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278,95 kr. - Bog
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- My Way of Life
194,95 kr. Linking the time when karate was a strictly Okinawan art of self-defense shrouded in the deepest secrecy and the present day, when it has become a martial art practiced throughout the world, is Gichin Funakoshi, the "Father of Karate-do."Out of modesty, he was reluctant to write this autobiography and did not do so until he was nearly ninety years of age. Trained in the Confucian classics, he was a schoolteacher early in life, but after decades of study under the foremost masters, he gave up his livelihood to devote the rest of his life to the propagation of the Way of Karate. Under his guidance, techniques and nomenclature were refined and modernized, the spiritual essence was brought to the fore, and karate evolved into a true martial art.Various forms of empty-hand techniques have been practiced in Okinawa for centuries, but due to the lack of historical records, fancy often masquerades as fact. In telling of his own famous teachers--and not only of their mastery of technique but of the way they acted in critical situations--the author reveals what true karate is. The stories he tells about himself are no less instructive: his determination to continue the art, after having started it to improve his health; his perseverance in the face of difficulties, even of poverty; his strict observance of the way of life of the samurai; and the spirit of self-reliance that he carried into an old age kept healthy by his practice of Karate-do.
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- 194,95 kr.
216,95 kr. Samlingen Forraadt ble utgitt første gang i 1892 av Det Schubotheske Forlag i København. Forraadt regnes som den kunstnerisk beste romanen til Amalie Skram. Den handler om et ulykkelig ekteskap mellom den 17 år gamle barnebruden Aurora, kalt Ory, og den 32 år gamle skipskapteinen Riber. Store deler av handlingen i boken foregår til sjøs. Ory er uvitende om den seksuelle siden ved ekteskapet, og sjokket da hun oppdager den gjør at hun hevner seg ved stadige utspørringer av mannen om det tidligere livet hans. I begynnelsen er det Ory leseren får medfølelse for og oppfatter som offer, men etter hvert som Orys utspørring av mannen blir mer og mer nådeløs, ser man også ulykken hans. Riber blir søvnløs, fortvilet og begynner å drikke. Etter hvert mister han kontrollen. I tillegg til Forraadt inneholder boken novellene Madam Høiers Leiefolk, Karens Jul og In Asiam profectus est.
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- 216,95 kr.
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339,95 kr. - Bog
- 339,95 kr.
204,95 kr. How much do you know about Taylor Swift?!Taylor Swift: The Ultimate Unofficial Fan Book is the latest Taylor Swift book - fully updated in 2023 to include the latest facts and trivia about your favorite superstar through the engaging world of quizzes. It is a fun-filled interactive book for every Taylor Swift fan.In this Taylor Swift book, you'll be able to quiz yourself on all areas of Taylor's life and find out if you truly are a Taylor Swift fan!As well as testing your TayTay knowledge, the author has put together more facts about Taylor Swift, many of which will surprise you, as well as a crossword, word search and more.Taylor Swift Quiz* Who is Taylor currently dating?* How old was Taylor when she moved to Nashville?* Who is Taylor's BFF from high school?* What is the breed of Taylor's cat Benjamin Button?You'll have the chance to answer these questions and over 100 more in the Ultimate Taylor Swift Fan Book. How many do you know the answer to?Taylor Swift QuotesRead some of Taylor's best quotes, including what she really thinks about love and some tips for happiness!Taylor Swift Facts* As well as playing a role in the movie Cats, she cowrote the film's main song.* Taylor Swift has a private jet worth $40 million.* Taylor rode horses competitively until she was 12 years old.These are just some of the Taylor Swift facts you'll find in the book.So if you're a true Swiftie, grab this book today. Or, treat your Taylor Swift loving friend or family member to the Taylor Swift: Ultimate Fan Book 2023/4. Ideal for Swifties of all ages and makes for the perfect Christmas present!
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- 204,95 kr.
128,95 kr. "Sadhguru Thoughts: A Way to Mindfulness and Spirituality" invites readers on a transformative journey into the depths of their own consciousness, guided by the wisdom of renowned spiritual leader Sadhguru. In this captivating collection of profound insights and thought-provoking teachings, Sadhguru offers a roadmap to discovering inner peace, joy, and a deeper connection to the spiritual dimensions of life.Drawing from his vast experience and deep-rooted wisdom, Sadhguru explores various aspects of mindfulness and spirituality, providing practical tools and techniques to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Through illuminating anecdotes, personal stories, and powerful metaphors, he unravels the mysteries of the mind, unveiling the secrets to unlocking human potential and finding fulfillment in every aspect of life.
