Bøger udgivet af Blurb
187,95 - 316,95 kr. Inventors, explorers, athletes, scientists, and mystics of the kinesthetic realm speak on the subject of sport, the environment, creative pursuits, religion, neuroscience, fear, flow, mortality, and discovery - one who walked on the moon, marginal characters who helped to make mountain biking mainstream, a BASE jumper, a boulderer, Gidget, and those many others who would harness the power of play for oftentimes transformative ends. Who invented the bungee jump? What are the limits of human endurance, of speed up a mountain, or survival at sea? How did it all begin? What motivates those who go in search of the unknown? Where will it end, and what's the point of it anyway? "It's the spirit of innovation and anti-conformity and doing things differently," says Alexander Rufus-Isaacs, a founding member of England's Dangerous Sports Club (an experiment in weird adventures and alternative sporting events). "A manifestation of joy," "a Don Quixote adventure," "the most exhilarating moment that you'll ever feel in your life," and "a great step into the unknown," according to others.
- Bog
- 187,95 kr.
115,95 kr. This is a book I've made to sell distribute through Ingram and purchase a PDF.
- Bog
- 115,95 kr.
155,95 kr. Modern English-Chinese Poetry by Claire Wang-Lee Everyday and every night there was communication. How lonely nights turned into day breaks. What was a temporary separation turned into a long absence. Longing made one old and sad. It couldn't be helpless. The returning date would come. Two happy souls
- Bog
- 155,95 kr.
318,95 kr. A college girl's story, written in poems, of chronic pain inside and out, of love and loss, of emptiness and isolation, and, of evolution. Read to see how she pursues healing by uncovering the meaning of life and defining her own "religion."
- Bog
- 318,95 kr.
- Сторінки з милими тваринами в їх оточенні,
162,95 kr. Приєднуйтесь до ферми та досліджуйте разом з дітьми! На фермі - це веселий і навчальний досвід для дітей, який допомагає їм дізнатися про навколишнє середовище. Ця книжка-розмальовка розважить малюків!
- Bog
- 162,95 kr.
- Усміхнені тварини для розфарбовування дл
163,95 kr. Розфарбуйте день вашої дитини за допомогою цієї чудової книжки-розмальовки, наповненої красивими та веселими малюнками та різними милими тваринами!
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
219,95 kr. à il 1987, la cantante francese Jolanda Gigliotti, in arte Dalida, al riemergere di certi sensi di colpa, inerenti a delle vicende drammatiche del passato della sua vita artistica, decide di redimersi, minacciando di diffondere all'opinione pubblica delle ambiguità , legate a certi dannati segreti oscuri, relativi al campo della musica leggera. Questo suo accanimento così ossessivo obbligherà gli ambienti dominanti coinvolti ad eliminarla, con un suicidio simulato.
- Bog
- 219,95 kr.
- Милі розмальовки для веселих досліджень k
162,95 kr. Якщо ви шукаєте цікавий спосіб провести час, книжка-розмальовка - чудовий вибір. Завдяки різноманітним темам і дизайнам діти можуть годинами розфарбовувати своїх улюблених тварин, персонажів і пейзажі. Ця чудова книга містить чорно-білі контури різних фігур, персонажів і сцен, які діти можуть зафарбовувати різними кольорами. Тож візьміть кольорові олівці та дайте волю уяві вашої дитини!
- Bog
- 162,95 kr.
- Розмальовки для дітей 3+ із зображеннями тв
163,95 kr. Розмальовки - це чудово, надзвичайно весело та навчальне заняття для дітей будь-якого віку, і тварини завжди чудово підходять для кольорів. Дизайн простий і красивий, що дозволяє дітям легко заповнювати сторінки будь-якими кольорами, які вони вибирають.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- Картинки веселих тварин для розфарбовува
162,95 kr. Ця книга - чудовий спосіб познайомити дітей із дивовижним світом тварин. На ній зображено різноманітних домашніх тварин, яких зазвичай можна зустріти вдома, на фермах і в зоопарках. Книжка-розмальовка містить ілюстрації котів, собак, кроликів, корів, коней, свиней тощо! Візьміть улюблені інструменти для розмальовування та дозвольте своїй художній стороні сяяти, оживляючи цих домашніх тварин на сторінках цієї книжки-розмальовки!
