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Bøger udgivet af Birkhauser

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  • af Gerhard Mack
    1.188,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

  • af DEMOGO studio di architettura
    675,95 kr.

    First comprehensive architectural monograph by DEMOGO with images by Iwan Baan In their first comprehensive architectural monograph, the architects of DEMOGO explore the driving question of the importance of context for their architecture and invite designers and theorists to reflect with them on the relationship between contemporary spaces and complex contexts. Built and planned projects are presented in chronological order with specially produced drawings and models. The most remarkable buildings and contexts are captured through the eyes of renowned photographer Iwan Baan. The guest authors Petra Blaisse, Pippo Ciorra, Giovanni Corbellini, Sara Marini and Alberto Bertagna also shed light on central questions of DEMOGO's work and supplement the monograph with a variety of perspectives and personal reflections. First monograph by DEMOGO studio di architettura Contributions by Petra Blaisse, Pippo Ciorra, Giovanni Corbellini, Sara Marini, Alberto Bertagna. Bibliophile edition

    350,95 kr.

    346,95 kr.

    Anonyme Architektur heute - und was wir von temporären Infrastrukturen lernen können Temporary Tecture ist eine Grundsatzerklärung zur Bedeutung temporärer Infrastrukturen in der Stadt: Sie gewährleisten nicht nur das Funktionieren zahlreicher Prozesse - vom Auf- und Abbau bis hin zu Orientierung und Schutz -, sondern prägen als überlagernde Schicht auch wesentlich das Stadtbild. Trotz ihrer Omnipräsenz fristen sie sowohl im fachlichen Diskurs als auch in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung nach wie vor ein Schattendasein. Dieses Buch eröffnet eine neue Perspektive auf das, was hier erstmals als zeitgenössische anonyme Architektur bezeichnet wird. Es zeigt, dass daraus sogar eine Architektursprache entsteht, von der Architekt:innen in Bezug auf Anpassungsfähigkeit, Nutzung lokaler Ressourcen, Kreislaufwirtschaft und konzeptionelle Radikalität lernen können. Temporäre Infrastrukturen neu betrachtet Bilderreiche und inspirierende Publikation Mit Beiträgen von Charlotte Maltere-Barthes, Jan De Vylder und Philip Ursprung

    660,95 kr.

    High-Tech Architektur - Innovatives Konstruktionserbe erhalten Die High-Tech Architektur der 1970er-1990er Jahre zeichnet sich durch den Einsatz und die Zurschaustellung fortschrittlicher Technologien aus. Das Erscheinungsbild der Gebäude ist geprägt von innovativen Fassaden, farblich betonten Tragkonstruktionen und expressiv zur Schau gestellten Haustechniksystemen. Bedauerlicherweise führt das rasche Veraltern technischer Innovationen jedoch häufig zum vollständigen Ersatz der die Architektur wesentlich bestimmenden Systeme. Eine internationale Tagung an der ETH Zürich in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bauhaus-¿Universität Weimar ist 2023 der Frage nach einem adäquaten Umgang mit dem Konstruktionserbe technologisch innovativer Architektur nachgegangen. Dieses Buch fasst deren Ergebnisse zusammen und bietet einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung. Aktueller Stand der Wissenschaft zu High-Tech Architektur und Denkmalschutz Überblick über Chancen und Herausforderungen von High-Tech-Konstruktionen Neue Erkenntnisse zum Thema Bauen im Bestand Auch als Set mit dem Kongressband Denkmal Postmoderne 978-3-0356-2783-1 erhältlich

    660,95 kr.

    The Architectural Heritage of Postmodernism - Current State of Research on Architecture and Monument Preservation The architectural heritage of postmodernism bears witness to an era that was defined by the energy crises of the 1970s, the return to architecture as a means of communication and a conduit of meaning, neoliberalism in the construction sector, the end of grand narratives, and the spirit of optimism in the early 1990s. Focusing on the German-speaking world, this volume reveals how this heritage can be captured, preserved and further developed. It includes contributions from the conference of the same name, which took place in Weimar in March 2022 in collaboration with ETH Zurich. The authors shed light on the theoretical and practical challenges of dealing with an era that is subject to a wide range of qualitative perceptions and is - as its name suggests - still ongoing. Current state of research on postmodern architecture and its preservation New findings on the topic of building within existing structures Research reports in German with English summaries of each Also available as a set with the congress volume High-Tech Heritage 978-3-0356-2784-8

    394,95 kr.