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- 128,95 kr.
233,95 kr. - Bog
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266,95 - 362,95 kr. - Bog
- 266,95 kr.
227,95 kr. Daily / Weekly / Monthly Budgeting Planner8 X 10 inches, Plenty of space to notate the important stuffSimplistic layout and beautiful designThis planner can help you control your spending and see where the money goesThis book has a total of 114 pages, contain 4 inner cover and 110 planner pages
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- 227,95 kr.
307,95 kr. - Bog
- 307,95 kr.
189,95 kr. Here is the story of one Black American Communist who became disillusioned with Communism and penned this cautionary tale of the perils of his experience. According to the author: "Ten years I labored in the cause of Communism. I was a dedicated "comrade." All my talents and efforts were zealously used to bring about the triumph of Communism in America and throughout the world. To me, the end of capitalism would mark the beginning of an interminable period of plenty, peace, prosperity and universal comradeship. All racial and class differences and conflicts would end forever after the liquidation of the capitalists, their government and their supporters. Little did I realize until I was deeply enmeshed in the Red Conspiracy, that just and seeming grievances are exploited to transform idealism into a cold and ruthless weapon against the capitalist system-that this is the end toward which all the communist efforts among Negroes are directed. Indeed, I had entered the red conspiracy in the vain belief that it was the way to a "new, better and superior" world system of society. Ten years later, thoroughly disillusioned, I abandoned communism." From the preface.
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- 189,95 kr.
189,95 kr. The history of the Emerald Tablets is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.CThe author is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King who founded a colony in ancient Egypt, wrote the Emerald Tablets in his native Atlantean language which was translated by Dr. Michael Doreal. This edition of the Emerald Tablets is unique in that it includes both the translation and interpretation by Dr. Doreal. Because of the tablet's reference to the Egypt and sacred geometry they became a priority reference for those studying the Flower of Life and the Merkaba meditation. As requested by the Flower of Life Organization, this edition offers Dr. Doreal's translation and interpretation in a side-by-side study format.
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- 189,95 kr.
311,95 kr. - Bog
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94,95 kr. - Bog
- 94,95 kr.
227,95 kr. Sigvard Heber (1872-1929) var assistentingeniør ved Bergensbanen fra 1904 til 1909. Han fikk først en stilling ved Norges Statsbaner (NSB) i 1894. Fra 1899 til våren 1904 var han involvert i byggingen av Gjøvikbanen. Da Gjøvikbanen var ferdig, og en ordre om overføring til en annen banestrekning var i vente, spurte Heber frivillig om overføring til en av høyfjellstrekningene til Bergensbana i mai 1904. Han ble sendt til sjette avdeling; Haugastøl.Heber forble på Bergensbanen sin høyfjellstrekning til banen åpnet høsten 1909. Heber var et aktivt fjellmenneske og var ofte ute på skiturer, både mellom anleggsbrakker, kommende stasjonsbygninger og til fjelltopper og andre naturlige turmål på Hardangervidda. Han hadde en stor kjærlighet til naturen på høyfjellet. I 1924 ble Da Bergensbanen blev til utgitt. Boken var nedtegninger av Heber fra de fem årene han var på høyfjellet. Det er personlige nedtegninger, og den store kjærligheten hans til høyfjellet, og respekten han har for alle dem menn og kvinner som var aktive på fjellet kommer tydelig frem i boken.
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- 227,95 kr.
- Step-By-Step Charcoal Portraits for Beginners
504,95 kr. I have created an easy to practice guide, demonstrating simple portrait steps for beginners. I love charcoal! Charcoal affords the artist the opportunity to sculpt with dust, by building layers of charcoal and then softening the lines with your fingertips. Massaging the dust into the contours of the facial features and removing the highlighted areas with a kneaded eraser, is for me almost a 3D experience - as I move the charcoal into the energy of my sitter. I am a self-taught artist. I remember as a young child of six, being hungry for knowledge of how to bring my drawings to life in the manner of Beatrix Potter. I loved Peter Rabbit and the washed irregular brush strokes visible in her illustrations. As I grew older, at eight, I would marvel at the wrinkles, dark skin, and character lines of an African man my grandfather Peers, had sketched in charcoal and graphite, that hung proudly in our home. Thus began, my life long love affair with charcoal and it is my hope that you will fall in love with charcoal too!
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- 504,95 kr.
