurskainen
    1.523,95 kr.

    Orthodox churches in Ukraine and Russia share a common ecclesiastical tradition but differ in their views on practicing and interpreting it. To bolster their own views, different Orthodox churches emphasize different aspects of history, and >forget< others, not favorable for their interpretations. These intentional memorizing also influence on the churches' reflection of their position and role in society at large.Interpretations of ecclesiastical tradition also influence the Orthodox churches' reactions to the other churches in Ukraine. Abroad, ecclesiastical organizations, especially ecumenical bodies are also influenced by the Ukrainian Orthodoxy, and have influence on the Ukrainian and Russian Orthodoxy, when recognizing or leaving without recognition the multiplicity of the Orthodox faith in Ukraine and Russia.

    1.523,95 kr.

    Animals were often an essential part of wars and conflict experiences, either as military resource, as logistical element, or as comrade and friend of the human troops. How animals actually shaped human wars and these experiences is discussed in detail in this volume. It shows which roles different animals (horses, camels, dogs, reindeer etc.) played throughout martial human history and how this role is remembered or commemorated until today. The authors of the volume not only focus on the use of animals, but also on the human-animal relations that were established and shaped by a shared war experience. The scope of the book is chronologically broad, ranging from ancient to modern time periods, as well as geographically global. All contributions intend to broaden our understanding of the role animals played throughout our own violent past and the history of human made conflicts.

  • af Jerzy Kochanowski
    851,95 kr.

    The cautious expansion of freedoms in the sign of de-Stalinization is remembered in Poland as the "October Thaw of 1956". The renowned historian Jerzy Kochanowski presents an innovative view of this era. He vividly describes the contemporary facts of life as hooliganism and prostitution, work and unemployment, money and corruption, the concept of deliberate motherhood and dreams of having one's own car. The term "revolution" in the title of the book is to be taken literally, because the emotions that gripped Polish society at the time manifested themselves in a variety of ways on the streets. When the "Polish October Revolution" was over, the country was irreversibly changed.

  • af Mattes Schmerdtmann
    1.278,95 kr.

    Der Kulturverein "Deutsches Kulturwerk Europäischen Geistes" war zeitweise die zweitgrößte rechtsextreme Gruppierung der Bundesrepublik nach der NPD. Die 1950 vom ehemaligen NS-Kulturfunktionär Herbert Böhme gegründete Organisation diente mit dem Türmer-Verlag und ihren Zeitschriften als Plattform für frühere NS-Schriftsteller und völkische Autoren. In über 120 Ortsvereinen organisierte sie bis zur Auflösung 1996 Dichterlesungen, Vorträge und "Brauchtumsabende". Die Studie untersucht die Strukturen des Vereins, die Verbindungen zu rechten Gruppen und politischen Parteien sowie dessen Einflussversuche. Außerdem analysiert sie über 500 literarische Texte hinsichtlich des ideologischen Gehalts. Ein umfangreicher Anhang enthält u. a. biografische Informationen zu den wichtigsten Mitgliedern sowie Übersichten zu Akteuren, Publikationsorganen, Pflegstätten und Preisen. Somit bietet der Band einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Erschließung rechtsextremer Netzwerke im westdeutschen bürgerlichen Milieu.

  • af Haytham Qandeil
    1.148,95 kr.

    In this book, the intricate administrative apparatus of Ptolemaic Egypt comes to light. The study delves deeply into the pivotal roles of the epimeletes, a significant administrative official operating at the nome level. This official was tasked with supervising a diverse array of functions that held paramount importance in ensuring the financial stability and control of the Ptolemaic state. Throughout the book's six chapters and four appendices, the evolution of the epimeletes' responsibilities, and the relationships with other officials are meticulously analysed.Throughout the book, readers are taken on a journey through the third and second centuries B.C., witnessing the epimeletes' involvement in agricultural matters, taxation, monopolies, and more. The book highlights the intricate relationships the epimeletes maintained with various administrative tiers, military officials, and police authorities, shedding light on the collaborative nature of Ptolemaic governance.

  • af Leszek Zasztowt
    1.408,95 kr.