- Bog
- 162,95 kr.
- Simple Lions Coloring Pages For Kids Ages 1-3
229,95 - 422,95 kr. Dive into the world of lions with our fun coloring book! Inside, you'll find lots of cute lion pictures to color. Let your creativity run wild as you bring these amazing illustrations to life with your favorite colors. It's perfect for kids who love lions and want to have some coloring fun!
- Bog
- 229,95 kr.
- #2360: IMIRAGEmagazine
372,95 kr. IMIRAGEmagazine Issue: #2360. Newsstand Softcover edition. More than just an 'other' picture book.
- Bog
- 372,95 kr.
- Simple Tigers Coloring Pages For Kids Ages 1-3
229,95 - 422,95 kr. Dive into the world of tigers with our fun coloring book! Inside, you'll find lots of cute tiger pictures to color. Let your creativity run wild as you bring these amazing illustrations to life with your favorite colors. It's perfect for kids who love tigers and want to have some coloring fun!
- Bog
- 229,95 kr.
- O livro definitivo para ter a primavera mais agradável e relaxante da sua vida
207,95 kr. "Primavera inspiradora" é o livro perfeito para os amantes da primavera e entusiastas da coloração. Este incrÃvel livro para colorir sobre a primavera o ajudará a relaxar a cada página. Essas imagens exclusivas para colorir de belos jardins floridos, insetos felizes, criaturas fantásticas, flores deslumbrantes, seres humanos conectados com a natureza e muitas outras criaturas e situações encantadoras da primavera são uma maneira fácil de escapar da agitação da vida cotidiana e a maneira perfeita de obter calma e alegria durante a primavera. Essa incrÃvel coleção de cenas de primavera é uma fonte inesgotável de criatividade, amor e paz. Este livro lhe proporcionará horas de relaxamento, criatividade, alÃvio do estresse e distração por meio do poder da coloração e de acordo com os fundamentos básicos da Arteterapia. Cada página colorida o levará a um mundo relaxante, cheio de energia positiva e amor, onde suas responsabilidades e preocupações parecerão desaparecer. Você iniciará um incrÃvel processo artÃstico de meditação e atenção plena. Este livro para colorir é ideal para adolescentes e adultos de todas as idades e é o presente perfeito para qualquer pessoa querida. Um presente ideal para a primavera, mas também para qualquer outra ocasião especial ao longo do ano, como aniversários, Natal, Páscoa, Dia dos Namorados ou Dia das Mães. Principais especificações: - Desenhos de qualidade profissional e impressão de alta resolução. - Cada imagem é colocada em sua própria página. - Mais de 40 páginas de colorir relaxantes para liberar sua criatividade. - Adequado para todos os nÃveis de habilidade. - Tamanho perfeito - 20 cm x 25 cm - para colorir com facilidade.
- Bog
- 207,95 kr.
- Принцеси лицарі єдинороги дракони розмал
162,95 kr. Розфарбуйте історію королівства за допомогою цієї чудової книжки-розмальовки, яка перенесе дітей у чарівну подорож у світ казок. Кожна сторінка заохочує до творчості та уяви, дозволяючи малюкам створювати власні дивовижні історії та пригоди. Незалежно від того, чи то сміливий порятунок принцеси, чи чудовий день у палаці, книга обов'язково надихне на години розваг і оповідань. Беріть улюблені кольорові олівці та готуйтеся досліджувати королівський світ на сторінках цієї чарівної книжки-розмальовки!
- Bog
- 162,95 kr.