    Learning from Einfach Bauen - the indispensable sequel! What is it like to live in one of the research houses? How has the concept of Einfach Bauen worked out in practice? This book presents an evaluation of long-term measurements in relation to three experimental buildings made of solid wood, masonry, and lightweight concrete in a monolithic construction form, and provides insights into how the designers' original ideas are reflected in actual use. The three buildings are compared in terms of environmental impact, costs, and comfort. Surveys of the residents and a photo series add to our understanding of the human experience. This transparent comparison is intended to contribute to the further development of the Einfach Bauen concept. Learning from Einfach Bauen / Building Simply (english edition) - the indispensable sequel! Measurement results from the usage phase and experiences of residents Specially commissioned photo series on how residents have adopted and adapted to the buildings

  • af Anamarija Batista
    475,95 kr.

  • af Antje Senarclens de Grancy
    758,95 kr.

    Lager als temporäre Massenunterkünfte wurden seit 1945 in der Architekturgeschichte lange ausgeblendet oder nur am Rande verhandelt. Antje Senarclens de Grancy betrachtet in ihrem Buch nun erstmals die Lager zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts im Kontext von Architektur und Städtebau der Moderne. Im Typus des Lagers verdichten, beschleunigen und radikalisieren sich wie unter einem Brennglas Entwicklungen der Moderne: Vorstellungen von Rationalisierung und Hygiene, von Normierung und Vorfertigung, von Stadtplanung und dem Umgang mit Individuen im Kriegs- und Katastrophenfall. Im Fokus stehen Flüchtlingslager im Ersten Weltkrieg als staatlich eingerichtete und von Architekten geplante Instant-Städte zur Internierung und Kontrolle. Zielgruppe des Buches sind Leser:innen mit Interesse an der Architekturmoderne, Rationalisierung, Hygiene, Vorfertigung und allgemeinem Interesse an der Geschichte des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts und des Ersten Weltkriegs. Die Buchreihe Exploring Architecture macht Architekturwissenschaft zugänglich, stellt neueste Forschungsmethoden vor und deckt ein breites Spektrum an Epochen, Regionen und Themen ab. Eine neue Perspektive auf Wohn- und Städtebau der Moderne Architektur als Grundkonstante der globalen Lagergeschichte Bisher unveröffentlichtes Bildmaterial aus zentraleuropäischen Quellen zum Bauen in Kriegszeiten

  • af Claudia Losch
    583,95 kr.

  • af Achim Reese
    326,95 kr.

    Contrary to the view that postmodern architects regarded themselves as self-referential artists, this book draws on the buildings, projects and writings of Charles Willard Moore (1925-1993) to reveal the architect's socio-political aspirations. Moore, one of the founders of postmodernism, wanted to create places that would inform people about where and who they are. His designed spaces were intended to counteract the alienation created by a technocratic mass society. Moore's architecture was intended to create the conditions for political action in a public sphere that promotes a diversity of citizens' voices. Reese presents a reassessment of the work of Charles W. Moore, who dedicated himself to opposing a conformist mass society. On Charles W. Moore's interpretation of postmodern architecture Presentation of the various postmodern architectural approaches of Moore's era Scholarly reassessment of this architectural movement

  • - Positions and Perspectives
    af Tom Bieling
    269,95 kr.

    Design hat sich längst als eigenständige Forschungskompetenz etabliert. Die Reihe New Experimental Research in Design (NERD) steht für einen öffentlichen Austausch, um die experimentelle Dimension der Designforschung zu reflektieren. Internationale Forscher*Innen zeigen ein reichhaltiges Spektrum an Ansätzen, die Anlass zu weiteren Debatten geben. In Zeiten vielfältiger Krisen bemüht sich die Autorenschaft dieses Bandes um taktische Antworten. Sie beschäftigen sich u. a. mit Experimenten zu more-than-human design, co-species production, kritischer algorithmischer Immersion, feministischer Auseinandersetzung mit dem "New Materialism". Von autoethnografischen Untersuchungen bis hin zu sozial engagierten Methoden hinterfragen sie nicht nur die zukünftige Rolle des Designs, sondern auch die der Designer*Innen.

  • - An Approach Via Differential Quadruplets and Boundary Restriction Operators
    618,95 kr.