    What was life like in the territories annexed by Russia in the 19th century? What were the views and attitudes of the Poles living in landsbelonging to the Russian Empire? How did people arrange their lives when they did not take up revolutionary action and foreswore an openstruggle with the Tsarist regime? Could one be a Polish patriot without fighting gun in hand for independence? The Russians believed that Poleswere genetically preordained to be anti-Russian. Even in the west of Europe this charge of morbid Russophobia was taken to be the rule. Itseems that this was one of the greatest falsehoods that Russian imperial propaganda managed to implement in the West. Leszek Zasztowtunfolds in this fascinating biography a much more complex reality through the life story of the medical scientist, academic and politicalactivist Józef Mianowski (1804-1879), a man who served Russia and loved Poland.

    1.148,95 kr.

    Der Band reflektiert systematisch das Verhältnis der Unternehmensgeschichte zu anderen Disziplinen der Geschichtswissenschaft, indem die Beiträge die methodischen wie inhaltlichen Schnittpunkte für zukünftige Forschungen aufzeigen - etwa zwischen Unternehmensgeschichte und Sozialgeschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Geschlechtergeschichte, Umweltgeschichte, Kolonialgeschichte, Wissenschaftsgeschichte oder Rechtsgeschichte. Jedes der instruktiven Kapitel gibt Anregungen dafür, wie die Unternehmensgeschichte in besonderer Weise dazu beitragen kann, wirtschaftliche Themen auch fernab quantitativer Verfahren für Historiker:innen verständlich zu machen und so maßgeblich zur ökonomischen Fundierung der Geschichtswissenschaft beizutragen.

    1.278,95 kr.

    It were journalists that made war accessible for private households since the 19th century. Detailed reports and images brought the front to the living room and people around the world could follow military action on a daily basis. The people who reported about wars therefore shaped the perceptions of the respective conflicts and could even turn into political agents. This volume presents several case studies demonstrating how war and journalism were tied together on multiple levels. The contributions reflect questions related to agency, description, perception and politics alike. The authors explore which role journalists actually played in times of war and conflict and how their work fits into the overall history of violence since the 19th century.

  • af Leonardo Paris
    1.663,95 kr.

    A man stands out on the scene, a free man. He puts forth a new way of relating to the God of Israel. He is the heir. He is the one who knows how to receive and communicate what has been given to him. He does so by impressing his unique trait on it. Many are fascinated by this figure. Others are scared to the point of precipitating events until the man is killed. However, precisely in his death, this figure will release his vision of God in all its strength. A vision that, from that moment in time, will never cease to attract, to scandalize, and to provoke reality. Today as yesterday. From this story, the idea of God emerges forever overturned, and with it the forms of power, freedom, and human identity.In this book, Christian theology is presented through engaging events, with the flavour of a contemporary novel. A fresh and groundbreaking Christology.

    1.353,95 kr.

    The volume offers the collection of essays penned by eighteen luminous minds of the 20th century humanities and social sciences in Poland: Stefan Amsterdamski, Nina Assorodobraj-Kula, Bronislaw Baczko, Jan Blonski, Jolanta Brach-Czaina, Michal Glowinski, Oskar Hansen, Maria Janion, Jerzy Jedlicki, Antonii Kepinski, Anna Pawelczynska, Krzysztof Pomian, Mieczyslaw Porebski, Jan Strzelecki, Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Jerzy Szacki, Jerzy Topolski, and Andrzej Turowski. Celebrated as canonical within their respective fields, these works resonate profoundly in academic as well as social environment today.What lies at the centre of this collection is political and historical turbulence - the experience of the horror of war and destruction, always a point of reference for any form of political, intellectual or existential engagement. From the bold manifesto-like essays to groundbreaking theoretical writings that shift paradigms, each piece is a testament to intellectual revolution and courage. These are not just writings; they are beacons of transformative thought and conceptual reinvention.This book can be treated as evidence of the intergenerational dialogue, where scholars whose work and worldview have been to a large extent shaped by the experience of the 1989 political transition, visit their predecessors whose attitudes and ideas emerged in the aftermath of World War II. This is an acknowledgement of genealogy, heritage and influence.