- The Ultimate Tool to Have the Most Enjoyable and Relaxing Spring of your Life
207,95 kr. "Inspiring Spring" is the perfect book for spring lovers and coloring enthusiasts! This amazing springtime coloring book will help you relax with every page. These unique coloring images of blooming and beautiful gardens, happy insects, fantastic creatures, stunning flowers, humans connected with nature and many other lovely springtime creatures and situations are an easy way to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the perfect way to achieve calm and joy during the spring season. This amazing collection of spring scenes is an endless source of creativity, love and peace. This book aims to provide hours of relaxation, creativity, stress relief and distraction through the power of coloring and in accordance with the basic fundamentals of Art Therapy. Each page you color will take you to a relaxing world full of positive energy and love, where your responsibilities and worries will seem to melt away. You will begin an incredible artistic process of meditation and mindfulness. This coloring book is ideal for teens and adults of all ages and the perfect gift for any loved one. An ideal gift for the spring season, but also for any other special occasion throughout the year, such as anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. Coloring Book Specifications: - Professional quality designs. - Each image is placed on its own page. - More than 40 relaxing coloring pages that will unleash your creativity. - Suitable for all skill levels. - Perfect size - 8" x 10" - for easy coloring.
- Bog
- 207,95 kr.
- Великі та прості зображення знайомих речk
166,95 kr. Давайте пізнавати світ навколо нас! Якщо ви хочете, щоб ваші діти дізнавалися щось нове у веселій формі, заохочуйте їх розфарбовувати. Все, що вам потрібно зробити, це принести їм потрібні аксесуари, і вони будуть готові увійти в захоплюючий світ кольорів!
- Bog
- 166,95 kr.
- The Woman Inside Me, Wanting to Emerge
246,95 kr. The woman inside me is growing. These poems are Tammy Henson's deepest thoughts and desires. This book has been specifically written for God, Christians and for the hurting world. Without God Tammy ultimately fail. Tammy deepest cry to God is for more. There's people who need desires and expectations to go higher. In this book, you will see Tammy's desires, hopes in God and for this world.
- Bog
- 246,95 kr.
197,95 kr. The Bible says that, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." For this reason, this book has been written to transform the lives of believers physically, spiritually and mentally. This will enable you to know some of the sources of the problems of the world such as lack of peace, lack of unity, wars, etc., that has become cankered in the world. This book will also enable believers to know the four types of people in the Church in order to be wise in their Christian lives. The Bible says that, "A righteous man may fall seven times, but rise again." Unfortunately, many believers easily give up when they encounter problems. For this reason, this book has been written to disclose to believers that, failure is not the end of their lives. This book is full of divine truth. The Bible says that, "Thou shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Read this book to be wiser.
- Bog
- 197,95 kr.
- Eating Well After 50
236,95 kr. "Golden Years, Golden Plates: Eating Well After 50" is a comprehensive guide designed to empower individuals to prioritize their health and well-being through nutrition as they navigate the golden years of life. Through a series of meticulously crafted chapters, this book offers invaluable insights, practical strategies, and inspirational guidance to help readers embrace a lifestyle of nutritious eating, mindful living, and vibrant health. In the opening chapters, readers are introduced to the foundational principles of healthy aging and the importance of nutrition in promoting longevity and vitality. Delving into the specific nutritional needs of individuals over 50, the book offers expert guidance on recommended daily intake of key nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, and fiber, as well as strategies for adapting diets to meet changing nutritional requirements. As readers progress through the book, they are treated to a deep dive into dietary patterns and lifestyle habits that can support optimal health and well-being in later years. From exploring the benefits of the Mediterranean diet as a blueprint for healthy eating to providing tips for cooking for one or two and navigating restaurants and social gatherings, each chapter offers practical advice and actionable steps for incorporating nutritious habits into daily life. Additionally, the book addresses common dietary restrictions and allergies that may become more prevalent with age, offering guidance on adapting recipes and meal plans to accommodate these needs. Readers are also encouraged to cultivate resilience and adaptability on their dietary journey, empowering them to overcome challenges, stay committed to their health goals, and thrive in the face of adversity. As readers journey through the pages of "Golden Years, Golden Plates," they are invited to celebrate their progress and successes, acknowledge their resilience and determination, and look ahead with hope and optimism to the future.