285,95 kr. On April 18, 1888, a fascinating document entitled "Jujutsu, the ancient samurai art of fighting without weapons" was held inside the British embassy in Japan. The material author was Professor Jigoro Kano, founder of Kodokan Judo. The Rev. Thomas Lindsay assisted Kano in the translation and described the Kano school in the last pages of the text. This document is of great interest to all researchers in the life of Jigoro Kano and especially to the analysts of the transition between the ancient bujutsu and the current budo. Given the date of the document (only 5 or 6 years after creating the Kodokan) we can clearly see the great work he did to thoroughly study the ancient schools of Jujutsu, including in the text some references to ancient books from China and Japan. Kano analyzes, among other issues, the origin and meaning of Jujutsu, names, describes and provides information about the most important schools at that time, resolves the possible conflict over the date and place of origin of Jujutsu and gives us some stories and anecdotes of famous masters of the koryu Jujutsu.AUTHORS: BRUCE R. BETHERS, JOSE CARACENA AND GABRIEL GARCÍACOLOR BOOK
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- 285,95 kr.
95,95 kr. Do you find it hard to start a conversation and even harder maintaining it? Or maybe you feel like speechless and run out of words each time you meet new people? What if tell you that there is nothing wrong with you? What if I tell you that mastering conversations is a skill and you can easily acquire it? Those people you see acting with confidence and smoothly leading conversations are not born with that. In fact, many of the famous conservationists were at one point dead loss in conversations. Look, If you feel like the questions above somehow relate to you, I'd like to warmly welcome you and congratulate you. Lucky you! You have just stumbled onto the best resource to master conversations. In this book, I will walk you through some of the best tips and tricks that helped me personally strike up any conversations with anyone, anytime and anywhere. Here is the deal, In the book, you won't find me talking about some rocket science stuff or very complicated advice. No. I will simply outline some of the techniques I personally used and had so much success with. I will show you how you can easily start a conversation and break that uncomfortable ice. I will then walk you through the best ways to successfully maintain it. And how to make people cling you you like crazy. And most importantly, I will show you how to do all of that, without doing much of the talking and at times, without uttering a single word. If you are ready to change your social life, I am here to help.
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- 95,95 kr.
159,95 kr. Dogs Coloring Book is a fun coloring book for kids that like dogs . Filled with more than 28 large prints, this book will bring their imagination with fascinating creature. Coloring is a highly effective way in unleashing your child''s imagination and creativity. It also promotes self-expression that is useful in learning. Kids would definitely love Dogs Coloring Book.
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- 159,95 kr.
- Top 30 Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) Breakfast Recipes Revealed!
185,95 kr. Going paleo may be difficult, but there are a lot of creative minds out there who have made things easy for you!This book collates 30 of the easiest and best-tasting autoimmune paleo recipes that are perfect for starting your day. No matter what your preferences are -- meat, soup, skillets, sweets, even yogurt and smoothies -- there is something in store for you in this book.Breakfast has been proven to be the most important meal of the day, so there is nothing like real food to wake you up. Read on, eat heartily, and enjoy your AIP lifestyle!
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- 185,95 kr.
210,95 kr. Escape into a flavorful universe!"Food and Snacks Coloring Book Bold and Easy" invites you into a world where your favorite treats and dishes come to life in bold, simple outlines, waiting for your artistic touch.52 Designs - Each page presents a deliciously easy-to-color illustration of various foods and snacks, from fruits and veggies to fast food and desserts.Stress Relief - Coloring reduces stress and anxiety, providing a peaceful and therapeutic experience. This book offers a relaxing escape into a world of culinary art, making it an excellent tool for unwinding after a long day.Suitable for All Ages - The bold outlines make it accessible and enjoyable for children, adults, and seniors. This inclusivity makes it a perfect family activity or a way to engage with children in a creative and fun manner.Perfect Present - It's an ideal gift for anyone who loves food, art, or both. Excellent for birthdays, Easter, Christmas, Holidays, or other occasions.
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- 210,95 kr.