  • af Hans Schelkshorn
    1.148,95 kr.

    The emergence and downfall of fascism and the Nazi regime in the mid-twentieth century mark the definitive decline of Europe's geopolitical hegemony. The end of the Second World War is the beginning of both decolonization processes and the founding of the United Nations as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this context, we find a variety of philosophical interpretations on religious traditions, secular conceptualizations of reason and political theories. In and outside of Europe, philosophical and spiritual movements develop different political orientations, whereas fruitful dialogues between religious and secular philosophical positions emerge. In this volume, such positions and interactions are explored in an exemplary way.

  • af Miroslav ¿Edivý
    698,95 kr.

    The book investigates the quest for international security in mid-19th century Germany from a new and inspiring perspective. Under the influence of international events Germany's citizens believed that they lived at a dangerous time when relations between countries and nations were increasingly defined by the law of the strongest instead of written law. Regardless of their origin, political views, gender and social status they participated in debates about the future of Germany, Europe and the world and tried to determine how to better ensure external security, develop justice and achieve a more stable peace. This fundamental but hitherto historiographically neglected process became manifest in numerous Phenomena analysed independently in the past such as the rise of German nationalism, the call for naval armament and colonial expansion, the birth of Realpolitik and the concept of Mitteleuropa, the deterioration in relations and wars with other nations and the participation in the organised peace movement.

  • af Cristinel Ioja
    1.523,95 kr.

    The book presents the essential stages and contributions of Romanian dogmatic thinking from the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Written from a historical and doctrinal perspective, the book aims to be a history of Romanian dogmatic thinking analyzed in the context of the establishment of communism, the intensification of ecumenical dialogue, and postmodern society. The book captures and explains what the author calls the "paradigm change" in Orthodox Dogmatics from the second half of the 20th century, the theological meanings of the renewal of Dogmatics in the context of neopatristic synthesis and the gradual delimitation of the schemes of a Dogmatics influenced by medieval scholasticism. At the same time, the book also presents the influences of medieval scholasticism in Orthodox Dogmatics and the effort of Romanian dogmatists to express a renewed and ecclesial Dogmatics by rediscovering the method, spirit, and ecclesial experience of the Fathers.

  • af Sehoon Jang
    1.663,95 kr.

    Since the rise of exegesis as a critical science, great emphasis has been placed on the role of the author in the process of the development of the biblical texts. However, with the current literary scientific developments regarding the reader's position, the exegetical question about the role of the reader should be asked as well.When a text develops, it automatically means that its reader changes. Both the formation and reception of the Isaian text can be understood as a result of this process of changes. What new reader positions were necessary for the development of either new text in the Book of Isaiah, or of new text outside of the Isaiah book, such as the Gospel of Luke?In this edited volume, a group of international Isaiah experts discusses for the first time the various aspects of the role of the reader in the formation and reception of the book of Isaiah.

  • af Heidrun Mader
    1.918,95 kr.

    What is the relationship between the earliest Gospel and the first Christian letters? Heidrun E. Mader provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between the Pauline epistles and the Gospel of Mark. She addresses several themes that Paul and Mark treat similarly, showing that Mark's Gospel takes up central topics of Paul's theology and develops them narratively. Among these are the universalist concept of the gospel, the integration of pagan Christ followers, the position of the Torah in early Christian community life, and the central role of the cross. Mader shows that there are specific and exclusive similarities between Paul and Mark that go beyond commonalities with other ancient writings. However, the results do not necessarily suggest direct literary dependence. Pauline theology could also have been transmitted orally, especially if we accept the hypothesis that Mark lived in Rome, where he could have encountered Paul himself in the early 60s.

    1.023,95 kr.