    This monograph proposes a unified theory of the calculus of fractional and standard derivatives by means of an abstract operator-theoretic approach. By highlighting the axiomatic properties shared by standard derivatives, Riemann-Liouville and Caputo derivatives, the author introduces two new classes of objects. The first class concerns differential triplets and differential quadruplets; the second concerns boundary restriction operators. Instances of boundary restriction operators can be generalized fractional differential operators supplemented with homogeneous boundary conditions. The analysis of these operators comprises: The computation of adjoint operators; The definition of abstract boundary values; The solvability of equations supplemented with inhomogeneous abstract linear boundary conditions; The analysis of fractional inhomogeneous Dirichlet Problems.As a result of this approach, two striking consequences are highlighted: Riemann-Liouville and Caputo operators appear to differ only by their boundary conditions; and the boundary values of functions in the domain of fractional operators are closely related to their kernel.Unified Theory for Fractional and Entire Differential Operators will appeal to researchers in analysis and those who work with fractional derivatives. It is mostly self-contained, covering the necessary background in functional analysis and fractional calculus.

  • - The Churches of Le Corbusier
    af Flora Samuel
    561,95 kr.

    Corbusier entwarf und baute nicht nur Kirchen, er setzte sich auch intensiv mit Religion und Glauben auseinander und prägte durch sein Schaffen maßgeblich die Kirchenarchitektur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Buch erläutert Le Corbusiers Verhältnis zur Religion, stellt seine Entwürfe zu La Sainte-Baume, der Kapelle von Notre Dame du Haut de Ronchamp, dem Kloster La Tourette und der Kirche St. Pierre vor und untersucht seinen Einfluss auf die weitere Kirchenarchitektur des 20. Jahrhunderts in Europa. Dazu gehören die Jubilee Church von Richard Meier, die Ignatius Kapelle von Steven Holl, die Santa Maria Kirche von Álvaro Siza, Tadao Andos "Meditation Space" und die Kapelle der Versöhnung von Reitermann & Sassenroth.Für die zweite Auflage wurden Einleitung, Schlusskapitel und Bibliografie überarbeitet und ergänzt.

  • af Liviu Ornea
    1.938,95 kr.

    This monograph introduces readers to locally conformally Kähler (LCK) geometry and provides an extensive overview of the most current results.  A rapidly developing area in complex geometry dealing with non-Kähler manifolds, LCK geometry has strong links to many other areas of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, topology, and complex analysis.  The authors emphasize these connections to create a unified and rigorous treatment of the subject suitable for both students and researchers.Part I builds the necessary foundations for those approaching LCK geometry for the first time with full, mostly self-contained proofs and also covers material often omitted from textbooks, such as contact and Sasakian geometry, orbifolds, Ehresmann connections, and foliation theory.  More advanced topics are then treated in Part II, including non-Kähler elliptic surfaces, cohomology of holomorphic vector bundles on Hopf manifolds, Kuranishi and Teichmüller spaces for LCK manifolds with potential, and harmonic forms on Sasakian and Vaisman manifolds.  Each chapter in Parts I and II begins with motivation and historic context for the topics explored and includes numerous exercises for further exploration of important topics.Part III surveys the current research on LCK geometry, describing advances on topics such as automorphism groups on LCK manifolds, twisted Hamiltonian actions and LCK reduction, Einstein-Weyl manifolds and the Futaki invariant, and LCK geometry on nilmanifolds and on solvmanifolds.  New proofs of many results are given using the methods developed earlier in the text.  The text then concludes with a chapter that gathers over 100 open problems, with context and remarks provided where possible, to inspire future research.

  • af Angelo Morro
    1.968,95 kr.

    This monograph provides a comprehensive and self-contained treatment of continuum physics, illustrating a systematic approach to the constitutive equations for wide-ranging classes of materials. Derivations of results are detailed through careful proofs, and the contents have been developed to ensure a self-contained and consistent presentation.Part I reviews the kinematics of continuous bodies and illustrates the general setting of balance laws. Essential preliminaries to continuum physics ¿ such as reference and current configurations, transport relations, singular surfaces, objectivity, and objective time derivatives ¿ are covered in detail. A chapter on balance equations then develops the balance laws of mass, linear momentum, angular momentum, energy, and entropy, as well as the balance laws in electromagnetism.Part II is devoted to the general requirements on constitutive models, emphasizing the application of objectivity and consistency with the second law of thermodynamics. Common models of simple materials are then reviewed, and in this framework, detailed descriptions are given of solids (thermoelastic, elastic, and dissipative) and fluids (elastic, thermoelastic, viscous, and Newtonian).A wide of variety of constitutive models are investigated in Part III, which consists of separate chapters focused on several types of non-simple materials: materials with memory, aging and higher-order grade materials, mixtures, micropolar media, and porous materials. The interaction of the electromagnetic field with deformation is also examined within electroelasticity, magnetoelasticity, and plasma theory.Hysteretic effects and phase transitions are considered in Part IV. A new approach is established by treating entropy production as a constitutive function in itself, as is the case for entropy and entropy flux. This proves to be conceptually and practically advantageous in the modelling of nonlinear phenomena, such as those occurring in hysteretic continua (e.g., plasticity, electromagnetism, and the physics of shape memory alloys).Mathematical Modelling of Continuum Physics will be an important reference for mathematicians, engineers, physicists, and other scientists interested in research or applications of continuum mechanics.