212,95 kr. Step into a groundbreaking world of creative expression with our revolutionary reverse coloring book. Providing meticulously crafted designs for your inspiration, this unique book challenges you to draw the lines and make each page your canvas.This isn't just a coloring book; it's an artistic revolution. Reverse Coloring Book redefines the coloring experience, offering you the opportunity to shape and mold intricate designs with your own creative touch.Empowered Artistry: Discover the thrill of being the artist behind the lines. This book empowers you to infuse each page with your personal flair, turning every stroke into a statement of your unique artistic vision.Serenity Through Creation: Immerse yourself in a mindful journey of creation. This book becomes your sanctuary, providing a tranquil space where the act of drawing lines becomes a meditative and stress-relieving experience.Unparalleled Originality: Your artistic output is one-of-a-kind. With this Reverse Coloring Book each completed page is a testament to your individuality, showcasing an original artwork that stands out with its distinctive creative touch.Embark on a transformative artistic adventure. Elevate your coloring experience beyond the ordinary - order your copy now and embrace the freedom to draw the lines that shape your unique, empowering, and serene artistic expression.Book Details:¿ 50 Unique Designs ( Patterns, Whismical Creatures, Stunning Landscapes, etc )¿ Perfect Coloring dimensions 8.5 x 11 in.¿ Premium Glossy Cover.¿ Premium Color Interior.
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- 212,95 kr.
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- 218,95 kr.
176,95 kr. I wrote the note numbers above the notes because my sheet music is aimed at absolute beginners. Just follow numbers and enjoy.Also, I added a QR code to most songs. Follow the link and find this song before beginning to play.Which tongue drum are these songs suitable for?Each tongue drum is very different, and it is impossible to accommodate songs for all kinds of tongue drums in one book. This book is suitable for most models of handpan, but if you have a tongue drum, it should have a minimum of 10 keys, because many songs in this book involve more than one-octave notes. 13 melodies from this book are suitable for a 1-octave tongue drum. Others melodies require a 10+ key tongue drum or a handpan.Contents:1. Adi Mantra of Kundalini Yoga2. Ayodhya Vasi Ram3. Devi Devi Devi Yagan Mohini4. Gauri Gauri Gange Rajeshwari5. Gayatri Mantra6. Govinda Jaya Jaya7. Guru Brahma8. Hara Hara Mahadeva9. Hare Krishna10. Hari Hari Bol11. Jai Radha Madhava Kunjabi Hari12. Jaya Durga Kali13. Jaya Ho Mata14. Jyota Se Jyota15. Kali Durgai Namo Namah16. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu17. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra18. Namosthute19. Om Aim Hrim Klim Chamundaye Viche Namaha20. Om Bhagavan21. Om Mane Padme Hum22. Om Namo Bhagavate Sivanandaya23. Om Shakti Om24. Om Shri Durgayai Namaha25. Rama Bolo26. Shankara Karunakara27. Shiva Shiva Mahadeva28. Shiva Shiva Shambho29. Shivananda Namah Om30. Shivaya Parameshwaraya31. Siri Gayatry Mantra (Ra Ma Da Sa)
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- 176,95 kr.
219,95 - 475,95 kr. - Bog
- 219,95 kr.
176,95 kr. This book was written to help the absolute beginner, whether child or adult learn to play in a simple and easy way that requires no knowledge of reading music.Important! The keys' color of your musical instrument must be the same as the color of the scheme below. The color chromatic scale in this book corresponds to the popular Chroma-Notes® color system.C (Do) - RedD (Re) - OrangeE (Mi) - YellowF (Fa) - Light GreenG (Sol) - AquamarineA (La) - PurpleB (Ti) - Dark PinkC8 (Do) - RedThere are 3 levels in this e-book.Level 1. Play by a color circle. Level 2. Get acquainted with the musical staff. Learn the places of each note on a staff. No note durations (note length) here.Level 3. Play by a classic note on a musical staff. Here is the "adult" musical notation: clef, duration, rests, and connection of the notes, but the helpful color circles and letters are still above the notes.Each song was adapted for the newbie and has just 8 notes (one octave).At the end of the book, you will also find simple puzzles that will make reading notes easier.ContentsLevel 1Hot Cross BunsLondon Bridge is Falling DownThe Wheels on the BusMary Had a Little LambRow, Row, Row your BoatOld MacDonald Had a FarmAre You Sleeping?We Wish You a Merry ChristmasHappy BirthdayTen Little FingersJingle BellsLa CucarachaBrahms LullabyDo You Know the Muffin Man?Ode to JoyLevel 2Ding Dong DiggiDiggiDongAcka BackaMiss Mary MackTwinkle, Twinkle Little StarA Hunting We Will GoThe Mulberry BushOld Mother HubbardHumpty DumptyLevel 3It's RainingAlphabet SongMy HatThis Old ManFive Little DucksBaby Bumble BeeCobbler, Mend My ShoesAppendixMusic SymbolsMusic Note ValuesMatch the Letters to the KeysGuess, What Songs Are They Singing?What Songs These Trains Are Carrying?
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- 176,95 kr.