    Obwohl das »Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum« (RAC) in jeder Universitätsbibliothek, in jedem altertumswissenschaftlichen Institut und auch in manchem Privathaushalt steht, hat es 75 Jahre gedauert, bis Spuren der NS-Ideologie in den ersten beiden Bänden und die nach 1945 andauernde Beteiligung von Autoren, die schon im »Dritten Reich« antijüdische Propaganda betrieben, zur Sprache kamen. Lange jedoch galt das RAC als Werk, das im humanistischen Sinn als Frucht eines Zusammenwachsens von griechisch-römischen und christlichen Traditionen verstanden wurde.Dieses Buch untersucht systematisch den Verdacht einer ideologischen und institutionellen Nähe der frühen RAC-Bände zum Nationalsozialismus. Die Beiträge stützen sich zum großen Teil auf die bislang unveröffentlicht gebliebenen Archivalien des Franz Joseph Dölger-Instituts. Während einige Beiträge eine Gesamtinterpretation vorlegen, untersuchen andere ideologische Verquickungen einzelner Autoren und deren Artikel sowie die Redaktion des RAC und deren Verbindung mit ähnlich ausgerichteten Wissenschaftsprojekten..

  • af Rüdiger Lohlker
    1.663,95 kr.

    The violent conflicts of recent decades in Southwest Asia, North Africa and adjacent regions are often read in terms of the conventional parameters of an international order of sovereign nation states. However, in recent years, non-governmental armed forces have emerged to play an increasingly significant role in the political, social and military fields of the region. These forces are usually analyzed as isolated actors, operating in their respective local or regional spheres, without attention to wider structural commonalities. The aim of this volume is to examine these groups not only as military actors, but also as forces of social significance, indicative of substantial historical shifts relating to notions of sovereignty, beyond the usual prioritization of the state. Comparing the nature, operation and discourses of such forces allows for new understandings of their social impact, beyond common reductionist approaches of securitized worldviews and essentializing lines of inquiry centered on religion.

  • af Gary Slater
    1.408,95 kr.

    This book places Pope Francis's landmark 2015 encyclical Laudato si' at the center of an effort to integrate the ethics of migration and ecological devastation. These issues represent two of the great planetary challenges of our time. They are also deeply connected and likely to get worse in the coming decades. As addressed to these issues, the book advances two core arguments. First, Laudato si' and its moral vision of integral ecology represent a culturally creative response to these challenges whose potential for application has not yet been fulfilled. Second, fulfilling the encyclical's promise requires attention to divisions alongside connections. In particular, it requires attention to borders. As sites of power manifested, of families separated, of alienation and friendship, of hope and hopelessness, and of the limits of civil and political order, borders are both a challenge that must be engaged and an opportunity to apply Francis's moral vision in concrete contexts.

  • af Selina R. Stone
    1.523,95 kr.

    This book represents the first monograph in womanist theological ethics and pentecostalism from within Europe. Despite its designation as an 'embodied faith', this book argues that both historically and in the present, classical pentecostalism often fails to integrate the body with spirituality in ways which attend to the hierarchies which oppress certain bodies in the church and the wider world. Looking back to the African and Wesleyan roots of the movement to explore this tension, the book then draws on qualitative as well as textual research, to analyse classical progressive pentecostalism in Britain today which models an integrated pentecostal faith to an extent, but retains inconsistencies. Finally, a womanist pentecostal theology is being constructed, which calls attention to the Spirit and the body - especially the bodies of the oppressed - as a path towards a holistic understanding of the work of the Spirit and pentecostal faith and ministry.

  • af Vladimir Ivanovici
    1.523,95 kr.

    This book argues that Romans credited certain living persons with the capacity to function as cult statues, that is, as images and vessels of the divine. After addressing the cultural context that produced the idea that humans can become images of the divine, the text shows how emperors, bishops, and others imitated the aesthetic, immobility, and material setting of statuary to establish themselves as iconic and how their role as mediators with the divine was eventually transferred to new categories of material objects, such as relics and icons. The figure of the iconic person thus is shown to have bridged the cult statues of Antiquity with the new mechanisms of interaction with the divine that Christians used for the following millennium. By integrating living persons in the art historical analysis of the spaces and advocating for the need to consider the animation of artefacts together with the reification of bodies, this study marks an important development in the study of the past.

  • af Mark G Brett
    1.523,95 kr.