  • - Toward a Multiscale, Multidisciplinary Framework Through Modeling and Simulation
    af Maira Aguiar
    1.093,95 kr.

    In an increasingly globally-connected world, the ability to predict, monitor, and contain pandemics is essential to ensure the health and well-being of all. This contributed volume investigates several mathematical techniques for the modeling and simulation of viral pandemics, with a special focus on COVID-19. Modeling a pandemic requires an interdisciplinary approach with other fields such as epidemiology, virology, immunology, and biology in general. Spatial dynamics and interactions are also important features to be considered, and a multiscale framework is needed at the societal level, the level of individuals, and the level of virus particles and the immune system. Chapters in this volume explore the latest research related to these items to demonstrate the utility of a variety of mathematical methods. Perspectives for the future are also offered

  • - Extended Abstracts of the 2023 Gap Center Summer School
    af Marianna Chatzakou
    1.895,95 kr.

    The principal aim of the volume is gathering all the contributions given by the speakers (mini courses) and some of the participants (short talks) of the summer school "Modern Problems in PDEs and Applications" held at the Ghent Analysis and PDE Center from 23 August to 2 September 2023. The school was devoted to the study of new techniques and approaches for solving partial differential equations, which can either be considered or arise from the physical point of view or the mathematical perspective. Both sides are extremely important since theories and methods can be developed independently, aiming to gather each other in a common objective. The aim of the summer school was to progress and advance in the problems considered. Note that real-world problems and their applications are classical study trends in physical or mathematical modelling. The summer school was organised in a friendly atmosphere and synergy, and it was an excellent opportunity to promote and encourage the development of the subject in the community.

  • af Valentin A Zagrebnov
    1.948,95 kr.

    The book captures a fascinating snapshot of the current state of results about the operator-norm convergent Trotter-Kato Product Formulæ on Hilbert and Banach spaces. It also includes results on the operator-norm convergent product formulæ for solution operators of the non-autonomous Cauchy problems as well as similar results on the unitary and Zeno product formulæ.After the Sophus Lie product formula for matrices was established in 1875, it was generalised to Hilbert and Banach spaces for convergence in the strong operator topology by H. Trotter (1959) and then in an extended form by T. Kato (1978). In 1993 Dzh. L. Rogava discovered that convergence of the Trotter product formula takes place in the operator-norm topology. The latter is the main subject of this book, which is dedicated essentially to the operator-norm convergent Trotter-Kato Product Formulæ on Hilbert and Banach spaces, but also to related results on the time-dependent, unitary and Zeno product formulæ. The book yields a detailed up-to-date introduction into the subject that will appeal to any reader with a basic knowledge of functional analysis and operator theory. It also provides references to the rich literature and historical remarks.

  • - Domoschool 2019
    af Sergio Luigi Cacciatori
    753,95 kr.

    This volume guides early-career researchers through recent breakthroughs in mathematics and physics as related to general relativity. Chapters are based on courses and lectures given at the July 2019 Domoschool, International Alpine School in Mathematics and Physics, held in Domodossola, Italy, which was titled "Einstein Equations: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity". Structured in two parts, the first features four courses from prominent experts on topics such as local energy in general relativity, geometry and analysis in black hole spacetimes, and antimatter gravity. The second part features a variety of papers based on talks given at the summer school, including topics like: Quantum ergosphereGeneral relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect modellingNumerical relativityLength-contraction in curved spacetimeClassicality from an inhomogeneous universeEinstein Equations: Local Energy, Self-Force, and Fields in General Relativity will be a valuable resource for students and researchers in mathematics and physicists interested in exploring how their disciplines connect to general relativity.

  • - Understanding the Value of Design Through 14 Case Studies
    af Djordje Stojanovic
    459,95 kr.

