Bøger udgivet af Bokförlaget Stolpe
177,95 kr. I en allt farligare värld har underrättelsetjänstens roll aldrig varit mer kritisk. Denna högaktuella samling essäer samlar världsledande underrättelseforskare och tjänstemän från USA, Storbritannien, Kanada och Sverige för att bedöma hur information, både hemlig och offentlig, har påverkat konflikter från det analoga förflutna till det digitala nuet.
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- 177,95 kr.
218,95 kr. Denna antologi utforskar utmaningarna för ledarskap och statskonst i en allt mer komplex värld. Genom att se till vårt förflutna såväl som till vår samtid undersöker världsledande forskare och skribenter hur ledarskapsidéerna har utvecklats genom historien för att ge oss en större förståelse för statskonsten.
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- 218,95 kr.
358,95 kr. In this beautifully designed and richly illustrated volume, the year's Swedish holidays and traditions are described with a focus on their cultural-historical roots. In this beautifully designed and richly illustrated volume, the year's Swedish holidays and traditions are described with a focus on their cultural-historical roots. In addition to major weekends such as Easter, Midsummer, Valentine¿s Day, Mother¿s Day, Christmas and New Year, special days in the calendar are also noted, such as Olofsdagen, Valborg and Mickelsmäss. Through them we get a glimpse of what people's lives and conditions looked like in preindustrial society, in a calendar filled with traditions, parties and holidays celebrated in Sweden. Some are new, others have been celebrated for a long time. In Swedish Traditions, the folklorist Tora Wall guides us through the entire calendar year and goes through the origins, history and customs, both historical and contemporary, around Swedish traditions and holidays. The publication is inspired in its design by 19th-century Swedish household Bibles.
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- 358,95 kr.
838,95 kr. Sir William Chambers (1722-96) was a Swedish-British architect with an unusual track record. He designed imaginative castle buildings and luxurious interiors as well as simple and rational utilitarian architecture. After growing up in Sweden, he worked mostly in England, where he became a favorite of King George III. But throughout his life he emphasized his Swedish background and also designed buildings in Sweden. A Treatise on Civil Architecture is a handbook in architecture, where Chambers wanted to explain the basics of the art of building in a pedagogical way. Even today it serves as an excellent guide to the secrets of classical architecture with concise texts and beautiful plates with both details and overviews of different building types and their functions.
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- 838,95 kr.
4.072,95 kr. Not all artists oeuvre can, will, or deserve to be collected in a Catalogue Raisonné but Hilma af Klint's art not only deserves it - it demands it - since her oeuvre holds a message and reveals a philosophy. For the first time ever, the reader will be able to review the complete works of Hilma af Klint in this historical document divided into seven volumes. It is undeniably one of Sweden's most fascinating collections of artistic output
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- 4.072,95 kr.
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- 387,95 kr.
299,95 kr. The Sounding Cosmos is now being published for the first time in a new edition with a new design that gives space to Kandinskys colourful paintings. The original text has been supplemented with a new foreword by Daniel Birnbaum and Julia Voss.
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- 299,95 kr.
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- 345,95 kr.
333,95 kr. Jane Jacobs (1916 2006) is an icon in urban planning and gained international recognition with her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities. In this anthology, 13 writers consider unique aspects of Jacobs, reassessing her work in the context of our contemporary reality.
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- 333,95 kr.
264,95 kr. The essays in this book derive from the Engelsberg Seminar of 2014, and investigate the role which religion plays in society today and in the past. They also explore religion as a phenomenon in relation to the human condition and how it manifests itself as an individual experience. In order to understand ourselves, do we need to understand religion?
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- 264,95 kr.
259,95 kr. In a globalised world, identity, citizenship, and belonging are consequently connected to birthplace and an established residence. The essays in this anthology are based on the Engelsberg Seminar in 2017, where different kinds of identity tied to different kinds of communities were considered. How does a nation emerge? How is unity achieved in an empire with a diverse population?
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- 259,95 kr.
233,95 kr. In this volume leading scholars in the arts and sciences discuss how knowledge and information have been preserved and transferred throughout history, bringing us up to today s digital age and the multiple challenges it presents, not least with regard to our personal data.
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- 233,95 kr.
372,95 kr. Det finns 15 skissböcker från denna period och Bokförlaget Stolpe gör nu tre av dessa (S2 HaK 1515, S6 HaK 1519 och S13 HaK 1526) tillgängliga som reproduktioner. De tre skissböckerna säljs tillsammans i ett fodral.
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- 372,95 kr.
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- 233,95 kr.
638,95 kr. Axel Törneman (1880-1925) var en pionjär i den moderna svenska konsthistorien, främst uppmärksammad för sina stora fresker i bland annat Stockholms stadshus och Riksdagshuset. Intensiv och egensinnig gick han sina egna vägar utan att inordna sig i någon av tidens konstnärliga grupperingar. Det här är den första biografin över Axel Törneman.
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- 638,95 kr.
352,95 kr. How do you draw a column? What distinguishes the different orders of columns, and is it really possible for anyone at all to learn how to interpret classical architecture? Quinlan Terry, one of the worlds most noted classical architects, has designed cathedrals, castles, villas and university buildings in traditional style. All of his knowledge has now been gathered in The Laymans Guide to Classical Architecture, a complete guide to the rudiments of classical architecture. Using his own drawings and sketches, Quinlan Terry shows step-by-step the structure of the different orders of columns, the relevance of proportions and the importance of the right materials and construction. The book is a contemporary version of the many pattern books in history that previously taught the same knowledge to architects, artisans and clients. Today a wider group of people can benefit greatly from learning about classical architecture, both as historical background and as inspiration for today. The foreword is written by Britains Prince Charles, who has worked in partnership with Quinlan Terry for many years.
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- 352,95 kr.
221,95 kr. Using Renaissance Italy as a starting point where the first trading town was born the writers of this anthology bring us on a journey to modern cities and societies, and explore how architecture, urban planning and trade have contributed to civility and political order.
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- 221,95 kr.
257,95 kr. The essays in this anthology derive from the Engelsberg Seminar in 2019 that dealt with these questions. From perspectives as varied as the History of Ideas, Evolutionary Psychology, and Ideologies amongst others the writers apply history to today s concerns such as International Relations, Geopolitics, Economics, and the role of the individual and human nature in history.
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- 257,95 kr.