    In the broadest sense, political theology refers to "God talk" in the context of multiple and often competing perspectives on social life. While political history is firmly established within biblical studies, it is frequently separated from the study of theology and religion. And if political theology has found a place in scholarly conversations within biblical studies, it has often been reduced to specific comparisons with political genres in the ancient world, such as treaty/covenant, or kingship. This volume is an edited collection of 17 essays that seek to broaden the scope of what might count as political theology, throwing new light on older studies and demonstrating the diversity of political theologies in the Hebrew Bible. Each essay demonstrates the integration of political theology with other strands of innovative research in current biblical studies. The essays cover a range of topics such as sovereignty, nation, migration, cultural politics, land holding, and gender.

  • af Vanessa De Senarclens
    1.113,95 kr.

    Millionen von polnischen Büchern wurden während des Zweiten Weltkriegs von Nazi-Deutschland in Polen zerstört oder gestohlen. Indessen migrierten im August 1945, im Zuge der Verlegung der deutsch-polnischen Grenze, Millionen von deutschen Büchern aus privaten, kirchlichen und öffentlichen Sammlungen nach Polen - in einen neuen national-kulturellen Kontext. Der Begriff "das Bibliomigratorische" beschreibt sowohl die Reise dieser Bücher in Raum und Zeit als auch ihre sich wandelnde Semantisierung innerhalb geografischer, politischer, institutioneller und sprachlicher Räume. Seit nunmehr 75 Jahren sind diese Bücher Gegenstand zweier völlig verschiedener nationaler Erzählungen. Sie rufen dazu auf, als ein gemeinsames historisches Erbe begriffen zu werden und Ausgangspunkt für Forschungskooperationen und eine intensivierte deutsch-polnische kulturelle Kooperation zu sein.

  • af Kerstin Von Lingen
    518,95 kr.

    Deserteure der Wehrmacht und der Waffen-SS brachen im Zweiten Weltkrieg mit dem NS-Staat. Sie überschritten in vielfacher Weise Grenzen: Normen der Militärjustiz und militärisch-maskuline Werte, territoriale Sperranlagen und Frontlinien, ideologische Feindbilder, ethnische Hierarchien und Sprachbarrieren. Desertieren war mit der Suche nach Zuflucht und Aufnahme, Amnestie und Anerkennung verbunden. Dabei bewegten sich Deserteure in politisch-sozialen Rahmen, formuliert von Partisanen, Alliierten, neutralen Staaten und schließlich von den Nachfolgestaaten NS-Deutschlands. Der politische Streit um die Deserteure endete vor 15 Jahren mit einer umfassenden Rehabilitierung. Die Beiträge des Bandes rekapitulieren diesen Prozess mit aktuellen Forschungen. Sie richten den Blick auf bislang wenig beachtete Aspekte, etwa dass ein Großteil der Deserteure nichtdeutscher Herkunft war und aus annektierten und besetzten Gebieten stammte, sowie auf die Rolle von Helferinnen und Helfern.

  • af Sonja Dolinsek
    1.408,95 kr.

    This edited collection comprises twelve original research papers scrutinizing the historical dimensions of prostitution across 19th and 20th century Central, South, and East-Central Europe. Each contribution employs distinct methodological perspectives and diverse sources. Notably, this volume includes pioneering articles delineating nearly uncharted terrains in the history of prostitution in Europe, especially socialist Eastern European countries. The volume is intended primarily for scholars and students specializing in women's history, gender studies, and sexualities, as well as histories of crime and policing with a focus on European or Global History.

  • af Winfried Baumgart
    2.178,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Edition ist eine umfangreiche Dokumentation der Politik der europäischen Großmächte gegenüber dem Osmanischen Reich zwischen den zwei großen Krisen des Krimkriegs 1853/56 und der Orientkrise 1875/78. Diese beiden Krisen sind in der internationalen Forschung überaus intensiv behandelt worden; die dazwischenliegenden 20 Jahre wurden dagegen nur punktuell und nie in großem Zusammenhang dokumentiert oder interpretiert. Die Edition ermöglicht es, diese Lücke zu schließen, oder zumindest eine breite Grundlage dafür bereitzustellen.