- Bog
- 236,95 kr.
528,95 kr. A texture study of potatoes, cooking, and steam observed in the kitchen of tasty delights.
- Bog
- 528,95 kr.
- Bases da Vida e Poder do Reino de Deus
714,95 kr. As 9 Dimensões da Graça de Elohim, nosso Deus Triuno é um livro que lhe convido a mergulhar em uma jornada reveladora que desvenda os mistérios da Graça Divina. Receba a iluminação de caminhos espirituais, explorando nove facetas extraordinárias da Graça que transforma vidas.
- Bog
- 714,95 kr.
301,95 kr. A texture study of potatoes, cooking, and steam observed in the kitchen of tasty delights.
- Bog
- 301,95 kr.
- Páginas Para Colorear Para Niños de 1 a 3 Años con Gatos
229,95 - 422,95 kr. Sumérgete en un mundo de imaginación con este encantador libro de colorear diseñado para niños. Lleno de ilustraciones caprichosas de gatos, cada página invita a los jóvenes artistas a explorar su creatividad. ¡Deja volar tu imaginación mientras das vida a estas páginas con colores vibrantes!
- Bog
- 229,95 kr.
- (قصص قصيرة)
236,95 kr. إننا موعودون من محمد الراشدي، كما تنبئنا مجموعته هذه، بالكثير من غرر الإبداع السردي وألوانه ولآلئه التي ستبوئه مكانة تليق بأمثاله ممن يتقدون بالموهبة ويضيئون بشفافية روحهم الإنساني واتساع ثقافتهم. الناقد أ.د. صالح زياد الغامدي شدّتني هذه المجموعة القصصية بما ضمته من نصوص تأخذ بزمام قارئها إلى عالم مشيّد بمداميك من لغة ذات مفردات مغناطيسية وتراكيب متونها فسيفساء دلالية متراصة تجتاح مساحة النص لتوغل في الحفر بين طبقاته والكشف عن دفائنه. الناقد أ.د. محمد صالح الشنطي مع محمد الراشدي تدرك كم لهذا الفن من رحابة، وقدرة على أن يكون سردًا وشعرًا وفكرًا بضربة واحدة. تعرف كيف يختار القاص عناوينه، وكيف يدلف إلى عالم القص، كيف ينصت بإحساس السارد المتقن إلى شعرية الأشياء، وكيف يستبطن معانيها وأسرارها التي من خلالها يبني المشهد برؤيته وحواره وأفكاره الظاهرة والباطنة كما لو كانت حلما مكتنزًا بالدلالات. الناقد د.سعود الصاعدي
- Bog
- 236,95 kr.
- Simple Leopards Coloring Pages For Kids Ages 1-3
229,95 - 422,95 kr. Dive into the world of leopards with our fun coloring book! Inside, you'll find lots of cute leopard pictures to color. Let your creativity run wild as you bring these amazing illustrations to life with your favorite colors. It's perfect for kids who love leopards and want to have some coloring fun!
- Bog
- 229,95 kr.
- Páginas Simples Para Colorear de Leopardos Para Niños de 1 a 3 Años
229,95 - 422,95 kr. ¡Sumérgete en el mundo de los leopardos con nuestro divertido libro para colorear! Dentro, encontrarás muchas imágenes lindas de leopardos para colorear. Deja que tu creatividad vuele libremente mientras das vida a estas increÃbles ilustraciones con tus colores favoritos. ¡Es perfecto para los niños que aman a los leopardos y quieren divertirse coloreando!
- Bog
- 229,95 kr.