    New fundamentals for designing future-oriented housing This book shows how architectural design can improve housing. It looks at 14 innovative multiunit dwelling projects through the lenses of current research on urban housing systems, driven by questions on social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Residential buildings designed for diverse cultural contexts are brought together and examined according to spatial antonyms: the individual and communal, the interior and exterior, and the determined and undetermined, to create a resource for future architectural practice. The book concentrates on design decisions and incorporates rich illustrations and conversations with architects and residents. It follows a series of talks curated by the Melbourne School of Design to extend the debate on the missing links between architectural practice and housing research. New fundamentals for designing future-oriented housing In-detail portraits of 14 impactful multi-unit dwelling projects by international architecture offices A rich set of illustrations created exclusively for this book

  • - Catégorie, Topologie, Cohomologie
    af Thibaud Lemanissier
    1.250,95 kr.

    Cet ouvrage propose une contribution aux fondements de la théorie des espaces de Berkovich globaux. Cette approche récente à la géométrie analytique, qui mêle les théories classiques des espaces analytiques complexes et p-adiques, fournit un cadre géométrique naturel pour plusieurs théories arithmétiques, telle que la théorie d'Arakelov. Les auteurs suivent trois axes principaux, inexplorés au-delà de la dimension 1: catégorie, topologie et cohomologie. En particulier, ils introduisent une notion de domaine affinoïde surconvergent, pour lequel sont valables les analogues des théorèmes de Tate et de Kiehl.This monograph contributes to the foundations of the theory of global Berkovich spaces. This recent approach of analytic geometry, which blends the known theories of complex and p-adic analytic spaces, provides a natural geometric framework for several arithmetic theories, such as Arakelov geometry. The authors focus on three main themes which have yet to be investigated beyond dimension 1: category, topology, and cohomology. In particular, they introduce a notion of overconvergent affinoid domain where the analogues of Tate's and Kiehl's theorems hold.

  • af Michael Ruzhansky
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book collects papers related to the session ¿Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations¿ held at the 13th International ISAAC Congress in Ghent and provides an overview on recent trends and advances in the interplay between harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. The book can serve as useful source of information for mathematicians, scientists and engineers.The volume contains contributions of authors from a variety of countries on a wide range of active research areas covering different aspects of partial differential equations interacting with harmonic analysis and provides a state-of-the-art overview over ongoing research in the field. It shows original research in full detail allowing researchers as well as students to grasp new aspects and broaden their understanding of the area.

  • af Simeon Ball
    543,95 kr.

    This compact textbook consists of lecture notes given as a fourth-year undergraduate course of the mathematics degree at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, including topics in enumerative combinatorics, finite geometry, and graph theory. This text covers a single-semester course and is aimed at advanced undergraduates and masters-level students. Each chapter is intended to be covered in 6-8 hours of classes, which includes time to solve the exercises. The text is also ideally suited for independent study. Some hints are given to help solve the exercises and if the exercise has a numerical solution, then this is given. The material covered allows the reader with a rudimentary knowledge of discrete mathematics to acquire an advanced level on all aspects of combinatorics, from enumeration, through finite geometries to graph theory. The intended audience of this book assumes a mathematical background of third-year students in mathematics, allowing for a swifter useof mathematical tools in analysis, algebra, and other topics, as these tools are routinely incorporated in contemporary combinatorics. Some chapters take on more modern approaches such as Chapters 1, 2, and 9. The authors have also taken particular care in looking for clear concise proofs of well-known results matching the mathematical maturity of the intended audience.

  • af Peter Zizler
    452,95 kr.

    This textbook explores applications of linear algebra in data science at an introductory level, showing readers how the two are deeply connected. The authors accomplish this by offering exercises that escalate in complexity, many of which incorporate MATLAB. Practice projects appear as well for students to better understand the real-world applications of the material covered in a standard linear algebra course. Some topics covered include singular value decomposition, convolution, frequency filtering, and neural networks. Linear Algebra in Data Science is suitable as a supplement to a standard linear algebra course.

  • af Grigory Panasenko
    1.733,95 kr.

    This book presents the analysis of viscous flows in thin tube structures, and develops a multi-scale method for modeling blood flow. For the reader's convenience, the authors introduce all necessary notions and theorems from functional analysis and the classical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations. The problems of all asymptotic methods used in the book are explained as well, such as the dimension reduction and the boundary layer method. Through several numerical experiments, readers will discover that the proposed methods are more flexible than the theoretically predicted conditions. Multiscale Analysis of Viscous Flows in Thin Tube Structures will be a valuable resource for a wide range of readers, including applied mathematicians, specialists in bio-engineering, and biophysicists.