- Girl faces therapeutic coloring for mood exploration
215,95 kr. The coloring book is designed for color enthusiasts whose imagination goes beyond the relaxing process of coloring. With over 20 incomplete designs, the book invites color lovers to connect with each proposed portrait. They can complete the design according to the presented half or draw themselves in the other half, reflecting their own mood. The completion and coloring process of the design have a therapeutic effect, embracing each of our moods with acceptance, relaxation, and a frustration-free experience. The book is aimed at teenage girls and women who wish to connect with themselves
- Bog
- 215,95 kr.
179,95 kr. வீரவேல் முருகனுக்கு உரியது; வல் வில் இராமனுக்கு உரியது. முன்னாள் அறந்திறம்பிய அவுணரை அழித்தது முருகன் வேல்; இரக்கமற்ற அரக்கரை அறுத்தது இராமன் வில். ஆதலால். 'வேலுண்டு வினை யில்லை; வில்லுண்டு பயமில்லை' என்றிருப்பர் நல்லோர். கொடியவரை அறித்து, அடியவரை ஆதரிக்கும் வேலின் செம்மையும், வில்லின் பெருமையும் இச்சிறு நூலால் ஒருவாறு விளங்கும். இந் நூலில் உள்ள கம்பரும் கச்சியப்பரும்' என்னும் கட்டுரை சென்னைப் பல்கலைக் கழக ஆராய்ச்சிப் பத்திரிகையில் முதலில் வெளியிடப்பட்டது. அதனை இத்நூலிற் சேர்த்துக்கொள்ள அனுமதியளித்த சென்னைப் பல்கலைக் கழகத்தாருக்கு என் மனமார்ந்த நன்றி உரியதாகும்.
- Bog
- 179,95 kr.
179,95 kr. சங்கப் பாடல்களின் வாயிலாகப் பல புலவர்களையும் புரவலர்களையும் நாம் தெரிந்துகொள்ளுகிறோம். சிந்தனைச் செல்வமும் கற்பனை வளமும் படைத்த புலவர்கள் பண்பிலே சிறந்த சான்றோர்களாகவும் விளங்கினார்கள். அதனால் பண் புடைய மக்களை அணுகி அவர்களுடைய இயல்புகளைக் கண்டு மகிழ்ந்து பாராட்டினார்கள். அவர்களுடைய பாராட்டைப் பெற்ற குரிசில்கள் இறந்தும் இறவாதவர்களாகப் புகழுடம்புடன் விளங்குகிறார்கள். அவர்களுக்குள் சிறந்தவர்களாக ஏழு பேரைத் தமிழிலக்கியம் எடுத்துச் சொல்கிறது. ஏழு வள்ளல்கள் என்று அவர்களை ஒருங்கே சொல்வது மரபாகி விட்டது. பிற்காலத்தில் வேறு இரண்டு வள்ளல் வரிசைகளைப் புராணங்களிலிருந்து எடுத்துக் கோத்து விட்டதனால் இவர்களைக் கடையெழு வள்ளல்கள் என்று சொல்லும் வழக்கம் ஏற்பட்டது. ஆனால் இந்த ஏழு வள்ளல்களே வரலாறும் இலக்கியமும் காட்டும் மக்கள்; இவர்களுடைய வரலாற்றுக்கு இலக்கிய ஆதாரங்கள் இருக்கின்றன. இந்த ஏழு வள்ளல்களிலும் தலைசிறந்தவன் பாரிவேள். இன்று பிரான்மலை என்று வழங்கும் பறம்பு மலையில் வாழ்ந்தவன் அவன். புலவர் பெருமக்களிற் சிறந்த கபிலரும் பாரியும் ஆருயிர் நண்பர்கள். கபிலருடைய பாட்டுக்களில் பாரி இன்றும் வாழ்கிறான். அவனுடைய வரலாற்றைத் தெரிந்துகொள்ளப் புறநானூற்றிலுள்ள பல பாடல்களும் சில தனிப் பாடல்களும் உதவியாக இருக்கின்றன.
- Bog
- 179,95 kr.