  • - A Survey on Innovative Gravimetry and Magnetometry
    af Willi Freeden
    824,95 kr.

    The book provides the geoscientific context, that arises in gravimetric/magnetometric exploration. It essentially uses mathematics as a key technology for modeling issues on the basis of analysis and interpretation according to dense and precise gravitational/magnetic measurements. It is dedicated to surface and deep geology with potential data primarily of terrestrial origin. The book spans the interdisciplinary arc from geoengineering, especially geodesy, via geophysics to geomathematics and geology, and back again. It presents the recently published pioneering and groundbreaking multiscale mollifier methodologies realizing the bridging transfer from gravitational/magnetic measurements to approximative/numerical mollifier wavelet decorrelations with novel geologic prospects and layer-structure determination as outcome. Using the specific example of the German Saarland region, new important fields of application, especially for areas with mining-related cavities, will be opened up and subjected to an in-depth geologic detection.

  • - The Birth of a Global Foundational Programme for Mathematics, Mechanics and Philosophy
    af Paolo Bussotti
    1.925,95 kr.

    This monograph meticulously examines the contributions of French mathematician Michel Chasles to 19th-century geometry. Through an in-depth analysis of Chasles' extensive body of work, the author examines six pivotal arguments which collectively reshape the foundations of geometry. Chasles introduces a novel form of polarity, termed "parabolic," to the graphic context, so expressing the metric properties by means of this specific polarity--a foundational argument. Beyond the celebrated "Chasles theorem," he extends his analysis to the movement of a rigid body, employing concepts derived from projective geometry. This approach is consistently applied across diverse domains. Chasles employs the same methodology to analyze systems of forces. The fourth argument examined by the author concerns the principle of virtual velocities, which can also be addressed through a geometric analysis. In the fifth chapter, Chasles' philosophy of duality is explained. It is grounded on theduality principles of projective geometry. Finally, the author presents Chasles' synthetic solution for the intricate problem of ellipsoid attraction--the sixth and concluding chapter. Throughout these explorations, Chasles engages in a dynamic scientific dialogue with leading physicists and mathematicians of his era, revealing diverse perspectives and nuances inherent in these discussions.Tailored for historians specializing in mathematics and geometry, this monograph also beckons philosophers of mathematics and science, offering profound insights into the philosophical, epistemological, and methodological dimensions of Chasles' groundbreaking contributions. Providing a comprehensive understanding of Chasles' distinctive perspective on 19th-century geometry, this work stands as a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts alike.

  • af Cristiano Bocci
    598,95 kr.

    This monograph deals with the Hadamard products of algebraic varieties. A typical subject of study in Algebraic Geometry are varieties constructed from other geometrical objects. The most well-known example is constituted by the secant varieties, which are obtained through the construction of the join of two algebraic varieties, which, in turn, is based on the operation of summing two vectors. However, other constructions are possible through a change of the basic operation. One remarkable case is based on the Hadamard product of two vectors. While secant varieties of algebraic varieties have been studied extensively and systematically, the same is not yet true for the Hadamard products of algebraic varieties. This monograph aims to bridge this gap in the literature.The topic is presented in a self-contained manner, and it is accessible to all readers with sound knowledge of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry. Both experienced researchers and students can profit from this monograph, which will guide them through the subject. The foundational aspects of the Hadamard products of algebraic varieties are covered and some connections both within and outside Algebraic Geometry are presented. The theoretical and algorithmic aspects of the subject are considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the results presented. Thus, this monograph will also be useful to researchers in other fields, such as Algebraic Statistics, since it provides several algebraic and geometric results on such products.

  • af Xavier Fernández-Real
    1.726,95 kr.

    This monograph offers a self-contained introduction to the regularity theory for integro-differential elliptic equations, mostly developed in the 21st century. This class of equations finds relevance in fields such as analysis, probability theory, mathematical physics, and in several contexts in the applied sciences. The work gives a detailed presentation of all the necessary techniques, with a primary focus on the main ideas rather than on proving all the results in their greatest generality.The basic building blocks are presented first, with the study of the square root of the Laplacian, and weak solutions to linear equations. Subsequently, the theory of viscosity solutions to nonlinear equations is developed, and proofs are provided for the main known results in this context. The analysis finishes with the investigation of obstacle problems for integro-differential operators and establishes the regularity of solutions and free boundaries.A distinctive feature of this work lies in its presentation of nearly all covered material in a monographic format for the first time, and several proofs streamline, and often simplify, those in the original papers. Furthermore, various open problems are listed throughout the chapters.